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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011105


CAPOS syndrome is an autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by mutations in the ATP1A3 gene. Initial symptoms, often fever-induced, include recurrent acute ataxic encephalopathy in childhood, featuring cerebellar ataxia, optic atrophy, areflflexia, sensorineural hearing loss, and in some cases, pes cavus. This report details a case of CAPOS syndrome resulting from a maternal ATP1A3 gene mutation. Both the child and her mother exhibited symptoms post-febrile induction,including severe sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, ataxia, areflexia, and decreased vision. Additionally, the patient's mother presented with pes cavus. Genetic testing revealed a c. 2452G>A(Glu818Lys) heterozygous mutation in theATP1A3 gene in the patient . This article aims to enhance clinicians' understanding of CAPOS syndrome, emphasizing the case's clinical characteristics, diagnostic process, treatment, and its correlation with genotypeic findings.

Humans , Child , Female , Cerebellar Ataxia/diagnosis , Talipes Cavus , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Optic Atrophy/diagnosis , Mutation , Phenotype , Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase/genetics , Foot Deformities, Congenital , Reflex, Abnormal
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440512


Introducción: Un apoyo plantar incorrecto puede considerarse un factor etiológico de asimetrías faciales y cráneo-mandibulares pues modifica, de forma instantánea, la relación entre el maxilar y la mandíbula. Por tanto, resulta vital identificar la etiología de estas asimetrías para establecer diagnósticos y tratamientos certeros. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular en adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de enero a septiembre de 2019 con 180 adolescentes que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Docente de Especialidades «Victoria de Santa Clara», los cuales cumplían con criterios de selección de la investigación. Se analizaron variables faciales, posturales y cefalométricas. Se determinó: la simetría facial mediante el análisis de líneas faciales, el apoyo plantar al calcular el índice cavitario, la postura corporal, según la prueba de Di Rocca, y la simetría mandibular con el método modificado de Kurt y Uysal. Se siguieron las normas éticas y fueron aplicadas la prueba de Fisher, la de McNemar, y la técnica de conglomerado. Resultados: Predominaron los adolescentes con apoyo plantar asimétrico y los pies varo. Del total de casos con asimetría facial, 72,53 % presentó apoyo plantar asimétrico, y 39,44 % planos biilíaco y biclavicular desequilibrados y divergentes. La asimetría mandibular se observó en el 56,11%, la mayoría con apoyo plantar asimétrico. Conclusiones: Se pudo constatar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular, pues se observó un alto grado de relación entre las variables estudiadas.

Introduction: an incorrect plantar support can be considered an etiological factor of facial, mandibular and cranial asymmetries since it instantly modifies the relationship between the maxilla and mandible. Therefore, it is vital to identify the etiology of these asymmetries to establish accurate diagnoses and treatments. Objective: to determine the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries in adolescents. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from January to September 2019 with 180 adolescents who were seen in the Orthodontics service at "Victoria de Santa Clara" Specialty Teaching Dental Clinic, who met the research selection criteria. Facial, postural and cephalometric variables were analyzed. Facial symmetry was determined through the analysis of facial lines, plantar support by means of cavity index, body posture according to the Di Rocca test, and mandibular symmetry with the modified method of Kurt and Uysal. Ethical standards were followed and Fisher's and McNemar's tests as well as clustering technique were applied. Results: adolescents with asymmetric plantar support and varus feet predominated. The 72.53% had asymmetric plantar support from the total cases with facial asymmetry, and 39.44% had unbalanced and divergent biiliac and biclavicular planes. Mandibular asymmetry was observed in 56.11%, mostly with asymmetric plantar support. Conclusions: the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries was posible to verify since a high degree of relationship was observed among the variables studied.

