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MedUNAB ; 27(1): 62-68, 20240401.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581321


Introducción. La leucemia es el principal tipo de cáncer infantil, con una tasa de incidencia para 2022 de 5.5 por cada 100,000 menores. La hipercalcemia maligna es una de sus manifestaciones paraneoplásica grave y poco frecuente (incidencia global del 0.4 ­ 1.3%) en la población pediátrica. Objetivo. Presentar un caso de leucemia linfoblástica aguda que debutó con hipercalcemia severa. Descripción del caso. Se trata de una preescolar femenina de 3 años que inició con cuadro clínico caracterizado por dolores óseos y limitación funcional, los hemogramas iniciales no mostraron alteración de líneas celulares, las radiografías evidenciaron osteopenia generalizada, acompañado de hipercalcemia severa, paratohormona inhibida e hipercalciuria secundaria, que fueron manejados con hidratación endovenosa, diurético, esteroide y ácido zolendrónico. Así mismo, presentó desequilibrios electrolíticos que requirieron reposición de potasio y fósforo con adecuada respuesta. Se realizaron estudios de médula ósea, confirmándose el diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda, recibió quimioterapia protocolo ALLIC 2009 con enfermedad refractaria al final de la fase de inducción, y finalmente trasplante haploidéntico de médula que fue exitoso. Discusión. La hipercalcemia maligna es una de las urgencias oncológicas endocrinológica con una incidencia baja, que es más frecuente en la población adulta, por lo que no es la primera impresión diagnóstica para considerar en pediatría, lo que lleva a retrasos en el diagnóstico etiológico y en pronóstico. Conclusión. La hipercalcemia acompañada de lesiones osteolíticas difusas puede ser la primera y única manifestación en la población infantil con diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda, reconocerla permitirá llevar al inicio oportuno de tratamiento, impactando en sobrevida.

Introduction. Leukaemia is the leading childhood cancer, with a 2022 incidence rate of 5.5 per 100,000 children. In the pediatric population, Hypercalcaemia maligna is one of its rare and severe paraneoplastic manifestations (overall incidence 0.4 - 1.3%). Objective. To present a case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia that debuted with severe hypercalcemia. Case description. It is about a 3-year-old female preschooler who started with a clinical picture characterized by bone pain and functional limitation; initial haemograms showed no alteration of cell lines, radiographs showed generalized osteopenia, accompanied by severe hypercalcemia, inhibited parathyroid hormone and secondary hypercalciuria, which were managed with intravenous hydration, diuretic, steroid and zoledronic acid. She also presented electrolyte imbalances that required potassium and phosphorus replacement with adequate response. Bone marrow studies were performed, confirming the diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia; she received ALLIC 2009 protocol chemotherapy with refractory disease at the end of the induction phase, and finally, a haploidentical bone marrow transplant, which was successful. Discussion. Hypercalcemia of malignancy is one of the endocrinological oncological emergencies with a low incidence, which is more frequent in the adult population. So, it is not the first diagnostic impression to be considered in pediatrics, leading to delays in aetiological diagnosis and prognosis. Conclusion. Hypercalcaemia accompanied by diffuse osteolytic lesions may be the first and only manifestation in the pediatric population with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Recognizing it will lead to the timely initiation of treatment, with an impact on survival

Introdução. A leucemia é o principal tipo de câncer infantil, com uma taxa de incidência de 5.5 por 100,000 crianças em 2022. A hipercalcemia maligna é uma das suas manifestações paraneoplásicas graves e raras (incidência global de 0.4 ­ 1.3%) na população pediátrica. Objetivo. Apresentar um caso de leucemia linfoblástica aguda que teve início com hipercalcemia severa. Descrição do caso. Trata-se de uma criança pré-escolar do sexo feminino, de 3 anos, que apresentou um quadro clínico caracterizado por dores ósseas e limitação funcional. Os hemogramas iniciais não mostraram alterações nas linhas celulares, e as radiografias evidenciaram osteopenia generalizada, acompanhada de hipercalcemia severa, com paratormônio inibido e hipercalciúria secundária. O manejo incluiu hidratação endovenosa, diurético, esteroide e ácido zoledrônico. Da mesma forma, a paciente apresentou desequilíbrios eletrolíticos que exigiram reposição de potássio e fósforo, com resposta adequada. Foram realizados estudos de medula óssea, confirmando o diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda. Ela recebeu quimioterapia seguindo o protocolo ALLIC 2009, mas apresentou doença refratária ao final da fase de indução, e, por fim, foi submetida a um transplante haploidêntico de medula, que foi bem-sucedido. Discussão. A hipercalcemia maligna é uma das urgências oncológicas endocrinológicas com baixa incidência, sendo mais comum na população adulta. Por isso, não é a primeira impressão diagnóstica a ser considerada em pediatria, o que pode resultar em atrasos no diagnóstico etiológico e no prognóstico da condição. Conclusão. A hipercalcemia acompanhada de lesões osteolíticas difusas pode ser a primeira e única manifestação na população infantil com diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda. O reconhecimento precoce permitirá o início oportuno do tratamento, impactando positivamente na sobr evida.

