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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353116


Nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear e diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear: a respeito de um caso RELATO DE CASOMaria Isabel Muniz Zemero1, Maria Amélia Lopes dos Santos1, Alena Margareth Darwich Mendes1, Carla Andrea Avelar Pires1,O nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear (NEVIL) é uma variedade clínica rara de nevo epidérmico verrucoso, que se manifesta no início da infância, como lesões inflamatórias de superfície ceratósica, que coalescem e se distribuem em faixa, acompanhando as linhas de Blaschko. Faz diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear, sendo difícil a diferenciação, dado os aspectos clínicos e histopatológicos comuns aos dois, enfantizando-se a necessidade de conhecer as características específicas de cada um. O objetivo deste relato é demonstrar uma afecção relativamente rara, descrita em uma menina de 5 anos, evoluindo desde os primeiros dias de vida com placas papuloceratósicas dispostas linearmente, acompanhadas de sinais inflamatórios e áreas erosadas ocupando grandes lábios, períneo e face interna e superior da coxa esquerda. Também pápulas e placas ceratósicas na região cervical posterior e borda lateral externa da planta do pé esquerdo, ascendendo ao longo da região posterior deste membro. Os critérios clínicos e histopatológicos corroboram o diagnóstico de NEVIL na diferenciação com a psoríase linear, ressaltando a importância do estabelecimento de critérios/ ferramentas que auxiliem na diferenciação destas duas dermatoses visando agilizar o diagnóstico, otimizar o tratamento e minimizar o desconforto para esses pacientes. O acompanhamento a longo prazo dos portadores é sugerido pela possibilidade ainda que mínima de malignização do NEVIL. (AU)

Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and differential diagnosis with linear psoriasis: about a caseCASE REPORTMaria Isabel Muniz Zemero1, Maria Amélia Lopes dos Santos1, Alena Margareth Darwich Mendes1, Carla Andrea Avelar Pires1,Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN) is a rare clinical variety of verrucous epidermal nevus that manifests in early childhood as inflammatory lesions of keratosis surface, which coalesce and spread in band, following Blaschko lines. It makes a differential diagnosis with Linear Psoriasis; it is difficult to differentiate them given the clinical and histopathological aspects common to both, emphasizing the need to know the specific characteristics of each. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate a relatively rare affection, expressed in a 5-year-old girl, evolving from the first days of life with papulokeratosic plaques arranged linearly, followed by inflammatory signs and eroded areas, placed linearly, overtaking labia majora, perineum, the inner and upper face of the left thigh. Also, the patient showed keratotic papules and plaques in the posterior cervical region and external lateral border of the left foot plant, ascending along the posterior region of this limb. The clinical and histopathological criteria corroborate the diagnosis of ILVEN in differentiation with linear psoriasis, emphasizing the importance of establishing criteria/instruments to assist in distinguishing these two dermatoses in order to expedite the diagnosis, to optimize the treatment and minimize patients' discomfort. Long-term follow-up of patients with this disease is suggested due to the possibility, albeit minimal, of ILVEN malignancy. (AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Psoriasis , Skin Diseases , Diagnosis, Differential , Ectromelia , Nevus, Sebaceous of Jadassohn/diagnosis , Genitalia/pathology , Keratosis
Dermatol. argent ; 27(4): 152-154, oct. - dic. 2021. il, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1381709


El hemangioma elastótico adquirido (HEA) es una patología vascular benigna, poco frecuente y de reciente descripción. Se presenta en individuos de entre 50 y 82 años, con una incidencia similar entre hombres y mujeres. Desde su primera descripción, en 2002, solo se publicaron 50 casos. Comunicamos 2 casos de hemangioma elastótico adquirido observados en nuestro Servicio de Dermatología a los efectos de contribuir con la caracterización de esta entidad.

