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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 510-514, dic. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389798


Resumen Introducción: La laringectomía total (LT) tiene como secuela la perdida de la voz, pero otra consecuencia no estudiada es la pérdida del olfato. Objetivo: Demostrar que la "maniobra de inducción del flujo aéreo nasal" (MIFAN) rehabilita el olfato en pacientes con LT. Material y Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental antes-después en pacientes laringectomizados por cáncer de laringe del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau (HBLT) de Santiago de Chile. Evaluación a través de encuesta, examen físico, nasofibroscopía y test olfatométrico. Pacientes con alteración del olfato por transmisión serán enrolados y se enseñará la MIFAN. Resultados: Se estudiaron 12 pacientes: 10 hombres, 2 mujeres. Edad promedio 66,3 años, todos autovalentes. 66,6% presentó anosmia y 33,3% hiposmia. Todos lograron realizar la maniobra. Posrehabilitación el 100% presentó presencia de olfato valorada por olfatometría. Población intervenida similar a otras series en cuanto a sexo y edad. La erigmofonación facilita la rehabilitación con MIFAN. La rehabilitación del olfato se logró en todos y paralelamente mejoró el sentido del gusto. Conclusión: La MIFAN es una técnica sencilla, barata y asequible para lograr rehabilitar el sentido del olfato en pacientes laringectomizados.

Abstract Introduction: Total laryngectomy (TL) has as a consequence the loss of voice, but another not studied consequence is the loss of smell. Aim: To demonstrate that the "nasal airflow inducing maneuver" (NAIM) rehabilitates smell in patients with TL. Material and Method: A quasi-experimental before-after study in laryngectomized patients for laryngeal cancer from the Otorhinolaryngology Service (ENT) of the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital (BLTH) at Santiago, Chile. Evaluation through survey, physical examination, nasofibroscopy and olfactory test. Patients with transmission impairment of smell were enrolled and NAIM was performed. Results: 12 patients were studied: 10 men, 2 women. Average age 66.3 years. All self-supporting. 66.6% presented anosmia and 33.3% hyposmia. They all managed to perform the maneuver. Post-rehabilitation, 100% presented the presence of smell assessed by olfactometry. Intervened population similar to other series in terms of sex and age. Esophageal speech facilitates NAIM rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of smell was achieved in all of them and in parallel, the sense of taste improved. Conclusion: NAIM is a simple, cheap and affordable technique to rehabilitate the sense of smell in laryngectomized patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Olfactory Training , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Olfaction Disorders/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome , Laryngectomy/adverse effects
Audiol., Commun. res ; 25: e2292, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131793


RESUMO Objetivo investigar o possível impacto da angulação do osso hioide na segurança da deglutição de pacientes submetidos à laringectomia supracricóidea. Métodos série de casos de 13 adultos, entre 48 e 79 anos, majoritariamente homens (n=11), submetidos à laringectomia supracricóidea em pós-operatório inferior ou igual a dez meses. Realizaram videofluoroscopia da deglutição de 5 ml de líquido fino, 5 ml de alimento pastoso e sólido, em livre oferta. A medida do ângulo do osso hioide foi definida por duas linhas: uma tangente à margem superior do corpo do osso hioide e uma tangente ao ponto mais inferior de sua margem inferior, paralela ao plano horizontal da imagem. O desfecho de aspiração durante o exame seguiu a escala desenvolvida por Rosenbek et al. (1996). Resultados Dos 13 pacientes, 5 apresentaram aspiração silente e 8 não apresentaram aspiração. Dos 5 indivíduos com aspiração, apenas 1 manteve preservadas ambas as cartilagens aritenoides em sua reconstrução e a angulação do osso hioide foi abaixo de 60º, em todos os casos. Dos 8 indivíduos sem aspiração laringotraqueal, a maioria (n=5) apresentava as duas cartilagens aritenoides em sua reconstrução e a angulação do osso hioide foi acima de 60º, em todos os casos. Conclusão uma angulação maior que 60º do osso hioide parece favorecer a proteção das vias aéreas inferiores e promover maior segurança do mecanismo de deglutição.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the possible impact of hyoid bone angulation on swallowing safety in patients undergoing supracricoid laryngectomy. Methods the case series comprised 13 adults, between 48 and 79 years-old, male in its majority (n=11), within ten months or less post-supracricoid laryngectomy and cricohyoidoepiglottopexy. All volunteers were submitted to videofluroscopy at rest and during swallowing of 5 ml of thin fluid, 5 ml of pureed consistency and dry solid food. Images were captured in lateral view. The hyoid angle was taken at rest and defined by two lines: a tangent to the upper margin of the body of the hyoid bone and a horizontal line, tangent to the lowest point of its lower margin. The aspiration was assessed using the scale developed by Rosenbek et al. (1996). Results five cases had silent aspiration and eight had no aspiration. In the group with silent aspiration, only one individual had both arytenoid cartilages preserved, while all individuals had the hyoid bone angle below 60º. In the group without aspiration, five individuals had both cricoarytenoids preserved, while all cases had the average hyoid bone angle above 60º. Conclusion the hyoid bone being at an angle greater than 60º seemed to increase the protection of the lower airways, promoting a safer swallowing mechanism.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Hyoid Bone/physiopathology , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Epiglottis/surgery
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 78(1): 104-109, mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902822


RESUMEN El cáncer laríngeo representa el 25% de las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello. Para los carcinomas laríngeos T1 tratados con radioterapia o cirugía láser, no existe diferencia significativa en cuanto a la calidad de voz percibida por el paciente entre ambas formas terapéuticas. La laringectomía total sigue siendo utilizada como la alternativa terapéutica en carcinomas avanzados. La pérdida de la capacidad de fonación es una consecuencia de esta cirugía, por lo que existe un variado abanico de mecanismos de comunicación que ofrecerle al paciente. Las alternativas clásicas comprenden: erigmofonación, laringe electrónica y válvula traqueoesofágica. Dentro de este escenario, han surgido nuevas alternativas en los últimos años como son conversión estadística de voz GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model), proyecto SWARA y el proyecto "Mi propia voz".

