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Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766583


Skin disease can be caused by high temperature, and it is related to the temperature regulation mechanism of human body, adaptation reaction to temperature change, and health problems due to the recent problematic climate change. In hyperthermia, hot and dry skin is typical manifestation, and sometimes the skin color turns red. On the other hand, the skin color can become pale in severe febrile convulsion. Burn is a skin damage caused by heat, and not only the skin but also the underlying tissues can be destroyed in severe case. It is important to determine the degree and extent of the burn to treat adequately. In the case of severe burns, systemic treatment and prevention of infection or shock should be needed. Miliaria, also called “sweat rash,” occurs when the sweat is accumulated as the sweat gland is closed and sweat cannot be secreted to the surface of the skin. The basis of treating miliaria is to keep the patient in a cool environment. Erythema ab igne is defined as a network of hyperpigmentation that occurs after prolonged exposure to heat that is not enough to cause burn. It may disappear when exposure to heat is interrupted, but it may remain permanently. The extent and mechanism of heat-induced skin disease very diverse and it should be carefully assessed for the severity of each disease, the treatment method and prognosis.

Humans , Burns , Climate Change , Erythema , Fever , Hand , Hot Temperature , Human Body , Hyperpigmentation , Methods , Miliaria , Prognosis , Seizures, Febrile , Shock , Skin Diseases , Skin Pigmentation , Skin , Sweat , Sweat Glands
An. bras. dermatol ; 91(2): 124-134, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-781369


Abstract: The neonatal period comprises the first four weeks of life. It is a period of adaptation where the skin often presents several changes: transient lesions, resulting from a physiological response, others as a consequence of transient diseases and some as markers of severe disorders. The presence of pustules in the skin of the newborn is always a reason for the family and for the assisting doctor to be worried, since the newborn is especially vulnerable to bacterial, viral or fungal infection. However, the majority of neonatal skin pustules is not infectious, comprising the benign neonatal pustulosis. Benign neonatal pustuloses are a group of clinical disease characterized by pustular eruptions in which a contagious agent is not responsible for its etiology. The most common ones are erythema toxicum neonatorum, the transient neonatal pustular melanosis and the benign cephalic pustulosis. These dermatoses are usually benign, asymptomatic and self-limited. It is important that the dermatologist and the neonatologist can identify benign and transient lesions, those caused by genodermatoses, and especially differentiate between neonates with systemic involvement from those with benign skin lesions, avoiding unnecessary diagnostic tests and worries.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Skin/pathology , Skin Diseases, Vesiculobullous/pathology , Erythema/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Melanosis/pathology , Miliaria/pathology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16503


No abstract available.

Fentanyl , Intensive Care Units , Miliaria
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 112(6): e242-e246, dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-734313


El síndrome orofaciodigital tipo I (OFD 1; OMIM #311200) es un trastorno del desarrollo transmitido como un rasgo dominante ligado al cromosoma X con letalidad en varones. Se asocia con manifestaciones clínicas a nivel oral, facial y digital. Se caracteriza, además, por la presencia de quistes de milia, hipotricosis y poliquistosis renal. Se presentan dos casos con diagnóstico clínico de síndrome orofaciodigital tipo I con cierta variabilidad fenotípica entre ellos.

Oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1 (OFD1; OMIM #311200) is a developmental disorder transmitted as an X-linked dominant condition with embryonic male lethality. It is associated with malformation of the oral cavity, face, and digits. Furthermore, it is characterized by the presence of milia, hypotrichosis and polycystic kidney disease. We present two cases with clinical diagnosis oforal-facial-digital syndrome type I with some phenotypic variability between them.