Posture , Facial Asymmetry , Talipes Cavus , Malocclusion
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e10200151, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154894


Abstract Aims: This study aimed to analyze the intra- and inter-rater reliability in the assessment and classification of the longitudinal plantar arch of children from 6 to 10 years old in the eyes-open (EO) testing condition. Methods: A total of two-hundred and seventy-eight Brazilian children (556 feet), boys and girls, from 6 to 10 years of age participated in the study. The children's feet were examined on a baropodometric platform, and the Staheli index was used for calculating the plantar arch index. Footprint analyses were performed at two different times, with an interval of 7 to 10 days, by three physical therapists in a single testing condition, resulting in 3,336 footprints. To determine the reliability of the continuous measurements, the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), Standard error of the mean (SEM), absolute value and percentage, and the Minimum Detectable Change (MDC) were calculated. To determine the reliability of the longitudinal arch classification, inter-rater reliability was evaluated by Weighted Fleiss Kappa Coefficient and the test-retest reliability was estimated by Weighted Cohen Kappa Coefficient. Results: Regarding inter-rater reliability, we observed values of ICC ranging from 0.79 to 0.96; thus, the results were classified as substantial to excellent reliability), being the lowest ICC values occur for line B, mainly in the first assessments. SEM ranges from 0.08 to 0.21 (percentage: 3.74 to 28.7), being the best, the lowest SEM values occur for Plantar Arch Index assessments and the MDC varies between 0.22 and 0.59. Regarding intra-rater reliability, the results indicated excellent reliability: values of ICC range from 0.92 to 0.99, being the lowest ICC values also occurs for line B analysis. SEM ranges from 0.03 to 0.20 (percentage: 2.32 to 26.6), being the lowest SEM values occur for Plantar Arch Index assessments and MDC varies between 0.09 and 0.54. Analyzing the inter-rater reliability for the longitudinal arch classifications, we observed values of Weighted Fleiss Kappa Coefficient ranging from 0.83 to 0.87, expressing almost perfect agreement among the raters before and after evaluations. The test-retest reliability of the longitudinal arch classification resulted in values of Weighted Cohen Kappa Coefficient ranging from 0.80 to 0.996, expressing substantial to almost perfect agreement intra-rater. Conclusion: The study showed high reliability in the clinical assessment of the longitudinal plantar arch index of children from 6 to 10 years of age indicating that the Staheli method is applicable to pressure platform assessments with intra- and inter-rate reliability.

Humans , Child , Child Development , Child Health , Talipes Cavus , Reproducibility of Results , Correlation of Data
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 16-21, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090412


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a formação do arco longitudinal do pé interfere na distribuição da pressão plantar e na flexibilidade dos músculos posteriores da coxa. O método de estudo foi transversal e as impressões plantares foram obtidas usando o plantígrafo e analisadas segundo o método Viladot. A distribuição plantar e a flexibilidade foram avaliadas pela baropodometria e pelo banco de Wells, respectivamente. Foi observado que crianças com pés cavos apresentam maior flexibilidade quando comparadas às que têm o pé normal (p=0,02); e também que pés cavos apresentam maior pressão, ou seja, maior sobrecarga em calcâneo quando comparados àqueles com o arco plantar normal (p=0,02 membro inferior direito e p=0,03 membro inferior esquerdo). A avaliação do arco longitudinal medial mostra que crianças com pés cavos apresentam maior flexibilidade dos músculos posteriores de membro inferior. Os pés cavos também estão associados com maior descarga de peso em região de calcâneo.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar si la formación del arco longitudinal del pie interfiere con la distribución de la presión plantar y la flexibilidad de los músculos posteriores del muslo. El método de estudio fue transversal y las huellas plantar se obtuvieron utilizando el plantigraph y se analizaron según el método de Viladot. La distribución plantar y la flexibilidad se evaluaron mediante baropodometría y el banco de Wells, respectivamente. Se observó que los niños con pies huecos tienen mayor flexibilidad en comparación con aquellos con pies normales (p=0,02); y también que los pies huecos tienen una mayor presión, es decir, una mayor sobrecarga del talón en comparación con aquellos con arco plantar normal (p=0,02 miembro inferior derecho y p=0,03 miembro inferior izquierdo). La evaluación del arco longitudinal medial muestra que los niños con pies huecos tienen una mayor flexibilidad en los músculos posteriores de la extremidad inferior. Los pies huecos también están asociados con una mayor descarga de peso en la región del talón.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate whether the formation of the longitudinal arch of the foot interferes with the distribution of plantar pressure and the pliability of the posterior thigh muscles. Methodology: a cross-sectional study and the footprints were obtained using the footprinting mat and analyzed according to the Viladot method. Plantar distribution and pliability were assessed by baropodometry and Wells' bank, respectively. Results: It was observed that children with cavus feet present greater pliability when compared to those with normal feet (p=0.02). Also, the cavus feet exhibit higher pressure, that is, a greater heel overload compared to those with normal plantar arch (p=0.02 lower right limb and p=0.03 lower left limb). Conclusions: The evaluation of the medial longitudinal arch shows that children with cavus feet have greater pliability of the lower limb posterior muscles. The cavus feet are also associated with higher pressure in the calcaneal region.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Thigh/physiology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Foot/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Body Height , Body Weights and Measures , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Weight-Bearing/physiology , Postural Balance/physiology , Talipes Cavus/physiopathology
Fisioter. Bras ; 20(3): 340-347, Junho 11, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281250