Hypercalcemia , Bone Marrow , Case Reports , Hematologic Neoplasms , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma
São Paulo; s.n; 20240111. 77 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1526206


Reabsorções internas das paredes dentinárias levantam dúvidas sobre a origem de células clásticas na polpa dentária em casos idiopáticos. Estudos recentes sugeriram que as células MDPC-23 (odontoblast-like) podem se diferenciar em células clásticas, contrariando estudos anteriores. O presente estudo teve como objetivo observar a influência do calcitriol (1,25-dihidroxivitamina D3) e do lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) na indução da diferenciação de células MDPC-23 (semelhantes a odontoblastos) em células semelhantes a clastos. Como as células MDPC-23 têm origem ectomesenquimal e células clásticas possuem origem hematopoiética, o estudo foi proposto para comparar, in vitro, o potencial clastogênico de dois modelos de origem embrionárias distintas frente a diferentes estímulos. Dois grupos, MDPC-23 e células da medula óssea de camundongos, foram cultivados e tratados com LPS ou 1,25-dihidroxivitamina D3 (calcitriol). No sexto dia, o ensaio de metiltiazolil-tetrazólio (MTT) foi realizado para observar a viabilidade celular diante dos tratamentos. Em seguida, o ensaio citoquímico foi executado para identificar células positivas para TRAP. Adicionalmente foi feito estudo da expressão gênica dos marcadores da clastogênese, OPG, RANK, RANKL, Csf1r, M-Csf1 e catepsina K, através da PCRq. No ensaio de MTT, a viabilidade celular não foi alterada com os tratamentos em comparação com os subgrupos controle. Células TRAP positivas estavam presentes apenas nos subgrupos medula óssea, induzidos com LPS ou calcitriol. O grupo medula óssea apresentou amplificação para todos os genes alvos mencionados. Já para os subgrupos do grupo MDPC-23 apresentaram expressão gênica significativa, diante dos tratamentos, apenas para os genes Csf1r e catepsina K. Concluiu-se, portanto, que embora apresente expressão relativa para os genes Csf1r e catepsina K, sob tratamento, as células MDPC-23 não foram capazes de se diferenciar em células clásticas.

Bone Marrow , Calcitriol
Repert. med. cir ; 33(3): 304-309, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1586325


Introducción: La degeneración combinada subaguda de la médula espinal es una consecuencia del déficit de vitamina B12. La presentación clínica incluye parestesias, pérdida de la sensibilidad a la propiocepción y vibración, que pueden llegar a ser incapacitantes. Presentación de caso: Se reporta el caso de un paciente adulto mayor quien inicia con parestesias y avanza hacia paraparesia, así como algunas pérdidas de memoria. De acuerdo con el examen físico se realizó impresión diagnóstica de mielitis y se inició el estudio evidenciando déficit de cianocobalamina. Conclusión: Se trató al paciente con reposición de vitamina B12 obteniendo adecuada respuesta. Existen múltiples etiologías para esta deficiencia, sin embargo, su tratamiento es sencillo e instaurado a tiempo se evitan síntomas neurológicos severos que lleven a discapacidad.

Introduction: Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Its clinical presentation includes paresthesia, and proprioception and vibratory sensation loss, which can become disabling. Case presentation: We report the case of an elderly patient who experienced initial paresthesia which progressed to paraparesis, as well as some memory loss. Based on his physical examination a diagnostic impression of myelitis was made. Further investigation evidenced cyanocobalamin deficiency. Conclusion: Patient was treated with vitamin B12 supplementation, obtaining an adequate response. There are numerous causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, however, its treatment is simple, and its early initiation can prevent severe neurological symptoms leading to disability.

