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Odovtos (En línea) ; 25(3): 32-42, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1529067


Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the filling capacity in curved root canal using a new continuous wave of condensation technique (Termo Pack II, Easy Dental Equipments, Brazil) or lateral compaction. The percentage of voids in the filling of mesial root canals of mandibular molars was assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Mesial root canals (n=24) of mandibular molars with a degree of curvature between 20° and 40° were prepared using rotary system (ProDesign Logic, Easy, Brazil) up to #35, .05 taper. The root canals were filled by using the continuous wave of condensation system or lateral compaction and AH Plus sealer (n=12). Scanning at 9 µm was performed after preparation and after filling by using micro-CT SkyScan 1176. The volumetric percentage of filling material and voids (total length and in each root canal third) were calculated. Data were analyzed using ANOVA/ Tukey and Student's t tests (α=0.05). Before the filling techniques, the root canals volume after preparation was similar (p>0.05). The root canals filled by the continuous wave of condensation technique presented the lowest percentage of voids, and the greatest percentage of filling material in total length and thirds (cervical, middle and apical) (p<0.05). Both techniques were not able of completely filling the root canals. The continuous wave of condensation technique Termo Pack II promoted better root canal filling in curved root canals, when compared with lateral compaction.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la capacidad de obturación en conductos radiculares curvos utilizando una nueva técnica de condensación de onda continua (Termo Pack II, Easy Dental Equipments, Brasil) vs compactación lateral. El porcentaje de brechas en la obturación de los conductos radiculares mesiales de los molares mandibulares se evaluó mediante microtomografía computarizada (micro-CT). Se prepararon conductos radiculares mesiales (n=24) de molares mandibulares con un grado de curvatura entre 20° y 40° utilizando un sistema rotatorio (ProDesign Logic, Easy, Brasil) al #35, conicidad 0,05. Los conductos radiculares se obturaron utilizando un sistema de condensación de onda contínua o compactación lateral y cemento AH Plus (n=12). Se realizó un escaneo de 9 µm después de la preparación y después de la obturación usando el micro-CT SkyScan 1176. Se calculó el porcentaje volumétrico de material de obturación y vacíos (longitud total y en cada tercio del conducto radicular). Los datos se analizaron utilizando las pruebas ANOVA/Tukey y t de Student (α=0,05). Antes de las técnicas de obturación, el volumen de los conductos radiculares después de la preparación fue similar (p>0,05). Los conductos radiculares obturados con la técnica de condensación por onda contínua presentaron el menor porcentaje de vacíos y el mayor porcentaje de material de obturación en longitud total y en tercios (cervical, medio y apical) (p<0,05). Ambas técnicas no fueron capaces de llenar completamente los conductos radiculares. La técnica de condensación de onda contínua Termo Pack II promovió un mejor relleno del conducto radicular en conductos radiculares curvos en comparación con la compactación lateral.

Root Canal Obturation/instrumentation , Condensation , Dental Pulp , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210112, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1386810


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in arresting dentin caries lesions when applied under different concentrations and times. Material and Methods: Forty-two bovine blocks were selected and fixed in 24-well plates. Each well received a mixed bacterial inoculum added to the culture medium with 5% sucrose. The plates were incubated in microaerophilia (7 days) for caries formation, confirmed by micro-CT (M1). SDF was applied over the carious lesions for different times and concentrations (n=6): SDF 30% - immediate removal, 1 minute and 3 minutes; SDF 38%, - immediate removal, 1 minute and 3 minutes. The group without treatment was the control. Then, the samples were again scanned by micro-CT (M2) and submitted to a second cariogenic challenge for 21 days. Then, a final scan was performed (M3). Results: Mean pH at the culture medium and lesion depth were compared using Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests. 38% SDF showed the lowest metabolic activity of the biofilm. All 38% groups and 30% 1 and 3 minutes did not show an increase in mean lesion depth comparing M3 with M1. However, only 30% 3 minutes and 38% 1 and 3 minutes showed a significant reduction of lesion depth. Conclusion: The minimum application time of 30% SDF to arrest dentin caries lesion was 1 minute, while 38% SDF arrested with application and immediate removal.

Animals , Cattle , Tooth Remineralization , Cariostatic Agents/therapeutic use , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dentin , Diamines/chemistry , Fluorides/chemistry , Silver/therapeutic use , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Longitudinal Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Biofilms , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1351219


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine in vitro the frequency, shape, type, diameter, and patency of accessory canals in the primary molars pulp chamber floor. Material and Methods: Sixteen healthy primary molars were evaluated by micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Descriptive analyses of the frequency, shape (round, oval, or irregular), type (blind, true, or hidden), patency and diameter of the accessory canals were performed. Results: Half of the teeth presented accessory canals, 62.5% of which were located in the upper molars and 37.5% in the lower molars. The most frequent shape was irregular. In three-dimensional analysis, blind accessory canals (12.5%) and with patency (18.7%) of the teeth were observed. The average accessory canal diameter was 51.97 µm (± 26.03 µm). Conclusion: Upper molars showed a higher frequency of accessory canals with larger diameters. The irregular shape was the most frequent. 18.7% of accessory channels showed patency.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/instrumentation , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation , Molar , Brazil/epidemiology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology
Natal; s.n; 2019. 105 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537504


