O tratamento oncológico pode ocasionar diversas alterações orais durante e após o processo que podem acarretar déficit de mastigação, fonação, deglutição, além de dor e nutrição deficiente. Nesse contexto, ainda existe uma busca na comprovação do uso de fitoterápicos na oncologia com presença de lesões na cavidade oral ocasionadas pela oncoterapia, para tratamento destas. Assim, o trabalho em questão se trata de uma revisão de literatura, com objetivo de relatar, a partir da análise de periódicos, a observação de efeitos favoráveis para o tratamento das lesões orais por consequência da quimioterapia e radioterapia, através do uso dos fitoterápicos: Camomila (Matricaria chamomilla), Romã (Punica granatum) e extrato de Própolis (Apis mellifera L.). Realizou-se busca eletrônica de dados através do Scholar Google e PubMed, utilizando os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (Medicamentos Fitoterápicos, Neoplasias, Protocolos Antineoplásicos). Os estudos apresentados neste trabalho evidenciam que o uso destes fitoterápicos pode auxiliar no tratamento das lesões decorrentes da quimioterapia e radioterapia, por possuírem diversas ações anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianos, antitumorais, entre outras. Por fim, os fitoterápicos apresentados podem ser considerados como uma nova alternativa sendo assim uma escolha favorável de tratamento em relação aos medicamentos convencionais (alopatia), tanto pelo fato de serem naturais e não reduzirem mais ainda a imunidade do paciente, como também pelo seu baixo custo.
The cancer treatment can cause several oral changes during and after the process that can lead to deficits in chewing, phonation, swallowing, in addition to pain and poor nutrition. In this context, there is still a search to prove the use of herbal medicines in oncology with lesions in the oral cavity caused by oncotherapy. Thus, the work in question is a literature review, with the objective of reporting, from the analysis of journals, the observation of favorable effects for the treatment of oral lesions as a result of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, through the use of herbal medicines: Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Pomegranate (Punica granatum) and Propolis extract (Apis mellifera L.). Electronic data search was carried out through Scholar Google and PubMed, using the Health Sciences Descriptors (Phytotherapic Drugs, Neoplasms, Antineoplastic Protocols). The studies presented in this work show that the use of these herbal medicines can help in the treatment of injuries resulting from chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as they have several anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-tumor actions, among others. Finally, the herbal medicines presented can be considered as a new alternative, thus being a favorable treatment choice in relation to conventional medicines (allopathy), both because they are natural and do not further reduce the patient's immunity, but also because of their low cost.
Wounds and Injuries , Allopathic Practices , Antineoplastic Protocols , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Mouth , Neoplasms , Radiotherapy , Drug TherapyABSTRACT
Pergunta - Qual é o melhor protocolo terapêutico farmacológico para o controle da hipertensão arterial em pessoas negras brasileiras? Métodos - As buscas por Guias de Prática Clínica (GPC) e revisões sistemáticas (RS) foram realizadas em junho de 2024 nas bases de dados LILACS - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Pubmed, Embase, BIGG - Base Internacional de Guias GRADE, GIN - Guidelines International Network e Epistemonikos. Nesta revisão rápida, a seleção dos estudos e a avaliação da qualidade metodológica foram realizadas em duplicidade e de modo independente. Resultados - De 130 registros recuperados nas buscas, 3 RS e 1 GPC foram incluídos. Todas as RS abordam exclusivamente a população negra, enquanto o GPC refere-se à população com HAS em geral. A qualidade metodológica do GPC foi considerada baixa e das RS foi criticamente baixa. Os achados foram categorizados segundo as recomendações do GPC e as evidências das RS. Em síntese, os estudos relataram que para o tratamento da HAS na população negra os diuréticos e BCC são mais eficazes e apresentam menor risco de eventos adversos graves. No entanto, é importante considerar que a qualidade metodológica do GPC foi considerada baixa e das revisões sistemáticas criticamente baixa.
Question - What is the best pharmacological therapeutic protocol for controlling high blood pressure in black Brazilians? Methods - Searches for Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) and systematic reviews (SR) were conducted in June 2024 in the databases LILACS - Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Pubmed, Embase, BIGG - International Database of GRADE Guidelines, GIN - Guidelines International Network and Epistemonikos. In this rapid review, the selection of studies and the assessment of methodological quality were performed in duplicate and independently. Results - Of 130 records retrieved in the searches, 3 SR and 1 CPG were included. All SR address exclusively the black population, while the CPG refers to the population with hypertension in general. The methodological quality of the CGP was considered low and that of the SR was critically low. The findings were categorized according to the CPG recommendations and the evidence from the SR. In summary, the studies reported that for the treatment of hypertension in the black population, diuretics and CCBs are more effective and present a lower risk of serious adverse events. However, it is important to consider that the methodological quality of the CPG was considered low and that of the systematic reviews was critically low.
Hypertension , Review , Black People , Drug TherapyABSTRACT
Pergunta - Quais são as evidências sobre o uso de monoterapia ou terapia combinada no tratamento farmacológico inicial da HAS? Métodos - As buscas de Guias de Prática Clínica (GPC) foram realizadas em junho de 2024 nas bases de dados LILACS - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Pubmed, Embase, BIGG - Base Internacional de Guias GRADE e GIN - Guidelines International Network. Nesta revisão rápida, a seleção de GPC e a avaliação da qualidade metodológica foram realizadas em duplicidade e de modo independente. Resultados - De 3.671 registros recuperados nas buscas, cinco GPC foram incluídos. Quatro GPC foram conduzidos na Argentina, El Salvador, Irã, Tailândia, e um foi produzido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). A qualidade geral metodológica dos GPC foi considerada baixa. Os achados foram categorizados segundo o esquema terapêutico analisado. Todas as classes de anti-hipertensivos são recomendadas para a monoterapia da HAS. Há evidências de melhores resultados da terapia combinada no controle da HAS inicial e menos eventos adversos. Porém, ainda faltam evidências robustas. Deve-se considerar também que a qualidade metodológica dos GPC foi considerada baixa.
