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Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 549-555, Mayo 8, 2023. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438589


Introducción. Durante el desarrollo embrionario normal, se espera que el denominado uraco o ligamento umbilical mediano se oblitere a las 32 semanas de gestación. Ante una obliteración incompleta surgen las diferentes anomalías, siendo las más frecuentes el quiste y la fístula urinaria umbilical. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar el caso de una paciente joven, sin comorbilidades, con quiste de uraco. Caso clínico. Mujer indígena de 19 años que consultó por dolor leve en hipogastrio, asociado a síntomas urinarios y distensión abdominal. Se sospechó en primera instancia cólico renal, pero ante hallazgos ecográficos de masa infraumbilical y reactantes de fase aguda elevados, la impresión diagnóstica cambió a sepsis secundaria a absceso intraabdominal. Posterior a tomografía y cistoscopía con calibración uretral se identificó pequeño divertículo en cúpula vesical, que sugirió el diagnóstico de uraco persistente, por lo que la paciente fue llevada a intervención quirúrgica para su resección, con evolución favorable. Discusión. El quiste de uraco es una anormalidad infrecuente, en su mayoría asintomática y generalmente de hallazgo incidental en la población anciana, por lo que se requiere de imágenes y manejo multidisciplinar para su correcto diagnóstico y abordaje. Conclusión. Son pocos los casos de uraco persistente reportados, y mucho menos en el sexo femenino. Dada la posibilidad de complicaciones tardías es importante el seguimiento para su manejo. Este caso se ha controlado de manera ambulatoria por 2 años

Introduction. During normal embryonic development, it is expected that the so-called urachus or median umbilical ligament will be obliterated at 32 weeks of gestation. In the face of incomplete obliteration, the different anomalies of the urachus arise. The most frequent anomaly of the urachus is the cyst followed by the umbilical urinary fistula. The objective of this article was to present the case of a young patient without comorbidities with urachal cyst. Clinical case. A 19-year-old indigenous woman consulted for mild hypogastric pain associated with urinary symptoms and abdominal distension. Renal colic was suspected at first, but due to ultrasound findings of an infraumbilical mass and high acute phase reactants, the diagnostic impression changed to sepsis secondary to an intra-abdominal abscess. After tomography and cystoscopy with urethral calibration, a small diverticulum was identified in the bladder dome, suggesting a diagnosis of persistent urachus, for which the patient was taken to surgery for its resection, with favorable evolution. Discussion. The urachal cyst is a rare abnormality, mostly asymptomatic and usually incidental finding in the elderly population. Imaging and multidisciplinary management are required for its correct diagnosis and approach. Conclusion. There are few reported cases of persistent urachus and much less in females. Given the possibility of late complications, follow-up is important for its management, in this case we have carried out control for 2 years

Humans , Congenital Abnormalities , Urachus , Urachal Cyst , Abdominal Pain , Abdominal Abscess , Cystoscopy
Rev. colomb. cir ; 36(2): 352-357, 20210000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247572


Las anomalías del uraco representan un bajo porcentaje de las patologías abdominales, no obstante, forman parte del diagnóstico diferencial del abdomen agudo por las complicaciones que puede tener. Aunque son de difícil diagnóstico debido a los síntomas inespecíficos, las imágenes diagnósticas son de gran utilidad para su identificación y caracterización. En pacientes con obesidad mórbida, la presentación del cuadro aumenta el riesgo de morbimortalidad. Por ende, en estos pacientes es necesario un control postoperatorio estricto para evaluar complicaciones secundarias a la resección del uraco. Dado los casos limitados en la literatura, se requieren estudios clínicos adicionales, para brindar un seguimiento adecuado, en aras de identificar complicaciones y el tratamiento precoz de estas

Urachal abnormalities represent a low percentage of abdominal pathologies; however, they are part of the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen due to the complications it may have. Although they are difficult to diagnose due to nonspecific symptoms, diagnostic images are especially useful for their identification and characterization. In patients with morbid obesity, the presentation of the picture increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, in these patients, strict postoperative control is necessary to evaluate complications secondary to urachal resection. Given the limited cases in the literature, additional clinical studies are required to provide adequate diagnosis and follow-up in order to identify complications and their early treatment

Humans , Obesity, Morbid , Intestinal Obstruction , Urachal Cyst , Urachus
Gac. méd. boliv ; 43(2): 223-227, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249988


