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Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29: 2022_0333, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407664


ABSTRACT Introduction The peculiar characteristics of short track speed skating should be integrated into the psychology of competitions; it is considered that elite athletes engaged in this particular sport should have a healthy psychic condition. Objective Investigate the explosive power of female speed skaters in short track speed skating. Methods 10 key athletes from the national short track speed skating team were selected, and explosive power was tested by T-test, hexagonal test, and pro sensitivity test. Data analysis was performed using an independent sample t-test, differences in the results of related test indicators between groups were analyzed, and repeated measures analysis of variance was used. Results During the explosive kick phase, knee extension speed increased linearly from 210°/S to 600°/S, and hip extension speed increased linearly from 200°/S to 400°/S. Conclusion The development of muscle group strength and explosive power during training often shows differences in the degree of contraction, which is related to the arrangement of training methods. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment outcomes.

RESUMO Introdução As características peculiares da patinação de velocidade em pista curta devem ser integradas na psicologia das competições; considera-se que os atletas de elite engajados nesta modalidade especial devem ter boa condição psíquica. Objetivo Investigar o poder explosivo das patinadoras de patinação de velocidade em pista curta. Métodos 10 atletas-chave da equipe nacional de patinação de velocidade em pista curta foram selecionadas, o poder explosivo foi testado por teste T, teste hexagonal e teste de sensibilidade pro. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando um teste t de amostra independente, as diferenças nos resultados dos indicadores de teste relacionados entre os grupos foram analisadas, e foi utilizada a análise de medidas repetidas de variação. Resultados Durante a fase de pontapé explosivo, a velocidade da extensão do joelho aumentou linearmente de 210°/S para 600°/S, e a velocidade da extensão do quadril aumentou linearmente de 200°/S para 400°/S. Conclusão O desenvolvimento da força do grupo muscular e do poder explosivo durante o treinamento muitas vezes apresenta diferenças no grau de contração, o que está relacionado com a disposição dos métodos de treinamento. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción Las características peculiares del patinaje de velocidad en pista corta deben integrarse en la psicología de las competiciones; se considera que los atletas de élite que se dedican a esta modalidad especial deben tener una buena condición psíquica. Objetivo Investigar la potencia explosiva de las patinadoras de velocidad en pista corta. Métodos Se seleccionaron 10 atletas clave del equipo nacional de patinaje de velocidad en pista corta, se probó la potencia explosiva mediante la prueba T, la prueba hexagonal y la prueba de sensibilidad pro. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante una prueba t de muestras independientes, se analizaron las diferencias en los resultados de los indicadores de las pruebas relacionadas entre los grupos y se utilizó el análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas. Resultados Durante la fase de patada explosiva, la velocidad de extensión de la rodilla aumentó linealmente de 210°/S a 600°/S, y la velocidad de extensión de la cadera aumentó linealmente de 200°/S a 400°/S. Conclusión El desarrollo de la fuerza y la potencia explosiva de los grupos musculares durante el entrenamiento suele mostrar diferencias en el grado de contracción, lo que está relacionado con la disposición de los métodos de entrenamiento. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Female , Reaction Time , Skating/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology
Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220000721, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356492


Abstract Aim: The study aimed to understand the perceptions of mothers about the practice of figure skating by their daughters aged between 8 and 13 years old. Methods: Eight mothers of skaters belonging to a youth competition team were interviewed in a qualitative study, which used narratives as the methodological approach. The interview was structured with open-ended questions and the full transcriptions were analyzed through content analysis. Results: The results of the three categories of analysis - "Skating and competing: the first influences"; "Family models and maternal participation"; and "Behavior of parents in sporting events" - showed that mothers perceived they provide emotional and motivational support during their daughters' sports practice and that they do not exert pressure for results. To not recognize negative behaviors could be negative to the skaters and may be the result of an inconscient mechanism or the need of mothers to have socially accepted behavior. They also stressed anxiety during competitions and reported strategies to cope with it. Thus, it is important to raise awareness of this situation so mothers can have more resources to manage this fragile balance. Conclusions: The way mothers participate in their children's sports life and express their support influences their sports practice; therefore, to understand how mothers perceive their involvement in their daughters' sportive practice is important to develop best practices to guarantee the quality of the interaction between mothers-children and healthy psychological development.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Perception , Skating/psychology , Psychology, Sports/methods , Mother-Child Relations/psychology
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 21(2): 1-12, jul.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401365


