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Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402180


Fundamentals: Atopic Dermatitis (AD) and Psoriasis (PS) share clinical and physiopathological similarities. Objective: Determine the prevalence of sensitization to Malassezia spp. in adults with AD and PS and its correlation with disease severity. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2016 to August 2017 with adults. Malassezia spp.-specific IgE dosages were measured, and skin scrapings for fungal culture performed. Parametric or nonparametric tests were used for analysis. Results: Median age of the 20 participants with AD was 29 years old, and the mean SCO-RAD was 45.35 ± 18.32. Malassezia spp.- specific IgE median dosage was 0.63 kU/l. M. furfur and M. sympodialis were isolated. Spearman's nonparametric correlation analysis showed no correlation between sensitization to Malassezia spp. and disease severity. The median age of the 36 participants with PS was 61 years old, the median body surface area affected was 22%, and Malassezia spp.-specific IgE median dosage was 0.00 kU/l. M. furfur and Malassezia spp. were identified. Study limitations: Assessing the sensitization to Malasseziaspp. was difficult due to the reduced number of participants in the study. Furthermore, there was no uniformity in the location to collect skin scrapings. The use of topical medication was not suspended before collecting skin specimens for mycological examination, therefore interfer-ing with fungal isolation. Conclusion: Sensitization to Malassezia spp. was only detected in the AD sample. Malassezia spp.-specific IgE test did not prove to be a marker for disease severity in our AD sample (AU)

Fundamentos: Dermatite atópica (DA) e psoríase apresentam similaridades clínicas e fisiopatológicas. Objetivos: Avaliar a frequência da sensibilização a Malasseziaspp. em adultos portadores de DA e psoríase e correlacionar à gra-vidade dos quadros clínicos. Métodos: De janeiro de 2016 a agosto de 2017, conduziu-se um estudo observacional em indivíduos adultos onde foram realizadas dosagem de IgE específica anti-Malassezia spp. e raspados das lesões para cultura micológica. Testes paramétricos ou não paramétricos foram utilizados para análise. Resultados: Nos 20 portadores de DA, a mediana da idade foi 29 anos. O valor médio do Scoring Atopic Dermatitis foi 45,35 ± 18,32. A mediana de IgE específica anti-Malasseziaspp. foi 0,63 kU/l. M. furfur e M. sympodialis foram isolados. A análise de correlação não-paramétrica de Spearman não mostrou correlação entre a sensibilização à Malassezia spp. e a gra-vidade. Nos 36 pacientes com psoríase, foram obtidas as seguintes medianas: idade 61 anos, comprometimento de superfície corpórea 22% e IgE específica anti-Malassezia spp. 0,00 kU/l. Houve identificação de M. furfur e Malasse-zia spp. Limitações do estudo: O número reduzido de participantes dificultou a avaliação da sensibilização por IgE a Malasseziaspp. Não houve uniformidade nos locais de coleta dos raspados cutâneos. Medicamentos tópicos não foram suspensos anteriormente ao exame micológico, prejudicando o isolamento dos fungos. Conclusões: Sensibili-zação a Malassezia spp. apenas ocorreu nos portadores de DA. O teste de IgE específica anti-Malassezia spp. não se mostrou um marcador de gravidade para a DA neste grupo (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Psoriasis/therapy , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dermatitis, Atopic/complications , Malassezia/pathogenicity
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 93(nspe1): e312, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1393874


En abril de 2020, durante el pico de la pandemia COVID-19 producida por el coronavirus emergente SARS-CoV-2, en el Reino Unido se comunicaron casos de shock hiperinflamatorio de características similares a la enfermedad de Kawasaki y el síndrome de shock tóxico en un grupo de ocho niños. El Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health lo denominó síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico pediátrico temporalmente asociado con COVID-19 (SIM-C). Actualmente, el SIM-C es una enfermedad infrecuente, solapada con otras entidades, que requiere una alta sospecha clínica para identificarlo oportunamente. El síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico temporal asociado con SARS-CoV-2 pediátrico (PIMST) es una nueva entidad clínica con un amplio espectro de presentación postexposición al virus, inmunomediado con hiperinflamación y activación de una tormenta de citoquinas. Ocurre típicamente entre la segunda y cuarta semana de evolución. Se describen marcadores de inflamación característicamente elevados, como son la ferritina, proteína C reactiva (PCR), velocidad de eritrosedimentación (VES), lactato deshidrogenasa y dímero-D, asociados a neutropenia, linfopenia y anemia. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) define: caso a menores de 19 años con fiebre ≥3 días, marcadores inflamatorios elevados, evidencia de infección por SARS-CoV-2 y ninguna otra etiología microbiana; con afectación de al menos dos sistemas: dermatológico (rash, conjuntivitis no exudativa, inflamación mucocutánea), hemodinámico (hipotensión, shock), cardíaco (disfunción de miocardio, pericardio, valvular o coronario), hematológico (coagulopatía), digestivo (vómitos, diarrea, dolor abdominal). Considerando la gravedad de esta nueva entidad, es necesario el reconocimiento oportuno y referencia temprana para atención especiaizada y tratamiento oportuno.