ABSTRACT Laryngeal cancer accounts for 25% of head and neck cancers. For T1 laryngeal carcinomas treated with radiotherapy or laser surgery, there is no significant difference in terms of quality of voice perceived by the patient between both therapeutic forms. The total laryngectomy is still used as the therapeutic alternative in advanced carcinomas. The loss of the phonation ability is a consequence of the surgery, so there is a diverse range of communication mechanisms to offer to the patient. Classical approaches include: esophageal speech, electrolarynx and tracheoesophageal valve. In this scenario, new alternatives have emerged: statistical voice conversion GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model), SWARA project and "Mi propia voz" project.

Humans , Speech, Esophageal , Voice Disorders/rehabilitation , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngeal Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Voice Quality , Voice Disorders/etiology , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation
Clinics ; 73(supl.1): e484s, 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952832


The aim of this study was to use the scientific literature to identify interdisciplinary interventions for rehabilitation during the perioperative period for cancer patients who underwent total laryngectomy. We systematically researched controlled descriptors: laryngectomy, patient care team/education, patient care team/manpower, patient care team/methods, patient care team/utilization and rehabilitation. We performed a qualitative narrative synthesis and identified 549 articles. Of these, 113 were duplicates, 398 were excluded during the analysis of the title and abstract, 1 was excluded for unfeasibility of access, and 4 were excluded after reading the article in full, resulting in 33 included articles. The articles addressed different types of interdisciplinary actions, such as vocal, olfactory, pulmonary and alimentary rehabilitation; comparisons of prosthetic devices; and descriptions of practices for total laryngectomized patient rehabilitation. Although the interventions found in the literature were effective in the rehabilitation of the total laryngectomized patient, their interdisciplinarity was not evidenced but was highlighted in these studies as a factor for improvement in terms of practical assistance and quality of life.

Humans , Patient Care Team , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Perioperative Period
Rev. Fed. Argent. Soc. Otorrinolaringol ; 24(3): 6-11, 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-908150


Introducción: la voz humana en sus variadas manifestaciones, como el habla, el canto y otras producciones sonoras, es una forma de canalizar y expresar nuestras emociones, ideas, pensamientos y de vincularnos con los demás. El paciente laringectomizado total se ve privado de su voz natural. En su proceso de rehabilitación deberá aprender habilidades de comunicación funcional que le permitan desarrollar una buena calidad de vida. Material y método: 4 talleres con frecuencia trimestral, en el transcurso de un año. Participaron 21 pacientes laringectomizados, con edad promedio de 62 años. Actividades propuestas: Ejercicios de relajación activa y alineación postural, automasajes cervicofaciales y ejercitación de respiración costo-diafragmática. Percusión corporal e instrumental con variaciones rítmicas asociadas al movimiento. Ejercicios de asociación de cualidades sonoras vinculadas a la producción oral y cantada. En cada taller se administró un cuestionario escrito. Resultados: Mediante la ejercitación respiratoria se logró un mejor dominio del soplo aéreo pulmonar evitando sonidos silbantes durante la espiración. Las actividades rítmicas favorecieron el reconocimiento, la reproducción y la sincronización de movimientos corporales. Las actividades de percusión asociadas a la emisión de la palabra permitieron que el patrón rítmico acompañe a la producción de las mismas. El 100% de los pacientes manifestaron disfrute por la actividad propuesta. Entre los beneficios obtenidos mencionaron: mejoramiento del humor, sensación de bienestar corporal, mejoras en la comunicación. Conclusiones: La implementación de técnicas de relajación, alineación postural y respiración junto a actividades asociadas al ritmo y al movimiento contribuyen notoriamente a la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.

Introduction: the human voice in its varied manifestations, such as speech, singing and other sound productions are a way of channeling and expressing our emotions, ideas, thoughts and to bond with others. The total laryngectomized patient is deprived of his natural voice. In your rehabilitation process you must learn functional communication skills that allow you to develop a good quality of life. Material and method: 4 workshops with quarterly frequency, in the course of one year. 21 laryngectomized patients participated, with a mean age of 62 years. Proposed activities: Exercises of active relaxation and postural alignment, cervicofacial self-masagges and cost-diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Body and instrumental percussion with rhythmic variations associated with movement. Association exercises of sound qualities linked to the production of syllables, words, phrases, rhymes and popular songs. In each workshop, a written questionnaire was administered to respond anonymously. Results: By means of the respiratory exercises, a better control of the aerial lung breath was obtained avoiding hissing sounds during the expiration. The rhythmic activities favored the recognition, reproduction and synchronization of body movements. The percussion activities associated with the emission of the word allowed the rhythmic pattern to accompany the production of the same. 100% of patients expressed their enjoyment of the proposed activity. Among the benefits obtained mentioned: improvement of the mood, sensation of corporal well-being, improvements in the communication. Conclusions: the implementation of relaxation techniques, postural alignment and breathing along with activities associated with rhythm and movement contribute to the quality of life of these patients.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders/methods , Music Therapy , Percussion , Quality of Life , Relaxation Therapy , Speech, Alaryngeal , Speech, Esophageal , Voice Training
Audiol., Commun. res ; 22: e1820, 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038753


