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Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 764-768, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982671


Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host responses to infection. Despite significant advances in anti-infective, immunomodulatory, and organ function support technologies, the precise and targeted management of sepsis remains a challenge due to its high heterogeneity. Studies have identified disturbed tryptophan (TRP) metabolism as a common mechanism in multiple diseases, which is involved in both immune regulation and the development of multi-organ damages. The rise of research on intestinal microflora has further highlighted the critical role of microflora-regulated TRP metabolism in pathogen-host interactions and the "cross-talk" among multi-organs, making it a potential key target for precision medicine in sepsis. This article reviews TRP metabolism, the regulation of TRP metabolism by the intestinal microflora, and the characteristics of TRP metabolism in sepsis, providing clues for further clinical targeting of TRP metabolism for precision medicine in sepsis.

Humans , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology , Tryptophan/metabolism , Precision Medicine , Sepsis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936287


OBJECTIVE@#To clarify the functional effects of differential expression of ring finger and tryptophan-aspartic acid 2 (RFWD2) on dendritic development and formation of dendritic spines in cerebral cortex neurons of mice.@*METHODS@#Immunofluorescent staining was used to identify the location and global expression profile of RFWD2 in mouse brain and determine the co-localization of RFWD2 with the synaptic proteins in the cortical neurons. We also examined the effects of RFWD2 over-expression (RFWD2-Myc) and RFWD2 knockdown (RFWD2-shRNA) on dendritic development, dendritic spine formation and synaptic function in cultured cortical neurons.@*RESULTS@#RFWD2 is highly expressed in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of mice, and its expression level was positively correlated with the development of cerebral cortex neurons and dendrites. RFWD2 expression was detected on the presynaptic membrane and postsynaptic membrane of the neurons, and its expression levels were positively correlated with the length, number of branches and complexity of the dendrites. In cultured cortical neurons, RFWD2 overexpression significantly lowered the expressions of the synaptic proteins synaptophysin (P < 0.01) and postsynapic density protein 95 (P < 0.01), while RFWD2 knockdown significantly increased their expressions (both P < 0.05). Compared with the control and RFWD2-overexpressing cells, the neurons with RFWD2 knockdown showed significantly reduced number of dendritic spines (both P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#RFWD2 can regulate the expression of the synaptic proteins, the development of the dendrites, the formation of the dendritic spines and synaptic function in mouse cerebral cortex neurons through ubiquitination of Pea3 family members and c-Jun, which may serve as potential treatment targets for neurological diseases.

Animals , Mice , Aspartic Acid/metabolism , Cerebral Cortex , Dendritic Spines/metabolism , Neurons/metabolism , Synapses , Tryptophan/metabolism
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 159 p. graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049360


A Dengue é uma doença viral sistêmica, transmitida por mosquitos, que afeta anualmente cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Causada por quatro sorotipos do vírus da Dengue (DENV), suas manifestações clínicas podem variar de assintomáticas à formas que podem levar a óbito. Curiosamente, os pacientes com Dengue apresentam uma resposta exacerbada das células secretoras de anticorpos (ASCs) no sangue cerca de sete dias após o início dos sintomas. A frequência dessas ASCs induzidas pelo DENV representa mais de 50% de todas as células B circulantes no sangue. Essa quantificação é maior que aquelas encontradas em outras infecções virais, contextos de imunização e até mesmo em pacientes com neoplasias de ASCs. Além disso, a magnitude dessa resposta transitória se correlaciona com a gravidade da doença. Então, como a infecção pelo DENV induz essa resposta enorme? Para responder à essa pergunta, combinamos abordagens in vitro e in silico. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico (PBMCs) obtidas de indivíduos saudáveis foram cultivadas in vitro durante sete dias na presença do DENV ou mitógenos. Após a estimulação pelo DENV, as células B presentes nas PBMCs foram capazes de se diferenciarem em ASCs, tanto fenotipicamente quanto funcionalmente, em magnitude similar àquelas estimuladas com mitógenos. Essa diferenciação demonstrou ser dependente da presença de outras células contidas nas PBMCs, assim como do contato célula-célula. Embora ambos os estímulos tenham sido capazes de induzir a diferenciação de ASCs, eles diferiram metabolicamente e transcricionalmente. PBMCs estimuladas pelo DENV apresentaram um maior consumo de triptofano, associado à maior expressão de IDO1 e IDO2 e maior síntese de quinurenina, bem como maiores expressões de IL-10, BAFF e SYK. Ainda, as concentrações de quinurenina foram positivamente correlacionadas com a enumeração de ASCs nessas culturas. Dados de transcriptoma públicos de pacientes com Dengue também suportam esses achados. Outros flavivírus, como o vírus Zika e a cepa vacinal da Febre Amarela não foram capazes de induzir a mesma magnitude de diferenciação das células B em ASCs in vitro. Tão pouco apresentaram correlação entre a enumeração de ASCs e a síntese de quinurenina. Por fim, através da construção de uma hipotética via de diferenciação de células B em ASCs durante infecção pelo DENV, através da combinação de dados da literatura e transcriptomas públicos, demonstramos que moléculas relacionadas à via do STAT3 (IL-10, IL-6, IRF4 e BLIMP1) estão mais expressas nos pacientes infectados e moléculas que respondem aos sinais de cálcio (Calcineurina, NFATC1, DOK3 e GRB2) estão menos expressas nos pacientes infectados. Esses dados proporcionam um melhor entendimento da resposta de células B durante a infeção pelo DENV, particularmente sobre como o metabolismo e a sinalização das células B estão conectados nesse processo

