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Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1553489


A 1.5-year-old male German Shepherd dog was referred to a Teaching Veterinary Hospital with a chronic history of regurgitation and a previous presumptive diagnosis of megaesophagus. An esophagogram showed partial esophageal dilation, suggesting one vascular ring anomaly. Computed tomography identified a persistent right aortic arch (PRAA) and an aberrant left subclavian artery (ALSA). The patient underwent thoracotomy, ligamentum arteriosum ligation, and debridement of the periesophageal region. The ligation of the ALSA was not carried out because the esophagus was observed to be released entirely during the surgical intervention. Therefore, intervention on the subclavian artery was not necessary. Clinical follow-up occurred on seven, 14, and 30 postoperative days. The dog improved, showing only sporadic regurgitations. Clinical history and complementary exams were essential to establish a diagnosis. The liberation of the esophageal transit during surgery contributed to the decision not to perform the ALSA ligation.(AU)

Um cão pastor alemão, macho, de 1,5 anos de idade, foi atendido em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário com história crônica de regurgitação e diagnóstico presuntivo prévio de megaesôfago. Um esofagograma mostrou dilatação parcial do esôfago sugerindo uma anomalia de anel vascular. A tomografia computadorizada identificou persistência do arco aórtico direito (PAAD) e artéria subclávia esquerda aberrante (ALSA). O paciente foi submetido à toracotomia, ligadura do ligamento arterioso e desbridamento da região periesofágica. A ligadura da ALSA não foi realizada, pois, durante a intervenção cirúrgica, observou-se que o esôfago estava completamente liberado, não sendo necessária intervenção na artéria subclávia. O acompanhamento clínico ocorreu aos sete, 14 e 30 dias de pós-operatório. O cão evidenciou boa recuperação, apresentando apenas regurgitações esporádicas. A história clínica associada aos exames complementares foi essencial para o diagnóstico. A liberação do trânsito esofágico durante a cirurgia contribuiu para a decisão de não realizar a ligadura da ALSA.(AU)

Animals , Male , Thoracotomy/veterinary , Dogs , Laryngopharyngeal Reflux/diagnosis , Vascular Ring/diagnosis , Subclavian Artery/abnormalities
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(3): e133-e136, junio 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1368481


El complejo ring-sling es una asociación entre el sling de la arteria pulmonar y la estenosis traqueal congénita por anillos traqueales completos. El sling de la arteria pulmonar es una forma rara de anillo vascular dentro de las cardiopatías congénitas. Se presenta el caso clínico de un niño con estridor laríngeo asociado a dificultad respiratoria evaluado en otro centro, donde se realizó endoscopia respiratoria y se observó compresión traqueal extrínseca. Ante la sospecha clínica de anillo vascular, se solicitó angiotomografía computada (angioTC) y se confirmó diagnóstico de sling de arteria pulmonar. Fue derivado a nuestro hospital y durante la intervención quirúrgica se realizó nueva endoscopia respiratoria y traqueobroncografía. Se llegó al diagnóstico de estenosis traqueal congénita con bronquio derecho accesorio (pig bronchus) y anillos vasculares completos, ambos reparados en el mismo acto quirúrgico.

The ring-sling complex is an association between pulmonary artery sling and congenital tracheal stenosis. Pulmonary artery sling is a rare form of vascular ring in congenital heart disease. The clinical case of a child with inspiratory laryngeal stridor associated with respiratory distress is presented, evaluated in another center where respiratory endoscopy was performed, observing extrinsic tracheal compression. Given the clinical suspicion of a vascular ring, CT angiography was requested, confirming the diagnosis of pulmonary artery sling. He was referred to our hospital and during the surgical intervention a new respiratory endoscopy and tracheobronchography were performed, reaching the diagnosis of congenital tracheal stenosis, right accessory bronchus (pig bronchus) and complete vascular rings, both repaired in the same surgical act.

