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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252545, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440793


O brincar é uma atividade importante para o desenvolvimento infantil, porque melhora aspectos cognitivos, emocionais e físicos. Além disso, jogos e brincadeiras podem ser explorados como recurso educacional. Partindo do entendimento da ludicidade enquanto um processo subjetivo, este trabalho investigou a relação com o saber estabelecida durante as brincadeiras, buscando compreendê-las em suas dimensões epistêmica, social e identitária. Dezesseis estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental foram entrevistados a partir de um roteiro baseado no instrumento "balanço do saber", proposto por Bernard Charlot. As questões foram adaptadas para possibilitar apreender o que as crianças dizem aprender durante as brincadeiras em que participam, com ênfase naquelas realizadas em sala de aula. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo realizada mostraram que, apesar de existirem conflitos sobre como se estabelecem as funções lúdica e educativa, quando a brincadeira infantil é utilizada como recurso pedagógico, os sujeitos podem identificar benefícios no processo de aprendizagem por meio dela. Aponta-se, também, a necessidade de considerar a condição social da criança no ambiente escolar para o sucesso ao utilizar essas atividades como práticas pedagógicas.(AU)

Child's play is an important activity for child development since it improves cognition, emotional, and physical aspects. Games can also be explored as an educational resource. Starting from the understanding that playfulness is a subjective process, this work has investigated the relationship to the knowledge stablished during games, aiming to understand it in its epistemic, social, and identitary dimensions. A group of 16 5th grade students were interviewed from a script based on the instrument "balance of knowledge," as proposed by Bernard Charlot. The questions were adapted to enable the apprehension of what children say they learn on the games they play, emphasizing those which are played in classrooms. The results of the content analysis performed have showed that, despite the conflicts on how both playful and educative functions are stablished when child's play is used as a pedagogic resource, the subjects can identify benefits on the process of learning with it. The need to consider the child's social condition in the school environment to reach success when using these activities as pedagogical practices is also pointed out.(AU)

Jugar es una actividad importante para el desarrollo de los niños, porque mejora aspectos cognitivos, emocionales y físicos. Por tanto, los juegos son explorados como recurso educativo. Partiendo de la comprensión de que lo lúdico es un proceso subjetivo, este trabajo analizó la relación con el saber que se establece durante el juego, con el objetivo de comprenderlo en sus dimensiones epistémica, social e identitaria. Se entrevistó a dieciséis estudiantes de quinto grado a partir de un guion basado en el instrumento "balance del saber" propuesto por Bernard Charlot. Las preguntas fueron adaptadas para permitir la aprehensión de lo que los niños dicen que aprenden en sus juegos, enfatizando los que se juegan en las aulas. Los resultados del análisis de contenido realizado mostraron que, a pesar de que existen conflictos sobre cómo se establecen ambas funciones lúdica y educativa cuando se utiliza el juego infantil como recurso pedagógico, los niños pueden identificar beneficios en el proceso de aprendizaje a través del juego. Se señala la necesidad de considerar la condición social del niño en el entorno escolar para alcanzar el éxito al utilizar estas actividades como prácticas pedagógicas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Schools , Educational Status , Personality , Aptitude , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , School Health Services , Social Environment , Social Perception , Sports , Task Performance and Analysis , Teaching , Temperament , Time and Motion Studies , Underachievement , Shyness , Symbolism , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise , Attitude , Family , Child Advocacy , Child Care , Child Guidance , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Negotiating , Interview , Animation , Instructional Film and Video , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Drawing , Creativity , Culture , Trust , Growth and Development , Ego , Empathy , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Exploratory Behavior , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Pleasure , Sedentary Behavior , Executive Function , Social Skills , Spatial Learning , Games, Recreational , School Teachers , Interdisciplinary Placement , Freedom , Frustration , Solidarity , Social Interaction , Happiness , Hobbies , Holistic Health , Imagination , Individuality , Intelligence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Memory , Mental Processes , Motivation , Motor Skills , Movement , Music , Nonverbal Communication
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253741, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448940


