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Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(2): 1-10, dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364280


Resumen El consumo crónico de alcohol es un problema de salud mundial que afecta particularmente a la población femenina. Sin embargo, los efectos de la ingesta semicrónica en cantidades moderadas a bajas en el ovario y el oocito son poco conocidos. En un modelo murino, se administró etanol al 10% en agua de bebida (hembras tratadas) o agua (hembras control) por 15 días, y luego de la superovulación o no (ovulación espontánea), se analizó el ciclo estral y la calidad ovárico-gamética. En las hembras tratadas, la frecuencia y duración del diestro aumentó, y las frecuencias de folículos y cuerpos lúteos disminuyeron vs hembras controles, valores que se restauraron luego de la superovulación. Sin embargo, en las hembras tratadas, la tasa de proliferación celular folicular y el desbalance de la expresión ovárica de VEGF (factor de crecimiento endotelial) persistieron luego de la superovulación. El número de ovocitos ovulados con metafase II anormal, fragmentados y activados partenogenéticamente fue mayor en las hembras tratadas respecto las controles. En conclusión, el consumo semicrónico moderado de alcohol produce anestro, ciclo estral irregular, foliculogénesis deficiente y anomalías núcleo-citoplasmáticas en los oocitos ovulados. Estas alteraciones podrían constituirse en un factor etiológico de pérdida gestacional temprana y desarrollo embrionario anormal luego del consumo de alcohol.

Abstract Chronic alcohol consumption is a global health problem that particularly affects the female population. However, the ef-fects of semi-chronic ethanol intake in low-moderate amounts on the ovary and oocyte are poorly understood. In a mouse model, 10% ethanol was administered in drinking water (treated females) or water (control females) for 15 days, and after superovulation or not (spontaneous ovulation), the estrous cycle and ovarian-gametic quality were analyzed. In treated females, the frequency and duration of the diestrus increased, and the frequencies of follicles and corpus luteum decreased vs control females, values that restored after superovulation. However, in treated females, the follicular cell proliferation rate and the imbalance in ovarian expression of VEGF (endothelial growth factor) persisted after superovulation. The number of ovulated oocytes with abnormal metaphase II, fragmented and parthenogenetically activated was higher in treated females than in control ones. In conclusion, moderate semi-chronic alcohol consumption produces anestrum, irregular estrous cycle, poor folliculogenesis, and nuclear-cytoplasmic abnormalities in ovulated oocytes. These alterations could constitute an etiological factor of early gestational loss and abnormal embryonic development after alcohol consumption.

Humans , Animals , Female , Mice , Oocytes/drug effects , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Ethanol/adverse effects , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects , Ovary/cytology , Ovary/drug effects , Oviducts/cytology , Oviducts/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects , Models, Animal , Estrous Cycle/drug effects , Cell Proliferation , Germ Cells/cytology , Germ Cells/drug effects , Ovarian Follicle/cytology
Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 165-175, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056416


An alternative hyper-ovulator inducer to replace clomiphene citrate (CC) is needed as it is unsuitable for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and is associated with low pregnancy rates. Anastrozole is an effective hyper-ovulator inducer, but has not been well researched. In order to determine the effectiveness of anastrozole as a hyper-ovulator inducer and to an extent compare it with CC in similar situations, this study ascertained the effects of these drugs on the expression of the focal adhesion proteins, paxillin and FAK, which are uterine receptivity markers in the surface luminal uterine epithelial cells of day 1 and day 6 pregnant Wistar rats. The results show that paxillin is localized in focal adhesions at the base of the uterine epithelial cells at day 1 of pregnancy whereas at day 6, paxillin disassembles from the basal focal adhesions and localizes and increases its expression apically. FAK is faintly expressed at the basal aspect of the uterine epithelial cells while moderately expressed at the cell-to-cell contact at day 1 in all groups from where it disassembles and relocates apically and becomes more intensely expressed at day 6 of pregnancy in untreated and anastrozole treated rats. Although paxillin is localized apically at day 6, its expression is significantly down-regulated with CC treatment suggesting its interference with the implantation process. These findings seem to suggest that anastrozole could favor implantation.