Humans , Female , Infant , Orofaciodigital Syndromes , Cysts , Ciliopathies , Miliaria
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 86(3): 403-405, jul.-set. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-725127

Neonatal Medicine ; : 151-157, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53870


PURPOSE: Birthmarks are commonly observed during neonatal period and its prevalence varies between races and countries. Most skin lesions are transient and not require medical treatment. But some birthmarks have potential medical significance and may be the first sign of systemic medical problems. We carried out a prospective study to determine the prevalence of birthmarks in Korean newborn infants. METHODS: From October 2012 to January 2013, 1,964 Korean newborn infants who were born in Cheil General Hospital, Kwandong University College of Medicine were evaluated for the presence of birthmarks within 48 hours after birth. RESULTS: Among 1,964 newborn infants, 980 (49.9%) infants were male and 984 (50.1%) were female. The most common pigmentary birthmark was Mongolian spot (97.1%), which was mostly presented on sacrogluteal area, and was followed by nevocellular nevi (0.8%), cafe-au-lait spot (0.8%), and sebaceous nevi (0.2%). Among vascular birthmarks, the most common lesion was salmon patch (30.8%), and followed by port-wine stain (0.2%) and hemangioma (0.2%). The common other lesions were sebaceous hyperplasia (37.4%), erythema toxicum neonatorum (10.2%), milia (4.1%), skin appendage (2.6%), anal dimple (1.2%), auricular pit (0.9%), miliaria (0.5%), aplasia cutis congenita (0.2%) in the order of frequency. CONCLUSION: We studied the prevalence of the birthmarks in Korean newborn infants. The most common pigmentary birth mark was mongolian spot, and the most common vascular birthmark was salmon patch in Korean newborn infants.

Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Cafe-au-Lait Spots , Racial Groups , Ectodermal Dysplasia , Erythema , Hemangioma , Hospitals, General , Hyperplasia , Incidence , Miliaria , Mongolian Spot , Nevus , Parturition , Port-Wine Stain , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Salmon , Skin
Dermatol. argent ; 20(4): 253-256, 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-784808


Los quistes de milium son pápulas milimétricas, de color blanco-amarillentas, que histológicamente corresponden a pequeños quistes revestidos por epitelio plano estratificado con queratina lamelar ortoqueratótica en su interior. Cuando se presentan de manera súbita y con un número o extensión mayores de lo esperado para ser considerados como quistes de milium primarios benignos, se denominan quistes de milium eruptivos (QME). Presentamos 6 pacientes pediátricos (5 varones y una mujer) queconsultaron por esta patología, a una edad media de 10 años, con lesiones bilateraleslocalizadas predominantemente en zona malar, que tenían un tiempo de evoluciónmedio de 16 meses. Cuatro casos fueron QME idiopáticos y dos correspondieron a laforma familiar. En cuatro pacientes se indicó control evolutivo y hubo remisión espontánea de las lesiones en la mitad de ellos. Destacamos la rareza de esta forma de quistes de milium primarios, más aún su ocurrencia en la infancia, así como la importancia de su diagnóstico certero para evitar tratamientos agresivos innecesario...

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Epidermal Cyst , Epithelium , Miliaria
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 28(1): 63-71, ene.-mar. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-629143


Introducción: la miliaria es una enfermedad inflamatoria de la piel, usualmente conocida como salpullido, es muy frecuente en niños pequeños sobre todo en los meses de verano. Objetivo: valorar la eficacia de la infusión de Verbena azul en el control de la miliaria común. Métodos: se realizó un ensayo clínico fase II, a partir de la preparación de una infusión de hojas frescas o secas molidas, que se vertieron en 12 litros de agua hirviente, se tapó y se separó del fuego después de añádirle la planta, se dejó reposar y se coló. Fue aplicada tibia en todo el cuerpo durante 21 días, en dos secciones, al levantarse, y en la tarde luego del baño diario. El estudio se realizó en 30 lactantes de raza blanca, que acudieron con esta patología a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional, en el consultorio 6 del poblado de Altagracia, en el periodo entre junio del 2004 y junio del 2005, los cuales pertenecían al Policlínico Comunitario Docente Carlos J. Finlay de la Ciudad de Camagüey. Los datos se recogieron mediante una encuesta, confeccionada de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados en la investigación. Resultados: el grupo más afectado fue el de 3 a 6 meses, todos los pacientes fueron blancos, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo. La variedad clínica más frecuente fue la cristalina, y los meses en que más se presentó fueron entre junio y agosto. Conclusiones: este tratamiento presentó una alta eficacia en el control de la sintomatología de la miliaria común; se curaron 9 de cada 10 pacientes

