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Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília;Instituto de Saúde de São Paulo; 30 jun. 2021. 60 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1358555


Esta revisão rápida foi comissionada e subsidiada pelo Ministério da Saúde, no âmbito do projeto GEREB-010-FIO-20 e faz parte da Coleção "Rapid response for health promotion". Contexto: O contexto de pandemia com altas taxas de transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 necessitou que medidas de distanciamento social ao redor do mundo fossem realizadas, como o fechamento total ou parcial das escolas para o ensino remoto e híbrido. Os impactos relativos a estas medidas extrapolam o âmbito sanitário e precisam ser avaliados com cautela. A presente revisão rápida aborda a reabertura das escolas e apresenta os efeitos e as políticas realizadas para o enfrentamento desta problemática, de modo a compreender as condições e os efeitos de saúde em estudantes e trabalhadores e buscar as melhores condutas para a retomada das aulas em ambiente escolar. Pergunta: Quais taxas de infecção (incidência ou prevalência) de SARS-CoV-2 foram observadas entre estudantes e trabalhadores em escolas que se mantiveram abertas ou retomaram atividades presenciais durante a pandemia? Métodos: Duas bases eletrônicas e três repositórios da literatura foram buscadas em maio e junho de 2021 para identificar estudos que avaliaram as taxas de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 entre estudantes e trabalhadores de escolas da educação básica que se mantiveram abertas ou reabriram durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Utilizando atalhos de revisão rápida para simplificar o processo, foram realizadas seleção e extração dos dados com posterior avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos. Em seguida, os resultados foram reunidos em síntese narrativa. Resultados: De 3.814 registros identificados nas buscas, 28 estudos foram incluídos após o processo de seleção. Os estudos incluídos utilizaram delineamentos transversais. Os relatos abrangeram 16 países, com resultados que envolveram desde uma única escola até o sistema educacional de todo o país. O período investigado variou de 3 a 278 dias, entre janeiro de 2020 a janeiro de 2021. De modo geral foram abordadas as duas grandes ondas de contágio de SARS-CoV-2 nos Estados Unidos e Europa, sobretudo frente ao contexto de reabertura das escolas. Os resultados de transmissão observados variaram substancialmente, considerando taxas de ataque secundárias, investigações de surtos e de prevalência de anticorpos na população. Considerações finais: A síntese das investigações sobre a transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 em escolas mostrou que foram registrados casos de Covid-19 quando as escolas se mantiveram abertas ou foram reabertas no período de pandemia. Os indivíduos infectados, estudantes e trabalhadores, foram responsáveis pela infecção de outras pessoas na escola, mas a maioria dos estudos indicou que as taxas de infecção e de soro-prevalência eram maiores na comunidade em geral.

This rapid review was commissioned and subsidized by the Ministry of Health, within the scope of the GEREB-010-FIO-20 project and is part of the "Rapid response for health promotion" Collection. Context: The context of a pandemic with high transmission rates of SARS-CoV-2 required social distancing measures around the world to be carried out, such as the total or partial closure of schools for remote and hybrid learning. The impacts related to these measures go beyond the health scope and need to be carefully evaluated. This rapid review addresses the reopening of schools and presents the effects and policies carried out to face this problem, in order to understand the conditions and health effects on students and workers and seek the best conduct for the resumption of classes in an environment school. Question: What infection rates (incidence or prevalence) of SARS-CoV-2 were observed among students and workers in schools that remained open or resumed face-to-face activities during the pandemic? Methods: Two electronic databases and three literature repositories were searched in May and June 2021 to identify studies that evaluated the rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection among students and workers in elementary schools that remained open or reopened during the period. Covid-19 pandemic. Using rapid review shortcuts to simplify the process, data selection and extraction were performed with subsequent evaluation of the methodological quality of the studies. Then, the results were gathered in narrative synthesis. Results: Of 3,814 records identified in the searches, 28 studies were included after the selection process. The included studies used cross-sectional designs. Reports spanned 16 countries, with results ranging from a single school to the entire country's education system. The period investigated ranged from 3 to 278 days, between January 2020 and January 2021. In general, the two major waves of SARS-CoV-2 contagion in the United States and Europe were addressed, especially in the context of reopening schools . The observed transmission results varied substantially, considering secondary attack rates, outbreak investigations, and the prevalence of antibodies in the population. Final considerations: The synthesis of investigations on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in schools showed that cases of Covid-19 were recorded when schools remained open or were reopened during the pandemic period. Infected individuals, students and workers, were responsible for infecting others at school, but most studies indicated that infection and seroprevalence rates were higher in the community at large.

