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Edumecentro ; 14: e2085, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404630


RESUMEN Fundamento: las series histoembriológicas coleccionadas en las embriotecas devienen en importante medio visual en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Embriología por el alto potencial didáctico de sus imágenes. Su uso docente requiere orientaciones metodológicas para adecuarse de manera racional y eficiente a los diferentes contextos, niveles y formas organizativas. Objetivo: elaborar orientaciones metodológicas para el uso docente de una embrioteca humana. Métodos: se recurrió a la sistematización de experiencias teóricas y prácticas. Según etapas se definieron muestras, contextos, instrumentos, técnicas, categorías, subcategorías, regularidades, aportes y lecciones aprendidas. Se emplearon métodos y técnicas cualitativas: entrevista semiestructurada, observación, grupos focales, registro de sistematización, técnica de triangulación de fuentes documentales y metodológicas, valoración por especialistas; además del método matemático-estadísticos. Resultados: se confirmó la pertinencia de la embrioteca humana como medio de enseñanza, para lo cual se requieren orientaciones metodológicas; estas fueron elaboradas con enfoque general y específico para contenidos de Embriología en el plan de estudio de la carrera y programa de la especialidad. Se acompañan de 114 imágenes originales a través de las cuales los autores sugieren cómo trabajar didácticamente con este medio. Conclusiones: la sistematización teórica y práctica de la experiencia acumulada en el uso docente de la embrioteca humana permitió elaborar un manual electrónico donde se orienta el trabajo metodológico en los diferentes contextos, niveles y formas organizativas docentes de la Embriología como materia de estudio. Según los especialistas cumple los criterios de rigor: credibilidad, transferencia, dependencia y confirmabilidad.

ABSTRACT Background: the histo-embryological series collected in the embryo libraries become an important visual aid in the teaching-learning process of Embryology due to the high didactic potential of their images. Its teaching use requires methodological orientations to adapt rationally and efficiently to the different contexts, levels and organizational forms. Objective: to develop methodological guidelines for the educational use of a human embryo library. Methods: the systematization of theoretical and practical experiences was used. Samples, contexts, instruments, techniques, categories, subcategories, regularities, contributions and lessons learned were defined according to stages. Qualitative methods and techniques were used: semi-structured interview, observation, focal groups, systematization record, and comparison of sources technique of documentary and methodological sources, evaluation by specialists; in addition to the mathematical-statistical method. Results: the relevance of the human embryo library as a teaching aid was confirmed, for which methodological guidelines are required; these were elaborated with a general and specific focus for Embryology contents in the study plan of the degree and program of the specialty. They are accompanied by 114 original images through which the authors suggest how to work didactically with this aid. Conclusions: the theoretical and practical systematization of the accumulated experience in the educational use of the human embryo library allowed the elaboration of an electronic manual where the methodological work is oriented in the different contexts, levels and educational organizational forms of Embryology as a subject of study. According to specialists, it meets the rigorous criteria: credibility, transfer, dependency and confirmability.

Embryology , Lamins , Education, Medical
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 24(2, cont.): e2404, jul-dez. 2021. tab, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1352309


O tomateiro é uma das hortaliças de maior importância econômica a nível mundial. No entanto, sua produção pode ser limitada por diversos fatores, sendo o manejo da água o principal fator limitante. Dessa forma, o uso de tecnologias que melhorem a eficiência no uso da água é de extrema importância, destacando-se entre estas o uso de hidrogel. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se nesse trabalho avaliar as taxas de crescimento e produção do tomateiro sob lâminas de irrigação e volumes de hidrogel. O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 3x4, em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, sendo os fatores: três volumes de hidrogel previamente hidratado (0, 50 e 100 ml por planta); e 4 lâminas de irrigação (40, 60, 80 e 100% da evapotranspiração da cultura). Foram avaliadas as taxas de crescimento absoluto e relativo da altura de planta e diâmetro do caule, massa média dos frutos e a produtividade por planta. Os resultados evidenciaram que a redução das lâminas de irrigação levou a redução linear das taxas de crescimento absolutas e relativas de altura e diâmetro. Perante essas mesmas condições, também houve redução da massa média dos frutos e da produtividade por planta. O uso de hidrogel não afetou nenhuma das características avaliadas, dessa forma, recomenda-se a sua não utilização nas condições desse estudo. Indica-se a utilização da lâmina de reposição de 100% da ETc.(AU)

Tomato is one of the most economically relevant vegetables worldwide. However, its production can be limited by several factors, with water management being the main limiting factor. Thus, the use of technologies that improve efficiency in the use of water are extremely important, with emphasis on the use of hydrogel. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and production rates of tomato under irrigation depths and hydrogel volumes. The experiment was carried out in a 3x4 factorial scheme, in randomized blocks with four replications, with the following factors: three volumes of previously hydrated hydrogel (0, 50 and 100 ml per plant); and 4 irrigation depths (40, 60, 80 and 100% evapotranspiration of the crop). The absolute and relative growth rates of plant height and stem diameter, average fruit mass, and productivity per plant were evaluated. The results showed that the reduction of irrigation depths led to a linear reduction in absolute and relative growth rates in both height and diameter. Under these same conditions, there was also a reduction in the average fruit mass and productivity per plant. The use of hydrogel did not affect any of the evaluated characteristics; therefore, it is recommended not to use it under the conditions of this study. It is recommended to use the 100% ETc replacement blade.(AU)