Introduction: miliaria is an skin inflammatory disease known as rash and is very frequent in small children mainly during summer months. Objective: assessing the efficacy of the infusion of blue Verbena in controlling common heat rash. Methods: a phase II clinical trial was conducted from the preparation of an infusion of fresh leaves or dry grinded poured out in 12 liters of boiling water, was covered and removed from fire after adding the plant, it was doughed and strained. It was applied warm in whole body for 21 days in t wo sessions, to stand up and at evening after daily bath. A study was conducted in 30 white infants presenting with this pathology who came to the Natural and Traditional Medicine Service in the No.6 consulting room of the Altagracia settlement from June, 2004 to June, 2005 of Carlos J. Finlay Teaching Community polyclinic of the Camagüey city. Data were collected by survey, designed according to the objectives proposed in research. Results: the more involved group was that aged 3-6 months, all patients were white; there were not significant differences as regards sex. The more frequent clinical variety was the crystalline one and more prevalent months were June and August. Conclusions: present treatment was highly effective in the control of symptomatology of the common miliaria; nine of ten patients were cured

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Miliaria/prevention & control , Miliaria/drug therapy , Verbena
Dermatol. pediatr. latinoam. (Impr.) ; 9(2): 63-65, mayo-ago. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-680267


Los quistes de milium son pápulas minúsculas, color blanco-amarillentas, que histológicamente consisten en pequeños quistes revestidos por un epitelio plano estratificado con queratina lamelar ortoqueratótica en su interior. Cuando se presentan de manera súbita y con un número y extensión mayores de lo esperado, se denominan quistes de milium eruptivos. Estos afectan con más frecuencia a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, y se ubican principalmente en la cara y el tronco. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino, de 11 años de edad, sin antecedentes de importancia, que consulta por quistes de milium eruptivos, de un año de evolución, localizados en ambos párpados inferiores.

Eruptive milia are tinny white or yellowish papules that histologically correspond to cysts lined by a thin stratified squamous epithelium containing orthokeratotic-laminated keratin. When they appear suddenly and in number and extension greater than expected they are named eruptive milia. They predominantly affect teenagers and young adults and are located mainly in the face and the trunk. We report an 11 years old male patient without a relevant personal history, who complained of eruptive milia, of one year of evolution, located on both lower eyelids.

Humans , Male , Child , Epidermal Cyst , Miliaria , Cysts
An. bras. dermatol ; 86(4,supl.1): 104-106, jul,-ago. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-604134


Miliaria is a disorder of the eccrine sweat glands which occurs in conditions of increased heat and humidity. It can be associated with persistent febrile states as well as with certain drugs. We presented a 40 year-old female with myelodysplastic syndrome and progression to acute myelogenous leukemia who was admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy induction. The patient was treated with idarubicin and cytarabine. She became pancytopenic and developed neutropenic fever and was started on vancomycin and cefepime, but was persistently febrile with night sweats. Five days into her fevers, she developed diffuse, nonpruritic and fragile vesicles together with drenching nightsweats. The patient's exanthem was diagnosed as Miliaria crystallina, most probably induced by neutropenic fever and idarubucin exposure.

Miliária é uma desordem das glândulas sudoríparas écrinas, que ocorre em condições de aumento de calor e umidade. Miliária pode ser associada com estados febris persistentes bem como com certos medicamentos. Apresentamos o caso de uma mulher de 40 anos com síndrome mielodisplásica e progressão para leucemia mielóide aguda que foi admitida no hospital para quimioterapia de indução. A paciente foi tratada com idarrubicina e citarabina. Ela se tornou pancitopênica e desenvolveu neutropenia febril. Iniciou tratamento com vancomicina e cefepime, mas a febre com sudorese noturna continou. Cinco dias depois a paciente desenvolveu vesículas difusas, não pruríticas e frágeis juntamente com a persistência de sudorese noturna. O exantema do paciente foi diagnosticado como Miliária cristalina, provavelmente induzida por neutropenia febril e exposição a idarubucin.