Apesar das crescentes investigações sobre uso de telas na infância, essa é uma temática complexa e ainda recente, que traz diversos desafios para pesquisadores e cuidadores. Comunidades virtuais em redes sociais são utilizadas por mães e pais para esclarecer dúvidas e receber conselhos acerca da parentalidade e saúde infantil, podendo, simultaneamente, assumir uma função prescritiva e normativa quanto ao seu modo de agir. Sendo assim, este artigo pretende compreender como o uso de telas na infância vem sendo abordado por especialistas em grupos de mães e pais no Facebook. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo envolvendo 49 postagens de especialistas, sobretudo psicólogos e educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de mães e pais nessa rede social. Os textos das publicações foram verificados por meio de análise temática e discutidos com base no referencial teórico psicanalítico. Os resultados mostraram que os especialistas destacam os possíveis prejuízos do uso de telas na infância, além de fornecer orientações aos pais sobre como lidar com sua presença no cotidiano das crianças e de suas famílias. Concluiu-se que apesar dos grupos de cuidadores no Facebook serem uma ferramenta de divulgação de informações acerca do uso de telas na infância, cabe não naturalizar a presença de especialistas nesses espaços virtuais criados por pais e mães, interpondo-se nos saberes e nas trocas horizontalizadas entre os cuidadores.(AU)

Although investigations on the use of screens in childhood are increasing, this is a complex and recent topic, which poses several challenges for researchers and caregivers. Virtual communities in social networks are used by mothers and fathers to clarify doubts and receive advice regarding parenting and child health, at times, simultaneously, assuming a prescriptive and normative role on their way of acting. Therefore, this study aimed to understand how the use of screens in childhood has been approached by experts in groups of mothers and fathers on Facebook. A qualitative study was carried out involving 49 posts from specialists, mainly psychologists and educators, extracted from five public groups of mothers and fathers in this social network. The publications' texts were verified via thematic analysis and discussed based on the psychoanalytical theoretical framework. The results showed that experts highlight the possible damage of the use of screens in childhood, in addition to providing guidance to parents on how to deal with the presence of digital technology in the daily lives of children and families. It was concluded that, although caregivers' groups on Facebook are a tool for disseminating information about the use of screens in childhood, it is important not to naturalize the presence of specialists in these virtual spaces created by fathers and mothers, interposing in the horizontally interchanges that occur between the caregivers.(AU)

A pesar de las crecientes investigaciones sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, este es un tema complejo y aún reciente, que plantea varios desafíos para investigadores y cuidadores. Las comunidades virtuales en las redes sociales son utilizadas por madres y padres para aclarar dudas y recibir consejos sobre educación y salud infantil, pudiendo, al mismo tiempo, asumir un rol prescriptivo y normativo sobre su forma de actuar. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo el uso de las pantallas en la infancia ha sido abordado por especialistas en grupos de madres y padres en Facebook. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a partir de 49 publicaciones de especialistas, principalmente de psicólogos y educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de madres y padres en esta red social. Se realizó en los textos de las publicaciones un análisis temático y se utilizó el marco teórico psicoanalítico. Los resultados mostraron que los expertos destacan posibles daños que provoca el uso de pantallas en la infancia, además de orientar a los padres sobre cómo afrontar esta presencia de la tecnología digital en el día a día de los niños y sus familias. Se concluyó que, a pesar de que los grupos de cuidadores en Facebook son una herramienta de difusión de información sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, es importante no naturalizar la presencia de especialistas en estos espacios virtuales creados por padres y madres que se interpone entre los saberes e intercambios horizontales de los cuidadores.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Child , Social Networking , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Pediatrics , Personality Development , Personality Disorders , Play and Playthings , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Aspirations, Psychological , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Schools , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Achievement , Social Change , Social Isolation , Socialization , Sports , Stress, Physiological , Technology , Television , Thinking , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behavior Therapy , Books, Illustrated , Neurosciences , Bereavement , Exercise , Child Behavior , Child Care , Child Development , Child Guidance , Child Health Services , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Child Health , Parenting , Negotiating , Caregivers , Health Personnel , Cognition , Communication , Early Intervention, Educational , Video Games , Internet , Creativity , Affect , Threshold Limit Values , Cultural Characteristics , Cybernetics , Metabolic Syndrome , Moral Development , Cell Phone , Depression , Diabetes Mellitus , Educational Status , Emotions , User Embracement , Population Studies in Public Health , Overweight , Child Nutrition , Failure to Thrive , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Emotional Intelligence , Sedentary Behavior , Video-Audio Media , Pediatric Obesity , Mobile Applications , Social Skills , Courage , Sociological Factors , Emotional Adjustment , Literacy , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Games, Recreational , Cell Phone Use , Frustration , Internet Addiction Disorder , Social Interaction , COVID-19 , Technology Addiction , Happiness , Helplessness, Learned , Hobbies , Hospitals, Maternity , Hypertension , Imagination , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Language Development Disorders , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Mother-Child Relations , Motor Activity , Nonverbal Communication
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372678