El tomate es una de las hortalizas de mayor importancia económica a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, su producción puede verse limitada por varios factores, siendo la gestión del agua el principal factor limitante. Por ello, el uso de tecnologías que mejoren la eficiencia en el uso del agua es de suma importancia, con énfasis en el uso de hidrogel. En ese sentido, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las tasas de crecimiento y producción de tomate en láminas de riego y volúmenes de hidrogel. El experimento se realizó en un esquema factorial 3x4, en bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones, siendo los factores: tres volúmenes de hidrogel previamente hidratado (0, 50 y 100 ml por planta); y 4 láminas de riego (40, 60, 80 y 100% evapotranspiración del cultivo). Se evaluaron las tasas de crecimiento absoluto y relativo de la altura de la planta y el diámetro del tallo, la masa promedio de frutos y la productividad por planta. Los resultados mostraron que la reducción de las láminas de riego condujo a una reducción lineal en las tasas de crecimiento absoluto y relativo en altura y diámetro. En estas mismas condiciones, también se redujo la masa media de frutos y de la productividad por planta. El uso de hidrogel no afectó ninguna de las características evaluadas, por lo que se recomienda no utilizarlo en las condiciones de ese estudio. Se recomienda utilizar la lámina de repuesto del 100% del ETc.(AU)

Solanum lycopersicum/growth & development , Hydrogels , Lamins/analysis , Agricultural Irrigation , Technology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880612


Changes in nuclear morphology are common in malignant tumors, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Lamins is involved in supporting nuclear structure, and the expression of Lamins is the molecular basis for nuclear morphological changes during tumor progression. In recent years, the research on the relationship between Lamins and malignant tumors has made great progress. Lamins is of great value in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of various malignant tumors.

Humans , Cell Nucleus , Lamins/genetics , Neoplasms/genetics , Prognosis
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 20(1): 10-16, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791247


Objetivo: Evaluar el uso de base líquida de manera rutinaria para muestras no ginecológicas en nuestro laboratorio mediante una verificación de la validación y comparación de características morfológicas y la concordancia diagnóstica entre dos técnicas: citología convencional por citocentrífugado (CS) y citología de base líquida SurePathTM (CBL). Metodología: Consecutivamente se procesaron un total de 109 muestras no ginecológicas por las dos técnicas, usando una sola muestra dividida, la mitad de la muestra para cada técnica. Todas las láminas fueron revisadas por el mismo citopatólogo evaluando: celularidad, preservación, presencia de elementos que oscurecen (inflamación, hemorragia, moco, otros) y presencia de grupos de diagnóstico para cada categoría de diagnóstico final. Retrospectivamente se realizó una evaluación de conformidad con la biopsia de seguimiento cuando estaba disponible. Resultados: Se observó una concordancia buena por categoría diagnóstica en el 84% de las muestras, con un índice Kappa bueno (0,65). La proporción en categorías: negativo, atípicos y positivas fue del 69%, 18% y 11% para citología de base líquida y el 83%, 7% y 9% para citología convencional por citocentrífugado. Conclusión: La citología de base líquida es una técnica equiparable a la citología convencional por citocentrífugado (concordancia diagnóstica buena, índice kappa 0,6) y es superior en calidad ya que presenta una preservación inmediata de la muestra, un fondo limpio y menos elementos que oscurecen permitiendo un mejor examen morfológico.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the routine use of liquid based cytology for non-gynecologic specimens in our laboratory, comparing morphological characteristics and diagnostic agreement between the two techniques: conventional cytology cytospin, and SurePath liquid-based cytology. Study design: A total of 109 consecutive non-gynecologic specimens were processed, split into two, and then prepared using the two techniques. All slides were reviewed by the same cytopathologist, who evaluated: cellularity, preservation, obscuring elements (inflammation, bleeding, mucus, etc.), and presence of diagnostic groups for each final diagnostic category. When available, an evaluation of the biopsy was performed retrospectively. Results: Good agreement was observed by diagnostic category in 84% of specimens, with a good Kappa index (0.65). The proportion for each category: negative, atypical, and positive was 69%, 18%, and 11%, respectively, for cases processed by liquid-based cytology and 83%, 7%, and 9%, respectively, for conventional cytology cytospin. Conclusion: Liquid based cytology is equivalent to conventional cytology cytospin when cases are grouped by category (good agreement, kappa index 0.651), and is superior in quality because the specimen is well preserved, has a clean background and fewer obscuring elements allowing a better morphological examination.