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease that affects annually about 100 million people worldwide. Caused by four Dengue virus (DENV) serotypes, it ranges from asymptomatic to life threatening forms. Curiously, Dengue patients present an exacerbated blood antibody-secreting cell (ASCs) response around seven days after the symptoms onset. The frequency of those DENV-induced ASCs represents more than 50% of all circulating blood B cells. This is greater than found in others viral infections, immunization contexts and even in ASCs related-leukemia patients. Moreover, the magnitude of that transitory response correlates with the disease severity. So, how does the DENV infection induce this enormous response? In order to answer this question we have combined in vitro and in silico approaches. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from healthy individuals were cultured in vitro during seven days in the presence of DENV or mitogens. Upon the DENV stimulation, PBMC-contained B cells were able to differentiate phenotypically and functionally into ASCs, both phenotypically and functionally, in a similar magnitude than mitogen-stimulated cells. This differentiation was demonstrated to be dependent of the presence of the remaining PBMCs, as well as of the cell-cell contact. Although both stimuli were able to induce the ASCs differentiation, they differed metabolically and transcriptionally. DENV-stimulated PBMCs showed higher tryptophan consumption, associated with higher IDO1 and IDO2 expression and higher kynurenine synthesis, as well as higher IL-10, BAFF and SYK expressions compared to mitogen-exposed counterparts. Additionally, the kynurenine concentrations were positively correlated with the ASCs-enumeration in those cultures. Public transcriptome data supports these findings as well. Other flaviviruses, such as Zika virus and the attenuated vaccine Yellow Fever were not able to induce the same magnitude of ASCs differentiation in vitro. Hence, they did not present a correlation between the number of generated ASCs and the supernatant kynurenine levels. Based on the combination of the literature and public transcriptome data, we have constructed a hypothetical B cell differentiation pathway that might be occurring during DENV infection. It displays that STAT3 pathway-related molecules (IL-10, IL-6, IRF4 and BLIMP1) are more expressed in Dengue patients and molecules that respond to calcium signals (Calcineurin, NFATC1, DOK3 and GRB2) are less expressed in Dengue patients than in control. These data provide a better understanding of the B cell response elicited by DENV infection, particularly about how the B cell metabolism and signaling can be connected into this process

Tryptophan/metabolism , Dengue Virus/growth & development , Metabolism , Antibody-Producing Cells/immunology , In Vitro Techniques/instrumentation , B-Lymphocytes/classification , Kynurenine
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2018. 75 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-998599


Neste estudo avaliamos o papel do metabolismo do triptofano (Trp) na homeostasia, na vaginose bacteriana e nas lesões cervicais associadas ao HPV. A importância do metabolismo do Trp se deve a sua ação na proliferação de microrganismos e de células do sistema imune. O consumo de triptofano tem sido identificado como uma forma de controlar o crescimento bacteriano limitando a infecção. Por outro lado, a oxidação de Trp produz quinurenina (QUIN), que tem papel chave na tolerância imunológica. A formação de QUIN se dá através das enzimas indoleamina 2,3-dioxigenase (IDO) e triptofano 2,3- dioxigenase (TDO). A mais estudada delas no âmbito das infecções/ imuno escape é a enzima IDO. Mais recentemente, tem-se dado ênfase ao papel da TDO no câncer. Nesta dissertação, o interesse foi avaliar a expressão da IDO no epitélio cervicovaginal de mulheres com vaginose bacteriana e de IDO e TDO em amostras cervicais de mulheres com diferentes graus de lesão cervical associada ao HPV. Foram incluídas 165 mulheres atendidas no CAISM/UNICAMP, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo caso composto por mulheres com lesão de baixo ou alto grau e carcinoma invasor (n=42) e grupo controle composto por mulheres com citologia oncológica normal, independente de apresentar infecção genital (n=123). IDO foi avaliada por imunocitoquímica em citologia em base líquida e IDO e TDO em biópsias cervicais. Mulheres com vaginose bacteriana apresentaram expressão aumentada de IDO em células escamosas em comparação às mulheres sem vaginose bacteriana (OR=7.41; IC 95%= 2.50 a 21.4; p <0.0001). No epitélio vaginal normal com ou sem infecção por HPV houve uma expressão leve de IDO em células escamosas. Na presença de lesões ou carcinoma, houve um aumento no número de células escamosas displásicas e de leucócitos IDO-positivos; aumento de IDO também pôde ser observada em culturas de pele organotípicas transduzidas com as oncoproteínas E6/ E7 do HPV16. Nas lesões cervicais, assim como visto para a IDO, a TDO esteve expressa em leucócitos, especialmente os infiltrados na região estromal e na parede dos vasos sanguíneos. A expressão basal de IDO no epitélio cervical normal e sua regulação positiva na infecção por HPV e lesões associadas sugerem a participação do metabolismo do Trp nos mecanismos imunossupressores envolvidos na doença. Embora o papel do IDO já tenha sido abordada anteriormente, até onde sabemos esta é a primeira evidência da expressão de TDO no epitélio vaginal, na neoplasia intraepitelial cervical e carcinoma de células escamosas. Ainda, em leucócitos, especialmente aqueles com morfologia típica de polimorfonucleares, parecem ser importantes fontes de IDO na cérvix uterina

