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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 623-630, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564600


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to analyze the potential for compression of the median nerve (MN) caused by the bicipital aponeurosis (BA), the humeral and ulnar heads of the pronator teres muscle (PTM) and the arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (FDS) in recently deceased cadavers. In this analysis 20 forearms of 10 recently deceased adult male cadavers were dissected. Dissections were performed in the institution's autopsy room or anatomy laboratory. The short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle, as well as the BA were identified in all upper upper limbs. The BA received contribution from the short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle. In 12 upper limbs the BA was wide and thickened and in 8 it was supported by the MN. In 5 upper limbs, the BA was wide but not very thick, and in 3 it was narrow and not very thick. We identified the existence of the FDS muscle arcade in all dissected upper limbs. A fibrous arcade was identified in 4 forearms, a muscular arcade in 14 and a transparent arcade in 2 upper limbs. In all of them, we recorded that the arcade was in contact with the MN. We recorded the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all dissected upper limbs, with the presence of fibrous beams between them along their entire length. The MN was positioned between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all upper limbs. In eight upper limbs (40 %), we identified that the BA had thickness and contact with the MN with the potential to cause its compression. Compression between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM by the fibrous connections has the potential to cause nerve compression in all upper limbs (100 %). We did not identify that the anatomical structure of the FDS arcade had the potential to cause compression in the MN.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la potencial compresión del nervio mediano (NM) causado por la aponeurosis bicipital (AB), las cabezas humeral y cubital del músculo pronador redondo (MPR) y la arcada del músculo flexor superficial de los dedos (MFS). En este análisis se diseccionaron 20 antebrazos de 10 cadáveres masculinos de individuos adultos fallecidos recientemente. Las disecciones se realizaron en la sala de autopsias o en el laboratorio de anatomía de la Institución. En todos los miembros superiores se identificaron las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial, así como la AB. La AB recibió contribución de las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial. En 12 miembros superiores la AB era ancha y engrosada y en 8 estaba sostenida por el NM. En 5 miembros superiores la AB era ancha pero poco gruesa, y en 3 era estrecha y de menor grosor. Identificamos la existencia de la arcada muscular MFS en todos los miembros superiores disecados. Se identificó una arcada fibrosa en 4 antebrazos, una arcada muscular en 14 y una arcada delgada y transparente en 2 miembros superiores. En todos ellos registramos que la arcada estaba en contacto con el NM. Registramos las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores disecados, con presencia de haces fibrosos entre ellas en toda su longitud. El NM estaba situado entre las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores. En ocho miembros superiores (40 %), identificamos que la AB era gruesa y tenía contacto con el NM con potencial para causar su compresión. La compresión entre las cabezas humeral y ulnar del MPR, por las conexiones fibrosas, tiene el potencial de causar compresión nerviosa en todos los miembros superiores (100 %). No identificamos que la estructura anatómica de la arcada MFS tuviera el potencial de causar compresión del NM.

Humans , Male , Adult , Forearm , Median Nerve , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities , Nerve Compression Syndromes/pathology , Cadaver , Dissection , Elbow
MedUNAB ; 26(1): 30-39, 20230731.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525363


Introducción. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características sociodemográficas, tratamiento y complicaciones pre y posquirúrgicas de las fracturas supracondíleas del húmero distal en niños que requirieron manejo quirúrgico en un hospital de Santander, Colombia. Metodología. Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal con 58 pacientes que cumplieron los siguientes criterios de inclusión: edad entre 3 a 14 años, fracturas supracondíleas de manejo quirúrgico; como criterios de exclusión se tomó: antecedente de enfermedad ósea o neurológica previa y fracturas de más de 7 días de evolución. Para las variables continuas se usó medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, las categóricas en porcentajes y frecuencias absolutas. Resultados. La edad media de presentación fue de 6.2 años, el principal mecanismo de trauma fue caídas de altura con un 96.5%. El 65.5% provenía de zonas urbanas. El 13.8% se asoció con fracturas de antebrazo, y el 3.4% de epitróclea. La fijación se realizó en un 75% con técnica cruzada y un 17.2% se asoció con lesión iatrogénica del nervio ulnar. Discusión. En el estudio no se informaron lesiones vasculares; sin embargo, se documentó una alta prevalencia de lesión neurológica con la fijación medial, similar a lo descrito en la literatura (1.4%-17.7%); algunos autores describen técnicas que disminuyen estas lesiones hasta en un 0%. Conclusión. Las características sociodemográficas de nuestra población coinciden con la estadística publicada mundialmente; la principal complicación fue la lesión iatrogénica nervio ulnar, que se puede disminuir con un uso racional del pin medial y con el empleo de técnicas que busquen rechazar directamente el nervio. Palabras clave: Fracturas del Húmero; Fijación Interna de Fracturas; Clavos Ortopédicos; Codo; Niño; Nervio Cubital.

Introduction. The objective of this study was to describe sociodemographic characteristic, treatment, and pre- and post-surgical complications of supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus in children who required surgical management at a hospital in Santander, Colombia. Methodology. This was an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study involving 58 patients who met inclusion criteria: age between 3 and 14 years old, supracondylar fractures with surgical management; exclusion criteria include previous bone or neurological illness and fractures with more than 7 days of evolution. Central tendency and dispersion measures were used for continuous variables, and categorical variables in percentages and absolute frequencies. Results. The average age at presentation was 6.2 years old, the main mechanism of trauma was fall from height (96.5%). 65.5% came from urban zones. The 13.8% were associated with forearm fractures, and 3.4% with epitrochlear fractures. Pinning was performed at 75% with crossed technique and 17.2% were associated with iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury. Discussion. Study didn't inform vascular injuries. However, a high prevalence of neurological injury with medial pinning was documented, similar to that describe in the literature (1.4%-17.7%); some author described techniques that reduce these lesions by 0%. Conclusion. The sociodemographic characteristics of our population match with worldwide published statistics; the main complication was iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury, which can be reduced with the rational use of medial pin and with the application of techniques that seek to directly spare the nerve. Keywords: Humeral Fractures; Fracture Fixation, Internal; Bone Nails; Elbow; Child; Ulnar Nerve.

