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Acta toxicol. argent ; 28(2): 53-59, Sept. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278223


Resumen Las medusas son organismos mayoritariamente marinos pertenecientes al grupo de los cnidarios, los cuales se caracterizan por presentar células urticantes especializadas, los cnidocitos. Si bien, todas las medusas son potencialmente venenosas y el grado de toxicidad depende de la especie, sus efectos sobre los humanos varían desde reacciones locales leves hasta reacciones atópicas-anafilácticas graves, llegando incluso a la muerte de la víctima. Mundialmente se conocen numerosas especies de medusas causantes de envenenamiento a humanos, tales como la avispa de mar (Chironex fleckeri), el sifonóforo carabela portuguesa (Physalia physalis) o el hidrocoral de fuego (Millepora spp.). En Argentina, tres especies de medusas revisten de im portancia clínica epidemiológica debido a su poder urticante: las hidromedusas Liriope tetraphylla y Olindias sambaquiensis, así como la escifomedusa Chrysaora lactea. Estas especies presentan sus mayores abundancias en el verano en las costas bonae renses, coincidiendo con la presencia de turistas durante el periodo vacacional. Sus afectaciones varían de leves a moderadas, registrándose desde parestesias y ardor con dermatitis, prurito, edemas y eritemas. Una infinidad de "remedios caseros" se conocen para remediar los efectos de las picaduras de medusas, sin embargo, la mayoría han resultado ineficaces y perjudiciales. Lo más recomendable es evitar frotar y lavar la zona afectada con agua dulce o aplicar hielo para tratar de contrarrestar el ardor y acudir lo antes posible al centro de salud más cercano.

Abstract Medusae are mainly a marine group belonged to cnidarians, which are characterized by specialized stinging cells, cnidocyts. Although all medusae are potentially poisonous, their toxicity depends on the species and the effects on humans vary- ing from mild local reactions to severe atopic-anaphylactic reactions, even the death of the victim. Numerous species of cnidar ians are known worldwide to affect humans, such as the sea wasp {Chironex fleckeri), the siphonophore portuguese man-of-war (Physaliaphysalis) or the fire-coral (Millepora spp.). In Argentina, three species of medusae are known with clinical epidemiological importance due to their stinging power: the hydromedusae Liriopetetraphylla and Olindias sambaquiensis, as well as the scypho- medusae Chrysaora lactea. These species have their highest abundances in the summer on Buenos Aires coasts, coinciding with the presence of tourists during the summer vacations. Its affectations vary from mild to moderate, registering from paresthesias and burning with dermatitis, itching, edemas, and erythema. An infinity of "home remedies" are known formedusae stings, how- ever, most of them have proven ineffective and harmful. It is best to avoid rubbing and washing the affected area with fresh water or applying ice to try to counteract the burning in the region and to go the health center as soon as possible.

Cnidaria/pathogenicity , Cnidarian Venoms/toxicity , Argentina , Nematocyst/injuries
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1055-1064, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977366


Abstract The sea anemone Condylactis gigantea is an ecologically important member of the benthic community in coral reefs of the tropical Atlantic, and displays two morphotypes with respect to the color in their tentacular tips: the green tip morphotype and the pink/purple tip morphotype. Although some molecular and ecological differences have been found between these morphotypes, no other morphological distinctions have been reported, and currently both are still considered a single taxonomic species. In the present study, we perform an exploration on the variability in the size of cnidae between these two morphotypes and performed statistical analyses to compare the 10 categories of cnidae from specimens hosted in the Cnidarian Collection of Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean, of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, which were previously collected in several coral reefs localities of the Yucatán Peninsula. Results reveal no significant variation in cnidae size between the two morphotypes, but significant variations were found within each morphotype. In addition, we update the composition of the cnidom of C. gigantea, and the utility of the size of cnidae to distinguish between morphotypes or closely related species is discussed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1055-1064. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen La anémona Condylactis gigantea es un miembro ecológicamente importante de la comunidad bentónica en arrecifes de coral del Atlántico tropical, y exhibe dos morfotipos con respecto al color de las puntas de sus tentáculos: el morfotipo de puntas verdes y el morfotipo de puntas rosadas/púrpuras. Aunque se han encontrado algunas diferencias moleculares y ecológicas entre estos morfotipos, no se han reportado otras distinciones morfológicas, y actualmente ambos siguen siendo considerados una sola especie taxonómica. En el presente estudio, realizamos una exploración sobre la variabilidad en el tamaño de los cnidocistos entre estos dos morfotipos y realizamos un análisis estadístico de 10 categorías de cnidocistos a partir de especímenes albergados en la Colección de cnidarios del Golfo de México y Caribe Mexicano, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, los cuales fueron previamente recolectados en varias localidades arrecifales de la Península de Yucatán. Los resultados no revelan variación significativa en el tamaño de los cnidocistos entre los dos morfotipos, aunque fueron encontradas variaciones significativas dentro de cada morfotipo. Adicionalmente, actualizamos la composición del cnidoma de C. gigantea, y discutimos sobre la utilidad de la talla de los cnidocistos para distinguir entre morfotipos o entre especies estrechamente relacionadas.