Acquired elastotic hemangioma (AHE) represents a rare, benign vascular pathology of recent description. It occurs in individuals between 50 and 82 years old, with a similar incidence in men and women. It was initially described in 2002, since then only 50 cases have been published. We report two cases of elastotic hemangioma observed in our Dermatology Department in order to contribute to the characterization of this entity.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Dermoscopy , Keratosis/diagnosis
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 53(3): 165-172, 20201201.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178011


La epidermodisplasia verruciforme es una genodermatosis precancerosa de tipo autosómica recesiva, infrecuente, de distribución mundial. Los portadores de esta enfermedad presentan una inmunodepresión celular selectiva contra determinados tipos de virus papiloma humano, sobre todo con los genotipos 5 y 8, desarrollando desde edades tempranas de la vida lesiones semejantes a pitiriasis versicolor, verrugas planas y queratosis seborreicas, muy extendidas, crónicas y refractarias al tratamiento. Es habitual la aparición de carcinomas escamosos múltiples, especialmente en el contexto de cofactores carcinogénicos como el sol. Presentamos a un paciente con diagnóstico de epidermodisplasia verruciforme, que evidenciaba lesiones tipo verrugas planas, queratosis seborreicas y carcinoma escamoso, la cual fue tratada con excéresis con margen de seguridad y reconstrucción con injerto de piel parcial y colocación de sistema de aspiración sellada al vacío con buena evolución.

Verruciform epidermodysplasia is a rare, autosomal recessive precancerous genodermatosis with a worldwide distribution. Carriers of this disease present a selective cellular immunosuppression against certain types of human papilloma virus, especially with genotypes 5 and 8, developing from early ages of life lesions similar to pityriasis versicolor, flat warts and seborrheic keratoses, very widespread, chronic and refractory to treatment. Multiple squamous cell carcinomas are common, especially in the context of carcinogenic cofactors such as the sun. We present a patient with a diagnosis of verruciform epidermodysplasia, who evidenced flat wart-like lesions, seborrheic keratoses and squamous carcinoma, which was treated with excision with a margin of safety and reconstruction with partial skin graft and placement of a vacuum-sealed aspiration system with good evolution.

Papillomaviridae , Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Skin Transplantation , Keratosis , Viruses , Disease , Diagnosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811447


Intermetatarsal coalition (IC) is very rare; although few cases have been reported in foreign orthopedic journals, these have not originated in our country. We report the case of a 20-year-old man who complained of pain in the left forefoot only during long distance running (3 km). On examination, his foot shape, skin appearance, and gait were normal, with no plantar keratosis; however, the radiograph revealed coalition between the fourth and fifth metatarsals. Surgical excision was performed. In the histopathologic study, fibrous coalition was confirmed. This paper reports an uncommon case involving surgical excision of IC in the military service, involving active sport activity.

Humans , Young Adult , Foot , Gait , Keratosis , Metatarsal Bones , Military Personnel , Orthopedics , Running , Skin , Sports , Synostosis
Med. lab ; 24(4): 333-343, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283911


La paquioniquia congénita es una rara genodermatosis de herencia autosómica dominante, que produce alteración de la queratinización a nivel de piel, uñas y mucosas. El primer caso fue descrito por Jadassohn y Lewandowsky en 1906, y actualmente afecta a miles de personas en el mundo. El Registro Internacional de Investigación de Paquioniquia Congénita (IPCRR, del inglés, International PC Research Registry) ha identificado a nivel mundial hasta enero de 2020, 977 individuos en 517 familias con paquioniquia congénita, confirmadas genéticamente. Esta condición es considerada en nuestro país como una enfermedad huérfana, y previamente solo hay un reporte en la literatura de un caso en 2009. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 23 años de edad procedente del área rural del municipio de Timbío, Colombia, con historia clínica de distrofia ungueal hipertrófica en todas las uñas de manos y pies, queratodermia palmoplantar y dolor plantar moderado a severo. Además, presentaba leucoqueratosis oral, hiperqueratosis folicular en muslos e hiperhidrosis palmoplantar. No presentaba quistes foliculares ni antecedente de dientes natales. Sus manifestaciones clínicas se catalogaron como propias de la paquioniquia congénita tipo I. Sumado a lo anterior, se identificaron características clínicas similares en otros miembros de la familia en tres generaciones, incluidos un hermano, la madre y la abuela materna, lo cual evidenció un patrón de herencia propio de esta enfermedad.