Humans , Male , Infant , Tracheal Diseases , Tracheal Stenosis/surgery , Tracheal Stenosis/diagnosis , Bronchial Diseases/surgery , Vascular Malformations/complications , Vascular Ring/complications , Heart Defects, Congenital/complications , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Trachea/abnormalities , Bronchi/abnormalities , Bronchi/surgery , Constriction, Pathologic
Rev. colomb. neumol ; 34(1): 29-38, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396791


La presencia de sibilantes refractarios y localizados en una sola área de auscultación en los adultos, sobre todo si están acompañados de anormalidades espirométricas y radiológicas, son a menudo la expresión clínica de una condición que requiere un proceso diagnóstico más profundo, más allá del facilista diagnóstico de asma. Entre estas anomalías se encuentran los anillos vasculares como el divertículo de Kommerel, que es una variante con una prevalencia muy baja y se caracteriza por la presencia de un arco aórtico derecho con una salida de la arteria subclavia izquierda aberrante y que provoca síntomas por la compresión de las estructuras adyacentes a estas. Aportamos en este caso clínico, el proceso diagnóstico de uno de estos hallazgos incidentales: la presencia de sibilantes localizados en una paciente joven, asintomática con una espirometría alterada que podría hacernos sospechar la presencia de broncomalacia, una aspiración de cuerpo extraño, un proceso infeccioso, tumoral o un anillo vascular que pasó desapercibido hasta la edad adulta.

The presence of refractory and localized wheezing in a single area of auscultation in adults, especially if they are accompanied by spirometric and radiological abnormalities, are often the clinical expression of a condition that requires a deeper diagnostic process, beyond the easy diagnosis of asthma. Among these abnormalities are vascular rings such as Kommerell¨s diverticulum, which is a very low prevalence variant and it is characterized by the presence of a right aortic arch with an aberrant exit from the left subclavian artery and that causes symptoms due to compression of the adjacent structures. In this clinical case, we provide the diagnosis process of one of these incidental findings, such as the presence of localized wheezing in a young asyntomatic patient with altered spirometry that could lead us to suspect the presence of bronchomalacia, foreign body aspiration, an infection, tumor or vascular ring that went unnoticed until adulthood.

Humans , Asthma , Spirometry , Respiratory Sounds , Vascular Ring , Infections
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(2): 240-243, Mar.-Apr. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154554


Abstract Double-lumen aortic arch is a rare congenital anomaly related to persistence of the fifth aortic arch. It may be found alone or in association with other anatomical changes of the heart. We report a case of double-lumen aortic arch associated with coarctation of the aorta and patent ductus arteriosus in a child with a congenital malformation known as the VACTERL association (vertebral defects, imperforate anus, cardiopathy, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal abnormalities and limb anomalies).

Humans , Child , Aorta, Thoracic/abnormalities , Aortic Diseases , Vascular Ring/diagnosis , Anus, Imperforate , Aortic Coarctation , Echocardiography/methods , Tracheoesophageal Fistula , Vascular Ring/prevention & control
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(4): 393-398, ago. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054943


Los anillos vasculares tienen una incidencia del 1 % entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares congénitas. Constituyen una malformación embriológica en la que el arco aórtico, sus ramas o las arterias pulmonares provocan presión sobre la tráquea y/o el esófago. Anatómicamente, se dividen en dos grupos, dependiendo de cómo rodean la tráquea y el esófago: completo o incompleto. La sintomatología suele iniciarse en los primeros meses de vida con estridor bifásico o espiratorio que aumenta con el llanto y la alimentación, tos traqueal de tonalidad metálica, infecciones respiratorias recurrentes, episodios de apnea refleja y cianosis, sibilancias, hiperextensión cervical, retracción esternal e intercostal, y dificultad en la alimentación. Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de 28 pacientes con diagnóstico de anillo vascular que concurrieron a la consulta en el Servicio de Endoscopía Respiratoria del Hospital Garrahan entre enero de 2015 y septiembre de 2017.