Summary: In April 2020, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the emerging coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, 8 children reported cases of hyperinflammatory toxic shock with characteristics similar to Kawasaki disease and syndrome in the United Kingdom. The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health has called it pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) temporally associated with COVID-19. Currently, MIS-C is a rare disease, overlapping with other conditions, which requires a high clinical suspicion for its timely identification. Pediatric SARS-CoV-2-associated temporary multisystem inflammatory syndrome (TMIS-C) is a new clinical entity with a broad spectrum of presentation after exposure to the virus, immune-mediated with hyperinflammation and activation of a cytokine storm. It typically occurs between the 2nd to 4th week of evolution. Characteristically elevated markers of inflammation are described, such as ferritin, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), lactate dehydrogenase and D-dimer, associated with neutropenia, lymphopenia and anemia. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as: a case under 19 years of age with fever ≥ 3 days, elevated inflammatory markers, evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and no other microbial etiology; with involvement of at least 2 systems: dermatological (rash, non-exudative conjunctivitis, mucocutaneous inflammation), hemodynamic (hypotension, shock), cardiac (myocardial, pericardial, valvular, or coronary dysfunction), hematologic (coagulopathy), digestive (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain) Considering the seriousness of this new entity, timely recognition and early referral for specialized care and timely treatment are key.

No mês de abril de 2020, durante o pico da pandemia de COVID-19 causada pelo emergente coronavírus SARS-CoV-2, 8 casos de crianças com choque hiperinflamatório com características semelhantes à doença e síndrome de Kawasaki foram relatados no Reino Unido. O Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health nomeou-o como síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica pediátrica (MIS) temporariamente associada ao COVID-19. Atualmente, o SIM-C é uma doença rara, sobrepondo-se a outras entidades, o que requer alta suspeição clínica para sua identificação oportuna. A síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica temporária associada ao SARS-CoV-2 pediátrico (SIMT) é uma nova entidade clínica com amplo espectro de apresentação após exposição ao vírus, imunomediada com hiperinflamação e ativação de uma tempestade de citocinas. Geralmente ocorre entre a 2ª a 4ª semana de evolução. São descritos marcadores de inflamação caracteristicamente elevados, como ferritina, proteína C reativa (PCR), velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS), lactato desidrogenase e D-dímero, associados a neutropenia, linfopenia e anemia. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) a define como: caso de menor de 19 anos com febre ≥ 3 dias, marcadores inflamatórios elevados, evidência de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 e nenhuma outra etiologia microbiana; com envolvimento de pelo menos 2 sistemas: dermatológico (erupção cutânea, conjuntivite não exsudativa, inflamação mucocutânea), hemodinâmica (hipotensão, choque), cardíaca (disfunção miocárdica, pericárdica, valvar ou coronariana), hematológica (coagulopatia), digestiva (vômitos, diarreia, dor abdominal) Considerando a gravidade dessa nova entidade, é necessário o reconhecimento oportuno e encaminhamento precoce para atendimento especializado e tratamento oportuno.