Humans , Child , School Health Services/standards , COVID-19/transmission , Quarantine , Hand Hygiene , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília;Instituto de Saúde de São Paulo; 28 out. 2020. 17 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1358428


Esta síntese rápida de evidências foi comissionada e subsidiada pelo Ministério da Saúde, no âmbito do projeto GEREB-010-FIO-20 e faz parte da Coleção "Rapid response for health promotion". O Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) é uma estratégia para articulação entre as políticas e ações de educação e saúde, para alunos da rede pública de ensino: Creche, Pré-Escola, Ensino Fundamental, Ensino Médio, Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). A integração da escola tanto aos programas de saúde quanto a outros espaços sociais é fundamental na formação dos estudantes, na percepção e construção da cidadania e no acesso às políticas públicas. Desse modo, são necessárias ações de PSE para promoção da saúde e do protagonismo juvenil. Nessa perspectiva, essa síntese rápida de evidência tem o intuito de verificar a participação de jovens no PSE. Pergunta: De que forma os jovens têm participado das ações do Programa de Saúde na Escola (PSE)? Métodos: As buscas por estudos que apresentam estratégias para a participação de jovens no PSE foram realizadas em seis bases de dados. Não houve restrição de ano de publicação, mas foram incluídos apenas estudos em português, inglês e espanhol. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos qualitativos foi realizada por meio da ferramenta Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research e a qualidade dos relatos de experiência utilizando critérios de avaliação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Nesta síntese rápida de evidências, produzida em 13 dias, foram utilizados atalhos metodológicos, de maneira que apenas o processo de seleção foi realizado em duplicidade e de forma independente. Resultados: De 1.264 publicações identificadas nas bases de dados, após o processo de seleção foram incluídas três pesquisas qualitativas e três relatos de experiência. Na avaliação da qualidade metodológica, os relatos atenderam aos itens mínimos sugeridos pelos checklists aplicados. Os estudos analisados trouxeram resultados sobre a formação de multiplicadores do PSE e oficinas de educação em saúde. As oficinas para formação de multiplicadores com base nos temas prioritários do PSE, a capacitação de estudantes para participação juvenil no PSE com produção de diagnóstico das escolas e seus territórios e, e o processo formativo de adolescentes realizado por acadêmicos de enfermagem tiveram resultados positivos no ambiente intra e extra escolar, onde evidenciaram a necessidade dos temas abordados estarem em conformidade com a necessidade dos adolescentes. Contudo, a formação de multiplicadores com apresentação pela gestão do PSE conforme cronograma anual e a formação de adolescentes para implementação de guia de educação em saúde nas escolas não apresentaram resultados tão satisfatórios. A primeira estratégia foi realizada de forma tradicional e assim obteve uma baixa participação dos adolescentes no processo formativo, já a formação de adolescentes para implementação de guia de educação em saúde nas escolas encontrou dificuldades na implementação dos guias em decorrência dos termos técnicos que constavam no guia, mas que foram supridas com a formação prévia dos dinamizadores foi fundamental para o alinhamento conceitual. Conclusão: Esta revisão identificou resultados promissores com as estratégias para aumento da participação dos jovens no PSE, embora muitas dessas atividades tenham que ser aprimoradas para melhores resultados. Dada a natureza dos estudos analisados não era de se esperar resultados sobre efetividade das ações, no entanto, os resultados trazem contribuições acerca dos desafios e possibilidades na implementação do programa. Nesse sentido, uma lacuna para ser abordada em pesquisas futuras é a comparação entre diferentes abordagens para promover a participação dos jovens no PSE.

This rapid synthesis of evidence was commissioned and subsidized by the Ministry of Health, within the scope of the GEREB-010-FIO-20 project and is part of the "Rapid response for health promotion" Collection. The School Health Program (PSE) is a strategy for articulating education and health policies and actions for students in the public school system: Daycare, Pre-School, Elementary School, High School, Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education , Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The school's integration with both health programs and other social spaces is fundamental in the formation of students, in the perception and construction of citizenship and in the access to public policies. Thus, PSE actions are necessary to promote health and youth protagonism. From this perspective, this quick synthesis of evidence is intended to verify the participation of young people in the PSE. Question: How have young people participated in the actions of the School Health Program (PSE)? Methods: The searches for studies that present strategies for the participation of young people in the PSE were carried out in six databases. There was no restriction on the year of publication, but only studies in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included. The evaluation of the methodological quality of qualitative studies was performed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research tool and the quality of experience reports using evaluation criteria from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. In this quick synthesis of evidence, produced in 13 days, methodological shortcuts were used, so that only the selection process was carried out in duplicate and independently. Results: From 1,264 publications identified in the databases, after the selection process, three qualitative researches and three experience reports were included. In the assessment of methodological quality, the reports met the minimum items suggested by the checklists applied. The analyzed studies brought results on the training of PSE multipliers and health education workshops. The workshops for training multipliers based on the priority themes of the PSE, the training of students for youth participation in the PSE with the production of diagnoses in schools and their territories, and the training process for adolescents carried out by nursing students had positive results in the environment intra and extra-school, where they highlighted the need for the topics addressed to be in accordance with the needs of adolescents. However, the training of multipliers with presentation by the PSE management according to the annual schedule and the training of adolescents to implement a health education guide in schools did not show such satisfactory results. The first strategy was carried out in a traditional way and thus obtained a low participation of adolescents in the training process, while the training of adolescents to implement a health education guide in schools encountered difficulties in implementing the guides due to the technical terms contained in the guide , but which were supplied with the previous training of the promoters was fundamental for the conceptual alignment. Conclusion: This review identified promising results with strategies to increase youth participation in PSE, although many of these activities need to be improved for better results. Given the nature of the studies analyzed, results on the effectiveness of the actions were not to be expected, however, the results bring contributions about the challenges and possibilities in the implementation of the program. In this sense, a gap to be addressed in future research is the comparison between different approaches to promote youth participation in PSE.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , School Health Services/standards , Health Education , Health Human Resource Training
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 475-486, Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984199


