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Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1436967


Introduction: Mental health disorders in undergraduates are often undetected and may predispose to other academic and social complications. The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of probable psychiatric morbidity among students of University of Ilorin, Nigeria and the psycho-social factors that are associated with psychiatric morbidity in them. Methods: Socio-demographic questionnaire and the 12-item General health questionnaire (GHQ-12) were administered to 3,300 undergraduate students to assess psychosocial variables and psychiatric morbidity respectively. Results: About 23.5% of respondents scored >3 using the GHQ-12 questionnaire, signifying a likehood of psychiatric morbidity. Students from polygamous families were 1.3 times more likely to have GHQ scores of >3 than those from monogamous (OR=1.276, P=0.026). Those who had unemployed fathers were twice more likely to have a GHQ > 3 than those with employed fathers. (OR=2.084, P=0.005).Those who lived in houses with shared toilet facilities were 1.3 times more likely to have GHQ >3 (OR=1.310, P=0.028) Conclusion: This study calls for a careful consideration and modification of the various psychosocial factors associated with pschiatric morbidity in order to ensure a mentally healthy and vibrant student community

Humans , Mental Health , Morbidity , Psychology , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , Mental Disorders
Rev. Anesth.-Réanim. Med. Urg. Toxicol. ; 15(1): 79-83, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1438523


L'éclampsie est une complication neurologique majeure de la pré-éclampsie sévère, responsable d'une lourde morbidité et mortalité maternelle. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés aux morbimortalités maternelles de l'éclampsie. Patients et Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale, descriptive et analytique ; sur une période de 36 mois, allant de Janvier 2019 à Décembre 2021, réalisée à la maternité de Befelatanana. Les paramètres cliniques et obstétricales, la prise en charge, les complications et l'évolution maternelle ont été les paramètres étudiés. Résultats : Sur 21 514 accouchements, 461 cas (2,14%) d'éclampsie ont été recensé dont 288 cas inclus dans l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 23,29±6 ans ; l'âge gestationnel était > 37 semaine d'aménorrhée dans 60,10% (n= 173) des cas et la grossesse étaient mal suivies dans 49,70% (n=143) des cas. Les complications maternelles dominées par : la détresse respiratoire aigüe sur pneumopathie d'inhalation; le coma prolongé ; une hémorragie intracérébrale et l'association à d'autres complications tel que : un HELLP syndrome, un hématome rétroplacentaire et une insuffisance rénale oligo-anurique aigue. Les facteurs associés aux décès étaient : l'existence de trouble de la conscience postcritique (p=0,026 ; OR=3,2 [1,09-9,37]), l'existence de coma prolongé ≥24h (p=10-8 ; OR=34 [11,47-100,71]), l'existence d'une insuffisance rénale aigue (p=10-4 ; OR=4,42 [2,08-9,4]) et l'association à un HELLP syndrome (p=10-8 ; OR=29,16 [12,08-70,41]). Conclusion : La morbi-mortalité de l'éclampsie reste encore très élevé à Madagascar ; une éducation de la population Malagasy doit être renforcer sur le suivi médical rapproché de la grossesse

Humans , Coma , Eclampsia , Acute Kidney Injury , HELLP Syndrome , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(4): 5351-5362, 2023. tables, figures
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1512505


Le VIH est un fléau le plus meurtrier de l'histoire et les antirétroviraux demeurent une panacée. Cette étude cherche à identifier les facteurs associés à l'inobservance des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) à la thérapie antirétrovirale (TARV). Méthodes L'étude transversale analytique a été menée au sein de la structure ActionsCommunautaires SIDA/ Avenir Meilleur pour les Orphelins. Elle a ciblé les PVVIH éligibles. L'échantillonnage non probabiliste du type occasionnel a été utilisé par la technique d'interview. Les analyses bivariée et multivariée ont été utilisées ainsi que la régression logistique par le logiciel SPSS version 16.0. Résultats 72 PVVIH ont été interviewées dont l'âge moyen était de 44 ans, avec un sex ratio de 2 femmes pour 1 homme. L'observance thérapeutique était de 55,6 %. Les facteurs associés à l'inobservance sont l'anxiété (51,4%), le stress, la mauvaise relation avec le soignant (44,4%), l'oubli (37,5%), la démotivation sexuelle (20,8%), la conscience personnelle (19,4%) et le manque de confidentialité (13,9%). Conclusion L'inobservance à la thérapie antirétrovirale constitue une problématique dans le contexte de la RDC. Il est important d'insister sur l'éducation thérapeutique dans le succès de la thérapie antirétrovirale