A presente resenha tem como objetivo estabelecer uma avaliação crítica da obra "Teorias do lazer" transcorridos dez anos de sua publicação. O livro, organizado Giuliano Gomes de Assis Pimentel, conta com seis capítulos que abordam diretamente o lazer à luz de diferentes matrizes teóricas, com destaque para a produção brasileira sobre o tema. A obra resulta numa relevante iniciativa editorial com reflexões sistemáticas realizadas por pesquisadores sérios e com experiência no campo de estudos do lazer. A origem dos artigos é marcada pelo vigor intelectual e análises conceituais densas, além de patente coerência metodológica. Sendo assim, trata-se de uma intensa colaboração ao debate contemporâneo sobre as teorias do lazer e que preserva, após uma década, a sua atualidade (AU)

Research Personnel , Books , Hobbies , Leisure Activities
SMAD, Rev. eletrônica saúde mental alcool drog ; 17(2): 7-15, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1290020


OBJETIVO: identificar quais estratégias de enfrentamento foram adotadas por estudantes de Enfermagem de uma universidade pública perante as dificuldades vivenciadas no decorrer do distanciamento social e da pandemia da COVID-19. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, realizado com 148 estudantes, a partir de questionário on-line. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio de análise descritiva dos dados, apresentando os resultados por frequências absolutas e relativas e medidas de tendência central. RESULTADOS: constatou-se que uma pequena parcela foi infectada por SARS-CoV-2 (6,1%). Em contrapartida, 39,9% relataram que algum familiar foi infectado. Em relação aos que utilizaram estratégias de enfrentamento (91,2%), destacam-se a adoção de hobbies (49,3%) e a realização de atividades físicas (26,4%). Nota-se que ambas estiveram relacionadas também a meios para o afastamento da situação vivida e/ou na tentativa de fuga de pensamentos negativos. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados apontam ser necessário o apoio da universidade, a partir de ações com enfoque na saúde mental dos estudantes de Enfermagem, potencializando as estratégias que sejam eficazes na melhoria do bem-estar e na diminuição do estresse dos alunos, suscetíveis ao adoecimento psíquico, a partir das vivências e receios do meio universitário.

OBJECTIVE: identify which coping strategies have been adopted by Nursing students at a public university in the face of the difficulties experienced during the social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: cross-sectional study, conducted with 148 students, from an online questionnaire. The statistical analysis was carried out through descriptive analysis of the data, presenting the results by absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. RESULTS: a small portion was found to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 (6.1%). In contrast, 39.9% reported that some family member was infected. In relation to those who used coping strategies (91.2%), the adoption of hobbies (49.3%) and the performance of physical activities (26.4%) stand out. It is noted that both were also related to means to get away from the lived situation and/or in the attempt to escape negative thoughts. CONCLUSION: the results indicate that the support of the university is necessary, based on actions focused on the mental health of nursing students, enhancing strategies that are effective in improving the well-being and reducing the stress of students, susceptible to psychic illness, from the experiences and fears of the university environment.

