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Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(3): 1101251, sept.-dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426046


La persistencia de lesiones perirradiculares luego del tra- tamiento endodóntico es un problema que requiere del clínico un conocimiento cabal de la histofisiología y de la histopato- logía del sistema de conductos radiculares del tejido pulpar y de los tejidos perirradiculares (periodonto y hueso); además de considerar siempre la posible existencia de enfermedades sistémicas que también pueden actuar como factores de in- fluencia. La presencia de bacterias remanentes a posteriori del tratamiento es considerada como una de las causas principales y más frecuentes para la perpetuación de las lesiones perirra- diculares. Sin embargo, existen otros factores causales, como la existencia de conductos laterales o accesorios infectados y no tratados, la reabsorción dentinaria interna, intercomunica- ciones, cul-de-sacs o istmos; que representan áreas de difícil acceso durante la instrumentación e irrigación. Cuando la cau- sa original se localiza en la zona perirradicular, como en los casos de actinomicosis, reacciones a cuerpo extraño, cristales de colesterol (CRCo) y granulomas o quistes con alto conte- nido de CRCo, la indicación más adecuada es el retratamiento y la cirugía periapical como complemento (AU)

The persistence of periradicular lesions after endodontic treatment is a problem that requires the doctor to have a thor- ough knowledge of the histophysiology and histopathology of the root canal system, the pulp tissue and periradicular tis- sues (periodontium and bone); as well as always considering the possible existence of systemic alterations that can also be influencing factors. Persisting bacteria within the root canal system after treatment is one of the major and most frequent causes for the perpetuation of periradicular lesions. Howev- er, there are other possible causal factors such as the exist- ence of untreated lateral or accessory canals, internal dentin resorption, intercommunications, cul-de-sacs or isthmuses; areas that represent a difficulty in access during instrumen- tation and irrigation. If the original cause is located in the periradicular area, in cases like actinomycosis, foreign-body reactions, cholesterol crystals (CRCo) and granulomas or cysts with high content of CRCo, retreatment coupled with periapical surgery is the best approach to treatment (AU)

Humans , Periapical Diseases/etiology , Dental Pulp Diseases/etiology , Focal Infection, Dental/complications , Persistent Infection/complications , Periapical Diseases/surgery , Actinomycosis/pathology , Radicular Cyst/complications , Cholesterol/adverse effects , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Retreatment/methods , Gram-Negative Anaerobic Bacteria/pathogenicity
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-757873


El tratamiento endodóntico-quirúrgico en dientes con quistes inflamatorios radiculares es un desafío clínico debido a su complejidad, y más aún si están en piezas con anomalías de desarrollo dental, como lo es la geminación dentaria. A continuación se presenta un caso clínico en el que se logra la reparación de una lesión apical mediante una necropulpectomía de la pieza geminada y enucleación del quiste adyacente.

The surgical-endodontic treatment of teeth with an inflammatory radicular cyst is a clinical challenge due to its great complexity. Even more so, if they are in teeth with development anomalies such as gemination. The case below shows the repair of an apical lesion by a necro-pulpectomy of the geminated tooth and the enucleation of the adjacent cyst.

Humans , Male , Adult , Fused Teeth/surgery , Fused Teeth/complications , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Radicular Cyst/complications , Pulpectomy
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 69(4): 383-386, 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-778741


O cisto radicular é o cisto odontogênico de maior significado clínico para o cirurgião-dentista. Por ser a lesão cística inflamatória mais frequentemente encontrada dos maxilares, é a mais tratada. Ocorre nos ápices de dentes infectados em decorrência à necrose pulpar. Embora o cisto radicular faça parte do cotidiano do clínico, há poucos trabalhos descrevendo as suas características clínicas e tomográficas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é o de apresentar um cisto radicular extenso com envolvimento do seio maxilar e cavidade nasal cujo exame de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico foi essencial para o delineamento do plano de tratamento...

The radicular cyst is the odontogenic lesion with major clinical significance for the dental surgeon. Once this is the most common inflammatory cystic lesion, the radicular cyst is the most treated one. It affects the apical portion of infected teeth after the pulp necrosis. Although the radicular cyst is part of the routine of the dental practice, there are only few studies describing its clinical and thomographic features. Thus, the aim of this work is to report an extensive radicular cyst involving the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity which cone bean computerized tomography was essential for the surgical planning...

Humans , Radicular Cyst/complications , Radicular Cyst/diagnosis , Odontogenic Cysts/complications , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnosis , Maxillary Sinus/growth & development
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2003 Dec; 21(4): 139-41
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114909


This article presents a case report of radicular cyst associated with an endodontically treated deciduous second molar causing displacement of the permanent successor, with accompanying buccal expansion. Cystic sac was removed surgically along with the involved tooth under general anesthesia. Healing was uneventful. Histopathologically the cystic sac was consistent with the features of radicular cyst. Unusual amorphous, eosinophilic, atubular material incorporated within the cystic epithelium was observed.

Child , Humans , Male , Mandibular Diseases/complications , Molar/pathology , Radicular Cyst/complications , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth, Deciduous/pathology , Tooth, Nonvital/complications
Indian J Med Sci ; 1996 Sep; 50(9): 330-2
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-66299


An unusual case of an extensive radicular cyst, involving almost the entire body of the mandible, is presented. A localised tooth trauma in the remote past appeared to be the initiating factor. The pathology of the lesion stem from necrotic apical periodontitis. Histopathology confirms the type of dental cyst.

Adult , Biopsy , Diagnosis, Differential , Humans , India , Male , Mandibular Diseases/diagnosis , Radicular Cyst/complications