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os critérios de acreditação dos estudos que avaliaram as ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de fatores de risco das Escolas Promotoras de Saúde (EPSs). Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática conduzida a partir das recomendações propostas no guia Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewsand Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) dos artigos que avaliaram as EPSs nas bases de dados: SciELO, Lilacs, Medline, PubMed e Portal Capes. A partir da análise dos três eixos para acreditação das EPS, três dos estudos analisados não contemplaram todos os critérios para serem certificadas como EPS nos eixos "Processo de Planejamento" e "Atividades de Promoção de Saúde desenvolvidas". As escolas citadas nestes estudos apresentam atividades de educação em saúde, prevenção e/ou promoção da saúde, no entanto, é equivocado se autodenominarem EPS. Identificou-se como principais desafios enfrentados para a implantação, o desenvolvimento e a continuidade das EPS, a intersetorialidade e a insuficiência de recursos financeiros e humanos capacitados. As EPSs precisam ser certificadas e submetidas a um processo avaliativo contínuo. Sugere-se ainda a inclusão do tema promoção de saúde nos currículos dos cursos de formação dos professores e outros profissionais da educação e da saúde.

Abstract The scope of this article is to analyze the accreditation criteria of the studies that evaluated actions of health promotion and risk factor prevention of Health Promoting Schools (HPS). A systematic review was conducted based on the recommendations proposed in the "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Prisma)" protocol of articles that assessed HPS in the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs, Medline, PubMed and Portal Capes. From the analysis of the three pillars for accreditation of HPS, three of the studies analyzed did not include all the criteria for certification as HPS on the "Planning Process" and "Health Promotion Activities Developed" pillars. The schools cited in these studies perform health education, prevention and/or health promotion activities, however, it is misleading to refer to themselves as HPS. The main challenges for implementation, development and continuity of HPS were identified as being intersectionality and insufficient financial and qualified human resources. HPS need to be certified and submitted to an ongoing evaluation process. It is also suggested the topic of health promotion be included in the syllabuses of training courses of health education teachers and other health education professionals.

Humans , Schools/standards , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Accreditation , School Health Services/standards , Health Education/organization & administration
Buenos Aires; UNICEF; nov. 2018. 19 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418654


Este documento fue realizado por la "Coalición Nacional para la Prevención de la Obesidad Infantil en Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes", una red de organizaciones de la sociedad civil creada en noviembre del año 2017 gracias a la iniciativa de FIC Argentina y UNICEF Argentina. Al momento de su lanzamiento, la red estuvo conformada por 30 organizaciones de todo el país. Su objetivo principal es promover políticas públicas que mejoren el entorno alimentario y, de esta manera, contribuir a la prevención de la obesidad en niños, niñas y adolescentes. En esa línea, este documento brinda una serie de recomendaciones y buenas prácticas para promover políticas de entornos escolares saludables. Las transformaciones sociales, económicas y demográficas ocurridas en los últimos años en países en vías de desarrollo como la Argentina, se corresponden con un proceso conocido como "fenómeno de transición nutricional". Este proceso ha incidido en el entorno y los comportamientos alimentarios y se caracteriza por la doble carga de malnutrición, en donde coexisten una alta prevalencia de indicadores de malnutrición crónica (como anemia o baja talla), y un incremento de la obesidad y de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (como diabetes o enfermedad cardiovascular)1 2. El exceso de peso en niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNyA) es uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves del siglo XXI a nivel mundial. Afecta progresivamente a muchos países de bajos y medianos ingresos, sobre todo en el medio urbano3. Se estima que en 2014, 41 millones de niños menores de 5 años presentaban sobrepeso u obesidad4. En América Latina, entre 1975 y 2016 se comprobó que el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de la población entre 5 y 19 años calculada sobre 129 millones de niños de distintas regiones del mundo aumentó 0.95 unidades de IMC por cada década transcurrida5. En la Argentina, según la Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar (EMSE) realizada en el año 20126, se registró un crecimiento del exceso de peso respecto al 2007 (24,5% en 2007 - 28,6% en 2012). Existe evidencia que da cuenta de cómo la epidemia de obesidad afecta en mayor medida a los estratos económicos más bajos7. Estudios recientes8 9 señalan que la carga de la obesidad tiende a acentuarse en los grupos de menor nivel socio-económico inclusive en países de ingresos bajos y medios. Un análisis de la EMSE 2012 realizado por FIC Argentina en colaboración con UNICEF en el año 2015 mostró que a menor nivel educativo de los padres mayor fue la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en los adolescentes.