Question - What is the evidence on the use of monotherapy or combination therapy in the initial pharmacological treatment of hypertension? Methods - Searches for Clinical Practice Guidelines (CGP) were conducted in June 2024 in the databases LILACS - Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Pubmed, Embase, BIGG - International Database of GRADE Guidelines and GIN - Guidelines International Network. In this rapid review, CGP selection and methodological quality assessment were performed in duplicate and independently. Results - Of 3,671 records retrieved in the searches, five CGPs were included. Four CGPs were conducted in Argentina, El Salvador, Iran, Thailand, and one was produced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall methodological quality of the CGPs was considered low. The findings were categorized according to the therapeutic regimen analyzed. All classes of antihypertensives are recommended for monotherapy of hypertension. There is evidence of better results of combined therapy in controlling initial hypertension and fewer adverse events. However, robust evidence is still lacking. It should also be considered that the methodological quality of the GPC was considered low.
Hypertension , Review , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Drug Therapy , Drug Therapy, CombinationABSTRACT
Cancer treatment during childhood, including head and neck radiotherapy and chemotherapy, can cause persistent dental and maxillofacial changes, which may lead to long-term complications in dental care and oral rehabilitation. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate dental and maxillofacial alterations resulting from childhood head and neck cancer treatment and discuss considerations regarding dental care for these patients. Methods: This retrospective study utilized a Cancer Center database, including patients referred to the Stomatology Department from 2004 to 2018. Results: The sample comprised 12 patients (7 males and 5 females) with a mean age of 5 years at diagnosis, who underwent oncological treatment in the head and neck region. Half exhibited facial bone hypoplasia, predominantly mandibular (33.33%) over maxillary (16.67%). Nearly all patients showed dental abnormalities, including agenesis (50%), supernumerary teeth (16.67%), and root formation anomalies (66%). Conclusion: This study underscores the importance of understanding these treatment-related alterations to ensure appropriate dental care for these patients. The involvement of a dental surgeon is crucial to providing comprehensive care and effectively monitoring any dental and maxillofacial complications. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child , Maxillofacial Abnormalities , Radiotherapy , Drug Therapy , Cancer SurvivorsABSTRACT
Se presenta a un paciente con liposarcoma mediastinal gigante con dolor torácico, disnea, cuyos estudios por imágenes revelaban la presencia de una gran tumoración de 42 cm en su diámetro mayor que abarcaba todo el mediastino, comprometía ambas cavidades torácicas, rechazaba los pulmones, corazón y grandes vasos. La biopsia con aguja cortante bajo guía ecográfica fue informada como liposarcoma. El paciente tuvo resección completa del tumor mediante la incisión Clamshell. En el post operatorio inmediato, presentó shock circulatorio más disfunción multiorgánica (DOMS): plaquetopenia, insuficiencia renal aguda con necesidad de soporte dialítico, injuria hepática. El soporte y monitoreo especializado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) permitió mejoría clínica y buena evolución. Salió de alta en buenas condiciones.
We present a patient with giant mediastinal liposarcoma with chest pain, dyspnea, whose imaging studies revealed the presence of a large tumor measuring 42 cm in its greatest diameter that covered the entire mediastinum, involved both thoracic cavities, rejected the lungs, heart and big glasses. The sharp needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance was reported as liposarcoma. The patient had complete resection of the tumor through the Clamshell incision. In the immediate postoperative period, he presented circulatory shock plus multiple organ dysfunction (DOMS): plateletopenia, acute renal failure with the need for dialytic support, liver injury. Specialized support and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) allowed clinical improvement and good evolution. He was discharged in good condition.
Humans , Male , Adult , Thoracotomy , Liposarcoma/surgery , Mediastinal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Shock , Chest Pain , Tomography , Cough , Critical Care , Drug Therapy , Dyspnea , Image-Guided Biopsy , Multiple Organ Failure/surgeryABSTRACT
Objetivo:avaliar o conhecimento e o uso das práticas integrativas e complementares por pacientes adultos com câncer durante a quimioterapia. Método:estudo quantitativo do tipo descritivo, realizado em uma unidade de quimioterapia de Minas Gerais entre outubro de 2022 e março de 2023. Foram entrevistados pacientes adultos com câncer de ambos os sexos, excluindo aqueles com déficit de compreensão. Aplicado questionário sociodemográfico e clínico-terapêutico, com análise pelosoftware Statistical Package forthe Social Sciences®. Resultados:foram entrevistados 93 pacientes, a maioria era homens, com média de idade 60,32 anos, brancos, casados e com baixa escolaridade. Os cânceres mais prevalentes foram colorretal, pulmão e mama. Quanto às práticas integrativas, 73 pacientes possuíam conhecimento, porém somente 33 realizavam alguma terapia, sendo as mais utilizadas a musicoterapia e a acupuntura. Conclusões:houve maior nível de conhecimento do que de utilização. Para evitar essa discrepância, o enfermeiro precisa realizar orientação e supervisão dessas práticas.
Objective:to evaluate the knowledge and the use of integrative and complementary practices by adult cancer patients during chemotherapy. Method:quantitative descriptive study, carried out in a chemotherapy unit in Minas Gerais between October 2022 and March 2023. Adult cancer patients of both sexes were interviewed, excluding those with comprehension deficits. A sociodemographic and clinical-therapeutic questionnaire was applied and analysis using the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences®. Results:93 patients were interviewed, the majority were men, average age of 60.32 years, white, married and with a low level of education. The most prevalent cancers were colorectal, lung, and breast. Regarding integrative and complementary practices, 73 patients had knowledge, but only 33 performed some therapy, the most used being music therapy and acupuncture. Conclusions:there was a higher level of knowledge than use. To avoid this discrepancy, nurse need to provide guidance and supervision of these practices.
