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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e44645, 20190000. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460850


Descriptive studies of the fish digestive system are fundamental because they provide information on the biology of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to morphologically describe the digestive system of the pufferfish, Chilomycterus spinosus spinosus. For this, adult specimens of pufferfish (n = 10) of both sexes were used. The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. The results demonstrate that the pufferfish has a morphologically modified digestive system, which is adapted to the defense behavior. This species presents a pouch-shaped diverticulum, that is called abdominal pouch, which allows the expansion of the celomatic cavity and the temporary storage of food. Although it is used to store food, macroscopically the abdominal pouch does not show gastric folds. However, this absence is compensated by a small intestine containing innumerable villi.

Animals , Models, Anatomic , Digestive System , Tetraodontiformes/anatomy & histology , Tetraodontiformes/classification , Tetraodontiformes/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 217-232, mar. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638059


Reproduction of the Spiny Puffer, Diodon holocanthus (Pisces: Diodontidae) in the continental shelf of Mexican Central Pacific. Diodon holocanthus is an important economic and ecological species of the demersal fish community, caught as bycatch from local shrimp fishery. The reproductive biology of this longspine porcupinefish has not yet been described, and reproductive season, the sex ratio, length distribution, length at first gonad maturity, and the gonad macro and microscopic features are described. A total of 400 organisms, ranging from 5.0 to 40.3cm (average 18.4cm) total length, were caught from the continental shelf of the Central Mexican Pacific, from December 1995 and December 1998. Sex ratio was 1:0.86 females to males (n=253). The length at which 50% of the individuals showed maturing gonads was 19.7cm for females and 20.1cm for males. Length of the smallest organism with ripe gonads was 12.2cm for females and 13cm for males. Four gonadal maturation stages were found in both sexes, and five oocyte development phases were identified. The oocyte development pattern is of asynchronous type, which means the species can reproduce several times a year. Testicle development is lobular type, as in most teleost fishes. Monthly mean values of the gonad-somatic index suggest the reproduction activity peaks in June, and September-December. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 217- 232. Epub 2011 March 01.

Diodon holocanthus es una especie con cierta importancia comercial y ecológica en la comunidad de peces que forma la fauna de acompañamiento del camarón en la plataforma continental del Pacífico central Mexicano, y de la cual no se conocen aspectos reproductivos. Por lo cual se obtuvieron el periodo de reproducción, la descripción macro y microscópica de las gónadas, además de variables poblacionales como: distribución de tallas, proporción sexual y talla de madurez. En total se capturaron alrededor de 400 organismos, los cuales presentaron una talla mínima de 5.0cm, máxima de 40.3cm y promedio de 18.4cm, y fueron capturados en la plataforma continental en el Pacífico central Mexicano, desde diciembre de 1995 a diciembre de 1998. La proporción sexual fue de 1:0.86 hembras por machos (n=253). La talla a la cual el 50% de individuos presentó gónadas maduras fue 19.7cm en las hembras y 20.1cm en los machos. Los organismos con las menores tallas que presentaron gónadas en fase de maduración midieron 12.2cm (hembras) y 13cm (machos). En ambos sexos el desarrollo de la gónada se determinó con base en una escala de maduración de cuatro estadios. En el proceso de maduración de los ovocitos se identificaron cinco fases de desarrollo. El patrón de desarrollo de los ovocitos es de tipo asincrónico, lo que significa que la especie se puede reproducir varias veces al año. El desarrollo del testículo es de tipo lobular como en la mayoría de los peces teleósteos. El índice gonadosomático sugiere que el periodo de reproducción se concentra en los meses de junio, y de septiembre a diciembre.

Animals , Female , Male , Gonads/growth & development , Reproduction/physiology , Tetraodontiformes/physiology , Mexico , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Tetraodontiformes/growth & development
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1223-1235, dic. 2010. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637996


Feeding changes for three Sphoeroides species (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) after Isidore hurricane impact in Carbonera Inlet, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico. The coexistence of ecologically similar species may occur because of resources distribution, such as prey and habitat type and segregation time, that minimizes the interspecific competition. The changes brought about by Hurricane Isidore in the distribution of food resources by three coexisting fish species of the family Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri and S testudineus), were analyzed at the Carbonera Inlet. Sphoeroides spp. based their food on benthic organisms; principally, they consume mussels (Brachidontes sp.), barnacles (Balanus sp.) and gastropods (Crepidula sp). Before hurricane impact, the three species share the available food resources in different proportions (bivalves, gastropods, barnacles and decapods), according to different strategies that enabled them to coexist and reduce interspecific competition. After the impact, the abundance of available prey decreased and the interespecific competition for food increased, leading to S. testudines and S. nephelus change their trophic spectrum (xiphosurans, amphipods, isopods and detritus) and displacing S. splengleri of the inlet. The distribution of food resources was conditioned by the abundance and diversity of prey, as well as the adaptive response of each species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1223-1235. Epub 2010 December 01.