Vascular rings account for 1 % of the congenital cardiovascular diseases. They constitute an embryological malformation in which the aortic arch, its branches, or the pulmonary arteries cause pressure on the trachea and/or oesophagus. Anatomically, they are divided into two groups -complete or incomplete- depending on how they surround the trachea and/or the oesophagus. Symptom onset is usually in the first months of life with biphasic or expiratory stridor that increases with crying and feeding, a metallic tracheal cough, recurrent respiratory infections, episodes of apnea and cyanosis, wheezing, cervical hyperextension, sternal and intercostal retraction, and feeding difficulties. A retrospective analysis of 28 patients with vascular rings seen at the Department of Respiratory Endoscopy at Garrahan Paediatric Hospital between January 2015 and September 2017 is presented.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Vascular Ring/diagnostic imaging , Subclavian Artery , Brachiocephalic Trunk , Computed Tomography Angiography , Vascular Ring/surgery , Vascular Ring/therapy
Rev. chil. cir ; 71(1): 66-69, feb. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-985381


Resumen Introducción: El doble arco aórtico (DAA) es una malformación cardiovascular infrecuente caracterizada por la persistencia de ambos arcos aórticos posterior al nacimiento. Puede presentarse con rama derecha dominante (70-73%), izquierda o simétrica. Su forma anatómica produce compresión de estructuras mediastínicas como la tráquea y esófago. Caso clínico: Lactante menor hombre de 3 meses, con antecedente de estridor desde nacimiento. Ingresó a nuestro centro por neumonía grave con necesidad de ventilación mecánica prolongada. Evaluado por otorrinolaringología, se realizó revisión de vía aérea, observando estenosis en los últimos 5 anillos traqueales con colapso dinámico de la tráquea. La tomografía computada de tórax demostró DAA completo con emergencias de troncos supraaórticos de ambos arcos de forma simétrica. Se decidió tratamiento quirúrgico a la brevedad. Se abordó por toracotomía anterolateral izquierda, se realizó control vascular y sección del arco aórtico izquierdo distal a emergencia de subclavia, con plastía de aorta y arteria subclavia izquierda, liberado el arco aórtico se realizó pexia y disección de tejido fibrótico que rodeaba tráquea y esófago. Paciente evolucionó favorablemente, con resolución de cuadro respiratorio y ausencia estridor. Fibrobroncoscopía posoperatoria no observó compresión traqueal. El alta hospitalaria fue al 14° día posoperatorio. Actualmente, a seis meses de seguimiento, se encuentra asintomático respiratorio y cardiovascular. Discusión: El DAA puede afectar al 0,03% de la población pediátrica. Usualmente es sintomático con manifestaciones obstructivas como estridor o disfagia por compresión de estructuras mediastínicas, por lo que requiere alta sospecha clínica para su confirmación imagenológica y posterior tratamiento quirúrgico.

Introduction: The double aortic arch (DAA) is an uncommon cardiovascular malformation, characterized by the persistence of both aortic arches after birth. It can be presented with right dominant branch (70-73%), left or symmetrical. It's anatomical shape produces compression of mediastinal structures such as the trachea and esophagus. Clinic case: Infant man 3 months old, with a history of stridor since birth. He was admitted to our center due to severe pneumonia with the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation. Evaluated by otorhinolaryngology, who performed airway revision observing stenosis in the last 5 tracheal rings with dynamic trachea collapse. Chest computed tomography showed complete DAA with emergence of supraaortic trunks of both arches symmetrically. Surgical treatment was decided as soon as possible. It was approached by left anterolateral thoracotomy, vascular control and left aortic arch section distal to subclavian emergency was performed, with aortic and left subclavian artery plasty, aortic arch was released to perform pexia and dissection of fibrotic tissue surrounding the trachea and esophagus. Patient evolved favorably, with resolution of respiratory symptoms and absence of stridor. Postoperative fiberoptic bronchoscopy did not observe tracheal compression. He was discharged on the 14th postoperative day. Currently at six months of follow-up, he is asymptomatic respiratory and cardiovascular. Discussion: AAD can affect 0.03% of the pediatric population. It is usually symptomatic with obstructive manifestations such as stridor or dysphagia due to compression of mediastinal structures, which requires high clinical suspicion for its imaging confirmation and subsequent surgical treatment.