Objetivo:evaluar el conocimiento y uso de prácticas integrativas y complementarias por parte de pacientes adultos con cáncer durante la quimioterapia. Método:estudio descriptivo cuantitativo, realizado en unidad de quimioterapia de Minas Gerais entre octubre/2022 y marzo/2023. Se entrevistaron pacientes adultos con cáncer de ambos sexos, excluidos aquellos con déficit de comprensión. Se aplicó cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico-terapéutico, con análisis mediante el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences®. Resultados:se entrevistaron 93 pacientes, la mayoría eran hombres, edad promedio 60,32 años, blancos, casados y con bajo nivel educativo. Los cánceres más prevalentes fueron el colorrectal, de pulmón y de mama. En cuanto las prácticas integradoras y complementarias,73 pacientes tenían conocimientos, pero solo 33 realizaban alguna terapia, siendo las más utilizadas la musicoterapia y la acupuntura. Conclusiones:hubo mayor nivel de conocimiento que de uso. Para evitar esta discrepancia,la enfermera debe proporcionar orientación y supervisión de estas prácticas.
Neoplasms , Oncology Nursing , Complementary Therapies , Drug TherapyABSTRACT
Objective: To synthesize evidence involving pathophysiological and clinical-epidemiological linking mechanisms in women with breast cancer and metabolic syndrome. Method: This is a structured scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute and was conducted in the PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS, and Embase databases. This review is registered in the Open Science Framework. Result: Regarding the level of evidence of the included studies, moderate and strong evidence levels were predominant. There were no weak evidence findings in this research. The chronic inflammatory state of breast adipose tissue in patients with obesity can worsen the negative impact on cancer cells, directly affecting survival and recurrence. Unexplained weight gain or loss is associated with shorter survival in women with breast cancer, highlighting the need for specific guidance during treatment. Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of breast cancer; however, massive weight loss during active disease can be associated with a worse prognosis and should therefore be prevented. Patients should be advised to maintain a stable weight during chemotherapy and to receive guidance on adequate nutrition and physical activity to increase muscle mass
Objetivo: Sintetizar as principais evidências envolvendo os mecanismos de ligação fisiopatológico e clínico-epidemiológico em mulheres com câncer de mama e a síndrome metabólica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo estruturada conforme o Instituto Joanna Briggs, realizado nas bases de dados PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS e Embase. Esta revisão encontra-se protocolada no Open Science Framework. Resultado: Com relação ao nível de evidência dos estudos inclusos, houve predominância para níveis fortes de evidência. Não houve achados de evidência fraca nesta pesquisa. O estado inflamatório crônico do tecido adiposo mamário em casos de obesidade pode agravar o impacto negativo nas células cancerígenas, afetando diretamente a sobrevida e recorrência. Ganho ou perda de peso inexplicável estão associados a uma menor sobrevida em mulheres com câncer de mama, sublinhando a necessidade de orientações específicas durante o tratamento. Conclusão: A síndrome metabólica esta associada ao risco de câncer de mama, entretanto, a perda maciça de peso durante a doença ativa pode ser um fator de pior prognóstico, devendo assim, ser realizada de forma preventiva. Os pacientes devem ser orientados a manter um peso estável durante a quimioterapia e receber orientações sobre alimentação adequada e atividade física em busca de aumento de massa muscular
Humans , Female , Therapeutics , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Exercise , Cells , Metabolic Syndrome , Patients , Prognosis , Recurrence , Research , Science , Women , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Adipose Tissue , Disease , Risk , PubMed , Diet , Drug Therapy , Nutritional Sciences , LILACS , Methods , Muscles , Neoplasms , ObesityABSTRACT
Antecedentes y Objetivos: El presupuesto asignado al mecanismo de las Drogas Oncológicas de Alto Costo (DAC) ha experimentado un aumento progresivo desde su inicio. En este contexto, es necesario estimar potencialmente cuántas unidades de Fulvestrant se requerirán mensual y anualmente, tomando en cuenta los fondos presupuestarios disponibles y el número de pacientes actual o potencialmente aptos para el tratamiento, para el año 2024. Metodología: Se utilizaron modelos de serie de tiempo que tuvieron en cuenta datos históricos y periódicos para realizar el pronóstico de la demanda durante un horizonte de 12 meses. Adicionalmente, se adoptó un cuadro de estimación, basado en la respuesta de modelos ágiles y metodologías rápidas aplicadas a la modelación, ya que la principal limitante fueron el tiempo de procesamiento de datos, ajuste de modelos, informe de respuesta y software. Se tomaron en consideración los detalles del tratamiento con fulvestrant (indicaciones, posología y presentación), así como el tiempo de aprobación según la resolución del DAC, los registros de los pacientes aprobados. Resultados se mostró un crecimiento continuo de la demanda por fulvestrant, desde el 2019 al 2023, aunque, las limitaciones de precisión en el registro, en el formato o diseño de la base de datos, y en la información que se captura, sugieren la necesidad de considerar la revisión de datos históricos de los pacientes e incorporar informaciones demográficas, periodos de inicio y términos del tratamiento con sus causales para obtener estimaciones más precisas, pudiendo conllevar mejoras significativas en la precisión del pronóstico de la demanda tanto de este medicamento como de otros, así como de futuros estudios, lo que podría aumentar el acceso de los pacientes a este tipo de medicamentos.
Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Drug Therapy , Fulvestrant , Chile , Research ReportABSTRACT
Objetivo: avaliar o desempenho do serviço de AF oferecido a pacientes idosos com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e/ou diabetes mellitus (DM). Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, quantitativo e retrospectivo de base populacional, no qual os participantes foram submetidos ao Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico baseado no método Dáder, entre 2017 e 2019. Utilizou-se o instrumento de indicadores de desempenho para serviços de AF prestados a pacientes ambulatoriais. Foram analisados os indicadores "Consultas farmacêuticas realizadas", "Problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia resolvidos" e "Situação Clínica dos pacientes" de 54 pacientes com média de idade de 69 anos, todos hipertensos e 28 (51,85%) diabéticos. Os critérios de inclusão dos pacientes incluíram idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e diagnóstico de HAS e/ou DM, sendo atendidos em uma farmácia básica, no município de Diamantina, Minas Gerais. Resultados: ao avaliar o serviço de AF para pacientes com três consultas ou mais, identificou-se uma melhora expressiva dos resultados, exceto para o indicador "Problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia resolvidos". As prioridades identificadas para melhorar a qualidade do serviço incluem o aumento da resolutividade dos problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia e a continuidade do acompanhamento farmacêutico. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar as prioridades a serem trabalhadas para melhorar a qualidade do serviço.
Objetivo: avaliar o desempenho do serviço de AF oferecido a pacientes idosos com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e/ou diabetes mellitus (DM). Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, quantitativo e retrospectivo de base populacional, no qual os participantes foram submetidos ao Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico baseado no método Dáder, entre 2017 e 2019. Utilizou-se o instrumento de indicadores de desempenho para serviços de AF prestados a pacientes ambulatoriais. Foram analisados os indicadores "Consultas farmacêuticas realizadas", "Problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia resolvidos" e "Situação Clínica dos pacientes" de 54 pacientes com média de idade de 69 anos, todos hipertensos e 28 (51,85%) diabéticos. Os critérios de inclusão dos pacientes incluíram idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e diagnóstico de HAS e/ou DM, sendo atendidos em uma farmácia básica, no município de Diamantina, Minas Gerais. Resultados: ao avaliar o serviço de AF para pacientes com três consultas ou mais, identificou-se uma melhora expressiva dos resultados, exceto para o indicador "Problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia resolvidos". As prioridades identificadas para melhorar a qualidade do serviço incluem o aumento da resolutividade dos problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia e a continuidade do acompanhamento farmacêutico. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar as prioridades a serem trabalhadas para melhorar a qualidade do serviço.
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Pharmaceutical Services , Aged , Outpatients , Pharmacists , Pharmacy , Diabetes Mellitus , Drug Therapy , Drug Utilization , HypertensionABSTRACT
Rationale/Objective@#Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is recommended for locally-advanced breast cancer (LABC) to improve resectability and provide in-vivo tumor response assessment. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathologic tumor response of LABC patients after response-guided NAC.@*Methods@#This is a retrospective cohort analysis of 128 LABC patients who underwent NAC using sequential doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (AC) – docetaxel (T) regimen at the Philippine General Hospital Breast Care Center. Clinical and pathologic response rates were analyzed according to clinicopathologic variables including tumor intrinsic subtype.@*Results@#Objective clinical response (complete and partial) was observed in 88% (111/128) of patients with 11% (14/128) achieving pathologic complete response (pCR). The hormone receptor-negative/ Her2-enriched (HR-/Her2+) subtype had the highest pCR rate (23.5%) followed by triple negative subtype (HR-/Her2-) at 19%. The hormone receptor-positive/Her2-positive (HR+/Her2+) subtype had the lowest pCR (4.7%). Two patients with initial poor response to AC but had good response upon shifting to T achieved pCR. Twelve patients (9.4%) had poor response to AC and T chemotherapy. Patients who were pre-menopausal (p=0.04), had ductal histology (p=0.03), with a HR-/Her2- (p=0.002) or HR+/Her2+ subtype (p=0.03) had good response to AC. Intrinsic subtype was not significantly associated with treatment response in those who received docetaxel. There was strong association between the pathologic and clinical responses (Spearman’s Rho score 0.69, p-value <0.0001).@*Conclusion@#Clinical and pathologic response to NAC was highly dependent on tumor subtype. Clinical response was predictive of pathologic response. Response-guided NAC allowed direct and early evaluation of tumor treatment response that allowed for treatment modifications.
Breast Neoplasms , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Drug TherapyABSTRACT
Background@#Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) accounts for about 0.4% of soft tissue sarcomas. Approximately onethird of cases occur in extranodal sites and about 28% of extranodal FDCS may metastasize. Intra-abdominal occurrence is rare and there is limited published data to guide oncologists on how to best treat this malignancy.@*Case Presentation@#This is a case of a 33-year-old female who came in due to incidental finding of a left supraclavicular mass with 2-year history of early satiety. Neck node biopsy revealed a poorly differentiated malignant tumor with positive staining for CD21, CD23, vimentin and S100 consistent with FDCS. PET-CT revealed an intensely FDG-avid large mass in the left upper abdomen with signs of necrosis and mass effect. The patient was given three different chemotherapy regimens that included (1) gemcitabine/docetaxel, (2) single agent doxorubicin and (3) ifosfamide/etoposide, but she progressed on all these. Off-label use of bendamustine was then offered and after just the first cycle, the patient reportedly regained strength and was able to get up from wheelchair with noted interval decrease in size of the cervical mass. Unfortunately, the patient deteriorated and succumbed to infection and multiple pulmonary embolisms.@*Conclusion@#Intra-abdominal FDCS is a rare malignancy with heterogenous outcomes with no uniform treatment strategy at present. Molecular tumor board discussion and multi-disciplinary approach in extranodal FDCS is important in the diagnosis and management. Patients with multiple poor prognostic factors are at risk for tumor recurrence, metastasis, and death.
Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Follicular , Abdominal Neoplasms , Drug Therapy , Bendamustine Hydrochloride , PrognosisABSTRACT
@#Thymomas are rare tumours which generally account for only 0.2 – 1.5% of mediastinal tumours in adults. Around 40% of patients present with systemic symptoms such as motor weakness due to myasthenia gravis (MG), pure red cell aplasia, and hypogammaglobulinemia. Based on recent guidelines, management of advanced thymoma uses a multimodal approach, which is thymectomy followed by radiotherapy, but not all health care centers have radiotherapy facilities. A 52-year-old woman presented with nasal voice and had difficulty swallowing food. Patient was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis (MG). CT scan with contrast of the thorax showed a heterogenous solid mass in anterior mediastinum. Histopathological examination showed thymoma type B2. Thymectomy followed by seven cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy were done on the patient. Evaluation afterward showed complete remission of thymoma. The patient’s motor weakness improved after the chemotherapy. Post-chemotherapy period was uneventful at six months on follow-up visit. The dosage of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drug is reduced periodically due to improvement in motor weakness. The case emphasizes how to manage an advanced thymoma with MG with limited therapeutic options, and the importance of multidisciplinary management involving oncologists, surgeons, and neurologists.
Thymoma , Myasthenia Gravis , Drug Therapy , ThymectomyABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to identify the scientific evidence on excessively resistant and multidrug resistant tuberculosis in pediatric patients. Methods: this is a scope review of the literature, with a guiding question: "What is the scientific evidence on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in pediatric patients?". The research used the descriptors: "extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis" OR "multidrug-resistant tuberculosis" AND "pediatrics". The research was carried out in a double-blind manner in the following databases of the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Regional Office for the Western Pacific's Institutional Repository for Information Sharing, Embase/Elsevier and International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, with a temporal cut-off from 2011 to 2021, sending a final synthesized sample of 18 articles, which evaluated the methodological content through the level of evidence. Results: the results show the lack of research with a high level of evidence related to MDR-TB in children, the lack of adequate dosage of second-line drugs for the pediatric population and the importance of drug sensitivity testing for the cases of treatment Conclusions: it was identified that the obstacles to MDR-TB treatment were concentrated in the lack of detailed protocols, safe drug dosages with a low side effect, and mainly in the social health determinants and disease process involving MDR-TB.
Resumo Objetivos: identificar as evidências científicas sobre tuberculose excessivamente resistente e multidroga resistente em pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão de escopo da literatura, tendo como questão norteadora: "Quais as evidências científicas sobre tuberculose multidroga-resistente (TB-MDR) e tuberculose extensivamente resistente em pacientes pediátricos?" A pesquisa usou os descritores: "tuberculose extensivamente resistente a medicamentos" OR "tuberculose resistente a múltiplos medicamentos" AND "pediatria". A pesquisa foi realizada de modo duplo-cego nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Regional Office for the Western Pacific's Institutional Repository for Information Sharing, Embase/Elsevier e International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, com um corte temporal de 2011 a 2021, sendo a amostra final sintetizada de 18 artigos, nos quais avaliou-se o conteúdo metodológico por meio do nível de evidência. Resultados: os resultados mostraram a escassez de pesquisas de alto nível de evidência relacionadas à TB-MDR em crianças, ausência de posologia adequada das drogas de segunda linha para o público pediátrico e a importância do teste de sensibilidade a drogas para o tratamento dos casos. Conclusões: identificou-se que os obstáculos do tratamento TB-MDR se concentraram na ausência de protocolos detalhados, de dosagens medicamentosas seguras e com menor efeito colateral, e, principalmente, nos determinantes sociais do processo saúde e doença que envolvem a TB-MDR.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/therapy , Drug Therapy , Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis/therapy , Social Determinants of HealthABSTRACT
A sobrevivência ao câncer de mama é um problema de saúde pública que demanda serviços especializados com foco na reabilitação psicossocial. Entre as necessidades identificadas nesse contexto está o incentivo à adoção de estratégias de promoção de autocuidados pelas mulheres. Uma das estratégias adotadas consiste no grupo de apoio psicológico, que auxilia as pacientes a enfrentar a longa jornada do tratamento. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é compreender os significados produzidos por mulheres com câncer de mama sobre sua participação em um grupo de apoio. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório realizado com dez mulheres com câncer de mama usuárias de um serviço de reabilitação para mastectomizadas. Como referencial metodológico foi utilizada a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista aberta em profundidade e os conteúdos foram transcritos e codificados. A análise indutiva e o método de comparação constante foram aplicados nos processos de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva, que permitiram identificar três categorias nucleares: percepção das atividades realizadas no grupo, identificação de benefícios e barreiras do convívio no grupo e transformações decorrentes da participação. As participantes significaram sua presença no grupo como fonte de acolhimento, apoio, desenvolvimento de recursos pessoais e amizades, contribuindo para promover sua qualidade de sobrevida. Além dos potenciais benefícios, também foram identificadas barreiras que podem dificultar a adesão e continuidade da participação no grupo, o que sugere a necessidade de incorporar no cuidado um olhar para as dimensões subjetivas da saúde da mulher.(AU)
