Periodontite é uma doença inflamatória, induzida por uma microbiota disbiótica, que tem sido associada a uma série de condiçoes sistêmicas, como diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans é o patógeno mais associado à previamente chamada periodontite agressiva, hoje denominada periodontite padrão incisivo-molar. Apesar do conhecimento sobre vários de seus fatores de virulência relacionados à colonização da cavidade oral e a evasão das defesas do hospedeiro, os efeitos da infecção oral por A. actinomycetemcomitans e suas repercussões sistêmicas ainda são pouco compreendidos. Existem evidências de que a periodontite é caracterizada não apenas pela disbiose da microbiota oralmas também do intestino. No entanto, o impacto da infecção por A.actinomycetemcomitans sobre a microbiota residente do intestino e sobre a integridade da barreira intestinal ainda não foi investigado. Estudos in vitro e dados obtidos em humanos sugerem que a associação de A.actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) com Streptococcus gordonii (Sg) apresenta efeito sinérgico na indução da perda óssea alveolar. Assim, esta proposta visou avaliar o efeito da administração oral de um consórcio microbiano formado por A. actinomycetemcomitans e S. gordonii na indução de perda óssea alveolar em modelo murino e suas repercussões sobre o intestino, avaliando a microbiota intestinal, a expressão de genes associados à barreira intestinal e ao perfil inflamatório e os níveis séricos de LPS. Camundongos C57/Bl6 foram alocados em 4 grupos: controle negativo não infectado (SHAM), infectado com S. gordonii LD1(Sg), infectado com A. actinomycetemcomitans JP2 (Aa) e infectado com ambos os organismos (Sg+Aa). De acordo com o grupo experimental, os animais receberam inoculação oral de Sg e/ou Aa (1x108UFC/dose) 3 vezes por semana, e injeção no palato de Aa (1x107UFC) semanalmente, por 4 semanas. Controles recebendo somente os veículos das bactérias foram empregados. Após 30 dias, os animais foram sacrificados, e determinada a colonização oral e do intestino por A. actinomycetemcomitans e a razão Firmicutes/Bacterioidetes por qPCR; a perda óssea alveolar, por microCT; a expressão de genes associados à inflamação e à permeabilidade do epitélio no intestino por RT-qPCR; e os níveis séricos de LPS pelo ensaio de Limulus. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença no ganho de peso entre os grupos experimentais. Foi detectada maior perda alveolar, determinada pelos dados de volume ósseo e porosidade óssea nos animais dos grupos infectados em relação ao SHAM, não havendo diferença entre os grupos de animais infectados (Aa, Sg ou Aa+Sg). Não houve diferença significante nos níveis séricos de LPS entre os grupos, embora tenha sido indicada tendência a maior nível sérico de LPS nos animais dos grupos infectados com Aa e Sg+Aa (não significante). Aa não foi detectado em amostras de biofilme gengival ou do conteúdo intestinal. Foi realizado o ratio de Firmicutes/ Bacteriodentes nas amostras de conteúdo intestinal e não teve diferença estatística entre os grupos. A infecção alterou a expressão relativa de Il-10 no intestino, com regulação positiva nos animais do grupo Aa. A expressão de Il1 no intestino foi maior no grupo Aa do que nos demais grupos, embora esta diferença não tenha sido significante. A infecção também promoveu alterações na expressão de proteínas associadas á barreira intestinal. A administração de A. actinomycetemcomitans induziu regulação positiva na transcrição de Cldn1 e Ocln, que codificam as proteínas de tigh junction claudina 1 e ocludina, e em Zo1 que codifica a proteína de ancoragem zonulina 1. O grupo administrado com S. gordonii também apresentou regulação positiva de Cldn1 e Ocln, embora em menor grau que o grupo Aa. No entanto, a administração do consórcio não induziu a alteração na transcrição destes genes em relação ao controle não infectado. Assim, considerando as limitações do estudo e a necessidade de investigações posteriores, os dados obtidos indicam que o uso de Streptococcus gordonii poderia potencializar a colonização e virulência do A. actinomycetemcomitans.
Gene Expression , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans , Tight Junctions , Streptococcus gordoniiABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death in women. Luminal tumors A and B show good response with hormonal treatments, tumors that overexpress HER-2 can be treated with monoclonal antibodies, whereas triple negative tumors have few treatments available because they present low or absent expression of hormone receptors and HER-2, in addition, they present worse tumor progression. Syndecans are heparan sulfate proteoglycans that have the function of interacting with growth factors, cytokines, and extracellular matrix, thus modulating important processes in tumor progression. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the expression of syndecan-4 in different subtypes of breast tumors. METHODS: Bioinformatics is a useful tool for the study of new biomarkers. In the present study, the TCGA database (514 patients) and Metabric (1,898 patients) were analyzed using the cBioportal software. Gene expression data were analyzed by RNA-Seq and Microarray from biopsies of breast tumors. RESULTS: An alteration in syndecan-4 gene expression was observed among the different subtypes of breast tumors. Patients with a triple-negative tumor had decreased expression for syndecan-4 in both databases. CONCLUSION: Syndecan-4 is a potential biomarker for breast tumor prognosis since decreased expression of syndecan-4 is related to triple-negative breast cancer.