Introdução. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características sociodemográficas, o tratamento e as complicações pré e pós-cirúrgicas das fraturas supracondilianas do úmero distal em crianças que precisaram de tratamento cirúrgico em um hospital de Santander, Colômbia. Metodologia. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal com 58 pacientes que atenderam aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: idade entre 3 e 14 anos, fraturas supracondilianas tratadas cirurgicamente. Os critérios de exclusão foram: histórico de doença óssea ou neurológica prévia e fraturas com duração superior a 7 dias de evolução. Para variáveis contínuas foram utilizadas medidas de tendência central e dispersão, as categóricas em percentuais e frequências absolutas. Resultados. A média de idade de apresentação foi de 6.2 anos, o principal mecanismo de trauma foi a queda de altura com 96.5%. 65.5% vieram de áreas urbanas. 13.8% estavam associados a fraturas de antebraço e 3.4% a epitróclea. A fixação foi realizada em 75% com técnica cruzada e 17.2% esteve associada à lesão iatrogênica do nervo ulnar. Discussão. Nenhuma lesão vascular foi relatada no estudo. No entanto, foi documentada alta prevalência de lesão neurológica com fixação medial, semelhante à descrita na literatura (1.4%-17.7%). Alguns autores descrevem técnicas que reduzem essas lesões em até 0%. Conclusão. As características sociodemográficas da nossa população coincidem com as estatísticas publicadas mundialmente. A principal complicação foi a lesão iatrogênica do nervo ulnar, que pode ser reduzida com o uso racional do pino medial e com o uso de técnicas que buscam rejeitar diretamente o nervo. Palavras-chave: Fraturas do Úmero; Fixação Interna de Fraturas; Pinos Ortopédicos; Cotovelo; Criança; Nervo Ulnar

Fracture Fixation, Internal , Ulnar Nerve , Bone Nails , Child , Elbow , Humeral Fractures
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(3): 449-456, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449834


Abstract Objective The endoscopic release of the ulnar nerve reproduces a simple (in situ) procedure with smaller incisions, less soft tissue damage, and higher preservation of nerve vascularization. Endoscopy allows the clear visualization of the entire path of the nerve and surrounding noble structures. Moreover, it reveals any signs of compression and allows a safe release of 10cm distally or proximally to the medial epicondyle. Methods A retrospective survey revealed that 15 subjects (1 with a bilateral injury) underwent an ulnar nerve compression release at the elbow using the endoscopic technique with Agee (Micro-Aire Sugical Instruments, Charlottesville, VA, EUA) equipment from January 2016 to January 2020. Results Symptoms of ulnar nerve compression improved in all patients; on average, they resumed their work activities in 26.5 days. There was no recurrence or need for another procedure. In addition, there were no severe procedure-related complications, such as infection and nerve or vascular injury. One patient had transient paresthesia of the sensory branches to the forearm, with complete functional recovery in 8 weeks. Conclusion Our study shows that the endoscopic release of the ulnar nerve at the elbow with the Agee equipment is a safe, reliable technique with good outcomes.

Resumo Objetivo A liberação endoscópica do nervo ulnar permite reproduzir uma liberação simples (in situ), mas através de incisões menores e com menor lesão de partes moles e uma maior preservação da vascularização do nervo. A visualização clara através da endoscopia permite observar todo o trajeto do nervo e das estruturas nobres circundantes, mostrando os sinais de compressão, possibilitando realizar a liberação de forma segura em um trajeto de 10 cm nos sentidos distal e proximal ao epicôndilo medial. Método Foram encontrados, de forma retrospectiva, no período entre janeiro de 2016 e janeiro de 2020, 15 pacientes (sendo 1 com lesão bilateral) submetidos a liberação da compressão do nervo ulnar no cotovelo pela técnica endoscópica com equipamento de Agee (Micro-Aire Sugical Instruments, Charlottesville, VA, EUA). Resultados Todos os pacientes tiveram melhora dos sintomas de compressão do nervo ulnar e o período de retorno ao trabalho foi de em média 26,5 dias. Não houve recidivas e não houve a necessidade de outro procedimento. Também não houve complicações graves decorrentes do procedimento, como infecção, lesão nervosa ou vascular. Em um paciente, houve parestesia transitória dos ramos sensitivos para o antebraço, com retorno completo da função em 8 semanas. Conclusão Os resultados mostram que a liberação endoscópica do nervo ulnar no cotovelo comoequipamentodeAgeeéuma técnica segura, confiável e com bons resultados.

Humans , Paresthesia , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome/therapy , Elbow/surgery , Nerve Compression Syndromes
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981654


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effectiveness of limited internal fixation combined with a hinged external fixator in the treatment of peri-elbow bone infection.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 19 patients with peri-elbow bone infection treated with limited internal fixation combined with a hinged external fixator between May 2018 and May 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 15 males and 4 females with an average age of 44.6 years (range, 28-61 years). There were 13 cases of distal humerus fractures and 6 cases of proximal ulna fractures. All the 19 cases were infected after internal fixation of fracture, and 2 cases were complicated with radial nerve injury. According to Cierny-Mader anatomical classification, 11 cases were type Ⅱ, 6 cases were type Ⅲ, and 2 cases were type Ⅳ. The duration of bone infection was 1-3 years. After primary debridement, the bone defect was (3.04±0.28) cm, and the antibiotic bone cement was implanted into the defect area, and the external fixator was installed; 3 cases were repaired with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap, and 2 cases were repaired with lateral brachial fascial flap. Bone defects repair and reconstruction were performed after 6-8 weeks of infection control. The wound healing was observed, and white blood cell (WBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and C-reaction protein (CRP) were reexamined regularly after operation to evaluate the infection control. X-ray films of the affected limb were taken regularly after operation to observe the bone healing in the defect area. At last follow-up, the flexion and extension range of motion and the total range of motion of the elbow joint were observed and recorded, and compared with those before operation, and the function of the elbow joint was evaluated by Mayo score.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up 12-34 months (mean, 26.2 months). The wounds healed in 5 cases after skin flap repair. Two cases of recurrent infection were effectively controlled by debridement again and replacement of antibiotic bone cement. The infection control rate was 89.47% (17/19) in the first stage. Two patients with radial nerve injury had poor muscle strength of the affected limb, and the muscle strength of the affected limb recovered from grade Ⅲ to about grade Ⅳ after rehabilitation exercise. During the follow-up period, there was no complication such as incision ulceration, exudation, bone nonunion, infection recurrence, or infection in the bone harvesting area. Bone healing time ranged from 16 to 37 weeks, with an average of 24.2 weeks. WBC, ESR, CRP, PCT, and elbow flexion, extension, and total range of motions significantly improved at last follow-up ( P<0.05). According to Mayo elbow scoring system, the results were excellent in 14 cases, good in 3 cases, and fair in 2 cases, and the excellent and good rate was 89.47%.@*CONCLUSION@#Limited internal fixation combined with a hinged external fixator in the treatment of the peri-elbow bone infection can effectively control infection and restore the function of the elbow joint.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Elbow , Elbow Joint/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Bone Cements , Treatment Outcome , External Fixators , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Fractures, Bone , Range of Motion, Articular
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 137-143, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981847