Humans , Child , School Health Services/standards , Schools , Education, Primary and Secondary , Pediatric Obesity/prevention & control , Diet, Healthy , Health Promotion , Argentina
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 33(4): e1019, oct.-dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099002


RESUMEN Introducción: la promoción de la salud es una práctica de actuación social implementada en conjunto a los órganos de salud, de educación y la sociedad civil. Esta práctica tiene por intuito instruir y empoderar la población en relación a prácticas de salud. Así, la escuela se torna un local para desarrollo de acciones con intereses de mudanzas en el estilo de vida de la sociedad. Objetivo: analizar los programas de intervención de promoción de la salud en las clases de educación física, en Brasil, reportados en la literatura. Métodos: revisión integrativa y análisis de literatura sobre la producción de la salud en las escuelas de Brasil. Fueron utilizadas las bases de datos BVS/LILACS y MEDLINE. Fueron utilizados los mismos descriptores, en portugués y ingles, relacionados a la educación física (MeSH): Health Promotion (Promoção da Saúde) AND school (Escola) AND Physical Education (Educação Física). La búsqueda fue restricta al Brasil, con el objetivo de localizar lo que es producido sobre los escolares del país (de edad máxima de 18 años). Conclusiones: La escuela se presenta responsable por diversas transformaciones en el estilo de vida. Así, la utilización de esta como un espacio para programas de educación para la salud parece ser una estrategia viable. Sin embargo, estudios de mayor duración son necesarios para la obtención DE resultados más conclusivos(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Health promotion is a practice of social action implemented with cooperation between health and educations institutions and civil society. This practice has the aim of instructing and empowering population, in relation to heath practice. Therefore, school has become a place for development of actions in attempt to change society's life style. Objective: To analyze health promotion intervention programs in physical education classes, in Brazil, reported in literature. Methods: A integrative review and a literature analysis were performed regarding the health promotion in Brazilian schools. BVS/LILACS y MEDLINE databases were comprised. The same descriptors, in Portuguese and English, related to physical education, were used: Health Promotion (Promoção da Saúde) AND school (Escola) AND Physical Education (Educação Física). Search was restricted to Brazil, in attempt to locate the scientific production in this country (maximum age of 18 yrs old). Conclusion: School presents itself to be responsible for several transformations in life style. Therefore, the use of it as a space for health education programs seems to be a viable strategy. However, studies with longer duration are needed to attain more conclusive results(AU)

Humans , Physical Education and Training/methods , School Health Services/standards , Health Education/organization & administration , Healthy Lifestyle/physiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 15(2): 235-241, Abr.-Jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-974848


RESUMO Estudo transversal realizado em oito escolas públicas e particulares do Riacho Fundo,(Distrito Federal),com escolares deseis a 12 anos, com o objetivo de avaliar a frequência de ida e permissão para uso do toalete na escola, sob a perspectiva do escolar, assim como mensurar a taxa de ocorrência e o impacto da experiência de ter tido alguma vez na vida um evento de perda urinária no contexto escolar. A coleta de dados incluiu entrevista por meio de perguntas-chave desenvolvidas pelas pesquisadoras. A análise dos dados incluiu técnicas básicas de análise exploratória de dados como,frequência absoluta e relativa, calculadas no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Das 86 crianças participantes da pesquisa, 73% (n=63) relataram irtodos os dias ao toalete escolar, ao passo que as que afirmam não utilizar o toalete apontaram como justificativas a falta de vontade, a falta de papel higiênico nos toaletes e a falta de privacidade ou problema com as portas. Quanto à permissão para o uso do toalete, 66% (n=57) afirmaram poder ir sempre que tivessem vontade. A experiência de perda urinária na escola foi relatada por17 (20%) crianças e apresentou impacto altamente negativo sob a perspectiva do escolar.

RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio transversal en 8 escuelas públicas y privadas del Riacho Fundo (Distrito Federal) con escolares de 6 a 12 años que tuvo como objetivo evaluar la frecuencia de idas y permiso al baño en la escuela bajo la perspectiva del escolar, así como medir la tasa de ocurrencia y el impacto de la experiencia de haber tenido alguna vez en la vida pérdida urinaria en el contexto escolar. La recolección de datos incluyó entrevistas con preguntas claves desarrolladas por los investigadores. El análisis de datos incluyó las técnicas básicas de análisis exploratorio de datos como la frecuencia absoluta y relativa, calculada utilizando el programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. De los 86 niños participantes, el 73% (n = 63) informaron ir todos los días al baño de la escuela, las justificaciones para no ir fueron falta de voluntad, la falta de papel higiénico y la falta privacidad o problemas con las puertas. En referencia al uso del baño, el 66% (n = 57) dijo que podían ir cuando tuviesen necesidad. La experiencia de pérdida urinaria en la escuela fue reportada por 17 (20%) niños y presentó un impacto muy negativo desde la perspectiva del escolar.

ABSTRACT This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 8 public and private schools of Riacho Fundo (Federal District), with children between 6 and 12 years old, that aimed to evaluate their frequency of going to the school restroom and permission to use it from the children's perspective, as well as to measure the rate of occurrence and impact of the experience of having had some once in a lifetime urinary leakage in the school setting. Data collection included interviews with key questions developed by the researchers. Data analysis included basic techniques of exploratory data analysis such as absolute and relative frequencies calculated using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program. Out of 86 participating children, 73% (n = 63) reported going every day to the school restroom while those reporting not going pointed out reasons as they did not need to, lack of toilet paper, and lack of privacy or problems with the stalls' doors. Regarding permission to use the restroom, 66% (n = 57) stated being allowed to go whenever they needed. The experience of urinary incontinence at school was reported by 17 (20%) children and presented as a highly negative impact from their perspective.

