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Repert. med. cir ; 30(1): 89-97, 2021. ilus.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1349148


Se presentan 4 máscaras precolombinas, tres de las cuales son ecuatorianas y una colombiana. Las primeras son de cerámica y se adscriben a la cultura Jama-Coaque y la tercera de concha Spondylus prínceps no tiene adscripción a ninguna en particular del Ecuador prehispánico, por no existir un estudio sistemático en Ecuador sobre la relación de esas máscaras con sus culturas costeras, la colombiana es de cobre. La primera de cerámica ecuatoriana por su tamaño, peso y elementos agregados ­ un material blanco que simula los dientes, tres piedras verdes que parecen los ojos y una incrustación sublabial, un bezote ­ hacen pensar en una máscara mortuoria de un personaje de poder y alto estatus social; la segunda de cerámica por presentar dieciséis nódulos faciales remite al observador a la llamada verruga peruana o bartonelosis, la tercera ecuatoriana fue elaborada posiblemente como un elemento votivo o de ofrenda para exhibir poder o invocar fuerza o protección dado el carácter de gran valor simbólico de esa concha roja. La máscara de cobre del Cauca medio o Quimbaya, en razón a su material, peso y color, con bastante probabilidad fue usada como adorno colocado sobre el pecho del personaje poderoso o de elevado estatus. Se compara la máscara con bartonelosis con otras dos que el autor ya había documentado, la de concha con otra del mismo tipo de material, la máscara de cobre con una pequeña de piedra jadeíta se referencia con una calavera enmascarada que el autor tuvo la oportunidad de estudiar hace varios años. Se concluye sugiriendo los usos tradicionalmente asignados a las máscaras: festivos, mortuorios y como adornos corporales para resaltar el poder de quien las exhibe. Las máscaras con la erupción tipo nódulos debieron jugar un papel similar a las estatuillas en cerámica y piedra que representan patologías con tanto realismo en el arte prehispánico, pudiendo ser una forma de enseñar, dentro de un pensamiento médico empírico analógico, como lo son los moldes en cera, las fotografías, los dibujos y pinturas en la medicina moderna basada en un pensamiento empírico analítico.

Four pre-Columbian masks are presented, three of which are Ecuadorian and one Colombian. The Ecuadorian masks are made of ceramics and ascribe to the Jama-Coaque culture and the third is made of Spondylus prínceps shell, and does not have any ascription to any particular Ecuadorian pre-Hispanic coastal culture, for no systematic study was conducted in Ecuador on the relationship of those masks and coastal cultures. The Colombian mask is made of copper. The first ceramic mask, for its size, weight and additional elements ­ a white material that simulates teeth, three green stones that simulate eyes and a lower labial incrustation, "bezote"- makes one recall a death mask of an individual with significant power and high social status; the second ceramic mask, features sixteen facial nodules which refer the observer to the Peruvian wart or bartonellosis, the third mask was possibly created as a volitional or offering element to exhibit power or evoke the force or protection given the great symbolic value of that red shell. The middle Cauca Quimbaya copper mask was most probably used as an ornament for the chest of a powerful or high class person given its material, weight and color. The mask that resembles bartonellosis is compared with other two masks the author had already examined. The shell mask was compared with another made of the same type of shell, the copper mask with a small jadeite stone mask, a masked skull that the author had the opportunity to examine several years ago.Finally, these interpretations suggest that in addition to the uses traditionally assigned to the masks: festive, funerary and as body adornments to portray the power of the wearer, the masks with the multiple nodular lesions must have served a role similar to that of the ceramic and stone miniature statues which depict pathologies, featuring great realism in pre-Hispanic art, as a way of teaching through an analogical empirical medical thought, the same role played by wax molds, photographs and drawings and paintings in modern medicine, also based on analytical empirical thought.

Piedra , Ceramics , Masks , Paleopathology , Teaching , Bartonella Infections , Symbolism
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(3): 413-416, May-June 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886960


Abstract Superficial mycoses are fungal infections restricted to the stratum corneum and to the hair shafts, with no penetration in the epidermis; they are: white piedra, black piedra, tinea versicolor, and tinea nigra. This study presents images of mycological tests performed in the laboratory, as well as exams performed at the authors office, in order to improve the dermatologist's knowledge about the diagnosis of these dermatoses, which are common in many countries.