RESUMO Introdução O umidificador de traqueostomia é um dispositivo permutador de calor e umidade que pode interferir nas condições respiratórias e vocais de laringectomizados totais. Objetivo Verificar a autoavaliação de aspectos respiratórios e vocais antes e após o uso do umidificador de traqueostomia, em pacientes submetidos à laringectomia total. Métodos A amostra foi composta por 15 indivíduos acompanhados no serviço de Fonoaudiologia de um hospital oncológico, sendo uma mulher e 14 homens, com idade entre 49 e 76 anos, submetidos à laringectomia total. Foi aplicado um questionário de autoavaliação, relacionado a aspectos respiratórios e vocais antes e após o uso do umidificador de traqueostomia, durante duas semanas. Resultados Permaneceram no estudo 13 indivíduos que referiram melhora da tosse, diminuição do acúmulo de secreção e melhor qualidade respiratória e de voz esofágica, após uso do umidificador de traqueostomia. Conclusão Pacientes laringectomizados totais perceberam melhora na autoavaliação de aspectos respiratórios e vocais após duas semanas de uso do umidificador de traqueostomia.

ABSTRACT Introduction A heat and moisture exchange device could modify respiratory and vocal conditions in patients who received a total laryngectomy. Purpose To verify breathing and voice self-assessments before and after the use of a heat and moisture exchange device in patients who had received a total laryngectomy. Methods The sample included 15 subjects of the Speech Therapy department of a cancer hospital; subjects included 1 woman and 14 men aged 49 to 76 years who had undergone a total laryngectomy. Patients completed a self-assessment questionnaire about breathing and voice before and after two weeks of use of a heat and moisture exchange device. Results Thirteen individuals completed the study and reported improvement in cough, secretion accumulation, sleep, breathing, and esophageal voice after use of a heat and moisture exchange device. Conclusion Patients who had received a total laryngectomy perceived improvements in breathing and voice after two weeks of the use of a heat and moisture exchange device, as measured by self-assessment.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Respiration , Voice , Tracheostomy/rehabilitation , Humidifiers , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Sleep , Voice Quality , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cough/therapy , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Mucus
Clinics ; 70(4): 289-295, 04/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747117


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the annual direct and indirect costs of the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in Brazil. METHODS: This cost description study used a "gross-costing" methodology and adopted the health system and societal perspectives. The estimates were grouped into sets of procedures performed in phases of cervical cancer care: the screening, diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions and the treatment of cervical cancer. The costs were estimated for the public and private health systems, using data from national health information systems, population surveys, and literature reviews. The cost estimates are presented in 2006 USD. RESULTS: From the societal perspective, the estimated total costs of the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer amounted to USD $1,321,683,034, which was categorized as follows: procedures (USD $213,199,490), visits (USD $325,509,842), transportation (USD $106,521,537) and productivity losses (USD $676,452,166). Indirect costs represented 51% of the total costs, followed by direct medical costs (visits and procedures) at 41% and direct non-medical costs (transportation) at 8%. The public system represented 46% of the total costs, and the private system represented 54%. CONCLUSION: Our national cost estimates of cervical cancer prevention and treatment, indicating the economic importance of cervical cancer screening and care, will be useful in monitoring the effect of the HPV vaccine introduction and are of interest in research and health care management. .

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Community Integration , Interpersonal Relations , Laryngectomy/psychology , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Postoperative Complications/psychology , Postoperative Complications/rehabilitation , Disability Evaluation , Germany , Longitudinal Studies , Quality of Life/psychology , Social Adjustment , Social Participation , Social Support , Social Welfare , Speech Intelligibility , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 20150000. 144 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1026379


Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados às alterações do olfato e descrever a qualidade de vida após a laringectomia total. Métodos: estudo transversal para avaliar a acuidade olfatória e a qualidade de vida de laringectomizados totais no Instituto Nacional de Câncer através da aplicação do Teste de Identificação do Olfato da Universidade da Pensilvânia, do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da Universidade de Washington e do Questionário sobre a Acuidade Olfatória Pré-Reabilitação do Olfato. Resultados: foram avaliados 48 laringectomizados totais, sendo 39 do sexo masculino e 9 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 62 anos e tempo médio de 5,6 anos desde a laringectomia total. No Teste de Identificação do Olfato a pontuação média foi de 17,9. De acordo com a classificação do olfato no teste, a maioria dos participantes apresentou algum grau de alteração, sendo que apenas 2 indivíduos tiveram o olfato considerado dentro da normalidade. No Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da Universidade de Washington, o escore composto foi 80,47. Os domínios que apresentaram as médias de pontos mais baixas foram paladar, saliva e fala. No questionário sobre a acuidade olfatória pré-reabilitação do olfato, a maioria dos participantes consideraram seu olfato de ruim a razoável. 21 indivíduos relataram apresentar algum grau de dificuldade em suas atividades de vida diária em decorrência de alterações do olfato. Conclusão: os laringectomizados totais apresentaram alta prevalência de alterações do olfato, com comprometimentos relacionados às suas atividades de vida diária