Pachyonychia congenita is a rare genodermatosis of autosomal dominant inheritance pattern that affects keratinization at the level of skin, nails and mucous membranes. The first case was described by Jadassohn and Lewandowsky in 1906 and it affects thousands of people around the world. The International Pachyonychia Congenita Research Registry (IPCRR) has identified until January 2020, worldwide, 977 individuals in 517 families with pachyonychia congenita genetically confirmed. This condition is considered in our country as an orphan disease and there has only been one previous case report in 2009. We present a case of a 23-year old male patient from the rural area of Timbio, Colombia, with a history of hypertrophic nail dystrophy in all nails and toenails, palmoplantar keratoderma and moderate plantar pain. In addition, he presented oral leucokeratosis, follicular hyperkeratosis in the thighs, and palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. No follicular cysts were present nor history of natal teeth. Clinical manifestations were classified as typical of congenital pachyonychia type I. Furthermore, similar clinical manifestations were identified in other family members from three generations, including his brother, mother and maternal grandmother, a characteristic inheritance pattern of this illness.

Humans , Leukokeratosis, Hereditary Mucosal , Keratosis , Nails, Malformed
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 35(2): 68-71, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103484


La acroqueratoelastoidosis de Costa es una genodermatosis rara, caracterizada por la presencia de múltiples pápulas queratósicas, pequeñas y firmes, en los márgenes laterales de palmas y plantas. Es-tas lesiones estacionarias y asintomáticas aparecen generalmente en la pubertad. Se desconoce su prevalencia. Es de herencia autosómica dominante con expresividad variable. La histología combina hiperqueratosis y acantosis, sin embargo, el hallazgo más importante es la elastorrexis. No se aconseja tratamiento en la mayoría de los pacienes. Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 61 años, sin antecedentes familiares de esta condición, que consulta por aparición en la adolescencia de lesiones hiperqueratósicas asintomáticas en márgenes laterales de ambas manos y lesiones similares en ambos pabellones auriculares.

Acrokeratoelastoidosis is a rare genodermatosis, characterized by the presence of multiple kerato-tic papules, small and firm, on the lateral margins of palms and soles. These stationary and asymptomatic lesions usually appear at puberty. Its pre-valence is unknown. It is of autosomal dominant inheritance with variable expressivity. Histology combines hyperkeratosis and acanthosis, howe-ver, the most important finding is elastorhexis. Treatment is not advised in most patients. We report the case of a 61-year-old female patient, with no family history of this condition, who consulted for appearance in adolescence of as-ymptomatic hyperkeratotic lesions in the lateral margins of both hands and similar lesions in both auricular pavilions.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Skin Diseases/pathology , Keratosis/pathology , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Ear Auricle , Keratosis/diagnosis
Dermatol. pediátr. latinoam. (En línea) ; 13(2): 90-105, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-982663


La paquioniquia congenital (PC) es una genodermatosis poco frecuente, caracterizada por presentar queratodermia palmoplantar dolorosa y debilitante, uñas hipertróficas, hiperqueratosis folicular, quistes epidérmicos, leucoqueratosis oral y ocasionalmente hiperhidrosis, ronquera y dientes natales. Está asociada a mutaciones heterocigotas en los genes que codifican queratinas 6a, 6b, 6c, 16 y 17. Se presenta una familia con dos miembros en dos generaciones afectados por PC: un niño de 2 años de edad con alteración de la coloración, hiperqueratosis de las 20 uñas, con dolor periungueal, múltiples pápulas foliculares color piel en tronco y dientes natales y su madre, con alteración del esmalte dentario, distrofia hipertrófica de las 20 uñas, cromoniquia, queratodermia plantar dolorosa y múltiples esteatocistomas de distribución generalizada.En ambos, se realizó el diagnóstico molecular por secuenciación masiva de exoma clínico, el cual confirmó el diagnóstico clínico y permitió determinar inequívocamente el tipo de PC en el niño, motivo de ésta presentación.

