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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3989, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1515334


Objetivo: analizar las características de barrera física y biológica de los campos de algodón utilizados como sistema de barrera estéril después de ser sometidos a múltiples usos y procesos en la práctica clínica. Método: estudio observacional longitudinal de seguimiento y evaluación de tela 100% algodón, utilizada como sistema de barrera estéril en un hospital de mediano porte. Se recolectaron muestras antes del uso (después de tres lavados) y después de tres, seis, nueve, 12 y 15 meses de uso y se evaluaron el número, grosor e integridad de los hilos, peso, absorción de agua y penetración húmeda de microorganismos. Resultados: después de 85 lavados, no cambió el número de hilos, aumentó el número de fibras deshilachadas y el volumen de agua absorbida. La prueba microbiológica mediante la metodología estándar alemana obtuvo un resultado negativo y la de penetración húmeda de microorganismos no mostró cambios significativos con el tiempo, a pesar de que una fracción de células microbianas pasó a través de las muestras de doble capa. Conclusión: las propiedades físicas de la tela 100% algodón utilizada como sistema de barrera estéril cambiaron con el uso/procesamiento; sin embargo, no interfirieron significativamente con los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas a la barrera microbiológica hasta los 85 lavados.

Objective: to analyze the physical and biological barrier characteristics of cotton fields used as a sterile barrier system after multiple use and processing cycles in the clinical practice. Method: an observational and longitudinal study to monitor and evaluate 100% cotton fabric used as a sterile barrier system in a medium-sized hospital. Samples were collected before use (after three washes) and at three, six, nine, 12 and 15 months of use and evaluated for the number, thickness and integrity of threads, weight, water absorption and wet penetration by microorganisms. Results: after 85 washes, the number of threads remained unchanged, and the shredded fibers and the water volume absorbed were increased. The microbiological test using the German standard methodology obtained a negative result and wet penetration by microorganisms did not show significant changes over time, although a percentage of the microbial cells passed through the double-layer samples. Conclusion: the physical properties of 100% cotton used as a sterile barrier system changed with use/processing cycles; however, these alterations did not significantly interfere with the results obtained by the tests performed on the microbiological barrier up to 85 washes.

Objetivo: analisar as características de barreira física e biológica de campos de algodão, que são utilizados como sistema de barreira estéril, após múltiplos usos e processamentos na prática clínica. Método: estudo longitudinal observacional de acompanhamento e de avaliação de tecido 100% algodão que foi utilizado como sistema de barreira estéril em um hospital de médio porte. Amostras foram coletadas antes do uso (após três lavagens) e com três, seis, nove, 12 e 15 meses de uso e avaliadas quanto ao número, à espessura e à integridade dos fios, peso, absorção de água e penetração úmida de micro-organismos. Resultados: após 85 lavagens, o número de fios permaneceu inalterado, porém aumentaram-se as fibras desfiadas e o volume de água absorvido. O teste microbiológico utilizando metodologia padrão alemão obteve resultado negativo; já o de penetração de úmida de micro-organismos não apresentou mudanças significativas ao longo do tempo, embora uma fração das células microbianas tenham passado pelas amostras de dupla camada. Conclusão: as propriedades físicas do tecido 100% algodão, utilizado como sistema de barreira estéril, alteraram com usos/processamentos; entretanto essas não interferiram significativamente nos resultados obtidos pelos testes realizados na barreira microbiológica até 85 lavagens.

Textiles , Sterilization , Asepsis , Product Packaging , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Biological Monitoring
Rev. ADM ; 80(1): 6-10, ene.-feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510346


Introducción: el material para empaquetar el instrumental odontológico, como pueden ser bolsas de tela, papel o plástico, es usado por profesionales de la salud; sin embargo, es necesario esclarecer la efectividad de cada uno y determinar el tiempo que permanece estéril luego del procedimiento. Objetivo: identificar la eficacia de tela, plástico y papel como materiales para esterilizar instrumental a corto y largo plazo. Material y métodos: se realizaron cultivos sólidos y líquidos de instrumental esterilizado en tres materiales y con diferentes tiempos de postesterilización. Se incubaron a 36 oC por 72 horas en condiciones aerobias y anaerobias. Los resultados se analizaron usando una prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, seguida de una prueba de Dunn. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que inmediatamente después del proceso de esterilización, los tres materiales son efectivos (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.2752), 24 horas (p = 0.2492), siete (p = 0.0509) y 14 días (p = 0.0006). Veinticuatro horas posterior a la esterilización la tela no es efectiva, el plástico disminuye su efectividad y el papel sigue siendo efectivo. Conclusión: en nuestros resultados, el papel es la mejor opción para esterilizar instrumental (AU)

Introduction: material such as cloth, paper or plastic bags to wrap dental instruments is used by health professionals, however, it is necessary to clarify the effectiveness of each one and determine if it remains sterile after the procedure. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of cloth, plastic and paper as materials to sterilize dental instruments in the short and long term. Material and methods: we carry out solid and liquid cultures of sterilized instruments in three materials, at different post-sterilization times, incubated at 36 oC for 72 hours under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and the results were analyzed using a Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by from a Dunn's test. Results: our results showed that immediately after the sterilization process the three materials are effective (Kruskal-Wallis; p = 0.2752), 24 hours (p = 0.2492), 7 (p = 0.0509) and 14 (p = 0.0006) days. Twenty-four hours after the cloth is not effective, plastic decreases its effectiveness and paper remain effective. Conclusion: in our results, paper is the best option to sterilize dental instruments (AU)

