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Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 16(4): 227-231, out.-dez. 2018. tab., graf.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025919


OBJETIVO: Descrever e analisar a epidemiologia das hepatites virais. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo realizado por meio da análise de dados obtidos do banco de dados da plataforma do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde relativos ao Estado de Minas Gerais, com as variáveis número de casos, hepatite viral CID 10 (B15 a B19), faixa etária, forma de transmissão, sexo e etnia no período de 2010 a 2017. RESULTADOS: Somaram-se 14.308 casos de hepatite A, B e C entre 2010 e 2017 em Minas Gerais. A hepatite C foi a mais prevalente com 50%, seguido da hepatite B com 39% e da hepatite A com 11%. O sexo masculino (70,2%) contrastou com o feminino (50,8%) no panorama geral. Quanto à etnia, foram obtidos 38% na parda e 37,5% na branca, em contraste com 0,4% na indígena. A faixa etária mais acometida foi de 40 a 59 anos com 54% dos casos. Surpreendeu a manutenção do número de casos registrados de vírus C transmitidos via transfusão sanguínea, provavelmente antes do reconhecimento do vírus, nos anos 1990 (1.002 casos), além da existência de casos de vírus A transmitidos via sexual (30 casos). CONCLUSÃO: Em Minas Gerais, a epidemiologia das hepatites virais seguiu a tendência global em faixa etária e número de casos. Todavia tornase imprescindível considerar novas abordagens de prevenção e controle com foco em educação sexual em saúde independente, principalmente nas faixas etárias jovens e avançadas. (AU)

OBJECTIVE: To describe and analyze the epidemiology of viral hepatitis. METHODS: This is a descriptive epidemiological study based on the analysis of data from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System in the state of Minas Gerais, with the following variables: viral hepatitis ICD 10 (B15-B19), age range, way of transmission, gender, and ethnicity, from 2010 to 2017. RESULTS: There were 14,308 cases of hepatitis A, B, and C from 2010 to 2017 in the state of Minas Gerais. Hepatitis C vírus was the most prevalent with 50%, followed by hepatitis B virus with 39%, and hepatitis A virus with 11%. The male gender (70.2%) contrasted with the female (50.8%) in the general panorama. As for ethnicity, 38% were in the brown people, and 37.5% in the white people, compared to 0,4% in the indigenous people. The most affected age group was 40-59 years, with 54% of the cases. Surprisingly, the number of registered cases of C virus transmitted by blood transfusion was steady, probably before the virus was recognized in the 1990s (1002 cases), and there were cases of virus A transmitted via sexual intercourse (30 cases). CONCLUSION: In Minas Gerais, the epidemiology of viral hepatitis follows the global trend in terms of age range and number of cases; however, it is imperative to consider new approaches in prevention and control, focusing on sexually independent health education, mainly in the young and advanced age groups. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/transmission , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/epidemiology , Demography/statistics & numerical data , Hepatitis C/transmission , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Ethnic Distribution , Hepatitis A/transmission , Hepatitis A/epidemiology , Hepatitis B/transmission , Hepatitis B/epidemiology
Buenos Aires; GCBA. Gerencia Operativa de Epidemiología; 8 jun. 2018. a) f: 38 l:45 p. tab, graf.(Boletín Epidemiológico Semanal: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 3, 94).
Monography in Spanish | UNISALUD, BINACIS, InstitutionalDB, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103315


Informe especial donde se analizaron todos los casos de hepatitis virales notificados a los sistemas oficiales (módulos C2-SNVS y SIVILA-SNVS operativos hasta el 28-04-2018 y SNVS 2.0 para los casos posteriores a dicha fecha) de los residentes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y con domicilio desconocido, entre las Semanas Epidemiológicas (SE) 1 y 52 de 2017 y con datos hasta el 27 de mayo de 2018 (SE 21 completa). Para el análisis por cuatrisemanas se incluyen casos hasta el 19/05/2018 (cuatrisemana epidemiológica 5 completa). Cabe aclarar que se presentan casos confirmados en los módulos clínicos en los que no se cuenta con la notificación por laboratorio. Diferentes notificaciones pueden corresponder a un mismo paciente estudiado para más de una patología. Para el análisis de hepatitis B se incluyen además 3 notificaciones provenientes de bancos de sangre. Para la elaboración de tasas se utilizaron los datos de proyecciones de población de la Dirección General de Estadística y Censos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. (AU)

Disease Notification , Hepatitis/classification , Hepatitis/diagnosis , Hepatitis/prevention & control , Hepatitis/epidemiology , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/diagnosis , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/prevention & control , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/epidemiology
Rev. saúde pública ; 47(1): 116-122, Fev. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-674847