Humans , Female , Total Quality Management , Lamins , Inflammation , Biopsy , Cytological Techniques , Methods , Cell Biology , Laboratories
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;33(4): 543-548, Apr. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-675835


Differences in the microscopic morphology of the hoof in forelimbs and hindlimbs of horses have been scarcely reported in the literature, especially concerning the distribution of primary and secondary epidermal laminae in the different regions. This study aimed to determine the density of primary and secondary epidermal laminae in the hoof of horses. For this, it was used fore and hindlimbs of 16 adult mixed breed horses. With a cross section 0.5 cm above the sole, it was quantified the primary epidermal laminae in the regions of the toe, and of lateral and medial quarters. Fragments with about 1cm ³ were taken from the proximal, middle and distal thirds of the hooves, in the different regions, subjected to conventional histological techniques and examined with an optical microscope. Data were statistically analyzed in relation to the fore and hindlimbs and between their various regions. The density of primary epidermal laminae varied around the hoof circumference, with greater values in the hoof toe, which gradually decreased towards the bulb of the hoof, without difference between thoracic and pelvic limbs. The average density of the secondary epidermal laminae per primary epidermal lamina does not change around the circumference of the hoof. Our findings indicated that the density of epidermal laminae is not different between fore and hindlimbs. The variation in the density of primary epidermal laminae around the hoof seems to be part of an adaptive response to different stresses in each region. A better understanding of the structural morphology contributes to a better understanding of the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of disorders that affect the hoof.

Diferenças na morfologia microscópica dos cascos dos membros pélvicos e torácicos dos equinos têm sido pouco relatadas na literatura, principalmente no tocante a distribuição de lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias nas diversas regiões. O propósito deste estudo foi quantificar a densidade de lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias no casco de equinos. Foram utilizados membros torácicos e pélvicos de oito equinos adultos e sem raça definida. Em uma secção transversal de aproximadamente 0,5cm de altura da sola dos cascos foi quantificada a densidade das lâminas epidérmicas primárias tanto na região da pinça quanto dos quartos lateral e medial. Fragmentos com aproximadamente 1cm³ foram retirados dos terços proximal, médio e distal do casco, nas diferentes regiões e submetidos a técnica histológica convencional, a densidade de lâminas epidérmicas secundárias foi quantificada com auxilio de microscópio óptico. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente em relação aos membros torácicos e pélvicos e entre suas diversas regiões. A densidade de lâminas epidérmicas primárias varia ao redor da circunferência do casco, sendo maior na região da pinça do casco e diminui gradualmente em direção ao bulbo do casco, não existindo diferença entre membros pélvicos e torácicos. A densidade média de lâminas epidérmicas secundárias por lâmina epidérmica primária não varia em torno da circunferência dos cascos, assim como, quando comparada entre os membros torácicos e pélvicos. A variação da densidade das lâminas epidérmicas primárias em torno do casco parece fazer parte de uma resposta adaptativa às diferentes tensões existentes em cada região. O melhor entendimento da morfologia das estruturas do casco contribui na melhor compreensão do diagnóstico, fisiopatologia e tratamento das afecções que as acometem.

Animals , Hoof and Claw/anatomy & histology , Horses/anatomy & histology , Lamins/analysis , Hindlimb , Upper Extremity
Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;20(3): 184-190, 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-640112


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da espessura do osso cortical sobre a velocidade de propagação do ultrassom (in vitro). MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas 60 lâminas ósseas confeccionadas a partir do fêmur de bovinos, com diferentes espessuras, variando de 1 a 6mm (10 de cada). As medidas da velocidade do ultrassom foram realizadas por aparelho projetado para este fim, utilizando técnica subaquática e por contato direto com auxílio de gel de acoplamento. Os transdutores foram posicionados de duas maneiras diferentes; opostos entre si, com o osso entre eles, sendo a medida chamada de transversal; e, paralelos na mesma superfície cortical, sendo a medida chamada de axial. RESULTADOS: Com o modo de transmissão axial, a velocidade de propagação do ultrassom aumenta conforme a espessura do osso cortical aumenta, independente da distância entre os transdutores, até a espessura de 5mm, mantendo-se constante após. Não houve alteração da velocidade quando o modo de transmissão foi transversal. CONCLUSÃO: A velocidade de propagação do ultrassom aumenta com o aumento da espessura da cortical óssea, no modo de transmissão axial, até o momento em que a espessura supera o comprimento da onda, mantendo a velocidade constante a partir de então. Nível de Evidência: Estudo Experimental.

OBJECTIVE: An experimental in vitro study was carried out to evaluate the influence of cortical bone thickness on ultrasound propagation velocity. METHODS: Sixty bone plates were used, made from bovine femurs, with thickness ranging from 1 to 6 mm (10 of each). The ultrasound velocity measurements were performed using a device specially designed for this purpose, in an underwater acoustic tank and with direct contact using contact gel. The transducers were positioned in two ways: on opposite sides, with the bone between them, for the transverse measurement; and parallel to each other, on the same side of the bone plates, for the axial measurements. RESULTS: In the axial transmission mode, the ultrasound velocity speed increased with cortical bone thickness, regardless of the distance between the transducers, up to a thickness of 5 mm, then remained constant thereafter. There were no changes in velocity when the transverse measures were made. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound velocity increased with cortical bone thickness in the axial transmission mode, until the thickness surpasses the wavelength, after which point it remained constant. Level of Evidence: Experimental Study.