OBJETIVO: identificar qué estrategias de afrontamiento fueron adoptadas por estudiantes de enfermería en una universidad pública en vista de las dificultades experimentadas durante la distancia social y la pandemia de Covid-19. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, realizado con 148 alumnos, utilizando un cuestionario en línea. El análisis estadístico se realizó a través del análisis de datos descriptivos, presentando los resultados por frecuencias absolutas y relativas y medidas de tendencia central. Para el análisis de asociación, se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado, adoptando un nivel de significación del 5%. RESULTADOS: se encontró que una pequeña porción estaba infectada con SARS-CoV-2 (6.1%). En contraste, el 39.9% informó que algún miembro de la familia estaba infectado. Con respecto a quienes usaron estrategias de afrontamiento (91.2%), se destaca la adopción de pasatiempos (49.3%) y actividades físicas (26.4%). Cabe señalar que ambos también estaban relacionados con formas de eliminar la situación experimentada y/o en un intento de escapar de los pensamientos negativos. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de apoyo universitario, basado en acciones enfocadas en la salud mental de los estudiantes de enfermería, lo que permite mejorar las estrategias que son efectivas para mejorar el bienestar y reducir el estrés de los estudiantes, previamente susceptibles a enfermedades psíquico basado en las experiencias y temores del entorno universitario.

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Nursing , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Strategies , Coronavirus Infections , Fear , Pandemics , Physical Distancing , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Hobbies
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785996


PURPOSE: This study was done to verify relationships among occupational stress, labor intensity, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder symptoms, and especially to identify factors influencing musculoskeletal disorder symptoms among hemodialysis nurses in tertiary hospitals.METHODS: A cross-sectional design was used, with a convenience sample of 125 hemodialysis nurses from 13 tertiary hospitals. Data were collected through self-evaluation questionnaires during July and August, 2018. Data were analyzed using t-test, χ² test, factor analysis and binary logistic regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 25.0 program.RESULTS: Of the hemodialysis nurses 96 (76.8%) were in the musculoskeletal symptomatic group and 29 (23.2%) in asymptomatic group. Occupational stress (p < .001), labor intensity (p < .001), and fatigue (p=.011) were higher in the symptomatic group compared to the asymptomatic group. Logistic regression analysis showed that occupational stress (OR=1.13, 95% CI: 1.03~1.25), labor intensity (OR=5.60, 95% CI: 1.25~24.97), no leisure life or hobbies (OR=4.67, 95% CI: 1.48~14.80), hemodialysis unit career 2~4 year (OR=4.58, 95% CI: 1.04~20.78), and hemodialysis unit career 8+ year (OR=14.10, 95% CI: 2.53~78.64) were effect factors for the musculoskeletal symptomatic group.CONCLUSION: For effective improvement of musculoskeletal disorder symptoms in hemodialysis nurses, multidimensional intervention programs are needed. Programs should include occupational stress, labor intensity and strategies to reduce symptoms.

Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Fatigue , Hobbies , Leisure Activities , Logistic Models , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Renal Dialysis , Tertiary Care Centers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766580


Skin diseases associated with athletic activities can be classified as skin infections, inflammatory reactions, trauma, and abnormal proliferation, depending on the cause of the condition. Athlete's nodule is a generic term for reactive nodules that occur in athletes. It is particularly common in the foot due to tight sneakers, repetitive pressure or friction, and inappropriate choice of shoes or other sports equipment. The diagnosis of black heel (calcaneal petechiae) should be considered when numerous black spots occur on the soles in patients who frequently engage in abrupt movements, such as starts, stops, or leaps. Palmoplantar eccrine hidradenitis may occur in athletes who play baseball, dance, and climb, activities in which repetitive and strong stimuli are applied to the floor of the hands and feet. Painful fat herniation should be suspected in cases of painful skin-colored firm nodules on the feet of athletes who place a large amount of weight on their feet when moving. Itching, urticaria, angioedema, chest tightness, and syncope occurring within 5 minutes after starting exercise should be suspected to be exercise-induced angioedema/anaphylaxis. Excessive force can cause deformation of nails, as in tennis toe and jogger's toenail. For the diagnosis and treatment of sports-related skin diseases, it is essential to pay attention to patients' hobbies and exercise habits, including sports, and to consider the relationship of those habits with the presumed mechanisms of the skin disease. In addition, thorough pre-exercise warm-ups, increasing strength gradually, and wearing proper equipment will help prevent the occurrence of sports-related skin diseases.