As hepatites virais A, B, C, D e E - viroses sistêmicas hepatotrópicas - produzem quadros de hepatite aguda. Dependendo do agente etiológico, da carga viral e de condições do hospedeiro, podem evoluir para hepatite crônica, cirrose, câncer de fígado e formas agudas fulminantes. A versatilidade ecológica desses vírus configura uma natureza espectral e cambiante de transmissão no tempo e no espaço; potencializada pelo curso subclínico por vezes prolongado de grande parte das infecções, constitui-se em desafio epidemiológico. Com base no curso histórico dessas infecções foram descritos cenários e tendências relativas ao seu comportamento socioepidemiológico, apontando para a necessidade de superar modelos, padrões, protocolos e retornar à investigação de cada situação de saúde/doença. Ou seja, assinala para a imprescindível exploração das singularidades no sentido de desenvolver ações gerais modeladas pelas especificidades locais.

Viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and E - systemic hepatotropic viral infections - present as acute hepatitis that, depending on the etiological agent, viral load and host conditions, may evolve into chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer and acute fulminant disease. The ecological versatility of these viruses, their spectrum of transmission in time and space, potentialized by the sub-clinical course of a large proportion of infections, comprise an epidemiological challenge. This essay describes scenarios and tendencies in the socioepidemiologic profile, based on the history of these infections, and indicates the need to overcome patterns, models, and protocols and instead investigate each particular situation. In other words, it highlights the need to explore singularities in order to be able to develop new proposals for general actions tailored to local specificities.

Las hepatitis virales A, B, C, D y E - virosis sistémicas hepatotrópicas - producen cuadros de hepatitis aguda. Dependiendo del agente etiológico, de la carga viral y de las condiciones del hospedador, pueden evolucionar hacia hepatitis crónica, cirrosis, cáncer del hígado y formas agudas fulminantes. La versatilidad ecológica de estos virus, configura una naturaleza espectral y cambiante de transmisión en el tiempo y espacio; potencializada por el curso subclínico, a veces prolongado, constituye un desafío epidemiológico en gran parte de las infecciones. Con base en el curso histórico de estas infecciones se han descrito escenarios y tendencias relativas a su comportamiento socioepidemiológico, apuntando hacia la necesidad de superar modelos, patrones, protocolos, y retornar a la investigación de cada situación de salud/enfermedad. Es decir, señala la imprescindible exploración de las singularidades en el sentido de desarrollar acciones generales modeladas por las especificidades locales.

History, 20th Century , Humans , Hepatitis Viruses/pathogenicity , Hepatitis, Chronic , Hepatitis, Viral, Human , Acute Disease , Hepatitis, Chronic/epidemiology , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/epidemiology , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/history , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/transmission , Jaundice/epidemiology
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 51(6): 349-351, Oct.-Dec. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-539456


This case report, along with the review presented, describes a patient diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis, who developed a framework of intense abdominal pain and laboratorial alterations compatible with acute pancreatitis. The association of acute pancreatitis complicating fulminant and non-fulminant acute hepatitis virus (AHV) has been reported and several mechanisms have been proposed for this complication, but so far none is clearly involved. As acute hepatitis is a common disease, it is important to stimulate the development of other studies in order to determine local incidence and profile of patients presenting this association in our environment.

Este relato de caso, junto com a revisão de literatura, descreve um paciente com diagnóstico de hepatite viral aguda, que desenvolveu quadro de dor abdominal intensa e alterações laboratoriais compatíveis com pancreatite aguda. Casos de pancreatite aguda complicando hepatites virais agudas fulminantes e não fulminantes tem sido esporadicamente relatados e vários mecanismos são propostos para explicar esta complicação, no entanto sua causa ainda se mantém desconhecida. Como a hepatite aguda é doença comum, é importante estimular o desenvolvimento de mais estudos na América Latina que visem determinar a incidência local e o perfil dos pacientes que apresentam esta complicação.

Adult , Female , Humans , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/complications , Pancreatitis/etiology , Acute Disease , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/diagnosis
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics. 2009; 19 (1): 79-81
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-91423


Ours is a developing country so infectious diseases contribute maximum to the morbidity and mortality. Among these, water borne diseases like diarrhea, typhoid, infectious hepatitis etc. are on rise. Sometimes more than one type of infection coexists which makes the diagnosis and management a challenging task. We report a case of Coinfection of Salmonella typhi with Hepatitis A and E. A 5 year old male child came to us with complaints of fever and jaundice for last 9 days. Blood culture of patient was positive for Salmonella typhi. Viral markers turned out to be positive for Hepatitis A and E. To the best of our knowledge coinfection of Hepatitis A and E with Salmonella has rarely been reported earlier. In view of the restricted finances in our country vaccines against typhoid and Hepatitis A can not be incorporated in the national immunization schedule at present but these vaccines can be offered on an individual basis

Humans , Male , Hepatitis A/prevention & control , Hepatitis E/diagnosis , Hepatitis E/prevention & control , Salmonella typhi , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/diagnosis , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/prevention & control , Biomarkers , Typhoid Fever/diagnosis , Typhoid Fever/prevention & control , Vaccination/standards , Vaccination/legislation & jurisprudence
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-46269


AIM: Serological markers for the virus remain mainstay of diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. However, it is not available in all part of our country. The aim of this study is to find out the sonological findings of the hepatobiliary system that may aid to clinch the diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred seventy seven consecutive patients with clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis from June 2004 to June 2006 attending liver clinic were enrolled in this study. After exclusion of 32 patients 145 patients with definitive diagnosis by serological confirmation were studied. RESULT: Hepatitis E (85%) was most common followed by B (10%) and A (5%). Gall bladder finding was more common than hepato-splenomegaly. Collapsed gall bladder with increased wall thickness and pericholecystic oedema was present in more than 50% of the patient. In HAV hepatitis it was present in all patients while in HEV hepatitis it was present in 84% patients. CONCLUSIONS: Gall bladder findings in ultrasound are present in over 80% of enterically transmitted hepatitis virus. Thus, it can be used to diagnose acute hepatitis when serological tests are not available.

Acute Disease , Adolescent , Adult , Age Distribution , Aged , Biliary Tract/diagnostic imaging , Child , Female , Gallbladder Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Health Services Accessibility , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Humans , Liver/diagnostic imaging , Male , Middle Aged , Nepal/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Serologic Tests , Young Adult
Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(10): 1161-3, oct. 1999.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-255296


A great progress in the knowledge about hepatitis virus has occurred in the last decades and several virus have been identified. Virus B, C and D are transmitted parenterally, while virus A and E use the enteral route. Highly effective vaccines for A and B hepatitis are presently available. Virus C is an important cause of chronic liver disease at the present moment. Since the identification of virus C and E, the number of acute hepatitis denominated as non A non B has decreased considerable. Although there are still patients with viral hepatitis of unknown origin and there is considerable effort to identify the agents causing them. Virus G and TT are frequently present in the sera of patients with chronic liver diseases but their real pathogenic role is not completely elucidated

Humans , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/etiology , Hepatitis Viruses/classification , Hepatitis B virus/isolation & purification , Hepatitis E virus/isolation & purification , Flaviviridae/isolation & purification , Hepatovirus/isolation & purification , Hepacivirus/isolation & purification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/diagnosis
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 41(3): 99-103, mayo-jun. 1998. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-234018


Se estudiaron 14 biopsias hepáticas obtenidas de ocho pacientes con hepatitis viral aguda y series con hepatopatías crónicas, y se halló buena correlación de los datos clínicos con las alteraciones morfológicas por lo que parece recomendable hacer una clasificación etiológica para evitar que los pacientes progresen a cirrosis y desarrollen carcinoma hepatocelular. El estudio de la hepatitis viral mediante los microscopios de luz y electrónico de transmisión, correlacionado con la clínica y completado con estudios de histoquímica y virología, sirven para aclarar interrogantes en relación a la identificación del virus

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Biopsy, Needle , Biopsy, Needle/statistics & numerical data , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/prevention & control , Fibrosis/prevention & control , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/etiology , Liver/physiopathology , Liver/ultrastructure , Liver Diseases/classification , Liver Diseases/etiology
Acta méd. colomb ; 15(5): 285-91, sept.-oct. 1990. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-183156
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 10(1): 21-6, ene.-abr. 1990. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-107287


Se estudió marcadores serológicos para Hepatitis B en una población de 56 meretrices registradas en el Hospital Zonal del Ministerio de Salud de Chimbote en Octubre de 1987 (Costa Norte del Perú). Se empleó la técnica de microenzimainmunoensayo de fase sólida para marcadores HBs Ag, HBs Ab, HBc AB y HBe Ag. La prevalencia total fue de 89.3 por ciento, siendo el 5.4 por ciento portadores asintomáticos y el resto, 83.9 por ciento, presentan marcador de antecedente pasado, convalesciente o inmunes. Se concluye que la Hepatitis Viral de B tiene una alta prevalencia en esta población siendo la prostitución un importante foco para transmisión de este virus en las personas que mantienen contacto con ellas. El mejor marcador para detectar el antecedente pasado de Hepatitis B fue el HBc Ab que los hace en un 95.7 por ciento

Hepatitis B/immunology , Hepatitis B/transmission , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/classification , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/blood , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/epidemiology , Peru , Risk Groups , Carrier State/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/transmission , Liver Neoplasms/complications , Liver Neoplasms/etiology , Liver Cirrhosis/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/etiology