OBJECTIVES@#To explore the changes of elbow flexor muscle strength after musculocutaneous nerve injury and its correlation with needle electromyography (nEMG) parameters.@*METHODS@#Thirty cases of elbow flexor weakness caused by unilateral brachial plexus injury (involving musculocutaneous nerve) were collected. The elbow flexor muscle strength was evaluated by manual muscle test (MMT) based on Lovett Scale. All subjects were divided into Group A (grade 1 and grade 2, 16 cases) and Group B (grade 3 and grade 4, 14 cases) according to their elbow flexor muscle strength of injured side. The biceps brachii of the injured side and the healthy side were examined by nEMG. The latency and amplitude of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) were recorded. The type of recruitment response, the mean number of turns and the mean amplitude of recruitment potential were recorded when the subjects performed maximal voluntary contraction. The quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength was measured by portable microFET 2 Manual Muscle Tester. The percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength (the ratio of quantitative muscle strength of the injured side to the healthy side) was calculated. The differences of nEMG parameters, quantitative muscle strength and residual elbow flexor muscle strength between the two groups and between the injured side and the healthy side were compared. The correlation between elbow flexor manual muscle strength classification, quantitative muscle strength and nEMG parameters was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#After musculocutaneous nerve injury, the percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength in Group B was 23.43% and that in Group A was 4.13%. Elbow flexor manual muscle strength classification was significantly correlated with the type of recruitment response, and the correlation coefficient was 0.886 (P<0.05). The quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength was correlated with the latency and amplitude of CMAP, the mean number of turns and the mean amplitude of recruitment potential, and the correlation coefficients were -0.528, 0.588, 0.465 and 0.426 (P<0.05), respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength can be used as the basis of muscle strength classification, and the comprehensive application of nEMG parameters can be used to infer quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength.

Humans , Elbow , Electromyography , Musculocutaneous Nerve , Elbow Joint/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal , Muscle Strength , Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 204-210, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981924


PURPOSE@#The aim of this study was to analyze if any difference exists on the type of immobilisation (above elbow vs. below elbow) in the conservative treatment of distal end radius fractures in adults.@*METHODS@#The study was performed in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses. An electronic literature search was performed up to 1st October 2021 in Medline, Embase, Ovid and Cochrane database using the search terms, "distal end radius fractures OR fracture of distal radius", "conservative treatment OR non-surgical treatment", "above elbow immobilisation" and "below elbow immobilisation". Randomized clinical trials written in English, describing outcome of distal end radius fractures in adults by conservative or non-surgical means using above elbow immobilisation or below elbow immobilisation were included and assessed according to the risk of bias assessment (RoB2) tool by Cochrane collaboration. Non-randomized clinical trials, observational studies, retrospective studies, review articles, commentaries, editorials, conference presentations, operative techniques and articles without availability of full text were excluded from this review. The meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager version 5.4.1 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark).@*RESULTS@#Six randomized clinical trials were included for quantitative review. High heterogeneity (I2 > 75%) was noted among all the studies. The standard mean difference (MD) between the disability of the arm, shoulder and hand scores in both the groups was 0.52 (95% CI: -0.28 to 1.32) which was statistically non-significant. There was no statistical difference in the radial height (MD = 0.10, 95% CI: -0.91 to 1.12), radial inclination (MD = 0.5, 95% CI: -1.88 to 2.87, palmar tilt (MD =1.06, 95% CI: -0.31 to 2.43) and ulnar variance (MD = 0.05, 95% CI: -0.74 to 0.64). It was observed that shoulder pain occurred more commonly as a complication in above elbow immobilisation and the values were statistically significant (above elbow: 38/92, 41.3%; below elbow: 19/94, 20.2%).@*CONCLUSION@#This two-armed systematic review on the above elbow or below elbow immobilisation to be used for conservative treatment of the distal end radius fracture in adults resulted in non-significant differences in terms of functional and radiological scores among the 2 groups but significant increase in the complication rates in the above elbow group.

Humans , Adult , Elbow , Fracture Fixation/methods , Conservative Treatment , Retrospective Studies , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Wrist Fractures , Radius Fractures/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009047