Animals , Sea Anemones/growth & development , Anthozoa/anatomy & histology , Nematocyst , Coral Reefs , Caribbean Region , Mexico
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 1-10, 31/03/2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484638


Background More than 200 Scyphozoa species have been described, but few have been properly studied regarding their chemical and genetic characteristics.Catostylus tagi, an edible Scyphozoa and the sole European Catostylidae, occurs in summer at Tagus and Sado estuaries. Neither a systematic comparison between the two Catostyluscommunities nor a chemical approach on their nematocytes had been carried out yet.Methods In order to achieve these purposes, optimisation of DNA extraction and of histochemical staining procedures were developed.Catostylus specimens from Tagus and Sado estuaries were compared by ribosomal 18S, 28S, and ITS1 partial sequencing. The morphochemistry of nematocytes was studied by optical and electronic microscopy.Results Macroscopic and molecular results indicated that both communities belong to the same species, C. tagi. The hematoxylin and eosin staining allowed the visualisation of nematocyst genesis and indicated a basic character for the macromolecules on the shaft of euryteles and on the tubule of isorhizae and birhopaloids. By Massons trichrome procedure, the basic properties of the tubules were confirmed and a collagenous profile for the toxins was suggested. Results of the alcian blue staining showed that the outer membrane of nematocyte may consist of macromolecules with acidic polysaccharides, consistent with NOWA and nematogalectin glycoproteins detected in Hydra, but also with poly-gamma-glutamate complex, chitin-like polysaccharides and hyaluronic acids. Through the von Kossa assays, calcium was detected; its position suggested interactions with polysaccharides of the membrane, with proteins of the contractile system or with both.Conclusions The optimisation of sample preparation for DNA extraction may facilitate further studies on little known jellyfish species. The improvement of the smear procedure simplified the use of stained reactions in zooplankton. Moreover, it was shown that good slide images might be acquired manually. The development of specific reactions, with traditional dyes and others, can give important contributions to clarify the chemical nature of the components of nematocytes. The characterisation of nematocyst toxins by staining tests is a goal to achieve.

Animals , Scyphozoa/genetics , Scyphozoa/chemistry , DNA, Ribosomal , Nematocyst/anatomy & histology
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 40, 31/03/2015. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954760


Background More than 200 Scyphozoa species have been described, but few have been properly studied regarding their chemical and genetic characteristics.Catostylus tagi, an edible Scyphozoa and the sole European Catostylidae, occurs in summer at Tagus and Sado estuaries. Neither a systematic comparison between the two Catostyluscommunities nor a chemical approach on their nematocytes had been carried out yet.Methods In order to achieve these purposes, optimisation of DNA extraction and of histochemical staining procedures were developed.Catostylus specimens from Tagus and Sado estuaries were compared by ribosomal 18S, 28S, and ITS1 partial sequencing. The morphochemistry of nematocytes was studied by optical and electronic microscopy.Results Macroscopic and molecular results indicated that both communities belong to the same species, C. tagi. The hematoxylin and eosin staining allowed the visualisation of nematocyst genesis and indicated a basic character for the macromolecules on the shaft of euryteles and on the tubule of isorhizae and birhopaloids. By Masson's trichrome procedure, the basic properties of the tubules were confirmed and a collagenous profile for the toxins was suggested. Results of the alcian blue staining showed that the outer membrane of nematocyte may consist of macromolecules with acidic polysaccharides, consistent with NOWA and nematogalectin glycoproteins detected in Hydra, but also with poly-gamma-glutamate complex, chitin-like polysaccharides and hyaluronic acids. Through the von Kossa assays, calcium was detected; its position suggested interactions with polysaccharides of the membrane, with proteins of the contractile system or with both.Conclusions The optimisation of sample preparation for DNA extraction may facilitate further studies on little known jellyfish species. The improvement of the smear procedure simplified the use of stained reactions in zooplankton. Moreover, it was shown that good slide images might be acquired manually. The development of specific reactions, with traditional dyes and others, can give important contributions to clarify the chemical nature of the components of nematocytes. The characterisation of nematocyst toxins by staining tests is a goal to achieve.(AU)