Humans , Subacute Combined Degeneration , Spinal Cord , Vitamin B 12 Deficiency , Bone Marrow , Gastritis, Atrophic , Myelitis
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(8): 992-998, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565695


INTRODUCCIÓN: El Linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) es una causa prevalente de morbilidad por Cáncer Hematológico en el mundo y también en nuestro entorno. OBJETIVOS: Mostrar la experiencia de diez años tratando el LH en un centro docente chileno. Adicionalmente, exponer el rendimiento de diagnóstico del PET CT y la Biopsia de Médula Ósea. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realiza un estudio de Cohorte retrospectivo para recopilar datos y resultados de los pacientes tratados en nuestro centro. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 82 pacientes (edad promedio 35 años. Razón entre hombres y mujeres de 1,9:1). La sobrevida libre de progresión de 88,6% y 66,4% para estadios localizados y avanzados respectivamente. El PET como estrategia de etapificación tuvo mejor sensibilidad al comparar con la Biopsia de Médula. CONCLUSIONES: El resultado clínico de los pacientes tratados en este centro docente chileno fueron comparables a la literatura internacional. Adicionalmente, el PET CT evidenció ser una herramienta superior en el diagnóstico y etapificación superior a la biopsia en nuestros pacientes.

INTRODUCTION: Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) is a prevalent hematological cancer in the world and Chile. OBJECTIVES: Show the experience of 10 years treating HL in a Chilean academic center. Additionally, it exposes the diagnostic performance of PET CT and Bone Marrow Biopsy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study to collect data and outcomes of patients treated in our center. RESULTS: 82 patients were analyzed (Average age, 35 years old; the ratio between men and women was 1.9:1). Progression-free survival was 88.6% and 66.4% for localized and advanced stages, respectively. PET as a staging strategy had better sensitivity than Marrow Biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical results of the patients treated in this Chilean teaching center were comparable to the international literature. Additionally, PET CT proved to be a superior tool in diagnosis and staging compared to biopsy in our patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Hodgkin Disease/pathology , Hodgkin Disease/diagnostic imaging , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography/methods , Neoplasm Staging , Biopsy , Bone Marrow/pathology , Bone Marrow/diagnostic imaging , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity
FEMINA ; 51(5): 292-296, 20230530.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512407


PONTOS-CHAVE • A incidência de câncer durante a gestação tem aumentado devido à tendência das mulheres em postergar a gravidez. O câncer de colo de útero é a terceira neoplasia mais comumente diagnosticada durante o período gestacional. • O rastreamento e o diagnóstico devem se dar como nas pacientes não gestantes; a citologia oncótica cervical é o exame obrigatório do pré-natal, e a colposcopia com biópsia pode ser realizada em qualquer período da gestação. • A gestação complicada pelo diagnóstico de um câncer deve sempre ser conduzida em centro de referência e por equipe multidisciplinar. • A interrupção da gestação em situações específicas, para tratamento-padrão, é respaldada por lei. • A quimioterapia neoadjuvante é uma alternativa segura de tratamento durante a gestação, para permitir alcançar a maturidade fetal. Apresenta altas taxas de resposta, sendo relatada progressão neoplásica durante a gestação em apenas 2,9% dos casos. O risco de malformações fetais decorrentes da quimioterapia é semelhante ao da população geral. Contudo, a quimioterapia está associada a restrição de crescimento intraútero, baixo peso ao nascer e mielotoxicidade neonatal. • Na ausência de progressão de doença, deve-se levar a gestação até o termo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Women's Health , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/prevention & control , Prenatal Diagnosis , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Bone Marrow/abnormalities , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Colposcopy/methods , Conization/methods , Neoadjuvant Therapy/adverse effects , Fetal Growth Retardation , Watchful Waiting/methods , Trachelectomy/methods , Abdomen/diagnostic imaging
Chinese Journal of Hematology ; (12): 635-641, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012205


Objective: To observe the effect of platelets on hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) implantation in mice with radiation-induced bone marrow injury and bone marrow transplantation models. Methods: ①Male C57BL/6 mice were divided into a single irradiation group and a radiation infusion group after receiving (60)Co semimyeloablative irradiation for 18-10 weeks. The irradiation infusion group received 1×10(8) platelets expressing GFP fluorescent protein. ② The allogeneic bone marrow transplantation model was established. The experimental groups included the simple transplantation group (BMT) and the transplantation infusion group (BMT+PLT). The BMT group was infused through the tail vein only 5 × 10(6) bone marrow cells, the BMT+PLT group needs to be infused with bone marrow cells at the same time 1× 10(8) platelets. ③ Test indicators included peripheral blood cell and bone marrow cell counts, flow cytometry to detect the proportion of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) and hematopoietic progenitor cells, bone marrow cell proliferation and apoptosis, and pathological observation of vascular niche damage and repair. Results: ①On the 3rd, 7th, 14(th), and 21st days after irradiation, the bone marrow cell count of the infusion group was higher than that in the single irradiation group (P<0.05), and the peripheral blood cell count was also higher. A statistically significant difference was found between the white blood cell count on the 21st day and the platelet count on the 7th day (P<0.05). In the observation cycle, the percentage of bone marrow cell proliferation in the infusion group was higher, while the percentage of apoptosis was lower. ② The results of bone tissue immunofluorescence after irradiation showed that the continuity of hematopoietic niche with red fluorescence was better in the irradiation infusion group. ③The chimerism percentage in the BMT+PLT group was always higher than that in the BMT group after transplantation.④ The BMT+PLT group had higher bone marrow cell count and percentage of bone marrow cell proliferation on the 7th and 28th day after transplantation than that in the BMT group, and the percentage of bone marrow cell apoptosis on the 14th day was lower than that in the BMT group (P<0.05). After the 14th day, the percentage of stem progenitor cells in the bone marrow cells of mice was higher than that in the BMT group (P<0.05). ⑤The immunohistochemical results of bone marrow tissue showed that the continuity of vascular endothelium in the BMT+PLT group was better than that in the BMT group. Conclusion: Platelet transfusion can alleviate the injury of vascular niche, promotes HSC homing, and is beneficial to hematopoietic reconstruction.

