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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 120-136, 20240426.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555793


Os homicídios de policiais estão associados a fatores individuais, sociais e do trabalho. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste artigo é caracterizar a mortalidade por homicídio de policiais civis da Bahia entre 2012 e 2019. Trata-se de estudo descritivo de vigilância da mortalidade de homicídios de policiais civis da ativa. As variáveis estudadas foram sociodemográficas, da atividade policial e da ocorrência. Na análise foram realizados cálculos de taxas de mortalidade e da estatística descritiva, por meio da linguagem computacional R versão 4.2.2. Foram registrados 27 homicídios de policiais civis da ativa, o que equivale a uma taxa média de 0,58/1000. Na caracterização, todos eram homens, com idade média de 52,5 anos (42 a 63 anos) e 95% negros. Em relação à atividade policial, 76% eram investigadores, com média de 17,9 anos (3 a 33 anos) de serviço e 81% das mortes ocorreram em horário de folga. Em 90% dos homicídios a arma de fogo foi o instrumento causador da morte, e em 62% dos casos a autoria não foi identificada. Conclui-se que o perfil sociodemográfico, do trabalho e das ocorrências de homicídios de policiais civis é semelhante ao perfil encontrado entre policiais militares e sobretudo aos homicídios da população geral.

Police homicides are associated with individual, social, and work-related factors. To characterize mortality due to homicide cases of civil police officers in the State of Bahia from 2012 to 2019.This is a descriptive study of mortality surveillance regarding the homicides of active civil police officers. The variables studied included sociodemographic, police activity, and event occurrence rates. In the analysis, mortality rates and descriptive statistics were calculated using the computational language R, version 4.2.2. Overall, 27 cases of homicide of civil police officers were registered, with an average rate of 0.58/1000 civil police officers. In the characterization, all victims were men with an average age of 52.5 years (42 to 63 years) and a 95% percent Black ethnicity. Regarding police activity, 76% were investigators, with an average of 17.9 years (3 to 33 years) of service, and 81% of deaths occurred during off-duty hours. In 90% of homicide cases, firearms were the instrument that caused death, and in 62% of cases the perpetrator was unidentified. The sociodemographic, work, and homicide profile of civil police officers resembles the profile among military police officers and especially that of homicides in the general population.

Los homicidios de policías están asociados a factores individuales, sociales y laborales. El objetivo de este artículo fue caracterizar la mortalidad por homicidio de policías civiles en el estado de Bahía (Brasil), en el período entre 2012 y 2019. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de la vigilancia de la mortalidad por homicidios de policías civiles en activo. Las variables estudiadas fueron sociodemográficas, actividad policial y ocurrencia. En el análisis se realizaron cálculos de tasas de mortalidad y estadísticas descriptivas utilizando el lenguaje computacional R, versión 4.2.2.Se registraron 27 homicidios de policías civiles en activo, con una media de 0,58/1000 policías civiles. En la caracterización, todos eran hombres, con media de edad de 52,5 años (42 a 63 años), y el 95%, negros. Con relación a la actividad policial, el 76% se desempeñaban como investigadores, con un promedio de 17,9 años (3 a 33 años) de servicio y el 81% de las muertes ocurrieron fuera de servicio. En el 90% de los homicidios, el arma de fuego fue el instrumento que provocó la muerte y en el 62% de los casos no se identificó al autor. Se concluye que el perfil sociodemográfico, laboral y de homicidios de los policías civiles es similar al perfil encontrado entre los policías militares y, especialmente, a los homicidios en la población general.

Humans , Male , Firearms , Ethnicity , Mortality Registries , Police , Homicide , Military Personnel
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220015, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558733


Resumo O predomínio de teorias formuladas sob inspiração do estilo de vida ocidental no campo da psicologia acabou criando lacunas ao deixar de incluir especificidades de alguns grupos étnicos, religiosos e culturais. Esse cenário impulsionou vários movimentos recentes, que defendem uma psicologia culturalmente sensível que possa incluir as nuances e particularidades desses grupos. Inclui-se nesse contexto o Islã, uma religião que não se restringe somente às crenças, práticas e rituais religiosos, mas que engloba normas e preceitos que influenciam o estilo de vida do indivíduo. Este estudo tem como objetivo delinear uma reflexão teórica a respeito da psicologia islâmica, demarcando possibilidades e limites da integração de epistemologias religiosas como recurso potencial no campo da psicologia da religião. São abordados aspectos conceituais, origens históricas e fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos dessa nova abordagem, que vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço em instituições ao redor do mundo e no campo de pesquisa.

Abstract The psychological theories formulated under inspiration from the Western lifestyle created gaps by failing to include ethnic, religious, and cultural specificities. From this scenario emerged several recent movements which advocate a culturally sensitive psychology that encompass ethnic nuances and particularities. This context includes Islam, a religion that encompasses beliefs, practices, and rituals, as well as norms and precepts that influence the individual's lifestyle. This study outlines a theoretical reflection on Islamic psychology, demarcating the possibilities and limits of integrating religious epistemologies in Psychology of Religion. Conceptual, historical, theoretical, and methodological aspects of this new approach, which has been gaining space in institutions worldwide and in the research field, are addressed in this study.

Resumen El predominio de teorías formuladas bajo la inspiración del estilo de vida occidental en el campo de la Psicología generó vacíos al no incluir especificidades de algunos grupos étnicos, religiosos y culturales. En este escenario surgieron movimientos recientes que abogan por una psicología culturalmente sensible, que incluya las particularidades y matices de estos grupos. Este contexto incluye el Islam, una religión que no solo se limita a creencias, prácticas y rituales religiosos, sino que también abarca normas y preceptos que influyen en el estilo de vida del individuo. El objetivo de este estudio es esbozar una reflexión teórica sobre la psicología islámica, demarcando posibilidades y límites de la integración de epistemologías religiosas como recurso potencial en el campo de la Psicología de la Religión. Se abordan aspectos conceptuales, orígenes históricos y fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de este enfoque, que ha ganado espacio en instituciones de todo el mundo y en el campo de la investigación.

Résumé Les théories élaborées sous l'inspiration de l'Occident dans la Psychologie a créé des lacunes en omettant d'inclure les spécificités des groupes ethniques, religieux et culturels. Ce scenario donne naissance à plusieurs mouvements récents qui prônent une psychologie douée d'une sensibilité culturelle. Ce contexte inclut l'Islam qui, en plus des croyances et des pratiques, impose des normes et des préceptes qui influencent le mode de vie de l'individu. Cette étude esquisse une réflexion théorique sur la psychologie islamique, soulignant les possibilités et les limites d'intégrer des épistémologies religieuses comme ressource potentielle dans la psychologie de la religion. Les aspects conceptuels, origines historiques et fondements théoriques et méthodologiques de cette nouvelle approche, qui prend de plus en plus de place dans les institutions du monde entier et dans la recherche, sont abordés.

Religion and Psychology , Ethnicity , Islam , Knowledge
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(3): 201-205, dic. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528741


Objective: To evaluate the degree of perception among lay people of different age groups about black spaces between lower incisors. Methodology: digital changes were performed in a frontal photograph of a smiling 30 year-old patient, simulating different dimensions of black spaces. The images were printed on photographic paper and applied with a questionnaire in order to evaluate the attractiveness using as tool a visual analogue scale (VAS). The participants were divided into 6 groups, considering race (Caucasian and Negroid) and age (15-19 years, 35-44 years and 65-74 years old). The differences between the examiners were checked by the Mann-Whitney test and the significance level was 5% (α = 0.05) for all analyzes. Results: The photographs that did not have black spaces were better graded and the ones that had larger black spaces scored worse. The older age group and the Negroid race group graded better the photograph with the largest black spaces, compared to the younger age groups and the group of Caucasians. Conclusion: black spaces between lower incisors are esthetically unattractive and their perception decreases with aging, besides being less relevant to older and Negroid people.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Smiling , Ethnicity , Esthetics, Dental , Incisor , Age Groups
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(4): 427-437, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533955


Introduction. Diet-based interventions may be a culturally acceptable option to decrease mercury levels and thus prevent the adverse effects of this metal on population health. Selenium is an element present in Colombian geology that can act as a chelator, decreasing mercury concentrations in the human body. Objective. To identify potentially useful selenium-rich foods to control the effects of mercury exposure among Afro-Colombians. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 320 individuals from five municipalities of Chocó. They were asked about the frequency of consumption of selenium-rich foods, and their association with mercury concentrations in hair was estimated with multiple robust regression. Results. Guava, whole wheat flour, strawberries, cow liver, spinach and yeast extract were the foods with higher consumption. Walnuts, whole wheat flour, and yeast extract were identified in multiple robust regression as foods to consider in future interventions. Conclusion. It is proposed that the banana juice, the pineapple colada, the borojó (Borojoa patinoi) sorbet, the cucas, and the enyucado are basic elements for a culturally acceptable intervention.

Introducción. Las intervenciones basadas en la dieta pueden ser una opción culturalmente aceptable para disminuir los niveles de mercurio y prevenir los efectos adversos de este metal en la salud de la población. El selenio es un elemento presente en la geología colombiana que puede actuar como quelante, disminuyendo las concentraciones de mercurio en el cuerpo humano. Objetivo. Identificar los alimentos ricos en selenio potencialmente útiles para controlar los efectos de la exposición a mercurio entre afrocolombianos. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 320 individuos de cinco municipios del departamento del Chocó. Se les preguntó sobre la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos ricos en selenio y su asociación con las concentraciones de mercurio en cabello fue estimada con regresión múltiple robusta. Resultados. La guayaba, la harina de trigo integral, las fresas, el hígado de vaca, la espinaca y el extracto de levadura fueron los alimentos de mayor consumo. Las nueces, la harina de trigo integral y el extracto de levadura fueron identificados en regresión múltiple robusta como alimentos por considerar en futuras intervenciones. Conclusiones. Se propone que el jugo de plátano, la piña colada, el sorbete de borojó (Borojoa patinoi), las cucas, el enyucado y la sábida de plátano primitivo maduro son elementos básicos para una intervención culturalmente aceptable.

Selenium , Diet , Mercury , Ethnicity , Mining
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(8): 1010-1018, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565684


ANTECEDENTES: La soledad es uno de los problemas de salud pública más recurrentes en las personas mayores, sin embargo, en Chile se disponen de escasos datos sobre su prevalencia en personas mayores a 60 años que viven en zonas rurales y que pertenecen a pueblos originarios o al tribal afrodescendiente. OBJETIVO: Examinar la prevalencia de la soledad entre personas mayores que viven en zonas rurales por grupo étnico; y analizar las variables sociodemográficas, familiares y de salud que se relaciona con soledad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se aplicó la escala de soledad DJGLS-6, APGAR-familiar, cuestionario de 13 problemas de salud más frecuentes en personas mayores chilenas, e índice de Barthel a 1.692 personas mayores que residen en zonas rurales de las regiones de Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Los Lagos, Aisén y Magallanes. RESULTADOS: Se observa una alta prevalencia de la soledad (sobre el 55%) en personas de los pueblos: Afrodescendiente, Quechua, Atacameño, Colla, Chango, Huilliche, Kawesqar y no indígenas. Siendo la soledad emocional la más prevalente entre personas mayores indígenas y no indígenas que viven en zonas rurales (≥ 71%). Las variables que se asocian con soledad son: ser mujer, edad, no tener pareja, vivir solo(a), disfuncionalidad familiar y tener problemas de salud. CONCLUSIONES: La soledad en zonas rurales es más alta en las personas mayores y esta situación se complejiza en el cruce de diversidad étnico cultural, es necesario seguir abordando este problema que afecta el bienestar biopsicosocial en la vejez.

BACKGROUND: Loneliness is one of the most recurrent public health problems in older people. However, there is little data available in Chile on its prevalence in people over 60 years of age living in rural areas and belonging to native or Afro-descendant groups. AIM: To examine the prevalence of loneliness among older people living in rural areas by ethnic group and to analyze the socio-demographic, family, and health variables related to loneliness. METHODS: We interviewed 1,692 elderly people living in Chilean rural areas of the regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Los Lagos, Aisén and Magallanes. The instruments applied were the DJGLS-6 loneliness scale, Family-APGAR, questionnaire of 13 most frequent health problems in Chilean older people, and Barthel index. RESULTS: We found a high prevalence of loneliness (over 55%) among Afro-descendants, Quechua, Atacameño, Colla, Chango, Huilliche, Kawesqar and non-indigenous people. Emotional loneliness is the most prevalent among indigenous and non-indigenous older people living in rural areas (≥ 71%). Variables associated with loneliness were being female, age, not having a partner, living alone, family dysfunctionality, and having health problems. CONCLUSIONS: Loneliness in rural areas is higher in older people, and this situation becomes more complex at the crossroads of ethnic-cultural diversity; it is necessary to continue to address this problem that affects biopsychosocial well-being in old age.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Loneliness/psychology , Ethnicity/psychology , Ethnicity/statistics & numerical data , Chile/ethnology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Sociodemographic Factors
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 56(1)abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442327


Introdução: A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial, crônica e progressiva, que afeta parcelas consideráveis da população mundial e brasileira. Estudos mostram que sociedades e ambientes com maiores níveis de racismo estrutural podem desencadear maiores níveis de prevalência de obesidade nas suas populações marginalizadas. Assim, a maior vulnerabilidade das populações de etnia preta no Brasil, decorrentes do racismo estrutural e institucional instaurado, leva a maiores índices de sobrepeso e obesidade ocasionadas pela incapacidade de tais populações garantirem a segurança alimentar. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a evolução da prevalência do sobrepeso e obesidade nas populações da etnia branca e preta no Brasil, avaliando hábitos alimentares com potencial de promover a obesidade. Além disso, buscou-se relacionar o agravamento do IMC populacional no Brasil com a etnia e o racismo estrutural presente na sociedade brasileira. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de cunho transversal. Foram selecionadas 12 questões padronizadas do inquérito VIGITEL realizados nos anos de 2011 a 2020. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, e para comparação entre os grupos étnicos aplicou-se o teste T de Student. Resultados: Os resultados, de modo geral, evidenciam que indivíduos da etnia preta apresentam maior grau de IMC (Kg/m2) em comparação à etnia branca. Os dados de IMC entre as capitais brasileiras demonstram que tanto em 2011, quanto em 2020, as médias do índice avaliado foram maiores entre a população de etnia preta, apresentando 26,03 Kg/m2 e 27,07 Kg/m2 respectivamente, enquanto os indivíduos declarados brancos tiveram médias de 25,7 Kg/m2 e 26,45 Kg/m2 nos mesmos anos. O IMC médio nos anos de 2011 a 2020, de 25,99 Kg/m2para a etnia branca, e de 26,50 Kg/m2 para a etnia preta indicam sobrepeso no âmbito nacional. Ademais, o consumo médio de verduras e legumes foi inferior entre a etnia preta, a qual manifestou uma frequência alimentar maior no consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial do que a etnia branca, apresentando, de um modo geral, uma alimentação de menor qualidade. Conclusão: O IMC médio e a prevalência de sobrepeso estão aumentando nas populações das capitais do Brasil, sendo tal aumento mais acentuado nas populações da etnia preta. Também se observou que as populações da etnia preta possuem uma alimentação de menor qualidade, quando comparado à alimentação da população de etnia branca (AU).

Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial, chronic, and progressive disease that affects considerable portions of the world and Brazilian populations. Studies show that societies and environments with higher levels of structural racism can trigger higher levels of obesity prevalence in their marginalized populations. Thus, the greater vulnerability of populations of black ethnicity in Brazil, resulting from the structural and institutional racism established, leads to higher rates of overweight and obesity caused by the inability of such populations to guarantee food security. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the evolution of the prevalence of overweight and obesity in white and black populations in Brazil, evaluating eating habits with the potential to promote obesity. In addition, we aimed to relate the worsening of the populational BMI in Brazil with ethnicity and structural racism present in Brazilian society. Method: This investigation is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Twelve standardized questions from the VIGITEL survey were selected from 2011 to 2020. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and Student's T-test was applied to compare ethnic groups. Results: The results, in general, show that individuals of the black ethnic group have a higher degree of BMI (Kg/m2) compared to the white ethnic group. BMI (Kg/m2) data for Brazilian capitals show that both in 2011 and 2020, the averages of the evaluated index were higher among the black population, presenting 26.03 Kg/m2 and 27.07 Kg/m2, respectively, while individuals declared white had averages of 25.7 Kg/m2 and 26.45 Kg/m2 in the same years. The average BMI in 2011 to 2020, of 25.99 Kg/m2 for the white ethnicity, and of 26.50 Kg/m2 for the black ethnicity, indicates overweight at the national level. In addition, the average consumption of vegetables was lower among black people, which showed a higher food frequency in the consumption of soft drinks or artificial juice than the white people, presenting, in general, a lower quality diet. Conclusion: The average BMI and the prevalence of overweight are increasing in the populations of the capitals of Brazil, being this increase more accentuated in the populations of black ethnicity. It was also observed that the populations of black ethnicity have a lower quality in their diet compared to the diet of the white population (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Brazil , Ethnicity , Body Mass Index , Prevalence , Feeding Behavior , Racism , Obesity/epidemiology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 217-225, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556371


Aim: Determination of the most common shade of anterior teeth in Malaysian students of different ethnicities. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 subjects, 40 each from different ethnicities (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) aged 18-22 years were evaluated for tooth shade using the VITA Classical shade guide. The subject was asked to sit in an up-right position with teeth at the clinician's eye level and the subject was instructed to remove makeup or tinted eyewear which may affect the result. The procedure was done in natural daylight. The shade tabs were positioned adjacent to the maxillary central incisor and the middle 1/3rd of the facial surface was assessed by experts to determine the correct tooth shade. The data was statistically analysed. Results: The differences in tooth shade were seen among the subjects of different ethnicities. The Malay ethnicity has B1 (37%) as the most common tooth shade whereas Chinese has C1 (27%) and Indian C1 (40%). Conclusions: Under the limitation of the study, it was found that there is a relationship between tooth color and ethnic background. Malay students tend to have brighter teeth as compared to Chinese and Indian students.

Objetivo: Determinar el tono más común de los dientes anteriores en estudiantes malasios de diferentes etnias. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó el color de los dientes de un total de 120 sujetos, 40 de diferentes etnias (malayos, chinos e indios) de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 22 años, utilizando la guía de colores VITA Classical. Se pidió al sujeto que se sentara en posición vertical con los dientes al nivel de los ojos del médico y se le indicó que se quitara el maquillaje o las gafas teñidas, lo que podría afectar el resultado. El procedimiento se realizó con luz natural. Las pestañas de color se colocaron adyacentes al incisivo central superior y expertos evaluaron el tercio medio de la superficie facial para determinar el tono correcto del diente. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias en el color de los dientes entre los sujetos de diferentes etnias. La etnia malaya tiene el B1 (37%) como el color de dientes más común, mientras que los chinos tienen el C1 (27%) y los indios C1 (40%). Conclusión: Bajo las limitaciones del estudio, se encontró que existe una relación entre el color de los dientes y el origen étnico. Los estudiantes malayos tienden a tener dientes más brillantes en comparación con los estudiantes chinos e indios.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Ethnicity , Colorimetry , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Malaysia/ethnology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 237-247, abr. 4, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556419


Aim: Variation in dental structures is widely accepted as a combination of multiple factors such as gender, environmental effects and genetics. However, the characterization of similarities and differences in dental morphology has been lacking in relation to the factors mentioned. This study aims to assess and compare the variations in traits in mandibular molars and the influence of gender and ethnicity in affecting these traits amongst the Malaysian population of Mongoloid ancestry. Materials and Methods: Our study population was 180 dental casts of patients, from 15 to 40 years old, comprising 56 Malays and 124 Chinese; 60 were males and 120 were females. Traits like groove pattern, number of cusps, protostylids and deflecting wrinkles were observed, scored, and recorded. Results: This study revealed that the most common mandibular first molar (M1) was characterized by 5 cusps and displayed 'Y' groove pattern, while the most common mandibular second molar (M2) had 4 cusps and exhibited a groove pattern that resembled a '+'. Notably, all the traits studied were bilaterally symmetrical, except for the groove pattern of M1, while sexual dimorphism was observed in groove patterns of M2. Conclusions: This study found that M1 had a preponderance of 5 cusps with 'Y' groove pattern, while M2 were typically 4-cusped with '+' groove pattern.

Objetivo: La variación en las estructuras dentales es ampliamente aceptada como el resultado de una combinación de múltiples factores como el género, los efectos ambientales y la genética. Sin embargo, ha faltado la caracterización de similitudes y diferencias en la morfología dental en relación a los factores mencionados. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar y comparar las variaciones en los rasgos de los molares mandibulares y la influencia del género y la etnia al afectar estos rasgos entre la población malaya de ascendencia mongoloide. Materiales y Métodos: Nuestra población de estudio fue de 180 modelos dentales de pacientes, de 15 a 40 años,conformados por 56 malayos y 124 chinos; 60 eran hombres y 120 eran mujeres. Se observaron, puntuaron y registraron rasgos como el patrón de surcos, el número de cúspides, los protostílidos y las arrugas desviadas. Resultados: Este estudio reveló que el primer molar mandibular más común (M1) se caracterizaba por 5 cúspides y mostraba un patrón de ranura en 'Y', mientras que el segundo molar mandibular más común (M2) tenía 4 cúspides y exhibía un patrón de ranura que se parecía a un ' +'. En particular, todos los rasgos estudiados eran bilateralmente simétricos, excepto el patrón de surco de M1, mientras que se observó dimorfismo sexual en los patrones de surco de M2. Conclusión: Este estudio encontró que M1 tenía una preponderancia de 5 cúspides con un patrón de ranura en 'Y', mientras que M2 tenía típicamente 4 cúspides con un patrón de ranura '+'.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Molar/anatomy & histology , Ethnicity , Malaysia/ethnology , Mandible
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969843


The participants in this study were 20-49 years old rural childbearing age people who received the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP) in Yunnan Province during 2013 to 2019. The proportion of ABO and RhD blood groups among different ethnic groups and different areas were calculated. The proportion of 2 748 131 participants with blood group A phenotype was highest (32.60%), followed by O (30.60%), B (27.33%) and AB (9.47%). In the RhD blood system, the proportion of the RhD positivity (RhD+) and RhD negativity (RhD-) group were 99.29% and 0.71% respectively. The proportions blood groups were significantly different among ethnic groups and areas (all P<0.001). Among 18 ethnic groups with more than 3 000 participants, Yao (42.75%), Bouyei (40.58%) and Dai (40.37%) ethnic groups had higher proportion of blood group O phenotype than other ethnic groups. Wa ethnic groups had highest proportion of the A (40.15%) and AB phenotypes (11.23%). Miao ethnic group (34.70%) and Lahu ethnic group (34.42%) had higher proportion of blood group B phenotype than other ethnic groups. Wa ethnic group had the highest proportion of RhD-group (1.88%). In all 16 prefectures of Yunnan, the proportion of blood group O phenotype was highest in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture (40.27%). Baoshan city (36.39%), Lincang city (36.22%) and Dali Bai autonomous prefecture (36.06%) had higher proportion of blood group A phenotype than other regions. Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (30.83%) and Qujing city (30.48%) had higher proportion of blood group B phenotype than other areas, while Zhaotong city had a highest proportion of blood group AB phenotype (11.19%). The proportion of RhD-group was highest in Honghe hani and Yi nationality autonomous prefecture(1.37%). The A RhD+(39.36%), A RhD-(0.78%), AB RhD+(11.03%), AB RhD-(0.20%) and O RhD-(0.48%) blood groups were higher proportion in Wa ethnic group than in other ethnic groups (P<0.001).

Adult , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Blood Group Antigens , China , Ethnicity , Rural Population
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 422-429, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969923


Objective: To analyze the perceived exercise benefits and barriers and their association with physical activity time in Chinese Han children and adolescents aged 9-18 years. Methods: Data were extracted from the 2019 Chinese National Survey on Students' Constitution and Health and a total of 163 656 children and adolescents aged 9-18 years in Han ethnic group were included in the analysis. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to compare the perceived exercise benefits score, perceived exercise barriers score and perceived exercise benefits to barriers ratio in the children and adolescents with different demographic characteristics and physical activity time. The differences in physical activity time in subgroups were compared with χ2 tests. log-binomial regression model was used to evaluate the association between physical activity time and perceived exercise benefits and barriers. Results: The M (Q1,Q3) of the perceived exercise benefits score, perceived exercise barriers score, and perceived exercise benefits to barriers ratio in the children and adolescents were 4.11 (3.78, 4.78), 2.70 (2.10, 3.20) and 1.55 (1.22, 2.07), respectively. Children and adolescents living in urban area, boys, those at younger age and those with physical activity time ≥1 hour had higher perceived exercise benefits score and perceived exercise benefits to barriers ratio, but lower perceived exercise barriers score (all P<0.001). The prevalence of physical activity time ≥1 hour was 41.4% in the children and adolescents. In the log-binomial model with two variables of perceived exercise benefits score and perceived exercise barriers score, for each 1-point increase in the perceived exercise benefits, the possibility of physical activity time ≥1 hour increased by 11% (OR=1.11, 95%CI: 1.10-1.12), and for each 1-point increase in the perceived exercise barriers, the possibility of physical activity time ≥1 hour decreased by 15% (OR=0.85, 95%CI: 0.84-0.85). In the log-binomial model with variable of perceived exercise benefits to barriers ratio, for each 1-point increase in the perceived exercise benefits to barriers ratio, the possibility of physical activity time ≥1 hour increased by 12% (OR=1.12, 95%CI: 1.11-1.12). Conclusion: The perceived exercise benefits and barriers are significantly associated with physical activity time in children and adolescents in China.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Male , Female , Asian People , China , Ethnicity , Exercise , Students
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 159-167, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971658


BACKGROUND@#Chiropractic is the largest complementary and alternative medicine profession in the United States, with increasing global growth. A preliminary literature review suggests a lack of widespread diversity of chiropractic patient profiles.@*OBJECTIVE@#There have been no prior studies to comprehensively integrate the literature on chiropractic utilization rates by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The purpose of this scoping review is to identify and describe the current state of knowledge of chiropractic utilization by race, ethnicity, education level, employment status, and income and poverty level.@*SEARCH STRATEGY@#Systematic searches were conducted in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Index to Chiropractic Literature from inception to May 2021.@*INCLUSION CRITERIA@#Articles that reported race or ethnicity, education level, employment status, income or poverty level variables and chiropractic utilization rates for adults (≥18 years of age) were eligible for this review.@*DATA EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS@#Data extracted from articles were citation information, patient characteristics, race and ethnicity, education level, employment status, income and poverty level, and chiropractic utilization rate. A descriptive numerical summary of included studies is provided. This study provides a qualitative thematic narrative of chiropractic utilization with attention to race and ethnicity, education level, income and poverty level, and employment status.@*RESULTS@#A total of 69 articles were eligible for review. Most articles were published since 2003 and reported data from study populations in the United States. Of the race, ethnicity and socioeconomic categories that were most commonly reported, chiropractic utilization was the highest for individuals identifying as European American/White/non-Hispanic White/Caucasian (median 20.00%; interquartile range 2.70%-64.60%), those with employment as a main income source (median utilization 78.50%; interquartile range 77.90%-79.10%), individuals with an individual or household/family annual income between $40,001 and $60,000 (median utilization 29.40%; interquartile range 25.15%-33.65%), and individuals with less than or equal to (12 years) high school diploma/general educational development certificate completion (median utilization 30.70%; interquartile range 15.10%-37.00%).@*CONCLUSION@#This comprehensive review of the literature on chiropractic utilization by race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status indicates differences in chiropractic utilization across diverse racial and ethnic and socioeconomic populations. Heterogeneity existed among definitions of key variables, including race, ethnicity, education level, employment status, and income and poverty level in the included studies, reducing clarity in rates of chiropractic utilization for these populations. Please cite this article as: Gliedt JA, Spector AL, Schneider MJ, Williams J, Young S. Disparities in chiropractic utilization by race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status: A scoping review of the literature. J Integr Med. 2023; 21(2): 159-167.

Humans , United States , Ethnicity , Socioeconomic Factors , Chiropractic , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Social Class
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045849


To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in Motuo County from 2012 to 2021 and provide evidence for the prevention and control of PTB. A total of 223 cases of PTB were reported from 2012 to 2021 in Motuo County, with an average annual reported incidence rate of 171.39/100 000. Joinpoint regression model analysis showed that the average decline rate was 9.2% (P<0.001) from 2012 to 2021. Among the various types of PTB patients reported from 2012 to 2021, there were 69 cases of etiologic-positive cases which increased from 28.57% to 52.63%. Results from the circular distribution methods showed that there was no obvious peak time of PTB in Motuo County. There was no statistical difference in the average annual incidence of PTB between different genders (χ2=0.108, P=0.743). Among all age groups, the 20-29 years group had the highest proportion (26.91%, 60/223). The Monpa ethnic group (153 cases, 68.61%) had the largest number of cases, followed by the Lhoba people (44 cases, 19.73%) and the Tibetan (22 cases, 9.87%). Farmers (168 cases, 75.34%) had the highest occupational composition ratio, followed by students (40 cases, 17.94%). The main detection methods of PTB were clinical consultation and transferring consultation. Overall, the incidence rate of PTB decreased from 2012 to 2021. The majority of PTB patients were young adults with high transmission risk. It is necessary to pay more attention to the key populations and strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control for reducing the risk of PTB.

Young Adult , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tibet/epidemiology , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/prevention & control , Incidence , Students , Ethnicity , China/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045988


A study was conducted on rural women of childbearing age aged 20-49 who underwent the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP)in Yunnan Province from 2013 to 2019. Descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the negative rate of IgG antibodies against the rubella virus and its differences among various socio-demographic characteristics. Among the 1 511 203 study subjects, the negative rate of IgG antibodies against the rubella virus was 24.36%. Only 2.64% of the population had received rubella virus vaccine. The negative rate of IgG antibodies among rural childbearing-age women in the preconception period in Yunnan Province decreased with age and educational level (Ptrend<0.001). The negative rate of IgG antibodies in ethnic minority women of childbearing age in the preconception period (25.19%) was higher than that of Han women (23.88%). Among the 22 ethnic groups with over 1 000 participants, the negative rates of IgG antibodies in women of childbearing age from the Blang (32.85%), Bouyei (31.03%), Zhuang (31.01%), and Miao (30.70%) ethnic groups were higher than those of women from other ethnic groups. Among the 16 states (cities) in Yunnan Province, the negative rate of IgG antibodies in pregnant women of childbearing age in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture (38.06%) and Lincang City (32.63%) was higher than that in other states (cities). The negative rate of serum IgG antibodies in women who reported having received rubella virus vaccine (18.60%) was lower than that in other non-vaccinated populations (24.52%). The proportion of rural women of childbearing age in Yunnan Province who were susceptible to the rubella virus before pregnancy was still high. It is necessary to promote rubella vaccination among people susceptible to rubella, especially pregnant women, to prevent rubella virus infection and reduce the incidence rate and disease burden of rubella people.

Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Rubella virus , Immunoglobulin G , Ethnicity , Minority Groups , China , Rubella/prevention & control , Antigens, Viral , Vaccines
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046172


To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in Motuo County from 2012 to 2021 and provide evidence for the prevention and control of PTB. A total of 223 cases of PTB were reported from 2012 to 2021 in Motuo County, with an average annual reported incidence rate of 171.39/100 000. Joinpoint regression model analysis showed that the average decline rate was 9.2% (P<0.001) from 2012 to 2021. Among the various types of PTB patients reported from 2012 to 2021, there were 69 cases of etiologic-positive cases which increased from 28.57% to 52.63%. Results from the circular distribution methods showed that there was no obvious peak time of PTB in Motuo County. There was no statistical difference in the average annual incidence of PTB between different genders (χ2=0.108, P=0.743). Among all age groups, the 20-29 years group had the highest proportion (26.91%, 60/223). The Monpa ethnic group (153 cases, 68.61%) had the largest number of cases, followed by the Lhoba people (44 cases, 19.73%) and the Tibetan (22 cases, 9.87%). Farmers (168 cases, 75.34%) had the highest occupational composition ratio, followed by students (40 cases, 17.94%). The main detection methods of PTB were clinical consultation and transferring consultation. Overall, the incidence rate of PTB decreased from 2012 to 2021. The majority of PTB patients were young adults with high transmission risk. It is necessary to pay more attention to the key populations and strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control for reducing the risk of PTB.

Young Adult , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tibet/epidemiology , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/prevention & control , Incidence , Students , Ethnicity , China/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046311


A study was conducted on rural women of childbearing age aged 20-49 who underwent the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP)in Yunnan Province from 2013 to 2019. Descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the negative rate of IgG antibodies against the rubella virus and its differences among various socio-demographic characteristics. Among the 1 511 203 study subjects, the negative rate of IgG antibodies against the rubella virus was 24.36%. Only 2.64% of the population had received rubella virus vaccine. The negative rate of IgG antibodies among rural childbearing-age women in the preconception period in Yunnan Province decreased with age and educational level (Ptrend<0.001). The negative rate of IgG antibodies in ethnic minority women of childbearing age in the preconception period (25.19%) was higher than that of Han women (23.88%). Among the 22 ethnic groups with over 1 000 participants, the negative rates of IgG antibodies in women of childbearing age from the Blang (32.85%), Bouyei (31.03%), Zhuang (31.01%), and Miao (30.70%) ethnic groups were higher than those of women from other ethnic groups. Among the 16 states (cities) in Yunnan Province, the negative rate of IgG antibodies in pregnant women of childbearing age in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture (38.06%) and Lincang City (32.63%) was higher than that in other states (cities). The negative rate of serum IgG antibodies in women who reported having received rubella virus vaccine (18.60%) was lower than that in other non-vaccinated populations (24.52%). The proportion of rural women of childbearing age in Yunnan Province who were susceptible to the rubella virus before pregnancy was still high. It is necessary to promote rubella vaccination among people susceptible to rubella, especially pregnant women, to prevent rubella virus infection and reduce the incidence rate and disease burden of rubella people.

Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Rubella virus , Immunoglobulin G , Ethnicity , Minority Groups , China , Rubella/prevention & control , Antigens, Viral , Vaccines
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1825-1830, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010045


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the phenotypes and gene frequencies of Kell blood group system K antigen and Rh blood group system D antigen in Xinjiang, and summarize and understand the distribution of Kell(K) blood type and Rh(D) blood type in this area.@*METHODS@#A total of 12 840 patients who met the inclusion criteria during physical examination and treatment in our hospital and 18 medical institutions in our district from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 were collected for identification of Kell blood group system K antigen and Rh blood group System D antigen, and the distribution of K and D blood groups in different regions, genders and nationalities were investigated and statistically analyzed.@*RESULTS@#The proportion of K positive in the samples was 1.39%, the highest was 1.91% in southern Xinjiang, and the lowest was 1.03% in northern Xinjiang(P<0.01). The proportion of Rh(D) negative samples was 2.75% and the gene frequency was 16.64%. The proportion of Rh(D) negative samples was 4.03% and the gene frequency was 20.10% in southern Xinjiang, followed by eastern Xinjiang and the lowest in northern Xinjiang (P<0.01). The frequency of K antigen in Uygur nationality was the highest, reaching 2.16%, Kirgiz 1.54%, and the distribution trend of D/d antigen was similar to that of K antigen. Among women, the K positive frequency of Kazak nationality was slightly higher than that of Mongolian nationality. The highest proportion of K positive in Uygur women was 2.38%, which was higher than that in Uygur men (1.86%). The frequency of d phenotype in Kazak women was 3.15%, which was higher than that in Kirgiz (2.89%) (P<0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#The distributions of Kell(K) and Rh(D) blood groups in northern and southern Xinjiang and eastern Xinjiang had its own unique characteristics and differences. There are significant differences in blood group distribution among different ethnic groups and gender groups. In the future, k antigen detection can be included to further improve the investigation on the distribution of Kell blood group system in this region.

Female , Humans , Male , Asian People , China , Ethnicity , Gene Frequency , Kell Blood-Group System/genetics , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System/genetics
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 759-764, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985558


Objective: To understand the distribution of genotypes and sub-genotypes of HBV in different ethnic groups in China. Methods: The HBsAg positive samples were selected by stratified multi-stage cluster sampling from the sample base of national HBV sero-epidemiological survey in 2020 for the amplification of S gene of HBV by nested PCR. A phylogeny tree was constructed to determine the genotypes and sub-genotypes of HBV. The distribution of genotypes and sub-genotypes of HBV were analyzed comprehensively by using laboratory data and demographic data. Results: A total of 1 539 positive samples from 15 ethnic groups were successfully amplified and analyzed, and 5 genotypes (B, C, D, I and C/D) were detected. The proportion of genotype B was higher in ethnic group of Han (74.52%, 623/836), Zhuang (49.28%, 34/69), Yi (53.19%, 25/47), Miao (94.12%, 32/34), Buyi (81.48%, 22/27). The proportions of genotype C were higher in ethnic groups of Yao (70.91%, 39/55). Genotype D was the predominant genotype in Uygur (83.78%, 31/37). Genotype C/D were detected in Tibetan (92.35%,326/353). In this study, 11 cases of genotype I were detected, 8 of which were distributed in Zhuang nationality. Except for Tibetan, sub-genotype B2 accounted for more than 80.00% in genotype B in all ethnic groups. The proportions of sub-genotype C2 were higher in 8 ethnic groups, i.e. Han, Tibetan, Yi, Uygur, Mongolian, Manchu, Hui and Miao. The proportions of sub-genotype C5 were higher in ethnic groups of Zhuang (55.56%, 15/27) and Yao (84.62%, 33/39). For genotype D, sub-genotype D3 was detected in Yi ethnic group and sub-genotype D1 was detected in both Uygur and Kazak. The proportions of sub-genotype C/D1 and C/D2 in Tibetan were 43.06% (152/353) and 49.29% (174/353). For all the 11 cases of genotype I infection, only sub-genotype I1 was detected. Conclusions: Five genotypes and 15 sub-genotypes of HBV were found in 15 ethnic groups. There were significant differences in the distribution of genotypes and sub-genotypes of HBV among different ethnic groups.

Humans , Asian People , China/epidemiology , Ethnicity , Genotype , Gerbillinae , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , Hepatitis B/virology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 855-861, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985604


Objective: To investigate body mass index (BMI) level, identify the main type of nutritional problem, and describe the population distribution characteristics of BMI among Chinese people aged 80 years or above. Methods: The data of 9 481 oldest-old individuals were obtained from the 2017-2018 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. The Lambda-Mu-Sigma method, weighted estimates of BMI, and comparisons by BMI quintiles were used to describe the BMI level and distribution characteristics among the oldest-old. Results: The average age of the participants was (91.9±7.7) years, with P50 of the weighted BMI at 21.9 (95%CI: 21.8-22.0) kg/m2. The result of BMI level showed a decreasing trend with age, with a rapid decline before age 100, and then the trend became slower. There are about 30% of the oldest-old classified as undernutrition, but the prevalence of overnutrition is only about 10%. The population distribution characteristics by BMI quintiles showed the oldest-old with lower BMI levels were likely to have the following characteristics: sociodemographically, to be older, female, ethnic minority, unmarried/divorced/widowed, rural residents, illiterate, with inadequate living expenses, located in Central, South, or Southwest China; regarding lifestyles, lower BMI levels were observed for participants who were smoking, not exercising, lack of leisure activities, or with poor dietary diversity; considering functional status, participants with lower BMI levels were those who have poor chewing ability, disability in activities of daily living, cognitive impairment, hearing loss, visual impairment, or poor self-rated health status. The oldest-old with higher BMI levels were likely to have heart disease, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes. Conclusions: The overall BMI level was low among the Chinese oldest-old and it showed a downward trend with age. Currently, the main nutritional problem among the Chinese oldest-old was undernutrition rather than overweight or obesity. Management of healthy lifestyles, functional status, and diseases would be helpful to reduce the risk of undernutrition among the oldest-old.

Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Activities of Daily Living , Body Mass Index , East Asian People , Ethnicity , Malnutrition , Minority Groups , Centenarians , Nonagenarians
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980735


Professor ZHUANG Li-xing's diagnosis and treatment method and manipulation key points of mind-regulation acupuncture for psychosomatic disorders are summarized. Professor ZHUANG proposes that psychosomatic disorders can be subdivided into "mind-body disorder" and "body-mind disorder". The former requires treatment aimed at regulating the mind. The main acupoints are Sishenzhen, Shenting (GV 24), Yintang (GV 24+), Shenmen (HT 7) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6). The additional acupoints are Suliao (GV 25), Shuigou (GV 26), Shenmai (BL 62), Zhaohai (KI 6), Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3), etc. The latter requires treatment aimed at improving the original diseases, supplemented by regulating the mind (row acupuncture on the governor vessel). Acupoint selection is based on the theories of brain-mind, and the emphasis is placed on the governor vessel; in the meanwhile, regulating zangfu and qi-blood should be valued. After the arrival of qi, the Daoqi Tongjing method (the specific technique for directing qi and preserving essence) is applied, combined with auricular point sticking and fire needling at affected part to enhance the curative effect.

Humans , Psychophysiologic Disorders/therapy , Acupuncture Therapy , Acupuncture Points , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Ethnicity
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1057-1066, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980806


BACKGROUND@#The prevalence of hypertension is high among Chinese adults, thus, identifying non-hypertensive individuals at high risk for intervention will help to improve the efficiency of primary prevention strategies.@*METHODS@#The cross-sectional data on 9699 participants aged 20 to 80 years were collected from the China National Health Survey in Gansu and Hebei provinces in 2016 to 2017, and they were nonrandomly split into the training set and validation set based on location. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to develop the diagnostic prediction model, which was presented as a nomogram and a website with risk classification. Predictive performances of the model were evaluated using discrimination and calibration, and were further compared with a previously published model. Decision curve analysis was used to calculate the standardized net benefit for assessing the clinical usefulness of the model.@*RESULTS@#The Lasso regression analysis identified the significant predictors of hypertension in the training set, and a diagnostic model was developed using logistic regression. A nomogram with risk classification was constructed to visualize the model, and a website ( ) was developed to calculate the exact probabilities of hypertension. The model showed good discrimination and calibration, with the C-index of 0.789 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.768, 0.810) through internal validation and 0.829 (95% CI: 0.816, 0.842) through external validation. Decision curve analysis demonstrated that the model was clinically useful. The model had a higher area under receiver operating characteristic curves in training and validation sets compared with a previously published diagnostic model based on Northern China population.@*CONCLUSION@#This study developed and validated a diagnostic model for hypertension prediction in Gansu Province. A nomogram and a website were developed to make the model conveniently used to facilitate the individualized prediction of hypertension in the general population of Han and Yugur.

Adult , Humans , Asian People , China/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Hypertension/epidemiology , Nomograms , Ethnicity