In this study we evaluated the role of tryptophan (Trp) metabolism in cervix homeostasis, bacterial vaginosis and HPV-associated lesions. The importance of Trp metabolism is due to its action on microorganisms and immune cells. Tryptophan consumption has been identified as a way to controlling bacterial growth limiting infection. On the other hand, the oxidation of Trp produces kynurenine (Kyn) which plays a key role in immunological tolerance. The formation of Kyn occurs through the enzymes indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO). IDO is the most studied of them within the context of infections / immune escape. More recently, TDO has also been considered in studies of cancer progression. In this thesis, we were interested in cervicovaginal epithelium IDO expression in women with bacterial vaginosis and of IDO and TDO in cervical samples of women with different degrees of cervical lesion associated with HPV. A total of 165 women attended at CAISM/UNICAMP were divided into two groups: a case group composed of women with low or high grade lesions and invasive carcinoma (n = 42) and a control group composed of women with normal cytology, independent to present genital infection (n =123). IDO was evaluated by immunocytochemistry in liquid-based cytology and IDO and TDO in cervical biopsies. Women with bacterial vaginosis had increased IDO expression in squamous cells compared to women without bacterial vaginosis (OR = 7.41, 95% CI = 2.50- 21.74; p<0.0001). In normal vaginal epithelium with or without HPV infection there was a mild IDO expression in squamous cells. In the presence of cervical intraepithelial lesions or squamous cell carcinoma, there was an increase in the number of IDO-positive dysplastic squamous cells and leukocytes; increase in IDO can also be observed in organotypic skin cultures transduced with HPV-16 E6/E7 oncoproteins. In cervical lesions, as observed for IDO, TDO was expressed in leukocytes, especially infiltrates in the stromal region and in the wall of blood vessels. The basal expression of IDO in the normal cervical epithelium and its positive regulation in HPV infection and associated lesions suggests the participation of Trp metabolism in the immunosuppressive mechanisms involved in the disease. Although some previous data have already considered the role of IDO, as far as we know this is the first evidence of the participation of TDO in the vaginal epithelium, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, in leukocytes, especially those with a typical polymorphonuclear morphology, appear to be important sources of IDO in the uterine cervix

Humans , Female , Tryptophan/metabolism , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase/analysis , Papillomaviridae/classification , Vaginosis, Bacterial , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/immunology , Kynurenine
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;30: 88-94, nov. 2017. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021557


Background: Escherichia coli has been widely used as a host to clone and express heterologous genes. However, there are few vectors available for cloning and expressing extremely toxic genes, which limits further basic and applied research on extremely toxic proteins. Results: In this study, a novel vector pAU10 was constructed in E. coli. pAU10 utilizes the combination of the efficient but highly repressible T7-lacO promoter/operator and the strong rrnBT2 transcriptional terminator upstream of the T7 promoter to strictly control unwanted transcription of the extremely toxic gene; in addition, the trp promoter/operator is oriented opposite to the T7 promoter to control the production of the antisense RNA that may block the translation of leaky mRNA. Without the supplementation of IPTG and L-tryptophan in the culture medium, transcription of the extremely toxic gene by the T7 promoter is highly repressed, and the trp promoter produces the antisense RNA, which strictly prevents unwanted expression of the extremely toxic protein in E. coli. With the supplementation of IPTG and L-tryptophan, the T7 promoter efficiently transcribes the extremely toxic gene, and the trp promoter does not produce the antisense RNA, ensuring efficient expression of the extremely toxic protein in E. coli. Tight regulation and efficiency of expression of an extremely toxic gene cloned in the vector pAU10 were confirmed by cloning and expressing the restriction endonuclease-encoding gene bamHI without its corresponding methylase gene in E. coli JM109(DE3). Conclusion: pAU10 is a good vector used for cloning and expressing extremely toxic genes in E. coli.

Escherichia coli Proteins/toxicity , Escherichia coli/genetics , Genetic Vectors , Tryptophan/metabolism , Deoxyribonuclease BamHI/metabolism , Blotting, Western , Polymerase Chain Reaction , RNA, Antisense , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Cloning, Molecular , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Co-Repressor Proteins , Genes, Bacterial , Isopropyl Thiogalactoside/metabolism
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2016. 122 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847512