Introdução: O equilíbrio é essencial para o desempenho das atividades cotidianas e funcionalidade. É dependente da interação entre sistemas visual, vestibular e periférico, dos comandos do sistema nervoso central e respostas neuromusculares. Objetivo: Verificar a relação do estado nutricional e padrão de arco longitudinal medial (ALM) de pés com o equilíbrio de crianças entre 4 e 5 anos de idade. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 16 crianças, realizando avaliações antropométricas e análise do estado nutricional; depois, avaliação do ALM, com utilização de pedígrafo e classificação pelo índice de Cavanagh e Rodgers; por fim, avaliação do equilíbrio pela Escala de Equilíbrio Pediátrica (EEP). Resultados: O escore médio dos participantes na EEP foi de 53,56, variando entre 50 e 56. Com relação ao estado nutricional, 6,25% apresentaram obesidade, 18,75% risco de sobrepeso e o restante apresentou eutrofia. Para a análise do ALM constatou-se que 62,5% dos participantes apresentaram pé plano, 25% pé normal e 12,5% pé cavo. Conclusão: O estudo aponta que o sexo masculino, seguido da presença de pé plano, apresentou maior relação com o déficit de equilíbrio para a população de 4 a 5 anos. Já as crianças com sobrepeso e obesidade obtiveram escores típicos na EEP, retratando a necessidade de mais estudos. (AU)

Introduction: Balance is essential for the performance of everyday activities and functionality. It is dependent on the interaction between visual, vestibular and peripheral systems, central nervous system commands and neuromuscular responses. Objective: To relate the nutritional status and pattern of the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) of the feet with the balance of children between 4 and 5 years of age. Methods: We evaluated 16 children, performing anthropometric assessments and analysis of nutritional status; then MLA evaluation, using pedigree and classification by the Cavanagh and Rodgers index; finally, evaluation of balance by the Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS). Results: The mean score of the participants in the PBS was 53.56, ranging from 50 to 56. Regarding nutritional status, 6.25% presented obesity, 18.75% risk of overweight and the other presented eutrophy. For MLA analysis, 62.5% of the participants had flat feet, 25% normal feet and 12.5% foot caves. Conclusion: The study indicates that the male sex, followed by the presence of flat feet, presented a greater relation with the deficit of balance for the population of 4 to 5 years. On the other hand, overweight and obese children had typical scores on PBS, showing the need for further studies. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Flatfoot , Nutritional Status , Postural Balance , Activities of Daily Living , Child , Talipes Cavus
Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1403-1408, Dec. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-893149


RESUMEN: Se sabe que hay gran variabilidad en la morfología de las zonas del pie entre sujetos. Esto es más evidente en deportistas, ya que la práctica de deportes somete a los pies a presiones y deformaciones anatómicas mayores que las que se ejercen en actividades de la vida diaria. Por lo anterior, se desprende que el conocimiento de la morfología del pie de la población objetivo es de alto interés para la confección de calzado apropiado a su forma y dimensiones. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar variables morfológicas referidas a las dimensiones del pie de deportistas seleccionados universitarios chilenos. La muestra se conformó de 169 sujetos de ambos sexos de una población de deportistas universitarios de 23,27 años, 71 kilogramos, 1,71 metros de estatura e índice de masa corporal de 24,29. En las mediciones se utilizó un antropómetro y la clasificación del Arco Plantar Longitudinal Medial (APLM) se realizó mediante el Arch Index. Se demostró que la longitud del pie en hombres y mujeres se corresponde con el 15 % de la estatura del sujeto. La variable Ancho Antepie Normalizado (AAN) equivale al 39 % de la Longitud del Pie (LP), no registrándose diferencias entre sexos. El Ancho del Retropié por su parte, fue correspondiente con el 25 % de LP. El Ancho de Retropie (AR) equivale al 63 % del Ancho Antepie (AA). En cuanto al APLM, las mujeres presentan valores de normalidad ubicados entre 0,13 y 0,24 para pie izquierdo y 0,17 y 0,24 para pie derecho. Se aprecia que la prevalencia de pies planos fue mayor en hombres (25 % a 28 %) que en mujeres (4 % a 6 %) y la prevalencia de pies cavos fue mayor en mujeres (47 % a 53 %) respecto a hombres (27 % a 31 %).