Humans , Male , Infant , Thoracotomy/methods , Vascular Ring/surgery , Vascular Ring/diagnostic imaging , Postoperative Period , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome , Cardiovascular Abnormalities
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 29(3): 4949-4956, 2018. tab, ILUS
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-982170


Los anillos vasculares son un espectro de patologías en las que el arco aórtico, la arteria pulmonar o la ramificación de los vasos supraaórticos tienen un origen o trayecto anormal y pueden comprimir la tráquea o el esófago, lo cual genera diferentes síntomas, como los respiratorios, que son lo más comunes. Estas patologías pueden estar asociadas a malformaciones cardiacas, del tracto gastrointestinal y en otros sistemas. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre la embriología, epidemiología, clínica y hallazgos imagenológicos en resonancia magnética de los principales anillos vasculares.

Vascular rings are a spectrum of pathologies where the aortic arch, pulmonary artery and/or the supra-aortic vessels have a different origin or an abnormal course; this may or may not produce tracheal and/or esophageal compression. These entities have a variable clinical presentation, with respiratory symptoms being the most common. They are associated with cardiac, gastrointestinal and other system malformations. We reviewed the available literature about the embryology, epidemiology, clinical and Magnetic resonance imaging findings of the most common vascular rings.

Humans , Vascular Ring , Aorta, Thoracic , Subclavian Artery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 87(4): 345-348, oct.-dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-887545


Resumen: El arco aórtico derecho puede estar asociado a subclavia izquierda aberrante, en algunos casos esta se origina de una dilatación aneurismática que se conoce como divertículo de Kommerell. Se presentan 2 casos de anillo vascular formado por un arco aórtico derecho, subclavia izquierda anómala con divertículo de Kommerell y persistencia del conducto arterioso izquierdo con una revisión de la literatura acerca del desarrollo embriológico y los métodos de imagen que ayudan al diagnóstico de esta rara anomalía vascular.

Abstract: The right-side aortic arch may be associated with aberrant left subclavian artery, in some cases this artery originates from an aneurismal dilation of the aorta called Kommerell's diverticulum. A report is presented on 2 cases of vascular ring formed by a right-side aortic arch, anomalous left subclavian artery, Kommerell's diverticulum and left patent ductus arteriosus. A review the literature was also performed as regards the embryological development and the imaging methods used to help in the diagnosis of this rare vascular anomaly.

Humans , Aorta, Thoracic/abnormalities , Subclavian Artery/abnormalities , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnostic imaging , Diverticulum/complications , Cardiovascular Abnormalities/complications , Aneurysm/complications , Aorta, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Subclavian Artery/diagnostic imaging , Cardiovascular Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Ring/etiology , Vascular Ring/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 23(5): 418-418, sep.-oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-959903


Resumen El síndrome aórtico agudo puede presentarse como un cuadro clínico característico de una emergencia vascular, o por el contrario de una forma completamente atípica, donde el diagnóstico reta al médico de emergencias, llevando a errores fatales al pasar por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Con el objetivo de mostrar la utilidad del ultrasonido realizado a la cabecera del paciente en el diagnóstico de la disección aórtica, se describen 9 casos de pacientes que ingresaron al departamento de emergencias y que fueron diagnosticados con el síndrome aórtico agudo, gracias a la valoración ultrasonográfica inicial realizada por residentes y especialistas en medicina de emergencias en un hospital de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Este reporte de casos muestra que el ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente, es un método diagnóstico no invasivo, accesible y útil para la detección temprana de esta patología en los servicios de emergencias.