Mice , Animals , Bone Marrow Transplantation , Bone Marrow , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Hematopoietic Stem Cells , Bone Marrow Diseases , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation , Mice, Inbred BALB C
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1044-1049, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009962


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the diagnostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in bone marrow infiltration (BMI) of newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), compared with the results of bone marrow biopsy (BMB) and investigate whether the BMI diagnosed by 18F-FDG PET/CT and other factors have independent prognostic values.@*METHODS@#Ninety-four newly diagnosed DLBCL patients who underwent PET/CT in Clinical Medical College of Shanghai General Hospital of Nanjing Medical University were included. BMB was performed within 2 weeks before or after PET/CT, and standardized treatment was performed after PET/CT. The manifestations of bone marrow (BM) FDG uptake were recorded. The diagnostic criteria of BMI were BMB positive or focal BM FDG uptake confirmed by imaging follow-up. The relationship between clinical features and BM FDG uptake and the values of PET/CT and BMB in the diagnosis of BMI was analyzed. The progression-free survival (PFS) was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier survival curves, log-rank test was used to compare PFS rate, and Cox regression model was used to analyze the independent risk factors affecting PFS.@*RESULTS@#Among 94 DLBCL patients, 34 patients showed focal BM uptake (fPET), 7 patients showed super BM uptake (sBMU), 11 patients showed diffuse homogenous uptake higher than liver (dPET), and the other 42 patients had normal BM uptake (nPET) (lower than liver). BMB positive was found in all sBMU patients, in 20.6%(7/34) of fPET patients, and in 27.3% (3/11) of dPET patients. All nPET patients had negative BMB results. dPET patients were associated with lower hemoglobin level and leukocyte count compared with nPET group (P < 0.001, P =0.026). Compared with fPET patients, sBMU patients were more likely to have B symptoms and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). A total of 44 patients were diagnosed BMI, including 17 cases with BMB+. The sensitivity and specificity of BMB in the diagnosis of BMI was 38.6% (17/44) and 100% (50/50), respectively. Using fPET and sBMU as criteria of PET BMI, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT was 93.2% (41/44) and 100% (50/50), respectively. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that there was no significant difference in 2-year PFS rate between nPET and dPET patients (P >0.05), while sBMU patients had lower 2-year PFS rate compared with fPET patients (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that higher Ann Arbor stage (HR=9.010, P =0.04) and sBMU (HR=3.964, P =0.002) were independent risk factors affecting PFS.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Increased BM FDG uptake of DLBCL can be manifested as dPET, fPET and sBMU. fPET and sBMU can replace BMB to diagnose BMI. Although dPET cannot completely exclude the possibility of BMI, it does not affect the prognosis, so it can be diagnosed as PET BMI negative. sBMU is an independent prognostic risk factor.

Humans , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography/methods , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Prognosis , Bone Marrow/pathology , Retrospective Studies , China , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/pathology , Biopsy
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1113-1118, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009969


