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Educ. med. super ; 35(4)dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404507


Introducción: La nueva Ley Universitaria 30220 permite mejorar las condiciones básicas de calidad universitaria en Perú, y es pertinente conocer las condiciones del estudiante y su procedencia para la mejora continua de su progreso académico. Objetivo: Determinar las características sociodemográficas, económicas y de salud de beneficiarios de los servicios educacionales complementarios básicos de la Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana Perú. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo. Se revisaron los cuestionarios socioeconómicos, familiares y de salud de los beneficiarios. La población fue censal y ascendió a 1285 estudiantes. Resultados: Del total de estudiantes, 64 por ciento fueron mujeres y 35 por ciento hombres; asimismo, se determinó un elevado porcentaje de estudiantes con servicio de agua por horas, y se observó que algunos trabajaban en ocupaciones de ventas, en trabajo independiente y como mototaxistas. También se determinó que la mayoría de los estudiantes percibían un sueldo mensual entre 250-500 soles. En cuanto a la vacunación, se determinó que los estudiantes se colocaron la vacuna antitetánica, la vacuna contra el sarampión, la vacuna contra la hepatitis B, y la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano. Además, se halló un bajo porcentaje de estudiantes con asma, con algún tipo de alergia, y con padecimiento de alguna discapacidad, depresión y abuso sexual. Conclusiones: El servicio complementario de salud que brinda la universidad es pertinente para reducir riesgos de deserción por motivos de salud durante el pregrado. Aunque se necesita articular esfuerzos con los Gobiernos locales para establecer programas de salud(AU)

Introduction: The new University Law 30220 allows improving the basic conditions of university quality in Peru, insofar it is pertinent to know students' conditions and origins in view of the continuous improvement of their academic progress. Objective: To determine the sociodemographic, economic and health-related characteristics of beneficiaries of basic complementary educational services of the National University of Frontera in Sullana, Peru. Methods: This is a descriptive study. The socioeconomic, family and health questionnaires of the beneficiaries were reviewed. The population was of census type and amounted to 1,285 students. Results: Of the total of students, 64 percent were women and 35 percent were men. Likewise, a high percentage of students with hourly water service was determined, as well as some were observed to work in sales occupations, self-employment and as motorcycle taxi drivers. Most of the students were observed to receive a monthly salary between 250-500 soles. Regarding vaccination, the students were observed to receive vaccines against tetanus, measles, hepatitis B and human papillomavirus vaccines. In addition, a low percentage of students with asthma, with some type of allergy or suffering from some disability, depression and sexual abuse was found. Conclusions: The complementary health service offered by the university is pertinent to reduce the risk of dropping out due to health-related reasons during undergraduate studies. Although it is necessary to coordinate efforts with local governments for establish health programs(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Salaries and Fringe Benefits/economics , Student Dropouts/education , Diagnosis of Health Situation , Employment/economics , Universities/economics , Family , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Housing/economics
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 17-19, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156144


ABSTRACT With the improvement of people's yearning for a healthy and beautiful life, national fitness has become a hot word in academic circles. Combining Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Tobit technology, this paper constructs the evaluation model of college sports resource efficiency based on the DEA Tobit model. Based on the establishment of the input-output index system of college sports resources, the model achieves the effect of accurate analysis on the allocation efficiency of university sports resources. Taking 10 universities in a city as experimental objects, the model is verified. The verification shows that the three efficiency indexes of STU University and IPE University in group M are all 1, which shows that the resource allocation is more reasonable; the comprehensive efficiency of Ju university is low, and the sports resources investment is excessive; in group n, except for the EU University, the efficiency of other colleges and universities is lower than the pass line. It can be concluded that there are problems such as excessive input of sports resources and low output rate in Colleges and universities of a city. Therefore, colleges and universities in a city should make full use of the existing resources, enhance their social sports guidance force, while improving the publicity of national fitness. This study has high reference significance for the path selection of national fitness integration in Colleges and Universities.