Humans , Child , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/diagnosis , COVID-19/complications , Cardiomyopathies/etiology , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Methylprednisolone/administration & dosage , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/drug therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Immunologic Factors/administration & dosage , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/administration & dosage
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2019. xi, 79 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049934


A hepatite B é um problema de saúde global: só no ano de 2015 foram quase 900 mil óbitos decorrentes de complicações relacionadas à infecção com o vírus HBV. No Brasil, a situação também é grave: no ano de 2000 até o ano de 2015 o número de óbitos atingiu 13 mil. O diagnóstico da doença e o tratamento dos pacientes crônicos podem ser feitos através do uso de imunoglobulinas que tem afinidade pelo antígeno de superfície do vírus, HBsAg. Portanto, estratégias que busquem diminuir os custos de produção de imunoglobulinas anti-HBsAg ou aumentar sua afinidade frente a este antígeno são desejáveis em âmbitos nacional e global. O estudo de biomoléculas através de técnicas computacionais tem produzido bons resultados, capazes de orientar estudos experimentais, economizando tempo e recursos e, frequentemente, resolvendo problemas biológicos. Dentre estas técnicas computacionais, destaca-se o cálculo de energia livre. A aplicação do cálculo de energia livre a complexos anticorpo-antígeno pode fornecer informações detalhadas sobre a afinidade do anticorpo frente ao antígeno. Neste trabalho, estudamos a interação do anticorpo 19CC6CG2, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Tecnologia de Anticorpos Monoclonais de Bio-Manguinhos, com o HBsAg através de duas técnicas de cálculo de energia livre: MM-PBSA e Adaptive Biasing Force

Embora a primeira técnica tenha fornecido um valor de ΔG de ligação de -12 kcal/mol, a análise mais robusta através do segundo método mostrou um ΔG de dissociação de -7,6 kcal/mol. Adicionalmente, foram propostas mutações na estrutura do anticorpo visando ao aumento da sua afinidade pelo antígeno. O anticorpo mutante foi então modelado in silico e a sua afinidade frente ao HBsAg foi mensurada através da técnica de ABF. Resultados preliminares mostraram um valor de ΔG de ligação de -4,2 kcal/mol. As mutações na estrutura do anticorpo favoreceram a formação de ligações hidrogênio e pontes salinas intermoleculares mais estáveis nas simulações de dinâmica molecular. No entanto, simulações mais longas e/ou o aumento da dimensionalidade do espaço através de variáveis coletivas no cálculo de ABF, podem melhorar a convergência do método, tornando evidente se as mutações aqui propostas são favoráveis à afinidade do anticorpo 19CC6CG2 contra o HBsAg. (AU)

Humans , Biophysics , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Hepatitis B , Antibodies
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(1): 205-212, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-888098


O presente trabalho avaliou o papel do baço no armazenamento e na reativação das linhagens de células B, representadas por células IgM positivas imunomarcadas no tecido esplênico, bem como a funcionalidade dessas células, sobre a cinética dos linfócitos e na produção sistêmica de anticorpos em tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram separados dois grupos: grupo memória, constituído por peixes previamente imunizados com hemácia de carneiro a 2,5%, para a geração da memória imune, e o grupo naive, que recebeu o mesmo volume de solução salina a 0,65%. Após 32 dias, os dois grupos foram submetidos a uma nova dose do antígeno na mesma concentração, volume e via de inoculação. A reativação dos clones de memória foi evidenciada pelo aumento do número de células IgM positivas no baço do grupo memória no dia zero/pré-imune. Além disso, o mesmo grupo apresentou aumento dos títulos de anticorpos séricos no 14º dia e no número absoluto de linfócitos no 21º dia em relação ao grupo naive. Esses resultados sugerem que o baço não seja apenas um local de armazenamento, mas também de reativação de células B de memória em tilápia-do-nilo.(AU)

This work aimed to evaluate the role of the spleen in storage and reactivation of the memory B cells, represented by IgM positive cells and the systemic production of sheep antibodies anti-red cell in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Two groups were established: the memory group, containing fish previously immunized with a 2,5% sheep anti-red cell, to generate the immune memory; and the naive group, containing fish that received a 0,65% saline solution. After 32 days, both groups were subjected to a new dose of the same antigen at the same concentration, volume, and inoculation via. The memory clones reactivation was correlated to the increase of the IgM positive cells in the spleen in the memory group at 0 day. The memory group showed an increase in the absolute number of lymphocytes at 21 days and an increase in the antibodies at 14 days after inoculation when compared to the naive group. The results suggest that the spleen may be a storage and reactivation place of memory B cells in Nile tilapia.(AU)