Animals , DNA, Ribosomal , Nematocyst , Scyphozoa
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-130063


Coral is a member of the class Anthozoa, which cause injury due to stings from their tentacles containing nematocytes or from their sharp-edged calcified outer skeletons. Sting from their nematocytes may cause coral poisoning and cause a rare type of contact dermatitis. A 24-year-old woman, who had been contacted to coral during skin-scuba diving in the Philippines 7 days before, was presented with multiple brownish plaques and patches with small vesicles on the dorsum of the left hand. Herein, we report a case of contact dermatitis to coral by the nematocyst stings of corals.

Female , Humans , Young Adult , Anthozoa , Bites and Stings , Dermatitis, Contact , Diving , Hand , Nematocyst , Philippines , Skeleton
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-130078


Coral is a member of the class Anthozoa, which cause injury due to stings from their tentacles containing nematocytes or from their sharp-edged calcified outer skeletons. Sting from their nematocytes may cause coral poisoning and cause a rare type of contact dermatitis. A 24-year-old woman, who had been contacted to coral during skin-scuba diving in the Philippines 7 days before, was presented with multiple brownish plaques and patches with small vesicles on the dorsum of the left hand. Herein, we report a case of contact dermatitis to coral by the nematocyst stings of corals.

Female , Humans , Young Adult , Anthozoa , Bites and Stings , Dermatitis, Contact , Diving , Hand , Nematocyst , Philippines , Skeleton
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820066


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the biomedical and pharmacological activity of Paracondactylis indicus (P. indicus), Paracondactylis sinensis (P. sinensis), Heteractis magnifica (H. magnifica) and Stichodactyla haddoni (S. haddoni).@*METHODS@#The live sea anemones were kept inside the glass bowl along with some amount of distilled water in an ice container for 15 min. During stress condition, nematocysts released from the tentacles were collected and centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant were collected in separate cleaned beakers for lyophilisation.@*RESULTS@#The protein content of crude extracts was 15.2, 28.7, 18.2 and 35.4 μg/mL. In hemolytic assay, the P. indicus was sensitive (16.842 HT/mg) on chicken blood but P. sinensis was less sensitive (1.114 HT/mg) on chicken and goat blood. Whereas H. magnifica and S. haddoni showed hemolysis (0.879, 0.903 HT/mg and 56.263, 0.451 HT/mg) in chicken and goat blood. In antimicrobial assay, the methanol extract of P. indicus showed maximum inhibition zone of 9.7 mm against S. typhii and P. sinensis showed 9.8 mm against K. pneumonia in methanol and ethanol extracts. Whereas the H. magnifica and S. haddoni showed maximum of 10 mm against S. typhii, K. pneumonia in methanol and ethanol extracts.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The high toxic sea anemones may also contain some biologically active agents which has haemolytic, analgesic and anti-infilamatory activity.

Animals , Male , Mice , Analgesics , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Bacteria , Chickens , Goats , Hemolysin Proteins , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Hemolysis , India , Nematocyst , Chemistry , Proteins , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Sea Anemones , Chemistry
Annals of Dermatology ; : 212-215, 2008.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117032


Corals are the marine organism that belongs to the phylum Cnidaria, and are one of the common causes of superficial injury in the marine environment. In addition to acute reactions such as burning or stinging pain and erythema, coral injuries may present with complications such as foreign body reactions, bacterial infections, and/or localized eczematous reactions. A 23-year-old male presented with an erythematous edematous tender patch with centrally grouped vesicles on the left ankle; the injury had occurred during skin-scuba diving 2 days before. A biopsy of the lesion treated with hematoxylin-eosin stain showed epidermal necrosis with subepidermal blisters and neutrophilic panniculitis. Herein we report a case of cellulitis caused by the nematocyst stings of corals.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Anthozoa , Aquatic Organisms , Bacterial Infections , Biopsy , Bites and Stings , Blister , Burns , Cellulitis , Cnidaria , Diving , Erythema , Foreign Bodies , Necrosis , Nematocyst , Neutrophils , Panniculitis