El presente trabajo corresponde a un estudio etnográfico clásico, que tiene como objetivo explorar el espacio de construcción de los nuevos estilos de vida y prácticas corporales en los jóvenes skaters urbanos de Colima. El estudio se realizó en un parque emblemático: La Piedra Lisa, localizado en la capital del estado de Colima, México. La unidad de observación la integraron 50 jóvenes, entre 12 y 20 años, que practican el skate durante la semana. El método utilizado fue el etnográfico, las técnicas de investigación fueron la observación participante ­durante un mes y medio­ y la entrevista informal; y como instrumento de registro se empleó el diario de campo. En la sistematización de la información y clasificación se usó la Guía de Murdock. El estudio describe aspectos identitarios de los jóvenes skaters, información acerca del desarrollo de habilidades físicas coordinativas, condicionales y de experticia skate, lugares de encuentro y apropiación de espacios públicos, clasificación de los skaters por grupos, el equipamiento utilizado, y la percepción social que se tiene de sí mismos, de la sociedad, la familia y de los amigos.

The present work corresponds to a classic ethnographic study, which aims to explore the construction space of new lifestyles and bodily practices in young urban skaters in Colima. The study was conducted in an emblematic park: La Piedra Lisa, located in the capital of the state of Colima, Mexico. The observation unit was made up of 50 young people between 12 and 20 years old, who skate during the week. The method used was ethnographic, the research techniques were participant observations ­for a month and a half­ and the informal interview, and the field newspaper was used as recording instrument. For the systematization of information and classification, the Murdock Guide was used. The study describes identity aspects of young skaters, information about the development of coordinative, conditional and skateboarding physical skills, meeting places and appropriation of public spaces, classification of skaters by groups, the equipment used, and the social perception that it has of itself, society, family and friends.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Skating , Anthropology, Cultural , Motor Skills , Interviews as Topic , Urban Area , Life Style
Motriz (Online) ; 25(1): e101995, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002694


Aim: This study aimed to compare the effects of linear periodization (LP) and undulating periodization (UP) of strength training on acceleration in skater children. Methods: Twenty-nine girls (9.67±1.29 years-old, 34.47±8.06kg, 1.39±0.13m) were distributed into two groups: linear periodization group (LPG, n=14) and undulating periodization group (UPG, n=15). Six levels of progressive training were designed based on activities such as multi-jumps, plyometrics, sled towing, and facilitated exercises. The training lasted 16 weeks, with a 1-h session on three non-consecutive days per week. The acceleration was recorded by digital videography following the major trochanter of the femur, at four moments and under two conditions: static (SS) and dynamic start (DS) in a rectilinear path. Statistical significance was set at 5%. Results: ANOVA indicated group*moment interaction in SS and DS for velocity (F3,81=7.883; p<0.001; pη2=0.226; F3,81=2.36; p=0.078; pη2=0.08-trend, respectively) and acceleration (F3,81=3.96; p=0.011; pη2=0.128; F3,81=2.92; p=0.039; pη2=0.098, respectively). Both groups increased velocity in SS and DS (UPG/SS: 1st=4.07, 2nd=9.75, 3rd=8.91, 4th=9.25m/s; LPG/SS: 1st=4.27, 2nd=7.13, 3rd=7.61, 4th=7.99m/s; UPG/DS: 1st=8.30, 2nd=8.73, 3rd=8.12, 4th=9.27m/s; LPG/DS: 1st=8.20, 2nd=8.31, 3rd=7.90, 4th=8.96m/s) and acceleration (UPG/SS: 1st=2.00, 2nd=8.69, 3rd=4.71, 4th=5.02m/s2; LPG/SS: 1st=2.37, 2nd=3.39, 3rd=3.68, 4th=4.12m/s2; UPG/DS: 1st=1.78, 2nd=1.97, 3rd=1.65, 4th=2.46m/s2; LPG/DS: 1st=1.67, 2nd=1.70, 3rd=1.48, 4th=1.93m/s2). Conclusion: Both strength training periodization protocols were effective in developing acceleration and velocity in girl skaters over 16 weeks; however, UP was more efficient than LP for improving acceleration.(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Skating/physiology , Muscle Strength/physiology , Resistance Training/methods , Movement/physiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716998