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the feasibility and early effectiveness of computer-simulated osteotomy based on the health-side combined with guide plate technique in the treatment of cubitus varus deformity in adolescents.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 23 patients with cubitus varus deformity who met the selection criteria between June 2019 and February 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 17 males and 6 females, ranging in age from 4 to 16 years with an average of 8.5 years. The time from injury to operation was 1-4 years. The angle of distal humerus rotation was defined by humeral head posterior inclination angle using low radiation dose CT to scan the patient's upper extremity data at one time, and the preoperative rotation of the distal humerus on the affected side was (33.82±4.39)°. The CT plain scan data were imported into 9yuan3D digital orthopaedic system (V3.34 software) to reconstruct three-dimensional images of both upper extremities. The simulated operation was performed with the healthy upper extremity as the reference, the best osteotomy scheme was planned, overlapped and compared, and the osteotomy guide plate was prepared. The patients were followed up regularly after operation, and the formation of callus in the osteotomy area was observed by X-ray examination. Before and after operation, the carrying angle of both upper extremities (the angle of cubitus valgus was positive, and the angle of cubitus varus was negative) and anteversion angle were measured on X-ray and CT images. At the same time, the flexion and extension range of motion of elbow joint and the external rotation range of motion of upper extremity were measured, and Mayo score was used to evaluate the function of elbow joint.@*RESULTS@#The operation time ranged from 34 to 46 minutes, with an average of 39 minutes. All patients were followed up 5-26 months, with a mean of 14.9 months. All the incisions healed by first intention after the operation; 2 patients had nail path irritation symptoms after Kirschner wire fixation, which improved after dressing change; no complication such as breakage and loosening of internal fixators occurred after regular X-ray review. Continuous callus formed at the osteotomy end at 4 weeks after operation, and the osteotomy end healed at 8-12 weeks after operation. At last follow-up, the carrying angle, anteversion angle, external rotation range of motion, and extension and flexion range of motion of the elbow joint of the affected side significantly improved when compared with preoperative ones ( P<0.05). Except for the extension range of motion of the healthy elbow joint ( P<0.05), there was no significant difference in other indicators between the two sides ( P>0.05). At last follow-up, the Mayo elbow score was 85-100, with an average of 99.3; 22 cases were excellent, 1 case was good, and the excellent and good rate was 100%.@*CONCLUSION@#Computer-simulated osteotomy based on health-side combined with guide plate technique for treating cubitus varus deformity in adolescents can achieve precise osteotomy, which has the advantages of short operation time and easy operation, and the short-term effectiveness is satisfactory.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Child, Preschool , Child , Elbow , Humeral Fractures/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Joint Deformities, Acquired/surgery , Elbow Joint/surgery , Limb Deformities, Congenital , Osteotomy/methods , Humeral Head , Range of Motion, Articular , Computers , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009189


OBJECTIVE@#To study and analyze the diagnostic value and interventional treatment value of high-frequency ultrasound for elbow cyst.@*METHODS@#From February 2018 to February 2021, the data of 60 patients with elbow cyst treated by high-frequency ultrasound interventional therapy were retrospectively analyzed, including 30 males and 30 females with an average age of (30.93±5.32) years old ranging from 20 to 54 years old. The course of disease ranged from 1 to 10 years with an average of (3.45±0.25) years. High-frequency ultrasound features of all patients were analyzed. The clinical efficacy, the occurrence of adverse events and the changes of psychological status before and after treatment were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#In 60 cases of elbow cyst, the cyst size was from 6 mm×7 mm to 111 mm×60 mm. The characteristics of ultrasonic images included such as most of the morphology was regular, which was round or oval, and a few were irregular;the boundary was clear, there was a capsule wall, most of the inside of the capsule was good, no echo;when accompanied by bleeding or infection, small dense points can be seen floating;the cystic wall of the patients with long course of disease was coarser, and the internal light bands were separated, showing multilocular shape;no significant blood flow signal was observed. Final results involved olecranon bursa cysts in 19 cases, annular ligament cysts in 10 cases, radial bursa cysts in 9 cases, accessory ligament cysts in 7 cases, epidermoid cysts in 4 cases, ganglion cysts in 6 cases, nerve sheath cysts in 5 cases. After treatment, 33 cases were cured, 16 cases had obvious effect, 11 cases were improved, 0 cases were invalid. After treatment, mild adverse events occurred in 1 case, moderate adverse events in 1 case, and severe adverse events in 0 cases, with a total incidence of 3.33% (2/60). After treatment, positive affect score (38.04±1.74) was higher than that before treatment (35.92±2.34), and negative affect score (24.61±1.51) was lower than that before treatment (30.15±3.46), with statistical significance(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#High-frequency ultrasound has high diagnostic value for elbow cyst, and it has ideal effect in interventional therapy.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Elbow , Cysts , Ultrasonography , Treatment Outcome
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 30(4): 165-167, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537104


La lesión del ligamento colateral cubital (LCC) es una patología debilitante del codo, con alta prevalencia en deportistas. En este trabajo expondremos el caso de una reconstrucción del ligamento colateral cubital realizada en un beisbolista masculino de dieciséis años, mediante un abordaje con la técnica quirúrgica de docking.

Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury is a debilitating pathology of the elbow, with high prevalence in athletes. We describe the case of a UCL reconstruction performed in a 16-year-old male baseball player, using the Docking surgical technique.

Adolescent , Athletic Injuries , Baseball/injuries , Elbow/surgery , Collateral Ligament, Ulnar/injuries , Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1444937


El nervio mediano desciende por el brazo y, en el codo, comienza a atravesar estructuras que pueden generar compresión, como el ligamento de Struthers, el lacertus fibrosus, el pronador redondo, el flexor superficial de los dedos. Finalmente, en la muñeca, se encuentra otro sitio de compresión producido por el ligamento transverso del carpo. Todas estas estructuras pueden provocar signos y síntomas de atrapamiento nervioso y favorecer el deterioro funcional del nervio. Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer una actualización sobre estos sitios de atrapamiento del nervio mediano, y cómo realizar un diagnóstico preciso e indicar un trata-miento adecuado. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

The median nerve is a nervous structure that begins to cross structures at the level of the elbow that might cause compression. The Struthers ligament, lacertus fibrosus, pronator teres, and flexor digitorum superficialis are among them. Finally, the transverse carpal ligament creates another compression site in the wrist. All these structures can develop pathological signs and symptoms of nerve entrapment, which favors nerve functional degradation. Our objective is to provide an update on these median nerve entrap-ment sites, as well as information on how to establish an accurate diagnosis and provide adequate treatment. Level of Evidence: IV

Wrist Joint , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Decompression, Surgical , Median Neuropathy , Elbow , Median Nerve
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 57(1): 23-32, Jan.-Feb. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365752


Abstract Supracondylar humeral fracture represents ~ 3 to 15% of all fractures in children. It is the fracture that most requires surgical treatment in the pediatric population. Advances in treatment and care have contributed to a reduction in the most dramatic complication: Volkmann ischemic contracture. Nevertheless, the risks inherent to the fracture remain. Absence of palpable pulse in type-III fractures is reported in up to 20% of the cases. Careful sensory, motor, and vascular evaluation of the affected limb is crucial in determining the urgency of treatment. Older children, male patients, floating elbow, and neurovascular injury are risk factors for compartment syndrome. Medial comminution can lead to varus malunion, even in apparently innocent cases. The recommended treatment of displaced fractures is closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. Technical errors in pin placement are the main cause of loss of reduction. There is enough evidence for the addition of a third lateral or medial Kirschner wire in unstable fractures (types III and IV). Medial comminution may lead to cubitus varus even in mild displaced fractures. Based on current concepts, a flowchart for the treatment of supracondylar humeral fracture in children is suggested by the authors.