Purpose: to identify the prevalence and factors associated to olfaction disorders and describe the quality of life after total laryngectomy. Methods: cross-sectional study to evaluate the olfactory acuity and quality of life of total laryngectomized patients in the Instituto Nacional de Cancer through the application of The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test, The University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Olfactory Acuity Pre-Rehabilitation of Smell Questionnaire. Results: 48 total laryngectomized were evaluated, 39 males and 9 females, mean age of 62 years and mean time of 5,6 years after total laryngectomy. In the smell identification test the mean score was 17,9. According to the classification of smell in the test, most participants had some degree of olfaction disorders, only 2 subjects had their smell considered normal. InThe University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire, the composite score was 80.47. The domains that had the lowest scores were taste, saliva and speech. In the Olfactory Acuity Pre-Rehabilitation of Smell Questionnaire, most participants considered their smell bad to reasonable. 21 individuals reported having some degree of difficulty in daily life activities related to olfaction disorders. Conclusion: the total laringectomized patients showed high prevalence of olfaction disorders, with impairments in their daily life activities

Humans , Male , Female , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Olfaction Disorders/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Olfaction Disorders/epidemiology
Rev. ter. ocup ; 25(3): 255-263, set.-dez. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-745516


INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de cabeça e pescoço tem elevada incidência e alta mortalidade e seu diagnóstico etratamento influenciam a vida ocupacional da pessoa adoecida e de seus familiares. OBJETIVO: conhecer a configuração dos papéis ocupacionais de pessoas com este tipo de câncer,submetidas a laringectomia total ou parcial. MÉTODO: Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e transversal, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética (Proc. nº 1102/2010). Foi utilizado o protocolo “Lista de Identificação dos Papéis Ocupacionais”, validada no Brasil; osdados quantitativos foram analisados pelo teste do Qui quadrado. Dados qualitativos complementares foram coletados por entrevista aberta e analisados pelo método de análise de conteúdo temático. CASUÍSTICA: Grupo de estudo com 30 pessoas atendidas pela Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço (CCP), sendo 15 da enfermaria, no pós-cirúrgico imediato, e 15 do Ambulatório, (no mínimo um ano após a cirurgia). Grupo-controle compostopor 30 pessoas sem diagnóstico de câncer. Foram selecionadas 3 do ambulatório (20% do grupo de estudo) para as entrevistas. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se que ocorreram mudanças ou perdas de papéis ocupacionais, principalmente do papel de trabalhador. CONCLUSÃO: As consequências psicossociais e ocupacionais do câncer de cabeça e pescoço devem ser consideradas e cuidadas para um melhor e mais eficaz tratamento prestado a essa população.

The head and neck cancer has a high incidence and high mortality and its diagnosis and treatment influence the occupational life of the diseased personand their family. OBJECTIVE: To know the configuration of the occupational roles of people with this type of cancer,undergoing total or partial laryngectomy. METHODS: A quantitative, exploratory cross-sectional study approved by the Ethics Committee (Proc. No. 1102/2010). We used the protocol “List of Identifi cation of Occupational Roles”, validated in Brazil; quantitative data were analyzed by chi-square test. Additionalqualitative data were collected through open interviews and analyzed by the method of content analysis. PATIENTS: Study group with 30 persons served by Head and Neck Surgery (CCP), with 15 ward in the immediate post-surgical, outpatient and 15, (at least one year after surgery). Control group consisting of 30 people without cancer. Were selected from the outpatient clinic3 (20% of the study group) for interviews. RESULTS: It wasdemonstrated that there were changes or loss of occupational roles, especially the role of worker. CONCLUSION: The psychosocial and occupational consequences of head and neck cancer should be considered and cared for better and more effective treatmentprovided to this population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery , Head and Neck Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Quality of Life/psychology , Interpersonal Relations , Occupational Therapy/psychology , Laryngectomy/psychology , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Head and Neck Neoplasms/epidemiology , Sickness Impact Profile
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 80(2): 138-145, Mar-Apr/2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-709509


Introdução: A laringectomia é um procedimento que objetiva a retirada do osso hiode, da laringe e seus músculos, e, com isso acredita-se que ocorra uma desestabilização do eixo hiódeo-mandibular, com consequente alteração na mastigação. Objetivo: Caracterizar a amplitude e a velocidade mastigatória em laringectomizados e compará-las com dois grupos de indivíduos não laringectomizados, de acordo com a faixa etária. Método: Participaram do estudo 72 voluntários, que foram divididos em três grupos: (A) 32 voluntários, não laringectomizados com idade média de 22,3 anos, sendo 17 do sexo feminino; (B) c20 voluntários não laringectomizados, idade média de 53,2 anos, dos quais 10 eram do sexo feminino; e (C) 20 voluntários submetidos à laringectomia total, idade média de 61,5 anos, sendo um do sexo feminino. Para a avaliação foi utilizada a eletrognatografia, que é um método objetivo e não invasivo que rastreia e mensura milimetricamente os movimentos mandibulares. Resultados: Foram encontradas grandes diferenças entre os grupos A e C na velocidade e amplitude mastigatória, e essas diferenças foram significativas. Conclusão: Fatores etários, adaptativos e compensatórios parecem explicar melhor as alterações mastigatórias do que fatores relacionados à laringectomia total. .