PURPOSE: This study aimed to describe the pattern of injuries and illnesses among Korean athletes during the Almaty Winter Universiade 2017. METHODS: All medical staffs of Korean team recorded the daily occurrence of injuries and illnesses sustained during the Almaty Winter Universiade Games by using a standardized online form via The design of this study was a prospective study. RESULTS: In total, 98 athletes (68 men and 30 women) in 11 sports events from Korean Sport Olympic Committee participated in this study. Korean medical staffs reported 40 injuries (40.8%) and 26 illnesses (26.5%), equaling incidences of 6.3 injuries and 4.1 illnesses per 100 athletes. Men suffered more injury and illness than women (44.1% vs. 33.3%). The rate of Injury and illness in training was higher than the competition (13.3 vs. 2.0 athlete exposures). The risk of an athlete being injured was the highest in freestyle skiing, followed by snowboard and speed skating. Overall, the main common type and location of injury was the joint or ligaments sprain (13.3%) and knee (7.1%). The rate of main illness was 17.3% of the respiratory system with the main symptom of pain and the main cause of environment (22.4%). CONCLUSION: Injuries and illnesses occurred 40.8% and 26.5% during this winter game, and were higher during training than a competition. Based on the epidemiologic data of this study, it could provide the source for the injury prevention and improving the performance of the athlete and further develop scientific injury and illness surveillance systems.

Female , Humans , Male , Athletes , Athletic Injuries , Epidemiology , Incidence , Joints , Knee , Ligaments , Medical Staff , Prospective Studies , Respiratory System , Skating , Skiing , Sports , Sprains and Strains
Rev. salud pública ; 19(3): 347-354, mayo-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-903114


RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar la prevalência de lesiones osteomusculares y su relación con las diferentes variables de presentación en la práctica del patinaje de carreras, en atletas por categorías de edad entre los 8 y los 23 años de edad, de la ciudad de Villavicencio, Colombia. Métodos Se desarrolló un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal o de prevalencia, por medio de la aplicación de un instrumento de recolección de información que fue diseñado y validado cualitativa y cuantitativamente. El instrumento incluyó las variables asociadas a la presentación de lesiones organizadas en cinco dominios. La información recolectada se analizó con estadística descriptiva. Resultados El 66,7 % de la población estudiada pertenecía al sexo femenino, el 39 % de los patinadores tenía entre cinco y seis años de vida deportiva y se ubicó en la categoría de transición; nueve de cada diez atletas realizaron entrenamiento más de cinco días a la semana; la misma proporción realizó de tres a cinco horas de entrenamiento diario. La prevalencia de lesiones osteomusculares fue del 53,7 % del total de la población estudiada; el 29,6 % presentaron entre una y dos lesiones y el 5,6 % de patinadores lesionados tuvo entre nueve y diez lesiones. Conclusiones La mayoría de lesiones osteomusculares se relacionaron con las categorías de menor edad, en periodos precompetitivo y de preparación específica; afectaron miembros inferiores y fueron, en mayor proporción, lesiones óseas y musculares.(AU)

Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries and their relation to different presentation variables in inline speed skaters by age categories, between 8 and 23 years of age, from Villavicencio, Colombia. Methods An observational cross-sectional or prevalence analytical study was developed by applying an information collection instrument that was designed and validated qualitatively and quantitatively. The instrument included variables associated with the presentation of lesions organized in five domains. The information collected was analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results 66.7 % of the population studied were females, 39 % of skaters had between five and six years of sporting experience, and were in the transition category. Nine out of ten athletes trained more than five days a week, and the same proportion did three to five hours of daily training. The prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries was 53.7 % in the total population studied; 29.6 % had between one and two injuries, and 5.6% of injured skaters had between nine and ten injuries. Conclusions Most of musculoskeletal injuries were related to the younger age categories, in precompetitive and specific preparation periods. The lower limbs were the most affected, to a greater extent, by bony and muscular lesions.(AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Skating/injuries , Musculoskeletal System/injuries , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation , Colombia
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(2): 559-574, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-846646


Este estudo visou analisar parte dos processos de produção das subjetividades skatistas nas suas relações com determinadas normas sociais em jogo na contemporaneidade, especificamente, através de uma vontade de inclusão de indivíduos e grupos sociais posicionados como anormais. A cartografia social foi usada como referencial teórico-metodológico e o material empírico baseou-se em falas de entrevistas ao rádio e à TV, conversas informais, cartazes de eventos, fotos retiradas de redes sociais no modo público e registros de Diário de Rua. Analisamos vetores de normalização sobre os skatistas articulados a determinadas normas sociais, através de ações e falas moralmente reconhecidas como "do bem", com vistas a atribuir traços de legitimidade e normalidade estratégicos no jogo incessante das relações de poder e da condução de si mesmos(AU)