Humans , Angioedema , Athletes , Baseball , Dancing , Diagnosis , Foot , Friction , Hand , Heel , Hidradenitis , Hobbies , Nails , Pruritus , Shoes , Skin Diseases , Skin , Sports , Sports Equipment , Syncope , Tennis , Thorax , Toes , Urticaria
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-649708


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to identify the sexual desire, sexual attitude and sexual desire coping behavior in military personnel, and analyze relationships among these variables. METHODS: Data were collected from February to April, 2015 using a structured questionnaire. Participants in the study were 199 military personnel visiting the military hospital P. RESULTS: The average score for sexual desire was 2.09±0.59, for sexual attitude, 3.15±0.42, and for sexual desire coping behavior, 3.18±0.40. Sexual desire showed a significant difference according to age (F=3.386, p=.023), assignment (F=3.327, p=.038). Sexual attitude was significantly different by religion (F=6.857, p<.001). The sexual desire coping behavior was found to be more active with military service period 5~9 months compared to 11~15 (F=3.621, p=.014) and in private first class compared to rank of private (F=3.165, p=.026). There was a significant positive correlation between sexual desire and sexual behavior, between sexual attitude and sexual desire coping behavior. CONCLUSION: To prevent sex-related accidents and diseases, it is necessary to provide sexual and health education customized for military personnel. For military personnel to cope appropriately with sexual desire, military personnel need to implement alternate measures such as encouraging soldiers to enjoy hobbies or physical exercise programs.

Humans , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise , Health Education , Hobbies , Hospitals, Military , Military Personnel , Sexual Behavior , Sexuality
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-646106


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify the impacts of stroke patients' general and disease-related properties on depression and family support. METHODS: Subjects consisted of 79 persons who were diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction and met the criteria for selection. The Korean version of Beck depression inventory (BDI) and a revision of the family support developed by Cobb were used. Frequency analysis of the subjects' general and medical history properties was conducted, and one way ANOVA was utilized to evaluate the degree of depression and family support with respect to the properties. Pearson's correlation coefficient was conducted to investigate the degree of depression and family support. RESULTS: Participants showed no significant difference in depression based on the subjects' general and disease-related properties (p>0.05), although there were significant differences in family support based on marital status, hobbies and the medical expenses payers (p<0.05). The correlation between family support and depression was r=-0.491 (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Through the results of this study, it was found that general and disease-related properties would not have any impact on depression while they would affect family support.

Humans , Cerebral Hemorrhage , Cerebral Infarction , Depression , Hobbies , Marital Status , Stroke
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-116050


BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is characterized by optic neuritis and longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis. Generally, the brain had been considered healthy in NMO patients, though recent studies have demonstrated that T2-weighted abnormalities may be observed in various brain regions. Logically, NMO brain lesions are localized at sites of high aquaporin-4 expression. CASE REPORT: A 68-year-old right-handed man with dysuria, weakness in the bilateral upper and lower limbs, and decreased sensation of the lower extremities, was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica. The patient was gradually speaking less, was showing reduced interest in hobbies, and had undergone changes in character and behavior. An examination was performed using the Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery (SNSB), which revealed that the profile of frontal lobe dysfunctions was prominent as compared with other cognitive domains. The patient was treated with prednisolone and azathioprine for about 1 year without recurrence, and showed prognostic improvement according to further SNSB testing. CONCLUSIONS: Further studies are considered necessary in order to find the most effective medication regimen for improving cognitive functions in those accurately diagnosed with NMO, and to develop systematic treatment using even more diversified immune-related agents.

Aged , Humans , Azathioprine , Brain , Dysuria , Frontal Lobe , Hobbies , Logic , Lower Extremity , Mass Screening , Myelitis, Transverse , Neuromyelitis Optica , Optic Neuritis , Prednisolone , Recurrence , Sensation , Seoul
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-126805


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify relationships of resilience, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), and quality of life of breast cancer patients. The findings from this study would provide baseline data needed for nursing intervention. METHODS: A sample of 129 breast cancer patients was recruited from three hospitals in J and C cities in Korea. The survey was conducted with participants by utilizing self-reported questionnaires. RESULTS: Quality of life showed statistically significant differences on religion (t=2.11, p=.033) and hobby (t=2.79, p=.006). Resilience and PTSD had a negative correlation (r=-.22, p=.010). Resilience and quality of life of the participants had a positive correlation (r=.58, p<.001), whereas PTSD and quality of life had a negative correlation (r=-.45, p<.001). Significant predictors of quality of life were resilience and PTSD. These variables explained 44.9% of the variance in quality of life. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that as resilience of breast cancer patients rose higher and PTSD got lower, their quality of life increased. Based on these results, nursing interventions directed towards improving resilience and relieving PTSD is proposed.