RESUMO Com a melhoria do desejo das pessoas por uma vida saudável e agradável, a atividade física nacional tornou-se a palavra de ordem nos círculos acadêmicos. Combinando a Análise por Envoltória de Dados (DEA, do inglês Data Envelopment Analysis) e a tecnologia Tobit, foi construído o modelo de avaliação da eficiência dos recursos desportivos universitários com base no modelo DEA Tobit. Com base no estabelecimento do sistema de índice de entradas-resultados dos recursos desportivos universitários, o modelo produz o efeito de uma análise precisa da eficiência de alocação dos recursos desportivos universitários. Tomando dez universidades de uma cidade como objetos experimentais, o modelo é verificado. Após verificação, os três índices de eficiência da Universidade de Stu e da Universidade de IPE no Grupo M são todos 1, o que indica que a alocação de recursos é mais razoável; a eficiência global da Universidade de Ju é inferior à da Universidade UE, e a eficiência de outras universidades do Grupo n é inferior à linha de aprovação, com excepção da Universidade UE. Os resultados mostram que há alguns problemas nos recursos esportivos de faculdades e universidades em uma cidade, como muita entrada de recursos esportivos e baixos resultados. Por conseguinte, as escolas e universidades urbanas devem utilizar plenamente os recursos existentes, reforçar a orientação dos esportes sociais e melhorar a divulgação da aptidão física nacional. Este estudo tem um alta relevância de referência para a seleção do caminho da integração da atividade física nacional em faculdades e universidades.

RESUMEN Con el aumento del deseo de las personas de tener una vida saludable y plena, la educación física nacional se ha convertido en un concepto imperativo en los círculos académicos. Combinando el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA) y la tecnología Tobit, este documento construye el modelo de evaluación de la eficiencia de los recursos deportivos universitarios basándose en el modelo Tobit DEA. Con el uso del sistema de índice de insumo-resultado de los recursos deportivos universitarios, el modelo logra un análisis preciso de la eficiencia de asignación de dichos recursos. El modelo es verificado tomando 10 universidades de una ciudad como objetos experimentales. La verificación muestra que los tres índices de eficiencia de la Universidad STU y de la Universidad IPE en el grupo M son todos 1, lo que demuestra que la asignación de recursos es más eficaz. Por otra parte, la eficiencia integral de la universidad de Ju es baja y la inversión en recursos deportivos es excesiva. En el grupo n, a excepción de la Universidad EU, la eficiencia de otros colegios y universidades es menor que la línea de aprobación. Se puede concluir que existen problemas como la inversión excesiva en recursos deportivos y la baja tasa de resultados en los colegios y universidades de una ciudad. Por lo tanto, los colegios y universidades deben aprovechar al máximo los recursos existentes, reforzando la orientación respecto a los deportes sociales y, al mismo tiempo, mejorando la publicidad de la educación física nacional. Este estudio tiene una gran importancia como referencia para la selección del camino de integración nacional de la educación física en colegios y universidades.

Humans , Sports/economics , Universities/economics , Resource Allocation , Public Sector
Barbarói ; (59,n.esp)2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1359012


Na entrevista, o professor Vilmar Thomé considera sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional, em especial sua experiência de Pró-Reitor e de Reitor na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), para analisar as mudanças e as adaptações que ocorrem nas Universidades Comunitárias num momento em que o ensino universitário no Brasil é provocado a se reinventar. Para o professor Thomé, vivemos um momento em que os diferentes modelos de Universidade no Brasil precisam ser repensados, considerando a importância de melhorar o aproveitamento dos recursos investidos, de alcançar melhores resultados, de ter maior capacidade de atender às necessidades da sociedade. Na experiência das Universidades Comunitárias, o professor destaca três questões que se consolidaram como legado da história até então construída: transparência, descentralização e participação. Mas destaca que o momento é de adaptações, sem esquecer o legado construído, mas considerando os desafios de um tempo de crise e de transformações tecnológicas que criam novas possibilidades de organização das atividades universitárias.(AU)

In the interview, Professor Vilmar Thomé considers his academic and professional trajectory, especially his experience as Pro-Rector and Rector at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), to analyze the changes and adaptations that occur in Community Universities at a time in which university education in Brazil is provoked to reinvent itself. For Professor Thomé, we live in a moment in which the different models of University in Brazil need to be rethought, considering the importance of improving the use of invested resources, of achieving better results, of having a greater capacity to meet the needs of society. In the experience of Community Universities, the professor highlights three issues that have consolidated themselves as a legacy of the history built up to then: transparency, decentralization and participation. But he highlights that the moment is one of adaptations, without forgetting the legacy built, but considering the challenges of a time of crisis and technological changes that create new possibilities for organizing university activities.(AU)

Universities/economics , Universities/organization & administration
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 50(1-2): 54-70, Diciembre 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1118409