Humans , Piedra/diagnosis , Tinea/diagnosis , Piedra/classification , Piedra/pathology , Tinea/classification , Tinea/pathology
Dermatol. argent ; 22(1)2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-859131


La verrugosis generalizada es un rasgo común a diferentes síndromes de inmunodeficiencia, cuyo prototipo es la epidermodisplasia verruciforme (EV). Se presenta una paciente con síndrome WILD (Warts, Immunodeficiency, Lymphoedema, anogenital Dysplasia), que consultó por verrugas profusas, con displasia genital y linfedema. La presencia de DNA para los papilomavirus de los grupos I y II se reveló con hibridización molecular por captura híbrida en microplaca para detección del DNA de HPV de lesiones de cuello uterino. La inmunofenotipificación en sangre periférica demostró población linfoide con moderado aumento de poblaciones NK y TNK, sin evidencia inmunofenotípica de población B clonal. Las verrugas planas mejoraron con retinoides sistémicos e imiquimod tópico. La displasia genital desapareció luego de la vacunación para HPV con vacuna cuadrivalente (AU)

Generalized verrucosis is a common characteristic of several immunodeficiency disorders whose prototype is the epidermodysplasia verruciformis. We report a patient with WILD SYNDROME (Warts, Immunodeficiency, Lymphoedema and anogenital Dysplasia) who consulted for profuse warts, genital dysplasia and limphoedema. The presence of DNA from papillomavirus groups I and II was revealed by molecular hybridization with hybrid capture in microplate for HPV DNA detection of uterine cervical lesions. Immunophenotyping in peripheral blood showed lymphoid population with moderate increase in NK and TNK populations without immunophenotypic evidence of clonal B population. Flat warts improved with systemic retinoids and topical imiquimod. The genital dysplasia disappeared after vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Piedra/diagnosis , Trichosporon , Axilla/microbiology , Infections
Infectio ; 17(2): 106-110, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-702377


Las piedras son infecciones fúngicas superficiales y asintomáticas frecuentes en los países tropicales, que se caracterizan por la presencia de nódulos a lo largo del tallo piloso. Sin embargo, la literatura publicada durante los últimos años es limitada y la taxonomía actual de sus agentes etiológicos es poco conocida. Se presenta un caso de piedra negra y otro de piedra blanca en dos mujeres colombianas inmunocompetentes con numerosas lesiones nodulares en su cabello que consultaron a un centro de referencia nacional en Bogotá, Colombia. A pesar de que las piedras fueron descritas y clasificadas desde el punto de vista clínico y microbiológico hace más de 100 años, aún se conoce poco sobre su historia, ecología, forma de transmisión, epidemiología y presentación clínica. Sin embargo, las diferencias que existen entre las dos micosis ayudan a orientar el diagnóstico clínico y fúngico.

Black piedra and white piedra are common superficial and asymptomatic fungal infections in tropical countries, characterized by the presence of hard nodules located along the hair shaft. However, in recent years literature on this topic has been limited and the current taxonomy of their etiologic agents is poorly understood. Here we report two cases of black piedra and white piedra in two immune competent Colombian women with numerous nodular lesions in their hair who visited a national reference center in Bogota, Colombia. Despite having been described and classified from a clinical and microbiological perspective more than 100 years ago, little is still known about the history, ecology, mode of transmission, epidemiology and clinical presentation of piedras. Nevertheless, the differences between the two mycoses help to orient clinical and fungal diagnoses.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Aged , Piedra , Scalp , Trichosporon , Infections , Mycoses
Braz. j. microbiol ; 43(4): 1347-1354, Oct.-Dec. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-665819