Animals , Cattle , Femur/ultrastructure , Outflow Velocity Measurement , Lamins , Transducers , Ultrasonics
Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;20(2): 75-78, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-622366


OBJETIVO: Estudo anatômico do áxis através de tomografia computadorizada (TC) em crianças de dois a dez anos de idade, mensurando a angulação das lâminas, espessura e comprimento de lâminas e pedículos e espessura da massa lateral. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se 64 TCs da coluna cervical de indivíduos com idades entre 24 e 120 meses, de ambos os sexos e sem deformidades cervicais. Correlacionaram-se as variáveis estudadas com os grupos etários e sexo dos pacientes. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste t. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que na faixa etária entre 24-48 meses, 5,5% das lâminas e 8,3% dos pedículos possuem espessura menores do que 3,5mm, espessura necessária para colocação de um parafuso. Entre 49-120 meses não há lâminas com espessuras menores do que 3,5mm e 1,2% dos pedículos possuem espessura menor do que 3,5mm. Em ambos os grupos etários não há comprimento de lâminas e pedículos menores do que 12 mm e massas laterais maiores do que 12 mm. CONCLUSÃO: A análise das dimensões obtidas no estudo permite, na maioria dos casos, a colocação de parafusos de 3,5mm nas lâminas e pedículos do áxis de crianças. Nível de Evidência II, Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos.

OBJECTIVE: To carry out an anatomical study of the axis with the use of computed tomography (CT) in children aged from two to ten years, measuring the lamina angle, lamina and pedicle length and thickness, and lateral mass length. METHODS: Sixty-four CTs were studied from patients aged 24 to 120 months old, of both sexes and without any cervical anomaly. The measurements obtained were correlated with the data on age and sex of the patients. Statistical analysis was performed using the Students "t" tests. RESULTS: We found that within the age range 24-48 months, 5.5% of the lamina and 8.3% of the pedicles had thicknesses of less than 3.5mm, which is the minimum thickness needed for insertion of the screw. Between 49 and 120 months, there were no lamina thicknesses of less than 3.5mm, and 1.2% of the pedicle thicknesses were less than 3.5mm values. Neither of the age groups had any lamina and pedicle lengths of less than 12mm, or lateral mass lengths greater than 12mm. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the data obtained demonstrates that most of the time, is possible to use a 3.5mm pedicle screw in the laminas and pedicles of the axis in children. Level of Evidence: II, Development of diagnostic criteria in consecutive patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Axis, Cervical Vertebra/anatomy & histology , Bone Screws , Spine/anatomy & histology , Lamins , Spinal Fusion , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;20(4): 207-209, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-644430


OBJETIVO: A análise morfológica da estrutura óssea de C2, em pacientes com artrite reumatoide, com o objetivo de aumentar a segurança de procedimentos de estabilização desta vértebra. MÉTODOS: Analisamos retrospectivamente 20 tomografias de coluna cervical realizadas em pacientes com artrite reumatoide, foram medidos os seguintes parâmetros: o ângulo espinolaminar, espessura e comprimento da lâmina de C2. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios encontrados são: espessura das lâminas direita 5,92mm e esquerda 5,87mm; comprimento das lâminas direita 27,75mm e esquerda 27,94mm e ângulo espinolaminar 44,7(0). CONCLUSÃO: Os valores obtidos são compatíveis com os de estudos realizados em indivíduos normais publicados por outros autores, não havendo aparente necessidade de alteração na técnica para colocação dos parafusos. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.

OBJECTIVE: A morphological analysis of the bone structure of C2 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in order to enhance the security of the stabilization procedures for this vertebra. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 20 CT scans of the cervical spine performed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; the following parameters were measured: espinolaminar angle, thickness and length of C2 lamina. RESULTS: The mean values are: 5.92mm and 5.87mm for thickness of right and left laminae retrospectively, 27.75mm for right lamina lenght and 27.94mm for left lamina lenght, and 44.7º for espinolaminar angle. CONCLUSION: The values obtained are consistent with studies in normal subjects published by other groups, with no apparent need for change in the screw placement technique. Level of Evidence IV, Case series.

Humans , Male , Female , Axis, Cervical Vertebra , Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Bone Screws , Lamins , Tomography
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;41(1): 83-90, mar. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-574698


A madeira por ser um material de origem orgânica responde de várias maneiras aos diversos produtos nela empregados, inclusive a aplicação de cola a qual depende do seu teor de umidade, tendendo a atingir um teor de umidade em equilíbrio dinâmico com a umidade relativa da atmosfera. Atualmente utilizam-se lâminas com teores de umidade entre 5 e 15 por cento de acordo com o tipo de resina utilizada. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de 04 gramaturas (270; 330; 364 e 390 g/m²) na produção de painéis compensados utilizando as espécies: Copaifera duckei Dawyer e Eperua oleifera Ducke. As espécies utilizadas foram retiradas da área de manejo florestal sustentável da Gethal Indústria de Madeira Compensada Ltda localizada em Manicoré-Am. As lâminas foram produzidas com espessuras de 2,2 mm. As variáveis do ciclo de prensagem foram controladas seguindo as orientações técnicas estabelecidas pelo fabricante da resina. Foi avaliada a resistência da linha de cola, com amostras da capa e do miolo em condições seca e pós-fervura. Para análise estatística foi aplicado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com arranjo em esquema fatorial dos tratamentos. Confrontando os valores médios da tensão de ruptura e a percentagem de falha na madeira obtidos nesta pesquisa, ensaio seco e pós-fervura, com os da literatura, foi verificado que os painéis avaliados atendem aos critérios estabelecidos, podendo ser indicados para uso interior e exterior, pois de acordo com a Norma EN 314-2 (1993) o valor médio da tensão de ruptura em conjunto com a porcentagem de falha na madeira encontram-se em um padrão aceitável de comportamento.