Humans , Child , Pediatric Nursing/education , School Health Services/standards , Urinary Incontinence/urine , Urination/physiology , Urine/physiology , Child Behavior/physiology , Toilet Facilities/standards , Nursing Evaluation Research/standards , Bathroom Equipment/standards , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 42(2)abr.-jun. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-778922


Objetivo: validar un instrumento de medida fácil, rápido y fiable que permita el acceso a información cuantitativa sobre el dolor de espalda que pueda sufrir la población infantil. Métodos: estudio descriptivo cuantitativo, no experimental, de corte transversal. Participaron 153 escolares (80 niños y 73 niñas) del tercer ciclo de educación primaria y de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria, que contestaron un cuestionario sobre algias de espalda mediante una escala visual analógica. A todos los niños se les tomaron las medidas antropométricas y pesado los utensilios de transporte de material escolar. La fase de validez didáctica y de contenido fue realizada por jueces expertos y la consistencia interna del cuestionario, a de Cronbach, fue elevada (0,809). Resultados: las correlaciones entre los ítems fueron muy significativas (p< 0,001) excepto en un caso (p> 0,05). El índice de la Medida de Adecuación Muestral Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (p< 0,0001) indicó la posibilidad de realizar un análisis factorial del que pudimos obtener un factor denominado Dolor de Espalda, que explicó el 58,46 por ciento de la varianza total, por lo que resulta un instrumento unidimensional. Conclusiones: el cuestionario creado se muestra como un instrumento válido y fiable para la recogida de información cuantitativa del dolor de espalda en el ámbito del área de educación física relacionada con la salud(AU)

Objective: to validate an easy, rapid and reliable measuring instrument that allows the access to quantitative information about backache that the child population could suffer. Methods: non-experimental, cross-sectional, quantitative and descriptive study in which 153 school children (80 boys and 73 girls) from the third cycle of primary education and secondary education participated. They answered a questionnaire about backache by using a visual analogue scale. All of them were taken their anthropometric measures and their means to carry the school materials. The phase of didactic and contents validation was performed by expert judges whereas the internal consistency of the questionnaire expressed as Cronbach's Alpha was high (0.809). Results: the correlations between the items were very significant (p< 0.001), except in one case (p> 0.05). The rate of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's of Sampling Adequacy Measure (p< 0.0001), indicates the possibility of making a factor analysis from which we can obtain a factor called Backache, explaining 58.46 percent of the total variance, and this instrument finally was one-dimensional. Conclusions: the questionnaire proves to be a valid and reliable instrument for quantitative data collection about backache in the field of health-related physical education area(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Physical Education and Training/methods , School Health Services/standards , Child , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Back Pain/etiology , Spain , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Validation Studies as Topic
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 40(4)oct.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-726990


Objetivo: analizar el tratamiento de la educación sexual en escuelas públicas municipales de enseñanza primaria. Métodos: estudio descriptivo y transversal con metodología cuantitativa-cualitativa donde la entrevista semiestructurada se utilizó como instrumento de recogida de información. La entrevista se aplicó entre marzo y diciembre del año 2012 a una muestra no probabilística de 82 docentes de las 56 escuelas públicas municipales de Novo Hamburgo. Para el examen de las entrevistas se utilizó la técnica de análisis del sujeto colectivo. Resultados: las escuelas estudiadas fracasaron en la instrumentación de la educación sexual como tema transversal. La mayoría de los/as docentes evadió el tema y transfirió la responsabilidad hacia los/as profesores/as que imparten la asignatura de Ciencias. El profesorado señaló la necesidad de capacitación y el poco tratamiento metodológico en las escuelas como los principales obstáculos para avanzar en la transversalización de la educación sexual. Conclusiones: la educación sexual se asume como un tema que solo debe abordarse si los/as estudiantes preguntan, lo que coloca a la infancia y a la adolescencia en una situación vulnerable frente a problemas como el embarazo precoz y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Urge trascender hacia una actuación docente efectivamente comprometida con la educación, prevención, inclusión, pluralidad y democratización de las escuelas para promover una sexualidad responsable y placentera(AU)

Objective: to analyze dealing with sexual education in municipal public elementary schools located in Novo Hamburgo city in Brazil. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative methods using the semi-structured interview as data collection instrument. The interview was made from March to December 2012 in a non-probabilistic sample of 82 teachers from 56 municipal public schools in Novo Hamburgo. Collective subject analysis technique supported the analysis of interviews. Results: the study revealed that the studied schools played a failed role in the implementation of sexual education as a cross-sectional topic. Most of the professors avoid talking about this topic and pass the responsibility on those professors who teach Sciences as a subject. The teaching staff stated the need of training and the poor methodological work in schools as the main obstacles to advance in the transversalization of sexual education. Conclusions: sexual education is seen as a topic that may be addressed only if the students make questions about it, which places infants and adolescents in a vulnerable position to face problems such as early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. It is urgent to go beyond and to adopt a teaching attitude effectively committed to education, prevention, inclusion, plurality and democratization in school in order to promote responsible and pleasant sexuality(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , School Health Services/standards , Sex Education/methods , Brazil , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Qualitative Research
Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 52(2): 263-269, Mayo.-ago. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-744001