Sterilization/methods , Dental Instruments/microbiology , Paper , Plastics , Textiles , Time , Effectiveness , Colony Count, Microbial/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Product Packaging/instrumentation , Culture Media
Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (28): 67-85, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405368


Este artículo describe las representaciones sociales del "trabajo textil" en bolivianos que viven y trabajan en Buenos Aires - Argentina. La migración boliviana tiene larga data en el país vecino, y el trabajo textil se ha constituido en la principal ocupación, por encima de la horticultura y el trabajo en construcción. En este artículo se presenta al "trabajo textil" como una ocupación atravesada por la clandestinidad, ilegalidad, explotación laboral, trata y tráfico de personas, precarización laboral y trabajo esclavo. Los resultados indican que los bolivianos trabajadores construyen su identidad sin desapegarse a sus costumbres, experimentando el fatalismo y el conformismo como consecuencias sociales de la explotación y precarización laboral. Los patrones en común indican que el trabajo textil es una forma de vida que implica el abandono de la idea de retorno y la consecución de un duelo perpetuo, teniendo como objeto de duelo al propio país (Bolivia). Estas construcciones recaen en una serie de conflictos internos, sociales y sanitarios. El trabajo textil se convierte en un fenómeno que explica la cadena de valor de la explotación por trabajo en situación de explotación, pero en los bolivianos cobra otra dimensión a partir de sus representaciones sociales que se ven articuladas y a la vez dicotómicas.

This article describes the social representations of "textile work" in Bolivians who live and work in Buenos Aires - Argentina. Bolivian migration has a long history in the neighboring country, and textile work has become the main occupation, above horticulture and construction work. In this article, "textile work" is presented as an occupation traversed by secrecy, illegality, labor exploitation, human trafficking and smuggling, job insecurity and slave labor. The results indicate that working Bolivians build their identity without detaching themselves from their customs, experiencing fatalism and conformism as social consequences of exploitation and job insecurity. The common patterns indicate that textile work is a way of life that implies the abandonment of the idea of ​​return and the achievement of a perpetual mourning, having the country itself (Bolivia) as the object of mourning. These constructions fall into a series of internal, social and health conflicts. Textile work becomes a phenomenon that explains the value chain of exploitation by work in a situation of exploitation, but in Bolivians it takes on another dimension from their social representations that are articulated and at the same time dichotomous.

Este artigo descreve as representações sociais do "trabalho têxtil" em bolivianos que vivem e trabalham em Buenos Aires - Argentina. A migração boliviana tem uma longa história no país vizinho, e o trabalho têxtil tornou-se a principal ocupação, acima da horticultura e da construção civil. Neste artigo, o "trabalho têxtil" é apresentado como uma ocupação atravessada pelo sigilo, ilegalidade, exploração laboral, tráfico e contrabando de pessoas, precarização do emprego e trabalho escravo. Os resultados indicam que os trabalhadores bolivianos constroem sua identidade sem se desvincular de seus costumes, vivenciando o fatalismo e o conformismo como consequências sociais da exploração e da precarização do trabalho. Os padrões comuns indicam que o trabalho têxtil é um modo de vida que implica o abandono da ideia de retorno e a conquista de um luto perpétuo, tendo o próprio país (Bolívia) como objeto de luto. Essas construções se enquadram em uma série de conflitos internos, sociais e de saúde. O trabalho têxtil torna-se um fenômeno que explica a cadeia de valor da exploração pelo trabalho em situação de exploração, mas nos bolivianos assume outra dimensão a partir de suas representações sociais que são articuladas e ao mesmo tempo dicotômicas.

Textiles , Work , Social Problems , Human Trafficking
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(2): 335-342, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1391353


El Perú se considera un país potencia en cuanto a la exportación textil de la alpaca, cuya fibra natural es muy fina, ligera y con alto valor a nivel mundial. Para el año 2019, la exportación total de fibra de alpaca en Perú llegó a un total de 23 países, incluyendo mercados en Europa, Asia y Norteamérica. La tendencia en el comercio exterior incluyendo las empresas textiles de alpaca, se ha dirigido a garantizar el cuidado del medio ambiente y la inocuidad de los productos respecto a la salud humana. Se realizó un estudio desde el paradigma post-positivista, con enfoque cualitativo y el método hermenéutico, para interpretar la situación de exportación y sanitación internacional en empresas peruanas productoras de prendas de alpaca en Huancayo y Lima. Se obtuvo información a partir de cuatro informantes voluntarios de cada empresa acerca de aspectos relacionados con exportación de las prendas de alpaca: competitividad, promoción, proveedores, producción, calidad de producto, valor agregado, calidad de servicio, mercados destino, demanda y herramientas de inteligencia comercial, entre otros. Asimismo, se indagó sobre la concepción y cumplimiento del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional. Las empresas evaluadas, emplean excelente materia prima, garantizan un control de calidad de sus productos ofreciendo textiles competitivos que se distribuyen en diversos mercados internacionales, emplean herramientas de comercialización que favorecen la identificación de regulaciones arancelarias y la capacitación de su personal. No obstante, muestran carencias en el cumplimiento del RSI, requiriendo adoptar medidas que garanticen la salud pública al comercializar sus productos(AU)