The wood as a source of organic material responds in different ways to different treatments her employees, including the application of glue which depends on its moisture content, tending to reach a moisture content in dynamic equilibrium with relative humidity of the atmosphere. Currently we use blades with moisture levels of between 5 and 15 percent according to the type of resin used. This study evaluated the effect of 04 weights (270, 330, 364 and 390 g/m²) in the production of panels using offset the species: Copaifera ducker Dawyer and Eperua oleifera Ducke. The species were removed from the area of sustainable forest management Gethal Plywood Industry Ltd. located in Manicoré-Am. The slides were produced with thickness of 2.2 mm. The variables of the pressing cycle of were controlled by following the technical guidelines set by the manufacturer of resin. The property was assessed to resilience of the line of glue, with samples of the hood and the kernels in drought conditions and post-boil. Statistical analysis was applied an experimental design with in a factorial arrangement of treatments. Confronting the average values of voltage collapse and the percentage of failure in wood obtained in this research, test and post-boiling dry, with the literature, it appears that the panels assessed meet the established criteria, may be indicated for use inside and outside Because according to EN 314-2 (1993) the average voltage collapse along with the percentage of failure in the wood are at an acceptable standard of behavior.

Adhesives , Lamins
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;33(2): 99-103, fev. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-593314


A lipodistrofia parcial familiar tipo Dunnigan é uma doença autossômica dominante rara. Em sua forma clássica, é resultante de uma mutação missense heterozigótica no gene LMNA, que codifica a proteína nuclear denominada lâmina tipo A/C. Caracteriza-se pelo desaparecimento progressivo do tecido adiposo subcutâneo nos membros, região glútea, abdome e tronco, que se inicia na puberdade, acompanhado de acúmulo de gordura em outras áreas, como a face, queixo, grandes lábios e região intra-abdominal, conferindo o aspecto de hipertrofia muscular e simulando o fenótipo de síndrome de Cushing. Mulheres afetadas são particularmente predispostas à resistência à insulina e suas complicações, incluindo sinais da síndrome dos ovários policísticos. Com o objetivo de alertar para o diagnóstico precoce, que possibilita a adoção de medidas que minimizam os graves distúrbios metabólicos vinculados à desordem, relatamos o caso de uma paciente em que a investigação foi realizada somente ao final da quinta década de vida. A aparente hipertrofia muscular e o acentuado depósito de gordura nos grandes lábios possibilitam aos médicos ginecologistas a suspeita diagnóstica.

Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) is an autosomal dominant disease that results from heterozygous missense mutations in LMNA, the gene that encodes nuclear lamin A/C. FPLD is characterized by a progressive disappearance of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the limbs, gluteal region, abdomen and trunk, beginning at the time of or after puberty, and excessive amount of fat in the face, chin, labia majora, and intra-abdominal region, leading to a Cushingoid appearance and increased muscularity phenotype. Affected women are particularly predisposed to insulin resistance and its complications, including features of polycystic ovary syndrome. To emphasize the importance of an early FPLD diagnosis, which is necessary to prevent serious metabolic disturbances, we report a woman diagnosed at about 50 years of age. Increased muscularity and significant labia majora fat deposit made the diagnosis possible by gynecologists.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Heterozygote , Insulin Resistance , Lamins , Lipodystrophy, Familial Partial/genetics , Mutation, Missense/genetics , Phenotype
In. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica. Coordenação-Geral de Laboratórios de Saúde Pública. Coordenação-Geral do Programa Nacional de Controle da Hanseníase. Guia de procedimentos técnicos: baciloscopia em hanseníase. Brasília, Brasil. Ministério da Saúde, 2010. p.31-36, tab. (A. Normas e Manuais Técnicos).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, HANSEN, HANSENIASE, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1247276
Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine. 2009; 45 (1): 125-128
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-100742


Nuclear Lamins A and C are encoded by LMNA gene and present in terminally differentiated cells. The LMNA gene polymorphism [1908C/T] has been reported to be associated with adipose tissue metabolism and obesity indices in some populations, suggesting that this polymorphism may increase the risk of obesity. This study was conducted to estimate the C and T allele frequencies of LMNA gene polymorphism [1908], and to investigate the association of T-allele with obesity in a sample of Egyptian obese females. One hundred and forty Iwo obese females [BMI>30Kg/m[3]] and 100 age matched non obese females [BMI

Humans , Female , Lamins , Polymorphism, Genetic , Female , Body Mass Index , Cholesterol , Triglycerides , Adipose Tissue , Lipodystrophy
São Paulo; s.n; 2009. 107 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, Inca | ID: lil-553365


O carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço se origina do epitélio estratificado escamoso através do acúmulo de alterações genéticas, devido principalmente ao consumo de álcool e tabaco. Em cabeça e pescoço, o carcinoma epidermóide acomete a cavidade nasal e seios paranasais, cavidade oral, orofaringe, hipofaringe e laringe. Apesar dos esforços para o aprimoramento dos métodos de diagnóstico e tratamento, o carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço ainda é uma doença que apresenta alguns obstáculos no seu manejo, já que indivíduos com tumores clinica e patologicamente semelhantes, que recebem o mesmo tratamento, apresentam respostas bastante heterogêneas... Incluindo amostras de CE de esôfago, pulmão e colo de útero na análise de expressão gênica global, os dados sugerem a existência de duas classes “moleculares” de amostras de CECP, que apresentam expressão diferencial de genes e alteração em módulos funcionais relacionados à agressividade e progressão tumoral, e não à topografia... O conjunto de vias e módulos funcionais alterados nas diversas comparações indicam que os tumores de perfil agressivo apresentam mudanças na expressão de genes relacionados à comunicação entre microambiente, MEC e a célula tumoral. Isso pode estimular vias de sinalização que promovem a progressão tumoral através da inibição de apoptose...

Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) arise from the squamous epithelium cells as result of multiple genetic alterations, mainly due to alcohol e tobacco consumption. HNSCC affects the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, oral cavity, oropharynx, hipopharynx and larynx. Despite efforts for the improvement in diagnosis and treatment, the management of head and neck cancer is still difficult, since similar patients, affected by tumors with similar clinicopathological parameters and undergoing the same treatment, show significant heterogeneity in their outcome. Since these tumor share same histological origin, gene expression analysis of tumor from different subsites provides a better understanding of the biologic features of the disease, leading to new approaches for the classification of HNSCC. In addition, analysis of gene expression alterations related to tumor behavior may allow the identification of changes associated with tumor progression. Considering the set of genes represented in the platform, analysis of HNSCC from different subsites shows that either global gene expression or single gene expression is not strongly influenced by tumor site. When global gene expression of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, esophagus, lung and cervix was assessed, two molecular types of HNSCC samples were highlighted, which are classificated according to the differential expression of genes and activation of modules associated with aggressiveness and tumor progression, and not associated with tumor subsite. Regarding HNSCC behavior, alterations in pathways and functional modules indicate that negative lymph node HNSCC samples (N0) present inactivation of modules with AKT1, AREG, CCL20, EGFR, IL1B, INHBA, and SPHK1. This alteration may not allow the survival of tumor cells within lymph nodes. Comparing "advanced" (T3-4N+) and "early" (T1-2 N0), the last ones show inactivation of MMP9. According to the literature, its blockade inhibits in vivo tumor progression (KATORI et al. 2002; YAMASHITA et al. 2003). Samples from N+ patients, treated with adjuvant radiotherapy and presenting recurrent or metastatic disease show activation of modules containing EGLN3, a putative marker of radiotherapy resistance, and POSTN, related to the epithelialmesenquimal transition and to the development of metastasis. The set of altered functional modules indicates that tumors with aggressive profile present changes in the expression of genes implicated in communication between the microenvironment, the extracellular matrix and tumor cells. This may led to the activation of pathways which promote tumor progression through apoptosis inhibition, cell survival, proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and tumor cell motility.

Molecular Biology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Gene Expression , Lamins , Head and Neck Neoplasms , Neoplasms/genetics
GED gastroenterol. endosc. dig ; GED gastroenterol. endosc. dig;27(5): 131-136, set.-out. 2008. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-502174


A esofagite eosinofílica (EE) é uma doença ainda pouco conhe»cida, cuja prevalência vem aumentando progressivamente, possi»velmente em decorrência de estar sendo mais diagnosticada. E uma condição inflamatória em que há grande infiltrado eosinofílico no epitélio esofágico. Seu quadro clínico inclui: disfagia, impactação de alimentos, dor retroestemal e náuseas/vômitos. Acomete pre»ferencialmente crianças e adultos jovens. Foi realizado estudo re-trospectivo em serviço de histopatologia em Belo Horizonte (MG), no período de janeiro de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, visando à caracterização de aspectos histopatológicos do esôfago e à pro»posta de uma classificação, acrescido de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto. Foram identificadas 25 biópsias esofágicas endos»cópicas com contagens elevadas de eosinófilos. Dos 25 casos, 1 7 eram do sexo masculino (68%) e oito do feminino (32%). Os es»pécimes analisados apresentaram diferentes números de eosinófi»los por campo de grande aumento (eosinófilos/hpf) e foram clas»sificados em quatro diferentes graus: grau O - 0%, (N = O), até 14 eosinófilos/hpf; grau I - 48%, (N = 12), de 15 a 30 eosinófilos/ hpf; grau 11 - 28%, (N = 7), de 31 a 45 eosinófilos/hpf e grau 111 »24%, (N = 6), com 46 ou mais eosinófilos/hpf.Os achados en»doscópicos do esôfago também foram analisados em 20 pacien»tes, com os seguintes resultados: em 15% dos casos, (N = 3), de»tectaram-se grumos brancacentos; em 5% dos casos, (N = 1), encontraram-se estrias longitudinais; em 15% dos casos, (N = 3), foram detectados anéis concêntricos (feline aspect); em 25% dos casos, (N = 5), registrou-se espessamento de mucosa; em 45% dos casos, (N = 8), encontrou-se esofagite erosiva e em 10%, (N = 2), encontrou-se estenose parcial. Observamos que a EE é uma entidade clínico-patológica caracterizada pela presença de eosinó»filos intra-epiteliais com contagem acima de 15 eosinófilos / hpf. As queixas clínicas e os aspectos endoscópicos podem direcionar o diagnóstico...