Animals , Immunoglobulin M/analysis , Cichlids/immunology , Cichlids/blood , Antibody Formation , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da condutas da emergência do InCor: cardiopneumologia / IInCor Emergency Conduct Manual: Cardiopneumology. São Paulo, Manole, 2ª revisada e atualizada; 2017. p.491-498.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-848485
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 76(1): 36-39, feb. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-841537


La polineuropatía desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica (CIDP) es una enfermedad adquirida que puede afectar a raíces, plexos y nervios periféricos. A pesar de su baja incidencia, su diagnóstico cobra especial relevancia dado que actualmente existen tratamientos efectivos para la misma. La gammaglobulina humana endovenosa (IVIgG) es, junto con los esteroides y la plasmaféresis, uno de los tratamientos de primera elección. La vía de administración subcutánea se ha propuesto como una alternativa novedosa frente a la administración endovenosa con una eficacia similar. Presentamos tres casos de CIDP definitiva, clasificados según los criterios de la European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society (EFNS/PNS) en los cuales se utilizó tratamiento crónico con inmunoglobulina subcutánea (IgSC). Todos ellos habían recibido tratamiento previo con IVIgG. Se obtuvo mejoría de la fuerza evaluada por Overall Neuropathy Limitations Scale (ONLS) y los tres pacientes manifestaron una mejor adaptación a sus actividades de la vida diaria.

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is an acquired disease that may affect nerve roots and peripheral nerves. Despite its low incidence, diagnosis is particularly important because there are different effective treatments. Human immunoglobulin is one of the mainstays of the treatment. Although there are few studies up to date, subcutaneous immunoglobulin (IgSC) has been proposed as an alternative to intravenous administration with similar efficacy. We present three cases with definite CIDP, classified according to the European Federation of Neurological Societies / Peripheral Nerve, Society (EFNS /PNS) criteria in which was used SCIgG as a treatment after success with the intravenous route. The Overall Neuropathy Limitations Scale (ONLS) was used to estimate the changes in the muscular strength before and after treatment.

Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Immunoglobulins/therapeutic use , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/therapeutic use , Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating/drug therapy , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Treatment Outcome , Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating/diagnosis , Injections, Subcutaneous
Journal of Korean Medical Science ; : 561-567, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58426


Enterovirus 71 frequently involves the central nervous system and may present with a variety of neurologic manifestations. Here, we aimed to describe the clinical features, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiles of patients presenting with neurologic complications of enterovirus 71 infection. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 31 pediatric patients hospitalized with acute neurologic manifestations accompanied by confirmed enterovirus 71 infection at Ulsan University Hospital between 2010 and 2014. The patients' mean age was 2.9 ± 5.5 years (range, 18 days to 12 years), and 80.6% of patients were less than 4 years old. Based on their clinical features, the patients were classified into 4 clinical groups: brainstem encephalitis (n = 21), meningitis (n = 7), encephalitis (n = 2), and acute flaccid paralysis (n = 1). The common neurologic symptoms included myoclonus (58.1%), lethargy (54.8%), irritability (54.8%), vomiting (48.4%), ataxia (38.7%), and tremor (35.5%). Twenty-five patients underwent an MRI scan; of these, 14 (56.0%) revealed the characteristic increased T2 signal intensity in the posterior region of the brainstem and bilateral cerebellar dentate nuclei. Twenty-six of 30 patients (86.7%) showed CSF pleocytosis. Thirty patients (96.8%) recovered completely without any neurologic deficits; one patient (3.2%) died due to pulmonary hemorrhage and shock. In the present study, brainstem encephalitis was the most common neurologic manifestation of enterovirus 71 infection. The characteristic clinical symptoms such as myoclonus, ataxia, and tremor in conjunction with CSF pleocytosis and brainstem lesions on MR images are pathognomonic for diagnosis of neurologic involvement by enterovirus 71 infection.

Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Acute Disease , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Central Nervous System Diseases/etiology , Encephalitis/pathology , Enterovirus A, Human/genetics , Enterovirus Infections/drug therapy , Feces/virology , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Injections, Intravenous , Leukocytes/cytology , Leukocytosis/cerebrospinal fluid , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , RNA, Viral/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Republic of Korea , Retrospective Studies , Seasons
Bogotá; IETS; dic. 2014. 72 p. ilus.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BRISA | ID: biblio-847114


Introducción: La anemia aplásica es una enfermedad poco común que afecta a 2 de cada 1´000.000 de personas anualmente con igual distribución en hombres y mujeres. Se caracteriza por la sustitución del tejido hematopoyético de la medula ósea por grasa causando una pancitopenia periférica, con diferentes niveles de gravedad, originando un síndrome anémico, hemorragias e infecciones graves que pueden llevar a desenlaces fatales de no recibir tratamiento oportuno. La primera opción de tratamiento en pacientes no compatibles para trasplante de progenitores hematopoyeticos es la terapia inmunosupresora. La evidencia actual sugiere la efectividad del tratamiento con inmunoglobulina antitimocítica en los esquemas de tratamiento. Objetivo: Examinar los beneficios y riesgos del uso de la inmunoglobulina antitimocítica en pacientes con anemia aplásica no hereditaria severa a muy severa. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de estudios clinicos incluyendo utilizando las bases de datos MEDLINE (In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations y Daily Update) EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects ­ DARE, LILACS y la revisión de publicaciones obtenidas por otros medios comparando el uso de inmunoglobulina antitimocitica en pacientes con anemia aplasica no hereditaria, no candidatos a trasplante de prognitores hematopoyéticos con otros tratamientos inmunosupresores, considerando los resultados en cuanto a tasa de respuesta, sobrevida, recaída y transformación clonal. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 103 publicaciones, 24 fueron tamizadas para valoración de los criterios de inclusión. Tres cumplieron con estos y se evaluaron con las herramientas de la colaboración Cochrane. Todas las referencias reportaron alto riesgo de sesgo. Un ensayo clinico controlado no reportó diferencias significativas para ninguno de los desenlaces evaluados comparando CTX más CsA frente a ATGr más CsA. Uno de los estudios de cohorte reportó una efectividad de 77.8% y sobrevida a 5 años fue de 74.1%. La segunda cohorte reportó respuesta completa (17.7%), respuesta parcial (37.9%) y tasa de respuesta global (55.6%). La recaida fue de 3.2%, la transformacion clonal 0.8% y la sobrevida a 5 años fue 74.7%. Conclusiones: La evidencia sobre la efectividad y seguridad de la inmunoglobulina antitimocitica es limitada y de baja calidad. Con los hallazgos obtenidos en esta revision no es posible determinar la superioridad de esta tecnología frente a otras opciones de tratamiento disponibles.(AU)

Humans , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Cyclosporine/administration & dosage , Cyclophosphamide/administration & dosage , Danazol/administration & dosage , Anemia, Aplastic/therapy , Antifungal Agents/administration & dosage , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Colombia , Biomedical Technology , Medication Adherence
In. Atik, Edmar; Ramires, José Antônio Franchini; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Cardiopatias congênitas: guia prático de diagnóstico, tratamento e conduta geral. São Paulo, Atheneu, 1; 2014. p.453-472.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-736730
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 43(2): 121-5, 2013 Jun.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1157368


The present study reports the effectiveness of the association of a single dose of hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg) associated to entecavir in the prophylaxis of hepatitis B in patients who have undergone liver transplantation. Six patients that had been transplanted because of hepatitis B liver disease were retrospectively evaluated. Three of them developed non-oncological complications related to liver cirrhosis, two had hepatocellular carcinoma and another one had fulminant HBV hepatitis. The mean follow-up was 22 months (range: 7-52 months). The 6 patients received entecavir as prophylactic treatment before transplantation. The pretransplant viral load was undetectable in all patients. HBsAg seroconversion was observed in four of the six patients. Three patients died during follow-up, two because of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma, none of them had detectable HBV serum viral load. In a small series of patients we could demonstrate that a regimen with a single dose of gamma globulin entecavir is effective in the post-transplant management of patients with liver disease associated with HBV. Future studies will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of specific gamma globulin-free regimens.

Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Liver Cirrhosis/surgery , Guanine/analogs & derivatives , Hepatitis B/prevention & control , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Liver Transplantation , Adult , Argentina , Liver Cirrhosis/virology , Retrospective Studies , Female , Guanine/administration & dosage , Humans , Aged , Male , Middle Aged , Secondary Prevention , Drug Therapy, Combination
Rev. méd. Chile ; 140(1): 78-83, ene. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627611


Infection recurrence rates among hepatitis B virus infected liver allograft recipients, may be as high as 80%. Immunoprophylaxis with anti HBVgammaglobulin may reduce these rates and improve survival. The dose of anti HBV gammaglobulin that must be used is not clearly defined. The most commonly accepted protocol uses 10,000 units during the anhepatic phase and 10,000 units daily during one week, followed by weekly doses of 10,000 units during one month and maintenance with 10,000 units monthly, without measuring anti hepatitis B surface antigen antibodies (antiHBs). Some reports recommend the use of immunoglobulin on demand, to maintain antiHBs titers between 100 and 250 U/l. The infection recurrence rates among patients treated with immunoglobulin and Lamivudine fluctuates between 0 and 10%, during follow up periods of 13 to 30 months. We report three liver allograft recipients that received immunoglobulin on demand, using a mean of41,000 units, maintaining adequate antiHBs titers.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hepatitis B/surgery , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Liver Cirrhosis/prevention & control , Liver Transplantation/methods , Hepatitis B virus/immunology , Hepatitis B/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/surgery , Liver Cirrhosis/virology , Recurrence/prevention & control
Journal of Korean Medical Science ; : 934-938, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159019


The goal of this study was to determine how much the formation of tetanus antibody is influenced after a single injection of tetanus vaccine (Td) and the simultaneous injection of tetanus vaccine with tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG). All of the healthy adult volunteers were divided into two groups: group 1 (Td only) and group 2 (Td plus TIG). Two hundred thirty seven volunteers were enrolled. When the baseline antibody titer, gender and age were adjusted, the geometric mean titers (GMTs) of the tetanus antibody (group 1 vs group 2) was 0.8438 IU/mL vs 0.5684 IU/mL at 4 weeks (P = 0.002), 0.4074 IU/mL vs 0.3217 IU/mL at 6 months (P = 0.072) and 0.3398 IU/mL vs 0.2761 IU/mL at 12 months (P = 0.140) after injection, respectively. The formation of tetanus antibody after tetanus vaccination is not influenced by TIG at the late period and in adults below the age of 50 yr, but there are significant differences between the two groups at the early period of 4 weeks after vaccination and for the patients over 60 yr.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Factors , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Sex Factors , Tetanus/immunology , Tetanus Toxoid/administration & dosage , Time Factors
Rev. venez. oncol ; 23(1): 34-37, ene.-mar. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-594514


Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 66 años de edad, a la que se le diagnóstica anemia hemolítica, la cual fue refractaria al tratamiento y requirió esplenectomía. Además presenta adenomegalias inguinales, cuya biopsia determina infiltración parcial por células linfoides B CD20+, con atipia, y CD30+, con factor de proliferación alto; en médula ósea se constata incremento de linfocitos T. Cuatro meses después, consulta por la aparición de adenopatías inguinales y axilares, de las cuales la biopsia reveló enfermedad de Hodgkin variante esclerosis nodular, y en médula ósea se evidenció infiltración por la enfermedad linfoproliferativa. Si bien es infrecuente la asociación entre anemia hemolítica y linfoma Hodgkin, debe tenerse en cuenta para llegar a la búsqueda oportuna de su causa y al diagnóstico de un probable proceso linfoproliferativo subyacente.

In this work we report and study a case of 66 year old woman, whit diagnosis of hemolytic anemia, which was refractory to treatment and she required splenectomy. The patient presented inguinal lymphadenopathy which biopsy has determined a partial infiltration of B-cells CD20+ and CD30+ with atypia and high growth factor. The bone marrow biopsy informed an increased number of T lymphocytes. Four month later, the patient complained due to the appearance of inguinal and axillaries lymph nodes, which biopsy revealed a nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma. The bone marrow biopsy showed infiltration by lymphoproliferative disease. Although the association between hemolytic anemia and Hodgkin lymphoma is less frequent, this fact should be taken into account in searching its cause and reaching the diagnosis of a probable underlying lymphoproliferative process.