Peru is considered a powerful country in terms of alpaca textile exports, whose natural fiber is very fine, light and highly valued worldwide. For the year 2019, the total export of alpaca fiber in Peru reached a total of 23 countries, including markets in Europe, Asia and North America. The trend in foreign trade, including alpaca textile companies, has been aimed at guaranteeing care for the environment and the safety of products with respect to human health. A study was carried out from the post-positivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and the hermeneutical method, to interpret the export situation and international sanitation in Peruvian companies that produce alpaca garments in Huancayo and Lima. Information was obtained from four volunteer informants from each company about aspects related to the export of alpaca garments: competitiveness, promotion, suppliers, production, product quality, added value, service quality, destination markets, demand and marketing tools. commercial intelligence, among others. Likewise, the conception and compliance with the International Health Regulations were inquired about. The evaluated companies use excellent raw material, guarantee quality control of their products by offering competitive textiles that are distributed in various international markets, use marketing tools that favor the identification of tariff regulations and the training of their personnel. However, they show deficiencies in compliance with the RSI, requiring the adoption of measures that guarantee public health when marketing their products(AU)

Textiles , Camelids, New World , Exportation of Products , International Health Regulations , Peru , Sanitation , Clothing , Manufacturing Industry
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(2): 669-692, fev. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153776


Resumo Acumulam-se evidências de que o uso de máscaras é uma medida indispensável de proteção à COVID-19, devido ao alto poder de transmissão do novo coronavírus por via respiratória, inclusive por indivíduos assintomáticos. Por sua vez, o uso das máscaras de tecido em locais públicos tem se consolidado como medida adicional de proteção às medidas de distanciamento social e higienização das mãos. Objetivou-se sistematizar as evidências científicas que justificam o amplo uso de máscaras de tecido como prevenção à COVID-19 e descrever a evolução dos posicionamentos contrários ou favoráveis ao seu uso em ambientes extradomiciliares, diante do avanço da pandemia do novo coronavírus pelo mundo. A triagem de artigos e documentos oficiais do Brasil e de outros países indica que o uso de máscaras em locais públicos tornou-se uma intervenção essencial graças ao potencial de reduzir a velocidade de propagação do novo coronavírus. Recomenda-se que o poder público adote estratégias para aumentar a oferta deste produto e fomente estudos para avaliação do impacto da medida no controle da pandemia no Brasil. É imperativo assegurar disponibilidade de máscaras a grupos socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos e garantir que determinados grupos raciais não sejam estigmatizados diante do uso de máscaras em ambientes extradomiciliares.

Abstract There is increasing evidence that the use of masks is an indispensable protective measure against COVID-19, given the high transmissibility of the new coronavirus through the respiratory system, including by asymptomatic individuals. The use of cloth masks in public places has been established as a protective measure to be adopted alongside social distancing and hand hygiene. This narrative review aims to systematize the scientific evidence that informs the widespread use of cloth masks as a preventive measure against COVID-19 and to describe the evolution of positions contrary to or in favor of its use outside the home, in view of the advance of the new coronavirus pandemic globally. The scientific articles, technical notes, governmental decrees and other documents analyzed indicate that widespread use of masks has the potential to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. We recommend that the Brazilian government adopt strategies to increase the supply of reusable cloth masks to the public, especially to vulnerable populations and to support studies on the impact of this measure to control the pandemic in the country. Finally, it is imperative to ensure that use of masks does not exacerbate stigmatization of racial groups that already face prejudice.

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Masks , Textiles , Public Facilities , Brazil/epidemiology , Global Health , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 24: e210005, 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156021


RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a incidência e a tendência temporal dos acidentes de trabalho típicos na indústria têxtil e de confecção de Santa Catarina no período de 2008 a 2017. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo baseado nos dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS). A tendência temporal foi analisada por meio do cálculo da mudança média anual e da regressão logística. Resultados: Houve tendência de queda na incidência de acidentes de trabalho em Santa Catarina no período estudado (8,8%). Observaram-se as maiores taxas de acidentes no ano de 2008 entre homens (12,6%), trabalhadores com faixa de idade entre 40 e 49 anos (6,7%), negros (7,4%), pessoas com menos de 12 anos de estudo (5,0%), com remuneração média de 3 a 7 salários mínimos (7,0%), com até quatro anos de tempo de emprego (6,9%), trabalhadores da fabricação de produtos têxteis (10,3%), estabelecimentos de médio porte (100 a 499 trabalhadores) (7,9%) e nas regiões da Grande Florianópolis (7,0%) e Vale do Itajaí (6,8%). Conclusões: O risco de acidente de trabalho típico caiu significativamente ao longo do período. Contudo futuros estudos são necessários para analisar novas relações que possam apontar outros fatores associados. Espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir para subsidiar ações de prevenção, promoção, proteção e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores desse setor produtivo.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To estimate the incidence and time trend of typical work accidents in the textile and clothing industry in Santa Catarina from 2008 to 2017. Methods: This was a retrospective epidemiological study based on data from the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS). The time trend was analyzed by calculating the average annual change and logistic regression. Results: There was a downward trend in the incidence of occupational accidents in Santa Catarina during the period studied (8.8%). The highest incidence occurred in 2008 among men (12.6%), workers aged between 40 and 49 years (6.7%), black people (7.4%), people with less than 12 years of education (5.0%), with an average income of 3 to 7 minimum wages (7.0%), with up to 4 years of employment (6.9%), workers in the manufacture of textile products (10, 3%), medium-sized establishments (that is, between 100 and 499 workers; 7.9%) and in the regions of Greater Florianópolis (7.0%) and Vale do Itajaí (6.8%). Conclusions: The risk for typical occupational accidents dropped significantly over the period studied. However, future studies are needed to analyze new relationships that may point to other associated factors. It is hoped that this study can contribute to support measures for the prevention, promotion, protection and rehabilitation of the health of workers in this production sector.