SUMMARY: It is known that there is great variability in the morphology of feet areas among different subjects. This is more evident in athletes, since the practice of sports subjects their feet to greater pressures and anatomical deformations, other than those exerted during daily life activities. It is clear therefore, that knowledge of the target population foot morphology is of high interest for the production of appropriate footwear to its shapes and dimensions. The objective of this research is to characterize morphological variables related to the feet of selected Chilean university athletes. The sample consisted of 169 subjects of both sexes of university population athletes of an average age of 23.27 years, 71 kilograms, 1.71 meters height and body mass index of 24.29. An anthropometer was used for measurements and the classification of the Medial Longitudinal Plantar Arch (MLPA) was performed by the Arch Index. It was shown that foot length corresponds to 15 % of the subject's height. The Normal Forefoot Width (NFW) variable is equal to 39% of Foot Length (FL), with no differences between sexes. Posterior foot width corresponded to 25 % of LP; posterior foot Width is 63 % of the Forefoot Width (AA). Regarding the APLM, women presented values of normality located between 0.13 and 0.24 for left foot and 0.17 and 0.24 for right foot. The prevalence of flat foot was higher in men (25 % to 28%) than in women (4 % to 6 %) and the prevalence of cavus foot was higher in women (47 % to 53 %) than in men (27 % to 31 %).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Sports , Flatfoot/epidemiology , Talipes Cavus/epidemiology , Foot/anatomy & histology , Flatfoot/pathology , Chile , Anthropometry , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Distribution , Talipes Cavus/pathology
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 25(3): 44-52, mar.-abr.2017. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880516


O ballet clássico é uma forma de dança tradicional que utiliza a ponta como posição básica, com o pé em posições extremas, predispondo-o à diversas alterações morfológicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as impressões plantares de praticantes de ballet clássico, e correlacionar o tipo de pé com o tempo de prática de ballet e o tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. A amostra foi composta por 34 praticantes de ballet, do gênero feminino, de escolas de dança no município de Mineiros e Goiânia em Goiás. As variáveis registradas foram sexo, idade, tempo de prática de ballet e tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta, medida do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e avaliação da impressão plantar através da plantigrafia e baropodometria. A média de idade das praticantes foi de 18,059,39 anos, média do IMC de 18,79 kg/m2, 10,457,68 anos em média de tempo de prática de ballet, e média de 5,365,69 anos do tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. Análise geral das 68 impressões plantares apontou predomínio de pés planos. Quando a análise foi feita individualmente por pés, direito e esquerdo, evidenciou predomínio de pés planos e cavos, respectivamente. Os achados baropodométricos demonstraram maior pressão e área plantar nos pés do lado direito (quadrante anterior) e distribuição de pressão semelhante em ambos os pés. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre os tipos de pés e o tempo de prática de ballet clássico, e o tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. Estudos futuros podem contribuir para um consenso sobre os tipos de alterações encontradas nessa modalidade de dança...(AU)

Classic ballet is a traditional form of dance that uses the pointe as the basic position, with the foot in extreme positions, predisposing it to morphological changes. The objective of this study were to analyze the footprints of classic ballet practicers, and correlate the foot type with the practice time of ballet and time of use of pointe shoe. The sample consisted of 34 ballet dancers coming from dance schools in the cities of Goiania and Mineiros, state of Goias, Brazil. The personal characteristics recorded were sex, age, length of time practicing ballet and the use of pointe shoe, so as the Body Mass Index (BMI) and evaluation of footprints through plantigraphy and baropodometry. The average age of the ballet practicers was 189,39 years, with normative values of body mass, 107,68 years as the time average of ballet practice, and a time average of 55,69 years regarding the use of pointe shoes. An overview of the 68 footprints pointed prevalence of flat feet. Individual analysis of the feet, right and left, revealed a predominance of flat feet and cavus, respectively. The baropodometric findings demonstrated greater pressure on the feet and plantar area of the right side (anterior quadrant) and similar distribution of pressure on both feet. No significant correlation was observed between the types of feet and practice time of classic ballet, neither with the time of use of the pointe shoe. Future studies may contribute to a consensus about the types of changes found in this type of dance...(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Dancing , Dermatoglyphics , Talipes Cavus , Efficiency , Posture
Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 85-91, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840937