Introdution: Laryngectomy is a surgical procedure that aims to remove the hyoid bone and the larynx and its muscles; it is inferred that a destabilization of the hyoid-mandibular axis will occur, consequently changing chewing. Objective: To characterize the amplitude and speed of chewing in laryngectomies and to compare them with two groups of non-laryngectomized individuals differentiated by age. Method: 72 volunteers were divided into three groups: (A) 32 volunteers, mean age 22.3 years, 17 females; (B) 20 volunteers, mean age 53.2 years, 10 females, and (C) 20 volunteers who underwent total laryngectomy, mean age 61.5 years, one female. Electrognathography, a method that tracks and measures millimeter jaw movements, was used for evaluation. Results: Significant diferences were observed between groups A and C in masticatory amplitude and speed. Conlcusion: Age, and adaptive and compensatory changes appear to explain chewing better than factors related to total laryngectomy. .

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Mastication/physiology , Age Factors , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Movement/physiology
Audiol., Commun. res ; 18(4): 355-362, out.-dez. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-697627


OBJETIVO: Avaliar sujeitos submetidos a laringectomia supracricóide quanto à autoavaliação da voz, análises perceptivo-auditiva e acústica e impacto da alteração vocal na qualidade de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, observacional, que envolveu 12 sujeitos do gênero masculino, com disfonia orgânica, média de idade de 59,3 anos, que realizaram laringectomia supracricóide para exérese de neoplasia maligna de laringe. Foi realizada análise perceptivo-auditiva, por meio da escala GRBASI em duplo-cego. A análise acústica realizada através do software VOXMETRIA® considerou parâmetros de frequência fundamental, jitter e shimmer, proporção harmônico-ruído e diagrama de desvio fonatório. A autoavaliação vocal e o estudo do impacto da disfonia na qualidade de vida dos sujeitos ocorreram por meio de aplicação dos protocolos: Qualidade de Vida em Voz (QVV) e o Índice de Desvantagem Vocal (IDV). RESULTADOS: A frequência das vozes variou entre 91,59 Hz e 260,05 Hz e as medidas de shimmer e jitter mostraram-se alteradas, comprovando as análises perceptivo-auditivas, que revelaram vozes com grau de desvio de moderado a intenso. A maioria dos sujeitos qualificou suas vozes como razoável ou boa. O QVV demonstrou escores brutos em níveis compatíveis com vozes disfônicas em 50,0%. O IDV mostrou predomínio do domínio orgânico. CONCLUSÃO: O grau de desvio vocal dos sujeitos mostrou-se entre moderado e intenso, confirmando parâmetros acústicos, enquanto que os sujeitos qualificaram suas vozes como razoáveis ou boas. Os escores do QVV e IDV revelaram predomínio de domínios físico e orgânico, respectivamente, com parte dos sujeitos com escores compatíveis a vozes disfônicas. Sugerem-se estudos que busquem aprofundar o conhecimento entre autopercepção da voz e impacto na qualidade de vida de sujeitos com disfonia decorrente de carcinoma de laringe.

PURPOSE: To evaluate subjects submitted to supracricoid laryngectomy concerning vocal self-assessment, auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis, and the impact of dysphonia on the quality of life. METHODS: Twelve male subjects, who underwent supracricoid laryngectomy for carcinoma resection, mean age of 59.3 years, took part in this prospective observational study. The auditory-perceptual analysis was performed through GRBASI scale in double blind. The acoustic analysis used the VOXMETRIA® software to obtain the fundamental frequency (f0), jitter, shimmer, glottal to noise excitation ratio and phonatory deviation diagram. The self-assessment and the impact of organic dysphonia on the quality of life of these subjects was observed through Voice-Related Quality of Life V-RQOL and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) protocols. RESULTS: f0 ranged between 91.59 Hz and 260.05 Hz, shimmer and/or jitter measures were fairly altered confirming the results of the auditory-perceptual analysis that revealed a vocal deviation degree from moderate to intense, despite the subjects having considered their voices as good or reasonable. However the V-RQOL results showed 50.0% of the subjects presenting gross scores consistent with dysphonic voices. The Voice Handicap Index showed highest scores for the organic domain. CONCLUSION: The vocal deviation degree of subjects varied from moderate to intense, corroborating the acoustic analysis; nevertheless, subjects classified their voices as reasonable and good. Scores of V-RQOL and VHI revealed predominance of the physic and organic domains respectively, compatible with dysphonic voices. Further studies are necessary for a better understanding of the relation between vocal self-assessment and impact on quality of life of subjects with dysphonia resulting from laryngeal carcinoma.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Voice Disorders , Dysphonia , Hospitals, University , Speech Acoustics , Voice
CoDAS ; 25(6): 557-565, 25/1jan. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-699844


PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between pharyngoesophageal segment (PES) configuration and narrow-band spectrogram of tracheoesophageal voices. METHODS: This study included 30 total laryngectomees tracheoesophageal speakers. Patients were assessed by videofluoroscopy (VF), during deglutition and voicing, and the vowel /a/ was recorded for spectrographic analysis. The evaluation of VF recording consisted of visual perceptual rating of degree of contact between the prominence of PES and its anterior wall, defined as absent/mild (hypo contact), moderate (normo contact) and intense (hyper contact); and quantitative measures of PES: anteroposterior distance (APD) and length of the PES (lenPES); PES surface area in swallowing (areaSw), and phonation (areaPh), and the area of the air reservoir (areaAir). Visual inspection of a narrow-band spectrogram was made and four different acoustic signal typing were defined as Type I, II, III or IV. RESULTS: Type I-II is correlated with moderate contact; Type III, with intense and Type IV, with absent/mild contact. Type I-II has bigger APD and PES with lower length than Type IV. There is a correlation between bigger APD and shorter PES. CONCLUSION: The group with I-II signal typing has PES with normo contact; Type III with hyper contact and Type IV has PES with hypo contact. The best tracheoesophageal voices are achieved by PES with moderate contact of the prominence and with shorter and larger anteroposterior PES distances. What differentiates the PES with hyper contact from PES with normal one is only the degree of contact between the prominence of the PES and its anterior wall. .