Humans , Male , Adult , Textiles , Accidents, Occupational/statistics & numerical data , Clothing , Manufacturing Industry , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 164 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362209


As roupas constituem, em parte, a maneira como as pessoas vivem e expressam as necessidades humanas que avançam vorazmente sobre o sistema natural. Sob forma de vestuário, é possível visualizar a representatividade da cadeia têxtil no cotidiano das pessoas, os efeitos e influência da produção, consumo e descarte na sociedade. Do montante produzido anualmente, menos de 1% desses materiais são reciclados em novas roupas ou outros produtos. O setor têxtil é intensivo na extração de recursos e geração de resíduos, possui altos índices de desperdício e é extremamente poluidor. O Brasil possui a quinta maior cadeia têxtil do mundo. A economia circular e a economia criativa podem contribuir neste enfrentamento pelo seu potencial de promover a reutilização de recursos existentes e a redução de impactos sociais, ambientais e à saúde. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar empresas da cadeia têxtil que adotam princípios da economia criativa e da economia circular com o intuito de identificar práticas que minimizam os impactos ambientais de resíduos têxteis e expandem a consciência ambiental de consumidores e empresas. A partir da revisão bibliográfica sistemática e das informações obtidas em visitas técnicas, com observação de campo e registro fotográfico, assim como de entrevistas com base em roteiro pré-elaborado com os empreendedores, foi possível observar os princípios da economia circular e da economia criativa como diferencial estratégico do negócio. Foram identificados alguns marcadores que alicerçam as práticas sustentáveis desenvolvidas nos negócios analisados como: i) gestão da parceria e alinhamento de propósito; ii) Gestão do ciclo de vida ou associação aos fluxos de resíduos dos grandes geradores; iii) Logística reversa e a estruturação de custos para sua viabilidade. O estudo de caso evidenciou como diferentes domínios de conhecimento inter-relacionam os temas de economia criativa e economia circular de forma hierárquica. Assim, foi elaborado framework de planejamento estratégico e os dados levantados durante a pesquisa foram organizados em website, consolidando imagens e conceitos para divulgação da pesquisa, e apoiar empreendedores na concepção de novos negócios cujo propósito é a sustentabilidade.

Clothes constitute, in part, the way in which people live and express human needs that voraciously advance over the natural system. In the form of clothing, it is possible to visualize the representativeness of the textile chain in peoples daily lives, the effects and influence of production, consumption and disposal in society. Of the amount produced annually, less than 1% of these materials are recycled into new clothes or other products. The textile sector is intensive in resource extraction and waste production, has high levels of waste and is extremely polluting. Brazil has the fifth largest textile chain in the world. The circular economy and the creative economy can contribute to this confrontation by their potential to promote the reuse of existing resources and the reduction of social, environmental and health impacts. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze companies in the textile chain that adopt principles of the creative economy and the circular economy in order to identify practices that minimize the environmental impacts of textile waste and expand the environmental awareness of consumers and companies. From the systematic bibliographic review and the information obtained in technical visits, with field observation and photographic record, as well as interviews based on a pre-prepared script with the entrepreneurs, it was possible to observe the principles of circular economy and creative economy as strategic differential of the business. Some markers were identified that underpin the sustainable practices developed in the analyzed businesses, such as: i) management of the partnership and alignment of purpose; ii) Life cycle management or association with waste streams from large generators; iii) Reverse logistics and cost structuring for its viability. The case study showed how different domains of knowledge interrelate the themes of creative economy and circular economy in a hierarchical way. Thus, a strategic planning framework was developed and the data collected during the research were organized on a website, consolidating images and concepts for disseminating the research, and supporting entrepreneurs in the conception of new businesses whose purpose is sustainability.

Textile Industry , Textiles , Clothing , Waste Management , Drawing , Economics
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3416, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1289771


Objective: to analyze evidence concerning the feasibility of antimicrobial-impregnated fabrics in preventing and controlling microbial transmission in health services. Method: an integrative review using the following databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), regardless of language and date of publication. Seven studies were included in the analysis to verify the types of fabrics and substances used to impregnate the fabrics, applicability in health services, and decrease in microbial load. Results: silver nanoparticles and copper oxide are the main antimicrobial substances used to impregnate the fabrics. The patients' use of these fabrics, such as in bed and bath linens and clothing, was more effective in reducing antimicrobial load than in health workers' uniforms. Conclusion: the use of these antimicrobial-impregnated textiles, especially by patients, is a viable alternative to prevent and control microbial transmission in health services. Implementing these fabrics in health workers' uniforms requires further studies, however, to verify its effectiveness in decreasing microbial load in clinical practice.