En esta segunda parte del estudio sobre las políticas del gobierno para el incremento de la inclusión a la educación universitaria (EU), especialmente para el sector salud, quisimos hacer el análisis descriptivo y comparativo en las cuatro Zonas Económicas Especiales (ZEE) que ha creado el presidente Nicolás Maduro en su primera gestión, recordando que la primera parte las estudiamos a escala nacional. En esta oportunidad, realizamos el estudio con similares parámetros académicos, enfocados al área de las Ciencias de la Salud. Es decir, la demanda de cupos universitarios por parte del estudiantado, la oferta de plazas por las Instituciones de Educación Universitaria (IEU) y la asignación de cupos por el Sistema Nacional de Ingreso (SNI). Sin embargo, la matrícula y los valores de egresados de las IEU se estudiaron en tres periodos diferentes: Los tres últimos años de la presidencia de Rafael Caldera (1996-1998); los tres últimos años del presidente Hugo Chávez (2010-2012) y los cuatro primeros años de la primera gestión del presidente Nicolás Maduro (2013-2016). Finalmente, se investigó sobre los proyectos académicos aprobados por el CNU que han introducido las IEU de gestión pública de las ZEE desde 2006 hasta el 2013. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que los primeros años de la revolución se ha logrado incrementar notablemente los valores de todos estos parámetros, indicando el aumento de la inclusión a la EU en las regiones, pero existen deficiencias notables sobre la oferta académica, algunas veces divorciadas de la realidad circundante de la ZEE, la demanda no satisfecha aún y los pocos proyectos académicos aprobados por el CNU

In this second part of the study on government policies for increasing inclusion in university education (EU), especially for the health sector, we wanted to do a descriptive and comparative analysis in the four Special Economic Zones (EEZ) that it has created President Nicolás Maduro in his first term, remembering that we studied the first part on a national scale. In this opportunity, we carried out the study with similar academic parameters, focused on the area of Health Sciences. That is, the demand for university quotas by the student body, the offer of places by the University Education Institutions (IEU) and the allocation of quotas by the National Income System (SNI). However, the enrollment and values of IEU graduates were studied in three different periods: The last three years of Rafael Caldera's presidency (1996-1998); the last three years of President Hugo Chávez (2010-2012) and the first four years of President Nicolás Maduro's first term (2013-2016). Finally, research was carried out on the academic projects approved by the CNU that have been introduced by the UIS of public management of the EEZs from 2006 to 2013. The results obtained show that the first years of the revolution have managed to significantly increase the values of all these parameters, indicating the increase of the inclusion to the EU in the regions, but there are notable deficiencies in the academic offer, sometimes divorced from the surrounding reality of the ZEE, the demand not yet satisfied and the few academic projects approved by the CNU

Humans , Male , Female , Aptitude , Students , Universities , Health Education , Health Sciences , Public Policy , Universities/economics , Venezuela , Investments
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 50(1-2): 39-53, Diciembre 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1118402


A partir del gobierno de Hugo Chávez, la salud y la educación se convirtieron en derechos consagrados en la Constitución de 1999, por lo cual, las políticas públicas se aplicaron desde el principio para que no fuera letra muerta y saldar la deuda social que dejaron los gobiernos neoliberales de la IV República. Es por ello que una de las acciones, entre otras, que se ejecutaron para impulsar la inclusión a la educación universitaria (EU) fue el de crear el Sistema Nacional de Ingreso (SNI), hecho que ocurrió en el 2008 en el CNU, y posteriormente se ratificó y modificó en el 2014. Con el fin de estudiar los efectos de tales políticas, en esta primera parte del trabajo, se enfocó como ha sido la inclusión a las instituciones de educación universitaria (IEU) a nivel nacional, especialmente en el área de las Ciencias de la Salud, mediante un análisis descriptivo y comparativo de los parámetros académicos: Demanda, oferta académica y asignación de cupos por las IEU; la matrícula universitaria y el número de egresados durante los últimos 20 años; así como la inversión financiera por Estado a la EU. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan el incremento de la inclusión a la EU por las mayorías del país, logrando la formación del talento humano para el sector salud, en el cual hay muchas necesidades. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, aún existen problemas serios sobre el proceso de inclusión y la cobertura de la oferta académica.

From the Hugo Chávez government, health and education became rights enshrined in the 1999 Constitution, therefore, public policies were applied from the beginning so that it was not a dead letter and to pay the social debt left by the neoliberal governments of the IV Republic. That is why one of the actions, among others, that were carried out to promote inclusion in university education (EU) was to create the National Income System (SNI), a fact that occurred in 2008 at the CNU, and later it was ratified and modified in 2014. In order to study the effects of such policies, in this first part of the work the focus was on the inclusion of university education institutions (IEU) at the national level, especially in the area of the Health Sciences, by means of a descriptive and comparative analysis of the academic parameters: Demand, academic supply and allocation of quotas by the SNI; university enrollment and the number of graduates during the last 20 years; as well as the financial investment by State to the EU. The results obtained reflect the increase in inclusion in the EU by the majority of the country, achieving the training of human talent for the health sector, in which there are many needs. Despite these efforts, there are still serious problems regarding the inclusion process and the coverage of the academic offer