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de mama corresponde a uma das principais causas de morte em mulheres. Os tumores luminais A e B apresentam boa resposta com tratamentos hormonais, os tumores que superexpressam HER-2 podem ser tratados com anticorpos monoclonais, já os tumores triplo-negativos apresentam poucos tratamentos disponíveis por apresentarem expressão baixa ou ausente dos receptores hormonais e HER-2, além de pior progressão tumoral. Os sindecans são proteoglicanos de heparam sulfato que tem função de interagir com fatores de crescimento, citocinas e matriz extracelular, modulando assim processos importantes na progressão tumoral. OBJETIVO: Analisar a expressão o sindecam-4 nos diferentes subtipos de tumores de mama. MÉTODOS: A bioinformática vem se mostrando útil para estudo de novos biomarcadores. No presente estudo, foi analisado o banco de dados TCGA (514 pacientes) e Metabric (1898 pacientes) utilizando o software cBioportal. Foram analisados os dados de expressão gênica por RNA-Seq e Microarray. RESULTADOS: Foi verificada alteração de expressão gênica do sindecam-4 entre os diferentes subtipos de tumores de mama. Pacientes com tumor triplo-negativo tiveram a expressão diminuída para sindecam-4 em ambos os bancos de dados. CONCLUSÃO: Foi verificado que sindecam-4 parece ser um potencial biomarcador em tumores de mama, a expressão diminuída de sindecam-4 parece estar relacionada a um pior prognóstico.
Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Biomarkers, Tumor , Gene Expression , Syndecan-4 , Computational BiologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: This study assessed the effects of Acacia Senegal (AS) combined with insulin on Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity and mRNA expression, serum glucose, renal function, and oxidative stress in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Sixty rats were equally divided into six groups: normal control, normal+AS, diabetic (DM), DM+insulin, DM+AS, and DM+insulin+AS groups. Diabetes mellitus (type 1) was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg), and insulin and AS treatments were carried until rats were culled at the end of week 12. Serum glucose and creatinine levels, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) were measured. Renal homogenate levels of NKA activity and gene expression, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated as well as kidney tissue histology and ultrastructure. Diabetes caused glomerular damage and modulation of blood and tissue levels of creatinine, glucose, HbA1c, malondialdehyde, NKA activity and gene expression, SOD, catalase and GSH, which were significantly (p<0.05) treated with AS, insulin, and insulin plus AS. However, AS+insulin treatments were more effective. In conclusion, combined administration of AS with insulin to rats with DN decreased NKA activity and gene expression as well as oxidative stress, and improved glycemic state and renal structure and function.
Este estudio evaluó los efectos de Acacia senegal (AS) combinada con insulina sobre la actividad Na+/K+- ATPasa (NKA) y la expresión de ARNm, la glucosa sérica, la función renal y el estrés oxidativo en un modelo de nefropatía diabética (ND) en ratas. Sesenta ratas se dividieron equitativamente en seis grupos: control normal, normal+AS, diabética (DM), DM+insulina, DM+AS y DM+insulina+AS. La diabetes mellitus (tipo 1) se indujo mediante una única inyección de estreptozotocina (65 mg/kg), y los tratamientos con insulina y AS se llevaron a cabo hasta que las ratas fueron sacrificadas al final de la semana 12. Se midieron niveles séricos de glucosa y creatinina, hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c). Se evaluaron los niveles de homogeneizado renal de actividad NKA y expresión génica, malondialdehído, superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa y glutatión reducido (GSH), así como la histología y ultraestructura del tejido renal. La diabetes causó daño glomerular y modulación de los niveles sanguíneos y tisulares de creatinina, glucosa, HbA1c, malondialdehído, actividad y expresión génica de NKA, SOD, catalasa y GSH, los cuales fueron tratados significativamente (p<0,05) con AS, insulina e insulina más AS. Sin embargo, los tratamientos con AS+insulina fueron más efectivos. En conclusión, la administración combinada de AS con insulina a ratas con DN disminuyó la actividad de NKA y la expresión genética, así como el estrés oxidativo, y mejoró el estado glucémico y la estructura y función renal.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase/drug effects , Diabetic Nephropathies/drug therapy , Acacia/chemistry , Superoxide Dismutase , Glycated Hemoglobin/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Gene Expression , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase/genetics , Oxidative Stress , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Disease Models, Animal , Drug Therapy, Combination , Glycemic Control , Insulin/administration & dosage , Kidney/drug effects , MalondialdehydeABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#To identify the potential target genes of blast lung injury (BLI) for the diagnosis and treatment.@*METHODS@#This is an experimental study. The BLI models in rats and goats were established by conducting a fuel-air explosive power test in an unobstructed environment, which was subsequently validated through hematoxylin-eosin staining. Transcriptome sequencing was performed on lung tissues from both goats and rats. Differentially expressed genes were identified using the criteria of q ≤ 0.05 and |log2 fold change| ≥ 1. Following that, enrichment analyses were conducted for gene ontology and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. The potential target genes were further confirmed through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.@*RESULTS@#Observations through microscopy unveiled the presence of reddish edema fluid, erythrocytes, and instances of focal or patchy bleeding within the alveolar cavity. Transcriptome sequencing analysis identified a total of 83 differentially expressed genes in both rats and goats. Notably, 49 genes exhibited a consistent expression pattern, with 38 genes displaying up-regulation and 11 genes demonstrating down-regulation. Enrichment analysis highlighted the potential involvement of the interleukin-17 signaling pathway and vascular smooth muscle contraction pathway in the underlying mechanism of BLI. Furthermore, the experimental findings in both goats and rats demonstrated a strong association between BLI and several key genes, including anterior gradient 2, ankyrin repeat domain 65, bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold containing family A member 1, bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold containing family B member 1, and keratin 4, which exhibited up-regulation.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Anterior gradient 2, ankyrin repeat domain 65, bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold containing family A member 1, bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold containing family B member 1, and keratin 4 hold potential as target genes for the prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of BLI.