Resumo A fratura supracondiliana do úmero representa cerca de 3 a 15% de todas as fraturas na criança, sendo a que mais requer tratamento cirúrgico na população pediátrica. Apesar de os avanços no tratamento e na assistência terem contribuído para uma redução drástica da complicação mais temida, a contratura isquêmica de Volkmann, os riscos inerentes à fratura permanecem. Ausência de pulso palpável em fraturas tipo III é reportada em até 20% dos casos. Uma cuidadosa avaliação sensitiva, motora e vascular do membro acometido é fundamental na determinação da urgência do tratamento. Crianças mais velhas, sexo masculino, cotovelo flutuante, e lesão neurovascular são fatores de risco para a síndrome de compartimento. A cominuição medial pode levar à consolidação em varo, mesmo nos casos aparentemente inocentes. O método de escolha para o tratamento da fratura desviada é a redução fechada e fixação percutânea. Os erros na fixação e posicionamento inadequado dos implantes são as principais causas de perda de redução. Já existem evidências suficientes para a utilização de um terceiro fio de Kirschner, lateral ou medial, nas fraturas instáveis (tipo III e IV). Baseado nos conceitos atuais, um fluxograma para o tratamento da fratura supracondiliana do úmero na criança é sugerido pelos autores.

Humans , Child , Elbow/injuries , Fracture Fixation , Humeral Fractures/classification , Humeral Fractures/complications , Humeral Fractures/therapy
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1392494


El Comité Editorial quiere brindar a sus lectores una actualización de las escalas de uso corriente. El empleo de tablas y escalas es una práctica muy extendida en la Ortopedia y Traumatología. La medición y la cuantificación de los aspectos clínicos, funcionales y radiográficos se convirtieron en una herramienta imprescindible para la toma de decisiones en diferentes aspectos de la actividad asistencial. Llevamos a cabo una revisión de las escalas más utilizadas, definiendo su uso e incluyendo bibliografía original y actualizada. Nivel de Evidencia: V

The Editorial Committee wants to provide its readers with an update on the commonly used scales. The use of tables and scales is a widespread practice in Orthopedics and Traumatology. The measurement and quantification of clinical, functional, and radiographic aspects has become an essential tool for decision-making in different aspects of healthcare activity. We carry out a review of the most used scales, defining their use and including original and updated literature. Level of Evidence: V

Orthopedics , Shoulder , Injury Severity Score , Trauma Severity Indices , Surveys and Questionnaires , Elbow
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384321


RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la práctica mental kinestésica (PMK) en la fuerza y actividad eléctrica muscular (AEM) del bíceps braquial, luego de un periodo de inmovilización del codo en un grupo de personas adultos jóvenes sanos. Un total de 14 personas (18,64 ± 0,92 años de edad) participaron voluntariamente del estudio, a las cuales se les evaluó la fuerza muscular de prensión y la AEM del bíceps braquial utilizando un dinamómetro de mano y un equipo de electromiografía, respectivamente, antes y después de un periodo de inmovilización del brazo no dominante, y se asignaron aleatoriamente a uno de dos grupos: grupo control (GC) o experimental (GE). El GE realizó PMK: tres series de 15 repeticiones con un minuto de descanso entre series, tres veces al día durante los seis días de inmovilización, mientras que el GC no realizó PKM durante su inmovilización. Al aplicar una prueba de ANOVA de dos vías, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la fuerza ni en la AEM. Sin embargo, la fuerza del GC disminuyó en 23,75%, mientras que la del GE aumentó en 33,19%. Los resultados sugieren que un periodo de inmovilización del codo de seis días no fue suficiente para que la fuerza ni la AEM disminuyan significativamente, lo que supone que la PMK realizada no es necesaria en periodos menores a seis días.

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of kinesthetic mental practice (KMP) on the strength and muscular electrical activity (MEA) of the brachial biceps, after a period of immobilization of the elbow in a group of healthy young adults. A total of 14 volunteer participants (18.64 ± 0.92 years of age) were part in the study. The muscle strength and the AEM of the brachial biceps were assessed using a hand dynamometer and an electromyography equipment, respectively, before and after a period of immobilization of the non-dominant arm. After the pretest, they were randomly assigned to one of two groups: control group (GC) or experimental group (GE). The GE performed 3 sets of 15 repetitions with one-minute rest between sets, three times a day of PMK during the 6 days of immobilization, while the GC did not perform PKM during its immobilization. A 2-way ANOVA test (group x measurement) indicated non-significant differences in strength or AEM. However, the strength of the GC decreased by 23.75%, while increased by 33.19% in the GE. The results suggest that a period of immobilization of the elbow of 6 days was not enough for the strength or the AEM to decrease significantly, which means that the PMK is not necessary in periods of immobilization of less than 6 days.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Myoelectric Complex, Migrating , Elbow/abnormalities , Kinesics , Electromyography/methods , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscle Strength Dynamometer/trends
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;27(5): 518-522, July-Sept. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288619


ABSTRACT Objective: There were many constraints produced by training time and joint injury to analyze the influence of the training intensity on the elbow and knee joints of athletes during the training process. Methods: An improved algorithm-based master component analysis (PCA) modeling method is proposed .1 4 4 athletes were selected in xxx and compared in three groups. Results: The improved PCA models for injury prediction were applied to athletes from group A, the traditional injury models for prediction were adopted for athletes from group B, and athletes from group C received the hospital physical examinations. The results showed that the accuracy of elbow injury in group A due to excessive exercise was 66.86%, the accuracy of hospital physical examination in group C was 67%, and the accuracy of the traditional algorithm in group B was 50%, finding that the accuracy of group A was obviously different from group B (P < 0.05). Compared with other injuries caused by excessive friction, the detection accuracy of knee injuries caused by excessive friction in group A was 62%, that in group B was 44%, and that in group C was 63%. There was a statistically marked difference between groups A and B (P < 0.05). Conclusions: A PCA - based model of athletes' overtraining injury has high accuracy and adaptability, predicting elbow injury. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