Objetivo: analisar as evidências existentes sobre a viabilidade de utilizar têxteis impregnados com substâncias antimicrobianas na prevenção e no controle da transmissão microbiana em serviços de saúde. Método: revisão integrativa, utilizando as bases de dados MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus e Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), sem restrição de idioma e período de publicação. Após a busca na literatura científica, foram selecionados sete estudos para análise quanto ao tipo de têxtil e substância utilizada para a impregnação, a aplicabilidade no serviço de saúde e a redução da carga microbiana. Resultados: nanopartículas de prata e óxido de cobre foram as principais substâncias antimicrobianas utilizadas para a impregnação de têxteis. A utilização desses têxteis pelos pacientes, como roupas de hotelaria e vestuário, mostrou maior eficácia na redução da carga microbiana em comparação ao uso como uniforme por profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: a utilização de têxteis impregnados com substâncias antimicrobianas, sobretudo pelos pacientes, pode ser considerada uma alternativa viável na prevenção e no controle da transmissão microbiana nos serviços de saúde. Todavia, a implementação destes têxteis, como uniforme para profissionais de saúde, ainda necessita de maiores investigações quanto à redução da carga microbiana na prática clínica.

Objetivo: analizar las evidencias existentes sobre la viabilidad de utilizar textiles impregnados con sustancias antimicrobianas en la prevención y control de la transmisión microbiana en servicios sanitarios. Método: revisión integradora, utilizando las bases de dados MEDLINE (vía PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus y Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), sin restricción de idioma y período de publicación. Después de la búsqueda en la literatura científica, fueron seleccionados siete estudios para análisis en cuanto al tipo de textil y sustancia utilizada para impregnación, aplicabilidad en el servicio sanitario y reducción de la carga microbiana. Resultados: nanopartículas de plata y óxido de cobre fueron las principales sustancias antimicrobianas utilizadas para la impregnación de textiles. La utilización de esos textiles por los pacientes, como ropa de hotel y ropa, demostró mayor eficacia en la reducción de la carga microbiana en comparación al uso como uniforme por profesionales sanitarios. Conclusión: la utilización de textiles impregnados con sustancias antimicrobianas, sobre todo por los pacientes, puede ser considerada una alternativa viable en la prevención y control de la transmisión microbiana en los servicios sanitarios. Sin embargo, la implementación de estos textiles como uniforme para profesionales de la salud todavía necesita de mayores investigaciones en cuanto a la reducción de la carga microbiana en la práctica clínica.

Humans , Protective Clothing , Silver , Textiles , Caribbean Region , Containment of Biohazards , Metal Nanoparticles , Health Services , Anti-Infective Agents
Salud pública Méx ; 62(4): 417-423, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377333


Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de repelencia espacial contra Ae. aegypti de dos compuestos químicos impregnados en diferentes tipos de telas. Material y métodos: El estudio se realizó en el periodo 2015-2016 en el Centro Regional de Investigación en Salud Pública, del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Se utilizó el Sistema de Procesamiento de Alto-rendimiento para evaluar la respuesta de Ae. aegypti a transflutrina y linalol, impregnados individualmente a diferentes concentraciones en popelina, algodón y poliéster. También se determinó el efecto de sus mezclas, lavado sobre la residualidad y porcentaje de protección. Resultados: La mayor respuesta de repelencia espacial fue para el tratamiento linalol-algodón al 0.1% (RE= 70 ± 5.77%). La mezcla de linalol 0.1% y transflutrina 0.001% presentó un porcentaje de repelencia espacial similar para los tres tipos de tela. El tratamiento transflutrina-popelina 0.001% mantuvo una residualidad de cinco días. El linalol al 0.1% produjo 62.50% de protección en presencia de un estímulo de atracción. Conclusión: Se sugiere la impregnación de linalol al 0.1% en ropa como medida de protección de las picaduras de Ae. aegypti.

Abstract: Objective: Evaluate the effect of spatial repellency against Ae. aegypti of two chemical compounds impregnated in different types of fabrics. Materials and methods: The study was carried out in the year 2015-2016 in the Centro Regional de Investigación en Salud Pública, del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. The high-throughput screening system was used to evaluate the response of Ae. aegypti to transfluthrin and linalool, impregnated individually at different concentrations in poplin, cotton and polyester. The effect of their mixtures was also determined, washing on residuality and percentage of protection. Results: The highest spatial repellency response was for 0.1% linalool-cotton treatment (RE = 70 ± 5.77%). The mixture of 0.1% linalool and 0.001% transfluthrin presented a similar spatial repellence percentage for the three types of fabric. The transfluthrin-poplin treatment 0.001% maintained a residual of five days. 0.1% linalool produced a 62.50% protection in the presence of an attraction stimulus. Conclusion: It is suggested the impregnation of 0.1% linalool in clothing as a protection measure for Ae. aegypti.