OBJECTIVE@#To construct a myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) transplanted mouse model with JAK2-V617F, MPLW515L or CALR-Type I gene mutation, and establish a systematic evaluation system to verify the success of model construction.@*METHODS@#The bone marrow c-kit+ cells of the mice were obtained by the following steps: The mice were killed by cervical dislocation, the femur, tibia and ilium were separated, and the bone marrow cells were collected. The c-kit+ cells were sorted after incubation with CD117 magnetic beads. The method of constructing mouse primary mutant cells is as follows: A gene mutation vector with a GFP tag was constructed by the retroviral system, and the retroviral vector was packaged into the Platinum-E cells to obtain the virus supernatant, and then used it to infect the c-kit+ cells of mice. The MPN mouse model was constructed as follows: the mouse primary c-kit+ cells containing the mutant genes were collected after infection, and then transplanted them via the tail vein into the female recipient mice of the same species which were irradiated with a lethal dose of gamma rays (8.0 Gy). The MPN mouse model was evaluated as follows: After transplantation, the peripheral blood of the mice was regularly collected from the tail vein to perform the complete blood count test, and the size of spleen and the degree of bone marrow fibrosis were estimated.@*RESULTS@#The mouse c-kit+ cells with the mutant genes were successfully obtained from the bone marrow. MPN mouse model was successfully constructed: The peripheral blood cells of the MPN-transplanted mice carried exogenous implanted GFP-positive cells, and the white blood cells (WBC), platelet (PLT) and hematocrit (HCT) were all increased; the body weight loss, and the water and food intake were reduced in the transplanted mice; further pathological analysis showed that the transplanted mice displayed splenomegaly and bone marrow fibrosis. These results suggested that the MPN mouse model was successfully constructed. According to the common and different characteristics of the three MPN mouse model, a preliminary evaluation system for judging the success of MPN mouse model construction was summarized, which mainly included the following indicators, for example, the proportion of GFP-positive cells in the peripheral blood of mice; WBC, PLT and HCT; the degree of spleen enlargement and the bone marrow fibrosis.@*CONCLUSION@#The MPN mouse model with JAK2-V617F, MPLW515L or CALR-Type I gene mutation is successfully established by retroviral system, which can provide an important experimental animal model for the research of MPN pathogenesis and drug-targeted therapy.

Female , Mice , Animals , Primary Myelofibrosis , Myeloproliferative Disorders/genetics , Bone Marrow/pathology , Mutation , Disease Models, Animal , Neoplasms , Janus Kinase 2/genetics
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1229-1232, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009977


The homing and engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) into bone marrow is the first critical step for successful clinical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). SDF-1 / CXCR4 is considered to be a very promising target to promote HSC homing. In recent years, with the in-depth research on the HSC homing, a variety of new strategies for promoting HSC homing and engraftment have been explored, such as nuclear hormone receptor, histone deacetylase inhibitor, prostaglandin and metabolic regulation, so as to increase the success rate of HSCT and improve the survival of patients. In this review, the recent research advances in the mechanism of HSC homing and strategies to promote HSC homing and engraftment were summarized and discussed.

Humans , Hematopoietic Stem Cells/physiology , Bone Marrow , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation , Gene Expression Regulation , Prostaglandins/metabolism
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1233-1236, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009978


Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant proliferative disease of plasma cells. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) play an important role in the progression of MM. Compared with normal donor derived MSC (ND-MSC), MM patients derived MSC (MM-MSC) exhibit abnormalities in genes, signaling pathways, protein expression levels and cytokines secreted by themselves. Moreover, the exosomes of MM-MSC can interact with the bone marrow microenvironment. The above reasons can lead to MM cell proliferation, chemoresistance, impaired osteogenic differentiation of MM-MSC, and affect the immunomodulatory capacity of MM patients. In order to further understand the pathogenesis and related influencing factors of MM, this paper reviews the latest research progress of MM-MSC.

Humans , Multiple Myeloma/pathology , Osteogenesis , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Cell Differentiation , Bone Marrow/metabolism , Bone Marrow Cells/metabolism , Tumor Microenvironment
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1242-1246, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009980


Bone marrow macrophage is an important component of bone marrow microenvironment, which is closely related to hematopoietic regulation and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT). Recent studies have shown that bone marrow macrophage is an important part of hematopoietic stem cell niche, which can help regulate the mobilization and function of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. After HSCT, the microenvironment of bone marrow is damaged and a large number of macrophages infiltrate into the bone marrow. Regulating the macrophage-related signal pathways can promote the recovery of hematopoiesis and the reconstruction of hematopoietic function. Co-culture of macrophages and hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in vitro significantly increased the number of HSCs and their ability of clone formation, which suggests that macrophages play an important role in the regulation of hematopoiesis in the hematopoietic microenvironment of bone marrow. This paper reviews the recent research progress on the role of macrophages in bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment.