El arco plantar longitudinal medial del pie (APLM) es el componente más importante en estática y dinámica de la bóveda plantar. Su altura define pies normales, planos y cavos, estos últimos son factores predisponentes de lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y relacionar en una población de estudiantes universitarios chilenos la prevalencia de pies normales, cavos y planos según índice de masa corporal (IMC), sexo y actividad física (AF) semanal y la distribución de asimetrías entre pies. Se estudió a 209 sujetos (128 hombres y 81 mujeres), estudiantes universitarios, cuya edad, estatura, peso e IMC fue de 20,4 años (±3,4); 1,68 m (±0,09); 67,6 Kg (±12,4) y 23,77 (±3,0) respectivamente. Por medio de cuestionario se determinó los hábitos de AF de la muestra. La impresión plantar se obtuvo mediante fotopodoscopía, la cual fue evaluada empleando el Arch Index (AI) de Cavanagh y Rodgers. Los hombres presentan mayor prevalencia de pie plano (31,3 % contra 11,1 %). Hay correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre AI e IMC en ambos sexos. Se obtuvo mayor correlación entre AI izquierdo y AF en hombres y mujeres con significancia estadística. El 31,25 % de los hombres y el 37,04 % de las mujeres presentaron asimetrías en APLM. Hombres con IMC normal tienen 64,20 % de pies asimétricos. Las mujeres que practican entre 6 y 10 horas de AF a la semana presentan 50,98 % de pies asimétricos. El IMC se relaciona con una disminución de la altura del APLM, se sugiere el control de esta variable en sujetos con diagnóstico de pie plano flexible y pie plano valgo. La práctica de AF se relaciona con aumento de la altura del APLM en hombres y mujeres y se sabe que también contribuye a disminuir el IMC, actuando en concordancia hacia estas dos variables.

The (MPLA) is the most important component in statics and dynamics of the vault plant. Its height defines normal, flat and cavus feet, which are predisposing factors for injuries. The objective of this research was to describe and relate in a population of Chilean university students the prevalence of normal, cavus and flat feet according to body-mass index (BMI), sex, and weekly physical activity (PA) and the distribution of asymmetries between feet. 209 subject were studied (128 men and 81 women), university students, whose age, height, weight and BMI was of 20.4 years (±3.4); 1,68 m (±0.09); 67.6 kg (±12.4) and 23.77 (±3.0) respectively. The PAs habits of the sample were determined by means of questionnaire. The footprint is obtained by photo-podoscopy, which was evaluated by the Arch Index (AI) of Cavanagh and Rodgers. Men have higher prevalence of flat foot (31.3 % against 11.1 %). There are both statistically significant positive correlations between AI and BMI in both sexes. Greater correlation between left AI and PA in both men and women was obtained with statistical significance. The 31.25 % of men and 37.04 % of women presented asymmetries in MPLA. Men with normal BMI have 64.20 % of asymmetric feet. Women that practice between 6 and 10 hours of PA a week presented 50.98 % of asymmetric feet. The BMI is related to a decrease of the height of MPLA, suggesting the control of this variable in subjects with flexible flat foot and valgus flat foot diagnosis. The practice of PA is related to the height of the MPLA increased in men and women and it is known that it also helps to reduce BMI, acting in accordance to these two variables.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Flatfoot/epidemiology , Foot/anatomy & histology , Talipes Cavus/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Chile/epidemiology , Exercise , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution
Lima; s.n; 2017. 61 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Spanish | MTYCI, LILACS | ID: biblio-916066