RESUMO Objetivo: Houve uma grande quantidade de restrições produzidas pelo tempo de treinamento e lesão articular a fim de analisar a influência da intensidade do treinamento nas articulações do cotovelo e joelho dos atletas durante o processo de treinamento. Métodos: É proposto um método de modelagem aprimorado de análise de componentes mestre (PCA) baseado em algoritmo .1 4 4 atletas foram selecionados em xxx e comparados em três grupos. Resultados: Os modelos aprimorados de PCA para previsão de lesões foram aplicados a atletas do grupo A, os modelos tradicionais de lesões para previsão foram adotados para atletas do grupo B e os atletas do grupo C receberam os exames físicos hospitalares. Os resultados mostraram que a acurácia da lesão de cotovelo no grupo A devido ao exercício excessivo foi de 66,86%, a acurácia do exame físico hospitalar no grupo C foi de 67% e a acurácia do algoritmo tradicional no grupo B foi de 50%, achando que a acurácia do grupo A era obviamente diferente do grupo B (P <0,05). Em comparação com outras lesões causadas por atrito excessivo, a precisão de detecção de lesões no joelho causadas por atrito excessivo no grupo A foi de 62%, no grupo B foi de 44% e no grupo C foi de 63%. Houve uma diferença estatisticamente marcada entre os grupos A e B (P <0,05). Conclusões: Um modelo baseado na PCA de lesão por overtraining em atletas tem alta precisão e adaptabilidade, o que pode prever lesões de cotovelo. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos- investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Hubo una gran cantidad de restricciones producidas por el tiempo de entrenamiento y la lesión articular para analizar la influencia de la intensidad del entrenamiento en las articulaciones del codo y la rodilla de los atletas durante el proceso de entrenamiento. Métodos: Se propone un método mejorado de modelado de análisis de componentes maestros (PCA) basado en algoritmos .1 4 Se seleccionaron 4 atletas en xxx y se compararon en tres grupos. Resultados: Los modelos mejorados de PCA para la predicción de lesiones se aplicaron a los atletas del grupo A, los modelos tradicionales de predicción de lesiones se adoptaron para los atletas del grupo B y los atletas del grupo C recibieron los exámenes físicos hospitalarios. Los resultados mostraron que la precisión de la lesión del codo en el grupo A por ejercicio excesivo fue del 66,86%, la precisión del examen físico hospitalario en el grupo C fue del 67% y la precisión del algoritmo tradicional en el grupo B fue del 50%, encontrando que la precisión del grupo A fue obviamente diferente del grupo B (P <0.05). En comparación con otras lesiones causadas por fricción excesiva, la precisión de detección de las lesiones de rodilla causadas por fricción excesiva en el grupo A fue del 62%, en el grupo B del 44% y en el grupo C del 63%. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente marcada entre el grupo A y B (P <0.05). Conclusiones: Un modelo basado en PCA de la lesión por sobreentrenamiento de los atletas tiene una alta precisión y adaptabilidad, lo que puede predecir la lesión del codo. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos- investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Exercise , Elbow/injuries , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Algorithms , Principal Component Analysis , Forecasting
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 142-145, jul./set. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363958


Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.

Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.

Animals , Dogs , Soft Tissue Neoplasms/veterinary , Plastic Surgery Procedures/veterinary , Dogs/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps/veterinary , Surgery, Veterinary , Thoracic Arteries/surgery , Elbow , Surgical Wound/veterinary
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(2): 208-210, abr.jun.2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398934


O angioedema hereditário por défice de C1-inibidor é uma doença rara autossômica dominante com uma prevalência estimada em 1:50.000. Habitualmente a história familiar aponta para este diagnóstico. No entanto, a apresentação atípica com história familiar negativa pode atrasar o diagnóstico de meses a anos. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma criança de 6 anos sem antecedentes pessoais ou familiares relevantes que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência pediátrico por edema, calor e rubor do cotovelo, joelho e maléolos direitos com 12h de evolução, sem fatores associados. Ao exame objetivo: edema do cotovelo, joelho e maléolos direitos, exantema não pruriginoso maleolar homolateral com discreto desconforto à palpação. Sem elevação dos parâmetros infeciosos ou inflamatórios. Foi iniciada corticoterapia sistêmica, com melhoria lenta do quadro. Teve alta, referenciada à consulta de Imunoalergologia. Na anamnese foram apurados quatro episódios de edema periarticular nos doze meses prévios. A avaliação analítica da criança revelou C1 inibidor 62 mg/dL, C1 inibidor funcional 29%, confirmada em duas determinações, e a dos pais e dos dois irmãos foi normal. No estudo genético não foram identificadas mutações nos genes SERPING. O angioedema hereditário por défice de função do C1-inibidor - tipo II - representa 15 a 20% dos casos. Embora a história familiar seja o maior sinal de alerta para o diagnóstico desta patologia, em 20-25% dos casos ocorre mutação espontânea. Nestes casos um elevado grau de suspeição é necessário e um atraso no diagnóstico pode levar a consequências graves. As opções terapêuticas em crianças menores de 12 anos são ainda limitadas.

Hereditary angioedema with C1-inhibitor deficiency is a rare autosomal dominant disease with an estimated prevalence of 1:50 000. Usually, family history points to this diagnosis. However, atypical presentation with negative family history may delay diagnosis in months to years. The authors describe the case of a 6-year-old girl with apparently no significant family or past medical history, presenting to the emergency department for edema, warmth, and redness of the right elbow, knee, and ankle, which started 12 hours earlier, without associated factors. On physical examination, edema of the right elbow, knee, and ankle, and nonpruritic rash on the right ankle with a slight discomfort on palpation were found. Laboratory infection or inflammation markers were not elevated. Systemic corticosteroids were started, with slow improvement. She was discharged and referred to an immunoallergology outpatient clinic. On medical history taking, four episodes of periarticular edema in the past 12 months were identified. Laboratory evaluation revealed C1-inhibitor at 62 mg/dL and functional C1-inhibitor at 29%, confirmed in two samples; the parents and two siblings were normal. On genetic testing, there were no mutations on the SERPING genes. Hereditary angioedema with C1-inhibitor deficiency ­ ie, type II ­ accounts for 15 to 20% of cases. Even though family history is the major indicator for diagnosis of this condition, a de novo mutation occurs in 20 to 25% of cases. In these cases, a high suspicion is necessary, and a delayed diagnosis could have severe implications. Therapeutic options in children under the age of 12 are limited.