Para reemplazar el citrato de clomifeno (CC) es necesario un inductor de hiperovulación alternativo, ya que no es adecuado para mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico y está asociado con tasas bajas de embarazo. El anastrozol es un inductor eficaz del hiper-ovulador, pero no se ha investigado adecuadamente. Con el fin de determinar la efectividad del anastrozol como inductor del hiper-ovulador y, en cierta medida, compararlo con CC en situaciones similares, este estudio determinó los efectos de estos fármacos en la expresión de las proteínas de adhesión focal, paxillin y FAK, uterinas marcadores de receptividad en la superficie luminal de células uterinas epiteliales, del día 1 y día 6 en ratas Wistar preñadas. Los resultados muestran que la paxilina se localiza en adherencias focales en la base de las células epiteliales uterinas en el día 1 del embarazo, mientras que en el día 6, la paxilina se desmonta de las adherencias focales basales y localiza y aumenta su expresión apicalmente. FAK se expresa débilmente en el aspecto basal de las células epiteliales uterinas, mientras que se expresa moderadamente en el contacto de célula a célula en el día 1 en todos los grupos, donde se separa y se reubica apicalmente y se expresa con mayor intensidad el día 6 de la preñez, en pacientes no tratados y tratados. ratas tratadas con anastrozol. Aunque la paxillina se localiza apicalmente en el día 6, su expresión está significativamente disminuida con el tratamiento con CC, lo que sugiere su interferencia con el proceso de implantación. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el anastrozol podría favorecer el proceso de implantación.

Animals , Female , Rats , Uterus/drug effects , Anastrozole/pharmacology , Ovulation/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Focal Adhesions/drug effects , Epithelium/drug effects , Focal Adhesion Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/drug effects , Paxillin/drug effects , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Microscopy, Fluorescence
Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 2017; 19 (2): 32-37
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-189295


Background and Objective: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors [G-CSF] and its receptor express in developing follicles, fetal and reproductive tissues. The serum G-CSF concentration significantly increases during the ovulatory phase in comparison with other phases, so G-CSF may have an important role in ovulation and the early cross-talk between mother and conceptus in both human and animal models. This study was done to evaluate the Effect of exogenous G-CSF on ovulation and pregnancy rate in NMRI mice

Methods: In this experimental study, 40 mature female and 10 male NMRI mice were randomly allocated into the control and treatment groups. All Ovaries were stimulated with intraperitoneal injections [IP] of 10 IU PMSG and after 48 hour by 10 IU hCG per mouse. The treatment group were recieved G-CSF [50 micro g/kg i.p.], at the time of PMSG administration, while the control group had the same volume of normal saline instead of G-CSF at the same time. 16-18 hours post-hCG administration, twenty female mice of both groups were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and ovulated oocytes were assessed. On day 16 post coitus, the rest of female mice of both groups were scarificed for withdrawing their fetuses to determine the effect of G-CSF on pregnancy rates

Results: The ovulation rate in the treatment group [18.5 +/- 1.25] were significantly more than that of control [12.1 +/- 1.32] [P<0.05]. The number of fetuses had no significant difference between control and treatment groups

Conclusion: This study demonstrated that exogenous G-CSF may affect on folliculogenesis and ovulation but the following pregnancy outcome was not impressed

Animals, Laboratory , Ovulation/drug effects , Pregnancy Rate , Mice
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-74486


The objective of this study was to investigate factors that influence the success of resynchronization protocols for bovines with and without progesterone supplementation. Cow synchronized and not found pregnant were randomly assigned to two resynchronization protocols: ovsynch without progesterone (P4) supplementation (n = 66) or with exogenous P4 administered from Days 0 to 7 (n = 67). Progesterone levels were measured on Days 0 and 7 of these protocols as well as 4 and 5 days post-insemination. Progesterone supplementation raised the P4 levels on Day 7 (p 3.5 had increased P/AI values while cows with BCS < 2.75 had decreased P/AI rates after P4 supplementation. Primiparous cows had higher P4 values on Day 7 than pluriparous animals (p = 0.04) and tended to have higher RRs (p = 0.06). Results of this study indicate that progesterone supplementation in resynchronization protocols has minimal effects on outcomes. Parity had an effect on the levels of circulating progesterone at initiation of the protocol, which in turn influenced the RR.