Se analizan los cambios producidos por el huracán Isidoro en la repartición de los recursos alimenticios de tres especies de peces de la familia Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri y S testudineus) que cohabitan en la Bocana de la Carbonera (sureste del Golfo de México). Los Sphoeroides spp. basaron su alimentación en los organismos bentónicos, sobresaliendo por su consumo el mejillón (Brachidontes sp.), la lapa (Balanus sp.) y gasterópodos (Crepidula sp.). Previo al impacto del huracán, las tres especies utilizaron de forma diferencial los recursos alimenticios disponibles (bivalvos, gasterópodos, cirrípedos y decápodos) recurriendo a diferentes estrategias que les permitieron minimizar la competencia interespecífica y coexistir. Posterior al impacto, la disponibilidad de las presas disminuyó y la competencia interespecífica por el alimento se incrementó provocando que S. testudineus y S. nephelus cambiaran su espectro trófico (xiphosuros, anfípodos, isópodos y detritus) desplazando a S. spengleri de la bocana. La repartición de los recursos alimenticios estuvo condicionada por la abundancia y diversidad de las presas así como la respuesta adaptativa de cada especie.

Animals , Cyclonic Storms , Food Chain , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Tetraodontiformes/physiology , Environment , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; 57(1/2): 113-123, March-June 2009. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637704


Trophic ecology of the fish Arothron meleagris (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) from Los Frailes reef, Southern Baja California, Mexico. Monthly samples were taken from November 2004 to October 2005 in the Los Frailes reef, BCS, Mexico. The objective was to determine the feeding habits of the pufferfish, Arothron meleagris, as well as possible variations in feeding patterns due to size and/or sex. We captured 101 specimens, with all stomachs contained food. The index of relative importance (IRI) was used to determine the main items; which were non-identified organic matter (NIOM) (30.44%), Echinometra vanbrunti (26.25 %), Porifera (12.63 %), Pocillopora spp. (11.84%), Bryozoa (5.37 %) and Porites spp. (4.83 %). Levin’s index indicated a low trophic niche breadth (Bi= 0.12) and allowed us to determine that A. meleagris is a specialist predator with strong preferences towards certain food types. The Morisita-Horn index showed a high trophic overlap between sexes ( or = 0.78), seasons (hot and cold or = 0.95) and among sizes (small and medium or = 0.94; small and large or = 0.74; medium and large or = 0.83). Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 113-123. Epub 2009 June 30.

Con la finalidad de determinar los hábitos alimenticios del tamboril de oro Arothron meleagris, así como sus posibles variaciones de alimentación por talla y sexo, se realizaron muestreos mensuales de noviembre 2004 a octubre 2005, en el arrecife de Los Frailes, Baja California Sur, México. Se capturaron un total de 101 ejemplares, en los cuales todos los estómagos contenían alimento. Se aplicó el índice de importancia relativa (IIR) para determinar los principales categorías alimenticias (ítems), los cuales fueron: Echinometra vanbrunti (26.25 %), Porifera (12.63 %), Pocillopora spp. (11.84%), Bryozoa (5.37 %) y Porites spp. (4.83 %). El índice de Levin indica baja amplitud del nicho trófico (Bi= 0.12) por lo que se le puede considerar como un depredador especialista con marcadas preferencias hacia algunos tipos alimentarios. El índice de Morisita-Horn indicó que existe un traslape alto entre las dietas por sexo (hembras y machos o = 0.78), temporadas (cálida y fría o = 0.95) y entre tallas (chica y mediana o = 0.94, chica y grande o = 0.74, mediana y grande o = 0.83).

Animals , Female , Male , Ecosystem , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Gastrointestinal Contents , Tetraodontiformes/physiology , Mexico , Tetraodontiformes/anatomy & histology , Tetraodontiformes/classification
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 7(2): 275-282, Apr.-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-520425


The spatial and temporal distribution of Sphoeroides greeleyi and Sphoeroides testudineus were established from collections (biological material and environmental data) conducted on a monthly basis from May 2000 to April 2001 in intertidal areas along the north-south axis of the estuarine complex of Paranaguá, Paraná State. In addition to characterizing a north-south spatial gradient, which fluctuates seasonally, the variation in the abiotic factors made possible the division of the estuary into three regions: north, central and south. Spatially, it was found that the number of individuals declines significantly for both species in the north-south direction of the estuary. Moreover, significant differences were found in the size of individuals across the estuarine regions. The largest S. greeleyi individuals were caught in the north, as well as the smallest S. testudineus individuals. The catches with the highest numbers of puffer fish occurred from late spring to early autumn, coinciding with the occurrence of specimens of smaller size and lower mean body mass. The results indicate that spatial and temporal variations in the environment impact the distribution patterns of both puffer fish species, suggesting that the co-occurrence of closely related species functions as a modulating factor in that distribution.