Rats , Animals , Lung Injury/genetics , Goats/genetics , Keratin-4 , Gene Expression Profiling , Gene ExpressionABSTRACT
Purpose: Gene expressions of vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Alpha (VEGFa), Nuclear Factor Kappa-Light-Chain-Enhancer of Activated B cells (NFkB) and cytokines could be useful for identifying potential therapeutic targets to alleviate ischemia-reperfusion injury after liver transplantation. Cytokine gene expressions, VEGFa and NFkB were investigated in a preclinical swine model of liver transplantation. Methods: A total of 12 pigs were used as donors and recipients in liver transplantation without venovenous bypass or aortic clamping. NFkB, IL-6, IL-10, VEGFa and Notch1 gene expression were assessed. These samples were collected in two specific times: group 1 (n= 6) - control, samples were collected before recipient's total hepatectomy and group 2 - liver transplantation group (n=6), where the samples were collected one hour after graft reperfusion. Results: Liver transplantation was successfully performed in all recipients. Liver enzymes were elevated in the transplantation group. NFkB gene expression was significantly decreased in the transplantation group in comparison with the control group (0.62±0.19 versus 0.39±0.08; p= 0.016). No difference was observed between groups Interleucine 6 (IL-6), interleucine 10 (IL-10), VEGFa and Notch homolog 1 (Notch1). Conclusions: In this survey a decreased NFkB gene expression in a porcine model of liver transplantation was observed.
Animals , Swine Diseases , Reperfusion Injury , Gene Expression , Liver Transplantation , NF-kappaB-Inducing KinaseABSTRACT
Recent scientific evidence suggests a close relationship between estrogen deficiency and vitamin D- related genes. Estrogen and vitamin D were involved with alterations in odontogenesis and tooth eruption process. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of estrogen deficiency on the expression of genes related to the activation and degradation of vitamin D in the odontogenic region of incisors in a murine model. Material and Methods: This is an experimental clinical study that used female Wistar Hannover rats. The animals were randomly divided into two groups according to the intervention received: Hypoestrogenism Group animals submitted to estrogen deficiency by ovariectomy surgery and Control Group animals submitted to sham surgery. Surgical intervention was performed in the prepubertal period; the animals were followed throughout the pubertal period. After euthanasia, the hemimandibles were removed to evaluate the mRNA expression of the vitamin D-related genes AMDHD1, CYP24A1, NADSYN1 and SEC23A in the odontogenic region of incisors through real time PCR. Student's t test was used to compare means. Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's posttest were also used. The level of significance was 5%. Results: SEC23A was overexpressed in the estrogen deficiency condition in the odontogenic region (p=0.021). Conclusion: Estrogen deficiency may influence the expression of the SEC23A gene involved in the activation and degradation of vitamin D in the odontogenic region of incisors in a murine model(AU)
Evidências científicas recentes sugerem uma estreita relação entre a deficiência de estrógeno e os genes relacionados à vitamina D. O estrógeno e a vitamina D estão envolvidos com alterações na odontogênese e no processo de erupção dentária. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da deficiência de estrógeno na expressão de genes relacionados à ativação e degradação da vitamina D na região odontogênica de incisivos em modelo murino. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo clínico experimental que utilizou ratas Wistar Hannover fêmeas. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de acordo com a intervenção recebida: Grupo Hipoestrogenismo animais submetidos à deficiência de estrógeno pela cirurgia de ovariectomia e Grupo Controle animais submetidos à cirurgia simulada. A intervenção cirúrgica foi realizada no período pré-púbere; os animais foram acompanhados durante todo o período puberal. Após a eutanásia, as hemimandíbulas foram removidas para avaliar a expressão de mRNA dos genes AMDHD1, CYP24A1, NADSYN1 e SEC23A, relacionados à vitamina D, na região odontogênica de incisivos por meio de PCR em tempo real. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para comparar as médias. Também foram utilizados o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o pós-teste de Dunn. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Resultados: SEC23A foi superexpresso na condição de deficiência de estrógeno na região odontogênica (p=0,021). Conclusão: A deficiência de estrógeno pode influenciar a expressão do gene SEC23A envolvido na ativação e degradação da vitamina D na região odontogênica de incisivos em modelo murino (AU)
Animals , Female , Rats , Vitamin D , Gene Expression , Estrogens , OdontogenesisABSTRACT
A utilização indiscriminada de cigarros eletrônicos (e-cigs) já representa um problema de saúde pública mundial e pouco se sabe quanto aos efeitos de seu uso sobre a saúde bucal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso do e-cig na saliva e na mucosa bucal de seus usuários. Foram formados dois grupos: Grupo Cigarro Eletrônico (GE) - 25 usuários regulares e exclusivos de e-cig; Grupo controle (GC) - 25 indivíduos não-fumantes, pareados em sexo e idade ao GE. A saliva não estimulada foi coletada para avaliar o metaboloma e o biofilme microcosmos. Em seguida, esfregaços foram coletados da borda lateral esquerda da língua para a avaliação dos genes IL1B, CXCL8, TNF, KRT1, KRT13, KRT19, TP16, TP21 e TP53, por meio de RT-qPCR. Os dados receberam tratamento estatístico de acordo com teste de Mann-Whitney. A análise discriminante por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLSDA), Heatmap e a análise biomarcadores foram realizados para o metaboloma. Um total de 101 metabólitos foram considerados na análise do metaboloma salivar. O perfil salivar do GE diferiu do GC, evidenciando 10 metabólitos distintos: isoleucina, ácido 2-hidroxiglutárico, ácido 3-fenilláctico, ácido linoleico, ácido 3- hidroxibutirico, 1,6 anidroglucose, ácido glucurônico, valina, ácido esteárico, ácido elaídico. A análise do biofilme microcosmos do GE revelou uma atividade metabólica média aumentada em comparação ao GC. No entanto, nenhuma diferença foi observada entre os grupos quanto à biomassa e à quantificação dos carboidratos salivares. Além disso, o GE apresentou um aumento significativo na contagem total de microrganismos, incluindo Streptococcus mutans e leveduras do gênero Candida. Em contraste, houve uma redução na contagem de Lactobacillus spp. Por fim, no GE, todos os genes encontravam-se regulados negativamente, com exceção do TP53. Frente aos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o uso de e-cig impacta diretamente o perfil do metaboloma salivar, promove a disbiose da microbiota bucal, favorecendo o aumento de microrganismos cariogênicos e leveduras. Além disso, causa regulação negativa da expressão de genes relacionados a processos de inflamação e queratinização, e positiva do gene de reparo TP53 (AU)