El estudio se llevó a cabo en el "Hospital Alberto Sabogal" de la Provincia Constitucional del Callao. La muestra estudiada fue en base a una población censal de 50 adultos mayores entre 60 a 80 años de edad. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante dos cuestionarios de evaluación, el cual estuvo dividido en datos generales y preguntas específicas de cada variable estudiada. Se realizó el análisis estadístico mediante el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22. 0. Los datos fueron registrados en términos de medidas descriptivas como la media aritmética, los valores mínimo y máximo, además, se presentó la desviación estándar. Se evaluó la normalidad de la frecuencia de distribución de los datos a través de la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk para muestras pequeñas. En el estudio se encontró que existe un grado de Correlación Buena entre las variables (0,772) a un nivel de significancia bilateral de 0.05, es decir a una confianza del 95%, según el estadígrafo "rho" de Spearman. Conclusión: "La deformidad del borde interno del arco plantar se relaciona directa y significativamente con la escoliosis en pacientes adultos mayores que acuden al Servicio de Medicina Complementaria del Hospital Alberto Sabogal del Callao, 2015".

Humans , Aged , Scoliosis , Complementary Therapies , Hallux Valgus , Talipes Cavus , Peru
Fisioter. Bras ; 18(3): f:267-I: 275, 2017000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-905444


Introduction: The classical ballet is a dance that most of the times uses extreme positions such as extern rotation of the hips and plantar flexion of ankles and feet. These last ones may suffer morpho structural alterations. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the plantar prints of classical dancers through plantigraphy parameters. Methods: It is an observational descriptive study carried out with a sample of 66 classical dancers of Teresina/PI, 17.0 ± 3.1 years old and with at least 2 years of practice. The evaluation instrument used was a PODO tech brand plantigraph and the classification followed Viladot criteria. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson linear correlation test. Results: We observed the prevalence of cavus deformity (62.1%) followed by normal feet (36.4%) and flatfoot (1.5%). There was no correlation between the type of feet and the period of practice. However, it has been found a weak and moderate correlation between feet type and the points of overpressure and pain, respectively. Conclusion: The practice of classical ballet contributes to the formation of cavus deformity, requiring intervention against possible damage that may be associated to this fact. (AU)

Introdução: O ballet clássico é uma dança que na maioria das vezes utiliza posições extremas como rotação externa dos quadris e flexão plantar de tornozelos e pés. Podendo, estes últimos, sofrerem alterações morfo-estruturais. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as impressões plantares de bailarinas clássicas através de parâmetros plantigráficos. Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo observacional que foi realizado numa amostra de 66 bailarinas clássicas da cidade de Teresina/PI, com média de idade de 17,0 ± 3,1 anos e no mínimo 2 anos de prática. O instrumento avaliativo utilizado foi um plantígrafo da marca PODO tech e a classificação seguiu os critérios definidos por Viladot. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e pelo teste de correlação linear de Pearson. Resultados: Verificou-se prevalência de pés cavos (62,1%), seguido por pés normais (36,4%) e pé plano (1,5%). Não houve correlação entre o tipo de pé e o tempo de prática. Contudo, encontrou-se correlação fraca e moderada entre o tipo de pé e os pontos de hiperpressões e as dores, respectivamente. Conclusão: A prática do ballet clássico contribui para a formação de um pé cavo, sendo necessária intervenção frente a possíveis danos que possam estar associados a este fato. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Dancing , Dermatoglyphics , Flatfoot , Pain , Reference Standards , Talipes Cavus
Rev. bras. neurol ; 52(3): 5-11, jul.-set. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-2605


OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sobre o pé cavo, sua fisiopatologia, avaliação clínica, diagnósticos diferenciais com ênfase na doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth e tratamento. MÉTODO: Revisão não sistemática de artigos abordando a fisiopatologia do pé cavo, avaliação clínica, diagnósticos diferenciais e tratamento. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Foram utilizados 33 artigos de língua inglesa e 02 artigos em português para a confecção desta revisão. CONCLUSÃO: O pé cavo é geralmente secundário a doenças neurológicas, em especial a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth e raramente é originado por doenças não neurológicas. O diagnóstico etiológico do pé cavo permite um melhor tratamento, cirúrgico ou não, com adequada orientação ao paciente quanto ao prognóstico e eficácia da terapia.