O retratamento endodôntico é um procedimento realizado quando o tratamento anterior tem insucesso e visa reverter os processos infecciosos, removendo completamente o material obturador permitindo uma nova limpeza, modelagem e reobturação dos canais radiculares. Com vistas a melhoria das taxas de sucesso e eficiência do retratamento, vários sistemas de níquel-titânio (NiTi) têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de apenas um instrumento por meio de um movimento reciprocante, levantado novas perspectivas para o preparo biomecânico do canal radicular, bem como, o retratamento. Portanto, este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a produção de desvio e capacidade de limpeza durante retratamento dos canais mesiais de molares inferiores com curvaturas severas (30° e 70°), obturados com BioC Sealer após utilização dos sistemas reciprocantes. Uma amostra de sessenta molares inferiores foi dividida em quatro grupos experimentais, assim distribuídos: G1- X1-Blue (25.06); G2- WaveOne Gold Primary (25.07); G3- Reciproc Blue (25.08); G4- WA1 (25.07). Cada grupo continha 15 molares, totalizando 120 canais mesiais, os quais passaram pela aquisição e processamento das imagens iniciais no Microtomográfo, para que posteriormente, fosse realizado o pareamento dos grupos. Todos os grupos foram instrumentados com o sistema de rotação continua Pro Taper Next. Após instrumentação, foram obturados com cone de guta percha ProTaper Universal, selados e colocados em estufa a 37 °C, 100% de umidade durante 72 horas. Para análise de desvio e remoção da obturação dos canais as amostras foram escaneadas por meio da Microtomografia (MicroCT). Por fim, foi avaliado e medido o desvio apical através da comparação das imagens dos canais obtidas pelas Micro-CT após o retratamento, bem como a remoção do material obturador, para posterior análise estatística. Os resultados quanto a produção de desvio após remoção do material obturador, entre grupos, demonstrou não haver diferença estatisticamente significante tanto para os canais radiculares mesio vestibulares como para os canais mesio linguais (p > 0,05). Na análise intra grupo, não houve diferença em relação aos grupos G1(X1 Blue), G2 (Wave one Gold) e G3 (Reciproc Blue) (p > 0,05), porém o grupo G4 (WA1) apresentou diferença significante, mostrando maior grau de desvio no canal mesio lingual do que no mesio vestibular (p < 0,05). Com relação a remoção do material obturado, na análise entre grupo, para o canal Mesio vestibular, pode-se observar que em todos os grupos houve uma diminuição no sentido cervical para apical, porém, no grupo G4 (WA1) observou-se uma maior remoção tanto no terço médio quanto no apical. No terço cervical a maior remoção do material obturador ocorreu no grupo G2 (Wave one Gold), seguido do G4 (WA1), G3 (Reciproc Blue) e G1(X1 Blue). Para o canal mesio lingual, o grupo G4 (WA1) demonstrou uma maior estabilidade de remoção do material obturador em todos os terços. No terço cervical houve uma maior remoção do material obturador no grupo G2, seguido do G4, G3 e G1, já no terço médio foi no grupo G2, seguido do G1, G4 e G3. No terço apical, o grupo G4 promoveu maior capacidade de remoção de material obturador, seguido de G1, G2 e G3. Para comparação entre médias intragrupos, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando se comparou os terços cervical/médio para os Grupos G1 e G4 (tanto no canal Mesio vestibular como no mesio lingual) e terços médio/apical (apenas no canal Mesio lingual), porém, o terço apical foi observado uma maior dificuldade na remoção do material obturador. Conclui-se que a maiorias dos sistemas reciprocantes testados no retratamento promoveram desvio apical, porém o sistema WA1 foi capaz de produzir menos desvio no canal Mesio vestibular. Os sistemas reciprocantes utilizados foram capazes de remove grande parte do material obturador, mas não em sua totalidade, o terço apical foi o que mais dificultou a remoção do material obturador, porém, o sistema WA1 foi o que apresentou maior desempenho neste terço (AU).