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Hobbies , Korea , Nursing , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Summa psicol. UST ; 11(1): 105-113, 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-723032


El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Leisure Coping Strategy Scale (LCSS) en población mexicana, nombrada como LCSS-M. Método: La escala se analizó con una muestra de 141 adultos. Su validez convergente fue obtenida mediante la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS) y el Inventario de Satisfacción con la Vida. La estructura factorial de las tres subescalas se revisó mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio con el método de componentes principales y rotación VARIMAX; posteriormente se hizo el análisis factorial confirmatorio. Resultados: Ambas escalas, de estrés percibido y satisfacción con la vida, aportaron evidencia de la validez convergente en ítems. Los análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio, apoyan la dimensionalidad y estructura en los tres factores del modelo original. La consistencia interna del inventario refleja una adecuada confiabilidad. En general éste estudio indica a la LCSS-M como una medida valida y fiable para el estudio del uso de pasatiempos como estrategia de afrontamiento en población mexicana.

The present study tested the psychometric properties of the Leisure Coping Strategy Scale (LCSS), named as LCSS-M, in Mexican population. Method: Survey in a sample of 141 adults. Evidence of convergent validity was obtained with the PSS and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The factor structure of the three subscales were examined through an exploratory factor analysis using the principal component method with VARIMAX rotation, subsequently confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Results: Both scales, PSS and Satisfaction with Life, gave evidence of convergent validity. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, support the dimensionality and factor structure of the original three factor model. The internal consistencies of the subscales were acceptable. The present study shows that the LCSS-M seems to be a valid and reliable measure for Mexican samples for future research on leisure as a coping strategy.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Adaptation, Psychological , Stress, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hobbies , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Mexico , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Personal Satisfaction
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-84945


BACKGROUND: Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience various types of sleep disturbances, and exhibit multiple risk factors for sleep disturbances. However, few studies have considered the demographic and psychosocial factors related to sleep disturbances in Korean PD patients. This study investigated the characteristics of sleep disturbance and related factors, including demographic and psychosocial factors, in Korean PD patients. METHODS: A population of 181 PD patients was studied; all agreed to be interviewed using structured questionnaires. RESULTS: The Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale (PDSS) score was not correlated with sex, age, educational level, marital status, household income, or the presence of religion, a job, or a hobby. With regard to psychosocial factors, the PDSS score was positively correlated with the Self-Esteem Score and the Social Support Score. The PDSS score was negatively correlated with the Parkinson Fatigue Scale score, the pain score, the Beck Depression Index, and the Spielberger Anxiety Score. On stepwise multiple regression analysis, the most significant factors contributing to low PDSS scores were severe anxiety, a shorter duration of levodopa therapy, severe fatigue, and a higher daily levodopa dosage, in that order. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep disturbance in PD patients was significantly associated with anxiety, fatigue, and daily levodopa dosage, suggesting that these factors should be carefully managed in PD patients.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Family Characteristics , Fatigue , Hobbies , Levodopa , Marital Status , Parkinson Disease , Psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 280-286, 2013.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13128


PURPOSE: This study was to describe the relationship between optimism and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in breast cancer patients. METHODS: The data were collected by self-administered questionnaires from March 5 to April 24, 2012. The participants included 204 breast cancer patients at K university hospital in D city. The utilized measurements were Life Orientation Test-revised (LOT-R) and Impact of Event Scale (IES). RESULTS: The mean scores of optimism and PTSD were 21.61+/-3.54 and 30.18+/-10.43, respectively. There were significant differences in the score of optimism by monthly income, engaging in a hobby, perceived level of stress management, need to manage stress, and people thought to be helpful in stress management. There were significant differences in the score of PTSD by engaging in a hobby, recurrence of cancer, the number of hospitalization, perceived level of stress management, need to manage stress, and people thought to be helpful in stress management. There was a negative correlation between optimism and PTSD. CONCLUSION: To relieve post-traumatic stress in breast cancer patients, nurses should provide ongoing psychological stress assessment from the beginning of the diagnostic stage and offer proper nursing intervention to improve optimism in dealing with their stress.