Humans , Bone Marrow/metabolism , Hematopoietic Stem Cells/physiology , Hematopoiesis/physiology , Stem Cell Niche , Macrophages/metabolism
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1309-1314, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009986


OBJECTIVE@#To detect the expression level of HK2 gene in the bone marrow of newly diagnosed patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and investigate its influence on the clinical characteristics and prognosis.@*METHODS@#The expression level of HK2 gene in the bone marrow of 90 newly diagnosed patients with AML that accompanying clinical characteristics and survival status were detected by RT-qPCR, and compared with 18 allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) donors. The Chi-square test, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and Cox proportional hazards regression model were used to analyze the correlation of HK2 expression level with clinical characteristics and prognosis.@*RESULTS@#Compared with allo-HSCT donors, the HK2 expression was significantly increased in newly diagnosed AML patients (P <0.01). Compared with patients with total response (OR, complete response + complete response with incomplete hematologic recovery) after 2 courses of induction chemotherapy, the expression of HK2 in patients without OR was significantly increased (P <0.05). There was a significant difference in the relative expression of HK2 between patients with and without OR after 2 courses of induction therapy (P <0.001). The median survival time of patients with high expression of HK2 was significantly shorter than that of patients with low expression of HK2 (P <0.05). The multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis showed that prognostic stratification, the expression level of HK2, and whether two courses of induction therapy achieved OR were independent factors affecting the prognosis of AML patients (P <0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Compared with allo-HSCT donors, the expression level of HK2 gene is increased in the bone marrow of newly diagnosed AML patients. The prognosis of patients with high expression of HK2 is poor. The expression level of HK2 is an independent factor affecting the prognosis of AML patients.

Humans , Bone Marrow , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/adverse effects , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/therapy , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Transplantation, Homologous/adverse effects
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1639-1646, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010017


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the flow immunophenotype and clinical characteristics of leukemia patients with positive SET-CAN fusion gene.@*METHODS@#A total of 7 newly diagnosed acute leukemia patients with SET-CAN fusion gene admitted to Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from February 2016 to February 2020 were collected. Multiplex reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect the expression of SET-CAN fusion gene. The immunophenotype was detected by four-color flow cytometry. The case information of 17 literatures published at home and abroad was extracted for statistical analysis.@*RESULTS@#Among the 7 patients, 2 cases were diagnosed as mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL), 2 cases as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and 3 cases as T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL). Leukemia cells in bone marrow specimens of all cases expressed or partially expressed CD34, CD33 and CD7. CD5 and cytoplasmic CD3 were expressed in 5 patients except 2 patients diagnosed with AML. Bone marrow and lymph node specimens were both detected in 2 patients, and the immunophenotypes of the two specimens were not completely consistent, with differences in lineage or maturity related markers. Two patients with MPAL showed differentiated response to treatment. One AML patient gave up treatment, and another AML patient with FLT3-ITD gene mutation had a poor prognosis. All three T-ALL/LBL patients maintained a long duration of remission after induced remission, and one case underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.@*CONCLUSIONS@#There are common characteristics of immunophenotype in patients with positive SET-CAN fusion gene. Differential expression of immunophenotype in samples from different parts is observed in some cases. The prognosis of these diseases varies.

Humans , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/pathology , Bone Marrow/pathology , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/genetics , Antigens, CD34 , Precursor T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma , Immunophenotyping
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1720-1725, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010028


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the value of multiple detection methods based on histopathology and supplemented by bone marrow or peripheral blood sample detections in the comprehensive diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).@*METHODS@#The clinical, immunophenotypic, pathologic, cytogenetic and molecular features of 153 newly diagnosed MCL patients admitted to the hematology department of our hospital from May 2009 to September 2022 were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#144 (96.6%) of the 149 MCL patients who underwent marrow or peripheral blood IGH/CCND1 FISH detection at initial diagnosis were positive, of which 36 cases (24.2%) had a low proportion positive. The immunophenotypes in 115 patients were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM), 89 cases (77.4%) conformed to MCL while 23 cases (20.0%) were initially diagnosed as B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders (B-LPD). Of the 75 cases who performed bone marrow biopsy, 50 cases (66.7%) had morphological and immunophenotypic characteristics consistent with MCL, 15 cases (20.0%) were classified as B-LPD, and 10 cases with no obvious abnormality. 77 patients underwent histopathology examination, of which 73 cases (94.8%) had typical clinicopathological features of MCL, including 2 CCND1 negative MCL, 2 pleomorphic variants, 5 pleomorphic variants and 4 cases diagnosed as other leukemia or lymphoma. Among 153 cases of MCL, 128 cases were classic MCL(cMCL), and another 25 cases (16.3%) were diagnosed as leukemic non-lymph node MCL (lnnMCL). The incidence of IGHV mutation, TP53 mutation and CD23 expression positive were significantly different between cMCL and lnnMCL.@*CONCLUSION@#Histopathology is still the main standard for the diagnosis of cMCL, and detection based on bone marrow or peripheral blood samples is an important means for the diagnosis of lnnMCL. Single marker or examination can cause a certain proportion of misdiagnosis. The accurate diagnosis of MCL depends on a combination of multiple detection methods.