The indiscriminate use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) has already become a global public health concern, with limited knowledge about their impact on oral health. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of e-cig use on the saliva and oral mucosa of its users. Two groups were formed: Electronic Cigarette Group (EG) - consisting of 25 regular and exclusive e-cig users, and the Control Group (CG) - consisting of 25 nonsmokers, matched by sex and age to the EG. Unstimulated saliva was collected to evaluate the metabolome and microcosm biofilm. Subsequently, smears were collected from the left lateral border of the tongue for the of gene expression evaluation of IL1B, CXCL8, TNF, KRT1, KRT13, KRT19, TP16, TP21 and TP53, using RT-qPCR. The data were statistically analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), Heatmap and biomarkers analysis were performed for the metabolome. A total of 101 metabolites were considered in the salivary metabolome analysis. The salivary profile of EG differed from that of CG, highlighting 10 distinct metabolites: isoleucine, 2-hydroxyglutaric acid, 3-phenyllactic acid, linoleic acid, 3 hydroxybutyric acid, 1,6-anhydroglucose, glucuronic acid, valine, stearic acid and elaidic acid. The analysis of the EG microcosm biofilm revealed an increased mean metabolite activity compared to CG. However, no differences were observed between the groups regarding biomass and the quantification of salivary carbohydrates. Furthermore, the EG exhibited a significant increase in the overall count of microorganisms, including Streptococcus mutans and Candida yeasts. Conversely, the Count of Lactobacillus spp, decreased. Finally, in the EG, all genes were downregulated compared to the CG, except for TP53. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the e-cig use directly impacts the salivary metabolome profile, promotes dysbiosis of the oral microbiota, and favors the increase of cariogenic microorganisms and yeasts. Additionally, it causes downregulation of gene expression related to inflammation and keratinization processes, and upregulation of the repair gene TP53.(AU)
Saliva , Gene Expression , Diagnosis, Oral , Metabolome , Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems , Cell Biology , Inflammation , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose cosmopolita e quando a infecção ocorre durante a gravidez (toxoplasmose gestacional) o parasita pode atravessar a placenta, causando a forma congênita, e causar danos graves. Investigar como os microRNAs regulam a infecção pode oferecer informações valiosas sobre sua função na modulação da doença, visto que, há poucos estudos sobre seu papel na toxoplasmose gestacional. Diante disso, este estudo investigou a expressão de miR-155-5p, miR-146a-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-29c-3p, miR-144-3p, miR-148a-3p, miR-181a-5p e miR-24-3p como potenciais biomarcadores da toxoplasmose gestacional. Foram analisadas 172 amostras divididas em seis grupos: plasma - 44 gestantes com toxoplasmose aguda (GTA); 11 gestantes com toxoplasmose crônica (GTC); 8 gestantes negativas para toxoplasmose (GN); 34 mulheres com toxoplasmose crônica (TC) e 34 mulheres negativas para toxoplasmose (controle negativo CN). Além disso, foram analisadas 41 amostras de líquido amniótico de gestantes com toxoplasmose aguda (LA). Após a extração do miRNA e síntese do DNA complementar...(AU)
Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan zoonosis, and when infection occurs during pregnancy (gestational toxoplasmosis), the parasite can cross the placenta, causing congenital form and severe damage. Investigating into how microRNAs regulate the infection may vield valuable insights into their role in disease modulation, given the paucity of studies on their role in gestational toxoplasmosis. Therefore, this study investigated the expression of miR-155-5p, miR-146a-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-29c-3p, miR-144-3p, miR-148a-3p, miR-181-5p, and miR-24-3p as potential biomarkers of gestational toxoplasmosis. A total of 172 samples were analysed, divided into six groups: Plasma- 44 pregnant women with acute toxoplasmosis (GTA), 11 pregnant women with chronic toxoplasmosis (GTC), 8 toxoplasmosis-negative pregnant women (GN), 34 women with chronic toxoplasmosis (TC), and 34 toxoplasmosis-negative women (negative control - CN). Furthermore, 41 amniotic fluid samples from pregnant women with acute toxoplasmosis (LA) were subject to analysis. Following the extraction of miRNAs and the synthesis of complementary DNA, the expression profiles of each miRNA were evaluated using real-time quantitative PCR...(AU)
Gene Expression , Toxoplasmosis, Congenital , MicroRNAs , Amniotic FluidABSTRACT
Clausena excavata is a famous folklore medicinal plant in Asian region that is being used for the treatment of different disorders. This study investigated the cytotoxic effects of leaf extracts via MTT assay, as well as the in vitro apoptotic activities of the ethyl acetate C. excavata leaf extract (EACE) on human Burkitt's lymphoma, Raji, cell line using annexin-V-FITC/propidium iodide flow cytometric assays. Pro-apoptotic (BAX) and anti-apoptotic (BCL-2, c-MYC) gene expressions were determined via real-time quantitative PCR. Phytochemical screening was done by Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). EACE has the lowest IC50 (19.3 ± 0.35 µg/mL) among extracts. EACE-treated Raji cells after 48 h underwent apoptosis as evident by loss of cell viability and increase in the percentage of early and late apoptotic cells. The results also showed EACE mediated decreased in the BCL-2 and c-MYC gene expressions and increased in the BAX gene. C. excavata is a potential treatment for Burkitt lymphoma through activation of apoptosis.
