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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418335


Este artículo analiza la dimensión ético-musical de la Antígona, de Sófocles, con el foco en la segunda oda coral, conocida como "Elogio del hombre". En la primera parte se analiza la relación entre el texto y la música, presentando un contrapunto entre la versión de Félix Mendelssohn (1841) y la de Carl Orff (1947). Se analiza así la relación entre las estéticas de cada época (dimensión particular) y la singularidad creadora del artista. En la segunda parte, se aborda el problema en términos de los registros Imaginario, simbólico y real, con referencias al tratamiento de la tragedia en el Seminario de la ética (Lacan). Finalmente, se presenta el valor de la tragedia como un recurso en la clínica.

Humans , Music Therapy , Philosophy , Ethics , Greece, Ancient
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(3): 29-30, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120516


Zeus is known as the king of the gods and god of the sky. His attributes are lightning and thunder and he is often depicted about to hurl them. According to Greek mythology, Zeus molested the titan Metis and decided to swallow her when she was pregnant, which resulted in an excruciating headache, only relieved after a craniotomy performed using Hephaestus' axe. The result of this procedure was the birth of Athena, Zeus' daughter. We conducted a combined analysis of some writings such as the classical mythological poem Theogony by Hesiod, and some other books that examine and retell myths and legends of ancient Greece, with medical papers on this topic, trying to characterize Zeus' headache. Would it be possible to fit Zeus' headache into the group of thunderclap headaches?

Zeus é conhecido como rei dos deuses e deus dos céus. Tem como atributos os raios e os trovões e é frequentemente representado prestes a lançá-los. De acordo com a mitologia grega, Zeus molestou a titã Métis e resolveu engoli-la grávida, o que resultou em uma cefaleia excruciante, apenas aliviada após uma craniotomia realizada por meio do machado de Hefesto. O fruto deste procedimento foi Atena, filha de Zeus. Realizamos uma análise combinada utilizando escritos mitológicos clássicos como o poema Teogonia de Hesíodo, além de outros livros sobre mitologia e artigos médicos que tratam deste tema, para tentar caracterizar a cefaleia de Zeus. Seria possível enquadrar a cefaleia de Zeus no grupo das cefaleias em trovoada?

Humans , Craniotomy/history , Headache , Mythology , Headache Disorders , Greece, Ancient
Rev. Hosp. Niños B.Aires ; 62(278): 148-153, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344776


El final del siglo V y del siglo IV a. C. representaron en la historia de la medicina un momento culminante de cotización social e intelectual. La escuela hipocrática de Cos fue la primera fundación de la ciencia médica como una ciencia especial de existencia propia. A partir de la concepción de la dieta como prescripción terapéutica, la medicina se convierte en una verdadera techné, pues el principio sobre el que descansa la alimentación del hombre sano y del enfermo es el mismo, el de lo adecuado. La influencia de la medicina sobre la filosofía de Platón y Aristóteles ilustra la importancia científica del nuevo método y el nuevo modo de pensar. El médico es, según Platón, el hombre que a base de lo que sabe acerca de la naturaleza del hombre sano conoce también al enfermo, y sabe encontrar los medios para restituirlo a su estado normal. A este ejemplo se atiene Platón para trazar su imagen del filósofo, llamado a hacer otro tanto con el alma del hombre y su salud. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar los inicios de la medicina griega y en qué medida contribuyó ésta al desarrollo del pensamiento filosófico de occidente

The end of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. represented in the history of medicine a culminating moment of social and intellectual contribution. The Hippocratic School of Cos was the first foundation of medical science as a special science of its own existence. Starting from the conception of diet as a therapeutic prescription, medicine becomes a true techné, since the principle on which the diet of healthy and sick man rests is the same, that of what is appropriate. The influence of medicine on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle illustrates the scientific importance of the new method and the new way of thinking. The doctor is, according to Plato, the man who, based on what he knows about the nature of the healthy man, also knows the patient, and knows how to find the means to restore him to his normal state. This example is followed by Plato to trace his image of the philosopher, called to do the same with the soul of man and his health. The purpose of this work is to analyze the beginnings of Greek medicine, and to what extent the latter contributed to the flourishing of Western philosophical thought

Humans , History, Ancient , Philosophy, Medical/history , History of Medicine , Greece, Ancient , Humanism/history
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. Univ. Cuenca ; 36(3): 59-65, dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998526


La Antigua Grecia, una cultura cargado de simbolismos y creencias mitológicas logró compendiar en su seno el conocimiento de diversos pueblos, este hecho generó un cambio en los conceptos de salud- enfermedad generando un giro desde un modelo netamente mágico mitológico a una visión de orden más racional, científico y técnico.

The beginning Greek world was loaded of symbolisms and mythological beliefs which managed to compile in its breast the knowledge of diverse cultures, this fact generated a change in the concepts of health-disease, generating a turn from a purely mythological magical model to a more rational, scientific and technical concept.

History, Ancient , Greece, Ancient , History of Medicine , Mythology , Health , Disease , Medicine
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 109-112, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-691033


Trauma and the need of medical care exist since the beginning of human history. This research is aimed to identify and analyze trauma in antiquity. After a review of bibliography, the first reports of trauma (in Europe) were found in the Greek Epics of Homer. The analysis of these texts showed that injury could be caused to any part of the human body. The main cause of trauma was primarily participation in wars (178 cases), and then participation in sports (6 cases) and other activities (6 cases). This study identified a total of 190 injuries in both Homer epics. The more serious injuries, many of which proved fatal, were observed from participation in military activities.

Humans , Athletic Injuries , History , Greece , Greece, Ancient , History, Ancient , Military Medicine , Warfare , Wounds and Injuries , History
Int. j. morphol ; 33(1): 333-336, Mar. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743806


Aristóteles (384-322 a. n. e.); filosofo prodigioso, de amplios conocimientos, investigador incansable y enciclopédico, con sentido crítico y didáctico, resumió y abarco la sabiduría antigua, enriqueciéndola con sus valiosas observaciones, experiencias y descubrimientos, fundador de numerosos campos del saber universal entre ellos; el estudio de la Lógica, la Historia natural, la biología, la anatomía comparada, la zoología, la embriología, y la botánica.

Aristotle (384-322 b. c. e.), prodigious philosopher who possessed extensive encyclopedic knowledge, a tireless researcher with critical and didactic sense, summarized and spanned ancient wisdom, enriching it with his valuable observations, comments, and discoveries. He was the founder of numerous areas of universal knowledge, which included the study of logic, natural history, biology, comparative anatomy, zoology, embryology, and botany.

Humans , Animals , History, Ancient , Anatomy, Comparative/history , Embryology/history , Greece, Ancient , Zoology/history