This study aimed to analyze part of the processes of production of skateboarder's subjectivities in their relations with certain social rules that are in place in contemporaneity, specifically through a wish for inclusion by individuals and social groups positioned as abnormal. Social cartography was used as a theoretical-methodological framework and the empirical material included radio and TV interviews, informal conversations, posters of events, pictures taken from social media sites open to the public and street diary notes. We analyzed vectors of normalization related to skateboarders by connecting them with certain social norms through actions and speeches morally recognized as being "for the good", in order to ascribe traits of legitimacy and normalcy that are strategic to the permanent game of power relations and conduction of oneself(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar parte de los procesos de producción de las subjetividades de los skaters en sus relaciones con determinadas normas sociales establecidas en la época contemporánea, específicamente a través de la voluntad de inclusión de los individuos y grupos sociales tenidos como anormales. La cartografía social fue utilizada como referencial teórico metodológico y el material empírico consistió en entrevistas a la radio y a la televisión, charlas informales, carteles de eventos, fotos retiradas de redes sociales en modo público y registros de Diario de Calle. Analizamos vectores de normalización sobre los skaters que se articulan a determinadas normas sociales, a través de acciones y discursos moralmente reconocidos como "buenos", con vistas a atribuir rasgos de legitimidad y normalidad estratégicos en el juego incesante de las relaciones de poder y de la conducción de sí mismos(AU)

Humans , Culture , Skating
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 29(50): 50-61, mai. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-833281


Nosso trabalho é uma análise da estética musical incorporada por um grupo de skatistas e sua relação com do estilo de skate desenvolvido pelos praticantes. A hexis corporal na prática do skate de rua, em nosso espaço de investigação, se mostrou associada com o gosto musical do grupo em questão. Deste modo, nosso propósito foi evidenciar essas referências musicais e seu impacto na formação do estilo do skate praticado. Nossa experiência antropológica com os skatistas e o referencial teórico inspirado pela leitura dos trabalhos de Bourdieu sobre estética musical e a hexis corporal foram nossas fontes de pesquisa. Partindo de uma breve história da skatemusic e da exposição dos skatistas sobre a influência do estilo musical no estilo da prática do skate, exploramos o habitus destes enquanto interdependências dos grupos e parte de um charme ou carisma na conformação dos skaters.

Our work is an analysis of the musical aesthetics incorporated by a group of skateboarders and their relationship with skateboard style developed by practitioners. In practice, Body hexis of street skateboarding in our research area, was associated with the musical taste of the group in question. Thus, our purpose was to demonstrate these musical references and their impact on the style skating practiced. Our anthropological experience with the skaters and the theoretical framework inspired by the reading of Bourdieu's work on musical aesthetics and body hexis were our sources of research. Starting with a brief history of skatemusic and exposure of the skaters on the influence of musical style in the practice skate style, we explore the habitus of these interdependencies as groups and part of a charm or charisma in the skaters form.

Nuestro trabajo es un análisis de la estética musical constituidas por un grupo de patinadores y su relación con el estilo del monopatín desarrollado por los profesionales. Héxis cuerpo en la práctica del patinaje de la calle en nuestra área de investigación, se asoció con el gusto musical del grupo en cuestión. Por lo tanto, nuestro propósito era demostrar estas referencias musicales y su impacto en la formación del estilo de skate practicado. Nuestra experiencia antropológica con los patinadores y el marco teórico inspirados en la lectura de la obra de Bourdieu sobre la estética musical y héxis del cuerpo fueran nuestras fuentes de investigación. Comenzando con una breve historia de skatemusic y la exposición de los patinadores sobre la influencia del estilo musical en el estilo de práctica de skate, exploramos el habitus de estas interdependencias como grupos y parte de un encanto o carisma en la formación de los patinadores.