Pachyonychia congenital (PC) is a rare genodermatosis characterized by painful palmoplantar keratoderma, hypertrophic nail dystrophy, follicular hyperkeratosis, epidermal cysts, oral leukokeratosis and, less commonly, palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, hoarseness and natal teeth. PC is caused by mutations in keratin 6a, 6b, 6c, 16 and 17 genes. We report a family with two members in two generations affected by PC: a two-year old boy, presenting abnormal pigmentation and hyperkeratosis of the 20 nails, perionychium pain, multiple skin-colored follicular papules on the trunk and natal teeth. His mother has dental enamel defects, hypertrophic dystrophy of the fingernails and toenails, chromonychia, painful plantar keratoderma and generalized steatocystoma multiplex. We performed the molecular diagnosis by clinical exome massive sequencing which allowed us to confirm the clinical diagnosis and to determine the specific type of PC in our patient.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Adult , Keratosis , Pachyonychia Congenita , Steatocystoma Multiplex , Onychomycosis
An. bras. dermatol ; 93(1): 126-128, Jan.-Feb. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887167


Abstract: Acquired fibrokeratoma is a rare benign skin tumor that usually manifests as a slow-growing solitary nodular lesion of the digits. We report a case of plantar acquired fibrokeratoma evidencing its atypical size and topography, in addition to the treatment with simple surgical excision followed by healing by second intention. Nondigital fibrokeratomas may occur in 18% of cases and rarely affect the palmoplantar region. These lesions are usually asymptomatic and show ≥ 3cm in size at the time of diagnosis due to delayed diagnosis. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice, which is usually curative. In general, primary closure is chosen; however healing by second intention becomes an option in regions of difficult approach.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasms, Fibroepithelial/surgery , Foot Diseases/surgery , Keratosis/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Neoplasms, Fibroepithelial/pathology , Wound Closure Techniques , Foot Diseases/pathology , Keratosis/pathology
Journal of Breast Disease ; (2): 79-83, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718900


Cowden syndrome (CS), also known as multiple hamartomas syndrome, is a rare hereditary autosomal dominant disorder caused by a germline mutation in the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene mapped on chromosome 10. The clinical features of CS are variable, primarily presenting as mucocutaneous lesions (99%). A mucocutaneous lesion, such as trichilemmoma of the face or keratosis of the extremities, is an important diagnostic marker for CS. CS has been reported to increase the incidence of benign and malignant neoplasms in the breast, thyroid, and gastrointestinal tract. The risk of developing malignancy in individuals with CS is up to 10 times higher than general population throughout an entire life time.

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10 , Extremities , Gastrointestinal Tract , Germ-Line Mutation , Hamartoma , Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple , Incidence , Keratosis , Thyroid Gland
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(6): 867-869, Nov.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887117


Abstract: Piccardi-Lassueur-Graham-Little syndrome is a rare entity characterized by progressive scarring alopecia of the scalp and keratotic papules on hairless skin, associated with non-scarring alopecia in the axilla and pubic area or lichen planus lesions. We describe the case of a 70-year-old woman who presented a Piccardi-Lasseur-Graham-Little syndrome, along with frontal fibrosing alopecia.

Humans , Female , Aged , Scalp/pathology , Cicatrix/pathology , Alopecia/pathology , Syndrome , Biopsy , Fibrosis , Dermoscopy , Keratosis/pathology , Lichen Planus/pathology , Mouth Mucosa/pathology
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(6): 879-881, Nov.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038259


Abstract: Pellagra is a nutritional disease caused by a deficiency of niacin. It may lead to death if not identified and treated timely. We review the literature and report a female patient presented with clinical features of pellagra as a complication of Crohn's disease.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pellagra/etiology , Crohn Disease/complications , Pellagra/pathology , Pellagra/drug therapy , Skin/pathology , Biopsy , Crohn Disease/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Keratosis/etiology , Keratosis/pathology , Keratosis/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-67446


Milia are benign primary or secondary keratinous cysts. Multiple eruptive milia (MEM) and milia en plaque (MEP) are rarely reported. A 21-year-old male presented with multiple skin-colored papules on the abdomen and both acral regions, and erythematous plaques featuring similar papules on the wrist and the dorsa of the feet. A biopsy confirmed MEP and he was diagnosed with both MEM and MEP. We thus report a rare case of simultaneous MEM and MEP.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Abdomen , Biopsy , Foot , Keratosis , Skin Diseases , Wrist
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-107244