OBJECTIVE: We realize a review about cavus foot, discussing pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, differential diagnosis with emphasis on Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and treatment. METHOD: We perform a non-systematic review of articles about cavus foot pathophysiology, physical examination, etiology and treatment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We used 33 articles in english and 02 articles in portuguese for this review. CONCLUSION: The cavus foot is mostly a consequence of neurological etiologies, in particular Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and rarely is caused by non-neurological diseases. The correct diagnosis allows better treatment, conservative or surgical, with appropriate guidance to patients in terms of prognosis and therapy effectiveness.

Humans , Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease/complications , Talipes Cavus/surgery , Talipes Cavus/diagnosis , Talipes Cavus/physiopathology , Review Literature as Topic , Diagnosis, Differential , Mobility Limitation , Talipes Cavus/etiology
Int. j. morphol ; 31(1): 162-168, mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-676152


Los problemas ortopédicos del pie en el niño son los más frecuentes en esta época de la vida. Por esto, es importante hacer la diferenciación entre un pie normal y un pie alterado. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de pie plano y pie cavo en alumnos de enseñanza básica de Arica. 420 alumnos (210 niñas y 210 niños) de 3 diferentes tipos de colegios de enseñanza básica de la ciudad de Arica, en edades de entre 6 a 12 años, aparentemente sanos, fueron medidos. A todos los sujetos en estudio se les realizó una evaluación podoscópica de la huella plantar desde el plano anteroposterior. A los padres, apoderados y profesores se les aplicó una encuesta sobre el grado de conocimiento y las implicancias de estas anomalías. Los resultados muestran en los niños varones una prevalencia de un 31,6% para pie plano y un 11,6% para pie cavo, en relación a un 56,8% de niños con pie normal. En las niñas los valores indican un 24,3% para pie plano y un 14,4% para pie cavo. El peso y el índice de masa corporal presentan una correlación positiva en la expresión de anomalías de pie en la población estudiantil de Arica-Chile. El Colegio "Regimiento Rancagua", de tipo municipal, gratuito, presenta los más altos índices de anomalías de pie (45%), Colegio particular (43%) y el Colegio particular subvencionado, los menores índices con un valor de 35%. En el análisis de las encuestas se observa que padres a apoderados tienen pocos conocimientos sobre estas alteraciones y sus consecuencias en la postura. Pie plano es la anomalía de mayor conocimiento por padres y los profesores. Se concluye que pie plano presenta mayor prevalencia en la población estudiantil de Arica, con un 28% y pie cavo una prevalencia total de un 13%.

Orthopedic foot problems in children are the most common at this time of life. For this reason it is important to differentiate between a normal foot and an altered foot. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of flat and cavus foot in elementary schoolchildren to Arica, Chile. Four hundred and twenty students (210 girls and 210 boys) from 3 different schools of elementary education in the city of Arica, ages 6-12 years, apparently healthy, were measured. All study subjects underwent an assessment of the footprint from the anteroposterior plane, using a podograph. Parents and teachers were surveyed about the level of knowledge and the implications of these anomalies. The results show in boys a prevalence of 31.6% for flat foot and 11.6% for cavus foot. In girls the prevalence was 24.3% to flat foot and 14.4% for cavus foot. The weight and body mass index are positively correlated in expression standing anomaly in the student population of Arica, Chile. The public, municipal and gratuitous schools, have the highest standing indices of anomalies, with values of 45%. The private schools (43%), subsidized private schools, showing lower rates of abnormal foot, with 35%. In the analysis of the survey shows that few parents have knowledge of these changes and their consequences for the position. Flat foot is the anomaly of greater awareness by parents and teachers. We conclude that flatfoot is more prevalent in the student population of Arica, with 28%, cavus foot presenting a prevalence of 13%.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Foot Deformities, Congenital/epidemiology , Posture , Flatfoot/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Education, Primary and Secondary , Age and Sex Distribution , Talipes Cavus/epidemiology
HU rev ; 38(3/4): 151-157, abr.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1975


Este estudo objetiva analisar as pressões plantares dos corredores de rua de uma praça na cidade de Fortaleza/ CE. Estudo exploratório-descritivo analisou as pressões plantares e tipo de pé de corredores de rua na cidade de Fortaleza/CE. Amostra de 13 indivíduos, ambos os sexos, com mais de um ano de treinamento. A avaliação ocorreu entre agosto e novembro de 2007 através de plataforma de força no modo estático e plantigrama. Os corredores apresentaram média de pressão plantar em antepé de 55,15% (±2,56) e de retropé 44,84% (±2,56) e tipo de pé plano (38,46%) e 42,30% pé cavo. Há uma inversão das pressões plantares, sendo sugerido que a deformidade dos arcos plantares e a inversão representem um fator de aumento para as lesões nesses corredores.