Endodontic retreatment is a procedure performed when the previous treatment is unsuccessful and aims to reverse infectious processes, completely removing the shutter material allowing a new cleaning, modeling and reobturation of root canals. With a view to improving success rates and retreatment efficiency, several nickel-titanium (NiTi) systems have been developed with the use of only one instrument through a reciprocal movement, raising new perspectives for biomechanical preparation of the root canal, as well as retreatment. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the production of deviation and cleaning capacity during retreatment of the mesiaal channels of lower molars with severe curvatures (30° and 70°), obtained with BioC Sealer after using reciprocating systems. A sample of sixty lower molars was divided into four experimental groups, thus distributed: G1- X1-Blue (25.06); G2- WaveOne Gold Primary (25.07); G3- Reciproc Blue (25.08); G4- WA1 (25.07). Each group contained 15 molars, totaling 120 mesiaal channels, which passed through the acquisition and processing of the initial images in the Microtomográfo, so that later, the pairing of the groups was performed. All groups have been instrumented with the continuous Rotation System Pro Taper Next. After instrumentation, they were filled with protaper universal percha gutcone, sealed and placed in a greenhouse at 37 °C, 100% humidity for 72 hours. For analysis of deviation and removal of the filling of the channels, the samples were scanned by microtomography (Micro-CT). Finally, apical deviation was evaluated and measured by comparing the images of the channels obtained by micro-CT after retreatment, as well as removal of the shutter material, for further statistical analysis. The results regarding the production of deviation after removal of the shutter material between groups, showed no statistically significant difference both for vestibular mesium root canals and for lingual mesio channels (p > 0.05). In the intra-group analysis, there was no difference in relation to groups G1(X1 Blue), G2 (Wave one Gold) and G3 (Reciproc Blue) (p > 0.05), but group G4 (WA1) showed a significant difference, showing a higher degree of deviation in the lingual mesium channel than in the vestibular mesium (p < 0.05). Regarding the removal of the obtained material, in the analysis between group, for the vestibular Mesio canal, it can be observed that in all groups there was a decrease in the cervical direction to apical, however, in group G4 (WA1) there was a greater removal in both the middle and apical third. In the cervical third the highest removal of the shutter material occurred in group G2 (Wave one Gold), followed by G4 (WA1), G3 (Reciproc Blue) and G1 (X1 Blue). For the lingual mesio channel, group G4 (WA1) demonstrated greater shutter material removal stability across all thirds. In the cervical third, there was a higher removal of the shutter material in group G2, followed by G4, G3 and G1, already in the middle third it was in group G2, followed by G1, G4 and G3. In the apical third, group G4 promoted higher shutter material removal capacity, followed by G1, G2 and G3. For comparison between intragroup means, there was no statistically significant difference when comparing the cervical/middle thirds for Groups G1 and G4 (both in the vestibular mesio channel and in the lingual mesium) and middle/apical thirds (only in the lingual Mesio canal), however, the apical third was observed a greater difficulty in removing the shutter material. It was concluded that most of the reciprocal systems tested in the retreatment promoted apical deviation, but the WA1 system was able to produce less deviation in the vestibular Mesio canal. The reciprocal systems used were able to remove much of the shutter material, but not in its entirety, the apical third was the one that most difficult to remove the shutter material, however, the WA1 system was the one that performed higher in this third (AU).

Humans , Root Canal Obturation/instrumentation , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Radiography, Dental, Digital/instrumentation , Retreatment , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62: e19180125, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011526


Abstract The sandstones of the Furnas Formation in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil, are located in regions with great importance due to the natural heritage found in the rocky forms and associated flora and fauna. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the internal structure of diverse sandstones of the Furnas Formation. X-ray microtomography allowed 3D characterization of the number, pore size and shape distributions of the sandstones. Images with voxel size of 603 µm3 were utilized to evaluate the sandstone's macroporosity. The main results obtained indicate that higher macroporosities were observed in coarser and some types of silicified sandstones. In general, fine sandstones were characterized by the largest number of pores. As a general conclusion the size and shape distribution of pores seem to have a variable relation with genetic factors as grain size and cement (siliceous and/or ferruginous).

Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/instrumentation , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation , Sand/chemistry , Porosity
Acta cir. bras ; 31(5): 308-313, May 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-783798


ABSTRACT PURPOSE : To evaluate a modified experimental model for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) through the upper right central incisor extraction followed by intravenous bisphosphonate administration. METHODS: Forty five rats underwent the upper right central incisor tooth extraction were divided in 2 groups: Group I - experimental group, 30 rats received an intravenous administration protocol of zoledronic acid 35μg/kg into the tail vein every two weeks, totalizing four administrations, during eight weeks of administration, previously the extraction, and Group II - control group, 15 rats didn't received any medication before extraction. The groups were subdivided in postoperative periods: 14/28/42 days. Clinical analysis and microtomography were performed to verify the presence of osteonecrosis. In addition, descritive histological analysis of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections was performed to evaluate the presence of osteonecrosis or necrotic foci. RESULTS: Twelve (40%) rats, from experimental group, showed clinical signs of MRONJ (p=0.005), however, all samples showed imaginologic findings like osteolysis and loss of integrity of the cellular walls (p≤0.001). Microscopic evaluation revealed osteonecrosis areas with microbial colonies and inflammatory infiltrate (p≤0.001). In the control group, all animals presented the chronology of a normal wound healing. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after maxillary central incisor extraction in rats. This new experimental model may be considered an option for the study of MRONJ.

Animals , Male , Models, Animal , Diphosphonates/administration & dosage , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/pathology , Imidazoles/administration & dosage , Osteitis/pathology , Osteolysis/chemically induced , Osteolysis/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Tooth Extraction/methods , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Rats, Wistar , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnostic imaging , Administration, Intravenous/methods , Imidazoles/adverse effects , Incisor/surgery