Skating , Sports , Athletes , Movement , Music
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(1): 171-184, jan. -mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-833686


A partir da década de 1870, São Paulo passou por transformações que lhe conferiram nova dinâmica, desencadeando-se mais concretamente iniciativas que dialogavam com as ideias de civilização e progresso. A melhor estruturação dos entretenimentos públicos compôs aquele cenário. Este estudo objetiva discutir as primeiras experiências de uma diversão que desembarcou na cidade no período: a patinação. Como recorte temporal, adotaram-se os anos de 1877, data de criação do pioneiro rinque, e 1912, quando foi fundado um estabelecimento que marcou a definitiva conformação da prática. Como fonte principal, utilizamos o jornal A Província de São Paulo/O Estado de S. Paulo(AU)

From the 1870s on, São Paulo experienced changes that gave it new dynamics, triggering initiatives related to ideas of civilization and progress. Better organization of public entertainment was part of that scenario. This study aims to discuss the first experiences of skating organized in São Paulo between 1877, when the first skating rink was created, and 1912, a well-structured establishment was open and marked the definitive conformation of the practice in the city. The main source of the study was newspaper A Província de São Paulo/O Estado de S. Paulo(AU)

Desde la década de 1870, São Paulo ha sufrido transformaciones que llevaron a la ciudad a una nueva dinámica, desencadenándose iniciativas que dialogaban con las ideas de civilización y progreso. Una mejor estructuración de los entretenimientos públicos compuso ese escenario. Este artículo objetiva discutir las primeras experiencias de una diversión que llegó a ciudad en ese periodo: el patinaje. Adoptamos un marco temporal comprendido entre 1877, fecha en que fue creada la pista pionera, y 1912, año de fundación de un establecimiento que marcó la conformación definitiva de la práctica. Como fuente principal, utilizamos el periódico A Província de São Paulo/O Estado de São Paulo(AU)

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Skating , Centers of Connivance and Leisure
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 28(48): 207-221, set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-2103


Nessa pesquisa, focamos os jovens e seu cotidiano, trazendo elementos que discutem o lazer, família, educação e trabalho. Pesquisa realizada com um grupo de jovens skatistas, numa pista pública de skate na cidade de Porto Alegre - RS. Foram ao todo nove meses de observação direta, cada qual relatada em Diários de Campo. Procuramos compreender como o lazer dos jovens que se dava pela prática do skate, se relacionava como outros aspectos de seu cotidiano. Após concluir o trabalho, consideramos que - para se manter na prática do skate - os jovens necessitam conciliar as cobranças de suas famílias, além das rotulações e estereótipos impostas de fora do universo de praticantes desse esporte. Percebemos, ainda, que os jovens passam por tudo isso com o propósito de manter seus "projetos" no skate.

In this research, we focus on young people and their daily lives, bringing elements discussing leisure, family, education and work. Research conducted with a group of young skaters in a public track skating in the city of Porto Alegre - RS. In a total nine months of direct observation, each reported in Field Diaries. We seek to understand how the leisure of young people who gave the practice of skateboarding, was related to other aspects of their daily lives. After completing the work, we consider that - to remain in practice the skateboard - young people needed to reconcile the charges of their families, in addition to labels and stereotypes imposed from "outside" the universe of practitioners of this sport. We noticed also that young people go through all this in order to keep their "projects" on the skateboard.

En esta investigación, nos centramos en los jóvenes y su vida diaria, con lo que los elementos en discusiones sobre ocio, la familia, la educación y el trabajo. Investigaciones llevadas a cabo con un grupo de jóvenes praticantes del skate en una pista de patinaje pública en la ciudad de Porto Alegre - RS. En un total de nueve meses de la observación directa, cada informó en Diarios de Campo. Buscamos entender cómo el ocio de los jóvenes que dieron a la práctica de skate, estaba relacionada con otros aspectos de su vida cotidiana. Después de completar el trabajo, consideramos que - permanezca en la práctica el consejo - los jóvenes necesitan para conciliar los cargos de sus familias, además de etiquetas y estereotipos impuestos desde "fuera" del universo de los practicantes de este deporte. Notamos también que los jóvenes pasar por todo esto con el fin de mantener sus "proyectos" en el skate.

Humans , Adolescent , Recreation , Skating/trends , Sports , Activities of Daily Living
Int. j. morphol ; 33(3): 1130-1135, Sept. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762597


El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar las características antropométricas, composición corporal y somatotipo de patinadoras de patinaje artístico sobre ruedas por categorías (junior y senior) y por disciplinas (individual, parejas y danza). Fueron evaluadas 62 patinadoras profesionales (36 en la disciplina de libre, 13 en danza y 13 en parejas). El análisis estadístico utilizado fue una ANOVA para muestras independientes entre disciplinas, y una T de Student para las categorías (junior y senior). Entre la categoría junior y senior no se han encontrado diferencias estadísticas significativas. Las patinadoras junior presentaron un somatotipo endo-mesomorfo, y las patinadoras senior presentaron un somatotipo mesomorfo balanceado. El somatotipo de las patinadoras de parejas y danza fue el mesomórfico balanceado, y el de las patinadoras de libre fue endo-mesomórfico. Este estudio aporta datos biotipológicos de referencia para la población de elite de patinadoras sobre ruedas.