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Cattle/physiology , Dinoprost/administration & dosage , Estrus Synchronization/drug effects , Fertility Agents/administration & dosage , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/administration & dosage , Insemination, Artificial/veterinary , Ovulation/drug effects , Progesterone/administration & dosage , Tromethamine/administration & dosage
JPMI-Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2013; 27 (2): 179-183
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-142591


To assess the role of Metformin in Polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS]. This interventional, quasi-experimental study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from October 2004 to October 2006. A total of 35 patients with PCOS were included fulfilling Rotterdam Criteria. Metformin was given in a dose of 850 mg twice a day. Patients' reassessment was done clinically on a three monthly basis while laboratory investigations and Transvaginal scan was done after two years. Data was analysed using SPSS v. 16. The mean age of the sample was 27 +/- 5.2 years. Out of 35, 29[82.8%] had primary infertility while 6[17.2%] had secondary and only 7[20%] of those conceived. Menstrual irregularities were present in30[85.7%] patients, 27[55.5%] with oligomenorrhea, 2[5.7%] with amenorrhea and 1[2.86%] with polymenorrhea. Out of these 15, 2 and 1 showed improvement, respectively. Regarding hyperandrogenism,22[62.8%] patients were with hirsutism, 3[9.4%] had acne and 10[28.5%] had hair loss. Out of these 0, 2and 3 improved, respectively. Transvaginal scan showed polycystic ovaries in all patients at baseline while the cysts dissolved in 15[42.8%] patients. Biochemical investigations like Leutinizing Hormone: Follicle Stimulating Hormone[LH:FSH], Serum Testosterone, Serum Prolactin, Random Blood Sugar[RBS] and Serum Insulin was raised in 32[91.4%], 24[68.5%], 9[25.7%], 3[8.5%] and 10[28.5%] patients respectively and 17[53.1%], 13[54.2%], 4[44.4%], 1[33.3%] and 4[40%] patients improved respectively. Metformin is an effective drug to improve the menstrual irregularities, LH:FSH and serum testosterone but it does not show improvement in clinical signs and symptoms of hyperandrogensim

Humans , Female , Metformin , Metformin/pharmacology , Menstrual Cycle/drug effects , Therapies, Investigational , Ovulation/drug effects
Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research. 2012; 13 (1): 36-41
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-131297


This study investigated the effect of GnRH analogues on inducing ovulation of dominant follicle [DF] and subsequent corpus luteum [CL] lifespan in the presence of norgestomet implant in Holstein heifers. On day 6 to 8 of the estrous cycle [day 0 of the experiment], all heifers [n=15] received norgestomet implant followed by prostaglandin injection on days 0 and 1. On day 4, group 1 [n=4] and 2 [n=4] heifers received 12.5 and 25 microg Alarelin, respectively. Heifers in group 3 [n=3] received 10 microg Buserelin. Heifers in control group [n=4] did not receive any further treatment. Norgestomet was removed on day 8 in the treatment group and kept throughout the experiment in control group. From day 0, blood sampling and ultrasonography were performed. Heifers were monitored after inducing ovulation for 2 consecutive estrous cycles. DF ovulated within 33 h after GnRH injection. Progesterone started to rise on day 3 and declined on day 7.45 +/- 0.28 after GnRH injection. Heifers in treatment groups displayed estrus 7.73 +/- 0.24 days after GnRH injection followed by spontaneous ovulation. The lifespan of CLs were 5.36 +/- 0.28 and 16.9 +/- 0.37 days after inducing ovulation of DF in the presence of norgestomet and following spontaneous ovulation, respectively [P<0.05]. In conclusion, the half dose of Alarelin induced ovulation of DF and the presence of single norgestomet implant after ovulation may be associated with short luteal lifespan

Female , Animals, Laboratory , Ovulation/drug effects , Ovulation Induction , Corpus Luteum , Corpus Luteum Maintenance , Pregnenediones , Buserelin , Progesterone , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 44(3): 217-223, Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-576071


Melatonin regulates the reproductive cycle, energy metabolism and may also act as a potential antioxidant indoleamine. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether long-term melatonin treatment can induce reproductive alterations and if it can protect ovarian tissue against lipid peroxidation during ovulation. Twenty-four adult female Wistar rats, 60 days old (± 250-260 g), were randomly divided into two equal groups. The control group received 0.3 mL 0.9 percent NaCl + 0.04 mL 95 percent ethanol as vehicle, and the melatonin-treated group received vehicle + melatonin (100 µg·100 g body weight-1·day-1) both intraperitoneally daily for 60 days. All animals were killed by decapitation during the morning estrus at 4:00 am. Body weight gain and body mass index were reduced by melatonin after 10 days of treatment (P < 0.05). Also, a marked loss of appetite was observed with a fall in food intake, energy intake (melatonin 51.41 ± 1.28 vs control 57.35 ± 1.34 kcal/day) and glucose levels (melatonin 80.3 ± 4.49 vs control 103.5 ± 5.47 mg/dL) towards the end of treatment. Melatonin itself and changes in energy balance promoted reductions in ovarian mass (20.2 percent) and estrous cycle remained extensive (26.7 percent), arresting at diestrus. Regarding the oxidative profile, lipid hydroperoxide levels decreased after melatonin treatment (6.9 percent) and total antioxidant substances were enhanced within the ovaries (23.9 percent). Additionally, melatonin increased superoxide dismutase (21.3 percent), catalase (23.6 percent) and glutathione-reductase (14.8 percent) activities and the reducing power (10.2 percent GSH/GSSG ratio). We suggest that melatonin alters ovarian mass and estrous cyclicity and protects the ovaries by increasing superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione-reductase activities.