Humans , Female , Aged , Anemia, Hemolytic/pathology , Anemia, Hemolytic/therapy , Asthenia/diagnosis , Cyclophosphamide/administration & dosage , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Hodgkin Disease/pathology , Influenza, Human/diagnosis , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Biopsy/methods , Sclerosis/physiopathology , Splenomegaly/etiology , Hematopoiesis, Extramedullary
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139179


Background. Rabies immunoglobulins are life-saving in patients with severe exposure to rabies. Despite the high degree of purification of equine rabies immunoglobulin (ERIG), the product inserts still recommend a skin sensitivity test before administration of this heterologous serum. A recent WHO recommendation states that there are no scientific grounds for performing a skin test before administering ERIG because testing does not predict reactions and it should be given irrespective of the result of the test. In this conflicting situation, we assessed the use of the skin sensitivity test in predicting adverse events to ERIG. Methods. The data analysed were from the Antirabies Clinic of the Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Bengaluru, India. The period of study was 26 months (June 2008–July 2010). The skin sensitivity test was validated by evaluating its sensitivity, specificity, predictability, falsepositive and false-negative results. Results. A total of 51 (2.6%) adverse events were reported in 31 (1.5%) subjects. Most of these were mild to moderate in nature and subsided without medication. There was no serious adverse event. The sensitivity and specificity of the skin sensitivity test to predict an adverse event was 41.9% and 73.9%, respectively. Conclusion. Our experience with the skin sensitivity test suggests that it may not be required before administering ERIGs, as recommended by WHO.

Animals , Drug Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Drug Hypersensitivity/immunology , Horses , Humans , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Immunoglobulins/adverse effects , Predictive Value of Tests , Rabies/immunology , Rabies/prevention & control , Rabies Vaccines/administration & dosage , Rabies Vaccines/adverse effects , Rabies virus/immunology , Sensitivity and Specificity , Skin Tests
Arq. gastroenterol ; 46(1): 57-61, jan.-mar. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-513856


CONTEXTO: A transmissão vertical é responsável por 35 por cento a 40 por cento dos novos casos de hepatite B no mundo e a infecção precoce pelo vírus da hepatite B aumenta o risco de evolução para a hepatite crônica, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. OBJETIVO: Determinar o conhecimento dos obstetras sobre as práticas para o diagnóstico da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B em gestantes e as condutas para a prevenção desta infecção em recém-nascidos de mães infectadas. MÉTODOS: Foram sorteados aleatoriamente profissionais de saúde cadastrados na Sociedade de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da Bahia, que foram convidados a responder um questionário anônimo com informações sobre sua formação acadêmica, o local de trabalho, o contato com estudantes e as suas práticas profissionais em relação ao vírus da hepatite B. Adotou-se como critério de exclusão o não exercício atual da obstetrícia e a não residência na Bahia. A análise dos dados foi feita através do programa estatístico Epiinfo e para análise das correlações foi adotado intervalo de confiança de 95 por cento. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 301 obstetras, dos quais 90,3 por cento reconheciam a transmissibilidade vertical do vírus da hepatite B e 81,7 por cento solicitavam algum exame para detecção de hepatite B durante o pré-natal de suas pacientes. Sessenta e seis por cento dos médicos entrevistados referiram o AgHBs como o marcador sorológico mais adequado para avaliar a presença de infecção pelo VHB. Apenas 13,0 por cento destes profissionais indicavam de modo sistemático a vacina contra a hepatite B e a administração de imunoglobulina nas primeiras 12 horas de vida do recém-nascido de mães infectadas. O número de respostas corretas quanto à transmissibilidade vertical do VHB, ao marcador sorológico mais adequado e à conduta para o recém-nascido de mãe infectada foi maior entre os obstetras que possuíam o Título de Especialista em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia que entre os demais profissionais...

CONTEXT: Vertical transmission is responsible for 35 percent-40 percent of the new cases of hepatitis B worldwide and it is associated with an increased risk of chronic hepatitis B, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. OBJECTIVE: To describe obstetricians' knowledge on the recommended measures to the diagnosis of the infection by the hepatitis virus B in pregnant women and to prevent the transmission of this infection to the babies of infected mothers. METHODS: Obstetricians registered at the "Sociedade de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Bahia", Salvador, BA, Brazil were randomly selected and invited to answer a questionnaire with questions regarding their academic formation, workplace, contact with medical students and their practices about the hepatitis virus B. Individuals who were not currently working as obstetricians or were not living in the state of Bahia were excluded from the study. Data were analyzed with the EpiInfo software with a 95 percent confidence interval. RESULTS: Three hundred and one obstetricians answered the questionnaire: 90.3 percent of them recognized that the hepatitis virus B could be transmitted vertically and 81.7 percent routinely screened their patients for hepatitis virus B infection during prenatal consultations; 66.0 percent considered HBsAg the best serological marker to be employed on the screening. Only 13.0 percent systematically recommended the vaccination against hepatitis virus B and the administration of immunoglobulin to the newborns of infected mothers in the first 12 hours of life. The frequency of correct answers about the vertical transmission of hepatitis virus B, the best serological marker for screening and the management of infected mothers and their newborns was higher among professionals who had the "Título de Especialista em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (TEGO)" than among the remaining ones (P = 0.018, P = 0.001 and P = 0,002, respectively). CONCLUSION: We observed that the knowledge...