La utilización de la computación en la edad preescolar en Cuba, se generalizó a partir del curso escolar 2001-2002, en todas las aulas preescolares situadas en las escuelas primarias, los círculos infantiles y en los grupos de cinco a seis años; atendidos por el programa; Educa a tu hijo; lo que constituye una experiencia novedosa. El trabajo con computadoras tiene determinados elementos que si no se trabajan de forma racional y científica, pueden influir en el estado de salud de las personas, principalmente en los niños de edad preescolar en pleno crecimiento y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo argumentar sobre la higiene del uso de las computadoras como medio de enseñanza por los niños preescolares. Se analizaron los requerimientos ergonómicos, que si no son satisfechos pueden provocar alteraciones a la salud de los individuos que operan estas máquinas y en particular la de las niñas y niños de edad preescolar y se relacionaron con sus características anátomo-fisiológicas. La institución educacional será la encargada de controlar el sistema de tareas docentes que componen el uso de la computadora y sus contenidos en la edad preescolar, bajo la orientación de las educadoras y maestras, las cuales deben tener los conocimientos fundamentales sobre las características del desarrollo en esta etapa de la vida de los niños relacionadas con esta actividad(AU)

Using computers in the preschool age in Cuba is a generalized practice since the 2001-2002 academic year in all the preschool classrooms located in the elementary schools, the daycare centers and the 5-6 years-old children groups, who are involved in Educate your child program that represents a novel experience. Working with computers implies certain elements that if not rationally and scientifically addressed may have negative impact on the health status of individuals, mainly preschool children at full growth and development. The present paper was aimed at giving arguments on the hygiene of the use of computers by preschool children as a teaching aid. The ergonomic requirements were analyzed; in the event that they are not properly met, they may cause health alterations in individuals who operate these pieces of equipment, particularly preschool age boys and girls according to their anatomical and physiological features. The educational institution will be in charge of managing the system of teaching tasks involving the use of computer and its contents at the preschool age, under the guiding of educators and teachers who should have the adequate knowledge about the characteristics of child development in this phase of life(AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , School Health Services/standards , Schools , Attitude to Computers , Computers/ethics , Teaching Materials/standards , Hygiene
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 60(4): 374-379, dic. 2010. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-659113


This study establishes the relationship between the compliance with the governmental physical activity guidelines (at least a minimum of one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity, MVPA, five times a week), health-related physical fitness and different health related lifestyle variables in a representative sample of Spanish children. Subjects were a representative group of scholars from five schools randomly selected in Extremadura, a mainly rural region with a very low population density. Statistical analysis comprises a t-test to calculate physical fitness differences between groups, according to the compliance with the mentioned physical activity guidelines. A multinomial logistic regression coefficient is established to determine the differences between the better physical fitness status group (= percentile 75) and the poorer physical fitness status group (= percentile 25) for each fitness test and gender, body mass index, physical activity, Mediterranean diet index and population size. Main findings show that the compliance with physical activity guidelines result in a better handgrip strength in left hand (p<0.05), leg strength (p<0.000), speed-agility run (p<0.000) and 20 m endurance shuttle run (p<0.000). Being a girl, being overweighed and living in an urban setting are associated with a lower physical fitness (= percentile 25), whereas there is no relationship between diet quality and subjects’ performance in all physical fitness test evaluated. As a conclusion, this study emphasizes the need to promote an active lifestyle in which physical activity suppose a minimum of one hour of regular MVPA, at least five times a week, to achieve a healthy fitness status.

Este estudio establece la relación entre el cumplimiento de las directrices gubernamentales de actividad física (una hora de actividad física moderada o vigorosa, MVPA, cinco veces a la semana), la condición física saludable, la calidad de la dieta y otras variables en una muestra de escolares de Extremadura (España). Se ha utilizado un t-test para calcular las diferencias de condición física entre los grupos, de acuerdo con el cumplimiento de las mencionadas directrices de actividad física. Se ha establecido un coeficiente de regresión logística multinomial para determinar las diferencias entre el grupo con mejor condición física (= percentil 75) y el grupo con peor condición física (= percentil 25), en función del sexo, índice de masa corporal, actividad física, índice mediterráneo de calidad de la dieta y tamaño de la población. El cumplimiento de las directrices de actividad física se relaciona con mejor fuerza de prensión en la mano izquierda (p <0,05), mayor potencia de las piernas (p <0,000), mejor agilidad (p <0,000) y mayor aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (p <0,000). Ser niña, tener exceso de peso y vivir en un entorno urbano se asocia con peor condición física (= percentil 25), mientras que no existe relación entre calidad de la dieta y la actuación de los sujetos en las pruebas de condición física realizadas. Este estudio enfatiza la necesidad de promover un estilo de vida activo en el que exista al menos una hora de actividad física (MVPA) durante cinco días a la semana, para alcanzar un estado físico saludable.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Body Mass Index , Diet, Mediterranean/statistics & numerical data , Health Promotion/methods , Physical Education and Training/statistics & numerical data , Physical Fitness/physiology , School Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Guideline Adherence , Physical Education and Training/standards , Spain , School Health Services/standards , Urban Population
Indian Pediatr ; 2008 Nov; 45(11): 923-5
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-8533