El adenocarcinoma de uraco es una enfermedad neoplásica rara, con una incidencia de 1 por 5 millones de habitantes. Clínicamente se manifiesta con hematuria (73%), dolor abdominal (14%), disuria (13%), mucosuria (10%), síntomas irritativos (40%), masa palpable en la parte baja del abdomen (17%), bacteriuria (8%), flujo mucoso umbilical (2%). Presentamos el caso de paciente de 45 años, con diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de uraco, que recibió múltiples tratamientos sin respuesta, realizándose, cirugía radical con resección en bloque de ombligo, uraco, peritoneo, fascia posterior del musculo recto del abdomen y cistectomía parcial, por abordaje laparoscópico, con excelentes resultados oncológicos y estéticos, con recuperación rápida, y sin complicaciones. El papel de la quimioterapia y radioterapia y su beneficio para el paciente aún no está claro. Con este caso queremos aportar con un nuevo caso a la literatura, además de poder mostrar que el manejo con mínima invasión puede ser adecuada en manos expertas, con resultados iguales a la cirugía abierta, con el beneficio ya conocido del abordaje laparoscópico.

Urachal adenocarcinoma is a rare tumor entity, an average incidence of 1 case per 5 million inhabitants is described. Clinically it manifests with hematuria (73%), abdominal pain (14%), dysuria (13%), mucosuria (10%), irritative symptoms (40%), palpable mass in the lower abdomen (17% ), bacteriuria (8%), umbilical mucosal flow (2%). We present the case of a 45-year-old patient with a diagnosis of urachal adenocarcinoma, who received multiple treatments without response, performing radical surgery with en bloc resection of the umbilicus, urachus, peritoneum, posterior fascia of the rectus abdominis muscle and partial cystectomy. by laparoscopic approach, with excellent oncological and aesthetic results, with fast recovery, and without complications. The role of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and their benefit to the patient is still unclear. With this case we want to contribute a new case to the literature, in addition to being able to show that minimally invasive management can be adequate in expert hands, with results equal to open surgery, with the already known benefit of the laparoscopic approach.

Female , Middle Aged , Urachus , Adenocarcinoma , Neoplasms , Abdominal Pain , Abdomen
MedUNAB ; 23(2): 288-293, 22-07-2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118340


Introducción. La patología umbilical es un tema frecuente en el ámbito pediátrico, la presentación clínica de una fístula umbilical hace pensar en dos patologías mencionadas en la literatura de manera independiente; la primera es la persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico y la segunda es la persistencia del remanente del uraco producto del fracaso en el cierre de las estructuras embrionarias. Su presencia en adultos es infrecuente y no existen datos estadísticos acerca de su presentación conjunta en población pediátrica o adulta, solo algunos pocos reportes de caso. El diagnóstico se basa principalmente en la sospecha clínica, depende en gran manera del examen físico al evidenciar secreción a través del ombligo al realizar esfuerzos o maniobras de Valsalva. Objetivo. Mostrar un caso infrecuente de la presentación simultánea del conducto de uraco y onfalomesentérico en un paciente adulto. Reporte de caso. Paciente femenina de 24 años de edad con antecedentes de infecciones urinarias y celulitis periumbilicales a repetición. Se sospecha un conducto persistente onfalomesentérico por lo que es sometida a un procedimiento quirúrgico en el que se encontró incidentalmente la persistencia simultánea del conducto onfalomesentérico y persistencia del uraco. Discusión. La persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico o la persistencia del uraco de forma individual es poco frecuente en adultos, y es aún más raro la persistencia simultánea de ambos conductos; la presencia simultánea de ambos conductos es reportada principalmente en menores de dos años. Conclusiones. La persistencia de estos conductos es rara en adultos y representa un reto diagnóstico para el clínico. Cómo citar: Escudero-Sepúlveda AF, Cala-Duran JC, Belén Jurado MB, Pinasco-Gómez R, Tomasone SE, Roccuzzo C, Domínguez-Alvarado GA. Persistencia simultánea del conducto uraco y onfalomesentérico en un paciente adulto, reporte de caso. MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 288-293. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3826.