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre a configuração do segmento faringoesofágico (SFE) e a espectrografia acústica nas vozes traqueoesofágicas (TE). Métodos: Participaram 30 sujeitos laringectomizados totais com fonação TE, que se submeteram à gravação da vogal /a/, para análise espectrográfica acústica, e ao exame videofluoroscópico (VF), durante a deglutição e a fonação. A análise espectrográfica foi feita pela avaliação visual do tipo do traçado e classificado como Tipo I, II, III ou IV. No exame, foi avaliado o grau de contato da proeminência do SFE com sua parede anterior, definido como ausente/leve (hipocontato), moderado (contato normal) e intenso (hipercontato); e mensurados: distância anteroposterior (DAP), comprimento do SFE (cSFE); área do reservatório de ar (área AR); área do SFE na deglutição (área DE) e na fonação (área FO). RESULTADOS: O tipo de sinal espectrográfico I-II caracteriza-se por contato normal; Tipo III, hipercontato; e Tipo IV, hipocontato. O grupo com sinal Tipo I-II apresenta DAP maior e cSFE menor do que o Tipo IV. Há correlação entre DAP maior e cSFE menor. CONCLUSÃO: Os sinais espectrográficos Tipo I e II caracterizam o SFE com contato normal; Tipo III, com hipercontato e Tipo IV, com hipocontato. SFE com contato normal, curtos e com DAP maior caracterizam as melhores vozes TE. Somente o grau de contato da proeminência do SFE com sua parede anterior diferencia SFE com contato normal de segmentos com hipercontato. .

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Larynx, Artificial , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Speech, Alaryngeal , Speech, Esophageal , Fluoroscopy , Sound Spectrography , Speech Production Measurement , Tracheoesophageal Fistula , Voice Quality
Acta cir. bras ; 28(5): 391-396, May 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674161


PURPOSE: To evaluate and correlate the amplitude of esophageal contractions triggered by swallowing water with dynamic extension and habitual, strong and weak sound intensity in total laryngectomees wearing a tracheoesophageal prosthesis. METHODS: Thirty total laryngectomees using tracheoesophageal voice with a phonatory prosthesis were evaluated by measuring the amplitude of contractions in the proximal, middle and distal esophagus and the pressure of the pharyngoesophageal transition by manometry. In order to measure vocal intensity the subject was asked to emit phonation of the vowel /a/ at habitual, strong and weak intensity which was captured with a sound pressure meter. Dynamic extension was calculated by subtracting strong intensity from weak intensity. RESULTS: A positive correlation was observed between contraction amplitude and dynamic extension in the proximal (rho: 0.45; p=0.01) and distal (rho: 0.41; p=0.02) esophagus There was no correlation with other parameters.. Total laryngectomees wearing a phonatory prosthesis with a dynamic extension above 21 dBNPS had greater contraction amplitude than laryngectomees with a dynamic extension below this value. CONCLUSIONS: There was a positive correlation between pressure amplitude in the proximal and distal esophagus and increased dynamic extension. The individuals with normal dynamic extension had greater contraction amplitude in the proximal esophagus than individuals with dynamic extension lower than the expected values for age.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Esophagus/physiopathology , Larynx, Artificial , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Speech, Esophageal , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Esophagus/surgery , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Manometry , Pressure , Phonation/physiology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Trachea/physiopathology , Trachea/surgery , Voice Quality/physiology
Acta cir. bras ; 28(2): 119-125, Feb. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-662359


PURPOSE: To assess the effect of a program of singing training on the voice of total laryngectomees wearing tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis, considering the quality of alaryngeal phonation, vocal extension and the musical elements of tunning and legato. METHODS: Five laryngectomees wearing tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis completed the singing training program over a period of three months, with exploration of the strengthening of the respiratory muscles and vocalization and with evaluation of perceptive-auditory and singing voice being performed before and after 12 sessions of singing therapy. RESULTS: After the program of singing voice training, the quality of tracheoesophageal voice showed improvement or the persistence of the general degree of dysphonia for the emitted vowels and for the parameters of roughness and breathiness. For the vowel "a", the pitch was displaced to grave in two participants and to acute in one, and remained adequate in the others. A similar situation was observed also for the vowel "i". After the singing program, all participants presented tunning and most of them showed a greater presence of legato. The vocal extension improved in all participants. CONCLUSION: Singing training seems to have a favorable effect on the quality of tracheoesophageal phonation and on singing voice.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Larynx, Artificial , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Singing , Speech Therapy/methods , Voice Training , Auditory Perception , Music , Pitch Perception , Resistance Training/methods , Respiratory Muscles/physiology , Speech, Alaryngeal , Voice Quality
Paidéia (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 21(48): 73-81, jan.-abr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-589063