Clausena excavata es una planta medicinal tradicional famosa en la región asiática que se utiliza para el tratamiento de diferentes trastornos. Este estudio investigó los efectos citotóxicos de los extractos de hojas a través del ensayo MTT, así como las actividades apoptóticas in vitro del extracto de hoja de acetato de etilo de C. excavata (EACE) en la línea celular de linfoma de Burkitt humano, Raji, usando citometría de flujo de yoduro de anexina-V-FITC/propidio. Las expresiones génicas proapoptóticas (BAX) y antiapoptóticas (BCL-2, c-MYC) se determinaron mediante PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real. El cribado fitoquímico se realizó mediante cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS). EACE tiene el IC50más bajo (19,3 ± 0,35 µg/mL) entre los extractos. Las células Raji tratadas con EACE después de 48 h sufrieron apoptosis como es evidente por la pérdida de viabilidad celular y el aumento en el porcentaje de células apoptóticas tempranas y tardías. Los resultados también mostraron una disminución mediada por EACE en las expresiones de los genes BCL-2 y c-MYC y un aumento en el gen BAX. C. excavata es un tratamiento potencial para el linfoma de Burkitt a través de la activación de la apoptosis.
Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Burkitt Lymphoma/drug therapy , Apoptosis/drug effects , Clausena/chemistry , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Gene Expression , Cell Survival/drug effects , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate , Apoptosis/genetics , Annexin A5 , Inhibitory Concentration 50 , Cell Line, Tumor/drug effects , bcl-2-Associated X Protein , Phytochemicals/analysis , AcetatesABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Obesity is commonly associated with chronic tissue inflammation and skeletal muscle dysfunction. The study aimed to investigate the effects of High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) on myokines and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress of diet- induced obese (DIO) mice. Three-month-old C57BL/6 male mice were fed a control (C) diet (n=20) or a high-fat (HF) diet (n=20) for 16 weeks. Then, half of the groups underwent HIIT (treadmill running) for an additional four weeks. HIIT increased calf muscles' contribution to BW (+24 %) and reduced weight gain in HF/HIIT than in HF (-120 %). Intramuscular fat accumulation was observed in HF and HF/ HIIT. Peak velocity was higher in HF/HIIT compared to HF (+26 %). Plasma insulin did not change, but glycemia was lower in HF/HIIT than in HF (-30 %). Fndc5 (+418 %) and Irisin (+72 %) were higher in HF/HIIT than in HF. Muscle Fgf21 was higher in HF/HIIT compared to HF (+30 %). In addition, NfKb (-53 %) and Tnfa (-63 %) were lower in HF/HIIT than in HF. However, Il1b (-86 %), Il6 (- 48 %), Il7 (-76 %), and Il15 (-21 %) were lower in HF/HIIT than in HF. Finally, HIIT reduced ER stress in HF/HIIT compared to HF: Atf4, -61 %; Chop, -61 %; Gadd45, -95 %. In conclusion, HIIT leads to weight loss and avoids muscle depletion. HIIT improves blood glucose, Irisin-Fndc5, and peak velocity. In addition, HIIT mitigates muscle inflammation and ER stress.
La obesidad es asociada comúnmente con inflamación tisular crónica y disfunción del músculo esquelético. El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos del entrenamiento de intervalos de alta intensidad (HIIT) en las mioquinas y el estrés del retículo endoplásmico (ER) de ratones obesos inducidos por dieta (DIO). Se alimentó a ratones macho C57BL/6 de tres meses de edad con una dieta control (C) (n=20) o una dieta rica en grasas (HF) (n=20) durante 16 semanas. Luego, la mitad de los grupos se sometieron a HIIT (carrera en una trotadora) durante cuatro semanas más. HIIT aumentó la contribución de los músculos de la pantorrilla al BW (+24 %) y redujo el aumento de peso en HF/HIIT en HF (-120 %). Se observó acumulación de grasa intramuscular en HF y HF/HIIT. La velocidad máxima fue mayor en HF/HIIT en comparación con HF (+26 %). La insulina plasmática no cambió, pero la glucemia fue menor en HF/HIIT que en HF (-30 %). Fndc5 (+418 %) e Irisin (+72 %) fueron mayores en HF/HIIT que en HF. El Fgf21 muscular fue mayor en HF/ HIIT en comparación con HF (+30 %). Además, NfKb (-53 %) y Tnfa (-63 %) fueron menores en HF/HIIT que en HF. Sin embar- go, Il1b (-86 %), Il6 (-48 %), Il7 (-76 %) e Il15 (-21 %) fueron más bajos en HF/HIIT que en HF. Finalmente, HIIT redujo el estrés de RE en HF/HIIT en comparación con HF: Atf4, -61 %; Picar, - 61 %; Gadd45, -95 %. En conclusión, HIIT conduce a la pérdida de peso y evita el agotamiento muscular. HIIT mejora la glucosa en sangre, Irisin-Fndc5 y la velocidad máxima. Además, HIIT mitiga la inflamación muscular y el estrés ER.