Apesar de extensa investigação das modificações oxidativas irreversíveis sofridas pelas proteínas in vitro e in vivo, os produtos formados pela oxidação de resíduos de triptofano ainda permanecem apenas parcialmente conhecidos. Recentemente, nosso grupo caracterizou uma ligação cruzada de ditriptofano produzida pela recombinação de radicais hSOD1-triptofanila gerados pelo ataque do radical carbonato produzido durante a atividade peroxidásica da enzima superóxido dismutase humana (hSOD1). Neste trabalho, examinamos se a ligação ditriptofano pode ser formada em outras proteínas, além da hSOD1 e por outros oxidantes, além do radical carbonato. A lisozima da clara do ovo e a beta cristalino bovina foram utilizadas como alvos de oxidação. A lisozima foi utilizada por ser uma enzima pequena (129 aminoácidos) e de estrutura bem conhecida, contendo seis resíduos de Trp. Os resultados mostraram que o radical carbonato, gerado enzimatica ou fotoliticamente, promove a oxidação, dimerização e inativação da lisozima. Os principais produtos de oxidação caracterizados por análise de nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS foram hidroxi-triptofano e N-formilquinurenina juntamente com um dímero de lisozima (lisozima-Trp28-Trp28-lisozima) e um hetero dímero lisozima-hSOD1 (lisozima-Trp28-Trp32-hSOD1), ambos ligados por uma ligação ditriptofano. Também demonstramos que a irradiação da lisozima com luz UVC leva à formação do dímero lisozima-Trp28-Trp28-lisozima. Em consequência, resolvemos tratar a beta cristalino bovina com radical carbonato gerado fotoliticamente ou com luz UVC, e a proteína também sofreu oxidação, dimerização e agregação. Os principais produtos de oxidação caracterizados por nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS foram hidroxi-triptofano, N-formilquinurenina, DOPA e um dímero de beta cristalino (ßB2-Trp151-Trp151-ßB2). A irradiação com luz UVC também levou à formação de um dímero intra-cadeia, caracterizado como ßA2-Trp78-Trp81. Quando a beta cristalino foi irradiada com um simulador de luz solar (UVA e UVB) também foi possível observar um dímero, caracterizado como ßA2-Trp150-Trp150-ßA2. A presença de produtos de oxidação de resíduos de Trp, dentre eles a ligação cruzada ditritpofano, também foi avaliada in vivo, utilizando o cristalino de pacientes que foram submetidos a cirurgia para remoção de catarata. Beta, alfa e gama cristalino foram as principais proteínas identificadas nas frações solúvel e insolúvel do cristalino. A principal modificação pós-traducionais identificada foi deamidação. Um alto conteúdo de resíduos de metionina e triptofano oxidados foram identificados nas proteínas presentes na fração insolúvel. Os principais produtos de oxidação de Trp identificados por nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS foram quinurenina e N-formilquinurenina. A presença de dímeros covalentes no cristalino com catarata foi confirmada por análises de massas. A completa caracterização desses dímeros (ßB1-Trp127-Trp127-ßB1 e ßB1-Trp193-Trp193-ßB1) confirmou que as cadeias polipeptídicas foram ligadas por uma ligação ditriptofano. Em síntese, nossos dados demonstraram que o radical carbonato e a luz UV podem produzir dímeros de ditriptofano em diferentes proteínas. Também, a presença da ligação cruzada de ditriptofano in vivo (catarata humana) foi pela primeira vez detectada

Despite extensive investigation of irreversible oxidative modifications suffered by proteins in vitro and in vivo, the products formed by oxidation of tryptophan residues remain partially characterized. Our group recently described a ditryptophan cross-link produced by recombination of hSOD1-tryptophanyl radicals generated by attack of the carbonate radical produced during the peroxidase activity of the human superoxide dismutase (hSOD1) enzyme. Here, we examine whether the ditryptophan cross-link can be produced in others proteins besides the hSOD1 and by other oxidants, in addition to the carbonate radical. The egg white lysozyme and bovine beta crystalline were used as targets. Lysozyme was used because it is a small enzyme (129 amino acids) with a well-known structure, containing six Trp residues. The results showed that the carbonate radical, generated enzymatically or photolytically, promotes lysozyme oxidation, inactivation and dimerization. The major oxidation products characterized by nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis were hydroxy-tryptophan and N-formylkynurenine together with a dimer of lysozyme (lysozyme-Trp28-Trp28-lysozyme) and a hetero dimer hSOD1-lysozyme (lysozyme-Trp28-Trp32-hSOD1), both bound by a ditryptophan cross-link. Also, it was demonstrated that lysozyme irradiation with UVC light leads to the formation of the dimer lysozyme-Trp28-Trp28-lysozyme. In view of these results, we decided to treat beta crystalline bovine with photolytically generated carbonate radical and UVC. Beta crystalline also suffered oxidation, dimerization and aggregation. The major oxidation products characterized were hydroxy-tryptophan, N-formylkynurenine, DOPA and a beta crystalline dimer (ßB2-Trp151-Trp151-ßB2) by nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. Irradiation with UVC light also led to the formation of an intra-chain dimer, which was characterized as ßA2-Trp78-Trp81. When beta crystalline was irradiated with a solar simulator (UVA and UVB), it was also possible to observe a dimer which was characterized as ßA2-Trp150-Trp150-ßA2. The presence of oxidized tryptophan products, including the ditryptophan cross-link, was also evaluated in vivo in the lenses of patients submitted to cataract removal. Beta, alpha and gamma crystalline were the main proteins identified in soluble and insoluble fractions of the lenses. The main post translational modification identified was deamidation. A high content of oxidized methionine and tryptophan residues were identified in proteins present in the insoluble fraction. The main tryptophan oxidation products identified by nano-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS were kynurenine and N-formylkynurenine. The presence of covalent dimers in the lenses with cataract was demonstrated by mass analysis. Full MS/MS characterization of the dimers ßB1-Trp127-Trp127-ßB1 and ßB1-Trp193-Trp193-ßB1 confirmed that they were linked by a ditryptophan bond. In summary, our data demonstrate that the carbonate radical and UV light can produce ditryptophan dimers in different proteins. Also, the presence of the ditryptophan cross-link was first detected in vivo (human cataract)

Tryptophan/metabolism , Cataract/complications , Lens, Crystalline/cytology , Muramidase/analysis , Oxidation/methods , Superoxide Dismutase , Ultraviolet Rays/classification , Waste Products
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-37642


Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenases (IDOs) are tryptophan-catabolizing enzymes with immunomodulatory functions. However, the biological role of IDO2 and its relationship with IDO1 are unknown. To assess the relationship between IDO2 and IDO1, we investigated the effects of co-expression of human (h) IDO2 on hIDO1 activity. Cells co-expressing hIDO1 and hIDO2 showed reduced tryptophan metabolic activity compared with those expressing hIDO1 only. In a proteomic analysis, hIDO1-expressing cells exhibited enhanced expression of proteins related to the cell cycle and amino acid metabolism, and decreased expression of proteins related to cell survival. However, cells co-expressing hIDO1 and hIDO2 showed enhanced expression of negative regulators of cell apoptosis compared with those expressing hIDO1 only. Co-expression of hIDO1 and hIDO2 rescued the cell death induced by tryptophan-depletion through hIDO1 activity. Cells expressing only hIDO2 exhibited no marked differences in proteome profiles or cell growth compared with mock-transfectants. Cellular tryptophan metabolic activity and cell death were restored by co-expressing the hIDO2 mutant substituting the histidine 360 residue for alanine. These results demonstrate that hIDO2 plays a novel role as a negative regulator of hIDO1 by competing for heme-binding with hIDO1, and provide information useful for development of therapeutic strategies to control cancer and immunological disorders that target IDO molecules.