Surviving breast cancer is a public health problem and depends on services focused on psychosocial rehabilitation. Healthcare providers must encourage women to adopt strategies to promote their self-care. The psychological support group is a resource that helps women to face the long journey of treatment. This study aimed to understand the meanings women with breast cancer produced about their participation in a support group. This exploratory cross-sectional study was carried out with 10 women with breast cancer who use a rehabilitation service for mastectomized patients. Grounded Theory was used as a methodological reference. An open in-depth interview was applied for data collection. The contents were transcribed and coded. Inductive analysis and the constant comparison method were applied in the open, axial, and selective coding processes, which enabled the identification of three core categories: perception of the activities carried out in the group, identification of benefits and barriers of living in the group, and transformations resulting from participation. Participants denote their involvement with the group as a source of shelter, support, development of personal resources and friendships that helps promoting quality of life. Besides these potential benefits, participants also evinced barriers that can hinder adherence and continuity of participation in the group, suggesting the importance of incorporating a look at the subjective dimensions of women's health into care.(AU)
Sobrevivir al cáncer de mama es un problema de salud pública que depende de los servicios centrados en la rehabilitación psicosocial. Entre las necesidades identificadas en esta materia se encuentra el uso de estrategias para promover el autocuidado. Uno de los recursos que ayuda a afrontar el largo camino del tratamiento es el grupo de apoyo psicológico. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer los significados que producen las mujeres con cáncer de mama sobre su participación en un grupo de apoyo. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado con diez mujeres con cáncer de mama usuarias de un servicio de rehabilitación para mastectomizadas. Como referencia metodológica se utilizó la teoría fundamentada en los datos. Se aplicó una entrevista abierta en profundidad para la recogida de datos, cuyos contenidos fueron transcritos y codificados. El análisis inductivo y el método de comparación constante se aplicaron en los procesos de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, lo que permitió identificar tres categorías centrales: percepción de las actividades realizadas en el grupo, identificación de los beneficios y las barreras de vivir en el grupo y transformaciones resultantes de la participación. Las mujeres denotan su participación en el grupo como una fuente de acogida, apoyo, desarrollo de recursos personales y amistades, que ayuda a promover la calidad de vida. Además de los beneficios potenciales, también se identificaron barreras que pueden dificultar la adherencia y continuidad de la participación en el grupo, lo que sugiere la necesidad de incorporar en la atención una mirada centrada en las dimensiones subjetivas de la salud de las mujeres.(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Psychotherapy, Group , Self-Help Groups , Breast Neoplasms , Mental Health , Grounded Theory , Oncology Nursing , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Pathologic Processes , Patient Care Team , Personal Satisfaction , Physical Examination , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Radiotherapy , Relaxation , Religion , Self Care , Self-Care Units , Self Concept , Sleep Wake Disorders , Social Responsibility , Social Support , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Physiological , Awareness , Yoga , Complementary Therapies , Breast Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Cancer Care Facilities , Bereavement , Women's Health Services , Grief , Mammography , Biomarkers , Exercise , Mastectomy, Segmental , Family , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Survival Rate , Risk Factors , Morbidity , Mortality , Range of Motion, Articular , Self-Examination , Treatment Outcome , Panic Disorder , Mammaplasty , Breast Self-Examination , Comprehensive Health Care , Meditation , Chemoprevention , Life , Breast Implantation , Wit and Humor , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Patient Freedom of Choice Laws , Crisis Intervention , Cysts , Personal Autonomy , Death , Information Dissemination , Interdisciplinary Communication , Heredity , Depression , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Drug Therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Emotions , Family Therapy , Early Detection of Cancer , Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Fertility , Molecular Targeted Therapy , Catastrophization , Chemoradiotherapy , Courage , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Cancer Pain , Healthy Lifestyle , Surgical Oncology , Psychosocial Support Systems , Survivorship , Psycho-Oncology , Mentalization , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Preoperative Exercise , Mentalization-Based Therapy , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Coping Skills , Emotional Exhaustion , Health Promotion , Holistic Health , Ancillary Services, Hospital , Immunotherapy , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Life Style , Mastectomy , Medical Oncology , Mental Disorders , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Objetivo: Caracterizar la supervivencia global (SG) y la supervivencia libre de recurrencia (SLR) de pacientes con carcinoma testicular de células germinales no seminomatoso (NSGCT) estadio I derivados a diferentes opciones de adyuvancia. Método: Búsqueda de pacientes con NSGCT estadio I llevados a orquiectomía radical del 2010-2022. La descripción se hizo con medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: En el modelo de regresión no hubo diferencias. Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias en SG o SLR. Se requieren estudios prospectivos para corroborar hallazgos
Objective: To characterize overall survival (OS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients with stage I testicular non-seminomatous germ cell carcinoma (NSGCT) referred to different adjuvant treatment options. Method: Patient search included individuals with stage I NSGCT who underwent radical orchiectomy from 2010 to 2022. The statistical description was conducted using measures of central tendency. Results: In the regression model, no differences were observed. Conclusions: No differences were found in OS or RFS. Prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings
Humans , Patients , Carcinoma , Primary Treatment , Survivorship , Germ Cells , Testicular Neoplasms , World Health Organization , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Drug Therapy , Methods , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Las resistencias bacterianas a antimicrobianos representan uno de los principales problemas en la actualidad, encontrándose dentro de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. Latinoamérica y Argentina, lejos de ser una excepción,presentan incidencias crecientes de infecciones por gérmenes resistentes. Cada día, se conocen mejor los mecanismos de resistencia que presentan los bacilos gram negativos y algunos cocos positivos. El problema no surge sólo por el sobreuso de antimicrobianos en la medicina clínica. Su sobreutilización para maximizar los beneficios productivos en la pesca, la ganadería y la agricultura contribuyen a esta situación. Desde la perspectiva de la atención primaria de la salud,consideramos fundamental conocer todos los aspectos que forman parte de esta problemática para intentar mitigar el daño que las resistencias bacterianas generan a nivel global. Argentina se transformó en el primer país de la región y del continente en contar con una ley para prevenir y controlar la resistencia a los Antimicrobianos. Consideramos de vital importancia que se fomenten más y mejores políticas sanitarias de orden público para enfrentar este creciente desafío. (AU)