A 53-year-old Korean woman with known history of psoriasis and treatment with ustekinumab over 16 months, presented with a nontender erythematous plaque with oozing noted on her left sole. Histopathologic examination of the lesion confirmed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Although use of ustekinumab was considered a possible risk factor for the development of SCC, administration of ustekinumab was continued per her request following an operation for removal of the SCC. And 19 months later, newly developed multiple hyperkeratotic papules on her soles were diagnosed as arsenic keratosis based on her past history of consumption of Chinese traditional herbal medicine. I concluded that SCC in this patient was not caused by ustekinumab, but was associated with arsenic keratosis. This case emphasizes that screening for risk factors associated with skin malignancies, such as exposure to arsenic or presence of arsenic keratosis, should be performed prior to using biologics in Korean psoriasis patients.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Arsenic , Asian People , Biological Products , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Epithelial Cells , Herbal Medicine , Keratosis , Mass Screening , Psoriasis , Risk Factors , Skin , Ustekinumab
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(5,supl.1): 142-144, 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887094


Abstract The coiled and dotted vessels in a serpiginous arrangement or "string of pearls" is considered a classical vascular pattern associated with clear cell acanthoma. We present three cases of epidermal tumors different from clear cell acanthoma that have the same "string of pearls" vascular pattern. Even though most authors keep considering the "string of pearls" vascular pattern an almost pathognomonic sign of clear-cell acanthoma, the cases presented here suggest that some other epidermal tumors can also show this pattern.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Keratosis, Seborrheic/pathology , Keratosis/pathology , Lichen Planus/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Acanthoma/pathology , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential , Epidermis/pathology
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(5,supl.1): 34-36, 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887060


Abstract: Bullous pemphigoid is a blistering autoimmune disease characterized by two hemidesmosomal proteins (anti-BP180 and 230). Pemphigus, by contrast, is characterized by two autoantibodies (anti-desmoglein 1 and 3). Coexistence of autoantibodies of bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus in a patient is rare. A 25-year-old male patient was admitted to our hospital, reporting a 3-month history of multiple papules, vesicles, and erosions over an extensive erythema on the entire body. Laboratory tests showed high levels of serum IgE, anti-BP180 antibodies, and anti-desmoglein 1 and 3. Histopathologic and immunopathologic features were characterized by bullous pemphigoid. No improvement was seen with systemic corticosteroid therapy, however, pulse corticosteriod therapy combined with methylprednisolone, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, and plasmapheresis led to the recovery of his condition with numerous milia.

Humans , Male , Adult , Immunoglobulin E/blood , Pemphigoid, Bullous/immunology , Pemphigoid, Bullous/pathology , Desmogleins/immunology , Keratosis/immunology , Keratosis/pathology , Skin/pathology , Autoantibodies/blood , Autoantigens/blood , Biopsy , Methylprednisolone/therapeutic use , Pemphigoid, Bullous/drug therapy , Non-Fibrillar Collagens/blood , Pressure Ulcer/pathology , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Keratosis/drug therapy
An. bras. dermatol ; 91(5,supl.1): 20-22, Sept.-Oct. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-837960


Abstract We describe a fifty-six-year old, Afro-descendent female patient showing dystrophy of her twenty nails and hyperchromic, asymptomatic macule on her face. Histopathological examination of the macule showed vacuolization of the basal layer, melanophages in the superficial dermis and lymphoplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate. Nail biopsy revealed orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis and lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate. Lichen planus pigmentosus is an uncommon variety of lichen planus. It is characterized by typical hyperpigmented macules on the face and neck. Nail changes might be present in 10% of lichen planus cases, but no associations with lichen planus pigmentosus have been described. We report a case of lichen planus in twenty nails associated with lichen planus pigmentosus on the patient's face.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Hyperpigmentation/complications , Hyperpigmentation/pathology , Lichen Planus/complications , Lichen Planus/pathology , Nail Diseases , Biopsy , Epidermis/pathology , Facial Dermatoses/pathology , Keratosis/pathology , Nails/pathology