A cirurgia de laringectomia total implica a necessidade de procedimentos agressivos e provoca lesões estéticas e funcionais irrecuperáveis, acarretando repercussões biopsicossociais. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa foram investigadas as repercussões psicossociais na construção subjetiva de pacientes laringectomizados e de seus cuidadores. O percurso do adoecimento é vivido como um momento de crise em que predomina o sentimento de desamparo e desalojamento. A perda da fala pode levar o paciente a isolar-se socialmente, afastar-se de suas funções profissionais, com sentimentos de vergonha e culpa, provocando intensa angústia e sofrimento. Os cuidadores sofrem diante da possibilidade da perda de um ente querido e, também, por tentativas, nem sempre bem sucedidas, de dar suporte e oferecer ambiência para as novas necessidades que se apresentam. Os resultados evidenciam que conhecer as repercussões psicossociais dessa experiência pode fornecer importantes subsídios para a psicologia clínica.

Total laryngectomy surgery implies aggressive procedures that cause irretrievable esthetic and functional injuries, causing a series of biopsychosocial implications. Through a qualitative research, we have investigated psychosocial repercussions in the subjective construction of laryngectomized patients and their caregivers. The path through illness is experienced as a moment of crisis in which abandonment and destitution feelings prevail. The loss of speech may lead patients to social isolation, deviation from professional functions, with feelings of shame and guilt, leading to anguish and suffering. Caregivers suffer not only due to the possibility of a loss, but also because of their attempts, nor always successful, to give support and offer ambience for new necessities that appear. Results show that knowing psychosocial repercussions of this experience may provide important subsidies to clinical psychology.

La cirugía de laringectomía Total implica la necesidad de procedimientos agresivos que causan lesiones estéticas y funcionales irrecuperables y una serie de consecuencias biopsicosociales. Por una metodología cualitativa investigamos las repercusiones psicosociales posibles en la construcción subjetiva de pacientes laringectomizados y sus cuidadores. Todo el pasaje alrededor de la enfermedad es vivido como un momento de crisis donde el sentimiento de abandono predomina. La pérdida de la habla asume prioridad, conduciendo el paciente para aislarse de su cordialidad social, marcharse de sus funciones profesionales, con sentimientos inadecuados, estima propia baja, vergüenza y culpa. La familia sufre doblemente: de un lado por la percepción de la fragilidad y el temor de la pérdida y de otro por tentativas, ni siempre exitosas, para dar apoyo y ofrecer el ambiente para las nuevas necesidades que se presentan. Conocer las repercusiones psicosociales de esa experiencia puede traer importantes subsidios para la psicología clínica.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Caregivers , Laryngectomy/psychology , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Psychology, Clinical , Sickness Impact Profile
Indian J Cancer ; 2011 Jan-Mar; 48(1): 99-104
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144419


Despite advances in conservative laryngeal surgery and radiotherapy, total laryngectomy still remains the procedure of choice for advanced-stage (UICC T3 and T4) laryngeal carcinoma, around the world. The functional rehabilitation of the laryngectomized patients has been a concern of head and neck surgeons and speech therapists. Significant developments in speech rehabilitation over the past three decades have led to substantial improvements in the quality of life of these patients. The tracheoesophageal (TE) voice prosthesis has become the gold standard in various centers for voice rehabilitation since its introduction in 1980. Successful tracheoesophageal voice restoration in laryngectomy patients can be very rewarding and patients no longer have to live in silence while they await the results of their cancer treatments. They can face the challenges of life with the knowledge that a near normal quality of life is very much possible.In this article, we present a brief review of voice restoration following laryngectomy.

Humans , Laryngeal Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Voice Disorders/etiology , Voice Disorders/rehabilitation , Voice Quality
Pró-fono ; 22(4): 485-490, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-572517


TEMA: reabilitação do laringectomizado total. OBJETIVO: correlacionar a proficiência de voz e de fala de laringectomizados totais usuários de prótese traqueoesofágica com a pressão intraluminal da transição faringoesofágica no repouso e durante a fonação. MÉTODO: foram estudados 12 laringectomizados totais com voz traqueoesofágica, usuários de prótese fonatória, submetidos à coleta e registro do material de voz e da fala, que foram avaliados por três expertos, utilizando-se um protocolo de julgamento geral da comunicação traqueoesofágica. Em seguida, os indivíduos foram encaminhados à manometria esofágica para avaliar a pressão intraluminal da transição faringoesofágica durante a fonação e no repouso. RESULTADOS: durante a fonação, os indivíduos caracterizados como bons falantes (16,7 por cento) pelos expertos apresentaram valores médios de amplitude de pressão na transição faringoesofágica de 27,48mmHg. Entre os falantes moderados (52,5 por cento), obteve-se amplitude média de 30,63mmHg e para os piores falantes (30,8 por cento), 38,72mmHg. Durante o repouso, os melhores falantes apresentaram pressão média de 14,72mmHg, os moderados, 13,04mmHg e os piores falantes, 3,54mmHg. CONCLUSÃO: os melhores falantes apresentaram os menores valores de amplitude de pressão durante a fonação. Em contrapartida, a pressão em repouso foi maior para os bons falantes e menor para os piores, sugerindo que a elevação da pressão na transição faringoesofágica durante a fonação prejudica a qualidade da comunicação traqueoesofágica com a prótese fonatória.