Humans , Cell Proliferation , Cell Survival , Gene Expression , HEK293 Cells , Heme/metabolism , Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase/genetics , Protein Binding , Tryptophan/metabolism , Up-Regulation
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2010; 23 (3): 266-272
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-98169


The aim of present study is to see the effects of antidepressants in relation to tryptophan metabolism and disposition and to know whether they share any common mechanism of action in this regard. These are the monoamine oxidase inhibitor [moclobemide], atypical tricyclic [tianeptine], selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] namely sertraline and citalopram and an herbal St John's Wort [SJW]. Liver tryprophan pyrrolase activity, serum tryptophan, corticosterone and brain indoles were determined after drug administration in Albino Wistar rats at a dose of 10mg/kg. All five antidepressants inhibited tryptophan pyrrolase activity. Serum total tryptophan concentrations were increased by 19% and 33% by tianeptine and moclobemide respectively, however 34% decrease in total tryptophan was observed after SJW administration. Free tryptophan was increased by all the drugs being maximum [65% P<0.001] by sertraline and minimum [15%, P<0.05] by tianeptine. Corticosterone levels were significantly [P<0.01] decreased by 52 and 58 percent by citalopram and St John's Wort respectively. By contrast an increase by 16% was observed by tianeptine. It was also observed that all the drugs increase brain tryptophan by 21-61 percent but increases in 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT] were observed only by two drugs that is moclobemide and SJW, however in comparison increases were greater [68%] after SJW administration. 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid [5HIAA] concentrations were increased by 45-64% by all other drugs except tianeptine and moclobemide. It is concluded that attenuation of peripheral tryptophan metabolism and elevation of brain tryptophan contributes to the mechanism of action of antidepressants of different classes and pharmacological profile tested

Animals , Male , Corticosterone/blood , Tryptophan/metabolism , Brain/metabolism , Serotonin/biosynthesis , Liver/enzymology , Rats, Wistar
São Paulo; s.n; 2010. 159,iv p. ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-616757


Triptofano (TRP) é metabolizado por duas vias, a via serotonérgica e a via das quinureninas. Na via serotonérgica, TRP é metabolizado a serotonina (5-HT) e, em algumas células, à melatonina (MLT) que pode ser oxidada à N1-acetil-N2-formil-5- metoxiquinuramina (AFMK) e N1-acetil-5-metoxiquinuramina (AMK) por ação de peroxidases. Na via das quinureninas o TRP é diretamente metabolizado à N formilquinurenina (NFK) e em seguida a quinurenina (QUIN). A enzima indolamina 2, 3 dioxigenase (IDO) é uma das responsáveis por esta reação. Dada a importância da IDO na tolerância imunológica e pelo fato desta enzima ser induzível nos propusemos a avaliar a existência de uma regulação cruzada entre esta enzima e a via serotonérgica. Avaliando a interferência de AMK sobre a ação de IDO e a interferência de QUIN sobre a formação de AFMK por peroxidases, observamos uma possível interação entre as vias. AMK é um inibidor competitivo clássico de IDO e o Ki encontrado foi de 0,98 mM. QUIN é um inibidor acompetitivo linear simples da formação de AFMK e o Ki encontrado foi de 0,1 mM. A inibição da formação de AFMK também ocorre para a peroxidase humana (mieloperoxidase, MPO). Além de representarem uma regulação cruzada utilizada in vivo, as inibições encontradas podem ser relevantes para a proposta de novos inibidores de IDO e MPO na terapia imunomodulatória. Dado o nosso interesse pelas enzimas IDO e MPO, avaliamos ainda a localização intracelular destas enzimas em células de peritônio de camundongo, tanto residente como ativada com concanavalina A (Con A). O estímulo com Con A representa uma ativação de linfócitos T mediado por interferon gama (IFN-γ) e foi usado como modelo experimental para avaliar condições de localização em células ativadas. Por imunocitoquímica verificamos que IDO e MPO localizam-se próxima à membrana plasmática sendo que uma leve dispersão apenas de MPO foi observada em células ativadas com Con A. A localização intracelular das duas enzimas é no...