Animals , Female , Rats , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Lipid Peroxidation/drug effects , Melatonin/pharmacology , Ovary/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects , Antioxidants/administration & dosage , Catalase/drug effects , Catalase/metabolism , Glutathione Peroxidase/drug effects , Glutathione Peroxidase/metabolism , Melatonin/administration & dosage , Organ Size/drug effects , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/enzymology , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Superoxide Dismutase/drug effects , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Time Factors
Journal of Iranian Anatomical Sciences. 2010; 8 (30): 13-24
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-105519


The ovary is an example of a developing tissue in which developmental prosses occur throughout reproductive life. We investigate the expression of GSK-3 beta and beta-catenin-Wnt pathway molecules-in the rat ovary during follicular development. To induce follicular growth and development, 23 days old immature female rats were injected with 10 IU of PMSG. Forty and forty-eight hours after stimulation with PMSG, the sera was collected for hormone assay, and the ovary were dissected and prepared for immunohistochemistry[IHC[and western blot[WB]. Our IHC and WB analysis showed that the expression of pGSK-3 beta and active beta-catenin was increased in PMSG primed rats in compared to those of intact groups. However, the total GSK-3 beta and beta-catenin proteins remain unchanged. The results indicate this idea that gonadotropin [PMSG], stabilized beta-catenin in GSK-3 beta independent manner in the rat ovary during the follicular development

Female , Animals, Laboratory , beta Catenin , Ovarian Follicle/growth & development , Rats , Wnt Proteins , Gonadotropins, Equine/pharmacology , Ovulation/drug effects
Tunisie Medicale [La]. 2009; 87 (1): 43-49
in French | IMEMR | ID: emr-92934


Polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS] is a common, complex endocrine disorder for women on reproductive age. A high incidence of ovulation failure is observed in PCO women and perhaps linked to insulin resistance related to metabolic features In the last few years some studies assessed hyperinsulinimea and insulin resistance attenuation effects, by insulin sensitizing agents such as metformin, in PCOS women suggesting potential scope for these drugs in CC ovulation induction quality improvement. Aim: Our prospective study aim is to compare the effectiveness of clomifene citrate plus metformin and clomifene citrate plus placebo in women with newly diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome. From February 24 to September 29 [2007], PCOS was explored on women attending the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology sterility consultation unit [CHU Hedi Chaker-Sfax] according to the Rotterdam 2003 diagnostic criteria. PCOS patients were randomized to receive, in addition to clomifene citrate treatment, placebo or metformin 850 mg two times a day all ovulatory cycle for three trials maximum. Ovulation detection was done by the E2 serum measurements and ovarian transvaginal ultrasonography' evolution controlling on 7th, 11th and 13th day of the cycle. Within 7 months, 32 PCOS women were recruited in the study and equally allocated to the two groups. Baseline characteristics were similar in metformin group and placebo one. Ovulation was characterized by the presence of at least one mature follicle [> 16mm], a circulating estradiol concentration in the edge of 150-250pg and accessory an endometrial depth > 8mm. The ovulation rate in the metformin group was 62.5% compared with 37.5% in the placebo group, a non-statistically significant [small study population] but important difference [1.66 times]. Analyses show a higher mature follicle number and estradiol concentration in metformin group than in the placebo one. Metformin effect was, in our study, his only insulinosensitizer property consequence far away a 'making thinner' or Hyperandrogenism reducing ones. The ovulatory response to clomifene can be increased in polycystic ovary syndrome women by decreasing insulin secretion with metformin

Humans , Female , Clomiphene/pharmacology , Ovulation Induction/methods , Ovulation/drug effects , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/drug therapy , Prospective Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57369