Piedra, is an asymptomatic fungal infection of the hair shaft, resulting in the formation of nodules of different hardness on the infected hair. The infection also known as Trichomycosis nodularis is a superficial fungal infection arising from the pathogen being restricted to the stratum corneum with little or no tissue reaction. The nodules are a concretion of hyphae and fruiting bodies of the fungus. Two varieties of Piedra may be seen, Black Piedra and White Piedra. The fungus Trichosporon ovoides is involved in the occurrence of both types of Piedras. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of selected essential oils for the control of growth of the fungus and to determine whether the antifungal effect was due to the major compounds of the oils. Two screening methods viz. Agar well diffusion assay and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration were adopted for the study. MIC and MFC were determined by tube dilution method. Essential oils from Eucalyptus, Ocimum basilicum, Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Cymbopogon winterians, Trachyspermum ammi, Zingiber officinalis, Citrus limon, Cinnamomon zeylanicum, Salvia sclarea, Citrus aurantifolia, Melaleuca alternifolia, Citrus aurantium, Citrus bergamia, Pogostemon pathchouli, Cedrus atlantica, Jasminum officinale, Juniperus communis, Abelmoschus moschatus, Cyperus scariosus, Palargonium graveolens, Boswellia carterii, Rosa damascene, Veteveria zizanoides and Commiphora myrrha were evaluated. The essential oils of Cymbopogon winterians, Mentha piperita, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Melaleuca alternifolia and Eucalyptus globulus were proved to be most effective against the fungus Trichosporon ovoides.

Humans , Anti-Infective Agents , Mycoses , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Piedra , Trichosporon/growth & development , Methods , Virulence
An. bras. dermatol ; 87(5): 786-787, Sept-Oct. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-651579


White piedra is a superficial mycosis caused by the genus Trichosporon. It is characterized by nodules on the hair shaft. Pediculosis capitis is caused by Pediculus humanus var. capitis of the suborder Anoplura. Whereas pediculosis is a common infestation, clinical reports of white piedra are rare. Molecular biology procedures identified T. inkin as the agent of white piedra in this case report. The authors present associations between the two diseases in the same patient in order to highlight their clinical differences.

Piedra branca é micose superficial causada pelo gênero Trichosporon e caracterizada por nódulos aderidos à haste do pelo. Pediculose capitis é causada pelo Pediculus humanus var. capitis pertencente à subordem Anoplura. Enquanto que a pediculose é enfermidade comum, relatos clínicos de piedra branca são raros. Técnicas de biologia molecular identificaram o agente de piedra branca do presente relato como T.inkin. Os autores apresentam associação de ambas as infestações no mesmo paciente para salientar seus aspectos clínicos distintos.

Female , Humans , Young Adult , Lice Infestations/complications , Piedra/complications
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 45(3): 402-404, May-June 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288064


INTRODUCTION: White piedra is a superficial mycosis caused by the genus Trichosporon and characterized by nodules on hair shaft. METHODS: The authors report a family referred to as pediculosis. Mycological culture on Mycosel® plus molecular identification was performed to precisely identify the etiology. RESULTS: A Trichosporon spp. infection was revealed. The molecular procedure identified the agent as Trichosporon inkin. CONCLUSIONS: White piedra and infection caused by T. inkin are rarely reported in Southern Brazil. The molecular tools are essentials on identifying the Trichosporon species.

INTRODUÇÃO: Piedra branca é micose superficial causada por fungos do gênero Trichosporon e caracterizado por nódulos firmemente aderidos à haste do pêlo. MÉTODOS: Os autores relatam casos familiares encaminhados como pediculose. Foram utilizados cultura em ágar Mycosel® e identificação molecular. RESULTADOS: Exame micológico revelou a infecção por Trichosporon spp. A identificação molecular demonstrou se tratar do Trichosporon inkin. CONCLUSÕES: Piedra branca e infecção pelo T. inkin são raramente relatados na região sudeste do Brasil. A identificação molecular é essencial para correta determinação de espécies no gênero Trichosporon.

Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Piedra/diagnosis , Scalp Dermatoses/diagnosis , Scalp Dermatoses/microbiology , Trichosporon/genetics , Piedra/microbiology , Trichosporon/isolation & purification , Trichosporon/classification
Dermatol. pediatr. latinoam. (Impr.) ; 8(2): 32-34, mayo-ago. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-600313


La piedra blanca es una micosis superficial causada por levaduras del género Trichosporon. Se manifiesta como una infección crónica y asintomática que afecta a los tallos pilosos y forma concreciones fúngicas en forma de nódulos, preferentemente en los pelos de axilas y pubis, aunque puede afectar también a la cabeza. Presentamos el caso de una niña de 9 años con afectación de los pelos de la cabeza.

The white stone is a superficial fungal infection caused by the yest Trichosporon sp. It clinically manifests as a chronic and asymptomatic infection that affects the hair shaft and forms nodules shaped fungal concretions, preferably in the axillae and pubis, but scalp hairs can also be affected. We presented the case of a 9-year- girl with affectation of the scalp hairs.