Introduction. Umbilical pathology is a common topic in the pediatric sphere. The clinical presentation of an umbilical fistula leads to the consideration of two pathologies independently reported in literature. The first is a persistent vitelline duct and the second is a persistent urachal remnant as a result of the embryonic structures' failure to close. They are uncommon in adults and there are no statistical data about their presentation together in the pediatric or adult population, only very few case reports. The diagnosis is mainly based on clinical suspicion. It largely depends on a physical examination noting secretion through the navel when straining or performing Valsalva maneuvers. Objective. Show an uncommon case of the simultaneous presentation of the urachus and vitelline ducts in an adult patient. Case report. Female patient aged 24 years with a background of repeated urinary tract infections and periumbilical cellulitis. A persistent vitelline duct is suspected. Therefore, the patient is subject to a surgical procedure in which the simultaneous persistence of the vitelline duct and the urachus was found incidentally. Discussion. The persistence of the vitelline duct or the persistence of the urachus individually is uncommon in adults, and the simultaneous persistence of both ducts is even rarer. The simultaneous presence of both ducts is reported mainly in infants aged under two years. Conclusions. The persistence of these ducts is rare in adults and poses a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. Cómo citar: Escudero-Sepúlveda AF, Cala-Duran JC, Belén Jurado MB, Pinasco-Gómez R, Tomasone SE, Roccuzzo C, Domínguez-Alvarado GA. Persistencia simultánea del conducto uraco y onfalomesentérico en un paciente adulto, reporte de caso. MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 288-293. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3826.

Introdução. A patologia umbilical é um tópico frequente no cenário pediátrico; a apresentação clínica de uma fístula umbilical faz pensar em duas patologias mencionadas na literatura de forma independente; a primeira é a persistência do ducto onfalomesentérico e a segunda é a persistência do úraco como resultado da falha no fechamento das estruturas embrionárias. É pouco frequente sua presença em adultos e não há dados estatísticos sobre sua apresentação conjunta em população pediátrica nem adulta, apenas alguns poucos relatos de caso. O diagnóstico baseia-se principalmente na suspeita clínica, dependendo em grande parte do exame físico ao evidenciar uma secreção pelo umbigo quando realizar esforço ou manobra de Valsalva. Objetivo. Mostrar um caso infrequente de apresentação simultânea do úraco e ducto onfalomesentérico em um paciente adulto. Relato de caso. Paciente do sexo feminino, 24 anos, com histórico de infecções urinárias e celulite periumbilical recorrentes. Suspeita-se de um ducto onfalomesentérico persistente, portanto ela é submetida a um procedimento cirúrgico no qual encontrou-se a persistência do ducto onfalomesentérico e a persistência de úraco simultaneamente. Discussão. A persistência do ducto onfalomesentérico e a persistência de úraco individualmente é rara em adultos, e a persistência simultânea de ambos os ductos é ainda mais rara; esta presença simultânea é relatada principalmente em crianças menores de dois anos de idade. Conclusão. A persistência desses ductos é rara em adultos e representa um desafio diagnóstico para o profissional de saúde clínico. Cómo citar: Escudero-Sepúlveda AF, Cala-Duran JC, Belén Jurado MB, Pinasco-Gómez R, Tomasone SE, Roccuzzo C, Domínguez-Alvarado GA. Persistencia simultánea del conducto uraco y onfalomesentérico en un paciente adulto, reporte de caso. MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 288-293. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3826.

Urachus , Umbilicus , Vitelline Duct , Urinary Bladder Fistula , Intestinal Fistula , Cutaneous Fistula
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719681


Crohn disease has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations and rarely can present with complications such as a bowel stricture or fistula. In this case report, we describe a 17-year-old male who presented with a history of recurrent anterior abdominal wall abscesses and dysuria. He was diagnosed with Crohn disease and also found to have a fistulous communication between the terminal ileum and a patent urachus. An ileocecectomy with primary anastomosis and complete resection of the abscess cavity was performed. He is on azathioprine for maintenance therapy and currently in remission. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for this complication in Crohn disease patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of urachal anomalies such as suprapubic abdominal pain, dysuria, umbilical discharge, and periumbilical mass.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , Abdominal Pain , Abdominal Wall , Abscess , Azathioprine , Constriction, Pathologic , Crohn Disease , Dysuria , Fistula , Ileum , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Intestinal Fistula , Urachus
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 28(1): 39-42, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402212


Objetivo Revisar la patología tumoral del uraco, haciendo énfasis en su clínica, los métodos diagnósticos empleados y el manejo terapéutico. Métodos Presentamos el caso de un varón de 39 años con carcinoma del uraco que simuló clínicamente un absceso umbilical. Resultados Los hallazgos en la TC fueron sospechosos de patología del uraco. El examen anatomopatológico reveló células atípicas y la PET-TC demostró extensión a pared abdominal y epiplón, requiriéndose la resección completa. Conclusiones El carcinoma del uraco es una neoplasia muy poco frecuente, que tiene su origen en el epitelio que recubre la luz del uraco, un vestigio de la alantoides que conecta la vejiga con el ombligo y normalmente involuciona en la etapa embrionaria. La clínica insidiosa hace que el diagnóstico sea tardío y el pronóstico pobre. Las pruebas de imagen tienen un papel fundamental en su sospecha, así como en la definición de la relación con la pared vesical y posible extensión local o a distancia. Una vez confirmado el diagnóstico histológicamente, está indicada la resección quirúrgica completa.