Animals , Male , Mice , Cytokines/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress/physiology , High-Intensity Interval Training , Obesity , Gene Expression , Inflammation , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Molecular BiologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most diagnosed neoplasia and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. A substantial number of patients exhibit an advanced GC stage once diagnosed. Therefore, the search for biomarkers contributes to the improvement and development of therapies. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify potential GC biomarkers making use of in silico tools. METHODS: Gastric tissue microarray data available in Gene Expression Omnibus and The Cancer Genome Atlas Program was extracted. We applied statistical tests in the search for differentially expressed genes between tumoral and non-tumoral adjacent tissue samples. The selected genes were submitted to an in-house tool for analyses of functional enrichment, survival rate, histological and molecular classifications, and clinical follow-up data. A decision tree analysis was performed to evaluate the predictive power of the potential biomarkers. RESULTS: In total, 39 differentially expressed genes were found, mostly involved in extracellular structure organization, extracellular matrix organization, and angiogenesis. The genes SLC7A8, LY6E, and SIDT2 showed potential as diagnostic biomarkers considering the differential expression results coupled with the high predictive power of the decision tree models. Moreover, GC samples showed lower SLC7A8 and SIDT2 expression, whereas LY6E was higher. SIDT2 demonstrated a potential prognostic role for the diffuse type of GC, given the higher patient survival rate for lower gene expression. CONCLUSION: Our study outlines novel biomarkers for GC that may have a key role in tumor progression. Nevertheless, complementary in vitro analyses are still needed to further support their potential.
Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Biomarkers, Tumor , Computational Biology , Prognosis , Computer Simulation , Gene Expression , Tissue Array AnalysisABSTRACT
@#Objective To perform quality control in live attenuated yellow fever vaccine(chicken embryo cell)virus seed bank at the genomic level using the new generation Illumina/Solexa sequencing platform.Methods The live attenuated yellow fever vaccine strain YF17D-204 was inoculated into primary chicken embryo cells,and the chicken embryo cell adapted strains of live attenuated yellow fever vaccine were screened to establish YFV17D-CEC tertiary virus seed bank. The genome RNA of virus seeds was extracted,and the RNA library was prepared. The new generation Illumina/Solexa sequencing platform was used for high-throughput RNA sequencing. The whole genome nucleic acid sequence of yellow fever virus was systematically analyzed by using biological softwares such as FastQC,Trimmomatic,SPAdes,GapFiller,PrInSeS-G,Prokka,RepeatMasker,CRT,NCBI Blast~+,KAAS,HMMER3,TMHMM,SignalP,LipoP,ProtCamp and MegAlign.Results The whole genome of YFV17D-CEC tertiary virus seed bank contained 10 862 nucleotides,including an open reading frame(ORF)from 119 to 10 354(10 236 bp),encoding 3 412 amino acids. Sequence alignment analysis showed that the sequence of YF17D-CEC tertiary virus seed bank was 100% identical with YFV17D RKI(JN628279.1),YF/Vaccine/USA/Sanofi-Pasteur-17D-204/UF795AA/YFVax(JX503529.1)and YFV17D-204(KF769015.1),and no mutation occurred in the whole genome of the tertiary virus seed bank. Comparison of the sequences of different live attenuated yellow fever vaccine strains showed that yellow fever virus had multiple polymorphic sites.Conclusion YFV17DCEC has good genetic stability in primary chicken embryo cells. High-throughput RNA sequencing technology can quickly detect the whole genome information of YF17D-CEC virus seed bank,and the sequence analysis data can be used in the gene level quality control of yellow fever vaccine virus seed banks.
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing , Gene Expression , Quality ControlABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the expression levels of the F9 gene and F9 protein in hepatocellular carcinoma by combining multiple gene chip data, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT qPCR), and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, explore their correlation with the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as with various clinical indicators and prognosis. Methods: The mRNA microarray dataset from the GEO database was analyzed to identify the F9 gene with significant expression differences associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver cancer and adjacent tissues were collected from 18 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. RT-qPCR method was used to detect the F9 gene expression level. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the F9 protein level. Combined with the TCGA database information, the correlation between F9 gene expression level and prognostic and clinicopathological parameters was analyzed. The biological function of F9 co-expressed genes associated with hepatocellular carcinoma was analyzed by the Gene Ontology (GO) and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). Statistical analysis was performed using Graphpad Prism software. Results: Meta-analysis results showed that the expression of the F9 gene was lower in HCC tissues than in non-cancerous tissues. Immunohistochemistry results were basically consistent with those of RT-qPCR. The data obtained from TCGA showed that the F9 gene had lower expression values in stages III-IV, T3-T4, and patients with vascular invasion. A total of 127 genes were selected for bioinformatics analysis as co-expressed genes of F9, which were highly enriched in redox processes and metabolic pathways. Conclusion: This study validates that the F9 gene and F9 protein are lower in HCC. The down-regulation of the F9 gene predicts adverse outcomes, which may provide a new therapeutic target for HCC.
Humans , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/pathology , Liver Neoplasms/pathology , Down-Regulation , Prognosis , Gene Expression , Gene Expression Regulation, NeoplasticABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#Here, we explored molecular changes that could potentially mediate healing effects of Gua Sha - a method employed by the Chinese traditional medicine with proven track records of safe and efficient applications dating back to ancient times as well as support from randomized controlled trials performed by modern medical studies - yet remaining almost entirely unexplored by the modern-day high-throughput methods of the -omics sciences.@*METHODS@#We investigated transcriptome changes occurring shortly after Gua Sha treatment in the whole blood of healthy volunteers using bulk RNA-seq analysis. We applied various analytical tools to identify genes with consistent expression changes in multiple individuals in response to Gua Sha and their networks.@*RESULTS@#We found that while the changes were very subtle and individual-specific, we could identify consistent upregulation of three histone genes. Further analysis of the potential regulatory networks of these histone genes revealed the enrichment of functions involved in the immune response and inflammation.@*CONCLUSION@#The significance of these results in the context of potential effects of Gua Sha and the next steps in exploring the molecular mechanisms of action of this technique are discussed.
Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional/methods , Histones , Gene ExpressionABSTRACT
Deacetylation of chitin is closely related to insect development and metamorphosis. Chitin deacetylase (CDA) is a key enzyme in the process. However, to date, the CDAs of Bombyx mori (BmCDAs), which is a model Lepidopteran insect, were not well studied. In order to better understand the role of BmCDAs in the metamorphosis and development of silkworm, the BmCDA2 which is highly expressed in epidermis was selected to study by bioinformatics methods, protein expression purification and immunofluorescence localization. The results showed that the two mRNA splicing forms of BmCDA2, namely BmCDA2a and BmCDA2b, were highly expressed in the larval and pupal epidermis, respectively. Both genes had chitin deacetylase catalytic domain, chitin binding domain and low density lipoprotein receptor domain. Western blot showed that the BmCDA2 protein was mainly expressed in the epidermis. Moreover, fluorescence immunolocalization showed that BmCDA2 protein gradually increased and accumulated with the formation of larval new epidermis, suggesting that BmCDA2 may be involved in the formation or assembly of larval new epidermis. The results increased our understandings to the biological functions of BmCDAs, and may facilitate the CDA study of other insects.
Animals , Bombyx/metabolism , Metamorphosis, Biological/genetics , Larva/metabolism , Gene Expression , Insect Proteins/metabolism , ChitinABSTRACT
Objective To screen antigen targets for immunotherapy by analyzing over-expressed genes, and to identify significant pathways and molecular mechanisms in esophageal cancer by using bioinformatic methods such as enrichment analysis, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network, and survival analysis based on the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database.Methods By screening with highly expressed genes, we mainly analyzed proteins MUC13 and EPCAM with transmembrane domain and antigen epitope from TMHMM and IEDB websites. Significant genes and pathways associated with the pathogenesis of esophageal cancer were identified using enrichment analysis, PPI network, and survival analysis. Several software and platforms including Prism 8, R language, Cytoscape, DAVID, STRING, and GEPIA platform were used in the search and/or figure creation.Results Genes MUC13 and EPCAM were over-expressed with several antigen epitopes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) tissue. Enrichment analysis revealed that the process of keratinization was focused and a series of genes were related with the development of esophageal cancer. Four genes including ALDH3A1, C2, SLC6A1,and ZBTB7C were screened with significant P value of survival curve.Conclusions Genes MUC13 and EPCAM may be promising antigen targets or biomarkers for esophageal cancer. Keratinization may greatly impact the pathogenesis of esophageal cancer. Genes ALDH3A1, C2, SLC6A1,and ZBTB7C may play important roles in the development of esophageal cancer.
Humans , Esophageal Neoplasms/metabolism , Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma/metabolism , Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule/metabolism , Gene Expression Profiling/methods , Gene Regulatory Networks , Gene Expression , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic , Intracellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To assess the influence of FLT3 expression on the prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) by cell experiment and clinical data analysis.@*METHODS@#Models for FLT3 over-expression and interference-expression in AML cells were constructed. The level of BAK gene expression and its protein product was determined, along with the proliferation and apoptosis of leukemia cells. FLT3 gene expression and FLT3-ITD variant were determined among patients with newly diagnosed AML.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the interference-expression group, the level of BAK gene expression and its protein in FLT3 over-expression AML cells was significantly lower (P < 0.001), which also showed significantly faster proliferation (P < 0.001) and lower rate of apoptosis (P < 0.001). The expression level of FLT3 gene among patients with newly diagnosed AML was also significantly higher compared with the healthy controls (P < 0.001). The FLT3 gene expression of FLT3-ITD positive AML patients was higher than that of FLT3-WT patients (P = 0.002). Survival analysis showed that AML patients with high FLT3 expression in the medium-risk group had a lower complete remission rate and overall survival rate compared with those with a low FLT3 expression (P < 0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Over-expression of FLT3 may influence the course of AML by promoting the proliferation of leukemia cells and inhibiting their apoptosis, which in turn may affect the prognosis of patients and serve as a negative prognostic factor for AML.
Humans , Apoptosis/genetics , Data Analysis , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/genetics , Gene Expression , fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 3/geneticsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the difference in the gene expression, amino acid and carnitine levels in the cervical secretions between the endometria of pre-receptive and receptive stages, with an aim to provide clues for identifying new molecular markers for endometrial receptivity.@*METHODS@#Fifty nine infertile women treated at the Department of Reproductive Medicine of Linyi People's Hospital from January 6, 2020 to January 31, 2022 were selected as as the study subjects, which were matched with 3 pairs (6 cases) of infertile women preparing for embryo transfer based on factors such as age, body mass index, and length of infertility. Endometrial tissue samples were collected for gene transcription and expression analysis. Twenty five women who had become pregnant through assisted reproductive technology were selected as the control group, and 28 non-pregnant women receiving ovulation monitoring at the Outpatient Department were enrolled as the case group. Status of endometrial receptivity was determined by ultrasonography. In the former group, endometrial tissues were sampled for sequencing, and GO and KEGG database enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes was carried out. In the latter group, cervical secretions were collected, and amino acid and carnitine levels were measured by mass spectrometry. Statistical analysis was carried out using rank sum test, t test and chi-square test with SPSS v25.0 software.@*RESULTS@#No difference was found in the clinical data of the patients with regard to age, body mass index, infertility years, AMH, FSH, LH, E2, and type of infertility. Compared with the receptive endometrial tissues, there were 100 significantly up-regulated genes and 191 significantly down-regulated genes in the pre-receptive endometrial tissue, with the most significantly altered ones being HLA-DRB5 and MMP10. The biological processes, molecular functions and pathways enriched by more differentially expressed genes in GO and KEGG were mainly immune regulation, cell adhesion and tryptophan metabolism. Analysis of secretion metabolism also revealed a significant difference in the levels of amino acids and carnitine metabolites between the two groups (P < 0.05), in particular those of Alanine, Valine, 3-hydroxybutyrylcarnitine (C4OH) + malonylcarnitine (C3DC)/captoylcarnitine (C10).@*CONCLUSION@#A significant difference has been discovered in the levels of gene transcription and protein expression in the endometrial tissues from the pre-receptive and receptive stages. The levels of amino acids and carnitine, such as Alanine, Valine, 3-hydroxybutyryl carnitine (C4OH)+malonyl carnitine (C3DC)/caproyl carnitine (C10), may be associated with the receptive status of the endometrium, though this need to be verified with larger samples.
Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Infertility, Female/genetics , Endometrium/metabolism , Amino Acids/metabolism , Gene Expression , Carnitine , Alanine/metabolism , Valine/metabolismABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the expression change of the Mas1 receptor in the placenta of healthy pregnant women during different gestation periods, analyze the expression level of the Mas1 receptor in the placenta of pre-eclampsia (PE) patients, and its biological function in trophoblast cells. Methods: Placental villous tissues were collected from normal pregnant women in early, mid and late pregnancy. Human trophoblast stem cells were isolated and cultured from early pregnancy villous tissues. The expression of the Mas1 receptor was detected by fluorescence immunoassay and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. In a case-control study, patients with full-term PE were selected as the case group and healthy women with full-term pregnancy were selected as the control group. Placental villus tissues were collected from both groups. Immunofluorescence chemistry and immunoprotein blotting were used to study the changes in Mas1 receptor expression in PE. Mas1 receptor agonists and blockers induced HTR8/Svneo cells and BeWo cells, and the effects of the Mas1 receptor on the proliferation and migration of trophoblast cells were detected by the CCK8 proliferation test and scratch test. Results: Eight cases were included in early pregnancy, seven cases in mid-pregnancy and six cases in late pregnancy. Mas1 receptors in normal placental villi tissue were mainly expressed in human trophoblast stem cell membranes and cytoplasm, and the expression of Mas1 receptor mRNA in villi tissue was significantly higher in late pregnancy than in mid-pregnancy. There were 24 cases included in the case group and 12 cases in the control group. Mas1 receptor expression in placental villi was significantly lower in the case group compared to the control group; Activation/inhibition of the Mas1 receptor had no significant effect on the proliferation of HTR8/Svneo cells and BeWo cells. Activated Mas1 receptor had no significant effect on the migration ability of HTR8/Svneo cells. Conclusion: Mas1 receptors are expressed in placental villous tissue and their expression varies with gestation. Mas1 receptor expression is reduced in PE patients, but it does not affect the value-added or migratory function of trophoblast cells.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placenta , Trophoblasts , Case-Control Studies , Pre-Eclampsia , Gene ExpressionABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the expression change of the Mas1 receptor in the placenta of healthy pregnant women during different gestation periods, analyze the expression level of the Mas1 receptor in the placenta of pre-eclampsia (PE) patients, and its biological function in trophoblast cells. Methods: Placental villous tissues were collected from normal pregnant women in early, mid and late pregnancy. Human trophoblast stem cells were isolated and cultured from early pregnancy villous tissues. The expression of the Mas1 receptor was detected by fluorescence immunoassay and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. In a case-control study, patients with full-term PE were selected as the case group and healthy women with full-term pregnancy were selected as the control group. Placental villus tissues were collected from both groups. Immunofluorescence chemistry and immunoprotein blotting were used to study the changes in Mas1 receptor expression in PE. Mas1 receptor agonists and blockers induced HTR8/Svneo cells and BeWo cells, and the effects of the Mas1 receptor on the proliferation and migration of trophoblast cells were detected by the CCK8 proliferation test and scratch test. Results: Eight cases were included in early pregnancy, seven cases in mid-pregnancy and six cases in late pregnancy. Mas1 receptors in normal placental villi tissue were mainly expressed in human trophoblast stem cell membranes and cytoplasm, and the expression of Mas1 receptor mRNA in villi tissue was significantly higher in late pregnancy than in mid-pregnancy. There were 24 cases included in the case group and 12 cases in the control group. Mas1 receptor expression in placental villi was significantly lower in the case group compared to the control group; Activation/inhibition of the Mas1 receptor had no significant effect on the proliferation of HTR8/Svneo cells and BeWo cells. Activated Mas1 receptor had no significant effect on the migration ability of HTR8/Svneo cells. Conclusion: Mas1 receptors are expressed in placental villous tissue and their expression varies with gestation. Mas1 receptor expression is reduced in PE patients, but it does not affect the value-added or migratory function of trophoblast cells.