Humans , Female , Child , Tranexamic Acid , Genetic Testing , Ibuprofen , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Elbow , Angioedemas, Hereditary , Genes , Knee , Ankle , Mutation , Physical Examination , Therapeutics , Rare Diseases , Diagnosis , Edema , Allergy and Immunology , Delayed Diagnosis , Inflammation
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(2): e133-e137, abril 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1152033


Si bien el codo es la articulación más frecuentemente luxada en niños, representa el 3-6 % de las lesiones en ese sitio. Las luxaciones sin fracturas asociadas son muy raras y son producto de una caída con el codo en extensión. El paciente consulta por dolor, impotencia funcional y deformidad evidente. La finalidad del tratamiento es restaurar la congruencia articular, lograr estabilidad y minimizar los riesgos de posibles lesiones neurovasculares.Se presentan 4 pacientes tratados con manejo conservador con excelentes resultados funcionales, incluso aquel que presentó una neuropraxia del mediano con restitución ad integrum.Según nuestra experiencia, suelen ser lesiones con buena evolución. Se destaca la importancia de un rápido y preciso examen neurovascular, optando, de ser posible, por una conducta expectante ante las lesiones nerviosas. Se resalta la indicación de una inmovilización acotada con movilización temprana que evite rigidez del codo.

Even though the elbow is the most often dislocated joint in children, this injury accounts for 3-6 % of elbow pathology. Dislocations without associated fractures are extremely rare. They result from a fall onto an outstretched hand. The patient is always referred with a painful joint, movement impairment and even clinical deformity. Acute treatment aims to achieve quick reduction and adequate joint stability, avoiding neurovascular injuries.We sought to analyze the functional outcomes and the complications after non-operative treatment. Our 4 patien had excellent functional results at the latest follow-up, and one of them suffered from a median nerve palsy without further consequences.In our experience, these injuries presented excellent outcomes and we would like to highlight the importance of a quick and precise neurovascular examination with the possibility of non-surgical management of nerve injuries. A short period of immobilization with early rehabilitation should be indicated to avoid joint stiffness

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Joint Dislocations/therapy , Joint Dislocations/diagnostic imaging , Aftercare , Joint Dislocations/complications , Elbow
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 484-488, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385377


RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la morfometría del extremo proximal del radio, mediante mediciones efectuadas en la cabeza, cuello y tuberosidad del radio, en una población chilena y compararlas según sexo. Se efectuó un estudio transversal analizando exámenes de Tomografía Computarizada (TC) de codo, realizados entre enero de 2014 y diciembre de 2018. Se incluyó 32 TC, correspondientes a 16 hombres y 16 mujeres. Se transfirió las imágenes formateadas al software RadiAnt, para efectuar las mediciones en el radio proximal. El análisis estadístico de los resultados se realizó mediante el software SPSS 22. El diámetro de la cabeza del radio en hombres osciló entre 22,8±1,3 y 25,0±1,7 mm; en mujeres osciló entre 19,4±1,4 y 20,7±1,4 mm. El diámetro del cuello del radio proximal en hombres osciló entre 14,0±0,8 y 15,6±0,7 mm; en mujeres osciló entre 11,7±0,8 y 13,3±1,3 mm. El diámetro del cuello del radio distal en hombres osciló entre 14,4±1,0 y 16,0±1,2 mm; en mujeres osciló entre 12,5±1,0 y 13,8±1,5 mm. El diámetro de la tuberosidad radial en hombres osciló entre 15,1±1,5 y 17,7±1,8 mm; en mujeres osciló entre 13,2±1,1 y 15,5±1,8 mm. El promedio de altura de la cabeza del radio fue de 11,2±1,2 mm en hombres y de 9,5+0,8 mm en mujeres. El análisis comparativo entre sexos mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todas las mediciones precedentes. El promedio de altura del cuello del radio fue de 11,2±1,2 mm en hombres y 10,1±1,6 mm en mujeres, sin diferencia significativa (p= 0,15). Los valores promedios de la morfometría del radio proximal de la población chilena difieren de los descritos para la población europea y presentan algunas similitudes con la población china. Nuestros resultados pueden ser de utilidad para el diseño de implantes y prótesis para el extremo proximal del radio y para una correcta planificación quirúrgica en ortopedia y traumatología.

SUMMARY: The aim of this research was to determine the morphometry of the proximal radius in a Chilean population, by means of measurements made in head of radius, neck of radius and radial tuberosity, and to compare them according to sex. A cross-sectional study was conducted analyzing Computed Tomography scans (CT) of elbows, performed between January 2014 and December 2018. Thirty-two CT corresponding to 16 men and 16 women were included. The formatted images were transferred to the RadiAnt software in order to perform measurements in the proximal radius. The statistical analysis of the results was performed using the SPSS 22 software. The diameter of the head of radius in men ranged between 22.8±1.3 and 25.0±1.7 mm; in women it ranged between 19.4±1.4 and 20.7±1.4 mm. The diameter of the proximal neck of radius in men ranged between 14.0±0.8 and 15.6±0.7 mm; in women, it ranged between 11.7±0.8 and 13.3±1.3 mm. The diameter of the distal neck of radius in men ranged between 14.4±1.0 and 16.0±1.2 mm; in women, it ranged between 12.5±1.0 and 13.8±1.5 mm. The diameter of radial tuberosty in men ranged between 15.1±1.5 and 17.7±1.8 mm; in women, it ranged between 13.2±1.1 and 15.5±1.8 mm. The mean height of the head of radius was 11.2±1.2 mm in men and 9.5±0.8 mm in women. Statistically significant sex differences were revealed in all the preceding measurements. The mean height of the neck of radius was 11.2±1.2 mm in men and 10.1±1.6 mm in women, with no significant difference (p= 0.15). The average values of morphometry of the proximal radius of the Chilean population differ from those describing the European population, and show some similarities with the Chinese population. Our results may be useful to design of implants and prostheses for the proximal radius, and to correct surgical planning in orthopedics and traumatology.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Radius/diagnostic imaging , Elbow/diagnostic imaging , Radius/anatomy & histology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Characteristics , Elbow/anatomy & histology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;79(3): 195-200, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285346