Objective To review tumoral pathology of urachus, emphasizing its clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and therapeutic management. Method We present the case of a 39-year-old male with urachal carcinoma who clinically mimicked an umbilical abscess. Result CT findings were suspected of urachus pathology. Histologic analysis of the resected specimen demonstrated atypical cells, and PET-CT showed extension to the abdominal wall and omentum, requiring complete resection. Conclusions Urachal carcinoma is a very rare neoplasm that originates in the epithelium that covers the lumen of the urachus, a vestige of the allantois that connects the bladder with the navel and normally involves in the embryonic stage. The insidious clinic makes late diagnosis and poor prognosis. Imaging tests play a fundamental role in their suspicion, as well as in the definition of the relationship with the bladder wall and possible local or distant extension. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed histologically, complete surgical resection is indicated.

Humans , Male , Adult , Urachus , Urachus/pathology , Carcinoma , Urachus/abnormalities , Urinary Bladder , Allantois , Neoplasms
Rev. méd. Urug ; 34(1): 52-55, mar. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-879957


El carcinoma de uraco es una neoplasia maligna poco frecuente de predominio masculino entre la quinta a sexta década de la vida. Se localizan típicamente en la cúpula de la vejiga, con patrón histopatológico predominante de adenocarcinoma en el 90% de los casos. Tiene un curso indolente con manifestaciones clínicas en etapas tardías caracterizadas por hematuria, dolor abdominal, disuria, mucosuria, entre otros. El diagnóstico se basa en el hallazgo de la lesión por métodos endoscópicos e imagenológicos. Dado lo infrecuente de esta patología, se describe el caso de una paciente en su cuarta década de vida con infección de vías urinarias recurrente, en quien se documentó por medio de urografía por tomografía computarizada multicorte (UROTAC) de pólipo vesical resecado por resección transuretral (RTU) con reporte histológico de adenocarcinoma de tipo entérico.

Urachal carcinoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of male predominance between the fifth to sixth decade of life. It is typically located in the dome of the bladder, with a predominant histopathological pattern of adenocarcinoma in 90% of cases. It has an indolent course with clinical manifestations in late stages characterized by hematuria, abdominal pain, dysuria, mucosuria, among others. Diagnosis is based on the finding of the lesion by endoscopic and imaging techniques. Given the infrequent nature of this pathology, we describe the case of a female patient in her fourth decade of life with recurrent urinary tract infection, who was documented by MSCTU of bladder polyp resected by TURP with a histological report of enteric-type adenocarcinoma.

O carcinoma de úraco, é uma neoplasia maligna pouco frequente, predominantemente masculina que se manifesta entre a quinta e a sexta década de vida. Sua localização típica é a cúpula vesical e em 90% dos casos sua histologia corresponde a adenocarcinomas. Apresenta evolução indolente com manifestações clínicas nas etapas tardias caracterizadas por hematúria, dor abdominal, disúria, mucosúria, entre outros. O diagnóstico está baseado no achado da lesão por métodos endoscópicos e de imagens. Considerando a baixa frequência desta patologia, descreve-se o caso de uma paciente de sexo feminino em sua quarta década de vida com infecção recorrente das vias urinarias, na qual foi registrado, através de UROTAC, um pólipo vesical ressecado por RTU com laudo histológico de adenocarcinoma de tipo entérico.

Urachus/pathology , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(2): 256-261, fev. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895574


The aim of this study was to measure serum immunoglobulin concentrations of Nellore cattle produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) with umbilical diseases and to evaluate surgical excision as a method of treatment. Sixteen cattle with ages ranging from 1 to 15 months, males and females, affected by umbilical diseases were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were collected for cell counts and the determination of immunoglobulin concentrations by electrophoresis and zinc sulphate turbidimetry (ZST). Four calves were presented with umbilical herniation, two with an umbilical herniation associated with a persistent urachus, two with an umbilical herniation with a persistent urachus and omphaloarteritis, three with an umbilical herniation and an urachal diverticulum, three with a persistent urachus, one with an urachal diverticulum, and one with omphalitis. The blood cell counts pre- and post-surgical revealed differences in cell volume and the number of leukocytes. The immunoglobulin values measured by electrophoresis values were below normal in most animals, whereas the ZST showed normal levels in most of them. Most of the calves affected by umbilical diseases and produced by IVF presented hypoglobulinaemia. Correlations between umbilical diseases, failure of passive transfer of immunity and IVF could not be demonstrated.(AU)

