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Rev. salud pública ; 22(1): e384216, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139435


RESUMEN Objetivo Realizar una revisión temática sobre programas de ejercicio físico dirigidos a niños en el contexto mundial. Métodos La búsqueda de información se realizó en bases de datos Redalyc, Scielo, Elsevier, Pubmed, Scopus, utilizando los descriptores en salud como actividad motora, niños, adolescentes, ejercicio de calentamiento, ejercicios de estiramiento muscular y ejercicio de enfriamiento. Se seleccionaron artículos completos en idioma español e inglés publicados entre 2008 y 2019. Además, se consultaron páginas de organizaciones como la Organización Mundial de Salud (OMS), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, el Departamento administrativo del deporte, la recreación, la actividad física y el aprovechamiento del tiempo libre, entre otros. Se organizó la información en base de datos Excel, acorde con el año de publicación, título, autores, metodología, fases y dimensiones del programa. Resultados Se analizó la información y se diseñó la estructura del programa de actividad dirigido a escolares, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones de la OMS y la legislación vigente en Colombia. Conclusiones La implementación de programas de ejercicio físico desde la infancia y la adolescencia promueve hábitos saludables que impactan de forma positiva la salud disminuyendo factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles. La estructura de los mismos incluye características metodológicas como duración, frecuencia, intensidad, tipo de ejercicio y las fases de calentamiento, estiramiento, fase activa o central, y enfriamiento o vuelta a la calma.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective To conduct a thematic review of physical exercise programs for children in the global context. Methods The search for information was carried out in databases Redalyc, Scielo, Elsevier, Pubmed, Scopus, using descriptors in health such as motor activity, children, adolescents, warm-up exercise, muscle stretching exercises and cooling exercise. Full-length articles in Spanish and English were selected and published between 2008 and 2019. In addition, pages were consulted from organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, the Administrative Department of Sports, recreation, physical activity and the use of free time, among others. The information was organized in an Excel database according to the year of publication, title, authors, methodology, phases and dimensions of the program. Results The information was analyzed and the structure of the activity program for schoolchildren was designed, taking into account the recommendations of the WHO and the legislation in force in Colombia. Conclusions The implementation of physical exercise programs from childhood and adolescence, promote healthy habits that positively impact health by decreasing risk factors of chronic non transmissible diseases. Their structure includes methodological characteristics such as duration, frequency, intensity, type of exercise and the warm-up, stretching, active or central phase, and cooling down or returning to calm phases.(AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , Warm-Up Exercise/physiology , Motor Activity/physiology , Colombia
Motriz (Online) ; 26(2): e10208019, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135302


Abstract Aims: To verify the effects of flexibility training conducted at different intensities in young adults. Methods: Twenty-one (21) young adults of both genders with no history of surgery, fracture, and/or rheumatic diseases in the lower limbs and hip, were randomly assigned to low intensity (LI) or high intensity (HI) stretching groups. Two researchers were assigned to evaluate the active knee extension range of motion (ROM) of the volunteers and two other researchers were responsible for the training program. The training consisted of a single exercise for the hamstring muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus). Each session consisted of three repetitions of passive static stretching, maintained for the 60s each, with 30s interval between them, and performed three times a week for four weeks. The stretching intensity was based on the Numerical Verbal Scale, the LI group maintained the intensity between 1 and 2, while the HI group between 9 and 10. Three ROM evaluations were performed pre-intervention, after the 6th session and at the end of the 12th session. Results: No difference was observed between the groups that underwent either high- or low-intensity programs. Both groups achieved gains in flexibility after four weeks of training. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that both high- and low-intensity stretching exercises are effective for ROM and there were no differences between them. Therefore, the intensity can be defined by the preference of the therapist or patient.

Humans , Adult , Range of Motion, Articular , Pliability , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , High-Intensity Interval Training
Rev. salud pública ; 19(1): 123-128, ene.-feb. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-903081


RESUMEN La lumbalgia es un padecimiento que conlleva grandes repercusiones económicas, sociales y se ha convertido en una de las primeras causas de incapacidad laboral a nivel global. Cuando ocurre el dolor en la parte baja de la espalda se genera la incertidumbre sobre los factores de riesgo o causas que pueden desencadenar la lumbalgia, sin embargo; su diagnóstico no es sencillo y cerca del 90 % de los casos generalmente no presentan algún tipo de lesión demostrable, por lo que el problema se cataloga como una lumbalgia inespecífica. El tratamiento incluye movimiento de la persona, ya que el reposo debilita y atrofia la musculatura de la espalda, además; dentro de los métodos de ejercicios recomendados se encuentran los ejercicios localizados en musculatura del tronco y abdomen principalmente, resistencia muscular, estabilidad espinal, Pilates, ejercicios de Williams y Mckenzie, técnicas de Feldenkrais y Alexander, entre otros.(AU)