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Aptitude , Students , Universities , Health Education , Health Sciences , Public Policy , Universities/economics , Venezuela , Population Growth , Investments
RECIIS (Online) ; 11(1): 1-5, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835240


A universidade pública tem encontrado progressivas limitações financeiras no Brasil, manifestadas de forma aguda na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Análises ingênuas tomam como fenômeno inevitávelo que é, na verdade, o resultado de políticas inadequadas e de uma ideologia que defende a mutilação do Estado e o consequente descompromisso do mesmo com o ensino superior. A inatenção para os reais determinantes e o sentido da “crise” tem feito proliferarem propostas de enfrentamento inadequadas, equivocadas e inaplicáveis, que ignoram ou desconsideram o papel fundamental de ações do Estado para a redução da crescente desigualdade social, destacando-se entre elas precisamente a manutenção de universidades públicas, provendo ensino gratuito e qualificado.

The public university has encountered more and more finance restrictions in Brazil, evidenced sharply at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro State University). Naive analyses consideras an inevitable phenomenon what is in fact the consequence of inadequate polictics and of an ideology defending a mutilated state which consequently does not compromise with higher education. The lack of attention to real determinants and to the sense of the “crisis” produces a proliferation of inadequate, equivocated and inapplicable propositions to face the problems which ignore or do not take into account the important role played by actions of state for reducing the increase of social inequality. Between the actions to be highlighted is the preservation of public universities, providing free and qualified education.

La universidad pública está encontrando limitaciones financieras progresivas en Brasil, manifestadas en forma aguda en la Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unversidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro).Análisis ingenuas consideran como fenómeno inevitable aquel que en realidad es el resultado de políticas inadecuadas y de uma ideología que defiende la mutilación del Estado y la consecuente ausencia de su compromiso con la educación superior. La falta de atención a los determinantes reales y a el significado de la“crisis” provoca la proliferación de propuestas de enfrentamiento inadecuadas, equivocadas y inaplicables,que ignoran o desconsideran el papel fundamental de las acciones del Estado para reducir la creciente desigualdad social. Entre ellas, debemos destacar, precisamente, el mantenimiento de las universidades públicas, proporcionando educación gratuita y cualificada.

Humans , Universities , Financing, Government , Universities/economics , Brazil , Public Policy/economics
Rev. salud pública ; 12(2): 239-249, abr. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-560852


Objetivos Este artículo presenta los resultados del seguimiento de los estudiantes ingresados y matriculados en la Universidad Santiago de Cali USC en el segundo semestre de 2004. El propósito fue determinar la influencia del tabaquismo, el programa académico y el costo de la matrícula en la supervivencia como estudiantes en la universidad durante un período de tres años 2004-2007. Método El estudio fue de cohorte prospectiva sobre el grupo de 970 estudiantes que ingresaron en el año 2004. Para determinar la relación entre las variables independientes y la supervivencia universitaria, se realizó análisis de supervivencia a través de la regresión de Cox. Resultados Los resultados del modelo establecieron asociaciones entre tabaquismo y Facultad descartando costos de matrícula. El riesgo de deserción es mayor entre estudiantes de la facultad de Salud ajustado por tabaquismo (RR= 1,3 (1,1- 1.5)). De manera similar el riesgo es mayor en los fumadores ajustado por la Facultad (RR= 1,2 (1,1-1,4)). Conclusiones Se encontró que los fumadores habituales permanecen menos en la universidad que los no fumadores. La supervivencia universitaria fue mayor en los programas académicos diferentes al área de la salud.

Objective This article presents the results of monitoring students who enrolled at Universidad Santiago de Cali (USC) during the second half of 2004. Its purpose was to determine the influence of smoking, the academic programme and the cost of enrolment on student survival over a three-year period (2004-2007). Method The study involved a prospective cohort of 970 students who entered the university in 2004. Cox regression was used for survival analysis to determine the relationship between independent variables and university stay. Results The results of this model established associations between smoking and department with survival in the university, but discarded association with the cost of enrolment. The risk of university desertion was higher amongst students from the Health faculty adjusted for smoking (RR = 1.277 (1.121-1.455)). Similarly, the risk of desertion was higher in smokers adjusted by faculty (RR = 1.194 (1.026-1.390). Conclusions It was found that habitual smokers had shorter university stay than nonsmokers. University stay was longer in students enrolled in academic programmes other than health.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Smoking/epidemiology , Student Dropouts/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Colombia , Curriculum , Educational Status , Health Occupations/education , Marriage , Proportional Hazards Models , Prospective Studies , Universities/economics , Young Adult
P. R. health sci. j ; 22(1): 49-59, Mar. 2003.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-356202