Humans , Male , Female , Eosinophilia , Endoscopy/classification , Endoscopy/trends , Esophagitis/classification , Biopsy, Needle , Incidental Findings , Lamins , Retrospective Studies , Signs and Symptoms
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; Rev. cient. (Maracaibo);18(4): 424-430, jul.-ago. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-548612


En este trabajo se analizaron los cambios en los parámetros de color (L, a, b, Æ, IB) de láminas de sardina durante la deshidratación osmótica a diferentes condiciones de concentración y temperatura de la solución osmótica. Las sardinas (Sardinella aurita) se cortaron en láminas (20,1×15,0×6,4 mm3), se les midió el color y se formaron 175 grupos experimentales de 4 láminas cada uno. Se introdujeron simultáneamente siete grupos en una solución osmótica de concentración y temperatura dadas para someterlos a deshidratación osmótica, posteriormente se removió un grupo a los 20; 40; 60; 90; 120; 180 y 240 min de transcurrido el proceso osmótico y se midió el color en las láminas. Este procedimiento se efectuó para cada condición de acuerdo a un diseño factorial 5x5 donde la temperatura y concentración eran 30; 32; 34; 36 y 38°C, 0,15; 0,18; 0,21; 0,24 y 0,27 g NaCl/g, respectivamente. Se obtuvieron valores iniciales de L (36,48 ± 0,77), a (6,47 ± 0,64), b (8,74 ± 0,49), Æ (0) y IB (37,42 ± 0,69). Los valores finales variaron para L entre 40 y 47, a entre 4,2 y 2,6, b entre 7,5 y 5,7, IB entre 39,5 y 45,0 y Æ entre 5,3 y 10,4 dependiendo de las condiciones de deshidratación. Los valores de a y b disminuyeron (P<0,05) al incrementar el tiempo de deshidratación y la concentración, mientras que los de L, Æ y IB aumentaron (P < 0,05). Las disminuciones en a y b fueron menores al incrementarse la temperatura mientras que los aumentos en L, Æ y IB fueron mayores. Se obtuvieron modelos de predicción de los cambios en el color en función de las condiciones de la deshidratación osmótica.

The changes on the color parameters (L, a, b, Æ, whiteness index) of sardine sheets during osmotic dehydration were analyzed at different temperatures and brine concentrations. Sardines (Sardinella aurita) were cut into sheets (20.1x15.0x6.4 mm3), color was measured and 175 groups with 4 sheets in each were formed. Seven groups were introduced simultaneously in an osmotic solution of a desired concentration and temperature for carry out osmotic dehydration, one group was removed at 20; 40; 60; 90; 120; 180 and 240 min, and color of sheets was determined. This procedure was performed for each test condition according to a 5x5 factorial design where the temperature and concentration were 30; 32; 34; 36 and 38°C, 0.15, 0.18, 0.21, 0.24, and 0.27 g NaCl/g brine, respectively. Initial values for L (36.48 ± 0.77), a (6.47 ± 0.64), b (8.74 ± 0.49), Æ (0) and WI (37.42 ± 0.69) were obtained. Final values ranged for L from 40 to 47, for a from 4.2 to 2.6, for b from 7.5 to 5.7, for WI from 39.5 to 45.0 and for Æ from 5.3 to 10.4 according to dehydration conditions. Values for a and b decreased (P<0.05) with increasing both dehydration time and temperature while those for L, Æ and WI index increased (P < 0.05). The decreases in a and b values were lesser with increasing temperature while increases in L, Æ and WI values were higher. Models for prediction of color changes as functions of the conditions of osmotic dehydration were obtained.

Food Coloring Agents/radiation effects , Food Preservation/methods , Fishes , Lamins/analysis , Osmotic Pressure
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-37549


Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by cardiac dilation and systolic dysfunction. So far sixteen genes have been shown to cause autosomal dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy (FDC). We identified a large Korean family from the Jeju island showing a clear Mendelian inheritance of FDC. A genomewide linkage scan at 9 cM marker density identified a peak multipoint LOD score of 2.82 at D1S195. Haplotyping of the region with 15 additional markers defined a candidate interval that included a known candidate gene encoding the lamin A/C (LMNA). Sequencing of the LMNA exons revealed one missense mutation at C568T (Arg190Trp) in the alpha-helical rod domain of the LMNA gene cosegregating with FDC with conduction-system disease. The same mutation was found in patients of another Korean family with FDC without conduction-system disease. Upon screening 14 sporadic DCM cases, we found three LMNA mutations including a case having a previously described (Glu161Lys) mutation and two having novel mutations (Glu53Val and Glu186Lys). Our results suggest that variable genotypes of laminopathy are implicated in not only familial but also considerable proportion of sporadic DCM.

Male , Humans , Female , Adult , Pedigree , Mutation/genetics , Molecular Sequence Data , Lamins/classification , Korea , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Cardiomyopathy, Dilated/genetics , Base Sequence , Amino Acid Sequence
J Biosci ; 2006 Sep; 31(3): 405-21
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-111039


Lamins are the major structural proteins of the nucleus in an animal cell. In addition to being essential for nuclear integrity and assembly, lamins are involved in the organization of nuclear processes such as DNA replication, transcription and repair. Mutations in the human lamin A gene lead to highly debilitating genetic disorders that primarily affect muscle, adipose, bone or neuronal tissues and also cause premature ageing syndromes. Mutant lamins alter nuclear integrity and hinder signalling pathways involved in muscle differentiation and adipocyte differentiation, suggesting tissue-specific roles for lamins. Furthermore, cells expressing mutant lamins are impaired in their response to DNA damaging agents. Recent reports indicate that certain lamin mutations act in a dominant negative manner to cause nuclear defects and cellular toxicity, and suggest a possible role for aberrant lamins in normal ageing processes.