Os objetivos desse estudo foram mensurar as concentrações séricas das imunoglobulinas de bovinos Nelore, produzidos por fertilização in vitro (FIV), acometidos por onfalopatias e avaliar a excisão cirúrgica como método de tratamento. Utilizou-se 16 animais, com idade variando de 1 a 15 meses, machos e fêmeas, acometidos por afecções umbilicais. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas para realização de hemogramas e avaliação das imunoglobulinas, por meio de eletroforese e turbidimetria com sulfato de zinco. Foram observados quatro casos de hérnias umbilicais, dois de hérnia umbilical associadas à persistência de úraco, dois casos de hérnia umbilical com persistência de úraco e onfaloarterite, três de hérnia umbilical com divertículo de úraco, três casos de persistência de úraco, um de divertículo de úraco e um de onfalite. O hemograma revelou diferença significativa para os valores de Volume Globular e Leucócitos, nos momentos pré e pós-tratamento cirúrgico dos animais. A eletroforese evidenciou valores de imunoglobulina abaixo da normalidade na maioria dos animais, enquanto que a turbidimetria apresentou níveis normais na maioria dos bovinos, quando comparados com valores de referência. A maioria dos bovinos estudados, acometidos de onfalopatias e concebidos por FIV, apresentaram hipoglobulinemia. Os resultados obtidos não permitem afirmar que existe relação entre as onfalopatias, falha de transferência de imunidade passiva e FIV.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Hernia, Umbilical/veterinary , Immunoglobulins/blood , Urachus/abnormalities , Fertilization in Vitro/veterinary , Immunization, Passive/veterinary
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741472


We report a very rare case of urachal xanthogranuloma. In this case, the inflammation recurred after 9 months even though it was removed by surgical resection. A 43-year-old woman presented with low abdominal walnut sized round mass, mild abdominal pain, and no specific voiding symptoms. Through radiologic evaluation with computed tomography (CT), we observed an infiltration in surrounding tissues of urachal mass from anteriosuperior aspect of bladder until umbilicus, so urachus inflammation as well as malignant tumor of urachus origin was suspected. Urachal mass excision and partial cystectomy were conducted with low midline incision and it was reported pathologically as xanthogranulomatous inflammation. Afterwards the patient lived without inconvenience but after 9 months she returned because of pain and palpable nodule in the right lower abdominal area. Despite taking antibiotics, there was no improvement and abscess formation was observed in CT. Finally, its symptoms improved after abscess incision and drainage.

Adult , Female , Humans , Abdominal Pain , Abdominal Wall , Abscess , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Cystectomy , Drainage , Inflammation , Juglans , Umbilicus , Urachus , Urinary Bladder
Rev. chil. urol ; 83(1): 44-48, 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905571


OBJETIVOS: Revisión de la literatura del Adenocarcinoma de uraco y presentación de dos casos MÉTODOS/RESULTADOS: Analizamos las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y terapéuticas del Adenocarcinoma de uraco y presentamos dos casos diagnosticados y tratados en nuestro centro CONCLUSIONES: El Adenocarcinoma de uraco es una neoplasia rara, con mal pronóstico y cuyo tratamiento generalmente es la cistectomía parcial o radical con resección en bloque del uraco y el ombligo. Debido a su gravedad, debería tenerse en cuenta a la hora del diagnóstico.AU

OBJECTIVE: Literature review of Urachus adenocarcinoma and report of two cases. METHODS/RESULTS: We analyze epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic features of the Urachus adenocarcinoma and we report two cases diagnosed and treated in our institution. CONCLUSIONS: The Urachus adenocarcinoma is a rare cancer, with poor prognosis and treatment of which usually is radical or partial cystectomy with umbilicotomy and removal of the urachus in bloc. Due to its gravity, you should keep it in mind when you make a diagnosis.AU

Humans , Urachus , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms , Adenocarcinoma
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 69(2): 305-309, mar.-abr. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-833819