Tryptophan (TRP) is metabolized by two mains pathways, the serotoninergic pathway and the kynurenine pathway. In the serotoninergic pathway, TRP is metabolized to serotonin (5-HT) and, in some cells, to melatonin (MLT). The later can even be oxidized to acetyl-N1-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and N1-acetyl-5 -methoxykynuramine (AMK) by peroxidases. In the kynurenine pathway, TRP is metabolized to N-formylkynurenine (NFK) and to kynurenine (KYN). Indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase (IDO) is one of those responsible for this reaction. Since IDO is importat in immune tolerance and the fact that this enzyme is inducible by cytokines we proposed whether there is a cross regulation between this enzyme and the serotoninergic pathway. A possible interaction between MLT and TRP oxidation pathways was shown by the AMK influence on IDO activity and QUIN interference on AFMK formation by peroxidases. AMK was shown to be an IDO classical competitive inhibitor with a Ki of 0.98 mM. QUIN was a peroxidase (horseradish peroxidase, HRP) classical uncompetitive inhibitor and Ki was found to be 0,1 mM. AFMK formation inhibition was also found in human peroxidase (myeloperoxidase, MPO). Beyond the in vivo crosstalk, new IDO and MPO inhibitors in immunomodulatory therapy would be proposed by the compounds shown in this study. Given our interest in IDO and MPO, we also evaluated their intracellular localization in both resident and concanavalin A (Con A) activated mice peritoneum cells. Con A stimulation is a IFN-γ mediated T lymphocytes activation and was our experimental model to evaluate activated cells. In light microscopy we observed IDO and MPO localization near the membrane and MPO only had a dispersed localization in Con A activated cells. Cytoplasm, nucleus and vesicles were the intracellular localization of both enzymes. Interestingly, we found MPO in isolated cells and in cell clusters of two or more cells. MPO was founded on macrophages, B1 cells and cell clusters by...

Dioxygenases/analysis , Peroxidase/analysis , Tryptophan/metabolism , Kynurenine 3-Monooxygenase , Lymphocytes/physiology , Macrophages
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2005; 18 (3): 49-54
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-74147


Effects of two hours immobilization stress on tryptophan [Tp] metabolism in rats was studied following fluoxetine-HCl [20mg/kg] administration. After 2hr immobilization stress there was no effect on peripheral liver Tp metabolism but there was marked increase in brain Tp metabolism leading to increases in 5-HT [5-Hydroxy tryptamine] synthesis and turn over. Rats subjected to 2hrs immobilization stress immediately after fluoxetine-HCl [20mg/kg] administrations show significant increases in holo and total Tp pyrrolase enzyme activities leading to decreased serum total Tp concentrations. Brain Tp and 5-HT remain unchanged but 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid [5-HIAA] concentration was significantly increased when compared to fluoxetine injected non-immobilized rats. Administration of fluoxetine-HCl [20mg/kg] inhibited holo and total Tp pyrrolase enzyme activities when compared to saline injected rats and ultimately increases liver Tp concentrations. Although serum total Tp remained un- changed but brain Tp and 5-HT concentrations were significantly increased. It is therefore concluded that pre-treatment of rats with fluoxetine-HCl did not alter conditioned stress induced change in brain Tp metabolism. Future studies on chronic administration of the drug will be fruit full to investigate its effects on Tp metabolism in conditioned stress

Male , Animals, Laboratory , Tryptophan/metabolism , Tryptophan/drug effects , Stress, Physiological , Brain , Rats , Serotonin , Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid , Tryptophan Oxygenase
JCPSP-Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 1999; 9 (12): 503-506
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-50936


L-tryptophan [TRP] is widely used to enhance serotonin mediated brain functions. In the present study effects of oral administration of TRP [100mg/kg] daily for 5 weeks, were investigated on the food intake, growth rate and brain indoleamine metabolism in young rats. TRP ingestion significantly increased growth rate but did not alter food intake in rats. The levels of TRP and 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT] were higher in the hypothalamus of TRP treated rats. Increases of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid [5-HIAA] were not significant. TRP, 5-HT and 5-HIAA all increased in the rest of the brain of TRP treated rats. The present study shows that long term TRP administration though increases brain 5-HT metabolism and turnover but functional responses to 5-HT are not necessarily increased

Animals, Laboratory , Serotonin , Tryptophan/metabolism , Rats , Body Weight , Tryptophan/administration & dosage , Administration, Oral
Rio de Janeiro/Belo Horizonte; s.n; 1999. x, 110 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-933761


Estudamos o papel da degradação do triptofano pela indoleamina 2,3-dioxigenase (INDO) no controle da replicação do T. cruzzi ou T. gondii em fibroblastos e macrófagos humanos estimulados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa. O T. gondii foi utlizado como controle, por ser sensível à degradação do triptofano induzida pelo rIFN-gama. A estimulação de fibroblastos humanos com rIFN-gama e o rTNF-alfa inibiu consideravelmente o desenvolvimento do T. gondii, mas não influenciou o desenvolvimento do T. cruzi. O desenvolvimento do T. gondii foi triptofano dependente, enquanto que o do T. cruzi foi triptofano independente. Ao contrário dos fibroblastos parentais, os fibroblastos defectivos na via de transdução de sinal do IFN-gama (JAKI, JAK2 e STAT1alfa)não modularam o desenvolvimento intracelular de T. gondii e nem expressaram mRNA da INDO quando estimulados pelo rIFN-gama. Houve uma pequena indução de mRNA da INDO em fibroblastos parentais e mutantes (JAK2) estimulados com rTNF-alfa, que provavelmente foi estimulado através da indução da síntese de IFN-es em fibroblastos humanos. O rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa induziram expressiva atividade tripanosomicida em macrófagos humanos.