Adipocytes/cytology , Animals , Cell Differentiation , Cell Nucleus/metabolism , DNA Repair/genetics , DNA Replication/physiology , Gene Expression Regulation , Genetic Diseases, Inborn/genetics , Humans , Lamins/genetics , Models, Animal , Models, Biological , Mutation
Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);36(4): 1243-1248, jul.-ago. 2006. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-432544


O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, para avaliar produtiva e qualitativamente a pastagem de capim elefante e o desempenho animal sob pastejo. A área experimental foi composta de oito piquetes de 0,443ha cada de capim-elefante (Pennisetun purpureum, Schum. cv. "Tawian"), onde pastejaram 36 novilhos das raças Charolês, Nelore e suas cruzas, com três animais "testers" por piquete, em duas repetições. Foram estudadas as variáveis relacionadas à produtividade e à qualidade da pastagem e ao desempenho animal. As massas reais de lâminas foliares (MLF) de capim-elefante foram: 1.167; 1.543; 1.926 e 2.248kg MS LF/ha, o que constitui os tratamentos. A carga animal suportada pela pastagem, pode ser descrita pela equação y=2.243,14 - 0,32MLF (R2=0,4). O peso vivo final em kg apresentou resposta quadrática (PF=103,41 + 0,114x - 0,00003x², R2=0,5) com o acréscimo da MLF. O ganho de peso diário médio apresentou comportamento linear positivo (GMD = 0,25 + 0,0002MLF, R2=0,2). O aumento na massa de lâminas foliares de capim-elefante acarreta diminuição na carga animal suportada pela pastagem e aumenta o ganho de peso médio diário.

Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Animals , Lamins , Parasites , Pennisetum/growth & development
Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences. 2005; 12 (1): 66-73
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-72006


Two Iranian cases with very rare progeroid syndrome are reported. The first is a 24-year-old girl who has been healthy till her 13[th] birthday. From that time she has been suffering from a progressive generalized and multi-systemic illness. The cardinal clinical findings were growth retardation, subcutaneous fat loss, skin dryness and wrinkling, scattered focal sclerodermoid-like changes, prominence of superficial vessels, gradual loss of scalp hair and eyebrows and cardiac involvement in the form of dilated cardiomyopathy. All the above findings were suggestive of precocious ageing and the clinical diagnosis of Werner syndrome. The second case is a 6-year-old boy with typical clinical findings of Progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome. The diagnoses were confirmed by molecular analysis of the samples in Washington and Marseille. In the first case there was no molecular abnormality in Werner's gene[WRN], but there was a mutation in the LMNA gene. The mutation was substitution of C to G in codon number 57, and the codon GCA [alanine] changed to CCA [proline]. So, in the codon 57 of the protein Lamin A/C proline had replaced alanine [A57>P]. The mutation in the second case [Progeria=Hutchinson-Gilford syn.] was a point mutation at the exon 11 of Lamin A/C protein resulting in the replacement of thymine by cytosine in the nucleotide number 1824[1824C>T]. The importance of lamins and the mechanism and pathogenesis of progeroid syndromes are discussed briefly

Female , Humans , Male , Mutation/genetics , Progeria/genetics , Werner Syndrome , Codon , Lamins , Progeria/physiopathology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-248488


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To clone human gastric cancer related gene and to analyze its expression profile in gastric mucosal tissues.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Paired tumor, paratumor and non-tumor specimens from 7 gastric adenocarcinoma patients (male 4, female 3, with average age 51 +/- 18 years) were studied by means of fluorescent differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (DDRT-PCR). The differentially expressed cDNA bands of interest were cloned and analyzed by Northern blot and in situ hybridization. Thirty cases (male 23 female 7 with average age 59 +/- 8 years) of paired paraffin-embedded gastric tumor and non-tumor tissues were used in in situ hybridization analysis.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>A gene expressed much lower in 6 out of 7 tested tumor samples than in their normal and paratumor counterparts was identified. It was named GCRG123. Northern blot analysis confirmed the differential expression. Human multiple tissue Northern blot analysis showed that GCRG123 expressed in various adult human tissues including thymus, prostate, testis, ovary, small intestine, colon and peripheral blood leukocyte. Sequence analysis revealed that GCRG123 (GenBank accession number AF454554) was a lamin like protein gene. It had one open reading frame which consisted of 49 amino acids (GenBank accession number AAL61668.1). In situ hybridization analysis showed a high GCRG123 expression level in normal gastric epithelium and pylori glands, but low expression level in tumor as well as dysplasia and most intestinal metaplasia at the paratumor regions.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>A lamin-like protein gene was identified in human gastric mucosa, it is down-regulated in gastric cancer and its precancerous leisions.</p>

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Blotting, Northern , Cloning, Molecular , DNA, Neoplasm , Chemistry , Genetics , Down-Regulation , Genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic , In Situ Hybridization , Lamins , Genetics , Molecular Sequence Data , RNA, Messenger , Genetics , Metabolism , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Stomach Neoplasms , Genetics