Nowadays, bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is one of the main problems, being one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Latin America and Argentina, far from being an exception, have an increasing incidence of infections by resistant germs. Every day, the resistance mechanisms of gram-negative bacilli and some positive cocci are better known. The problem does not arise only because of the overuse of antimicrobials in clinical medicine. Its overuse to maximize productive benefits in fishing, livestock, and agriculture also contributes to this issue. From the perspective of primary health care,it is essential to know all the aspects of this problem to mitigate the damage that bacterial resistance generates at a global level. Argentina became the first country in the region and the continent to have a law to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance. We consider it vitally important that more and better public health policies are promoted to face this growing challenge. (AU)
Humans , Animals , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Bacterial Infections/epidemiology , Hand Disinfection , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Drug Therapy/methods , Prescription Drug Misuse , Anti-Infective Agents/historyABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos terapêuticos da Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada (PBO) na adaptação de mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama e em tratamento oncológico. O câncer de mama mostra-se mobilizador de sofrimento psíquico para as mulheres tanto no diagnóstico quanto no tratamento, o que justifica identificar intervenções psicológicas adequadas para essa população. As participantes foram 17 mulheres com idade entre 30 e 65 anos. A Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO) foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliação da adaptação em quatro setores: afetivo-relacional, produtividade, orgânico e sociocultural. Referida avaliação foi feita em três momentos: antes e após a intervenção breve, e no follow-up . A PBO foi a intervenção breve utilizada. Os resultados mostraram que o setor orgânico foi o mais comprometido, seguido do afetivo-relacional, com soluções pouquíssimo adequadas. Como foco da psicoterapia breve, a situação-problema mais recorrente se relacionava ao câncer de mama, que, na compreensão psicodinâmica, mostrou-se associada ao intenso desamparo egóico diante do adoecimento e tratamento oncológico. Na avaliação adaptativa final e follow-up , 82,4% das participantes apresentaram evolução de grupo adaptativo. Concluímos que, neste estudo, a intervenção com a PBO possibilitou efeitos terapêuticos na adaptação, reverberando na solução das situações-problema e na crise adaptativa por perda.(AU)
This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (PBO) so women diagnosed with breast cancer could adapt to treatment. Breast cancer has mobilized psychological suffering for women during diagnosis and treatment, justifying the identification of the appropriate psychological interventions for this population. Participants included 17 women aged 30 to 65 years. Adaptative Operational Diagnostic Scale (EDAO) was used to evaluated adaptation in four sectors: affective-relational, productivity, organic, and sociocultural before and after a brief psychological intervention and follow-up. The PBO was used as the brief intervention. Results showed that the organic sector was the most compromised, followed by the affective-relational one, which showed very little adequate solutions. As a focus of brief psychotherapy, the most recurring problem-situation was related to breast cancer, which, in yjr psychodynamic understanding, was associated with the intense helplessness of the ego in the face of illness and treatment. In the final adaptative evaluation and follow-up, 82.4% of participants showed evolution in the adaptive group. This study concluded that the intervention with PBO enabled therapeutic effects in these participants' adaptation, reverberating in the solution of problem-situation and in the adaptive crisis by loss.(AU)
El propósito de este estudio fue investigar los efectos terapéuticos de la psicoterapia breve operacionalizada (PBO) en la adaptación de mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama y en tratamiento oncológico. El cáncer de mama moviliza sufrimiento psicológico para las mujeres tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento, lo que justifica identificar intervenciones psicológicas adecuadas para esta población. Participaron 17 mujeres de entre 30 y 65 años. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala de Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizada (EDAO) para la evaluación adaptativa en cuatro sectores: afectivo-relacional, productividad, orgánico y sociocultural. La evaluación se realizó en tres momentos: antes, después de la intervención breve y en el seguimiento. La PBO fue la intervención breve utilizada. Los resultados mostraron que el sector orgánico fue el más comprometido, seguido por el afectivo-relacional con soluciones poquísimas adecuadas. Como foco de la psicoterapia breve, la situación-problema más recurrente estuvo relacionada con el cáncer de mama, que en la comprensión psicodinámica resultó estar asociada a un intenso desamparo ante la enfermedad y el tratamiento oncológico. En la evaluación adaptativa final y el seguimiento, el 82,4% de las participantes tuvieron evolución grupal adaptativa. Se concluye que la intervención con PBO permitió efectos terapéuticos en la adaptación de estos participantes, repercutiendo en la solución de situaciones-problema y en la crisis adaptativa por pérdida.