A estimulação de macrófagos humanos com rIFN-gama ou rIFN-gama + rTNF-alfa, produziu uma considerável expressão do mRNA da INDO, e pouca expressão foi detectada quando as células foram estimuladas apenas com rTNF-alfa. A adição de triptofano, ou do inibidor da INDO, norharmane, à cultura de macrófagos humanos ativados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa, não reverteu a inibição do crescimento do parasita , mostrando que a degradação do triptofano não é um mecanismo responsável pelo efeito tripanosomicida de macrófagos humanos ativados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa. Os catabólitos do triptofano (ácido quinolínico, ácido quinurênico e L-quinurenina)inibiram parcialmente o desenvolvimento do T. cruzi em macrófagos humanos. A amplificação por PCR do DNA T. cLsintese de Escherichia coli ou Neurospora crassa e Saccharomyces cerevisae e a hibridização cruzada via dot blot utilizando como sondas os produtos de PCR, sugerem a possibilidade da existência da enzima triptofano sintetase em T. cruzi, o que explicaria a insensibilidade do parasita à depleção do triptofano. Alternativamente reconhecemos que mais estudos devam ser feitos para a comprovação da existência da enzima em T. cruzi

Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Toxoplasma/parasitology , Toxoplasma/pathogenicity , Trypanosoma cruzi/enzymology , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Fibroblasts/parasitology , Interferon-gamma/therapeutic use , Macrophages/parasitology , Receptors, Interferon/therapeutic use , Tryptophan/metabolism , Tryptophan/therapeutic use
Rio de Janeiro/Belo Horizonte; s.n; 1999. x,110 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536122


Estudamos o papel da degradação do triptofano pela indoleamina 2,3-dioxigenase (INDO) no controle da replicação do T. cruzzi ou T. gondii em fibroblastos e macrófagos humanos estimulados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa. O T. gondii foi utlizado como controle, por ser sensível à degradação do triptofano induzida pelo rIFN-gama. A estimulação de fibroblastos humanos com rIFN-gama e o rTNF-alfa inibiu consideravelmente o desenvolvimento do T. gondii, mas não influenciou o desenvolvimento do T. cruzi. O desenvolvimento do T. gondii foi triptofano dependente, enquanto que o do T. cruzi foi triptofano independente. Ao contrário dos fibroblastos parentais, os fibroblastos defectivos na via de transdução de sinal do IFN-gama (JAKI, JAK2 e STAT1alfa) não modularam o desenvolvimento intracelular de T. gondii e nem expressaram mRNA da INDO quando estimulados pelo rIFN-gama. Houve uma pequena indução de mRNA da INDO em fibroblastos parentais e mutantes (JAK2) estimulados com rTNF-alfa, que provavelmente foi estimulado através da indução da síntese de IFN-es em fibroblastos humanos. O rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa induziram expressiva atividade tripanosomicida em macrófagos humanos. A estimulação de macrófagos humanos com rIFN-gama ou rIFN-gama + rTNF-alfa, produziu uma considerável expressão do mRNA da INDO, e pouca expressão foi detectada quando as células foram estimuladas apenas com rTNF-alfa. A adição de triptofano, ou do inibidor da INDO, norharmane, à cultura de macrófagos humanos ativados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa, não reverteu a inibição do crescimento do parasita, mostrando que a degradação do triptofano não é um mecanismo responsável pelo efeito tripanosomicida de macrófagos humanos ativados com rIFN-gama e/ou rTNF-alfa. Os catabólitos do triptofano (ácido quinolínico, ácido quinurênico e L-quinurenina) inibiram parcialmente o desenvolvimento do T. cruzi em macrófagos humanos. A amplificação por PCR do DNA T. cLsintese de Escherichia coli ou Neurospora crassa e Saccharomyces cerevisae e a hibridização cruzada via dot blot utilizando como sondas os produtos de PCR, sugerem a possibilidade da existência da enzima triptofano sintetase em T. cruzi, o que explicaria a insensibilidade do parasita à depleção do triptofano. Alternativamente reconhecemos que mais estudos devam ser feitos para a comprovação da existência da enzima em T. cruzi.

Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Toxoplasma/parasitology , Toxoplasma/pathogenicity , Trypanosoma cruzi/enzymology , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Fibroblasts/parasitology , Interferon-gamma/therapeutic use , Macrophages/parasitology , Receptors, Interferon/therapeutic use , Tryptophan/metabolism , Tryptophan/therapeutic use
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 25(4): 158-65, 1998. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-225870


O triptofano e o aminoacido neutro precursor da sintese do neurotransmissor serotonina. Variacoes nos niveis sericos do triptofano podem alterar a concentracao de serotonina no cerebro. Desse modo, os niveis plasmaticos de triptofano tem sido manipulados como um meio de potencializar os efeitos de drogas antidepressivas e para auxiliar no entendimento da fisiopatologia da depressao. Essa revisao objetiva mostrar alguns aspectos relevantes do metabolismo do triptofano e a logica de utilizacao deste aminoacido como uma ferramenta no entendimento e tratamento da depressao

Humans , Tryptophan/physiology , Serotonin/physiology , Depression/therapy , Tryptophan/adverse effects , Tryptophan/metabolism , Tryptophan/pharmacology , Central Nervous System/metabolism , /pharmacology , /metabolism , Depression/metabolism
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 1997 Jun; 34(3): 307-12
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-27244