Animals , Textiles , Aedes , Cyclopropanes , Fluorobenzenes , Acyclic Monoterpenes , Insect Repellents , Insecticides , Clothing , Mosquito Vectors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010561


The L(+)-form of tartaric acid (L(+)-TA) exists extensively in nature, and is widely used in the food, chemical, textile, building, and pharmaceutical industries (Su et al., 2001). The main method for L(+)-TA production is microbial transformation by cis-epoxysuccinate hydrolase (CESH), which can catalyze the asymmetric hydrolysis of cis-epoxysuccinic acid or its salts to TA or tartrate (Bao et al., 2019). Seventeen species containing CESH have been isolated so far. However, most species for L(+)-TA production have been reported from bacteria (Xuan and Feng, 2019). The only fungus isolated from soil by our lab recently, that could be used as catalyst for the process under acidic condition, is Aspergillus niger WH-2 (Bao et al., 2020). In order to find strains with new characteristics, this study attempted to isolate a new CESH source from fungi and investigate its application value.

Aspergillus niger/metabolism , Biomass , Catalysis , Fermentation , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Hydrolases/chemistry , Hydrolysis , Industrial Microbiology , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Penicillium/metabolism , Phylogeny , Soil , Species Specificity , Stereoisomerism , Tartrates/chemistry , Temperature , Textiles
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(2,supl.1): 9-11, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134835


ABSTRACT These recommendations were created after the publication of informative note 3/2020- CGGAP/DESF/SAPS/MS, of April 4, 2020, in which the Brazilian Ministry of Health recommended the use of a cloth mask by the population, in public places. Taking into account the necessary prioritization of the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for patients with suspected or confirmed disease, as well as for healthcare professionals, the SBN is favorable concerning the wear of cloth masks by chronic kidney patients in dialysis, in public settings, except in the dialysis setting. The present recommendations have eleven items, related to this rationale, the procedures, indications, contraindications, as well as appropriate fabrics for the mask, and hygiene care to be adopted. These recommendations may change, at any time, in the light of new evidence.

RESUMO As presentes recomendações foram elaboradas após a publicação da Nota Informativa nº 3/2020 CGGAP/DESF/SAPS/MS, em 4 de abril de 2020, na qual o Ministério da Saúde recomenda o uso de máscara de pano por toda a população, em locais públicos. Levando-se em consideração a necessária priorização do fornecimento de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPIs) para pacientes com suspeita ou confirmação da doença, assim como para profissionais de saúde, a Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia (SBN) posicionou-se favoravelmente ao uso de máscaras de pano por pacientes renais crônicos em diálise, em ambientes públicos, exceto no ambiente da diálise. As presentes recomendações englobam onze itens relativos ao que é racional para posicionamento, procedimentos, indicações, contraindicações, assim como tecidos apropriados para confecção e os cuidados de higiene a serem adotados. Essas recomendações poderão ser modificadas a qualquer momento, à luz de novas evidências.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Textiles , Renal Dialysis , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics/prevention & control , Personal Protective Equipment/standards , Betacoronavirus , Masks/standards , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Protective Clothing/standards , Societies, Medical , Brazil , Urology Department, Hospital/standards , Health Personnel , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Nephrology/standards , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control
Rev. bras. enferm ; 73(supl.2): e20200239, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1125940


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify scientific evidence on the effectiveness of using cloth masks as safe protectors against COVID-19. Method: an integrative review of articles available in full obtained at PubMed, CINAHL, and Web of Science. Controlled, non-controlled descriptors and keywords such as "mask", "home-made" and "cloth" or "cotton" and "infection control" or "infection prevention" were used. Results: thirty-eight articles were selected; of these, seven studies made up the sample. Evidence shows that cloth masks do not have the same protective characteristics as surgical masks, indicating an increased risk of infection due to humidity, diffusion of fluids, virus retention, and improper preparation. Considering the shortage of surgical masks during the pandemic, cloth masks could be proposed as a last resort. Conclusion: cloth masks should be used together with preventive measures, such as home insulation, good respiratory conduct, and regular hand hygiene.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar evidencia científica sobre la efectividad del uso de mascarillas de tela como un protector seguro contra COVID-19. Método: revisión integradora de artículos disponibles en su totalidad, obtenidos de las bases de datos PubMed, CINAHL y Web of Science. Se utilizaron descriptores controlados y no controlados y palabras clave "mask", "home-made" y "cloth" o "cotton" y "infection control" o "infection prevention". Resultados: se seleccionaron 38 artículos. De estos, siete estudios constituyeron la muestra. La evidencia ha demostrado que las máscaras de tejido no tienen las mismas características protectoras que las máscaras quirúrgicas, lo que indica un mayor riesgo de infección debido a la humedad, la difusión de fluidos, la retención de virus y la preparación inadecuada. Dada la escasez de máscaras quirúrgicas durante la pandemia, podrían proponerse como el último estándar para la población. Conclusión: para la población, las mascarillas de tela deben usarse junto con otras medidas preventivas, como el aislamiento del hogar, la buena etiqueta respiratoria y la higiene regular de las manos.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar evidências científicas sobre a eficácia do uso de máscaras de tecido enquanto protetor seguro contra a COVID-19. Método: revisão integrativa de artigos disponíveis na íntegra, obtidos nas bases PubMed, CINAHL e Web of Science. Foram utilizados descritores controlados, não controlados e palavras-chave "mask", "home-made" e "cloth" ou "cotton" e "infection control" ou "infection prevention". Resultados: foram selecionados 38 artigos. Desses, sete estudos compuseram a amostra. As evidências mostraram que máscaras de tecido não apresentam as mesmas características de proteção quanto às máscaras cirúrgicas, indicando risco de infecção aumentado devido à umidade, difusão de líquidos, retenção do vírus e confecção inadequada. Diante da escassez de máscaras cirúrgicas durante a pandemia, elas poderiam ser propostas como último recurso para a população. Conclusão: para a população, as máscaras de tecido devem ser usadas em conjunto com outras medidas preventivas, como isolamento domiciliar, boa etiqueta respiratória e higiene regular das mãos.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Textiles/standards , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus , Masks/standards , Pneumonia, Viral/transmission , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Hand Hygiene
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180573, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132185