This study was designed to evaluate the reproductive performance of Japanese black cows following the 3rd injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue administered concurrently with Ovsynch-based treatment on day 6 (day 1 = the day of ovulation). In Experiment 1, 12 cows were allocated into three groups: a control group that was subjected to Ovsynch treatment and then injected with a placebo on day 6; group 1 (Ovsynch + GnRH), which was subjected to Ovsynch treatment and was injected with GnRH analogue on day 6, and group 2 (Ovsynch + controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) + GnRH), which received Ovsynch-CIDR treatment and was injected with GnRH analogue on day 6. Blood collection and ultrasonographic observation of the ovaries were conducted daily. Both treatments induced the formation of an accessory corpus luteum and significantly increased the cross-sectional area of the luteal tissue when compared to the control. However, plasma progesterone (P(4)) was significantly higher in the treatment groups than in the control group on days 11, 12, 17 and 18 in the group 1 and from day 10 to 21 in the group 2. In Experiment 2, 41 cows were assigned to the same three groups described above and then artificially inseminated on day 1. The pregnancy rates on day 45 did not differ among groups. In conclusion, administration of GnRH analogue on day 6 following Ovsynch-based treatment did not improve the reproductive performance of Japanese black cows, even though the P(4) concentration was higher in groups that received the GnRH.

Animals , Cattle , Female , Corpus Luteum/anatomy & histology , Delayed-Action Preparations , Drug Administration Schedule , Estrus/drug effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/administration & dosage , Japan , Ovulation/drug effects , Placebos , Progesterone/blood , Reproduction/drug effects
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 67(5): 481-490, sep.-oct. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-489373


La contracepción de emergencia puede evitar el embarazo luego de un coito sin medidas contraceptivas o cuando éstas fallan. Se recomienda el levonorgestrel, un gestágeno sintético, en dosis única de 1.5 mg (alternativamente en dos dosis de 0.75 mg espaciadas 12 h). Su eficacia es moderada, pues impide aproximadamente 80% de los embarazos. La eficacia es mayor cuanto más precozmente se administre, pero puede darse hasta 5 días post-coito. La tolerancia es similar o superior a la de otros preparados empleados con igual propósito. Los efectos adversos comprenden náuseas, vómitos, cefalea, tensión mamaria y alteraciones transitorias en la siguiente menstruación. Se desconoce si el levonorgestrel aumenta la probabilidad de embarazo ectópico cuando el tratamiento fracasa. No se recomienda su empleo como contraceptivo habitual. Cuando se administra antes del pico preovulatorio de LH, el levonorgestrel generalmente bloquea o retrasa la ovulación. Puede asimismo afectar la migración de los espermatozoides en el tracto genital femenino e, indirectamente, la fertilización. Pese a haberse postulado reiteradamente, no existe evidencia de un efecto antiimplantatorio. El conocimiento del método es muy variable en diferentes sociedades, pero aun donde es bien conocido permanece subutilizado. Se ha propuesto proveer levonorgestrel por adelantado para promover su uso. En ensayos clínicos, tal provisión no afectó adversamente el comportamiento sexual ni el empleo de otros contraceptivos, pero tampoco redujo el número de embarazos o abortos. En consecuencia, el empleo de levonorgestrel debe considerarse un método de respaldo que no reemplaza el uso de contraceptivos más eficaces.

Emergency contraception may avoid pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or when regular contraceptive measures fail. Levonorgestrel, a synthetic gestagen, is recommended for emergency contraception as a single 1.5-mg dose or, alternatively, two 0.75-mg doses taken 12 h apart. Its efficacy is moderate, preventing about 80% of pregnancies. Efficacy is higher the earlier after unprotected intercourse the drug is taken, but it may be administered up to 5 days post-coitum. Tolerance is similar to, or better than, those of other oral emergency contraceptives. Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, breast tenderness and transient alteration of menstrual bleeding pattern. It is not known whether levonogestrel increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy when the treatment fails. Its use as an ongoing contraceptive method is discouraged. When given before the preovulatory LH peak, levonorgestrel blocks or delays ovulation. It may also affect sperm migration in the female reproductive tract and have an effect on fertilization. Although it has been often postulated, there is no evidence for an anti-implantatory effect. Acquaintance with the method is quite variable among different societies, but it remains underutilized even where it is well known. Advance provision of the drug has been proposed as a way to promote its use. In clinical trials, advance provision did not adversely modify sexual or regular contraceptive behavior, but it did not reduce pregnancy or abortion rate either. Therefore, emergency contraception with levonorgestrel should be regarded as a backup method which is not a substitute for the continued use of more effective contraceptive methods.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Contraception, Postcoital , Contraceptive Agents, Female/administration & dosage , Contraceptives, Oral, Synthetic/administration & dosage , Levonorgestrel/administration & dosage , Ovulation/drug effects , Clinical Trials as Topic , Contraceptive Agents, Female/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral, Synthetic/adverse effects , Fallopian Tubes/drug effects , Fertilization/physiology , Intrauterine Devices , Levonorgestrel/adverse effects , Pregnancy, Ectopic/etiology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-44458


