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Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e230282, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1510253


Aim: Evaluate the roughness, microhardness and color change of different Bulk Fill resins when submitted to the condition of gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia. Methods: 60 specimens (n = 10) of Bulk-Fill composite resins were made: M1 ­ Filtek™; M2 ­ Tetric N-Ceram and M3 ­ OPUS, through a matrix 2x6 mm and light cured by the VALO light source. After polishing, initial analyzes (48 hours - T0) of surface roughness (Ra), microhardness (VHN) and color change (ΔE) were performed. To simulate the oral condition of severe gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia, the specimens were immersed in hydrochloric acid (S1) (pH 1.7) 4 minutes a day, for 7 days. Control group specimens were immersed in artificial saliva (S2). Subsequently to immersions, mechanical brushing was performed for 3 minutes, three times a day, simulating 7 days of brushing. And again, the analyzes of Ra, VHN and ΔE were performed (7 days - T1). Thus, hydrochloric acid immersion, mechanical brushing and Ra analysis were repeated at 14 days (T2) and 21 days (T3); and T2, T3 and T4 (3 years) for VHN and ΔE. Results: After Shapiro-Wilk statistical test, ANOVA and Tukey test with Bonferroni adjustment (p>0.05), M3 showed the lowest Ra at all times compared to the other resins, while the highest Ra was at T0. M1 and T1 showed higher VHN. And M2 and T4 showed higher ΔE. Conclusion: Bulk Fill resins can be indicated for patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux and Bulimia, nonetheless, Tetric N-Ceram resin showed the worst results

Color , Composite Resins , Hardness , Hydrochloric Acid , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia
Odontol. vital ; (37)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422179


Introducción: La fluorosis dental es una hipomineralización del esmalte producida como respuesta a la ingesta de fluor por un periodo prolongado durante la formación del esmaltado. Es una alteración irreversible, que clínicamente se caracteriza por la presencia de delgadas líneas blanquecinas distribuidas en el esmalte dental correspondientes a la disposición de las periquimatías, y en grados más avanzados de la enfermedad se odservan cambios en toda la superficie del esmaltado que adquiere un aspecto opaco, como de piedra caliza. En los niveles más severos de flurosis dental, la presencia de hipomineralización, y el aumento en la porosidad del esmalte dental propicia la pérdida de porciones importantes de su estructura, produciendo fracturas, por lo que se deteriora la apariencia y funcionalidad de los dientes afectados. (1) La OMS recomienda que el valor de referencia para el fluoruro en el agua potable es de 1,5 mg /1.(2) El flúor es un gas halógeno, el más electronegativo de los elementos de la tabla periódica, con número atómico 19, prácticamente no existe libre en la naturaleza, sino asociado a otros elementos como: calcio y sodio. La principal vía de incorporación del flúor en el organismo humano es la digestiva. Es absorbido rápidamente en la mucosa del intestino delgado y del estómago, por un simple fenómeno de difusión. Una en los tejidos, depositándose preferentemente en los tejidos duros; se elimina por todas las vías de excreción, principalmente por orina. La cantidad de flúor en el organismo es variable y depende de la ingestión, inhalación, absorción y eliminación, así como de las características de los compuestos. Generalmente se concentra en huesos, cartílagos, dientes y placa bacteriana. El depósito de flúor varía con la edad y la excreción. En los niños, el 50% se fija en huesos y dientes en formación; en adultos, se deposita básicamente en huesos. (3) Existen diversos métodos para su eliminación. En esta investigación se realizaron 18 procedimientos a pacientes de ambos sexos. La metodología fue dividir en dos grupos de 8 personas cada uno, en el cual se utilizó Antivet en el primer grupo y ácido clorhídrico al 18% en el segundo grupo. Los casos fueron seleccionados al azar y posteriormente se observaron los cambios clínicos con cada grupo. En el primer grupo de personas que utilizaron Antivet, se mostró que en casos severos de fluorosis no era un método tan eficaz, ya que no elimina por completo las manchas marrones, sin embargo, es un procedimiento muy bueno para uso clínico cuando los grados de fluorosis son menores. En el segundo grupo de personas que utilizaron ácido clorhídrico al 18% se demostró la eficacia del tratamiento en fluorosis de grados avanzados, donde el esmalte está más del 50% dañado, por lo que es un excelente método de tratamiento con el debido control en su manipulación. Objetivo: Saber diferenciar los tipos de materiales y conocer los diferentes métodos para eliminación de flúor así como mostrar la diferencia entre tratamientos. Metodología: El tipo de estudio es explicativo y con el cual se espera contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento científico. Su realización supone el ánimo de contribuir al desarrollo del saber científico. Consistió en seleccionar 16 pacientes, masculinos y femenonos y de distintas edades de entre 15 y 40 años. Se dividieron al azar, en 2 grupos de 8 personas cada uno para tratarlos con 2 productos diferentes. El primer grupo fue tratado con ácido clorhídrico al 18% y el segundo grupo con la marca comercial Antivet. Resultado y conclusión: La fluorosis dental es causada por ingestas excesivas de flúor. El uso del ácido clorhídrico es corrosivo, su aroma es penetrante y los cuidados con el paciente son mayores, ya que un mal uso al tener contacto con piel o mucosa creará necrosis. El Antivet tiene desventajas de costo y disponibilidad, pero su ventaja es que brinda más seguridad en su manipulación.