Lactate dehydrogenase-C4 (LDH-C4) has been studied in presence of substrates using intrinsic fluorescence measurements. Excitation maximum of LDH-C4 occurred at 282 nm whereas fluorescence emission maximum was obtained at 340 nm. Fluorescence intensities at 340 nm showed that ligands viz. NAD+, NADH, pyruvate and lactate quench the relative fluorescence intensities of LDH-C4 in a concentration dependent manner. NAD+ and NADH produced a maximum quenching between 92-93% while pyruvate and lactate quenched the fluorescence of LDH up to 29% and 21% respectively. Association constants (Ka) based on fluorescence measurements were 6.05 x 10(4)M-1, 20 x 10(4)M-1, 0.113 x 10(4)M-1 and 0.3 x 10(4)M-1, for NAD+, NADH, lactate and pyruvate respectively. Stern-Volmer constants (Ksv) show that NAD+ and NADH have single Ksv of 4.07 x 10(4)M-1 and 1.47 x 10(5)M-1, whereas lactate and pyruvate indicated quenching reaction to be made up of two components. Ksv at low and high concentration of lactate respectively were 0.645 x 10(2)M-1 and 0.05 x 10(2)M-1, whereas corresponding Ksv with pyruvate were 1.008 x 10(3)M-1 and 0.408 x 10(3)M-1. Low Ksv at higher concentrations suggested that the aromatic chromophores are located within a hydrophobic environment. Red shift in fluorescence maximum (lambda max) by 2nm with lactate and 6nm with pyruvate showed that interaction of these ligands with LDH-C4 exposes some buried chromophores of the enzyme to the surface.

Animals , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Isoenzymes , L-Lactate Dehydrogenase/chemistry , Mice , NAD/metabolism , Spectrometry, Fluorescence , Tryptophan/metabolism
Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health [The]. 1993; 23 (3): 505-519
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-106973


The activities of L-tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase [EC 1. 13. 11. 11], pyridoxal phosphokinase [EC 2. 7. 1. 35], kynurenine transaminase [EC 2. 6. 17] and kynurenine hydrolase [EC 3. 7. 1. 2] were determined in female rats, following two weeks of sex steroid administration, to assess their effect on tryptophan metabolism. Steroid effect is also studied on carbohydrate metabolism, through an evaluation of blood glucose, liver glycogen and serum cortisol levels. Administration of testosterone propionate [TP] and combination of ethinyl estradiol plus progesterone [EE+P], resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of L-tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase. Pyridoxal phosphokinase was significantly inhibited by [TP], while [EE+P] caused a significant increase in its activity, [TP] and [EE+P] produced an inhibitory effect on kynurenine transaminase and kynurenine hydrolase. Liver glycogen content was significantly increased by [TP] and [EE+P], while blood glucose level and serum cortisol concentration were not changed significantly. In conclusion, male and female hormones produce a disorder in tryptophan metabolism. Some abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism are also observed

Gonadal Steroid Hormones/chemistry , Tryptophan/metabolism , Carbohydrates/metabolism , Rats
Rev. chil. nutr ; 19(1): 25-32, abr. 1991. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-109986


La concentración de serotonina cerebral (5 HT) depende de la disponibilidad del triptófano (Try) de la dieta. Como la 5-HT está envuelta en diversos comportamientos emocionales, se observó el efecto de dietas con distintos niveles del aminoácido en la actividad exploratoria de ratones en el "open field". Varios grupos de 6 ratones machos, adultos, alimentados con dietas compuestas con zeína (baja disponibilidad de Try), harina de soja (alta disponibilidad de Try) y zeína suplementada con Try (igual disponibilidad de la soja) fueron observados en el "open field", durante el 8--13- y 25--30- días de vigencia de las respectivas dietas. El grupo alimentado con zeína presentó promedios de locomoción y de exploración vertical (alzarse) significativamente mayores (* = 0,05) que los demás en el primer período de observaciones. Estas diferencias no fueron observadas en la segunda fase de observaciones cuando los grupos mantenidos con zeína y zeína + Try se presentaban bajo fuerte depleción proteica. Los resultados sugieren que la menor disponibilidad del Try de la dieta y por extensión de la 5-HT cerebral aumenta la actividad exploratoria, lo que puede significar menor nivel de emocionalidad

Rats , Animals , Male , Motor Activity , Tryptophan/metabolism , Diet/metabolism , Serotonin
Journal of the Medical Research Institute-Alexandria University. 1991; 12 (4): 187-199
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-20294


The objective of the present study was to investigate the in vivo effect of a single and repeated doses of some organophosphorous insecticides, Viz. Gusathione A, Dimethoate and cyolaneond some pyrethroid insecticides, Viz permethvin and AC, 227-705 commonly used in Egypt, on the liver and kidney tryptophan metabolizing enzymes: Kynurenine hydrolase KH and kynurenine aminotransferase KATE. The present study indicated that the tested insecticides caused alterations in the kynurenine metabolism with marked difference observed in the response of liver and kidney enzymes. Since these insecticides either inhibit or activate the kynurenine metabolizing enzymes, therefore we expect that exposure to these insecticides might lead to the accumulation of some tryptophan metabolites which are suspected to act as carcinogens or cocarcinogens in the process of carcinogenes is occuring in these organs

Male , Animals, Laboratory , Kynurenine/metabolism , Liver Function Tests/blood , Kidney Function Tests/blood , Mice , Pyrethrins/toxicity , Tryptophan/metabolism
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 1990 Oct; 27(5): 339-41
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-26332


Ingestion of ethanol by albino rats affected brain liver and plasma tryptophan contents in both normal and diabetic animals, although at different rates. Liver tryptophan was increased in both the groups, whereas tryptophan levels in brain and plasma of normal group were decreased and those of diabetic group were increased after the treatment. Similarly, while hepatic tryptophan dioxygenase activity was decreased in both the groups, activity of hepatic 3-hydroxykynureninase was increased only in normal rats and that of liver picolinic carboxylase was significantly decreased only in the diabetic group after ethanol administration.

Animals , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/metabolism , Ethanol/toxicity , Kynurenine/metabolism , Male , Rats , Rats, Inbred Strains , Tryptophan/metabolism