Adult , Female , Humans , Antibiotics, Antineoplastic/adverse effects , Fever/etiology , Idarubicin/adverse effects , Miliaria/chemically induced , Neutropenia/chemically induced , Antibiotics, Antineoplastic/therapeutic use , Cytarabine/therapeutic use , Idarubicin/therapeutic use , Induction Chemotherapy/adverse effects , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/drug therapy , Miliaria/pathology , Neutropenia/complications
Dermatol. pediatr. latinoam. (Impr.) ; 9(1): 16-19, ene.-abr. 2011. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-680276


La miliaria es un trastorno común de las glándulas sudoríparas ecrinas que se caracteriza clínicamente por la aparición de vesículas resultantes de la obstrucción del conducto glandular. La forma congénita es extremadamente infrecuente y existen sólo 4 casos publicados en la literatura. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes evaluados en nuestro servicio con diagnóstico de miliaria cristalina congénita

Congenital miliaria crystallina is a common disorder of the eccrine sweat glands clinically characterized by the presence of vesicles resulting from the glandular duct obstruction. The congenital form of miliaria is extremely rare, with only 4 cases reported in the literature. We herein report 2 cases of congenital miliaria crystallina evaluated at our department

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Sweat Gland Diseases/congenital , Eccrine Glands/abnormalities , Miliaria , Congenital Abnormalities
Dermatol. pediatr. latinoam. (Impr.) ; 6(1): 2-9, ene.-abr. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-606424


Las pustulosis del recién nacido son un grupo heterogéneo de patologías relativamente frecuentes que, debido a que afectan a un grupo etario muy vulnerable, deben ser bien conocidas por el neonatólogo, el pediatra, el dermatólogo pediatra y el dermatólogo para poder actuar rápida y correctamente en los casos en los que la vida puede estar comprometida así como también saber cuando debe tomarse una conducta conservadora y no invadir, internar ni tratar innecesariamente a estos pacientes. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de los conceptos actuales y las nuevas entidades que conforman las llamadas pustulosis neonatales estériles. Sólo se mencionan las causas infecciosas como diagnósticos diferenciales.

Neonatal pustulosis are an heterogeneous group of relatively frequent diseases that, given they affect such a vulnerable age group, should be well known by the neonatologist, the pediatrician, the pediatric dermatologist and the dermatologist so as to be able to be fast and accurate in the diagnosis in those patients whose life could be jeopardized but also know when to watch and wait not invading, hospitalizing or unnecessarily treat these patients. This article reviews up to date concepts and new entities that conform the neonatal sterile pustulosis group, only mentioning the infectious etiologies as differential diagnosis.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Acne Vulgaris , Diagnosis, Differential , Erythema , Folliculitis , Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell , Incontinentia Pigmenti , Melanosis , Miliaria , Psoriasis , Diagnosis, Differential
Medical Arabization. 2008; 12 (2): 80-86
in Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-180718
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167864


Several physiological skin changes such as vernix caseosa, cutis marmorata, physiologic desquamation, and sebaceous hyperplasia have been described in the neonatal period. There are also clinical characteristics of skin peculiar to neonate and infancy. Skin disorders observed during neonatal and infancy period can be divided into transient skin lesions, birth marks, and other diseases. Transient skin lesions include milia, sebaceous gland hyperplasia, erythema neonatorum, transient neonatal pustular melanosis, and acne neonatorum. Nevocellular nevus, mongolian spot, vascular malformation, hemangioma, epidermal nevus, and sebaceous nevus belong to birth marks. There are several common skin diseases such as miliaria, diaper dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and cutaneous candidiasis.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Acne Vulgaris , Candidiasis, Cutaneous , Dermatitis , Dermatitis, Atopic , Dermatitis, Seborrheic , Erythema , Hemangioma , Hyperplasia , Melanosis , Miliaria , Mongolian Spot , Nevus , Parturition , Sebaceous Glands , Skin Diseases , Skin , Vascular Malformations , Vernix Caseosa
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-98552