Pressure , Running , Athletic Injuries , Forefoot, Human , Flatfoot , Postural Balance , Talipes Cavus , Foot , Motor Activity
Conscientiae saúde (Impr.) ; 10(1): 138-142, mar. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-583316


Introdução: A capacidade de permanecer em posição ortostática e desenvolver movimento é decorrente da presença do equilíbrio e da manutenção da base de sustentação fornecida pelos pés. Objetivo: Verificar o equilíbrio corporal e o tipo de arco plantar de praticantes de balé clássico. Métodos: Amostra composta por 15 sujeitos, que foram divididos em dois grupos denominados: básico e intermediário. A verificação do equilíbrio realizou-se por meio de plataforma de pressão e a classificação do arco por decalque feito em plantígrafo. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,173) entre as velocidades de oscilação dos grupos avaliados. Houve predominância de pés cavos na amostra geral com maior suporte de peso em antepé bilateral. Conclusão: Houve predominância de pés cavos, porém não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre equilíbrio e tipo de arco plantar para a amostra pesquisada. Não se evidenciou também diferença significativa nas velocidades de oscilação entre o nível básico e intermediário.

Introduction: The ability to remain standing, and develop movement is due to the presence of balance and base maintenance support provided by the feet. Objective: To assess the body balance and type of the plantar arch of practitioners of classical ballet. Methods: A sample of 15 subjects were divided in two groups: basic and intermediate. Checking the balance held by a pressure platform and arch classification done by tracing ôplantigraphycö. Results: No statistically significant difference (p = 0.173) between the speed of oscillation of the groups. Predominated in the overall sample cavus feet with greater weight-bearing forefoot bilaterally. Conclusion: There was prevalence of pes cavus, but it was not possible to establish a correlation between balance and plantar arch type for the sample studied. Also no detectable difference in the rate of oscillation between the basic and intermediate level.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dancing , Postural Balance , Foot/anatomy & histology , Talipes Cavus , Standing Position
Acta fisiátrica ; 14(1): 7-10, mar. 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536573


A presença do arco longitudinal medial (ALM) é característica dos pés humanos e através dele o pé tem sido classificado como normal, cavo e plano. A literatura permite escolher entre variados métodos e técnicas de mensuração do ALM, cada qual com vantagens e desvantagens. Optou-se pelo método da impressão plantar com medida do índice do arco (IA) para avaliar indiretamente a altura do ALM. A escolha foi motivada por ser a impressão plantar exeqüível com baixo custo e não invasiva. Seguiu-se o princípio básico do método de mensuração do IA proposto por Cavanagh & Rodgers, modificado pela introdução do escaneamento da impressão plantar e pelo cálculo do IA através de programa computacional elaborado por um dos autores. Foram avaliadas 100 impressões plantares de 25 homens e 25 mulheres sadios, não obesos, com média de idade de 34,7 anos, extremos de 10 a 59 anos. Obtiveram-se os valores de referência do IA de amostra da população brasileira: 0,21< IA < 0,25. A comparação estatística dos valores nacionais com os da amostra americana não mostrou diferença estatística significativa.

The presence of medial longitudinal arch (MLA) is characteristic of the human feet and has been used for the classification of a normal, cavus and flat foot. The literature provides informations about several methods and different techniques of measurement the MLA, each one having advantage and disadvantage. We choose the footprint method and the measuring of arch index (AI) as an indirect evaluation of the MLA height. We preferred this method because it is simple, cost-effective and noninvasive. We followed the basic principles of the IA measurement proposed by Cavanagh & Rodgers, but modified because we introduced footprint scan and AI calculation using a software program elaborated by one of the authors. A total of 100 footprints were analyzed in healthy, non obese subjects, 25 males and 25 females, with mean age of 34.7 years, extreme of 10 and 59 years. The AI reference values obtained in a sample of the Brazilian population were 0.21< IA < 0.25. There was no significant statistical difference between Brazilians values and Americans ones.

Humans , Lower Extremity/anatomy & histology , Dermatoglyphics , Talipes Cavus/epidemiology , Brazil