Abstract This work reports the study of the potential application of Zn/TiO2 catalysts, obtained by the sol-gel method, in processes of environmental decontamination through the reactions of photodegradation of textile dye, followed by electrospray mass spectrometry. The catalysts synthesis was performed according to a 2² factorial design with repetition at the central point. The characterization techniques used were: N2 adsorption measurements (BET method), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray (MEV/EDS), X-ray diffraction and point of zero charge (PZC). The photocatalytic tests were performed in batch in the presence of sunlight, and to evaluate the degradation kinetics study, a rapid direct injection electrospray mass spectrometry (DI-ESI-MS) method has been developed. By the photocatalytic tests, the calcination temperature of 400 °C has shown the best results of discoloration for the reactive Orange-122 dye (99.76%) in a reaction time of 2h. The discoloration kinetics were a pseudo-first order, and a statistical analysis was performed to investigate the effects of the variables and to optimize the conditions of discoloration to the dye. After the reactional time of 2 h, an ion of m/z 441.5 was detected by ESI-MS, indicating that the photocatalytic process was effective for the degradation of the dye to secondary compounds.

Azo Compounds/toxicity , Biodegradation, Environmental , Decontamination/methods , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Environmental Restoration and Remediation/methods , Wastewater , Photochemistry , Textiles/toxicity , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Catalysis , Catalytic Domain , Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization , Coloring Agents , Photobioreactors , Models, Theoretical
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180130, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132195


Abstract Color removal from textile effluents was evaluated using a laboratory-combined process based on an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor followed by a shallow polishing pond (SPP). The anaerobic reactor was fed with a real textile effluent, diluted 10-times in a 350 mg/L solution of pre-treated residual yeast extract from a brewery industry as nutrient source. The parameters color, COD, N-NH3 and toxicity were monitored throughout 45 days of operation. According to the results, decolorization and COD removal were highest in the anaerobic step, whereas the effluent was polished in the SPP unit. The overall efficiency of the complete UASB-SPP system for COD and color were 88 and 62%, respectively. Moreover, the N-NH3 generated by the residual yeast extract ammonification was below 5 mg/L for the final effluent. Finally, no toxicity was detected after the treatment steps, as shown by the Vibrio fischeri microscale assay.

Animals , Textiles/toxicity , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Water Purification/methods , Yeasts , Toxicity Tests , Bioreactors , Aliivibrio fischeri , Anaerobiosis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762168


BACKGROUND: Exposure to organic dust has been widely investigated as a potential risk factor for asthma with different results. To clarify a potential relationship, we performed the present meta-analysis to integrate the results of studies examining the association of organic dust exposure with asthma. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search in the electronic databases including EMBASE, PubMed and Cochrane Library databases (up to August 2018) was conducted. The adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) for organic dust exposure and asthma were retrieved and pooled to generate summary effect estimates in Revman 5.2. RESULTS: Database searches retrieved 1,016 records. A total of 17 studies containing 3,619 cases and 6,585 controls were finally included in our meta-analysis. The summary estimates suggested that organic dust exposure was positively associated with asthma (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.26–1.75; P < 0.00001), whether among population-based case-control studies (OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.13–1.35; P < 0.00001) or hospital-based case-control studies (OR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.27–6.12; P = 0.01). Subgroup analysis showed that paper/wood (OR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.38–1.90; P < 0.00001), flour/grain (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.11–1.97; P = 0.008), and textile dust (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.08–2.09; P = 0.02) exposure were significantly associated with asthma. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the studies evaluated, our meta-analysis results prompt that organic dust exposure is a risk factor inducing asthma, although precise analysis focus on specific organic dust materials is still warranted.

Asthma , Case-Control Studies , Dust , Odds Ratio , Risk Factors , Textiles
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764549


OBJECTIVE: Para-aortic lymphadenectomy was the cornerstone of gynecologic oncology surgery. In endometrial cancer, the quality of para-aortic lymphadenectomy had direct impact on survival of patient. The launch of robot assisted laparoscopy started in 2005 in France, and in 2008 a transperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy was described [1]. With the increase of robots, the robot assisted laparoscopy became more and more popular, hence the need of video tutorial to help less experienced surgeon in this surgical procedure [2]. METHODS: We proposed a description in 10 key steps, of a transperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy by robot assisted laparoscopy (Da Vinci® Si or Xi Robot Surgical System; Intuitive Surgical Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA), without other surgical procedure. RESULTS: The 10 steps are: Step 1: port placement and Da Vinci robot positioning Step 2: identification of the right ureter Step 3: identification of the left renal vein Step 4: latero-caval and aorto-caval lymph nodes dissection Step 5: identification of the left ureter Step 6: creation of peritoneal tent Step 7: identification of the inferior mesenteric artery Step 8: latero-aortal lymph nodes dissection Step 9: pre-sacral lymph nodes dissection Step 10: extraction of bags with specimen and surgical textile CONCLUSION: A standardization of transperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy by robot-assisted laparoscopy is the basis of teaching and learning process. Also it increases the quality of surgery, and consequently decreases the risk of complications.