A imperfuração uretral associada ou não à persistência do úraco é rara; quando concomitante, o animal mantém o fluxo urinário por via umbilical, entretanto, após o tratamento de correção da persistência do úraco, ocorre o armazenamento de urina, que pode culminar em complicações como bexigoma, hidroureter e ruptura vesical. Uma bezerra Nelore, com 20 dias de idade, foi atendida com persistência de úraco. Prescreveu-se a aplicação local de tintura de iodo a 10% durante cinco dias, e indicou-se retorno para obliteração cirúrgica caso não houvesse resposta à terapia proposta. Após 30 dias, o animal retornou com distensão abdominal, histórico de diminuição gradual do fluxo urinário, com ausência de micção via vaginal e discreto gotejamento de urina através do umbigo. Após diversas tentativas de cateterismo uretral sem sucesso, diagnosticou-se a imperfuração do óstio uretral externo. O exame ultrassonográfico revelou distensão vesical com aproximadamente sete litros de conteúdo, hidroureter e hidronefrose bilateral. Realizou-se a cistocentese e o esvaziamento vesical guiado por ultrassom e optou-se pela abordagem cirúrgica para criação do óstio uretral e correção do úraco persistente. Por meio de cistotomia, realizou-se a sondagem retrógrada da uretra e a perfuração da membrana que recobria o óstio uretral no vestíbulo vaginal, a fim de criar um novo óstio. A sondagem foi mantida por 10 dias, com o intuito de evitar estenose do óstio e, após 30 dias de pós-operatório, o animal recebeu alta com óstio uretral patente no vestíbulo vaginal.(AU)

Urethral imperforation associated or not with urachal patency is rare, when concomitant, the animal maintains urinary flow through umbilical via, but when the treatment is performed storage of urine occurs and can culminate in complications like bexigoma, hydrourether, and vesical rupture. A nelore calf with 20 days of age, was attended with urachal patency, conservative treatment with searing substance (10% iodine) was prescribed. Return for surgical treatment was recommended if no resolution was achieved. After 30 days, the animal returned with abdominal distension and history of gradual decrease in urinary flow without urination via urethra. Urethral catheterization was attempted, unsuccessfully, and sonographic evaluation revealed vesical distention with approximately seven liters of content, hydrourether and hydronephrosis. cystocentesis and vesical deflation was performed. Surgical approach of the bladder was performed and a new ostium for the urethra in the vaginal vestibule was created by retrograde via. Urachal was removed and urethral catheterization was maintained for 10 days. Following 30 days of pos operative procedure, the animal was discharged.(AU)

Animals , Female , Cattle , Congenital Abnormalities/veterinary , Urachus/abnormalities , Urethra/abnormalities , Ultrasonography/veterinary
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 12(1): 28-39, abr. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-774928


El cordón umbilical, tan vital en la vida intrauterina, no tiene una función fisiológica en el ser humano después del nacimiento. Entre los primeros 10-20 días de vida del recién nacido requiere de cuidados que el pediatra y personal de salud que realiza los controles debe indicar a la madre para asegurar que el proceso de desecación y eliminación del cordón se complete de forma apropiada. Sin embargo, aun cuando la madre haya seguido correctamente las indicaciones, existen posibilidades de que la evolución clínica no sea la normal y la cicatrización se retarde o complique. Las posibilidades que el clínico debe sospechar son bastante variadas dentro de un espectro que va desde patologías leves hasta aquellas más complejas que incluyen alteraciones del desarrollo intrauterino con resultado de malformaciones congénitas. El propósito de este artículo es revisar la literatura publicada al respecto y actualizar aspectos clínicos importantes que el pediatra o médico que atiende niños debe conocer para orientar correctamente el diagnóstico y oportunidad terapéutica.

The umbilical cord, is a vital structure in utero, but it has no one physiological function in humans after birth. Among the first 10-20 days old newborn baby requires care pediatrician and health staff should learn to the mother how she must be care to make the drying process and complete removal of the cord can be appropriate. However, even if the mother has correctly followed the instructions, there are chances that the clinical course than the normal healing is delayed or complicated. The chances that the clinician should suspect are quite varied within a spectrum from mild to the most complex pathologies including disturbances of intrauterine development resulting in congenital malformations. The purpose of this article is to review the published literature and update important clinical aspects pediatrician or physician who treats children should learn to correctly orient the diagnosis and therapeutic opportunity.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Umbilicus/abnormalities , Umbilicus/pathology , Urachus/abnormalities , Urachus/pathology
International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2014; 2 (2): 94-97
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-148610


