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Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-16, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468601


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge fort he end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra, cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Humans , Antioxidants/analysis , Chemical Phenomena , Gossypium/chemistry , Fatty Acids/analysis , Plant Oils/therapeutic use
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 17(4): 267-268, out.-dez.2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-758599


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a inclusão de níveis crescentes (5, 10 e 15%) de caroço de algodão à uma dieta de silagem cana-de-açúcar confeccionada com 1% de ureia em base de matéria seca e concentrado composto de milho e farelo de algodão. Foram avaliadas a composição química, as concentrações de ácidos graxos, nitrogênio amoniacal e valores de pH da amostra do líquido ruminal, a cinética ruminal, os parâmetros de degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro da silagem de cana-de-açúcar. Além da eficácia dos indicadores externos LIPE® e dióxido de titânio nas estimativas de produção fecal. Foram utilizadas quatro vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu fistuladas no rúmen, em um delineamento em Quadrado Latino 4 x 4, no terço inicial da lactação (60 ± 25 dias) e com produção média de 11,1±3,3 kg de leite/dia. Dentre os parâmetros de fermentação e cinética ruminal, somente a concentração ruminal (mMoles/100 mL) e a proporção molar (%) do propionato não sofreram influência (P>0,05) dos tratamentos. Dentre os parâmetros de degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca, tanto a taxa de degradação (c) (0,0458; 0,0372; 0,033 e 0,0147 /h) quanto a degradabilidade efetiva (DE) para uma taxa de passagem de 3,9% (44,26; 46,06; 44,53; e 38,74%) para os tratamentos com 0; 5; 10 e 15% de caroço de algodão, respectivamente, reduziram seus valores com a adição de caroço de algodão a um nível de significância de 5%...

The aim of this study is to evaluate the inclusion of increasing levels (0, 5, 10 and 15%) of cottonseed to a basic sugarcane silage diet made with 1% urea in dry matter basis and concentrate composed of corn and cottonseed meal. The chemical and kinetic parameters were analyzed on in situ dry matter of sugarcane silage, as well as neutral detergent fiber were analyzed. The effectiveness of LIPE® external indicators and titanium dioxide were analyzed in the estimates of fecal production. Four crossbred Holstein dairy cows, fitted with rumen cannulas, in a randomized Latin Squares 4x4 design in the early lactation stage (60 ± 25 days) and average production of 11.1 ±3.3kg milk/day were analyzed. Among the fermentation and kinetic parameters, only ruminal concentration (mMoles/100 ml) and the propionate molar ratio (%)were not influenced (P> 0.05) by the treatments. Among the parameters of in situ dry matter, both the rate of degradation (c) (0.0458, 0.0372, 0.033 and 0.0147 / h) and the effective degradability (DE) for a passage rate of 3.9% (44.26, 46.06, 44.53, and 38.74%) for 0, 5, 10 and 15% cottonseed treatments, respectively, reduced their values with the addition of whole cottonseed at a 5% significance level...

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la inclusión de niveles crecientes (5, 10 y 15%) de semilla de algodón a una dieta de ensilaje de caña de azúcar con 1% de urea en base de materia seca y concentrado compuesto por maíz y harina de semilla de algodón. Se evaluó la composición química, concentraciones de ácidos grasos, nitrógeno amoniacal y valores de pH de muestra del líquido ruminal, la cinética ruminal, los parámetros de degrabilidad in situ de la materia seca y de la fibra en detergente neutra de ensilado de caña de azúcar. Además de la eficacia de los indicadores externos LIPE® y dióxido de titanio en las estimaciones de producción de heces. Se utilizó cuatro vacas mestizas Holstein y Cebú fistuladas en el rumen, en un delineamiento en Cuadrado Latino 4 x 4, en el tercio inicial de la lactación (60 ± 25 días) y con producción promedia de 11,1 ± 3,3 kg de leche/día. Entre los parámetros de fermentación y cinética ruminal, sólo la concentración ruminal (mMoles/100 ml) y la proporción molar (%) de propionato no sufrieron influencia (P> 0,05) de los tratamientos...

Animals , Cattle , Saccharum/metabolism , Saccharum/chemistry , Silage/analysis , Silage , Fermentation , Gossypium/chemistry
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 1997; 40 (3): 211-29
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-107814


Optimum conditions have been determined for the synthesis of linear, soluble and easily mouldable condensation products from Egyptian cotton-fire wood [ECFW] using phenol as the condensation agent. Thin layer chromatographic techniques was used for characterizing the products during the kinetic studies. The data obtained on TLC [Rf- values] confirm the results of viscosity and drop-falling temperature measurements. Infrared spectroscopic studies on the phenolic resins prepared by condensation of phenol with furfural, xylose, glucose, holocellulose, resistant cellulose, pure soda lignin and [ECFW] powder were carried out. The IR spectrum of soda lignin phenol resin proves the presence of aliphatic methyl, methylene, methine and strong bonded OH groups. Drastic changes in band position and intensity are observed in the IR spectra of pure soda lignin and the respective phenolic resins, indicating the degradation processes could take place during the condensation reactions

Phenols/chemistry , Gossypium/chemistry , Gossypium/chemistry , Chromatography/methods , Spectrum Analysis/methods
Pakistan Journal of Health. 1994; 31 (3-4): 28-32
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-115249


The exact etiological agents responsible for the biological effects of cotton dust are unidentified but most investigators believe they are organic in nature. Inorganic compound have not been considered as significant factors. However cotton dust, trash and bracts have high inorganic contents [7-43% ash] as reported here. More importantly aqueous extracts of the trash and bracts have inorganic contents as high as 65% which means a significant amount [10-36%] of the inorganic compounds in trash or bract is water extractable. Elements present in the ash include: N2, C12, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, S, and O2. KCI, and K2SO4 have been definitively identified. It is suggested that greater attention should be given to the inorganic nature of cotton dust in the etiology of byssinosis

Gossypium/chemistry , Chemistry, Inorganic , Occupational Health , Occupational Diseases