A distribuição espacial e temporal de Sphoeroides greeleyi e Sphoeroides testudineus foram estabelecidas a partir de coletas (material biológico e dados ambientais) realizadas mensalmente de maio/2000 a abril/2001 em áreas intertidais, no eixo norte-sul, do complexo estuarino de Paranaguá, Estado do Paraná. A variação dos fatores abióticos coletados, além de caracterizar um gradiente espacial, no sentido norte-sul, que varia sazonalmente, possibilitou a divisão do estuário em três regiões: norte, central e sul. Espacialmente, verificou-se para ambas as espécies que o número de indivíduos decresce, significativamente, no sentido norte-sul estuarino. Ainda, foram encontradas diferenças significativas no porte dos indivíduos entre as regiões do estuário, no norte ocorreram os maiores indivíduos de S. greeleyi e os menores de S. testudineus. As maiores capturas dos baiacus ocorreram do final da primavera ao início do outono, coincidindo com a ocorrência de exemplares de menor tamanho e de menor massa corporal média. Os resultados indicam que as variações espaciais e temporais do ambiente afetam os padrões de distribuição de ambas as espécies de baiacus, sugerindo que a co-ocorrência de espécies aparentadas age como um fator modulador nesta distribuição.

Animals , Abiotic Factors/analysis , Abiotic Factors/classification , Tetraodontiformes/classification , Tetraodontiformes/physiology , Seasons/analysis , Brazil , Species Specificity , Population Density
Braz. j. biol ; 67(3): 383-392, Aug. 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-470153


Stomach contents were examined from 102 banded puffer, Colomesus psittacus (Tetraodontidae), caught from intertidal mangrove creeks at diurnal neap tides between June and September, 1997 (early dry season) near Bragança (north Brazil). The study found that C. psittacus were specialized predators of Cirripedia (Balanus spp.) and Brachyuran crabs (Uca spp., Pachygrapsus gracilis) (mean: 58 and 38 percent by dry weight, respectively), emphasizing a short food chain in the mangrove system. Cirripedia and Brachyura dominated the diet in all size classes, however, the prey spectrum narrowed with fish size. The mean daily consumption of Cirripedia and Brachyura was 6.2 percent body weight of C. psittacus. On average C. psittacus consumed 100.3 g.ha-1.d-1 of Cirripedia and 178.7 g.ha-1.d-1 of Brachyura (wet weight). The predation on Brachyuran crabs - a significant driver of fluxes of organic matter and energy in the system - provides C. psittacus with an important ecological function in the mangrove food web. A plant-animal interaction is proposed where C. psittacus exerts a mutually beneficial cleaning function on the Aufwuchs (Cirripedia and associated epibiota) of Rhizophora mangle stilt roots. Our results and those of other studies suggest that C. psittacus encounter optimum foraging conditions in the mangrove at high inundations at daylight (spring tide-day) whereas darkness and low inundations are linked to poor foraging conditions (neap tide-night). The C. psittacus resource could be used as an alternative income in the region in terms of i) sustainable catch and filet processing for exports to East Asia, ii) developing certified aquaculture methods for breeding puffers for the aquarium trade.

Conteúdos estomacais de 102 baiacus Colomesus psittacus (Tetraodontidae) foram examinados. A amostragem foi realizada em canais de maré com vegetação de mangue, durante as marés de quadratura de dia, entre junho e setembro de 1997 (no início do período seco), nas proximidades de Bragança (norte do Brasil). O estudo constatou que C. psittacus era um predador especializado em Cirripedia (Balanus spp.) e Brachyura (Uca spp., Pachygrapsus gracilis), com médias de 58 e 38 por cento em peso seco, respectivamente, caracterizando uma curta cadeia alimentar no sistema de manguezal. Cirripedia e Brachyura dominaram a dieta em todos os tamanhos, entretanto, o espectro alimentar diminuiu de acordo com o tamanho do peixe. O consumo diário médio de Cirripedia e Brachyura foi de 6,2 por cento em peso corporal de C. psittacus. C. psittacus consumiu uma média de 100,3 g.ha-1.d-1 de Cirripedia e 178,7 g.ha-1.d-1 de Brachyura (peso úmido). A intensa predação de Brachyura por C. psittacus enfatiza a importante função ecológica desta espécie na cadeia alimentar do manguezal, contribuindo significativamente no fluxo de matéria orgânica. Uma interação planta-animal é indicada no fato que C. psittacus exerce uma função limpadora mutuamente beneficiável ao se alimentar do Aufwuchs (Cirripedia e epibiota asociada) que cresce nas raízes aéreas de Rhizophora mangle. Nossos resultados e os de outros estudos sugerem que C. psittacus encontra no manguezal as melhores condições para se alimentar no período diurno durante as maiores inundações (marés de sizigia - de dia), enquanto que períodos noturnos e de pequenas inundações determinam as piores condições para forragear (maré de quadratura - de noite). C. psittacus poderia ser usado como alternativa de renda na região com respeito a: i) pesca sustentável e processamento de filés para exportação ao leste da Ásia, ii) desenvolvimento de métodos de aqüicultura certificada para a criação de baiacu para o comércio de peixes...

Animals , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Gastrointestinal Contents , Tetraodontiformes/physiology , Brazil , Ecosystem , Predatory Behavior , Seasons