The urachal cyst is a rare congenital anomaly due to a lack of apposition of sheets remains allantoid. Diagnosis is based on prenatal ultrasound. We report the case of an urachal cyst diagnosed in a female fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy which regressed spontaneously in the postnatal period. Mrs. CD, a 27 year-old consulted us as part of the regular monitoring of a normal course of pregnancy. At 32 weeks, ultrasounds showed an anechoic oval-shaped and well-limited image located above the upper pole of the bladder, below the insertion of the cord. Diameter was 12 mm and the image was connected to the baldder through a thin orifice. The umbilical ring appeared wide and connected to the abdominal collection by a 5 mm-channel. However, the skin surface was normal with no solution of continuity. On ultrasound at 37 weeks gestation [WG], the pelvic anechoic image kept the same features but the thin connection was no more visible. Vaginal delivery occurred at 40 GW and 5 days. Examination of the newborn found normal abdominal skin covering. By 12 months, ultrasounds found that the cyst completely disappeared. The permeable urachus is a progressive disease. Its development depends on the clinical form of its manifestation. Surgical treatment is often necessary, but spontaneous regression is possible for simple cysts until postnatal period

Humans , Female , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Pregnancy , Urachus
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 48(5): 357-360, out. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-658962


O adenocarcinoma de úraco é uma neoplasia incomum associada a prognóstico reservado. Realiza-se estudo clínico e anatomopatológico de dois casos de adenocarcinoma de úraco: um homem de 63 anos de idade que apresentou recidiva tumoral após cistectomia parcial aberta e evolução desfavorável; e uma mulher de 55 anos, submetida à cistectomia parcial videolaparoscópica, que se encontra em seguimento livre de recidiva.

Urachal adenocarcinoma is an uncommon neoplasm associated with poor prognosis. A clinical and pathological study of two cases of urachal adenocarcinoma is presented: a 63-year-old man with tumoral recurrence after open partial cystectomy and unfavorable evolution; a 55-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic partial cystectomy without recurrence in the follow up.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/diagnosis , Urinary Bladder/pathology , Urachus/pathology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-814782


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the multislice spiral computer tomography (MSCT) manifestations and its value in the diagnosis of urachus lesions.@*METHODS@#A total of 26 patients with urachus disease diagnosed by pathological examination in our hospital between October 2007 and May 2011 were included in this study. We retrospectively analyzed MSCT images on the size, location, and shape character of the foci, and the image features of Retzius space.@*RESULTS@#In the group, 12 patients had simple urachal cyst with homogeneous fluid filling the cavity with thin wall in CT scanning; five had infected urachal cyst with thickened and enhanced wall, some patch and strip appearing in Retzius space surrounding the lesion; two had infected urachal sinus, and another 3 had urachus leakage. Four had urachal tumor showing irregular cysticsolid mass over the apex of the bladder with apparent enhancement in contrast imaging, and 2 had calcification. Invasion of the bladder wall was found in 4 patients, extensive invasion of the ileum, rectum, uterus and retroperitoneal lymph nodes was found in 1.@*CONCLUSION@#MSCT scan can demonstrate the location, shape, extent of the lesion as well as the relation with adjacent structures, thereby providing valuable information for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of urachus lesions.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Infections , Multidetector Computed Tomography , Urachal Cyst , Diagnostic Imaging , Urachus , Diagnostic Imaging , Pathology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-101114


Urachal mucinous tumor of uncertain malignant potential is very rare and is characterized by a multilocular cyst showing the proliferation of atypical mucin-secreting cells without stromal invasion. As in ovarian and appendiceal borderline tumors, it represents a transitional stage of mucinous carcinogenesis in the urachus. In addition, this tumor may recur locally and develop into pseudomyxoma peritonei. Due to its scarcity and diagnostic challenges, we report a mucinous tumor of uncertain malignant potential arising in the urachus.

Cystadenoma, Mucinous , Mucins , Pseudomyxoma Peritonei , Urachus
Rev. chil. urol ; 76(2): 103-106, 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-658266


Introducción: Las opciones quirúrgicas para tratar el adenocarcinoma de uraco incluyen la cistectomía radical y la cistectomía parcial en bloque con escisión del uraco y el ombligo. Actualmente la laparoscopía es utilizada para resolver patología vesical y de uraco. El objetivo es presentar la cistectomía parcial laparoscópica con resección en bloque de uraco y ombligo como una alternativa terapéutica oncológicamente segura y mínimamente invasiva en el tratamiento del carcinoma de uraco. Material y método: presentamos una serie de casos de tres pacientes portadoras de adenocarcinomas del uraco sometidas a cistectomía parcial laparoscopia con escisión en bloque de uraco y ombligo. Las variables analizadas fueron el tiempo quirúrgico, el sangrado estimado del intraoperatorio, las complicaciones perioperatorias, la histología del tumor y la presencia de compromiso muscular de éste, el status oncológico de los linfonodos, los días de hospitalización, el tiempo de seguimiento y el estado oncológico actual. Resultados: El tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 210 minutos. El sangrado estimado promedio fue de 133 ml. No hubo complicaciones quirúrgicas. Los tres tumores correspondieron a adenocarcinomas pobremente diferenciados y el tercero a adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado. Todos se catalogaron como invasores. Los márgenes quirúrgicos fueron negativos. Actualmente las tres pacientes se encuentran sin evidencias de enfermedad con períodos de seguimiento de 12, 18 y 38 meses.Conclusiones: La cistectomía parcial con resección en bloque del uraco y el ombligo con linfadenectomía pélvica extendida por vía laparoscópica representa una alternativa mínimamente invasiva y segura en la resolución de los tumores de uraco.