Adult , Humans , Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell/genetics , Bone Marrow/pathology , Leukemia/pathology , Mutation , Immunophenotyping
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1739-1744, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010031


OBJECTIVE@#To study the expression level of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) in multiple myeloma (MM), its relationship with clinical indicators, prognosis and potential role.@*METHODS@#Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the expression of NAMPT in bone marrow biopsies of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) and patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) hospitalized during the same period. According to the median expression level of NAMPT, NDMM patients were divided into high expression group and low expression group. The correlation between NAMPT expression level and clinical baseline data was analyzed, and survival analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between NAMPT expression level and prognosis. The GSE24080 and GSE19784 datasets were used to analyze the effect of NAMPT on the prognosis. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) explored the possible mechanism of NAMPT involved in MM cell function.@*RESULTS@#The mean staining intensity of NAMPT in bone marrow tissue of 31 NDMM patients was 0.007±0.002, and that of 10 IDA patients was 0.002±0.002 (P < 0.05). The median expression level of NAMPT was 0.0041 in NDMM patients, and the mean staining intensity of high expression group and low expression group was 0.007±0.005 and 0.002±0.001, respectively (P < 0.001). There were certain differences in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP) and ISS staging between high expression group and low expression group (P < 0.001), while no significant differences in other indicators. The overall response rate (ORR) of high expression group was significantly lower than that of low expression group (P < 0.001). The median survival time of patients in high expression group was significantly shorter than that in low expression group (P =0.024). The results of bioinformatics analysis showed that the event-free survival (EFS) rate and overall survival (OS) rate of low NAMPT group were both higher than high NAMPT group (P =0.037, P =0.009), and NAMPT was an independent prognostic factor for EFS and OS (P =0.006, P =0.020). GSEA suggested that NAMPT might affect MM cell function through mTORC1 signaling pathway.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The expression level of NAMPT in bone marrow of NDMM patients is significantly higher than that of IDA patients, and the high expression of NAMPT may be correlated with late ISS stage, and high level of LDH and CRP. Patients with high expression of NAMPT have worse response to bortezomib and survival time may be shorter. NAMPT may be involved in the occurrence and development of MM through mTORC1 signaling pathway.

Humans , Multiple Myeloma/genetics , Bone Marrow/pathology , Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase , Clinical Relevance , Prognosis , Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1750-1756, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010033


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the genetic results of whole exome sequencing of bone marrow from new onset multiple myeloma (MM) patients to analyze the process of genetic clonal evolution in MM patients.@*METHODS@#Genomic DNA was extracted from bone marrow samples of 15 MM patients and the whole exomes sequencing was performed using next generation sequencing technology. Using own buccal cells as germline controls, combinated with clinical information, the mutation profile of genes from high-risk asymptomatic myeloma to symptomatic myeloma were analyzed, and genes that may be associated with the efficacy and side effects of bortezomib were screened.@*RESULTS@#Except for two patients in whom no peripheral neuropathy was observed after a short treatment period, other patients peripheral neuropathy developed of various degrees during treatment with bortezomib containing chemotherapy, and the vast majority of patients achieved remission after receiving this bortezomib-related chemotherapy regimen. All patients had comparable levels of the inherited mutations number, but the somatic mutations was correlated with disease evolution.@*CONCLUSION@#different gene "mutational spectra" exist in myeloma patients at different stages and are associated with progression through all stages of the disease.

Humans , Multiple Myeloma/drug therapy , Bortezomib/therapeutic use , Bone Marrow , Exome Sequencing , Mouth Mucosa , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1780-1786, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010037


OBJECTIVE@#To understand the biological characteristics of polycythemia vera (PV) patients with myeloid fibroplasia, and further analyze the risk factors affecting myeloid fibroplasia in PV patients, so as to provide ideas for predicting the occurrence of myeloid fibroplasia in PV patients.@*METHODS@#Forty patients with PV in the Department of Hematology, Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences were collected and divided into two groups, with (hyperplasia group) and without (Non-proliferative group) hyperplasia of bone marrow fibers. The differences of basic clinical characteristics, blood routine, biochemistry, bone marrow cells, coagulation function and other indicators between the two groups were compared, and the independent risk factors affecting the proliferation of bone marrow fibrous tissue in PV patients were further analyzed by multivariate regression.@*RESULTS@#Compared with Non-proliferative group, the JAK2 mutation rate (95% vs 70%,P=0.037), eosinophilic cell count (0.19 vs 0.11, P=0.047) and eosinophilic percentage (1.84 vs 1.27, P=0.001) in PV patients with hyperplasia were significantly increased, triglycerides (1.55 vs 1.91, P=0.038) and low-density lipoprotein (1.50 vs 3.08, P=0.000) were significantly reduced, bone marrow hematopoietic volume (0.85 vs 0.6, P=0.001), granulocyte/erythrocyte ratio (3.40 vs 1.89, P=0.033), lymphocyte/erythrocyte ratio (0.60 vs 0.42, P=0.033), and granulocyte+lymphocyte/erythrocyte ratio (3.72 vs 2.37, P=0.026) were significantly increased, thrombin time (18.84 vs 18.12, P=0.043) was significantly prolonged. Multivariate regression analysis results showed that peripheral blood eosinophil ≥2% and low-density lipoprotein ≤2 mmol/L were independent risk factors for bone marrow fibrous tissue hyperplasia in PV patients (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Increased proportion of peripheral blood eosinophils and decreased low density lipoprotein are risk factors for bone marrow fibrous tissue hyperplasia in PV patients.