BACKGROUND: rehabilitation of individuals with total laryngectomy. AIM: to correlate the voice and speech proficiency of individuals with total laryngectomy, users of tracheoesophageal, prosthesis with the intraluminal pharyngoesophageal transition pressure at rest and during phonation. METHOD: twelve individuals with total laryngectomy and with tracheoesophageal voice, users of speech prosthesis, were submitted to a voice and speech sample gathering and registration. These individuals were assessed by three experts using a specific protocol for the evaluation of tracheoesophageal communication. Individuals also underwent esophageal manometry in order to evaluate the intraluminal pharyngoesophageal transition pressure during rest and phonation. RESULTS: during phonation, individuals who had been characterized by the experts as good speakers (16.7 percent) presented average values of pressure amplitude during pharyngoesophageal transition of 27.48mmHg. Average amplitude of 30.63mmHg was observed for individuals classified as moderate speakers (52.5 percent), and of 38.72mmHg for individuals classified as poor speakers (30.8 percent). During rest, the good speakers presented an average pressure of 14.72mmHg, the moderate speakers of 13.04mmHg and the poor speakers of 3.54mmHg. CONCLUSION: the good speakers presented the lowest amplitude values of pharyngoesophageal transition pressure during phonation. However, the pressure observed in the rest condition was higher for the good speakers and lower for the poor speakers, suggesting that the raise in the pharyngoesophageal transition pressure during phonation damages the quality of tracheoesophageal communication when using speech prosthesis.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Larynx, Artificial , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Phonation/physiology , Speech, Esophageal , Speech/physiology , Communication , Esophagus/surgery , Manometry/methods , Treatment Outcome , Trachea/surgery , Voice Quality/physiology
Indian J Cancer ; 2010 Jul-Sept; 47(3): 239-247
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144346


Total laryngectomy is potentially a debilitative surgery resulting in compromise of some of the most basic functions of life including speech and swallowing. This may have a profound adverse effect on the patient's physical, functional, and emotional health, and may result in a decreased quality of life (QOL). Until the 1980s, total laryngectomy was regarded as a dreadful, but often, life-saving procedure for which there was little alternative, and was used as a last resort. At that time survival at any cost in terms of QOL was paramount and many laryngectomies were forced into an isolated life as a mute and dysphasic recluse. Most attempts at voice restoration produced inconsistent results and often techniques were laborious, expensive, and ineffective, particularly when carried out as a salvage procedure after failed radiotherapy. Progress in voice rehabilitation, following total laryngectomy, over the last 30 years, has made an enormous difference in the whole concept of the management of laryngeal cancers. Currently there are several options available for these patients, namely, esophageal speech, artificial larynx, and tracheoesophageal speech. The choice of speech rehabilitation varies from patient to patient, but tracheoesophageal voice has become the preferred method. This article provides a brief account of surgical voice restoration after total laryngectomy. Special emphasis has been given to the surgical technique, special considerations, complications, and the prevention / treatment of tracheoesophageal voice restoration.

Aphonia/etiology , Aphonia/prevention & control , Humans , Laryngeal Neoplasms/psychology , Laryngeal Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Larynx, Artificial/statistics & numerical data , Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Prosthesis Implantation/methods , Quality of Life , Recovery of Function , Speech , Speech, Esophageal/instrumentation , Speech, Esophageal/methods
PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2010; 60 (2): 241-246
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-123545


To compare the effectiveness of locally made phonating device with oesophageal speech as a communication method in a laryngectomized patient. Randomized Controlled Trial. Combined Military hospital Lahore from January 2004 to July 2007. Twenty five patients who had undergone total laryngectomy were divided in two groups by random sampling. 13 patients were placed in experimental group and provided with a locally made phonating device El [Electro-larynx, 'BM Talk'] and speech training with this device started between 20th to 30th post-operative day. The results were compared to a Control Group consisting of 12 laryngectomized patients who were provided instruction and training on oesophageal speech for communication. Speech assessment was made at the end of 2nd, 4th and 6th month post-operatively in both the groups. Assessment parameters were defined according to the patient's ability to communicate ten predetermined sentences of Urdu and Punjabi to a team of three speech assessors on each speech assessment day. Speech communication score was fixed at 100 if all the spoken sentences were fully understood by all the three assessors irrespective of character of speech, while it was 0 if none of the sentence spoken could be understood by any of the three assessors. In between the two were different percentages of speech communication scores depending on the number of sentences understood by the speech assessors. The character of voice was assessed by Visual Analogue Score where variation between robotic and normal speech character were divided into ten grades from 1 to 10. At the end of six months, speech communication score was 76.62 with SD 17.29 for EL [Electro-Larynx]; while for control group [oesophageal speech] it was 34.17 with standard deviation of 8.63. Those score was compared by using t test and was highly significant i.e. <0.001 in favor of EL. The character of voice was closer to normal in case of oesophageal speech compared to EL where it was closer to robotic. Locally made EL [Electro-larynx] 'BM Talk' is a useful device for speech rehabilitation in laryngectomised patient. It has added advantage of local availability and cost effectiveness. The character of voice may be robotic and monotonous, nevertheless full sentence can be communicated with relative ease to the listener, which is more important factor in our setup

Humans , Male , Speech , Esophagus , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Larynx , Treatment Outcome , Rehabilitation
In. Jotz, Geraldo Pereira; Carrara-De-Angelis, Elisabete; Barros, Ana Paula Brandão. Tratado da deglutição e disfagia: no adulto e na criança. Rio de Janeiro, Revinter, 2009. p.205-207, ilus.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-554990