ABSTRACT Low back pain is an illness with various economic and social repercussions since it is one on the most causes of work absence worldwide. When the patient feels pain in the back, there is an uncertainty regarding a possible risk or cause for low back pain; however, diagnosis is not easy, and around 90 % of the cases do not present physical evidence, therefore, the problem is classified as a non-specific low back pain. Treatment includes body movement, because rest weakens the back muscles and causes atrophy; the recommended exercise methods include exercises for the trunk and abdomen muscles mainly, muscular resistance, spinal stability, Pilates, Williams and Mckenzie exercises, Feldenkrais and Alexander techniques, among others.(AU)

Humans , Low Back Pain/therapy , Exercise Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology
Acta fisiátrica ; 22(2): 72-76, jun. 2015.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-771284


Objetivo: Avaliar efeitos do treino de exercícios de isostreching na flexibilidade e força muscular.Método: Trinta e um indivíduos saudáveis (27 mulheres), de 18 a 28 anos, divididos em 2 grupos:Grupo A, isostretching, submeteu-se a programa de exercícios baseados na técnica isostretchinge Grupo B, padrão, submeteu-se aos mesmos exercícios utilizando princípios técnicos clássicos doalongamento, por 12 semanas, duas vezes por semana, uma hora por sessão. Foram avaliadas nopré e pós-teste, flexibilidade por meio de fotogrametria pesquisando a distância punho-chão e aclassificação da postura segundo categorias de encurtamentos musculares descritas por Kendalle, força muscular por meio de dinamometria. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamentesignificante no teste de flexibilidade nos dois grupos. Análise de significância clínica e melhorapelo Índice de Mudança Confiável (IMC) mostrou ganho na flexibilidade atingindo 14 participantesde ambos os grupos. Análise de contorno do corpo do grupo A apresentou atenuações nascurvaturas da coluna cervical, lombar e torácica e ângulo de flexão de quadril. O grupo Bapresentou atenuações na curvatura da coluna cervical e ângulo de flexão de quadril. Em relaçãoà força muscular, o grupo A apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante em alguns gruposmusculares específicos, porém sem significância clínica. Conclusão: As duas intervenções afetam aflexibilidade de forma estatisticamente semelhante, porém com impacto diferente nas curvaturasda coluna. O isostretching afetou clinicamente a flexibilidade de indivíduos saudáveis, com indíciosde que treinamentos mais intensos ou longos possam afetar a força muscular

Objective: To evaluate effects of the isostretching exercise training on flexibility and musclestrength. Method: Thirty-one healthy subjects (27 women), aged between 18 and 28 years, dividedinto two groups: Group A, isostretching, which has undergone a program of exercises based on theisostretching technique, and Group B, standard, which was subjected to the same exercises usingthe general technical principles of traditional stretching. The training went on for 12 weeks, twiceper week, one hour per session. Flexibility was evaluated through photogrammetry in pre- andpost-test, evaluating the wrist-floor distance and classifying posture according to the categoriesof muscle shortening described by Kendall, while muscle strength was assessed using a handgripdynamometer. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the results foreach group in the flexibility test. Analysis of clinical significance and improvement by the ReliableChange Index (RCI) showed an improvement in flexibility affecting 14 subjects from both groups.Analysis of body contour in group A showed attenuation in the curvatures of the cervical, thoracic,and lumbar spine, as well as the hip flexion angle, and group B showed attenuation in the curvatureof the cervical spine and hip flexion angle. Group A showed statistically significant differencesin some specific muscle groups, but with no clinical significance. Conclusion: Both interventionsaffected flexibility in a statistically similar way, but had a different impact on the curvatures of thespine. Isostretching training clinically changed the flexibility of healthy individuals, with evidencethat more intense or longer workouts can affect muscle strength.

Humans , Posture , Physical Therapy Modalities/instrumentation , Muscle Strength , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , Photogrammetry/instrumentation , Muscle Strength Dynamometer
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(6): 510-517, nov.-dez. 2010. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-574784


CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Apesar do amplo uso do Pilates na Fisioterapia, há poucos estudos que avaliaram a ativação elétrica dos músculos nos exercícios. OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de diferentes regulagens de mola e posições do indivíduo sobre a ativação elétrica dos multífidos (MU) e oblíquos externos (OE) durante a flexoextensão do quadril (FEQ) no Cadillac. MÉTODOS: Oito mulheres praticantes de Pilates por seis meses realizaram 10 repetições de FEQ nas situações: mola baixa (MB), mola fixada a 30 cm do nível em que estava o indivíduo; mola alta (MA), mola fixada a 90 cm do nível em que estava o indivíduo; posição próxima (PP), distância de 10 cm da fixação da mola; posição distante (PD), distância de 30 cm da fixação da mola. Dados cinemáticos e de eletromiografia (EMG) foram coletados sincronizadamente, e os músculos monitorados bilateralmente foram os OE e os MU. Cada movimento de FEQ foi recortado em duas fases (extensão e flexão). O sinal de EMG foi calculado e normalizado usando a contração voluntária máxima (CVM). O Wilcoxon test foi usado para investigar diferenças entre as situações (p<0,05). RESULTADO: Os músculos MU apresentaram valores de ativação muscular de 10 a 20 por cento da CVM, sendo os maiores valores observados na MA e na PD. Para os OE, valores de ativação de 20 a 45 por cento da CVM foram encontrados, com os maiores valores obtidos na MB e na PP. CONCLUSÃO: Os músculos OE e MU apresentaram uma ativação elétrica distinta durante as diferentes regulagens de mola e posições dos indivíduos avaliados.

BACKGROUND: Despite of the widepread use of Pilates in Physical Therapy, there are few studies that have assessed the muscle electrical activation during Pilates exercises. OBJECTIVE: Verify the influence of different spring adjustments and individual positions on the electrical activation of multifidus (MU) and oblique external (OE) muscles during hip flexion-extension (HFE) exercise on the Cadillac. METHODS: Eight women practicing Pilates exercises for at least six months performed 10 repetitions of HFE in the following situations: Lower Spring, spring fixed at 30 cm in relation to level which the individuals were positioned. Higher Spring, spring fixed at 90 cm in relation to level which the individuals were positioned. Near Position, distance of 10 cm from the fixed spring. Distant Position, distance of 30 cm from the fixed spring. Kinematic and eletromyographic data (EMG) were collected simultaneously and the MU and OE muscles were monitored. Each movement of HFE was splitted in two phases (extension and flexion). The EMG signal was calculated and normalized using the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The Wilcoxon test was used to investigate differences between the situations (p<0.05). RESULTS: MU muscle presented muscle activation values ranging from 10 to 20 percent MVC, and the highest muscle activation in the lower spring and in the near position. OE muscles presented muscle activation values ranging from 20 to 45 percent MVC, and the highest values in the higher spring and in the distant position. CONCLUSION: MU and OE muscles presented a distinct electrical activation during different available spring adjustments and individual positions.

Adult , Female , Humans , Exercise Movement Techniques , Muscle Stretching Exercises , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Posture/physiology , Electrophysiological Phenomena , Hip , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-51879


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) is a common problem seen in many of the dental clinics. Management of this depends on an accurate diagnosis of the cause for the TMJD. Physical therapy and rehabilitation play a vital role in the management of these dysfunctions. Physical therapy is useful in treating post-traumatic stiffness of the TMJ while strapping of the TMJ for a dysfunction along with conventional physical therapy is of benefit in terms of reduction in click, decrease in pain, and an improvement in function.

Adult , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Mandible/physiopathology , Masseter Muscle/physiopathology , Movement , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , Pain Measurement , Pterygoid Muscles/physiopathology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/rehabilitation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-109133


PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of aerobic exercise using a flex band on the improvement of physical functions & body image in breast cancer women undergoing radiation therapy after a mastectomy. METHOD: Women with breast cancer(n = 26) were assigned to an experimental group(EG, n = 15) and control group(CG, n = 11). The E.G. participated in an aerobic exercise program with a 60% to 80% intensity of maximal heart rate for 25 minutes during the main exercise, 3 times per week, for 6 weeks. The EG did not exercise regularly for 3 months before participating in this program. The CG received no exercise treatment during the research period. Data were analyzed using the chi-square-test and Mann-Whitney U test by the SPSS version 11.0 program at a 5% significant level. RESULTS: Group analysis revealed that the EGwomen had significantly more improved cardiopulmonary functions, ROM of the affected shoulder joint, and body image compared to the CG. CONCLUSION: Aerobic exercise using a flex band may be an effective rehabilitative measure for mastectomy women with respect to cardio-pulmonary functions, ROM, & body image. Further studies are recommended to study early rehabilitation programs within 10 days post-operatively.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Body Image , Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Combined Modality Therapy , Heart Rate , Mastectomy , Muscle Stretching Exercises/instrumentation , Oximetry , Program Evaluation , Range of Motion, Articular