Patient Compliance , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Therapeutics , Epidemiology , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , HIV Testing
African Health Sciences ; 22(1): 51-61, March 2022. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1400323


Background: This study determined the prevalence of risky sexual behaviour and its associated factors among clients who accessed HIV counselling and testing services at a secondary referral hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective review of clients' records was conducted. The Client Intake Form of people who accessed HIV counselling and testing services at Mainland Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria between July 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017, were reviewed. Multivariate analysis was conducted to determine the associated factors of risky sexual behaviour. Results: A total of 4273 client's records were analyzed, 3884 (90.9%) reported having sex before HIV counselling and testing (HCT). The prevalence of risky sexual behaviour among clients was 41.5%. More males and HIV positive clients had unprotected sex with a casual partner three months before HIV counselling and testing (p < 0.05). More singles than the married had unprotected sex with casual partners (p <0.001) and multiple sexual partners (p =0.002). The prevalence of risky sexual behaviour reduced with advancing age. Being single and having an HIV infection were associated with risky sexual behaviour in this study. Conclusion: Age, marital status and HIV status were associated factors of risky sexual behaviour

HIV , Sexuality , Health Risk Behaviors , Asexuality , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , Nigeria
African Health Sciences ; 22(3): 486-494, 2022-10-26. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1401558


Background: Lagos State has the highest burden of COVID-19 in Nigeria. We assessed associated factors with death from COVID-19 among hospitalized patients in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using de-identified records of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted into 15 isolation centers in Lagos State between February 27, 2020, and September 30, 2020. Results: A total of 2,858 COVID -19 patients were included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 41.9±15.5 years. A higher proportion of patients were males (65.8%), asymptomatic (55.5%), had no comorbid condition (72.2%) and had the mild disease (73.8%). The case fatality rate was 6.5%. The odds of death from COVID-19 infection increased by 4% with every increase in age (AOR 1.04, 95%CI 1.03­1.05, p<0.001). The chance of dying was 50%-fold more among males (AOR 1.5, 95%CI 1.0 ­ 2.2, p = 0.042), 60%-fold more among patients with comorbidity (AOR 1.6, 95%CI 1.3 ­ 2.4, p = 0.037) and 9-fold more among patients with severe COVID-19 infection (AOR 9.6, 95% CI 4.9 ­ 19.1, p <0.001). Conclusion: The odds of dying was higher among males, the elderly, patients with comorbidity and severe COVID-19

TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , Fetal Death , COVID-19 , Patients , Nigeria
Afr. j. reprod. health ; 26(6): 1-5, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1382230


Unmet need for family planning (UNFP) remains a public health concern in Angola. The objective of this study was to analyze the factors associated with UNFP among Angolan women aged 15-49 years in 2015-2016. This was an analytical cross-sectional study. A multiple logistic regression model using data from the Angola Demographic and Health Survey 2015-2016 was performed to determine the associated factors. In total, the study involved 8033 women, 22% of whom were between 25-29 years of age. A large number (65%) lived in urban areas and 39% had primary education. About 1/4 of the women(26%) had UNFP for birth spacing. Associated factors were multiple. Age, credible source of information on family planning were protective factors against UNFP for birth spacing while economic level, the woman's level of education were risk factors for NFP. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022;26[6]:22-26).

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , Family Planning Services , Birth Intervals , Public Health