The aim of the study was to describe and compare anthropometric characteristics, body composition and somatotype of female roller skaters by levels (Junior and Senior) and by disciplines (freestyle, pairs and dance). Sixty-two world class female roller skaters were assessed (36 freestyle roller skaters, 13 dance roller skaters and 13 pair roller skaters). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if significant differences existed in the anthropometric profile among skating discipline and a student t test in order to assess differences between junior and senior levels. There are no significant differences between junior and senior roller skaters. Junior female roller skaters show an endo-mesomorphic somatotype and senior female roller skaters show a balanced mesomorphic somatotype. Roller dance skaters and roller pair skaters show a balanced mesomorphic somatotype and roller freestyle skaters show an endo-mesomorphic somatotype. This paper, reports specific reference data for world class female roller skaters.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anthropometry , Body Composition , Skating , Somatotypes , Analysis of Variance
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-111671


No abstract available.

Commerce , Pleasure , Skating , Surgery, Plastic
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 18(3): 11-26, jul.-set. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-698624


Ao longo da história, inumeráveis formas de intervenção sobre os corpos foram sendo colocadas em prática em diferentes dimensões da vida. Elas expressam maneiras de educar os corpos que se constituíram em processos de inclusão ou exclusão de indivíduos e grupos. Dentre essas dimensões, certamente o esporte possui grande relevância. Assim, neste artigo, temos como objetivo analisá-lo como modelo universal de organização das práticas corporais contemporâneas e forma especifica de educação do corpo. Para tanto, tomaremos como eixo de nossa discussão uma das práticas contemporâneas de maior visibilidade entre os jovens brasileiros: o skate, ou, como preferem alguns, o skatismo.

Throughout history, countless forms of intervention on the bodies were put into practice in different aspects of life. They express ways of educating the bodies that formed in processes of inclusion or exclusion of individuals and groups. Among these dimensions, the sport certainly has great relevance. So in this article, we aim to analyze it as a universal model of organization of the contemporary body practices and specific forms of education of the body. For this, we will take as a point of our discussion of the contemporary practices of visibility among young brazilians: skateboarding, or, as some prefer, the skatismo.

A lo largo de la historia, innumerables formas de intervención sobre los cuerpos se pusieron en práctica en diferentes aspectos de la vida. Ellas expresan maneras de educar a los cuerpos que se formaron en los procesos de inclusión o exclusión de individuos y grupos. Entre estas dimensiones, sin duda el deporte tiene una gran relevancia. Es por ello que en este artículo, nuestro objetivo es analizarlo como un modelo universal de organización de las prácticas corporales contemporáneas y formas específicas de la educación del cuerpo. Para ello, tomaremos como punto de nuestra discusión una de las prácticas contemporáneas de más visibilidad entre los jóvenes brasileños: el skate, o, como prefieren algunos, ló skatismo.

Humans , Male , Female , Body Image , Sports/education , Kinesics , Skating
Licere (Online) ; 14(3)set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606382


Esta pesquisa buscou analisar, na perspectiva dos frequentadores, o perfil dos usuários, as formas de usos e a ação das políticas públicas na Praça do Gaúcho localizada na cidade de Curitiba-PR. A análise foi feita com base em questionários respondidos por 53 frequentadores da Praça, aplicação de protocolos de investigação sobre a infraestrutura do espaço e equipamentos, e, por fim, observações. Percebeu-se que a Praça apresenta diferentes formas de uso. A principal é a prática do skate, combinada com outras experiências no âmbito do lazer. Além disso, a falta de policiamento, a iluminação deficitária e o sentimento de insegurança são fatores interrelacionados e, segundo os usuários questionados, estão vinculados à falta de políticas públicas mais atuantes. Conclui-se também que por meio dos usos combinados a Praça do Gaúcho apresenta-se como um espaço público que se transforma em um lugar dotado de significado, fortalecendo os laços sociais.

This research sought to examine the perspective of the regulars, the profile of users, forms of action and uses of public policy in "Gaúcho" Square in the city of Curitiba-PR. The analysis was based on questionnaires answered by 53 patrons of the Plaza, implementation of research protocols on the infrastructure space and equipment, and finally observations. It was felt that the square has different ways of use. The key is the practice of skateboarding, combined with other experiences within the leisure. Moreover, the lack of policing, lighting and deficient sense of insecurity factors are interrelated and, according to users questioned, are linked to lack of public policies more active. We also conclude that through the combined use of Gaucho Square presents itself as a public space that becomes a place endowed with meaning, strengthening social ties.

Humans , Leisure Activities , Public Policy , Skating , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 25(1): 24-33, ene.-jun. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-615644


INTRODUCCIËN: La confluencia de factores que provocan la fricción del patín sobre ciertas áreas de los pies de patinadores durante sus entrenamientos ocasiona lesiones nodulares. OBJETIVO: Explorar y describir características imagenológicas de estas excrecencias circunscritas que se presentan en los pies de patinadores como consecuencia del sobreuso deportivo. MÉTODOS: Se realizó estudio transversal y descriptivo en 100 jóvenes masculinos no deportistas (controles) y en los 15 integrantes de la Preselección Cubana de Patinaje de carrera en abril de 2009 (10 varones y 5 hembras), todos con más de diez años de práctica deportiva sistemática. Se les realizó examen ecográfico diagnóstico en el Instituto de Medicina Deportiva para evaluar el estado de las estructuras articulares y periarticulares de esta región y los datos se procesaron mediante estadística descriptiva. RESULTADOS: Se verificaron distorsiones ecográficas en el 100 por ciento de los deportistas evaluados caracterizadas fundamentalmente por: engrosamiento dérmico circunscrito (100 por ciento), tendinitis (33,3 por ciento) y exostosis bursata (20 por ciento); manifestaciones todas incluidas en una afección que los autores identificaron como el pie del patinador cuya expresión clínica externa lo constituye la presencia de nódulos de localización retrocalcánea, región dorsal y/o medial del pie. CONCLUSIONES: El pie del patinador puede constituir una entidad nosológica que tiene sustento imagenológico y que se relaciona con la fricción directa y sistemática del patín, propia de este deporte y que no solo afecta la piel de los pies de los patinadores sino que puede interferir con el entrenamiento o competencia por la asociación con otras lesiones

INTRODUCTION: The convergence of factors leading to skate friction on some areas of skater's feet during trainings provoke nodular injuries. OBJECTIVES: To explore and to describe the imaging features of these circumscribed excrecences present in the skater's feet as consequence of sports overuse. METHODS: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in 100 young no-sportsmen (controls) and in the 15 members of the Cuban Pre-Selection of speed Skating in April, 2009 (10 boys and 5 girls), all of them with more than 10 years of systematic sports practice. Then underwent a diagnostic echographic examination in the Institute of Sports Medicine to assess the condition of articular and periarticular structures of this area and data were processed by descriptive statistics. RESULTS: There were demonstrated echographic distortions in 100 percent of assessed sportsmen, mainly due to: circumscribed dermic thickening (100 percent), tendonitis (33,3 percent) and exostosis bursata (20 percent), manifestations included in an affection identified by authors as skater foot whose external clinical expression is the presence of retrocalcaneal nodules, dorsal and/or foot medial region. CONCLUSIONS: The skater's foot may be a disease entity with an imaging support and is related to direct and systematic friction of skate, characteristic of this sport and that not only involve the teeth's skin but it may to interfere with treatment or competence due to its association with other injuries

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Foot Deformities, Acquired/epidemiology , Skating/injuries , Foot , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 15(3): 163-186, jul.-set. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-552630


Este artigo aponta, a partir de casos concretos, para elementos acerca da trajetória social de skatistas que lograram estar no subuniverso dos patrocínios. Em se tratando de skate, isso significa praticamente a única possibilidade de profissionalização. São considerados detalhes da constituição e do funcionamento do campo do skate em sua totalidade e da vida dos informantes, de seu caminho para incorporar disposições e capitais válidos no contexto do skate. Os dados utilizados são provenientes de técnicas de pesquisa como a entrevista semiestruturada, a observação participante e a coleta de documentos.