ABSTRACT Background: Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE) is the second most common entrapment neuropathy. There is little information about the application of F-wave studies for evaluation of UNE. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of minimum F-wave (F-min) latency alterations by comparing this with nerve conduction analyses in UNE-suspected patients. Methods: Ninety-four UNE-suspected patients were admitted to this study. Sensory and motor nerve conduction and F-wave analyses on the median and ulnar nerves were performed on both upper extremities. Results: A total of 188 upper extremities of 94 patients were examined. Their mean age was 41.4±12.9 years, and 69 patients were female (73.4%). The mean ulnar-nerve across-elbow motor conduction velocity (MCV) in the affected arms was significantly slower than the velocity in healthy arms. The mean ulnar-nerve F-min latencies were significantly longer in the affected arms. Fifty-one patients were electrophysiologically diagnosed as presenting UNE (54.2%). Significantly slower mean ulnar-nerve across-elbow MCV, longer mean ulnar-nerve F-min latency and longer distal onset latency were detected in UNE-positive arms. Lastly, patients who were symptomatic but had normal nerve conduction were evaluated separately. Only the mean ulnar F-min latency was significantly longer in this group, compared with the healthy arms. Conclusion: Our study confirmed the utility of F-min latency measurements in the electrodiagnosis of UNE. F-wave latency differences can help in making an early diagnosis to provide better treatment options.

RESUMO Introdução: A neuropatia ulnar do cotovelo (NUC) é a segunda neuropatia por encarceramento mais comum. Existem poucas informações sobre a aplicação dos estudos da onda F para avaliação da NUC. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o valor diagnóstico das alterações mínimas de latência da onda F (F-min), comparando-as com análises de condução nervosa em pacientes com suspeita de NUC. Métodos: Noventa e quatro pacientes com suspeita de NUC foram admitidos neste estudo. A condução nervosa sensitiva e motora e as análises da onda F nos nervos mediano e ulnar foram realizadas em ambas as extremidades superiores. Resultados: Um total de 188 membros superiores de 94 pacientes foi examinado. A média de idade foi 41,4±12,9 anos e 69 pacientes eram do sexo feminino (73,4%). A velocidade de condução motora média do nervo ulnar através do cotovelo (VCM) nos braços afetados foi significativamente mais lenta do que a velocidade em braços saudáveis. As latências médias F-min do nervo ulnar foram significativamente mais longas nos braços afetados. Cinquenta e um pacientes foram diagnosticados eletrofisiologicamente como apresentando NUC (54,2%). Pacientes com presença de NUC tiveram, de forma significativa, detecção de VCM mais lenta no nervo ulnar ao nível do cotovelo, presença de latência mais longa da onda F-mínima no nervo ulnar, bem como latência de início distal mais longa. Por fim, os pacientes sintomáticos, e com condução nervosa normal, foram avaliados separadamente. Apenas a latência da onda F mínima média do nervo ulnar foi significativamente maior neste grupo, em comparação com os braços saudáveis. Conclusão: Nosso estudo confirmou a utilidade das medidas de latência da onda F-mínima no eletrodiagnóstico da NUC. As diferenças de latência da onda F podem ajudar a fazer um diagnóstico precoce para fornecer melhores opções de tratamento.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Ulnar Neuropathies/diagnosis , Elbow , Ulnar Nerve , Electrodiagnosis , Middle Aged , Neural Conduction
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 14-19, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368321


The aim of this study is to report a long term follow up of a congenital luxation of the radial head (CLRH) case of a young Bulldog treated by radio head ostectomy (RHO). CLRH is an uncommon condition in dogs, but it is the most commom form of elbow dislocation (grade I). An English Bulldog, male, 6 months, 14 kilograms, was suspected of elbow dislocation. Physical examination revealed a lateral proeminence on the lateral surface of the right elbow, as well as grade I lameness and mild pain. Range of motion was normal. Previous radiographs and tomography confirmed CLHR. RHO was chosen instead of corrective techniques, due to the age of the animal at the time of the procedure and the difficulty in repositioning the radial head in the joint. Three and a half years after surgery, new clinical and radiographic examaminations were performed. The patient had no pain, good limb support and good range of motion, allowing good elbow movement. There was a partial regrowth of the proximal segment of the radial head causing better readjustment of it in the joint. Mild signs of joint degeneration were present. RHO proved to be effective in this case, proving to be a good technique to be used in cases of CLRH when conservative treatment or reduction techniques can no longer be used.

O objetivo deste relato foi o de apresentar o acompanhamento tardio de um caso de luxação congênita de cabeça de rádio (LCCR) em um Buldog Inglês jovem, tratada por ostectomia da cabeça radial (OCR). A LCCR é uma condição incomum nos cães, mas é a forma mais comum de luxação de cotovelo nos mesmos (grau I). Um Bulldog Inglês, macho, 6 meses, 14 quilos, foi atendido com suspeita de luxação do cotovelo. Exame físico revelou uma proeminência na superfície lateral do cotovelo direito, além de claudicação grau I e dor leve. Amplitude de movimento apresentava-se normal. Radiografias e tomografia prévias confirmaram LCCR. Optou-se pela OCR ao invés de técnicas corretivas, devido à idade do animal à época do procedimento e à dificuldade no reposicionamento do rádio na articulação. Após 3 anos e meio de pós-operatório, foram realizados novos exames clínicos e radiográficos. O paciente não apresentava dor, apresentava bom apoio do membro e boa amplitude de movimento, permitindo bom movimento do cotovelo. Houve um novo crescimento parcial do segmento proximal da cabeça do rádio ocasionando melhor readequamento do mesmo na articulação. Sinais leves de degeneração articular estavam presentes. A OCR se mostrou efetiva neste caso, provando ser uma boa técnica a ser utilizada nos casos de LCCR quando tratamento conservativo ou técnicas de redução já não podem ser mais utilizados.

Animals , Dogs , Joint Dislocations/veterinary , Dogs/injuries , Elbow/surgery , Radius Fractures/veterinary , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Continuity of Patient Care , Upper Extremity/surgery