Introduction: Surgical options for urachal adenocarcinoma treatment include radical cystectomy and partial cystectomy with en bloc resection of the umbilicus, urachus, and bladder dome. Laparoscopy is used in resolving bladder and urachal pathologies. The objective of this case series report is to present laparoscopic partial cystectomy with en bloc resection of the urachus and umbilicus as a safe and minimally invasive option in treatment of urachal adenocarcinoma. Materials and methods: we present a case series of tree patients diagnosed of urachal adenocarcinoma, treated with laparoscopic partial cystectomy with en bloc resection of urachus and the umbilicus. Analyzed variables were surgical time, estimated bleeding during surgery, surgical complications, tumor histology and muscular involvement, oncological status of lymph nodes resected, hospitalization days, follow up time, and current oncological status. Results: Surgical average time was 210 minutes. Mean estimated bleeding was 133 ml. There was no surgical complications. Two tumors were poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas and the third one a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. All were cataloged as muscle invasive ones. Surgical margins were negative. Currently, all patients are without evidence of disease with follow up periods of 12, 18 and 38 months. Conclusions: Laparoscopic partial cystectomy with en bloc resection of the urachus and umbilicus and extended pelvic lymphadenectomy represents a safe and minimally invasive option in treatment of urachus tumors.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Cystectomy/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Urologic Neoplasms/surgery , Urachus , Lymph Node Excision , Treatment Outcome
Korean Journal of Urology ; : 318-322, 2010.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-114962


PURPOSE: In this study, we report our initial experience with robot-assisted laparoscopic partial cystectomy (RLPC) in urachal diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two men and two women with a mean age of 51.5+/-9.3 years underwent RLPC between June 2009 and December 2009. In each case, a single surgeon using the da Vinci-S robotic system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) used a transperitoneal approach with a 0 degrees robotic camera. After careful observation of the intravesical portion of the mass, the mass was excised by use of monopolar scissors circumferentially. The bladder was closed in two layers with watertight running sutures made with 2-0 Vicryl. RESULTS: The mean operative time was 198 minutes (range, 130-260 minutes), the mean console time was 111 minutes (range, 70-150 minutes), and the mean estimated blood loss was 155 ml. The urethral catheter was removed on postoperative day 7 after a normal cystogram, and the surgical drain was removed on postoperative day 2.5 (range, 2-3 days). The mean hospital stay was 6 days (range, 4-7 days). There were no major complications. The pathology report revealed that one patient had a urachal cystadenoma, two patients had a urachal cyst, and one patient had a patent urachus. CONCLUSIONS: Our initial experience with RLPC for benign urachal disease is that it is a safe and feasible treatment modality. However, more cases are required to confirm the efficacy of RLPC.

Female , Humans , Male , Cystadenoma , Cystectomy , Laparoscopy , Length of Stay , Operative Time , Polyglactin 910 , Robotics , Running , Sutures , Urachal Cyst , Urachus , Urinary Bladder , Urinary Catheters
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-134722


A case of bladder prolapse through a patent urachus is reported in a female infant born with a large, red, tubular mass inferior to the umbilical cord. A cystic mass communicating with fetal bladder was detected by prenatal ultrasound performed at 20(+2) weeks of gestation. A fetal MRI was also performed to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude associated fetal anomalies. At 40(+4) weeks, the cystic mass was no longer present and a new small solid mass was noted at the fetal abdominal wall. After birth, a protruded mucosal mass inferior to the umbilical cord was noted, and catheterization confirmed communication between the protruded mass and the urinary bladder. On the second day of life, reduction of the bladder and partial resection of the urachus was performed. A voiding cystourethrogram showed good bladder capacity and no vesicoureteral reflux. The patient voided well and was discharged after 10 days. Here, we present a case of urinary bladder prolapse through a patent urachus, diagnosed by fetal sonography and this is the first case reported that was treated by simple excision without complication.

Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Abdominal Wall , Catheterization , Catheters , Cystocele , Parturition , Prolapse , Umbilical Cord , Urachus , Urinary Bladder , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux