Introducción: La leiomiomatosis esofágica es una neoplasia benigna con una incidencia dentro de los tumores del esófago extremadamente baja y en ocasiones difícil de categorizar como neoplasia o miopatía. Caso clínico: Se reporta el caso de una joven de 24 años que consultó por disfagia pro- gresiva de un año de evolución y antecedente de haberle descubierto una "mancha" en el pulmón diez años atrás. Las imágenes muestran masa que ocupa el tercio medio e inferior del esófago y megaesófago proximal por obstrucción a nivel de cardias. Se rea- lizó esofagectomía total, tubulización y ascenso gástrico con piloroplastía más anastomosis esófago gástrica latero lateral a nivel cervical. La patología confirmó la histología de leiomiomatosis esofágica. Conclusión: Es una patología muy rara con pocos casos reportados.
Introduction: Esophageal leiomyomatosis is a benign neoplasm with an extremely low incidence of esophageal tumors and is sometimes difficult to categorize as a neoplasm or myopathy. Clinical Case: The case of a 24-year-old girl, who consulted for progressive dysphagia of one year of evolution and a history of having discovered a "spot" on her lung ten years ago, is reported. The images show a mass that occupies the middle and lower third of the esophagus and proximal megaesophagus due to obstruction at the level of the cardia. Total esophagectomy, tubulization and gastric ascent with pyloroplasty plus lateral esophagogastric anastomosis at the cervical level were performed. The pathology confirms the histology of esophageal leiomyomatosis. Conclusion: It is a very rare pathology with few reported cases.
Humans , Female , Adult , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Leiomyomatosis/diagnosis , Leiomyoma , Biopsy , Diagnostic Imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Jejunostomy , Thoracotomy , Deglutition Disorders , Esophagectomy , Diagnosis, Differential , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Las heridas de arma de fuego en la región craneofacial representan una actividad con frecuencia en aumento en la actividad médica, y su gravedad depende del tipo de arma utilizada y la distancia del impacto. Entre ellas, las producidas por proyectiles de baja energía producen heridas con un perfil característico, que son una pequeña puerta de entrada con destrucción mínima de tejido inicial, generalmente sin orificio de salida por perder velocidad al contactar con estructuras óseas. El resultado de esto es que el proyectil se aloja en la profundidad del complejo craneofacial, lo cual demanda al cirujano un amplio conocimiento y manejo anatómico para su abordaje. En el presente artículo se describe una novedosa técnica para retiro de proyectil de la fosa pterigomaxilar, guiada por endoscopia a través de un sistema de dilatadores tubulares utilizados para cirugía mínimamente invasiva de columna, en un paciente masculino de 14 años. Luego del retiro del mismo, se continúa con los controles posoperatorios alejados, sin intercurrencias, asintomático e inserto en sus actividades diarias, con una cicatriz mínima, y sin atrofia de la región temporal. Los estudios por imágenes de control visualizan el correcto retiro del cuerpo extraño, con estructuras adyacentes sin lesiones a considerar
Gunshot wounds in the craniofacial region represent an increasingly frequent activity in medical activity, and its severity depends on the type of weapon used and the distance of the impact. Among them, those produced by low-energy projectiles produce wounds with a characteristic profile, which are a small entrance door with minimal initial tissue destruction, generally without an exit hole due to losing speed when contacting bone structures. The result of this is that the projectile lodges deep in the craniofacial complex, which requires the surgeon to have extensive knowledge and anatomical management for its approach. This article describes a novel technique for projectile removal from the pterygomaxillary fossa, guided by endoscopy through a system of tubular dilators used for minimally invasive spine surgery, in a 14-year-old male patient. After its removal, he continued with remote postoperative controls, without complications, asymptomatic and active in his daily activities, with a minimal scar, and without atrophy of the temporal region. Control imaging studies visualize the correct removal of the foreign body, with adjacent structures without injuries to consider.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Head Injuries, Penetrating/surgery , Endoscopy/methods , Pterygopalatine Fossa/surgeryABSTRACT
Introducción. La hidatidosis biliar es la complicación más frecuente de la hidatidosis hepática. La colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica desempeña un papel clave en el tratamiento. Caso clínico. Femenina de 57 años acude por dolor abdominal, vómito, diarrea, leucocitosis, hiperbilirrubinemia, en colangioresonancia magnética presenta vía biliar dilatada, defecto de señal en tercio proximal y distal. La colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica evidencia presencia de cuerpo extraño de aspecto de membranas, vía biliar dilatada, se extrae quistes de aspecto parasitario. Conclusión. El tratamiento de elección es quirúrgico y farmacológico, la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica antes de la cirugía, asegura la extracción del material hidatídico y trata la obstrucción biliar, identifica el trayecto fistuloso y facilita su cierre mediante colocación de prótesis y esfinterotomía, por lo que constituye un tratamiento no quirúrgico efectivo y con margen amplio de seguridad.
Introduction: Biliary hydatid disease is the most common complication of hepatic hydatid disease. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography plays a key role in treatment. Clinical case: A 57-year-old female presented with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, leukocytosis, mixed hyperbilirubinemia, and magnetic resonance cholangiography showed a dilated bile duct and a signal defect in the proximal and distal third. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography shows the presence of a foreign body with a membrane appearance, a dilated bile duct, and cysts with a parasitic appearance. Conclusion: The treatment of choice is surgical and pharmacological, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography before surgery ensures the extraction of hydatid material and treats biliary obstruction, identifies the fistulous tract and facilitates its closure by placing a prosthesis and sphincterotomy, which is why it constitutes a Effective non-surgical treatment with a wide margin of safety.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bile Ducts/parasitology , Cholangitis , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Gastrointestinal Tract/diagnostic imaging , Echinococcosis , Endoscopy , General Surgery , Bile Ducts , Echinococcosis, Hepatic , Ecuador , Sphincterotomy , Hyperbilirubinemia , LeukocytosisABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The application effect of transversus abdominis plane block (TAPB) combined with thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) or erector spinae plane block (ESP) under ultrasound guidance in endoscopic radical resection of esophageal cancer under general anesthesia was studied. From March 2021 to February 2022, patients who underwent endoscopic radical resection of esophageal cancer in our hospital were selected as the research object, and 90 patients were selected as the samples. Patients were divided into groupA and group B according to the difference of blocking schemes. Group A received ESP and Group B received TPVB. The dosage of sufentanil, nerve block time, awakening time and extubation time of the two groups were counted. The postoperative pain, sedation effect, sleep satisfaction and analgesia satisfaction of the two groups were compared, and the complications of the two groups were observed. The nerve block time and extubation time in group A were shorter than those in group B (P0.05). At T2, T3 and T4, the visual analogue scale (VAS) scores of group A at rest and cough were significantly lower than those of group B (P0.05). The satisfaction of sleep and analgesia in group A was higher than that in group B (P0.05). The analgesic effect of ultrasound-guided TAPB combined with ESP is better than that of ultrasound-guided TAPB combined with TPVB, and it can shorten the time of nerve block and extubation, which is worth popularizing.
Se estudió el efecto de la aplicación del bloqueo del plano transverso del abdomen (TAPB) combinado con el bloqueo paravertebral torácico (TPVB) o el bloqueo del plano del erector de la columna (ESP) bajo guía ecográfica en la resección radical endoscópica del cáncer de esófago bajo anestesia general. Desde marzo de 2021 hasta febrero de 2022, en nuestro hospital, se seleccionaron como objeto de investigación pacientes sometidos a resección radical endoscópica de cáncer de esófago, y como muestra se seleccionaron 90 pacientes. Los pacientes se dividieron en el grupo A y el grupo B según la diferencia de esquemas de bloqueo. El grupo A recibió ESP y el grupo B recibió TPVB. Se contaron la dosis de sufentanilo, el tiempo de bloqueo nervioso, el tiempo de despertar y el tiempo de extubación de los dos grupos. Se compararon el dolor posoperatorio, el efecto de la sedación, la satisfacción del sueño y la satisfacción de la analgesia de los dos grupos y se observaron las complicaciones de los dos grupos. El tiempo de bloqueo nervioso y el tiempo de extubación en el grupo A fueron más cortos que los del grupo B (P0,05). En T2, T3 y T4, las puntuaciones de la escala visual analógica (EVA) del grupo A en repo- so y tos fueron significativamente más bajas que las del grupo B (P 0,05). La satisfacción del sueño y la analgesia en el grupo A fue mayor que en el grupo B (P0,05). El efecto analgésico de la TAPB guiada por ecografía combinada con ESP es mejor que el de la TAPB guiada por ecografía combinada con TPVB, y puede acortar el tiempo de bloqueo nervioso y extubación, lo que vale la pena popularizar.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Thoracic Vertebrae/drug effects , Esophagectomy/methods , Abdominal Muscles/drug effects , Endoscopy/methods , Paraspinal Muscles/drug effects , Nerve Block/methods , Ultrasonography , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal (CEN) de cavidades paranasales es un tratamiento ampliamente utilizado para la rinosinusitis crónica, con un impacto significativo en mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la CEN en la calidad de vida en pacientes con diagnóstico de rinosinusitis crónica en una cohorte nacional y a largo plazo (1 año). Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva. Se incluyó 95 pacientes con diagnóstico de RSC operados en el servicio de otorrinolaringología del hospital del Salvador en el período 2017-2021. Se compararon síntomas como obstrucción nasal, rinorrea, descarga posterior, algia facial e hiposmia, además de la encuesta SNOT-22 pre y post cirugía utilizando como medidas la escala visual análoga (EVA) de sintomatología cardinal de RSC y SNOT-22. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una mejoría significativa en todos los síntomas evaluados. La obstrucción nasal, rinorrea, descarga posterior, hiposmia y algia facial presentaron una disminución estadísticamente significativa después de la CEN. Además, la encuesta de calidad de vida SNOT-22 reveló una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de los pacientes después de la cirugía. Conclusión: Este estudio sugiere que la CEN podría tener un impacto significativo en la mejora de los síntomas y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica. Los resultados de esta cohorte nacional respaldan la efectividad de la CEN como tratamiento para esta enfermedad a largo plazo (1 año) y destacan la importancia de considerar esta opción terapéutica en el manejo de la RSC.
Introduction: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a widely employed treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and has shown significant benefits in enhancing the quality of life for affected patients. Objective: To assess the impact of FESS on the quality of life in patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis in a national and longterm cohort (1 year). Material and Method: A prospective cohort study was conducted at the otolaryngology service of Hospital del Salvador between 2017 and 2021, involving 95 patients diagnosed with CRS who underwent FESS. Symptoms such as nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, posterior discharge, facial pain, and hyposmia were evaluated. The visual analog scale (VAS) was used to measure the cardinal symptoms of CRS, and the SNOT-22 survey was administered before and after the surgical procedure. Results: The study demonstrated a significant improvement in all evaluated symptoms following FESS. Nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, posterior discharge, hyposmia, and facial pain exhibited a statistically significant decrease. Moreover, the SNOT-22 survey revealed a notable enhancement in the quality of life for patients after surgery. Conclusion: The highlights of this national cohort support the impact of FESS in alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis. The findings provide strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of FESS as a treatment option for CRS and emphasize the importance of considering this surgical approach in the management of this condition.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Endoscopy/methods , Nasal Surgical Procedures/methods , Rhinosinusitis/surgery , Paranasal Sinuses/surgery , Quality of Life , Chile , Chronic Disease , Prospective Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease identified as a global health problem. Its gastric, esophageal and/or intestinal involvement occurs in around 1% of cases. The descriptions of endoscopic lesions and histopathological biopsies are similar to other more prevalent diseases, such as mucosal infiltrative tumors, lymphomas related to Helicobacter pylori infection, Crohn's disease and adenocarcinomas. Objective: To report the case of an adult male patient with imaging tests mimicking gastric neoplasia, which were, in fact, lesions suspected of syphilis, its resolution and management. Case report: A 39-year-old man sought care because of severe epigastric pain related to the postprandial period and prolonged fasting, without improvement with medication. He reported weight loss and episodes of dark-colored vomiting. On physical examination, pain on deep palpation in the epigastric region without palpable masses and peristalsis was present. An endoscopy was performed, the report of which indicated endoscopic gastritis with marked flat erosions in the antrum, with eroded, bloody, intensely friable mucosa. Also, a biopsy of the mucosa was performed, with a histopathological report resulting in a large plasma cell infiltrate, with VDRL/FTA-Abs being ordered because of the prevalence of differential diagnoses. The patient was diagnosed with syphilis and was treated with benzathine penicillin 2,400,000 IU IM in three doses, one every seven days, for a total of 7,200,000 IU. He returned in six months for reevaluation. Conclusion: Although this is a rare occurrence of the disease, one should always be aware of possible differential diagnoses to avoid unnecessary surgical interventions and procedures. (AU)
Introdução: A sífilis é uma doença sexualmente transmissível identificada como um problema de saúde mundial. Seu acometimento gástrico, esofágico e/ou intestinal acontece em cerca de 1% dos casos. As descrições das lesões por via endoscópica e biópsias no histopatológico se assemelham com outras doenças mais prevalentes, como, por exemplo, os tumores infiltrativos da mucosa, linfomas relacionados a infecção do Helicobacter pylori, doença de Chron e adenocarcinomas. Objetivo: Relatar o caso de um paciente masculino adulto com exames de imagem mimetizando neoplasia gástrica, sendo, na verdade, lesões suspeitas de sífilis, sua resolução e conduta. Relato de caso: Homem de 39 anos buscou atendimento por conta de forte epigastralgia relacionada a período pós-prandial e a jejum prolongado, sem melhora com medicação. Relatou perda ponderal e episódios de vômitos com cor escura. Ao exame físico, dor à palpação profunda em região epigástrica sem massas palpáveis e peristalse presente. Foi feita endoscopia, cujo laudo apontou gastrite endoscópica com erosões planas acentuada no antro, com mucosa erodida, cruenta, intensamente friável, e feita biópsia da mucosa, com laudo do histopatológico resultando em grande infiltrado de plasmócitos, sendo pedido VDRL/FTA-Abs por conta da prevalência de diagnósticos diferenciais. O paciente foi diagnosticado com sífilis, e foi feito tratamento com penicilina benzatina 2.400.000UI IM três doses, uma a cada sete dias, num total de 7.200.000UI, retornando em seis meses para reavaliação. Conclusão: Apesar de se tratar de um acometimento raro da doença, deve-se sempre estar atento aos possíveis diagnósticos diferenciais a fim de se evitar intervenções cirúrgicas e procedimentos desnecessários. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Penicillin G Benzathine , Treponema pallidum , Syphilis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Purpose: The current study aimed at evaluating the repair of a partial defect of the trachea with a muscle flap, an advanced technique that employs combined suture patterns. Methods: Sixteen healthy male New Zealand white rabbits were used as an experimental model. A partial defect in the trachea within the ventral region of the fourth to eighth tracheal ring was created. Subsequently, repair was initiated with a flap of the sternocephalicus muscle. The animals were divided into four groups for postoperative evaluation using clinical, tracheoscopic, and histopathological analyses. Each group was separated according to the time of euthanasia, programmed at interval of seven (G7), 15 (G15), 30 (G30), and 60 days (G60). Results: One animal from the G60 group died, whereas the other animals had good surgical recovery without serious changes in the breathing pattern. The major clinical signs observed were stridor and coughing. Tracheoscopy revealed secretions in the tracheal lumen, exuberant granulation, and stenosis. Histopathological analysis showed growth of the ciliary respiratory epithelium at the flap site 30 days after implantation. Conclusions: Partial repair showed satisfactory results owing to the anatomical location of the muscle, adequate vascular support, and structural and physiological maintenance without serious changes in the respiratory system.
Animals , Rabbits , Rabbits/surgery , Surgical Flaps/veterinary , Tracheal Diseases/veterinary , Endoscopy/veterinaryABSTRACT
Introduction: After the diagnosis of neoplasm of the middle and distal rectum, patients are often submitted to oncological treatment by neoadjuvant therapy. At the end of this treatment, those patients who show complete clinical response can choose, together with their physician, to adopt the watch-and-wait strategy; although it implies lower morbidity for the patient, this strategy is dependent on strict adherence to treatment follow-up for the early identification of any future local injury. Materials and Methods: Survey of data from medical records and description, and discussion of case reports with a literature review in books and databases. Results: We report the case of a 73-year-old patient diagnosed with moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the middle rectum, Stage II (cT3bN0M0), who presented complete clinical response after undergoing treatment with neoadjuvant therapy. Together with the assistant team, the watch-and-wait strategy was chosen. During the follow-up, an endoscopic examination showed a vegetating at the proximal limit of the tumor scar. We chose to perform submucosal endoscopic dissection. The report of the anatomopathological examination evidenced a serrated adenoma with narrow margins free of neoplasia. Conclusion: Patient adherence to cancer treatment using the watch-and-wait strategy is essential for the early identification of new local lesions. After resection of the lesion identified in the tumor scar site as a neoplasm-free lesion, it is consistent to think that this lesion would be the origin of the neoplasm, given the adenomatous origin. (AU)
Female , Aged , Rectum/injuries , Diagnosis, Differential , Rectal Neoplasms/therapy , Neoadjuvant Therapy , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, and the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) can be mentioned among the CRC screening methods based on the detection of occult blood in the feces, which may indicate upper gastrointestinal (UGI) malignancies; therefore, patients with a positive FIT but normal colonoscopy may be considered for a UGI endoscopy. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on patients with a positive FIT who were submitted to colonoscopy with normal results. They subsequently underwent endoscopy for the detection of UGI disorders. Results: We included 121 patients (64.5% of women and 35.5% of men; average age: 58.85 ± 12.93 years), 72.7% of whom were positive for Helicobacter pylori. The predominant result of the UGI endoscopy was normal, followed by erythema of the gastric mucosa, and anemia and dyspepsia were the most common clinical findings. The most common pathological result was chronic gastritis, followed by acute gastritis. Only one patient presented stomach cancer (adenocarcinoma). Conclusion: Considering the small prevalence of cancer in the UGI endoscopies of patients with positive FIT and normal colonoscopy, to the performance of UGI endoscopy in these patients may not be necessary. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Colonoscopy , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diagnosis , Occult Blood , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Purpose: Full-endoscopic spine surgery (FESS) is associated with specific complications, possibly linked to increased intracranial pressure (ICP) resulting from continuous saline infusion into the epidural space. This study aimed to assess the impact of saline irrigation and its correlation with noninvasively obtained ICP waveform changes. Methods: Patients undergoing FESS between January 2019 and November 2020 were included. Noninvasive ICP (n-ICP) monitoring utilized an extracranial strain sensor generating ICP waveforms, from which parameters P2/P1 ratio and time to peak (TTP) values were derived and correlated to irrigation and vital parameters. Documentation occurred at specific surgical intervals (M0-preoperatively; M1 to M4-intraoperatively; M5-postoperatively). Mixed-model analysis of variance and multiple comparisons tests were applied, with M0 as the baseline. Results: Among 31 enrolled patients, three experienced headaches unrelated to increased ICP at M5. The P2/P1 ratio and TTP decreased during surgery (p < 0.001 and p < 0.004, respectively). Compared to baseline, P2/P1 ratio and vital parameters remained significantly lower at M5. No significant differences were observed for fluid parameters throughout surgery. Conclusions: This study demonstrated a decline in the n-ICP parameters after anesthetic induction despite the anticipated increase in ICP due to constant epidural irrigation. The n-ICP parameters behaved independently of fluid parameters, suggesting a potential protective effect of anesthesia.
Spine/surgery , Intracranial Pressure , Cerebrospinal Fluid , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Purpose: To analyze clinical and endoscopic aspects of dyspeptic patients submitted to upper endoscopy in a reference center in the interior of Maranhão, Brazil. Methods: Observational, descriptive, and analytical research through interviews and endoscopic reports of 80 patients with dyspeptic complaints submitted to upper endoscopy. Results: Among the respondents, 66.25% were women, most were aged ≥ 40 years old and had epigastric pain as their main symptom, and 29.75% had no appropriate indication to perform upper endoscopy. Mild enanthematous gastritis of the antrum was the most frequent finding, and 92.5% had non-significant findings. Rapid urease test was positive in 25%. The following findings showed a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05): age < 40 years old, female gender, and gastric lesion with positive urease test; smoking with gastric lesion and age less than 40 years old with normal examination. Patients with significant findings had appropriate indications for upper endoscopy. Conclusions: The correct indication of upper endoscopy is essential for satisfactory endoscopic yields and accurate diagnosis.
Helicobacter pylori , Gastrointestinal Tract , Dyspepsia , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the characteristics and therapeutic strategies of Pott's puffy tumor(PPT). Methods:The clinical data of two patients with PPT were retrospectively analyzed and combined with the literature, focusing on the comprehensive analysis of perioperative diagnosis and treatment strategies. Both patients underwent muti-disciplinary treatment, including timely administration of sufficient antibiotics capable of penetrating the blood-brain barrier. Early removal of PPT lesions was performed using a combined internal and external approach under nasal endoscopic guidance. Results:After standardized perioperative management, the symptoms of the two patients were completely relieved, with no recurrence after one=year follow=up. Postoperative complications such as frontal pain, numbness, local depression, or scar hyperplasiawere not present. Conclusion:PPT, being relatively rare and severe, requires careful attention. Key strategies for standardized perioperative management include multi-disciplinary consultation, timely and adequate antibiotic administration, and surgical intervention using a combined intranasal and extranasal endoscopic approach for lesion removal.
Humans , Pott Puffy Tumor/complications , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Frontal Sinusitis/complicationsABSTRACT
Eosinophilic colitis is a rare and severe form of eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease. This study presents the case of a 69-year-old woman from Anadia, Alagoas, Brazil, who experienced intermittent abdominal pain in the right and left iliac fossae, along with recurrent eructations, flatus, in-creased bowel movements, diarrhea, and loss of appetite for approximately six months. The diagnosis of eosinophilic colitis was confirmed through upper digestive endoscopy, colonoscopy, and histopathology, which revealed eosinophilic pancolitis with about 100 eosinophils per high-power field in most tissue fragments. After three months of a restricted diet and treatment with ketotifen 1 mg (twice daily for 30 days) and esomeprazole 40 mg (once daily on an empty stomach for 56 days), the patient showed clinical improvement. This case highlights the diagnostic challenges of eosinophilic colitis due to its non-specific clinical signs and emphasizes the necessity of supplementary examinations (AU)
A colite eosinofílica é uma doença rara, sendo a forma menos frequente e mais grave entre as doenças eosinofílicas gastrintestinais. Este estudo apresenta o caso de uma mulher de 69 anos, natural de Anadia, Alagoas, Brasil, que apresentou dor abdominal intermitente nas fossas ilíacas direita e esquerda, acompanhada de eructações, flatos, aumento da frequência do trânsito intestinal, diarreia e inapetência por aproximadamente seis meses. O diagnóstico de colite eosinofílica foi confirmado por endoscopia digestiva alta, colonoscopia e histopatologia, que revelaram pancolite eosinofílica com cerca de 100 eosinófilos por campo de grande aumento na maioria dos fragmentos de tecido. Após três meses de dieta restritiva e tratamento com cetotifeno 1 mg (duas vezes ao dia por 30 dias) e esomeprazol 40 mg (uma vez ao dia em jejum por 56 dias), a paciente apresentou melhora clínica. Este caso destaca os desafios diagnósticos da colite eosinofílica devido aos seus sinais clínicos inespecíficos e enfatiza a necessidade de exames complementares (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Abdominal Pain , Colonoscopy , Colitis/diagnosis , Diarrhea , Endoscopy , EosinophiliaABSTRACT
Endoscopic ergonomics, the study of the endoscopist's interaction with their work environment, aims to adapt tools and actions to their physical and psychological characteristics. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are highly prevalent among endoscopists (39-89%), mainly due to repetitive movements. This issue is exacerbated by pro- cedures such as EUS, ERCP, and third space endoscopy, which demand more time and instrument use. Despite knowing the risk factors, preventive and modification strategies are scarce in endoscopic centers and the industry. This is concerning, given the impact on health, work disability, and the functioning of endoscopy services. It is crucial to raise awareness and educate on this topic to improve the quality of life of endoscopists and the efficiency of services
La ergonomía endoscópica, que estudia la interacción del endoscopista con su entorno laboral, busca adaptar herramientas y acciones a sus características físicas y psicológicas. Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) son altamente prevalentes en endoscopistas (39-89%), principalmente debido a movimientos repetitivos. Esta problemática se intensifica con procedimientos como la EUS, ERCP y la endoscopia de tercer espacio, que de- mandan más tiempo y uso de instrumentos. A pesar de conocer los factores de riesgo, las estrategias preventivas y de modificación son escasas en centros endoscópicos y en la industria. Esto es preocupante, dado el impacto en la salud, la incapacidad laboral y el funcionamiento de los servicios de endoscopia. Es crucial visibilizar y educar sobre este tema para mejorar la calidad de vida de los endoscopistas y la eficiencia de los servicios
Humans , Endoscopy/methods , Ergonomics/methods , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Occupational Health , Musculoskeletal Diseases/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Electrosurgical unit (ESU) is a critical piece of equipment in any endoscopy rooms because is used in the ma- jority of endoscopic therapeutic procedures. However, many endoscopists are not well-trained on their use and their physical bases are usually not properly studied or understood. A good understanding of the principles of electrosurgery and various configurations available in the ESU is essential for the effective and safe use during endoscopy. The aims of these article are to: (1) expose physical principles relevant to the understanding of elec- trosurgery during endoscopy; (2) describe and provide practical recommendations regarding two ESU that are commonly in use; (3) review usually factors relevant to commonly performed therapeutic procedures, including polypectomy, sphincterotomy, contact thermal hemostasis, argon plasma coagulation, etc. (4) discuss the clinical relevance of technologies recently implemented in newer electrosurgical units and future perspectives with the artificial intelligence.
La unidad electroquirúrgica (UEQ) es un equipo fundamental en cualquier sala de endoscopia, ya que se utiliza en la mayoría de los procedimientos terapéuticos. Sin embargo, muchos endoscopistas no están del todo capacitados en su uso y sus bases físicas no suelen estudiarse ni comprenderse adecuadamente. Un buen conocimiento de los principios electroquirúrgicos y de las diversas configuraciones disponibles en la UEQ es esencial para un uso eficaz y seguro durante la endoscopia. Los objetivos de este artículo son: (1) Exponer los principios físicos relevantes de la electrocirugía durante la endoscopia; (2) Describir y proporcionar recomendaciones prácticas con respecto a las dos UEQ más comúnmente utilizadas; (3) Revisar los factores generalmente relevantes para los procedimientos terapéuticos que se realizan con frecuencia, incluida la polipectomía, la esfinterotomía, la hemostasia térmica de contacto, la coagulación con argón plasma, etc. (4) Analizar la relevancia clínica de las tecnologías implementadas recientemente en las UEQ más nuevas y las perspectivas futuras con el advenimiento de la inteligencia artificial.
Electrosurgery/methods , Endoscopy/instrumentation , Risk Factors , Electrosurgery/trends , Endoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
Las hernias de disco extraforaminales en el espacio L5-S1 suelen ser difíciles de tratar por su complicado acceso y el riesgo de lesión nerviosa. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con discopatía en L5-S1 izquierda que fue tratado mediante discectomía endoscópica por abordaje símil Wiltse transfacetario. Este tipo de abordaje permite el acceso seguro a las hernias extraforaminales en el espacio L5-S1 evitando la manipulación e irritación de la raíz de L5. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Extraforaminal L5-S1 disc herniations are usually difficult to treat due to their complicated access and risk of nerve injury. We present the case of a patient with left L5-S1 disc disease who was treated by endoscopic discectomy using a transfacet Wiltse-like approach. This method provides safe access to L5-S1 extraforaminal herniations while avoiding manipulation and irritation of the L5 root. Level of Evidence: IV
Middle Aged , Spinal Diseases , Endoscopy , Intervertebral Disc Displacement , Lumbar Vertebrae , Lumbosacral RegionABSTRACT
The aim of our study is to evaluate the value of Argon Plasma Coagulation in the treatment of gastrointestinal vascular abnormalities. Patients and methods: This is a descriptive and analytical retrospective study, from January 2009 to September 2020. 198 patients who have benefited from treatment with Argon Plasma Coagulation for vascular anomalies of the digestive tract divided into 2 groups: -Group A: Patients with radial rectitis lesions (n = 107). -Group B: Patients with lesions of digestive angiodysplasia (n = 91). Results: The mean age of our patients was 64.95 ± 9.88 years [43 - 83] in group A, while in group B the mean age was 65.19 ± 14.29 years [40 - 91] with a clear male predominance in 72.5%. The majority of patients in group A were followed for prostate cancer in 33,8%, and 26.3% of patients in group B had chronic renal failure, followed by stomach cancer in 15.8%, and esophageal cancer in 10.5%. Clinical symptomatology was dominated by rectories in 40.2% in group A versus 46.8% in group B. Rectal involvement was dominated in group A in 98.1%, whereas in group B the lesions were mainly located in the stomach in 60.5%. The endoscopic evolution was favorable in all our patients with a clear improvement of rectal lesions and digestive angiodysplasia lesions. The total complication rate in our series was nil. Conclusion: Plasma Argon coagulation is a very effective method in the endoscopic treatment of digestive haemorrhages with good tolerability and a low complication rate. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Angiodysplasia/therapy , Gastrointestinal Tract/injuries , Argon Plasma Coagulation , Retrospective Studies , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las variantes en la anatomía del piso del tercer ventrículo (PTV) son determinantes en las limitaciones y complicaciones de la tercerventriculostomía endoscópica (TVE). Objetivo: Describir variaciones anatómicas del PTV halladas en casos de hidrocefalia, evaluar incidencia, estratificarlas según tiempo de evolución y correlacionarlas con dificultad quirúrgica. Materiales y Métodos: Análisis retrospectivo de videos intraoperatorios de n=62 casos de hidrocefalia tratados durante el período 2015-2020 en nuestro centro. Incluyéndose n=51 casos donde el PTV se pudo evidenciar claramente en las imágenes. Resultados: Identificamos 10 variedades de PTV de las 14 descriptas en la bibliografía; piso opaco 54,9%, parcialmente borrado 29,4%, intervalo prepontino reducido 23,5%, piso estrecho 17,6%, piso herniado 17,65%. En la hidrocefalia aguda prevalecieron el piso opaco (71,8%) y el piso estrecho (25%). En la crónica predominó el piso delgado (31,5%), el cual se observó exclusivamente en esta categoría. En los pacientes en que se realizó una TVE (43 de 51), el grado de dificultad quirúrgica fue 15 veces mayor en los que presentaban un piso opaco (p 0,00041) y menor en los que presentaban un piso parcialmente borrado (OR de 0,0615; p 0,00092). Conclusión: Las variaciones anatómicas del tercer ventrículo son frecuentes en pacientes hidrocefálicos. Las relacionadas al grosor del piso pueden aumentar el riesgo operatorio. Esta característica no es visualizable en los estudios prequirúrgicos, pero es posible predecirlo conociendo el tiempo de clínica de hidrocefalia y observando la disposición de los cuerpos mamilares en la resonancia(AU)