Abstract The acute aortic syndrome can present as a characteristic clinical picture of a vascular emergency, or on the contrary as a completely atypical form, where the diagnosis challenges the emergency physician, leading to fatal mistakes by ignoring the diagnosis of this entity. In order to show the usefulness of ultrasound performed at the patient bedside in the diagnosis of aortic dissection, we described 9 cases of patients admitted to the emergency department and who were diagnosed with acute aortic syndrome, thanks to the initial ultrasonographic assessment made by residents and specialists in emergency medicine in one hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. This case report shows that ultrasound at the patient bedside, is a noninvasive diagnostic method, accessible and useful for early detection of this disease in the emergency services.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aorta , Vascular Ring , Chest Pain , Ultrasonography , Diagnosis
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 20(5): 325-330, set.-oct. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-701761


Antecedentes: la disección aórtica tipo A continúa siendo una enfermedad con alto riesgo de muerte, que por ende requiere un diagnóstico rápido y manejo quirúrgico inmediato. Objetivo: reportar la experiencia y los resultados en cirugía de disección aórtica tipo A durante una década. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes atendidos entre enero de 2001 y diciembre de 2010. Se seleccionaron 58 pacientes con diagnóstico de disección aórtica tipo A, que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, intra y post-operatorias. Resultados: 79,3% de los pacientes fueron hombres; con una mediana de edad de 56 años. Los tiempos promedio para pinza aórtica, bomba y arresto fueron 136, 223 y 39 minutos, respectivamente. Los procedimientos más frecuentes fueron reemplazo de aorta ascendente y cirugía de Bentall en 34,5% de los casos cada uno. La mediana de estancia en la unidad de cuidado intensivo fue de seis y doce días para el total de hospitalización. Se reportaron complicaciones en 36,2% de los casos; la principal fue sepsis de cualquier causa en 20% de los pacientes. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 24% y la supervivencia a 28 días fue superior a 70%. Conclusiones: según nuestra casuística, la mortalidad observada no difiere mucho a la que se reporta en registros multicéntricos internacionales, en los cuales sigue siendo elevada, lo cual resalta la importancia del diagnóstico temprano y el manejo quirúrgico inmediato, que implica un esfuerzo humano e institucional considerable. Palabras clave: síndrome aórtico agudo, disección de aorta, cirugía cardíaca, mortalidad. Background: type A aortic dissection is still a disease with a high risk of death. Therefore it requires prompt diagnosis and immediate surgical management. Objective: to report our experience and results in surgery of type A aortic dissection during a decade. Methods: a descriptive, retrospective study, by reviewing medical records of patients treated between January 2001 and December 2010 was realized. 58 patients diagnosed as type A aortic dissection who met the inclusion criteria were selected, and demographic, clinical, intra and post-operative variables were analyzed. Results: 79.3% of the patients were men, with a median age of 56 years. The mean times for aortic clamp, pump and arrest were 136, 223 and 39 minutes, respectively. The most frequent procedures were ascending aortic replacement and Bentall surgery in 34.5% of cases each one. The median stay in the ICU was six days and overall hospitalization was twelve days. Complications were reported in 36.2% of cases. The main one was sepsis from any cause in 20% of patients. In-hospital mortality was 24% and survival at 28 days was higher than 70%. Conclusions: according to our casuistics, the observed mortality is not very different to that reported in international multicenter registries which remains still high. This fact highlights the importance of early diagnosis and immediate surgical management, implying a significant human and institutional effort.

Background: type A aortic dissection is still a disease with a high risk of death. Therefore it requires prompt diagnosis and immediate surgical management. Objective: to report our experience and results in surgery of type A aortic dissection during a decade. Methods: a descriptive, retrospective study, by reviewing medical records of patients treated between January 2001 and December 2010 was realized. 58 patients diagnosed as type A aortic dissection who met the inclusion criteria were selected, and demographic, clinical, intra and post-operative variables were analyzed. Results: 79.3% of the patients were men, with a median age of 56 years. The mean times for aortic clamp, pump and arrest were 136, 223 and 39 minutes, respectively. The most frequent procedures were ascending aortic replacement and Bentall surgery in 34.5% of cases each one. The median stay in the ICU was six days and overall hospitalization was twelve days. Complications were reported in 36.2% of cases. The main one was sepsis from any cause in 20% of patients. In-hospital mortality was 24% and survival at 28 days was higher than 70%. Conclusions: according to our casuistics, the observed mortality is not very different to that reported in international multicenter registries which remains still high. This fact highlights the importance of early diagnosis and immediate surgical management, implying a significant human and institutional effort.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Vascular Ring , Thoracic Surgery , Mortality , Aortic Dissection