Introduction: Dental fluorosis is a hypomineralization of the enamel produced due to fluoride intake for a prolonged time during enamel formation. It is an irreversible alteration, which is clinically characterized by the presence of thin whitish lines distributed in the dental enamel corresponding to the disposition of the perikymata. In more advanced degrees of the disease, changes are observed in the entire enamel surface, which acquires an opaque appearance, like limestone. In the most severe levels of dental fluorosis, the presence of hypomineralization and increased porosity of the dental enamel leads to the loss of essential portions of its structure, producing fractures, thus deteriorating the appearance and functionality of the affected teeth. (1) The WHO recommends that the reference value for fluoride in drinking water is 1.5 mg/l. (2) Fluoride is a halogen gas, the most electronegative of the periodic table elements, with atomic number 19. It practically does not exist free in nature but is associated with other elements such as calcium and sodium. The primary way of incorporating fluorine into the human organism is through the digestive system. It is rapidly absorbed in the mucosa of the small intestine and stomach by a simple phenomenon of diffusion. Once absorbed, fluoride passes into the blood and is distributed in the tissues, preferentially deposited in hard tissues; it is eliminated by all excretion routes, mainly by the urine. The amount of fluoride in the body is variable and depends on ingestion, inhalation, absorption, elimination, and the characteristics of the compounds. It is generally concentrated in bones, cartilage, teeth, and bacterial plaque. Fluoride deposition varies with age and excretion. In children, 50% is fixed in bones and teeth information; it is basically deposited in bones in adults. (3) There are various methods for its elimination. In this research, 18 procedures were performed on patients of both sexes. The methodology was divided into two groups of 8 persons each, in which Antivet was used in the first group and 18% hydrochloric acid in the second group. The cases were randomly selected, and subsequently, the clinical changes were observed in each group. In the first group of people who used Antivet, it was shown that in severe cases of fluorosis, it was not such an effective method since it does not completely eliminate the brown stains. However, it is a very effective method for clinical use when the degrees of fluorosis are lower. In the second group of people who used 18% hydrochloric acid, the effectiveness of the treatment was demonstrated in advanced degrees of fluorosis, where the enamel is more than 50% damaged, making it an excellent method of treatment with due control in its manipulation. Objective: To differentiate the types of materials and to know the different methods for fluoride elimination as well as to show the difference between treatments. Methodology: The type of study is explanatory, and it is expected to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge. It was carried out to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge. It consisted of selecting 16 patients of both sexes and of different ages between 15 and 40 years old. They were randomly divided into two groups of 8 persons, each to be treated with two different products. The first group was treated with 18% hydrochloric acid, and the second group with the comercial brand Antivet. Result and conclusion: Dental fluorosis is caused by excessive fluoride intake. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive, its aroma is penetrating, and the care with the patient is greater since a wrong use when in contact with skin or mucosa will create necrosis. Antivet has disadvantages of cost and availability, but its advantage is that it provides more safety in its handling.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Dental Pulp Necrosis/drug therapy , Hydrochloric Acid/therapeutic use , Fluorosis, Dental/etiology
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(85): 41-48, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402386


El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la lectura e interpretación de códigos QR grabados con láser, sobre soportes metálicos adaptados, en prótesis den-tales acrílicas sometidas a injurias térmicas y ácidas. Se confeccionaron 150 prótesis de acrílico termopo-limerizable: 120 prótesis fueron expuestas a la acción de temperaturas de 200ºC, 400ºC, 800ºC y 1000ºC durante 30, 60 y 120 minutos (Grupo 1). Este grupo se dividió en un subgrupo 1.A, que incluyó 60 prótesis con el código QR grabado sobre un soporte de cromo cobalto adaptado en el acrílico, y un subgrupo 1.B, con 60 aparatos protésicos que portaban en su estruc-tura un soporte de acero para bandas de ortodoncia con el código QR. Las 30 prótesis remanentes confor-maron el Grupo 2 y se dividieron en subgrupo 2.A (15 prótesis con el soporte de cromo cobalto), y subgrupo 2.B (15 prótesis con el soporte de acero para bandas de ortodoncia), todas sumergidas en ácido clorhídrico al 40 % a temperatura ambiente, durante 30, 60 y 120 minutos. Los análisis estadísticos para comparación entre grupos e inter-grupos fueron ANOVA y prueba de Tukey, todos con nivel de significancia p<0,05. En el Grupo 1, la lectura positiva de los códigos QR fue del 75 % para el subgrupo 1.A, y 12 % en el subgrupo 1.B. Para el Grupo 2, la lectura positiva de los códigos QR resultó en un 66 % en el subgrupo 2.A, y 0 % para el subgrupo 2.B. Se concluyó que pese a los efectos vulnerantes de los agentes físicos y químicos sobre el acrílico, bajo ciertas condiciones es posible leer e interpretar códigos QR grabados con láser sobre so-portes metálicos adaptados en la estructura protéti-ca, representando una alternativa para la identificación humana (AU)

The objective was to evaluate the reading and interpretation of laser-engraved QR codes on metal supports adapted to acrylic dental prostheses subjected to thermal and acid insults. Were made 150 thermo-curing acrylic prostheses, 120 prostheses were exposed to the action of temperatures of 200ºC, 400ºC, 800ºC and 1000ºC for 30, 60 and 120 minutes (Group 1). This group was divided into a subgroup 1.A that included 60 prostheses with the QR code engraved on a cobalt chromium support adapted to the acrylic and a subgroup 1.B with the other half of the prosthetic appliances, which had in their structure a support of steel for orthodontic bands with QR code. The 30 remaining prostheses made up Group 2 and were divided into subgroup 2.A (15 prostheses with cobalt chromium support) and subgroup 2.B (15 prostheses with steel support for orthodontic bands) all submerged in hydrochloric acid 40% at room temperature, for 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The statistical analyzes for groups comparison and between groups were ANOVA and Tukey's test, all with a significance level of p <0.05. In Group 1, the positive reading of the QR codes was 75% for Subgroup 1.A and 12% in subgroup 1.B. For Group 2, the positive reading of the QR codes resulted in 66% in subgroup 2.A and 0% for subgroup 2.B. Conclusion: Despite the damaging effects of physical and chemical agents on acrylic, under certain conditions it is possible to read and interpret laser-engraved QR codes on metal supports adapted to the prosthetic structure, which may represent an alternative for human identification (AU)

Algorithms , Forensic Anthropology , Denture Identification Marking , Lasers , Acrylic Resins , Analysis of Variance , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Computer Security , Dental Prosthesis , Hydrochloric Acid
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e191024, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394036


Abstract Posaconazole exerts an extended spectrum of antifungal activity against various strains of clinically relevant moulds and yeasts. In recent years, antifungal triazole posaconazole has become increasingly important for the prophylaxis and treatment of systemic mycoses. After oral administration of posaconazole, absolute bioavailability has been estimated to range from 8% to 47%. Pharmaceutical co-crystallization is a promising approach for improving dissolution rate or manipulating other physical properties of API. The objective of this study is to improve the dissolution rate of posaconazole by co-crystallization. A 1:1 stoichiometric co-crystals of adipic acid were prepared by solvent assisted grinding method. The prepared co-crystals were subjected to solid-state characterization by FTIR, PXRD and DSC studies. The physicochemical properties of posaconazole and co-crystals were assessed in terms of melting point, flowability and dissolution rate. The results indicated improvement in flow property and dissolution rate. In vitro dissolution profile of co-crystals showed a significant increased dissolution of posaconazole from initial period in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution. The dissolution efficiency for posaconazole-adipic acid co-crystal was 61.65 % against posaconazole, 46.58 %. Thus, co-crystallization can be a promising approach to prepare posaconazole-adipic acid co-crystals with improved physicochemical properties.

Administration, Oral , Crystallization/instrumentation , Hydrochloric Acid , Sprains and Strains/diagnosis , Yeasts/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Biological Availability , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Efficiency , Dissolution , Mycoses/pathology
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 6(1): 62-66, abr. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354547


Introduction: Dental fluorosis manifests clinically as white to brown spots on the enamel teeth that were exposed to excessive fluoride during the formation process. Esthetic treatments were described in the literature to reduce or eliminate the fluorotic stains on the enamel surface. Objective: The aim of this study is to present an alternative treatment for fluorosis-stained teeth. Case report: This case report describes the clinical performance of a treatment of a 12-year-old male patient whose teeth presented moderate fluorosis. This treatment is based on tooth demineralization and remineralization. The material has an acid phase made by hydrochloric acid with tricarboxylic acid, and an alkaline phase made by Calcium Hydroxide. Results: This pain less and fast treatment presented good results. The treatment eliminated the spots during the follow-up and preserved most of the dental structure, improving the appearance of the patient's teeth. Conclusion: The appearance of the treated enamel showed a surface almost completely free of fluorotic stains, demonstrating the satisfactory results of this treatment.

Introdução: A fluorose dentária manifesta-se clinicamente como manchas brancas a marrons no esmalte de dentes expostos ao excesso de flúor durante o processo de formação. Tratamentos estéticos foram descritos na literatura para reduzir ou eliminar as manchas fluoróticas na superfície do esmalte. Objetivo: Apresentar uma alternativa de tratamento para dentes manchados por fluorose dentária. Relato do caso: Este relato de caso descreve o desempenho clínico do tratamento para dentes com fluorose moderada em um paciente de 12 anos. Esse tratamento foi baseado numa técnica de desmineralização e remineralização do dente. O material possui uma fase ácida composta por ácido clorídrico com ácido tricarboxílico, e uma fase alcalina composta por Hidróxido de Cálcio. Resultados: Observou-se que esse tratamento, sem dor e rápido, apresentou resultados satisfatórios, pois eliminou as manchas durante o acompanhamento. Além disso, preservou ao máximo a estrutura dentária, beneficiando o paciente com uma melhor aparência dos seus dentes. Conclusão: O aspecto do esmalte tratado mostrou uma superfície quase sem manchas fluoróticas, demonstrando resultados satisfatórios deste tratamento.

Fluorosis, Dental , Tooth Remineralization , Calcium Hydroxide , Dental Care , Tooth Demineralization , Dental Enamel , Hydrochloric Acid
Autops. Case Rep ; 11: e2021266, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249032


Hydrogen chloride is available commercially as an anhydrous gas or an aqueous solution, hydrochloric acid. Exposure to this gas has been associated with the development of reactive airways dysfunction syndrome. However, there are few published reports. A 37-year-old woman developed progressive bronchospasm and acute respiratory failure after cleaning an enclosed space with an unknown concentration of hydrochloric acid gas from a cleaning substance. She had no prior history of asthma or atopy. Severe bronchospasm developed, leading to hypoxemia and diffuse interstitial infiltrates, necessitating orotracheal intubation and admission to the intensive care unit. Asthma-like symptoms such as cough, wheezing, and dyspnea; requiring bronchodilators, and repeated hospitalizations are persistent a year after the accident. Pulmonary function testing showed mild airflow obstruction.

Humans , Female , Adult , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/complications , Respiratory Insufficiency/etiology , Hydrochloric Acid/adverse effects , Inhalation , Bronchial Hyperreactivity/complications
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 61(2): 30-38, jul-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1281073


Introdução: A técnica de microabrasão pode ser realizada através de pasta pronta para uso, disponível comercialmente, ou o profissional pode manipulá-la no consultório. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito da apresentação comercial do ácido clorídrico a 10% na manipulação de pasta para microabrasão sobre a superfície do esmalte. Metodologia: Foram selecionados incisivos bovinos e divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a apresentação comercial do ácido clorídrico (líquido ou em gel). O tratamento foi realizado através de dez aplicações com 10s de duração cada, intercaladas por lavagem de 10s. Vinte incisivos (n=10) foram utilizados para se determinar a perda de estrutura do esmalte. Cada amostra foi pesada, em balança analítica, antes e após submissão à microabrasão. Outras 20 amostras (n=10) foram utilizadas para determinação da rugosidade superficial média (Ra) utilizando-se um rugosímetro. Três amostras de cada grupo do experimento anterior foram selecionadas, aleatoriamente, e outras três amostras adicionais foram preparadas como controle (baseline) para análise em MEV. Resultados: Verificou-se diferença estatística significativa entre a massa final e a inicial e rugosidade superficial das amostras, independente da apresentação comercial do ácido. Nas imagens de MEV observou-se presença de superfície regular para o grupo controle (baseline). Nas demais imagens verificou-se superfície com considerável irregularidade e dissolução discreta do esmalte. Conclusões: O tratamento realizado causou perda significativa de estrutura e aumentou a rugosidade superficial dos espécimes, independente da apresentação comercial do ácido e sem apresentar diferença entre os grupos ao final. A apresentação comercial do ácido não parece ser um fator a interferir no tratamento. (AU)

Introduction: The microabrasion technique can be performed using a commercially available paste, or the dentist can prepare it in his office. Objective: To verify the effect of hydrochloric acid commercial presentation in the handling of microabrasion paste on the enamel surface. Methodology: Bovine incisors were divided into two groups, according to the commercial presentation of 10% hydrochloric acid (liquid or gel). The treatment was carried out through ten applications of 10 s duration each, intercalated with a 10s wash. Twenty teeth (n=10) were used to determine the loss of enamel structure. Each sample was weighed on an analytical balance before and after submission to microabrasion. Another 20 teeth (n=10) were used to determine the average surface roughness (Ra) using a rugosimeter. Three samples from each group of the previous experiment were selected, randomly, and another three additional samples were repared as a control (baseline) for SEM analysis. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the final and initial mass and the surface roughness of the samples, regardless of the acid commercial presentation. In the SEM images, a regular surface was observed for the control group (baseline). In the other images, there was a surface with considerable irregularity and a slight dissolution of the enamel. Conclusions: The treatment carried out. (AU)

Animals , Cattle , Enamel Microabrasion , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Hydrochloric Acid/therapeutic use , Hydrochloric Acid/pharmacology , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Gravimetry , Incisor
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 70(4): 357-363, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137204


Abstract Study objective: In this study, we aimed to compare the antimicrobial effects of bupivacaine and fentanyl citrate and to reveal the impact on antimicrobial effect potential in the case of combined use. Design: In vitro prospective study. Setting: University Clinical Microbiology Laboratory. Measurements: In our study, in vitro antimicrobial effect of 0.05 mg.mL-1 fentanyl citrate, 5 mg.mL-1 bupivacaine were tested against Staphylococcus aureus American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 29213, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Candida albicans ATCC 10231 as Group F (Fentanyl Citrate) and Group B (Bupivacaine), respectively. S. aureus ATCC 29213, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 were cultured onto Mueller Hinton agar (Oxoid, UK) plates and Candida albicans ATCC 10231 were cultured onto Sabouraud dextrose agar (Oxoid, UK) plates for 18-24 hours at 37 °C. Main results: In terms of inhibition zone diameters, S. Aureus ATCC 29213, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and C. albicans ATCC10231 values obtained after 12 and 24 hours of incubation ​​were significantly higher in Group F than Group B (p < 0.001). In terms of inhibition zone diameters, E. coli ATCC 25922, and K. pneumomiae ATCC 13883 values obtained after 12 and 24 hours of incubation ​​were significantly higher in Group B than Group F (p < 0.001, E. coli 12ª hour p = 0.005). Conclusions: Addition of fentanyl to Local Anesthetics (LAs) is often preferred in regional anesthesia applications in today's practice owing especially to its effect on decreasing the local anesthetic dose and increasing analgesia quality and patient satisfaction. However, when the fact that fentanyl antagonized the antimicrobial effects of LAs in the studies is taken into account, it might be though that it contributes to an increase in infection complications. When the fact that fentanyl citrate which was used in our study and included hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as protective agents, broadened the antimicrobial effect spectrum of LAs, had no antagonistic effect and showed a synergistic antimicrobial effect against E. Coli is considered, we are of the opinion that the addition of fentanyl to LAs would contribute significantly in preventing the increasing regional anesthesia infection complications.

Resumo Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos antimicrobianos da bupivacaína e citrato de fentanil e revelar o impacto no potencial do efeito antimicrobiano no caso de uso combinado. Desenho: Estudo prospectivo in vitro. Local: Laboratório de Microbiologia Clínica da Universidade. Medidas: Em nosso estudo, os efeitos antimicrobianos in vitro do citrato de fentanil na concentração de 0,05 mg.mL-1 - Grupo F e da bupivacaína na concentração de 5 mg.mL-1 - Grupo B foram testados em culturas de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 (do inglês American Type Culture Collection 29213), Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 e Candida albicans ATCC 10231. As culturas de S. aureus ATCC 29213, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883 e Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 foram semeadas em placas de ágar Mueller Hinton (Oxoid, Reino Unido), e a cultura de Candida albicans ATCC 10231 foi realizada em placa de ágar Sabouraud dextrose (Oxoid, Reino Unido) durante 18-24 horas a 37 °C. Principais resultados: Com relação ao diâmetro da zona de inibição, os valores de S. aureus ATCC 29213, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 e C. albicans ATCC10231 obtidos após 12 e 24 horas de incubação foram significantemente maiores no Grupo F do que no Grupo B (p < 0,001). Os valores do diâmetro da zona de inibição das culturas de E. coli ATCC 25922 e K. pneumomiae ATCC 13883 obtidos após 12 e 24 horas de incubação foram significantemente maiores no Grupo B do que no Grupo F (p < 0,001, E. coli na 12ª hora p = 0,005) Conclusões: A preferência atual e frequente pela adição de fentanil aos Anestésicos Locais (AL) para a realização de anestesia regional se deve sobretudo à possibilidade de redução da dose do anestésico local, a melhora na qualidade da analgesia e a satisfação do paciente. No entanto, ao considerar estudos em que o fentanil antagonizou o efeito antimicrobiano dos AL, pode-se pensar que esse fato contribua para aumento de complicação infecciosa. O citrato de fentanil usado em nosso estudo, contendo ácido clorídrico e hidróxido de sódio como agentes conservantes, ampliou o espectro de efeitos antimicrobianos dos AL, não teve efeito antagônico e demonstrou efeito antimicrobiano sinérgico contra a E. coli. Acreditamos que a adição de fentanil aos anestésicos locais traria importante contribuição na prevenção das crescentes complicações por infecção da anestesia regional.

Bupivacaine/pharmacology , Fentanyl/pharmacology , Anesthetics, Local/pharmacology , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Sodium Hydroxide/pharmacology , Bupivacaine/administration & dosage , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Fentanyl/administration & dosage , Prospective Studies , Drug Synergism , Hydrochloric Acid/pharmacology , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Anti-Infective Agents/administration & dosage
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(2): 142-149, abr. 30, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151910


Objective: This study investigated the effect of endogenous erosion on the microhardness of dentine and a nanofilled composite resin. Procedures for preventing erosion were also studied. Materials and Methods: 90 bovine dentine specimens were divided into three groups in accordance with the method for preventing: negative control, topical application of fluoride and resin-modified glass ionomer varnish. 120 composite resin specimens were distributed into four groups, which also included a resin sealant, among the preventive procedures. Specimens were then randomly divided into three sub-groups according to the exposure to simulate gastric acid solution and subsequent remineralization: negative control, 9 and 18 cycles. Surface analysis was carried out by measuring the Knoop hardness. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and Tukey test. Result: The mean hardness of dentine and of the composite specimens resin exhibited lower hardness after 18 cycles. However, the resin-modified glass ionomer varnish resulted in greater values compared to the other preventive procedures. Conclusion: A resin-modified glass ionomer varnish seems to be a promising method for minimizing the damage caused by endogenous acid, but its protection can be reduced depending on the intensity of the erosive challenge.

Objetivo: Este estudio investigó el efecto de la erosión endógena sobre la microdureza de la dentina y una resina compuesta de nanorrelleno. También se estudiaron los procedimientos para prevenir la erosión. Materiales and Métodos:90 muestras de dentina bovina se dividieron en tres grupos de acuerdo con el método para prevenir: control negativo, aplicación tópica de fluoruro y barniz de ionómero de vidrio modificado con resina. Se distribuyeron 120 muestras de resina compuesta en cuatro grupos, que también incluían un sellador de resina, entre los procedimientos preventivos. Las muestras se dividieron al azar en tres subgrupos de acuerdo con la exposición para simular la solución de ácido gástrico y la remineralización posterior: control negativo, 9 y 18 ciclos. El análisis de la superficie se realizó midiendo la dureza Knoop. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron estadísticamente mediante ANOVA de 2 vías y prueba de Tukey. Resultados: La dureza media de la dentina y de la resina de muestras compuestas exhibió una dureza más baja después de 18 ciclos. Sin embargo, el barniz de ionómero de vidrio modificado con resina resultó en valores mayores en comparación con los otros procedimientos preventivos. Conclusión: Un barniz de ionómero de vidrio modificado con resina parece ser un método prometedor para minimizar el daño causado por el ácido endógeno, pero su protección puede reducirse dependiendo de la intensidad del desafío erosivo.

Animals , Cattle , Tooth Erosion/prevention & control , Composite Resins , Dentin , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Hardness , Hydrochloric Acid
Rev. ADM ; 76(1): 30-37, ene.-feb. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-995811


La odontología de mínima invasión se ha convertido en la filosofía de tratamiento dental más aceptada en la actualidad. La posibilidad de incorporarla se ha debido en gran medida a la aparición de nuevos materiales dentales que se adhieren a la estructura dental, a técnicas más conservadoras de estructura dental sana y sobre todo a una nueva forma de pensar tanto de clínicos como de los mismos pacientes. La odontología estética contemporánea se ha visto infl uenciada por este nuevo paradigma. El tratamiento de pigmentaciones dentales también se ha visto benefi ciado por esta nueva tendencia y nuevos materiales han aparecido recientemente que conservan la mayor cantidad de tejido dental sano sin necesidad de preparaciones no conservadoras. Lo más importante al incorporar estas nuevas tecnologías es la realización de un diagnóstico adecuado entendiendo la causa que origina esta condición y así poder implementar el mejor tratamiento posible (AU)

Minimally invasive dentistry has become the standard of care most widely accepted today. This trend has been posible in great extent to the advent of new dental materials that adhere to dental structure, more conservative techniques of healthy dental tissue but mainly from clinicians and patients with a new way of thinking. Contemporary esthetic dentistry has been influenced by this new paradigm. Treatment of dental stainings has also been infl uenced by this new trend and new materials have recently surfaced that keep healthy dental tissue without the need of non conservative preparations. The most important aspect in order to incorporate this new technologies is a correct diagnosis understanding the cause that originated this condition in order to implement the best posible treatment (AU)

Humans , Tooth Discoloration/therapy , Enamel Microabrasion , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Bleaching , Biocompatible Materials , Calcium Hydroxide , Dental Polishing , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Hydrochloric Acid , Fluorosis, Dental/therapy
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(1): 53-60, jan.-fev. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-989379


The aim of this study was to assess the magnitude and duration of blood and urine changes and the side effects of hyperchloremic acidosis induced by the intravenous administration of hydrochloric acid in sheep. Five healthy, crossbred adult ewes, with a mean body weight of 44±2.9kg were used. The hydrochloric acid solution was administered intravenously at a rate of 25mL/kg/h for 4 hours continuously. Venous blood and urine samples were collected and pH values, blood carbon dioxide partial pressure, bicarbonate, base excess, strong ion difference, anion gap, total concentration of nonvolatile buffers, creatinine, plasma L-lactate, plasma and urine sodium, potassium, and chloride were determined. The experimental protocol induced severe hyperchloremic acidosis at the end of the infusion, with a decreased plasma strong ion difference. The fractional excretion of sodium and chloride remained increased during 4 hours after the infusion. Aciduria was observed at approximately 24 hours. Twenty-four hours after the infusion, the animals showed mild and compensated metabolic acidosis. This protocol was effective in inducing severe and long-lasting hyperchloremic acidosis and did not cause serious side effects. Therefore, this protocol can be used safely in adult sheep for studies on the treatment of this condition.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a magnitude e a duração das alterações sanguíneas e urinárias, bem como os efeitos colaterais da acidose hiperclorêmica induzida por administração intravenosa de ácido clorídrico, em ovinos. Foram utilizadas cinco ovelhas mestiças, adultas, sadias, com peso médio de 44±2,9kg. A solução de ácido clorídrico foi administrada por via intravenosa, na velocidade de 25mL/kg/h, totalizando quatro horas de administração contínua. Amostras de sangue venoso e de urina foram colhidas, e determinaram-se os valores de pH, pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono, bicarbonato, excesso de bases, diferença dos íons fortes, ânion-gap, creatinina, lactato L, sódio, potássio e cloro. O protocolo de indução experimental foi capaz de induzir acidose hiperclorêmica grave ao término da infusão, com diminuição da diferença dos íons fortes plasmáticos. Houve aumento da excreção fracionada de sódio e cloro por até quatro horas após o término da infusão. A acidúria foi observada por cerca de 24 horas. Após 24 horas do início da infusão, os animais apresentaram acidose metabólica leve e compensada. Esse protocolo foi eficaz na indução da acidose hiperclorêmica grave e duradoura e não causou efeitos colaterais. Conclui-se que o protocolo pode ser usado com segurança em ovelhas adultas, para estudos sobre tratamento dessa condição.(AU)

Animals , Sheep/metabolism , Administration, Intravenous/statistics & numerical data , Hydrochloric Acid/classification , Ketosis
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(5): 1014-1022, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975626


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effect of intravesical hyaluronic acid (HA) treatment on inflammatory cells and the severity of inflammation in an interstitial cystitis rat model created with hydrogen chloride (HCL) via immunohistochemical studies and myeloperoxidase activity for the first time in the literature. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 adult female white Rattus Norvegicus rats were divided into 3 groups as the HCL group, hyaluronic acid treatment (HCL-HA) group and control group. Chemical cystitis was created by administering HCL(400 microL,10 mM) except control group. A single dose of intravesical HA(0.5 mL,0.8 mg/mL) was administered to the treatment group. The bladder tissues of all subjects were immunohistochemically stained. The cell surface markers were used to evaluate inflammatory cell infiltration. Mast cell activation and IL-6 was evaluated to assess the inflammation and severity of inflammation, respectively. Myeloperoxidase activity was measured as it shows neutrophil density. Statistical significance was accepted as P<0.05. Results: It was observed that there was rich monocyte, T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, and Natural Killer cells infiltration and high IL-6 levels in the bladder tissue after the intravesical hydrogen chloride instillation, especially in the stroma layer(p<0.005). In the HCL-HA group, severity of inflammation had statistically significantly regressed to the levels of the control group(p<0.005). An increase was observed in the bladder myeloperoxidase activity of the HCL group compared to the other two groups(p<0.05). Conclusions: Single dose intravesical hyluronic acid instillation reduces inflammatory cell infiltration and the severity of bladder inflammation in the rat model of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis.

Animals , Female , Rats , Urinary Bladder/drug effects , Cystitis, Interstitial/drug therapy , Hyaluronic Acid/therapeutic use , Urinary Bladder/pathology , Severity of Illness Index , Administration, Intravesical , Cystitis, Interstitial/chemically induced , Cystitis, Interstitial/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Hydrochloric Acid
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787312


Resin infiltration has been used as a treatment option for the management of early caries lesions recently. However, the etching procedure with hydrochloric acid might be somewhat stressful for the clinicians due to safety problem especially for young children, leading to less utility.This study aims at searching for some alternative surface pretreatment methods of resin infiltration for the early caries lesions in primary anterior teeth by comparing penetration depth of various methods.No significant difference was found in penetration ratio between etched surface with 15% hydrochloric acid and 35% phosphoric acid. However, the penetration ratio was significantly higher in groups pretreated either with dental pumice or abrasive metal strip (p < .05).By the result of this study, etching with phosphoric acid as an alternative of hydrochloric acid was thought clinically acceptable as a pretreatment method for resin infiltration in early caries lesions for primary anterior teeth.It was notable that surface conditioning with dental pumice or metal strip before etching was effective in increasing the penetration. This procedural modification might be much more correspondent with minimally invasive concept and hopefully contribute to increased safety and utility in pediatric dentistry.

Child , Humans , Hydrochloric Acid , Methods , Pediatric Dentistry , Tooth
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787330


This study aimed to evaluate surface morphology and resin tag penetration of resin infiltration into primary anterior teeth after enamel deproteinization with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) prior to phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄) etching.Ninety primary anterior teeth with non-cavitated caries lesion were devided five groups according to enamel pretreatment as follows, group I-15% hydrochloric acid (HCl) 2min. ; group II-5.25% NaOCl 1min., 35% H₃PO₄ 1min. ; group III-5.25% NaOCl 2min., 35% H₃PO₄ 1min. ; group IV-5.25% NaOCl 1min., 35% H₃PO₄ 2min. ; group V-5.25% NaOCl 2min., 35% H3PO4 2min. Fifteen teeth were examined etched surface structure using field emission-scanning electron microscope. Seventy five teeth were infiltrated with resin, maximum penetration depth and percentage penetration were analysed using dual fluorescence confocal microscopy.As the application time of NaOCl increased, ratio of enamel type I, II were increased. Percentage penetration (PP) was higher in group V than group II, III (p < 0.05). PP of group IV, V did not show any differences.Non-cavitated caries of primary anterior teeth can be treated with resin infiltration. Enamel deproteinization with NaOCl prior to 35% H3PO4 etching could be an alternative of 15% HCl etching in resin infiltration.

Dental Enamel , Fluorescence , Hydrochloric Acid , Microscopy, Confocal , Sodium Hypochlorite , Tooth
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205051


PURPOSE: We evaluated 5 different rat models using different agents in order to establish a standard animal model for interstitial cystitis (IC) in terms of the functional and pathologic characteristics of the bladder. METHODS: Five IC models were generated in 8-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats via transurethral instillation of 0.1M hydrogen chloride (HCl) or 3% acetic acid (AA), intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamide (CYP) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or subcutaneous injection of uroplakin II (UPK2). After generating the IC models, conscious cystometry was performed on days 3, 7, and 14. All rats were euthanized on day 14 and their bladders were obtained for histological and pro-inflammatory-related gene expression analysis. RESULTS: In the cystometric analysis, all experimental groups showed significantly decreased intercontraction intervals compared with the control group on day 3, but only the LPS and UPK groups maintained significantly shorter intercontraction intervals than the control group on day 14. The histological analysis revealed that areas with severe urothelial erosion (HCl, AA, and UPK) and hyperplasia (CYP and LPS), particularly in the UPK-treated bladders, showed a markedly increased infiltration of toluidine blue-stained mast cells and increased tissue fibrosis. In addition, significantly elevated expression of interleukin-1b, interleukin-6, myeloperoxidase, monocyte chemotactic protein 1, and Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 was observed in the UPK group compared to the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: Among the 5 different agents, the injection of UPK generated the most effective IC animal model, showing consequent urothelial barrier loss, inflammatory reaction, tissue fibrosis stimulation, and persistent hyperactive bladder.

Animals , Animals , Female , Humans , Rats , Acetic Acid , Chemokine CCL2 , Cyclophosphamide , Cystitis, Interstitial , Fibrosis , Gene Expression , Hydrochloric Acid , Hyperplasia , Immunization , Injections, Intraperitoneal , Injections, Subcutaneous , Interleukin-6 , Mast Cells , Models, Animal , Peroxidase , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Toll-Like Receptors , Urinary Bladder , Uroplakin II
Gut and Liver ; : 358-362, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-91127


BACKGROUND/AIMS: To evaluate esophageal sensitivity to acid between morbidly obese (MO) patients and non-MO controls with abnormal esophageal acid exposure. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 58 patients: 30 MO (cases) and 28 non-MO (controls). Esophageal symptoms and esophageal sensitivity to 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution (Bernstein test) were compared between MO and non-MO patients with a prior diagnosis of abnormal esophageal acid exposure. RESULTS: MO patients were less symptomatic than non-MO controls (14% vs 96%; odds ratio [OR], 0.006; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.001 to 0.075; p=0.000). MO patients were more likely to present with decreased esophageal sensitivity to the instillation of acid than non-MO controls (57% vs 14%; OR, 8; 95% CI, 1.79 to 35.74; p=0.009). Subgroup analysis revealed no differences in esophageal sensitivity in MO patients with and without abnormal esophageal acid exposure (43% vs 31%; p=0.707). CONCLUSIONS: Silent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common among MO individuals, likely due to decreased esophageal sensitivity to acid. The absence of typical GERD symptoms in these patients may delay discovery of precancerous conditions, such as Barrett’s esophagus. We believe that these patients may require a more aggressive diagnostic work-up to rule out the presence of silent GERD.

Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diagnosis , Esophagus , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Hydrochloric Acid , Obesity , Odds Ratio , Precancerous Conditions
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 45(5): 283-289, Sept.-Oct. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-798173


Introdução: O consumo excessivo de refrigerantes parece alterar as propriedades dos compósitos e essa alteração pode estar relacionada à unidade fotopolimerizadora. Objetivo Avaliar a alteração da rugosidade superficial (delta R) e da cor (delta E) de um compósito polimerizado por diferentes fotopolimerizadores, imerso em água destilada ou Coca-Cola®. Metodologia Sessenta amostras da resina nanoparticulada (FiltekMR Z350 XT, 3M) foram distribuídas de acordo com as diferentes unidades de fotopolimerização: a) luz halógena de quartzo-tungstênio-halogênio (QTH); b) Luz de Emissão Diodo - LED 1 com ponteira de polímero; c) LED 2 com ponteira de fibra ótica. Metade de cada grupo (n=10) foi mantida em água destilada ou imersa em Coca-Cola® 2×/dia por 20 minutos, durante 14 dias. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis (p< =0,05). Resultado A ΔR não foi significante entre os grupos: em água: QTH = 0,006; LED 1 = 0,019; LED 2 = 0,010 (p=0,33); em refrigerante: QTH = 0,021; LED 1= 0,011; LED 2 = 0,030 (p=0,86). A delta E não foi significativa entre os fotopolimerizadores: em água: QTH = 1,40; LED 1 = 1,80; LED 2 = 1,60 (p=0,31); em refrigerante: QTH = 2,51; LED 1= 1,91; LED 2 = 2,61 (p=0,41), mas foi significante comparando os meios de imersão (p=0,01), exceto para LED 1 (p=0,54). Conclusão: As unidades fotopolimerizadoras não interferiram na rugosidade superficial e na cor da resina composta nanoparticulada. Os mergulhos diários em refrigerante não alteraram a lisura, mas alteraram a cor de modo visualmente perceptível, mas clinicamente aceitável, conforme os parâmetros da literatura científica.

Introduction: The excessive consumption of soft drinks seems to change the properties of composites and may be associated with the light curing unit. Objective: To evaluate changes in surface roughness (delta R) and color (delta E) of one composite polymerized with different light sources, immersed in distilled water or in Coca-Cola®. Methodology: Sixty samples of nanofilled resin (FiltekMR Z350 XT, 3M) were distributed into following light curing units: a) quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) light; b) light emitting diode (LED) with polymer tip (LED 1) and c) LED with optic fiber tip (LED 2). Half of each group (n=10) was kept in water or immersed in Coca-Cola® for 20 minutes 2x/day during 14 days. Data were submitted to the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests (p<=0.05). Result: The delta R was not significant among groups: in water: QTH = 0.006; LED 1 = 0.019; LED 2 = 0.010 (p=0.33); in soft drink: QTH = 0.021; LED 1= 0.011; LED 2 = 0.030 (p=0.86). The delta E was not significant among light curing units: in water: QTH = 1.40; LED 1 = 1.80; LED 2 = 1.60 (p=0.31); in soft drink: QTH = 2.51; LED 1= 1.91; LED 2 = 2.61 (p=0.41), but was significant compared the immersion media (p=0.01), except for LED 1 (p=0.54). Conclusion The light curing lights did not interfere with the surface roughness and with color of nanofilled composite. Daily dives in soft drinks did not change smoothness, but the color changed to visually perceptible way, though clinically acceptable, according to the scientific literature parameters.

Surface Properties , Carbonated Beverages , Distilled Water , Color , Statistics, Nonparametric , Composite Resins , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives , Hydrochloric Acid
Annals of Dermatology ; : 690-696, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-25368


BACKGROUND: The acidic pH of the stratum corneum (SC) is important for epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis. Acidification of the skin surface has been suggested as a therapeutic strategy for skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis (AD). OBJECTIVE: We performed an animal study to evaluate the usefulness of acidification of SC for inhibition of AD lesions and to find out if the therapeutic effect of vinegar is attributable to its herbal contents, rather than its acidity. METHODS: Five groups of six oxazolone-treated (Ox)-AD mice were treated for three weeks with creams of different acidity: vehicle cream alone (pH 5.5), neutralized vinegar cream (pH 7.4), pH 5.0 vinegar cream, pH 3.5 vinegar cream, and pH 3.5 hydrogen chloride (HCl) cream. Also, we have compared two groups of Ox-AD mice treated with pH 5.5 vehicle cream or pH 5.5 vinegar cream. RESULTS: Ox-AD mice treated with acidic creams exhibited fewer AD-like lesions, had significantly lower eczema scores, decreased basal by transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and increased SC hydration compared to the groups given only vehicle and neutral cream. There was no significant difference between the acidic vinegar and HCl groups. Between the groups treated with vehicle and pH 5.5 vinegar cream, there was no difference in eczema score, basal TEWL and SC hydration. CONCLUSION: Application of topical acids, regardless of their source materials, inhibits the development of AD lesions by maintenance of skin surface pH and skin barrier function in murine model.

Animals , Mice , Acetic Acid , Dermatitis, Atopic , Eczema , Homeostasis , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Permeability , Skin , Water
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-199943


PURPOSE: To report the first case of the Raoultella planticola endophthalmitis after the phacoemulsification and posterior chamber multi-focused intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. CASE SUMMARY: A healthy 49-year-old male visited our clinic with a sudden visual disturbance and ocular pain 2 days after phacoemulsification and multi-focused IOL implantation in his right eye. On initial ophthalmic examination, severe corneal edema and hypopyon were observed. The retina could not be visualized due to vitreous opacity and anterior chamber inflammation. Therefore, the patient immediately underwent pars plana vitrectomy. Vancomycin hydrogen chloride (HCl) 0.3 mg/0.1 mL was injected into the anterior part and vancomycin HCl 1.0 mg/0.1 mL and ceftazidime 2.0 mg/0.1 mL were injected into the intravitreal part. The culture test of aqueous humor and vitreous body fluid revealed Raoultella planticola, thus, systemic antibiotic (ceftazidime) and antibiotic eye drops (vancomycin and ceftazidime) were administered. After 4 months of follow-up, best-corrected visual acuity improved to 20/20 in the affected eye after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: In the present case, we found that endophthalmitis due to Raoultella planticola can be successfully treated. We suggest that atypical bacteria should be considered in the differential diagnosis of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anterior Chamber , Aqueous Humor , Bacteria , Cataract , Ceftazidime , Corneal Edema , Diagnosis, Differential , Endophthalmitis , Follow-Up Studies , Hydrochloric Acid , Inflammation , Lenses, Intraocular , Ophthalmic Solutions , Phacoemulsification , Retina , Vancomycin , Visual Acuity , Vitrectomy , Vitreous Body
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-193784


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is one of the most problematic complications experienced by women with sexually transmitted diseases, frequently causes secondary infections after reproductive abnormalities in veterinary animals. Although the uterus is self-protective, it becomes fragile during periods or pregnancy. To investigate PID, bacteria or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracted from gram negative bacteria has been used to induce the disease in several animal models. However, when LPS is applied to the peritoneum, it often causes systemic sepsis leading to death and the PID was not consistently demonstrated. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) has been used to induce inflammation in the lungs and stomach but not tested for reproductive organs. In this study, we developed a PID model in mice by HCl and LPS sequential intracervical (i.c.) administration. The proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α, were detected in the mouse uterus by western blot analysis and cytokine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay after HCl (25 mg/kg) administration i.c. followed by four LPS (50 mg/kg) treatments. Moreover, mice exhibited increased infiltration of neutrophils in the endometrium and epithelial layer. These results suggest that ic co-administration of HCl and LPS induces PID in mice. This new model may provide a consistent and reproducible PID model for future research.

Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Pregnancy , Bacteria , Blotting, Western , Coinfection , Cytokines , Endometrium , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Hydrochloric Acid , Inflammation , Interleukin-6 , Interleukins , Lung , Models, Animal , Necrosis , Neutrophils , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease , Peritoneum , Sepsis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Stomach , Uterus