OBJECTIVE: To determine the day of ovulation by the salivary ferning test in clomiphene citrate-treated women. DESIGN: A descriptive study. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. SUBJECT: Seventy-five infertile women with regular menstrual cycles. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Infertile women were given 100 mg of clomiphene citrate for five days and collected their saliva samples daily until seven days after ovulation. Transvaginal ultrasound was performed daily to detect ovulation. The salivary ferning formation was examined by a normal light microscope and graded from 1-3, according to its extent and intensity. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The salivary ferning score, the peak salivary ferning day, and the day of ovulation detected by ultrasound. RESULTS: The patients' age and cycle length (mean +/- SD) were 32.9 +/- 3.7 years and 28.4 +/- 1.3 days. The peak salivary ferning day corresponded with the ultrasound ovulation day in only 7.1%. There were two peaks of median salivary ferning scores; one was two days prior ovulation and the other was five days post ovulation. There was no correlation between the peak salivary ferning day and day of ovulation detected by ultrasound (r = 0.102, p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: In clomiphene citrate-stimulated cycles, the saliva ferning test does not seem to associate with ovulation.

Adult , Clomiphene/administration & dosage , Endometrium/drug effects , Estrogen Antagonists/administration & dosage , Female , Fertility Agents, Female/administration & dosage , Follicle Stimulating Hormone , Humans , Infertility, Female/diagnostic imaging , Luteinizing Hormone , Menstrual Cycle/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects , Ovulation Detection/methods , Ovulation Induction , Saliva , Thailand , Time
Medical Sciences Journal of Islamic Azad University. 2007; 17 (1): 29-32
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-97148


Morphine is the most important alkaloid of opium that has studied on some body organs. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of morphine on growth and development of ovarian follicles of the ovaries of mouse in different stages of growth. 40 female rats aged three weeks were selected and assigned into two experimental groups, two control and sham groups. For 9 weeks, each rat of experimental group was taken morphine orally with concentrations of 0.1 and 0.0l mg/ml of drinking water. The control group was prescribed only water and sham group was ordered water and sugar. Having anesthetized the rats and removed their ovaries, histological processes were achieved and primary, secondary, mature and atretic follicles were counted and surveyed. The results showed that effects of morphine on primary follicles in different groups were not significant, however, morphine had significant effects on secondary, mature and atretic follicles when compared different groups [P<0.001]. Our findings indicate the effect of morphine on ovulation and function of female genital system

Female , Animals, Laboratory , Growth and Development , Rats , Mice , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects
Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal. 2007; 1 (1): 37-42
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-112773


Oxymetholone is an orally-administered active anabolic-androgenic steroid. This drug was synthesized in 1959. It is a 17alpha-methylated, 5alpha-saturated compound. It is used for the treatment of a variety of diseases including anemia, growth delay in children, myocardial damage in heart failure and treatment of HIV associated wasting. This is one of the drugs used in high doses by the doping athletes because of its anabolic effects and its influence on muscular mass. In this study, the effect of oxymetholone in supraphysiologic doses was evaluated on oogenesis in NMRI mice. In our experiments, 12 mg/kg/day oxymetholone was injected intraperitoneally to 4- and 6-week old mice for 70 days. The results demonstrated a significant difference between treatment and control groups after both 35 and 70 days of treatment. This drug led to significant decrease in the number of corpus lutea, decrease in the number of atretic follicles, decrease in the weight and diameter of ovaries, decrease in the diameter of granulosa layer, increase in number of primordial follicles, decrease in number of primary follicles, decrease in number of growing follicles, decrease in the number of graafian follicles, and decrease in the progesterone level. Additionally, disordered formation of granulosa layers and growing of oocytes in antra, anomaly of the ovular medulla and formation of two oocytes in one folliculus were observed in some mice. The results show that oxymetholone decreases the ovarian growth and the rate of ovulation

Animals, Laboratory , Oogenesis/drug effects , Anabolic Agents , Mice , Ovulation/drug effects , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2006 Nov; 44(11): 880-5
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-60112


The present study was aimed to study the effect of an ovine follicular fluid peptide on ovarian follicle and good oocyte numbers and weights of ovary, uterus, liver, pancreas and kidney in rats, R. norvegicus. A 30.1 kDa peptide was isolated from ovine follicular fluid by ammonium sulphate precipitation and then gel filtration. The peptide was tested at various levels in normal (22 and 36 day-old), superovulated (29 day-old) immature and 121-day old mature rats on the ovarian responses and other organ weights. The isolated peptide inhibited the growth of antral follicles in normal and superovulated rats. Ovarian, uterine weight and recovery of good oocytes were reduced when the peptide was administered at 100 microg dose. The peptide had no effect on kidney, liver, pancreas weight and recovery of preantral follicles.