Puerto Rico has followed the United States in adopting drug policy sustained on a criminal justice model that limits the opportunities to address problematic drug use through public health interventions. Demand for illegal drugs is controlled by criminalizing drug use and applying jail sentences for drug offenses. These strategies marginalize drug users and reduce opportunities to minimize health risks applying public health measures. Production and sale of illegal drugs is criminalized with the intent of dissuading drug use, with adverse unintended health effects that impact both drug users and non-drug users in the community. The present work reviews the assumptions of the punitive prohibitionist model and its outcomes that present themselves as public health challenges in Puerto Rico. It also presents those principles that should sustain pragmatic drug policy to address problematic drug use from a health and social perspective.

Drug and Narcotic Control/legislation & jurisprudence , Illicit Drugs/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Policy , Public Health , Government Programs/legislation & jurisprudence , Substance-Related Disorders/prevention & control , Crime , Drug and Narcotic Control/methods , Efficiency, Organizational , Financing, Government/economics , Human Rights , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Prisoners , Puerto Rico/epidemiology , Needle-Exchange Programs/legislation & jurisprudence , Social Alienation , Social Control, Formal , Social Problems , Social Welfare , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Substance-Related Disorders/rehabilitation , United States , Universities/economics
Rev. méd. Chile ; 123(10): 1243-51, oct. 1995. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-164898


To identify those institutions granting medical research in Chile, every issue of Revista Médica de Chile published between 1987 and 1994 was reviewed, under the assumption that a vast majority (over 70 percent) of papers released by chilean authors in topics of internal medicine and related subspecilties would have been submitted for publication in this journal. This assumption was based in the solid prestige of Revista Médica de Chile among chilean physicians and investigators: it is one of the oldest medical journals in the world (founded in 1872) and its inclusion in the most important international indexes (e.g. Index Medicus, Current Contents) qualifies it in mainstream literature. Paper classified as Original articles, Clinical experiences, Review articles, Public Health, Case reports, Clinical Laboratory, Special Articles and Medical Education were screened for acknowledgement of financial support beyond the resources needed for routine clinical work. Among 1.528 manuscripts published, 344 were Original articles and 61.3 percent of them acknowledgement special financial support. 501 manuscripts were Clinical experiences and 21.5 percent of them received special financial support; similar proportions were detected in Review articles and Public Health topics. The institution ranked as providing support most often was FONDECYT, a governmental fund that assigns resources to reseach in all areas of science and technology though a peer-reviewed nationwide annual contest. FONDECYT was identified as provider of financial support to 45.2 percent of the Original articles and Clinical experiences; chilean universities were mentioned by 33.6 percent and other entities (including pharmaceutical companies, other national and foreign organizations) by 23.1 percent. The Universituy of Chile was the main Chilean university mentioned in the acknowledgements. The proportion of papers receiving special financial support was lower in Rev Méd Chile than in 3 leading journals from developed countries (70 percent of articles published in Ann Int Med, 74 percent in Lancet and 78 percent in New Engl J Med) but this proportion has been steadly increasing since 1987. The increase has been due only to FONDECYT and it would be unreasonable to expect that this institution will maintain such an expansion indefinitely. Therefore, chilean investigators should attract more resources from the universities, the pharmaceutical companies and other non-governmental institutions

Humans , Research Support as Topic/economics , Research/economics , Research Design/statistics & numerical data , Universities/economics , Financing, Government/statistics & numerical data , Periodical/statistics & numerical data
Rev. méd. Chile ; 123(9): 1150-9, sept. 1995. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-162432


Due to social and economical changes in the chilean university and health systems in the last decades, the traditional financing model of the Faculty of Medicine and postgraduate training programs became obsolete. The progressive reduction of the fiscal budget has forced the search of alternate financing sources. The payment of specialization is, at the present moment, an obliged, inappropiate and without compensation subsidy of the universities to the public and private health system, that profite of training professionals and to the specialists that acquire skills that will increase their earnings. Equable financing systems should be stablished in which the direct beneficiaries, institutions or individuals, would pay the expense. A national schoolarship fund or deferred credits seem reasonable alternatives that should be promply established to allow the survival of university postgraduate training programs

Humans , Universities/economics , Education, Medical, Graduate/economics , Schools, Medical/economics , Training Support/organization & administration