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Clinical Competence , Hepatitis B/transmission , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Obstetrics , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Hepatitis B Vaccines/administration & dosage , Hepatitis B/diagnosis , Hepatitis B/prevention & control , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/prevention & control , Prenatal Diagnosis , Professional Practice , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/prevention & control
Indian J Public Health ; 2008 Jul-Sep; 52(3): 150-2
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-109509


A hospital-based retrospective study on a sample of 228 nurses involved in patient care, in two medical college hospitals of West Bengal, showed that 61.4% of them sustained at least one Needle Stick Injury (NSI) in last 12 months. The risk of such injuries per 1000 nurses per year was found to be 3,280. Out of the most recent injuries among 140 nurses, 92.9% remained unreported to appropriate authorities; in 52.9% events hand gloves were worn by the nurses; only 5% of those nurses received hepatitis B vaccine, 2.1% hepatitis B immunoglobulin and none of them received post exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Documentation/statistics & numerical data , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Hepatitis B/prevention & control , Hepatitis B Vaccines/administration & dosage , Hospitals, University/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , India/epidemiology , Needlestick Injuries/epidemiology , Nurses/statistics & numerical data , Patient Care/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine ; : 161-164, 2008.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-181610


The outcomes of the treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) have been shown to be improved by the administration of plasma exchange. However, treatment options are currently limited for cases refractory to plasma exchange. The autoantibodies that block the activity of ADAMTS13 have been demonstrated to play a role in the pathogenesis of TTP; therefore, high-dose immunoglobulin, which can neutralize these autoantibodies, may be useful for refractory TTP. However, successful treatment with high-dose immunoglobulin for TTP refractory to plasma exchange and corticosteroids has yet to be reported in Korea. Herein, we describe a refractory case which was treated successfully with high-dose immunoglobulin. A 29-year-old male diagnosed with TTP failed to improve after plasma exchange coupled with additional high-dose corticosteroid therapy. As a salvage treatment, we initiated a 7-day regimen of high-dose immunoglobulin (400 mg/kg) infusions, which resulted in a complete remission, lasting up to the last follow-up at 18 months. High-dose immunoglobulin may prove to be a useful treatment for patients refractory to plasma exchange; it may also facilitate recovery and reduce the need for plasma exchange.

Adult , Humans , Male , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Plasma Exchange , Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic/drug therapy , Recurrence/prevention & control , Salvage Therapy , Treatment Failure
Indian J Public Health ; 2007 Apr-Jun; 51(2): 91-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-109145


OBJECTIVES: The present study was undertaken to standardize skin testing and to develop a safe and effective premedication protocol for administration of ERIG in those with skin test positivity/hypersensitivity. METHODS: A method of grading of skin testing was developed using injection histamine as a positive control. This was evaluated by using it on 517 subjects who had severe (WHO category III) exposure to rabies. A premedication protocol consisting of injections pheniramine, ranitidine, hydrocortisone and adrenaline was evaluated by using it on fifty one subjects who were skin test positive/hypersensitive to ERIG. RESULTS: The premedication protocol was safe and effective as all the S1 subjects could be administered the full dose of ERIG despite being skin test positive/hypersensitive to ERIG. Besides the premedication drugs/protocol did not affect the immune response to vaccine and ERIG therapy.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Animals , Child , Child, Preschool , Clinical Protocols , Drug Hypersensitivity/complications , Female , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Histamine H1 Antagonists/therapeutic use , Horses , Humans , Immunoglobulins/administration & dosage , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Intradermal Tests , Male , Middle Aged , Premedication , Rabies/complications , Rabies Vaccines/administration & dosage , Ranitidine/therapeutic use