OBJECTIVE: Surgical treatment of focal axillary hyperhidrosis is often unsatisfactory because of compensatory hyperhidrosis. The purpose of this study is to evalute the effect of decreased sweating production using 20% aluminum chloride on axillary hyperhidrosis. METHODS: From February to December, 2002, 10 patients(mean age 25.2 male 2, female 8) with clinical diagnosis of axillary hyperhidrosis were treated by 20% aluminum chloride solution. Until the desired degree of symptom relief was obtained, they were educated to apply every day and thereafter, the agent would be applied as often as is necessary. We analyzed patient's satisfaction and application time at onset of desired dryness, application interval to maintain the relief of symptom and side effects. RESULTS: Aluminum chloride solution was effective in treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis showing excellent result in 60% of patients and good in 40%. Application time at onset of desired dryness ranged from 1 to 6 days(mean 3 days). Application interval to maintain the relief of symptom ranged from 5 to 45 days(mean 12 days). There were no significant complications but just mild irritation and miliaria in seven patients. CONCLUSION: 20% aluminum chloride solution is the simple, safe and less expensive method for initial treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis not accompanying osmidrosis.

Female , Humans , Male , Aluminum , Diagnosis , Hyperhidrosis , Miliaria , Sweat , Sweating
An. bras. dermatol ; 76(5): 593-595, set.-out. 2001. ilus
Article in Portuguese, English | LILACS | ID: lil-344178


Os autores relatam dois casos de miliária pustulosa ocorridos em crianças após episódio febril, destacando o histórico, a etiologia não infecciosa, as características clínicas, o fácil tratamento e o bom prognóstico

Humans , Male , Child , Miliaria
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 17(3): 210-216, 2001. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-302007


La dermatitis del área del pañal es uno de los desórdenes dermatológicos más comunes de la infancia, producto del año cutáneo por factores físicos, químicos, enzimáticos e infecciosos. El tratamiento de la dermatitis del área del pañal debe enfocarse en la disminución de la humedad de la piel, minimizar el contacto de ésta con orina y deposiciones y erradicar agentes infecciosos. Sin embargo múltiples dermatosis pueden afectar la zona anogenital; por lo tanto, la dermatitis del área del pañal no debe verse como una entidad diagnóstica específica, sino como un diagnóstico regional que puede corresponder a diferentes enfermedades de la piel

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Diaper Rash/diagnosis , Skin Care , Acrodermatitis , Diaper Rash/etiology , Diaper Rash/prevention & control , Diaper Rash/therapy , Dermatitis, Contact , Dermatitis, Irritant , Dermatitis, Seborrheic , Diagnosis, Differential , Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell/diagnosis , Miliaria , Psoriasis , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/diagnosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-26075


Thyroid cancer is the fourth most common malignant tumor in Korean women. It has been acknowledged for a long time that differentiated thyroid cancers have two basic ways of dissemination, lymphtic and hematogenous. Though lymphatic spread to regional lymph nodes is the typical presentation of papillary thyroid cancer of young patients, pulmonary metastasis are not uncommon in this age group. And it is interesting that almost all the patient with metastases to lung showed metastases to the regional neck lymph node. Abnormal chest X-ray of the patient of pulmonary metastasis shows only nonspecific diffuse micronodular pattern which is not easy to be differentiated. And here we report a case of pulmonary metastasis of thyroid papillary carcinoma which was mistaken for pulmonary miliary tuberculosis. It is suggested that more intensive consideration will be necessary for the diagnosis of pulmonary miliaria of children who shows neck mass.

Child , Female , Humans , Carcinoma, Papillary , Diagnosis , Lung , Lymph Nodes , Miliaria , Neck , Neoplasm Metastasis , Thorax , Thyroid Gland , Thyroid Neoplasms , Tuberculosis, Miliary