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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;88(4): 248-254, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515216


La pentalogía de Cantrell es una rara anomalía congénita caracterizada por la asociación de ectopia cordis con defectos en la pared toracoabdominal, el diafragma, el esternón y pericárdicos, y anomalías cardíacas intrínsecas. En diagnóstico prenatal, la ecografía se utiliza sistemáticamente entre las 11 y 14 semanas de gestación, evaluando marcadores de alteraciones cromosómicas como la sonolucencia nucal, el hueso nasal y la morfología patológica del ductus venoso, entre otros. Además, permite examinar la anatomía fetal y diagnosticar anomalías mayores, como acrania-anencefalia, holoprosencefalia, defectos de la pared abdominal y toracoabdominal, entre los que se incluye la pentalogía de Cantrell. Se reporta un feto con los hallazgos clásicos de pentalogía de Cantrell, que fue expulsado a las 13 semanas de gestación bajo protocolo de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Madre de 23 años, G1P0, sin exposiciones teratogénicas, en cuyo feto se encontró ectopia cordis, asas intestinales e hígado por fuera de la cavidad abdominal en las 10 y 12 semanas de gestación. El objetivo de este estudio es aportar a la literatura un reporte de pentalogía de Cantrell, siendo el primero reportado en Colombia en el primer trimestre de gestación, mostrando la importancia de la ecografía sistemática durante este periodo, en el marco de la posibilidad de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.

Cantrells pentalogy is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by the association of ectopia cordis with intrinsic cardiac anomalies and various anatomical defects found in the thoracoabdominal wall, diaphragm, sternum and pericardium. Ultrasound is used routinely between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation during prenatal diagnosis. It evaluates markers of chromosomal alterations such as nuchal sonolucency, the nasal bone, and the pathological morphology of the ductus venosus, among others. Furthermore, it allows the diagnosis of altered fetal anatomy and major abnormalities such as acrania-anencephaly, holoprosencephaly, abdominal and thoraco-abdominal wall defects including Cantrells pentalogy. In this case report, we present a fetus with the classic findings of Cantrells pentalogy, which was expelled during the 13th week of gestation under the protocol of voluntary interruption of pregnancy. The mother, a 23-year-old woman, G1P0, without teratogenic exposures, in whom during the routine ultrasound of the 10th and 12th weeks of gestation ectopia cordis, intestinal loops and liver outside the abdominal cavity were found on the fetus. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the literature a case report of pentalogy of Cantrell, diagnosed through prenatal ultrasound, being the first reported in Colombia during first trimester of gestation, showing the importance of routine ultrasound, in the context of access to a voluntary termination of pregnancy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Pentalogy of Cantrell/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Abortion, Induced , Ectopia Cordis/etiology , Pentalogy of Cantrell/surgery , Pentalogy of Cantrell/complications
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;41(5): 352-356, May 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013614


Abstract Pentalogy of Cantrell (PC) is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by changes in the mesodermal median structures and congenital heart disease, often with a poor prognosis. In 1958, Cantrell et al2 defined the full spectrum of the syndrome with the following anomalies: defects of the anterior diaphragm, of the lower part of the sternum, of the supraumbilical region and the abdominal wall, of the diaphragmatic pericardium, and various intracardiac congenital abnormalities. The present report describes a case of ectopia cordis associated with PC and the importance of the participation of a multidisciplinary team in the treatment of this condition.

Resumo A pentalogia de Cantrell (PC) é uma rara anomalia congênita caracterizada por alterações nas estruturas medianas mesodérmicas e doenças cardíacas congênitas, cursando muitas vezes com um mau prognóstico. Em 1958, Cantrell et al2 definiram o espectro completo da síndrome com as seguintes anomalias: defeitos do diafragma anterior, da parte inferior do esterno, da região supraumbilical e parede abdominal, do pericárdio diafragmático, e várias anormalidades congênitas intracardíacas. O presente relato relaciona-se a um caso de ectopia cordis associado à PC e à importância da participação de uma equipe multidisciplinar no acompanhamento da doença.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Pentalogy of Cantrell/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Fatal Outcome , Diagnosis, Differential , Ectopia Cordis/diagnostic imaging , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 7(1): 53-55, jun 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-884842


La pentalogía de Cantrell es una enfermedad muy poco frecuente sobre todo en embarazos múltiples. Está caracterizado por presentar malformaciones integradas por defectos de cinco anomalías: tercio inferior del esternón, defecto epigástrico de la línea media abdominal, alteración del segmento anterior del diafragma, defectos pericárdicos y malformaciones cardiacas. Se reporta un caso en una paciente primigesta de 22 años de edad y embarazo gemelar que acude para su control ecográfico a las 27,3 semanas de gestación, en donde se encuentran los siguientes hallazgos ecográficos: anencefalia, anormalidad facial y corazón fuera de la cavidad torácica. Se da el nacimiento de los gemelos por vía cesárea a las 35 semanas: el primero de aspecto normal y el segundo con Pentalogía de Cantrell y otras malformaciones asociadas.

Pentalogy of Cantrell is a low frequency disease within multiple pregnancy, characterized with malformations with five anomalies defects: lower sternal defect, midline supraumbilical abdominal wall defect, diaphragmatic pericardial defect, anterior diaphragmatic defect and various intracardiac malformations. We report a case in a patient in her first pregnancy of 22 year old, twin pregnancy. She is 27, 3 weeks pregnant, comes for ultrasound control of the gestation, where the following ultrasound results are found: anencephaly, facial abnormalities and the heart out of the chest cavity. The birth of the twins is given via caesarian section at 35 weeks; the first of normal appearance and the second with Pentalogy of Cantrell and other associated malformations

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Young Adult , Ectopia Cordis/diagnostic imaging , Pentalogy of Cantrell/diagnostic imaging , Tetralogy of Fallot/diagnostic imaging , Fatal Outcome , Pregnancy, Twin