Female , Humans , Endometrial Neoplasms , France , Laparoscopy , Learning , Lymph Node Excision , Lymph Nodes , Mesenteric Artery, Inferior , Renal Veins , Textiles , Ureter
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774184


In order to quantitatively evaluate the performance of dry electrode for fabric surface bioelectricity, a set of active measuring devices that can simulate electrocardiosignal has been developed on the basis of passive system by our group. Five Ag/AgCl fabric dry electrodes were selected to test and evaluate the devices. The results show that the deviation ratios of peak time interval of the five electrodes are all less than 1%. The maximum voltage amplitude decay rate is 7.2%, and the noise amplitudes are lower than 0.004 mV. The variable coefficient of peak time offset is less than 8%. The variable coefficient of voltage amplitude is less than 2%. The variable coefficient of noise amplitude is less than 10%. Research shows the devices has good repeatability and stability in measuring the simulated electrocardiosignal. The active measuring devices proposed in this paper can provide a new method for performance evaluation and standard formulation of surface bioelectricity dry electrode.

Electrodes , Textiles , Wearable Electronic Devices
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775164


The present review summarizes the results of several follow-up studies assessing an asbestos product manufacturing plant in Chongqing, China, and discusses three controversial issues related to the carcinogenicity of asbestos. The first issue is the amphibole hypothesis, which asserts that the carcinogenicity of asbestos is limited to amphiboles, such as crocidolite, but not serpentines, such as chrysotile. However, considering the possible multiple component of asbestos carcinogenicity in the presence of tobacco smoke or other carcinogens, chrysotile cannot be regarded as non-carcinogenic. Additionally, in a practical sense, it is not possible to assume "pure" chrysotile due to its ubiquitous contamination with tremolite, which is a type of amphibole. Thus, as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) assessed, all forms of asbestos including chrysotile should be regarded carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). The second issue is the chrysotile/tremolite paradox, which is a phenomenon involving predominant levels of tremolite in the lung tissues of individuals who worked in locations with negligible levels of tremolite due to the exclusive use of chrysotile. Four possible mechanisms to explain this paradox have been proposed but this phenomenon does not support the claim that amphibole is inert. The final issue discussed is the textile mystery, i.e., the higher incidence of cancer in asbestos textile plants compared to asbestos mines where the same asbestos was produced and the exposure levels were comparable. This phenomenon was first reported in North America followed by UK and then in the present observations from China. Previously, levels of fiber exposure were calculated using a universal converting coefficient to estimate the mass concentration versus fiber concentration. However, parallel measurements of fiber and mass concentrations in the workplace and exposed air indicated that there are wide variations in the fiber/mass ratio, which unjustifies the universal conversion. It is possible that contamination by airborne non-fibrous particles in mines with mass fiber conversion led to the overestimation of fiber concentrations and resulted in the textile mystery. Although the use and manufacturing of asbestos has been banned in Japan, more than 10 million tons of asbestos had been imported and the majority remains in existing buildings. Thus, efforts to control asbestos exposure should be continued.

Humans , Asbestos , Classification , Toxicity , Asbestos, Amphibole , Toxicity , Asbestos, Serpentine , Toxicity , Carcinogens , China , Follow-Up Studies , Lung Neoplasms , Epidemiology , Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities , Mining , Occupational Diseases , Epidemiology , Occupational Exposure , Textiles , Tobacco Smoking , Epidemiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762483


BACKGROUND: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) defined that asbestos is a group 1 substance that causes lung cancer, mesothelioma (pleura and peritoneum), laryngeal cancer, and ovarian cancer in humans. Many studies on lung cancer, and mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure have been conducted, but there was no case report of ovarian cancer due to asbestos exposure in Korea. We describe a case of ovarian cancer caused by asbestos exposure in a worker who worked at an asbestos textile factory for 3 years and 7 months in the late 1970s. CASE PRESENTATION: A 57-year-old woman visited the hospital because she had difficulty urinating. Ovarian cancer was suspected in radiologic examination, and exploratory laparotomy was performed. She was diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer. The patient did not undergo postoperative chemotherapy and recovered. She joined the asbestos factory in March 1976 and engaged in asbestos textile twisting and spinning for 1 year, 2 years and 7 months respectively. In addition, she lived near the asbestos factory for more than 20 years. There was no other specificity or family history. CONCLUSION: Considering the patient’s occupational and environmental history, it is estimated that she had been exposed to asbestos significantly, so we determined that ovarian cancer in the patient is highly correlated with the occupational exposure of asbestos and environmental exposure is a possible cause as well. Social devices are needed to prevent further exposure to asbestos. It is also necessary to recognize that ovarian cancer can occur in workers who have previously been exposed to asbestos, and the education and social compensation for those workers are needed.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Asbestos , Compensation and Redress , Drug Therapy , Education , Environmental Exposure , International Agencies , Korea , Laparotomy , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Lung Neoplasms , Mesothelioma , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Exposure , Ovarian Neoplasms , Sensitivity and Specificity , Textile Industry , Textiles