A comparative study was undertaken to understand the various measures required to strengthen and improve the health record cards (HRC) of various schools that subsequently help in improving the medical examination of children. By using a multi stage stratified random sampling method, 24 schools from Delhi, eight each from three broad categories of (i) corporation schools, (ii) other government schools, (iii) private schools were included in the study. The study finding revealed that in most of the government schools the health record cards were properly developed and structured as per the recommendations of various committee, though they are always in short supply.

Clinical Audit , Humans , India , School Health Services/standards , Schools/statistics & numerical data
West Indian med. j ; 57(3): 315-320, June 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-672370


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Health and other ministries, assisted by international funding agencies and members of non-governmental organizations, has diligently led the charge to reduce the incidence of HIV and AIDS in Jamaica. Yet, the continued escalation in the infection rate attested to the need for education towards the reduction of stigma and discrimination, factors that fuel the spread of the virus. Significant efforts were made to woo corporations in Jamaica to redouble their efforts and provide resources to address the continued escalation of the AIDS epidemic in Jamaica. Scotiabank Jamaica responded with a unique educational initiative. METHODS: The Scotiabank National Primary Schools HIV and AIDS Debating Competition in 2006- 2007 was conducted over a seven-month period. It was opened to primary-level, government and private institutions islandwide. RESULTS: A total of 91 institutions competed with each other, debating 16 moots (ie topics) in 417 debates from the first preliminary rounds through to the final. Moots reflected curricular and extracurricular concerns, emphasized the values of compassion, healthy lifestyles, critical thinking and child rights; they also sent messages of anti-discrimination, and parental and community responsibilities. Whereas communication between the organizers and the schools was sometimes challenging, schools subscribed to the activity (debates) for the awareness it brought and for the potential for developing students. Attempts were also made to raise awareness among teachers, parents and the general community. CONCLUSION: Feedback at the end acclaimed the debates as a valuable strategy for building awareness as well as development of student potential and unity around a common cause.

ANTECEDENTES Y PROPÓSITO: El Gobierno de Jamaica, a través del Ministerio de Salud y otros ministerios. Con la asistencia de agencias de fondos internacionales y miembros de organizaciones no gubernamentales, ha centrado diligentemente todos sus esfuerzos en reducir la incidencia del VIH y el SIDA en Jamaica. No obstante, la continua escalada de la tasa de infección acusa la necesidad de una educación con respecto al estigma y la discriminación - factores que atizan la diseminación del virus. Se realizaron esfuerzos significativos por recabar el apoyo de las corporaciones en Jamaica a fin de que redoblen sus esfuerzos y provean recursos para abordar la continua escalada de la epidemia del SIDA en Jamaica. El Scotiabank de Jamaica respondió con una iniciativa educacional única. MÉTODOS: La Competencia nacional de debates sobre el VIH y el SIDA patrocinada por Scotiabank en las escuelas primarias 2006-2007, se llevó a cabo por un período de siete meses. Estuvo abierta a instituciones de nivel primario, gubernamentales y privadas en toda la isla. RESULTADOS: Un total de 91 instituciones compitieron entre sí, debatiendo 16 puntos (es decir, asuntos) en 417 debates desde las primeras rondas preliminares hasta las finales. Los puntos a debatir reflejaban preocupaciones curriculares y extra-curriculares, enfatizaban los valores de la compasión, los estilos de vida saludables, el pensamiento crítico y los derechos de los niños. También enviaban mensajes de anti-discriminación, y de responsabilidad de la comunidad y los padres. Si bien la comunicación entre los organizadores y las escuelas, resultó por momentos un verdadero reto, las escuelas se subscribieron a la actividad (los debates) por la concientización que traia consigo y por el potencial para desarrollar a los estudiantes. Se trató también de elevar el nivel de conciencia entre los maestros, los padres y la comunidad en general. CONCLUSIÓN: La retroalimentación al final elogiaba los debates como una estrategia valiosa para la concientización así como para el desarrollo del potencial del estudiante y la unidad en torno a una causa común.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Awareness , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Infections/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Students/psychology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Health Education , Jamaica/epidemiology , Program Development , Program Evaluation , School Health Services/standards , Schools
Braz. oral res ; 22(4): 340-345, 2008. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-502189


School and family together play an important role in the individual development of children. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the practices and attitudes towards oral health care of 245 education professionals working in 24 public municipal pre-schools in Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data were obtained from self-questionnaires consisting of both open and closed questions. The methodology was both quantitative and qualitative, and the quantitative analysis was based on frequency ( percent). Regarding oral health practices, it was observed that the majority of the education professionals emphasized toothbrushing as a vital method of oral hygiene. In addition, 70.7 percent of the education professionals performed other types of oral hygiene activities with the schoolchildren, and 17.1 percent did so with the children's families. All the participants of the study considered that education professionals have a key role in promoting healthy oral habits amongst the schoolchildren and they believe that involving the dentist in educative programs is important. It was therefore concluded that the education professionals surveyed have positive practices and attitudes regarding the children's care, and they recognize their role in fostering healthy habits and developing integrated pedagogic oral health programs.

Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Dental Care for Children/standards , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Education, Dental/standards , Health Promotion/standards , School Health Services/standards , Teaching/standards , Brazil , Needs Assessment , Oral Health/standards , Oral Hygiene/education , Oral Hygiene/standards , Program Evaluation , Schools , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires , School Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Teaching/methods
Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences and Health Services [The]. 2007; 11 (1): 41-49
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-137074


Preparing a suitable physical environment for schools will allow us to improve the efficiency of educational programs. To compare the security and environment health of public and private schools of Qazvin. This comparative study was carried out on randomly selected schools including 20 private and 68 public schools of Qazvin in 2001. A pre-designed questionnaire was filled out through interview, observation and measuring the variables related to safety and environmental health. The collected data were compared with the existing criteria and analyzed and examined using T-test and Fisher exact test. The safety and environmental health was generally poor in both sectors. Only in 3 out of 34 items [one omitted from the study due to invalid criteria of measurement] the health requirements were satisfactorily met in both sectors. In contrast, it was shown that in three out of 34, the safety and environmental health in private schools was nonexistent. Regarding all safety and health requirements, it was revealed that in adopting 4 criteria, the private sector showed a more acceptable condition than public sector, whereas for other 8 criteria the public sector preceded the private one and proved to be meaningful, statistically. In can be concluded that the public schools in terms of safety and environmental health are practicing a higher standard comparing with those in private sector.

Humans , Environmental Health , Safety , School Health Services/standards , Random Allocation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education/standards
JMJ-Jamahiriya Medical Journal. 2006; 6 (2): 107-111
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-77602


To assess the physical health status of children entering first year primary school in Tripoli. Descriptive cross sectional study, conducted between 15/7/2004 and 15/9/2004, by simple random sampling where two polyclinics were selected, and 509 children selected by systematic random sampling. the study showed that 41.1% of the children had dental caries, 17.5% had nocturnal enuresis, 12% of the children suffer from Myopia, 8.8% suffer from Bronchial asthma, 7.9% were over weight, 4.3% had one or more of contagious diseases with significant impact of the level of mother education in their distribution and 5.2% of the male children had genitourinary malformations. Health appraisal at school entry is of important value in detecting and recording diseases among school children. And more researches to meet the needs of school children in different health dimensions were recommended

Humans , Physical Fitness , Nutritional Status , Vaccination , Schools , Child , School Health Services/standards
Rev. méd. Chile ; 133(10): 1173-1182, oct. 2005. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-420145


Background: Urgent measures are required to stop the increase in the frequency of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. A means of facing this problem is promoting sexual abstinence among youngsters. There are studies that confirm the efficacy of this approach. Aim: To show the results of the application of a holistic sexuality program (TeenSTAR) among Chilean teenagers. Subjects and Methods: Students attending basic or high school were divided into a control or study group. The control group (342 students) received the usual education on sexuality given by their schools and the study group (398 students) participated in twelve TeenSTAR sessions lasting 1.5 hours each, given by a trained professor. Assessment of achievements was made using an anonymous questionnaire answered at the start and end of the program. Results: The rates of sexual initiation among control and study groups were 15 and 6.5%, respectively. Among sexually active students, 20% of those in the study group and 9% of those in the control group discontinued sexual activity. Conclusions: A higher proportion of students in the TeenSTAR program retarded their sexual initiation or discontinued sexual activity and found more reasons to maintain sexual abstinence than control students.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Pregnancy , Adolescent Behavior , Pregnancy in Adolescence/prevention & control , School Health Services/standards , Sex Education/standards , Sexual Abstinence , Age Distribution , Chile , Holistic Health , Program Evaluation , Sex Distribution , Socioeconomic Factors
Bol. Acad. Nac. Med. B.Aires ; 76(2): 587-92, jul.-dic. 1998.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-241305


El perfil epidemiológico del Uruguay determina que sus principales problemas de salud derivan de enfermedades crónicas que se manifiestan tardíamente, a pesar de generarse en los primeros años de la vida. Hoy se entiende prioritario comenzar a trabajar en la modificación de los estilos de vida, promoviendo hábitos saludables desde la infancia. Para ellos se ha ideado y distribuido un paquete de materiales educativos a los niños escolarizados de todo el país. La evaluación de los mismos informa que se ha cumplido con el objetivo de comenzar la sensibilización de la infancia. El estímulo generado por la Semana del Corazón ha llevado a promover la salud cardiovascular a través de instancias participativas.

Humans , Child , Child, Preschool , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Play and Playthings , School Health Services/standards , Uruguay