Humans , Bone Marrow/pathology , Polycythemia Vera , Hyperplasia/pathology , Granulocytes/pathology , Janus Kinase 2/genetics , Risk Factors , Lipoproteins, LDL , Polycythemia/pathology
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1838-1844, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010047


OBJECTIVE@#To study the effects of the neuro-microenvironment on the mass of mitochondria in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC), and to understand the potential mechanisms how nerve regulates HSPC.@*METHODS@#6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and capsaicin were used to interfere with the function of sympathetic nerve and nociceptive nerve in mitochondria-GFP reporter mice, respectively. The fluorescence intensity of GFP in bone marrow and spleen was measured by flow cytometry. The GFP median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of HSPC in normal bone marrow and spleen was analyzed and compared. The changes of the mitochondrial mass in HSPCs in each group after denervation were compared.@*RESULTS@#Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) had the highest mito-GFP MFI in steady-state (49 793±1 877), and the mito-GFP MFI gradually decreased during the differentiation of HSCs. Compared with control group, pharmaceutical nociceptive denervation significantly increased the mito-GFP MFI of bone marrow multipotent progenitor-1 (MPP1, 50 751±420 vs 44 020±510) and LKS- cells (15 673±65 vs 13 979±103); pharmaceutical sympathetic denervation significantly reduced the mito-GFP MFI of bone marrow LKS+ cells (21 667±351 vs 29 249±973).@*CONCLUSION@#Sympathetic and nociceptive nerves can regulate the mass of mitochondria in HSPC and affect the function of HSPCs.

Animals , Mice , Hematopoietic Stem Cells , Bone Marrow/metabolism , Cell Differentiation , Mitochondria , Pharmaceutical Preparations/metabolism
Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 510-516, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981081


OBJECTIVE@#Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is often associated with bone marrow infiltration, and 2-deoxy-2-(18F) fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ( 18F-FDG PET/CT) has potential diagnostic significance for bone marrow infiltration in DLBCL.@*METHODS@#A total of 102 patients diagnosed with DLBCL between September 2019 and August 2022 were included. Bone marrow biopsy and 18F-FDG PET/CT examinations were performed at the time of initial diagnosis. Kappa tests were used to evaluate the agreement of 18F-FDG PET/CT with the gold standard, and the imaging features of DLBCL bone marrow infiltration on PET/CT were described.@*RESULTS@#The total detection rate of bone marrow infiltration was not significantly different between PET/CT and primary bone marrow biopsy ( P = 0.302) or between the two bone marrow biopsies ( P = 0.826). The sensitivity, specificity, and Youden index of PET/CT for the diagnosis of DLBCL bone marrow infiltration were 0.923 (95% CI, 0.759-0.979), 0.934 (95% CI, 0.855-0.972), and 0.857, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#18F-FDG PET/CT has a comparable efficiency in the diagnosis of DLBCL bone marrow infiltration. PET/CT-guided bone marrow biopsy can reduce the misdiagnosis of DLBCL bone marrow infiltration.

Humans , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography/methods , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Bone Marrow/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/pathology
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 512-518, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981299


Multiple myeloma(MM)is a systemic malignancy of plasma cells.Nowadays,the basic research on MM is flourishing with the continuous optimization and innovation of mouse models of MM.Heterologous mouse models of MM established with human-derived cells and immunodeficient mice have been applied in assessing drug efficacy,exploring drug resistance mechanisms,and observing tumor-bone marrow microenvironment interactions.In the last decades,the homologous mouse models of MM established with murine-derived cells or gene-editing technologies have been widely used in the research on the pathogenesis and drug development.Additionally,the stable modeling of targeted organ injury will be a key problem to be tackled in this field.This review summarizes the characteristics and application progress of mouse models of MM.

Humans , Animals , Mice , Multiple Myeloma/pathology , Bone Marrow/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Drug Resistance , Tumor Microenvironment