Animal Structures/anatomy & histology , Animals , Female , Follicular Fluid/chemistry , Gonadotropins, Equine/pharmacology , Oocytes/cytology , Organ Size/drug effects , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovulation/drug effects , Peptide Fragments/isolation & purification , Rats , Rats, Inbred Strains , Sexual Maturation/drug effects , Sheep
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal. 2006; 52 (111): 241-250
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-135562


Postpartum in buffaloes plays a great role in delay of the cyclicity in buffaloes that seemed to be anestrous. So, the use of hormones to induct estrus or induct ovulation has an importance to increase pregnancy rate. The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of the two methods in inducing high pregnancy rate. The experimental animals [48 lactating buffaloes] were divided into three groups: PGF2alpha group 1[n=16]; Ovsynch group 2 [n=16] and control group [n=16]. Pregnancy rate was significantly [p<0.001]increased in group 2 than group 1 and control group due to higher level of progesterone and more accurate synchronization for ovulation., It is more suitable to use the regimen of ovsynch in postpartum buffaloes especially in multiparous females with good condition score

Animals , Pregnancy Rate/trends , Estrus Synchronization/methods , Dinoprost , Ovulation/drug effects
Medical Journal of Reproduction and Infertility. 2006; 7 (3): 225-233
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-79147


Polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS] is the most important cause of oligoovulation and anovulation in women of reproductive age and in infertile women. Considering insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in this syndrome, it is believed that calcium, as well as vitamin D, will have a unique role in correcting the impairment in insulin secretion and help the development of oocytes in mammals. Therefore, this study was carried out with the objectives of evaluating the effects of calcium on human ovulation and on the size of follicles in comparison with the current use of metformin. In this research, all PCOS patients [In accordance with the Rotterdam criteria and diagnosis confirmation by a gynecologist] who attended the infertility unit of Vali-e-Asr Reproductive Health Research Center from 2004 to 2005, after expressing their willingness to participate in the research were assigned to three 20-patient treatment groups as it follows: The cases were treated daily with: 1] Calcium/Vit. D [1000/mg], 2] Calcium/Vit. D [1000 mg] and metformin [1500mg] or 3] Metformin [1500mg] tablets for 3 months and were followed up for 3 more months. After this 6-month period, the size of dominant follicles, regularity of menses and pregnancy were checked for. After data collection and entry, statistical analysis [Kruskal Wallis, t-test, ANOVA and Generalized Estimating Equation [GEE] Regression] on the basis of the hypothesis, with a significance level of p=0.05 was performed by using SPSS software [Version 11]. Considering the response to treatment by the patients [Dominant follicle >/= 12mm in size], GEE showed that the response was significantly higher during the 5[th]-6[th] months in the Calcium/Vit. D and metformin treatment group than the ones from the other groups [p= 0.03]. Considering the effects of metformin in reducing and regulating insulin production, and vitamin-D in regulating and correcting serum insulin levels, simultaneous administration of these two medications is suggested for the treatment of insulin impairment and reduction of androgen levels for better oocyte maturation

Humans , Female , Vitamin D , Calcium , Insulin Resistance , Ovulation/drug effects , Metformin , Hyperandrogenism
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 38(6): 943-947, June 2005. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-402658