Humans , Female , Child , Dermatomycoses , Piedra/diagnosis , Trichosporon , Diagnosis, Differential
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 103(8): 786-790, Dec. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-502299


The Trichosporon genus is constituted by many species, of which Trichosporon ovoides and Trichosporon inkin are the causative agents of white piedra. They can cause nodules in genital hair or on the scalp. At present, Brazilian laboratory routines generally do not include the identification of the species of Trichosporon genus, which, although morphologically and physiologically distinct, present many similarities, making the identification difficult. The aim of this study was to identify the aetiological agents at the species level of white piedra from clinical specimens. Therefore, both the macro and micro morphology were studied, and physiological tests were performed. Trichosporon spp. was isolated from 10 clinical samples; T. ovoides was predominant, as it was found in seven samples, while T. inkin was identified just in two samples. One isolate could not be identified at the species level. T. inkin was identified for the first time as a white piedra agent in the hair shaft on child under the age of 10.

Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Piedra/microbiology , Scalp Dermatoses/microbiology , Trichosporon/classification , Mycological Typing Techniques , Retrospective Studies , Trichosporon/chemistry , Trichosporon/cytology
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 50(5): 307-309, Sept.-Oct. 2008. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-495768


White piedra is a superficial mycosis caused by Trichosporon spp. that affects the hair shaft of any part of the body. It is presented an outbreak of scalp white piedra seen in 5.8 percent of the children frequenting a day care in Northeastern of São Paulo State, Brazil. Mycological exam and culture identified T. cutaneum in all five cases, and scanning electron microscopy of nodules around hair shaft infected by Trichosporon spp. is demonstrated comparing them with those of black piedra and with nits of Pediculous capitis.

Piedra branca caracteriza-se por ser micose superficial, causada por Trichosporon spp., que compromete a haste dos pelos de qualquer região do corpo. Um surto de piedra branca, afetando os cabelos do couro cabeludo, foi registrado em 5,8 por cento das crianças que freqüentavam uma creche na região nordeste do estado de São Paulo. Exame micológico direto e cultura identificaram T. cutaneum nas cinco crianças afetadas. Enfatiza-se a utilização da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, que mostrou nódulos circundando a haste dos cabelos infectada por Trichosporon spp., comparando-os com nódulos de Piedra nigra e com lêndeas de Pediculus capitis.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Child Day Care Centers , Piedra/epidemiology , Scalp Dermatoses/epidemiology , Trichosporon/isolation & purification , Brazil/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Piedra/diagnosis , Piedra/microbiology , Scalp Dermatoses/diagnosis , Scalp Dermatoses/microbiology , Trichosporon/ultrastructure
An. bras. dermatol ; 80(1): 49-52, jan.-fev. 2005. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-399383


A piedra branca é infecção fúngica do pêlo, rara, causada pelo Trichosporon beigelii, caracterizada por nódulos amarelados nos pêlos genitais, bigode, barba, axilas e raramente, no couro cabeludo. O estudo registra 15 casos, diagnosticados em serviço de dermatologia de Vitória, durante cinco anos, todos de pacientes do sexo feminino, com nódulos nos pêlos do couro cabeludo. Os autores supõem que o clima quente e úmido da região e o hábito de as pacientes utilizarem cremes recondicionadores nos fios dos cabelos tenham favorecido a infecção. O umedecimento dos fios com água facilita a visualização dos nódulos.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Mycoses , Piedra , Trichosporon , Brazil , Women
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-40522


The dematiaceous fungi, characterized by having melanin in their cell walls, have become significant due to an increasing cause of human skin disease in Korea. The disease caused by dematiaceous fungi contain pityriasis (tinea) nigra, onychomycosis (in part), black piedra, keratomycosis (in part), chromoblastomycosis, phaeohyphomycosis, and eumycotic mycetoma (in part). Chromoblastomycosis is subcutaneous mycotic disease that contain sclerotic cells and histologically show pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia with microabscess, and phaeohyphomycosis is a group of mycotic infections that contain dematiaceous yeast-like cells, pseudohypae-like elements, hyphae or combination of these form in tissue.