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Psychotherapy, Brief , Breast Neoplasms , Health , Diagnosis , Anxiety , Pain , Psychology , Recurrence , Rehabilitation , Shame , Solutions , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Therapeutics , Women , Bereavement , Adaptation, Psychological , Mastectomy, Radical , Homeopathic Cure , Disease , Follow-Up Studies , Aftercare , Life , Crisis Intervention , Death , Comprehension , Therapeutic Uses , Depression , Drug Therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Efficiency , Fear , Return to Work , Physical Appearance, Body , Sadness , Psychological Distress , Psychological Well-Being , Lymph Node Excision , Medical OncologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The therapeutic options for breast cancer are diverse. Increasingly, treatments are established on an individual basis, depending on a series of variables ranging from age to the molecular profile of the tumor. When neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is necessary, adequate clinical evaluation (CE) and control examinations, such as breast ultrasound (US) and mammography (MMG), are of fundamental importance, as it is necessary to reevaluate the tumor lesion to determine an individualized surgical treatment, with the aim of performing breast-conserving surgery within the available techniques. This study sought to evaluate the pathological response of patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy, analyzing the presence or absence of tumor reduction by relating the physical examination with imaging methods (MMG and US), taking the anatomopathological examination measurements as the gold standard, thus intending to identify the best method for evaluating the pathological response. Methods: This was a prospective, observational, analytical cohort study. The study included 41 patients diagnosed with breast cancer detected by mammography and ultrasound (MMG and US) followed by biopsy, who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and surgery. The measurements of the malignant breast lesions obtained by CE, MMG and US were compared with the anatomopathological measurements on biopsy as the gold standard. Results: Pearson's correlation coefficient was the statistical method used for evaluation, finding a value of 0.49 between the anatomopathological examination and CE, 0.47 between the anatomopathological examination and MMG and 0.48 between the anatomopathological examination and US (p<0.05). Conclusions: CE, MMG and US showed a moderate correlation with anatomopathological measurement, in addition to a moderate correlation between them, demonstrating equivalence in the pre-surgical definition of the size of the breast tumor after NAC, being complementary to each other to define a measure of greater accuracy of the tumor in breast cancer. (AU)
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Ultrasonics , Mammography , Drug Therapy , Pathologic Complete Response , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
The study "Oncological outcomes in non-seminomatous testicular tumors and residual mass after cisplatin-based chemotherapy" by Ocampo-Gómez et al., aims to describe the oncological outcomes of patients with clinical stages II and III non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT) that developed residual masses (RMs) post-quimiotherapy and were treated with either retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) or observation1. Their findings highlight the superiority RPLND over observation, with higher rates of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival, particularly in patients with stage II NSGCT
El estudio «Resultados oncológicos en tumores testiculares no seminomatosos y masa residual tras quimioterapia basada en cisplatino¼ de Ocampo-Gómez et al., tiene como objetivo describir los resultados oncológicos de pacientes con tumores de células germinales no seminomatosos (TCGNS) germinales no seminomatosos (NSGCT) que desarrollaron masas residuales (MRs) post-quimioterapia y que fueron tratados bien con disección de ganglios linfáticos retroperitoneales (DGLRP) u observación1. Sus resultados destacan la superioridad de la RPLND sobre la observación, con mayores tasas de supervivencia libre de progresión (SLP) y supervivencia global, especialmente en pacientes con NSGCT en estadio II.
Humans , Male , Testicular Neoplasms , Cisplatin , Drug Therapy , Progression-Free Survival , Germ Cells , Lymph Node ExcisionABSTRACT
Introduction: Oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy experience adverse effects. Hyposalivation and xerostomia in the oral cavity are reported as frequent findings resulting from this treatment. Objective: To investigate the occurrence of xerostomia and hyposalivation in oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study, with data collection carried out at "Hospital São Vicente de Paula" in João Pessoa, Paraíba, in the oncology sector, between August 2022 and March 2023. Patients underwent a clinical examination, followed by analysis of unstimulated salivary flow and completion of the Xerostomia Inventory instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the assistance of Jamovi software (version 1.8.4). Results: A total of 78 individuals joined the study, with a mean age of 53 years (± 12.5), predominantly females (n=63; 80.8%), and diagnosed with solid tumors (n=70; 89.7%). Hyposalivation was diagnosed in 59% of the patients (n=46), while xerostomia was reported by all individuals (n=78; 100%), categorized as mild (n=13; 16.7%) or moderate (n=65; 83.3%). There was a difference in salivary flow among patients with solid and hematological tumors, with individuals with solid tumors showing lower salivary flow (p = 0.0027, Mann-Whitney U test). Additionally, individuals with hyposalivation have an increased risk of developing moderate xerostomia (RR = 0.349; CI = 0.127 0.955; p = 0.006, Fisher's Exact Test). Conclusion: Individuals diagnosed with hyposalivation in this study have an increased risk of reporting the presence of xerostomia in moderate degrees during chemotherapy treatment.
Introducción: Los pacientes oncológico tratados con quimioterapia presentan efectos adversos. En la boca, la hiposalivación y la xerostomía se informan como hallazgos frecuentes derivados de este tratamiento. Objetivo: Investigar la ocurrencia de xerostomía e hiposalivación en pacientes oncológicos bajo tratamiento quimioterápico. Método: Estudio transversal cuantitativo, con la recopilación de datos realizada en el Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, en João Pessoa, Paraíba, en el sector de oncología, entre agosto de 2022 y marzo de 2023. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a un examen clínico, seguido del análisis del flujo salival no estimulado y el llenado del instrumento Xerostomia Inventory. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial con la ayuda del software Jamovi (versión 1.8.4). Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 78 individuos con un promedio de edad de 53 años (±12,5), predominantemente de sexo femenino (n=63; 80,8%) y con diagnóstico de tumores sólidos (n=70; 89,7%). La hiposalivación fue diagnosticada en el 59% de los pacientes (n=46), mientras que la xerostomía fue informada por todos los individuos (n=78; 100%), categorizándose como leve (n=13; 16,7%) o moderada (n=65; 83,3%). Hubo diferencia entre el flujo salival de pacientes con tumores sólidos y hematológicos, siendo los individuos con tumores sólidos los que presentaron menor flujo salival (p = 0,0027, prueba U de Mann-Whitney). Además, las personas con hiposalivación tienen un riesgo aumentado de desarrollar xerostomía moderada (RR = 0,349; IC = 0,127 0,955; p = 0,006, prueba Exacta de Fisher). Conclusión: Las personas diagnosticadas con hiposalivación en este estudio tienen un mayor riesgo de informar la presencia de xerostomía en grados moderados durante el tratamiento de quimioterapia.