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Hobbies , Hospitalization , Nursing , Recurrence , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Stress, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires
Summa psicol. UST ; 10(2): 21-28, 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-723442


Este estudio plantea similitudes y diferencias entre los niveles de estrés percibido y factores de Burnout en personas que realizan distintos tipos de pasatiempos. Como método, se utiliza la Escala breve de Burnout (MBI, Moreno, Bustos, Matallana & Miralles, 1997) y el Cuestionario de Estrés Percibido (Cohen, Kamarak & Mermelstein, 1983), en su versión para México de González & Landero, 2007) en una muestra de 70 personas, mexicanas, del área metropolitana de Monterrey. El análisis de los resultados indica diferencias significativas en el manejo del estrés y los factores de Burnout, relacionadas con el grado de interacción y reto.

In this article differences and similarities within perceived stress index and burnout factors are established between persons who practice a range of different leisure activities. A sample of 70 Mexican participants from Monterrey’s metropolitan area were survey using the short questionnaire of burnout (Moreno, et al., 1997) and the perceived stress scale (Cohen, et al.’s Mexican verion of González & Landero, 2007). The analysis support differences on the perceived stress and burnout factors within leisure activities groups having distinct amount of interaction and challenge.

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Leisure Activities , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Hobbies , Burnout, Professional/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Stress, Psychological/therapy , Mexico , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 28(2): 394-394, jun. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-596584

Hobbies , Research , Work
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-177852


PURPOSE: Recently, reports in the mass media have implicated that bicycle riding increases the risk of erectile dysfunction and prostatic diseases. So, we evaluate the impact of bicycle riding on erectile function and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in healthy general men. METHODS: From 26 June 2010 to 20 July 2010, we investigate degree of LUTS (voiding and storage symptoms), using International Continence Society-male Questionnaire (ICS-mQ) and erectile function using International Index of Erectile Function-5 Questionnaire (IIEF-5) in 5 work places (personnel of public office, hospital, university, etc.) of which bicycle riding club members were doing active club activities. Respondents, who participated in club activities for 6 months and longer, were classified as the bicycle club (142 men; age, 44.02+/-8.56). Ones who do not ride bicycles were classified as the control group (83 men; age, 42.13+/-7.85). People who were having the history of urological and other chronic diseases (diabetes, vascular disease, heart disease, etc) were excluded from both groups. RESULTS: Bicycle club is not significantly associated with increased prevalence of LUTS (bicycle club, 2.1 to 57.7% control, 4.8 to 73.5%) and erectile dysfunction (bicycle club, 46.1% control, 55.4%). The total mean score (storage/voiding/erectile function) of bicycle club (13.93+/-1.95/11.14+/-3.49/20.46+/-5.30) were not significantly different from control (14.35+/-2.49/11.52+/-3.38/20.40+/-4.07) (P=0.190 to 0.968). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggested that bicycle riding as exercise or hobby has no negative effect on LUTS and erectile function in healthy general men, although this research data were limited to the questionnaire analysis.

Humans , Male , Chronic Disease , Erectile Dysfunction , Heart Diseases , Hobbies , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms , Mass Media , Prevalence , Prostatic Diseases , Surveys and Questionnaires , Vascular Diseases , Workplace
Safety and Health at Work ; : 158-166, 2010.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-177407


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to find gender distinctions in terms of the sociology of the population; to determine work-related factors; to analyze gender differences in daily living, work, sports, and art performances; and to identify gender-related factors that limited performance of daily living and work activities. METHODS: A questionnaire was designed that included disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH), accident history, disease history, work duration at current workplace, marital status, job satisfaction, job autonomy, and physical demands of the job. Out of 1,853 workers surveyed, 1,173 questionnaires (63.3%; 987 males, 186 females) included responses to DASH disability and DASH optional work and were judged acceptable for analysis. RESULTS: Upper extremity functional limitation during work and daily living was higher for females than males. The limitations for males increased according to their household work time, accident history, work duration, job satisfaction, physical demand, and job autonomy. Meanwhile, female workers' upper extremity discomfort was influenced by their disease history, job satisfaction, and physical demands. In addition, the size of the company affected male workers' upper extremity function, while marriage and hobbies influenced that of female workers. CONCLUSION: This study addressed sociodemographic factors and work-related factors that affect each gender's upper extremity function during daily living and working activities. Each factor had a different influence. Further studies are needed to identify the effect that role changes, not being influenced by risks at work, have on musculoskeletal disorders.

Female , Humans , Male , Arm , Family Characteristics , Hand , Hobbies , Job Satisfaction , Marital Status , Marriage , Surveys and Questionnaires , Shoulder , Sociology , Sports , Upper Extremity
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63066


BACKGROUND: The Korean traditional national holidays commonly produce several physical symptoms related to stress. This study was performed to evaluate the degree of the stress from the married women during their Korean traditional biggest holidays. METHODS: The subjects were 99 married women who had visited the Health Promotion Center at a university hospital. For evaluating the stress of the Korean traditional biggest holidays, subjects were allowed to write in subjective stress score based on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale. The factors associated with the stress were investigated. RESULTS: The mean (+/- SD) score of the married women's stress of the Korean traditional biggest holidays was 38.7 (+/- 21.9). The score was widely distributed from the 0 to 100. The cases with hobbies to cope with stress showed significantly (P < 0.05) lower stress score than those without hobby. The stress score was inversely correlated with family APGAR score (r = -0.346, P < 0.01). In stepwise multiple regression model, the stress score was related to family APGAR score and hobby to cope with stress (overall R2 = 0.171, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The stress score of the Korean traditional biggest holidays was widely distributed from 0 to 100 in Korean married women. These results suggest that traditional biggest holidays act as a stressor for individual with a range of variable extent.

Female , Humans , Apgar Score , Health Promotion , Hobbies , Holidays , Phosphatidylethanolamines
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-188847


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the level of resilience and related factors in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) in Korea. METHODS: Data were obtained from 148 patients using the Resilience Scale (RS), Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), and Spielberger's Anxiety Inventory (AI). RESULTS: The mean scores of the RS, BDI, and AI were 127.7+/-21.6, 12.9+/-9.3, and 41.9+/-11.1, respectively. The RS score was strongly correlated with the BDI score (r=-.531, p<.001) and the AI (r=-.572, p<.001). The resilience was significantly revealed by household income (F=4.002, p=.009) and presence of a hobby (t=-3.300, p=.001). In addition, resilience was significantly correlated with age of disease onset (r=.164, p=.046), years of living with PD (r=-.262, p=.001), and the length of treatment with levodopa (r=-.283, p<.001). From the stepwise multiple regression analysis, the most important factors related to the RS score were the AI score, household income, and length of treatment with levodopa. CONCLUSION: Understanding these factors is essential for developing effective interventions to improve resilience in patients with PD.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Family Characteristics , Hobbies , Korea , Levodopa , Parkinson Disease
Medical Forum Monthly. 2009; 20 (4): 14-17
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-111290


To find out the Magnitude and nature of dysmenorrhoea in adolescent age group girls of Multan city and to find out the relationship of dysmenorrhoea with mothers education and hobbies. Secondary schools and intermediate classes of colleges of Multan City Pakistan. Girl students of age 12-18 yrs studying in secondary schools and intermediate classes of Multan city They were randomly picked from the list of students provided by the headmistress principal, A questionnaire was discussed with the girls. It was filled on the spot, collected, screened, edited. and finally those who fitted according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria Were selected for analysis. 72% of the girl students from age 12-18 yrs had primary dysmenorrhoea, Maximum prevalence is at the age of 14-16 yrs, 8% had severe form of dysmenorrhoea 78% of the girls took some form of treatment for this problem. Girls who were involved in sports had less pain than others. Primary dysmenorrhoea is a very common problem of adolescence, As gynecologists we have to address this issue so that a disease state can be differentiated from a physiological condition

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Hobbies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mothers/education