Humans , Cell Wall , Chromoblastomycosis , Fungi , Hyperplasia , Hyphae , Korea , Melanins , Mycetoma , Onychomycosis , Phaeohyphomycosis , Piedra , Pityriasis , Skin Diseases
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721018


Trichosporon beigelii is a causative agent of white piedra, an superficial hair shaft infection in immunocompetent individuals, and rarely of disseminated trichosporonosis in immunocompromised patients especially in neutropenic patients with leukemia. Trichosporon infections in immunocompromised patients are frequently fatal despite therapy with amphotericin B. We describe an acute myelogenous leukemia patient with T. beigelii fungemia after remission induction chemotherapy who was successfully treated with amphotericin B and fluconazole.

Humans , Amphotericin B , Drug Therapy , Fluconazole , Fungemia , Hair , Immunocompromised Host , Leukemia , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute , Neutropenia , Piedra , Remission Induction , Trichosporon , Trichosporonosis
In. Veronesi, Ricardo; Focaccia, Roberto. Tratado de infectologia: v.2. Säo Paulo, Atheneu, 2 ed; 2002. p.1035-1077, ilus, tab. (BR).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-IIERPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1068740
In. Veronesi, Ricardo; Focaccia, Roberto. Tratado de infectologia: v.2. Säo Paulo, Atheneu, 2 ed; 2002. p.1035-1077, ilus, tab. (BR).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-317737
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 34(3): 173-175, 2002. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-346060


Espécies de Trichosporon foram isoladas em 9 (7,2 porcento) dos 125 pacientes HIV positivo. Colonizaçäo anal foi observada em 5 (4 porcento) destes pacientes. T. inkin foi isolado da regiäo anal de dois homens bissexuais e de um homossexual e T. asahii de um homem bissexual e de uma mulher heterossexual. Piedra gênito púbica foi observada em 5 (5,6 porcento) dos 90 homens. T inkin foi agente de 4 (7,5 porcento) casos de piedra branca no grupo de 53 homens homo/bissexuais e T. asahii foi responsável por um (2,7 porcento) caso em heterossexual. A identificaçäo em nível de espécie foi essencial para diferenciaçäo das espécies: T inkin e T. asahii que colonizaram a regiäo anal e foram agentes de piedra branca gênito púbica em pacientes HIV positivo

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Anal Canal , Hair Diseases/diagnosis , Genitalia , HIV Seropositivity , Mycoses , Piedra , Trichosporon , Bisexuality , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Heterosexuality , Homosexuality , Prevalence
Rev. mex. patol. clín ; 47(3): 146-149, jul.-sept. 2000. ilus, CD-ROM
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-304250


Se presenta un caso pediátrico de piedra blanca autóctono del estado de Guerrero, México; producido por Trichosporon beigelli, localizado en folículos pilosos de la cabeza en una paciente pediátrica, que inicialmente fue erróneamente diagnosticado como pediculosis de la cabeza. El diagnóstico etiológico fue realizado mediante examen directo de pelos aclarados con hidróxido de potasio, cultivo en Sabouraud, frotis con tinción de Gram de cultivo e identificación de la especie del hongo mediante pruebas bioquímicas para levaduras en el equipo MicroScan.

Humans , Female , Piedra , Trichosporon , Hair Follicle/pathology , Mycoses
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-89136


Blastoschizomyces capitatus (formerly Trichosporon capitatus) causes piedra and sometimes invasive infections in immunocompromised hosts. Arthritis by B. capitatus in a previously healthy person has not been reported. Herein we experienced a case of pyogenic arthritis of the knee joint in a farmer and reported the clinical course and literature review. A 68-year old man was adimitted because of swelling and painful left knee joint. Under the impression of septic arthritis of the left knee, empiric antibiotic treatment was initially done. On fifth admission day, B. capitatus was reported in joint fluid culture for the first time. Arthroscopic finding revealed infected synovium and pus-like fluid collection on patello-femoral joint. Amphotericin B was tried but discontinued due to hypokalemia after 7 day use. Secondary arthroscope showed subchondral destruction on medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau. Eight week treatment with parenteral fluconazole (daily 100 mg) and oral ketoconazole (200 mg daily) resulted in complete resolution of the patient's symptom. But knee joint ankylosis was remained.

Aged , Humans , Amphotericin B , Ankylosis , Arthritis , Arthritis, Infectious , Arthroscopes , Fluconazole , Hypokalemia , Immunocompromised Host , Joints , Ketoconazole , Knee , Knee Joint , Piedra , Synovial Membrane , Trichosporon