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Rev. cuba. enferm ; 36(4): e3980, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1280302


Introducción: En el actual contexto social, cada vez se hace más apremiante que las enfermeras que desempeñan funciones directivas posean y pongan en práctica competencias que, además de validarlas profesionalmente, les permita desempeñar su rol. Objetivo: Sistematizar las competencias gerenciales de los directivos de enfermería en el contexto hospitalario. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica sistemática, durante 2018, de artículos publicados en inglés, español y portugués desde 2005 hasta 2018 en las bases de datos SciELO, PubMed, CUIDEN y Google académico. La pregunta guía se elaboró a través del acrónimo PICo. La estrategia de búsqueda se realizó mediante aceptación de los descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) "Enfermería", "Competencias gerenciales" y en inglés de (MeSH) "Professional Competence/organization and administration", "Nursing Administration Research", "Nursing Service, Hospital" y "Shared Governance, Nursing", con los operadores booleanos AND y OR, se utilizó el diagrama de flujo (PRISMA). El análisis de contenido permitió la interpretación de los referentes teóricos y la organización del conocimiento y de la bibliografía encontrada. Conclusiones: Resultan variadas e importantes las competencias gerenciales en los directivos de enfermería para mejorar la gestión administrativa y los resultados con óptima calidad en la atención de salud a las personas que requieren de las instituciones hospitalarias(AU)

Introduction: In the current social context, it is becoming increasingly urgent that nurses who perform managerial functions possess and put into practice competencies that, in addition to validating them professionally, allow them to carry out their role. Objective: To systematize the managerial competences of nursing managers in the hospital context. Methods: Systematic bibliographic review, during 2018 of articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese from 2005 to 2018 in the SciELO, PubMed, CUIDEN and Google académico databases. The guiding question was developed through the acronym PICo. The search strategy was carried out by accepting the descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) "Nursing", "Management skills" and in English (MeSH) "Professional Competence / organization and administration", "Nursing Administration Research", " Nursing Service, Hospital "and" Shared Governance, Nursing ", with the Boolean operators AND and OR, the flow diagram (PRISMA) was used. The content analysis allowed the interpretation of theoretical references and the organization of knowledge and the bibliography found. Conclusions: The managerial competences in nursing managers are varied and important to improve administrative management and results with optimal quality in health care for people who require hospital institutions(AU)

Humans , Professional Competence , Nursing Administration Research/methods , Nurse's Role , Nursing Service, Hospital , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Nursing, Supervisory
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 18: 1-9, 20160331. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-832851


Objetivou-se analisar estilos de Liderança Situacional adotados por enfermeiros hospitalares e a associação destes com seu perfil pessoal e profissional. Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, realizado com enfermeiros que atuam no contexto hospitalar e que utilizou o modelo de liderança de Hersey e Blanchard. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário sociodemográfico e pelo Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description. O estilo de liderança mais diretivo, focado na capacidade de persuasão foi o mais presente. O setor de atuação apresentou relação significativa ao estilo de liderança (p= 00,1), demonstrando aproximação entre assistência e perfil de liderança. Embora a população integre um grupo jovem, com pouco tempo de atuação, o predomínio do estilo de liderança Persuadir pode limitar a criatividade e potencialidade dos integrantes da equipe pelo foco ser centrado na tarefa. Estratégias que permitam alcançar elevados níveis de maturidade, podem auxiliar enfermeiros na adoção de práticas de liderança mais flexíveis.

This study aimed to analyze Situational Leadership styles adopted by hospital nurses and their association with their personal and professional profile. This is a quantitative and descriptive study and the Hersey and Blanchard leadership model was used with nurses who work in hospitals. Data were collected through sociodemographic questionnaire and the Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description. The more directive leadership style focused on persuasion was the most present. The activity sector showed a significant relation to the leadership style (p=00.1), demonstrating approximation between assistance and leadership profile. Although the population is composed of young group with a short time of performance, the predominance of the Coaching leadership style may limit the creativity and potential of team members for the focus to be focused on the task. Strategies to achieve high levels of maturity, can assist nurses in adopting more flexible leadership practices.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Leadership , Nursing Administration Research/methods , Nursing Service, Hospital , Professional Practice
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 17(4): 1-12, 20151131. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-832632


Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar e descrever as características de métodos de pesquisa empregados na produção de dissertações e teses sobre Administração em Enfermagem. Trata-se de pesquisa documental de abordagem quantitativa, contemplando 596 resumos de produtos de pesquisa sobre Administração em Enfermagem, analisados segundo as variáveis método de pesquisa, distribuição temporal, titulação e temáticas. Do total de resumos analisados, 49,8% eram pesquisas quantitativas e 43,1% qualitativas. As pesquisas descritivas somaram 74,8%, as exploratórias 21,5% e as transversais 86,7%. Quanto ao procedimento de coleta de dados, 46,8% eram estudos de caso e 25,7% levantamentos. O pensamento positivista iluminou 49,0% das pesquisas e a fenomenologia 19,3%. Apenas 38,3% das pesquisas aprofundaram a análise com referencial teórico-filosófico. Conclui-se que o conhecimento sobre Administração em Enfermagem foi constituído predominantemente de estudos quantitativos, descritivos, transversais e de estudos de caso, iluminados pelo pensamento positivista e pouco aprofundado por referencial teórico-filosófico de análise.

This study aimed to analyze and describe the characteristics of research methods used in the production of dissertations and theses on Nursing Administration. This is a documentary study of quantitative approach, covering 596 abstracts of research works on Nursing Administration, analyzed according to the variables of research method, temporal distribution, titles and themes. Of all analyzed abstracts, 49.8% were quantitative studies and 43.1% were qualitative. Descriptive studies amounted to 74.8%, exploratory to 21.5% and cross-sectional accounted for 86.7%. As for the data collection procedure, 46.8% were case studies and 25.7% were surveys. The positivist thought guided 49.0% of studies and phenomenology appeared in 19.3%. Only 38.3% of the studies deepened the analysis with the philosophical and theoretical framework. We concluded that the Nursing Administration knowledge was predominantly formed by quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and case studies, enlightened by the positivist thought and of little depth in the philosophical and theoretical framework of analysis.

Academic Dissertations as Topic , Education, Nursing, Graduate , Nursing Administration Research/education , Nursing Administration Research/methods , Methodology as a Subject
Temas enferm. actual ; 5(24): 22, sept.-oct. 1997. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-215424


La autora señala la utilidad de definir el modelo de gestión como medio de esclarecer los propósitos, orientar las funciones y asegurar los resultados

Nursing Administration Research/methods , Models, Nursing , Education, Nursing/trends , Concept Formation