Background: Variants in the anatomy of the floor of the third ventricle (PTV) are determining factors in the limitations and complications of endoscopic third ventriculostomy (EVT). Objective: Describe anatomical variations of the PTV found in cases of hydrocephalus, evaluate incidence, stratify them according to time of evolution and correlate them with surgical difficulty. Methods: Retrospective analysis of intraoperative videos of n=62 cases of hydrocephalus treated during the period 2015-2020 in our center. Including n=51 cases where the PTV could be clearly evidenced in the images. Results: We identified 10 PTV varieties out of the 14 described in the bibliography; opaque floor 54.9%, partially erased 29.4%, reduced prepontine interval 23.5%, narrow floor 17.6%, herniated floor 17.65%, thin floor 11.76%. In acute hydrocephalus, the opaque floor (71.8%) and the narrow floor (25%) prevailed. In the chronicle, the thin floor predominated (31.5%), which was demonstrated exclusively in this category. In the patients who underwent an EVT (43 of 51), the degree of surgical difficulty was 15 times greater in those who presented an opaque floor (p < 0.00041) and less in those who presented an opaque floor. partially erased (OR of 0.0615; p 0.00092). Conclusion: Anatomical variations of the third ventricle are frequent in hydrocephalic patients. Those related to the thickness of the floor can increase the surgical risk. This characteristic cannot be seen in pre-surgical studies, but it is possible to predict it knowing the time of the hydrocephalus clinic and observing the disposition of the mammillary bodies in the cranial resonance(AU)
Hydrocephalus , Ventriculostomy , Third Ventricle , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Introducción: los prolactinomas son los adenomas hipofisarios funcionantes más frecuentes y la primera opción de tratamiento es la farmacológica en la mayoría de los casos. La cirugía está indicada en pacientes con resistencia o con intolerancia a los Agonistas Dopaminérgicos (AD). Objetivos: evaluar las características clínicas, bioquímicas y por imágenes de un grupo de pacientes con prolactinomas que requirieron Cirugía Endoscópica Endonasal (CEE) y analizar los resultados quirúrgicos. Material y métodos: se analizaron en forma retrospectiva las historias clínicas de 17 pacientes (8 mujeres /9 varones) con diagnóstico de prolactinoma pertenecientes a dos hospitales de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, los cuales fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2011 y junio de 2021. Se analizaron las indicaciones de la cirugía y los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos, y se realizó una revisión de la literatura referente al tema. Resultados: Las indicaciones para la cirugía en los 17 pacientes fueron: 8 resistencia a los AD, 2 intolerancia a los AD, 2 apoplejía tumoral, 2 fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR), 1 adenoma quístico, 1 compromiso visual severo y 1 macroadenoma por sospecha de adenoma no funcionante (ANF). Según el tamaño tumoral, se clasificaron en 16 macroadenomas (Ma), 5 de ellos > 4 cm o gigantes (G), y sólo una paciente con microadenoma (Mi) e intolerancia a los AD. Se logró la resección total en 8 pacientes, subtotal en 5 y parcial en 4. Se obtuvo la remisión bioquímica en 7 casos (41,2%) con cirugía (1 Mi /5 Ma/1 G) y los 10 restantes (6 Ma/4 G) requirieron terapia farmacológica y/o radioterapia (RT) adyuvante, de los cuales 5 se encuentran con enfermedad activa. Publicaciones recientes avalan el resurgimiento del tratamiento quirúrgico para este subtipo de adenomas, sobre todo en microadenomas, debido principalmente al perfeccionamiento de la técnica quirúrgica, que permitió obtener mejores resultados postoperatorios en relación a la remisión bioquímica y menor tasa de complicaciones. Conclusión.La CEE permite una alta tasa de curación en microprolactinomas y macroprolactinomas no invasores debiendo ser considerada como una opción viable y concreta durante la evaluación multidisciplinaria de estos pacientes(AU)
Background: prolactinomas are the most frequent functioning pituitary adenomas and the first treatment option is pharmacological in most of them. Surgery is indicated in patients with resistance or intolerance to Dopaminergic Agonists (DA). Objectives: to evaluate the clinical, biochemical and imaging characteristics of a group of patients with prolactinomas who required Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery (EES) and to analyze the surgical results. Methods: the medical records of 17 patients (8 women / 9 men) diagnosed with prolactinoma belonging to two hospitals in the city of Buenos Aires, who underwent surgery in the period from January 2011 and June 2021. The indications for surgery and the surgical results obtained were analyzed, and a review of the literature on the subject was carried out. Results: The indications for surgery in the 17 patients were: 8 DA resistance, 2 DA intolerance, 2 tumor apoplexy, 2 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula, 1 cystic adenoma, 1 severe visual impairment, and 1 macroadenoma due to suspected non-functional adenoma (NFA). According to tumor size, they were classified into 16 macroadenomas (Ma), 5 of them > 4 cm or giant (G), and only one patient with microadenoma (Mi) and intolerance to AD. Total resection was obtained in 8, subtotal in 5 and partial in 4 patients. Biochemical remission was obtained in 7 cases (41.2%) with surgery (1 Mi/5 Ma/1Gi) and the remaining 10 (6 Ma/4 Gi) required drug therapy and/or adjuvant radiotherapy (RT), 5 of whom are with active disease. Recent publications support the resurgence of surgical treatment for this subtype of adenomas, especially in microadenomas, mainly due to the improvement of surgical techniques, which showed better postoperative results in relation to biochemical remission and a lower rate of complications. Conclusion: EESallows a high cure rate in microprolactinomas and in non-invasive macroprolactinomas, and should be considered as a viable and concrete therapeutic option during the multidisciplinary evaluation of these patients(AU)