The seed oil of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) is used in traditional medicine for its antidiabetic, spermicidal, antifertility, antibacterial, and wound healing properties. The present study was undertaken to investigate the quantitative aspects of follicular development in cyclic female albino rats (135 ± 10 g; 8 groups with 6 animals in each group) after oral administration of polar (PF) and non-polar (NPF) fractions of A. indica seed extract at 3 and 6 mg kg body weight-1 day-1 and Melia azedarach Linn. (dharek) seed extract at 24 mg kg body weight-1 day-1 for 18 days. The extracts were prepared using a flash evaporator at 35°C and then dissolved in olive oil to prepare doses on a per kg body weight basis. There was a significant reduction (P = 0.05) in the number of normal single layered follicles (A. indica: 0.67 ± 0.33 and 4.67 ± 2.03 after 3 and 6 mg/kg NPF, and 3.33 ± 1.67 and 1.00 ± 1.00 after 3 and 6 mg/kg PF vs control: 72.67 ± 9.14 and M. azedarach: 0.60 ± 0.40 and 1.80 ± 1.2 after 24 mg/kg PF and NPF, respectively, vs control: 73.40 ± 7.02) and follicles in various stages (I-VII) of follicular development in all treatment groups. These extracts also significantly reduced (P = 0.05) the total number of normal follicles in the neem (14.67 ± 5.93 and 1.00 ± 1.00 after 3 and 6 mg/kg PF and 3.67 ± 0.88 and 5.33 ± 2.03 after 3 and 6 mg/kg NPF) and dharek (13.00 ± 3.58 and 14.60 ± 2.25 after 24 mg/kg NPF and PF) treatments compared to control (216.00 ± 15.72 and 222.20 ± 19.52, respectively). Currently, indiscriminate use of persistent and toxic rodenticides to control rodent populations has created serious problems such as resistance and environmental contamination. Therefore, it becomes necessary to use ecologically safe and biologically active botanical substances that are metabolized and are not passed on to the next trophic level, and that interfere with the reproductive potential particularly growth and differentiation of follicles. This may help elevate the socio-economic status of the country. Thus, the present study is an attempt to investigate the effects of A. indica and M. azedarach seed extracts on reproduction of albino rats.

Animals , Female , Rats , Azadirachta/chemistry , Contraceptive Agents, Female/pharmacology , Melia azedarach/chemistry , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects , Contraceptive Agents, Female/isolation & purification , Ovarian Follicle/growth & development , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Seeds/chemistry
IPMJ-Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2004; 3 (2): 184-188
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-66090


To determine whether metformin treatment increases the ovulation and pregnancy rates in response to Clomiphene Citrate [CC] in women with polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS] who are resistant to CC alone. Randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial. Anovulatory women with PCOS who were resistant to CC were chosen. Participants received placebo or metformin, 500 mg three times daily, for 7 weeks. Information on reproductive steroids, gonadotropins, and oral glucose tolerance testing were obtained at baseline and after treatment. Metformin or placebo was continued and CC was begun at 50 mg daily for 5 days. Serum Progesterone [P] level >12 nanomol/L was considered to indicate ovulation. With ovulation, the daily CC dose was not changed, but with anovulation it was increased by 50 mg for the next cycles. Patients completed the study when they have six avulatory cycles, became pregnant, or experienced anovulation while receiving 200 mg of CC. In the metformin and placebo groups, 16 of 21 participants [76%] and 7 of 25 participants [28%] ovulated, and 11 of 20 participants [55%] and 2 of 24 participants [8.4%] conceived, respectively. Comparisons between the groups were statistically significant. In anovlatory women with PCOS who are resistant to CC, metformin use significantly increased ovulation and pregnancy rate when combined with CC

Humans , Female , Reproduction/drug effects , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Clomiphene , Ovulation/drug effects , Pregnancy Rate , Pregnancy/drug effects , Double-Blind Method , Placebos , Pregnancy Outcome , Anovulation
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-42867


In a randomized trial, the impact of starting day (the first and the seventh day of the period) on ovarian follicular activity was assessed during administration of a very low dose of oral contraceptive pills (20 microgram (mcg) ethinyl estradiol (EE) and 75 mcg gestodene (GS) [Meliane, Schering, Germany]). One hundred and sixty healthy women aged: 23-44 years, who had a regular cycle, and who were not using any type of oral contraceptive (OCs) steroid were studied at the Family Planning Clinic of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. In the trial, each subject received a package of Meliane. They were blockwise randomized, 1:1 ratio; in the first group, subjects began their pills on the first day of their period (n = 80) and the other group, the seventh day of their period (n = 80). During the treatment cycle, ovarian activity was evaluated by transvaginal sonography (TVS) to determine the follicular-like structure (FLS). Ovulation was defined as the dominant FLS detected by TVS and followed-up every other day until its collapse. It occurred in 0 of 77 cases who started on the first day of their period and occurred in 8 of 78 cases of the group which started on the seventh day of their period. The difference was of statistical significance (p = 0.006). The result of this clinical trial is beneficial information for users of OCs containing 20 mcg EE who delay start of the OCs package.

Adult , Confidence Intervals , Contraceptives, Oral/administration & dosage , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/administration & dosage , Drug Administration Schedule , Female , Humans , Menstrual Cycle/drug effects , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects , Ovulation/drug effects , Probability , Reference Values , Sensitivity and Specificity , Time Factors , Ultrasonography, Doppler