The aim of this article is to look at specific real life cases of the social trajectory of skateboarders, who managed their skateboarding career whilst not being in the mainstream of sponsorship. In skateboarding sponsorship is almost the only viable means to be professionally and thus financially stable. This study is done by taking into consideration: the ins and outs of the skateboarding world, the lives of the people involved in the sport, and the means with which they exercise and manage their chosen profession. The data utilized is derived from techniques of research such as: semi structured interviews, participant observation and document-based research.

Este articulo trata de levantar, apartir de hechos concretos, elementos acerta de la trayectoria social de skatistas que lograron estar en el submundo de los patrocinios. Eso significa practicamente la unica posibilidad de profesionalización. Son considerados detalles de la constituición y del funcionamiento de la rama del skate en su totalidad y de la vida de los informantes y de su camino para incorporar disposiciones y capitales validos en el contexto del skate, los datos utilizados son provenientes de técnicas de pesquisa como la entrevista semiestructurada, las observaciones participantes y la colecta de documentos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Life Style , Skating/economics , Skating/history , Skating/standards , Skating/psychology , Skating/trends , Sociology , Interviews as Topic/methods , Sports/history , Sports/standards , Sports/psychology , Sports/trends , Observation/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-727153


Although the risk of incurring factures of the upper extremity that are associated with in-line skating is well known, the incidence of low extremity injuries was reported to be low and so this has not yet been highlighted so far. We have experienced two cases of intertrochanteric fractures that occurred to active, middle-aged adults during in-line skating and we report on these cases along with a review of the relevant literatures.

Adult , Humans , Athletic Injuries , Extremities , Hip Fractures , Incidence , Skating , Upper Extremity
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-650362


PURPOSE: Despite the rapid increase in the number of in-line skaters, there are few epidemiological studies reported on in-line skate injuries in Korea. This study investigated the pattern of in-line skate injuries in a population of school children, with a particular attention being paid to the effect of protective gear in its prevention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire was given to all school children from 8 elementary schools in an urban area. A total of 13, 482 children and/or their parents were enrolled in this study. The number of in-line skaters, the habit of wearing protective gear, the history of any injury including fractures, and the pattern and etiology of fractures in these children were examined during 2003. RESULTS: Of the responders, 84.6% enjoyed in-line skating. The yearly incidence of in-line skate injuries in 2003 was 39.0% with 1.3% involving fracture.Only 17.0% of in-line skaters wore protective gear, which decreased the incidence of fracture by 72.7%. As they grow older, fewer children were wearing protective gears with a corresponding increase in the incidence of fractures. CONCLUSION: In-line skate injuries are a significant health problem in school children. The use of the protective gear should be encouraged, particularly in older age group.

Child , Humans , Epidemiologic Studies , Incidence , Korea , Parents , Surveys and Questionnaires , Skating
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-152992


In-line skating is one of the fastest growing recreational sport activities all over the world, particularly in Korea. Fractures, dislocations, sprains and avulsions account for 60~70% of all acute injuries from in-line skating. The wrist area, including the wrist and the lower arm, is the most commonly injured site. To decrease the incidence and severity of acute injuries, the use of safety gears is critical. Also, overuse injuries can occur in the shoulder area, low back, knee, foot and ankle. Avoidance of overwork, rest, stretching and strengthening exercise, well-fit boots, and the proper skating posture can prevent or minimize the overuse injuries.

Ankle , Arm , Cumulative Trauma Disorders , Joint Dislocations , Foot , Incidence , Knee , Korea , Posture , Rehabilitation , Shoulder , Skating , Sports , Sprains and Strains , Wrist
Bol. Asoc. Méd. P. R ; 96(3): 173-177, May-Aug. 2004.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-411056


The foot propelled scooter is a popular toy preferred by girls and boys, but at the same time, these put the children at risk of some kind of injury. The literature had reported that the fractures at the upper extremities are the most frequent injury observed related to the use of a scooter. The purpose of our study was to describe the injuries related to the scooters use in a sample of injuries handled at the UPR Hospital at Carolina, Puerto Rico. A total of 62 patients who arrived to the ED and were evaluated for some kind of injury related to the use of scooters were included in our study. Fractures (32.3) constituted the most frequent injury observed in the sample, followed by the lacerations (29.0), and the abrasions (11.3). The parents, doctors and the healthcare workers should be made aware of the causes and prevention of injuries caused by the foot propelled scooters, because this situation is potentially preventable

Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Humans , Skating/injuries , Cohort Studies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Athletic Injuries/epidemiology