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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62: e19180343, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011533


Abstract Microalgae are aquatic unicellular microorganisms that can be found both in freshwater and marine systems; are capable of photosynthesis; and can grow as individual cells or associated in chains or small colonies. Microalgae cultivation has gained large momentum among researchers in the past decades due to their ability to produce value metabolites, remarkable photosynthetic efficiency, and versatile nature. The wide technological potential, and thus increasing amount of scattered knowledge, may become the very first barrier that a post graduating student, or any non-specialist reader, will face when introduced to the subject. In this review paper, we access the core aspects of microalgae technology, covering their main characteristics, and comprehensively presenting the main features of their various cultivation modes and biological activity from metabolites.

Production végétale , Microalgues/croissance et développement , Composés phytochimiques , Complexe protéique du centre réactionnel de la photosynthèse
Acta ortop. bras ; 22(3): 155-158, 2014. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-716246


OBJECTIVE: To analyze statistically results obtained between biomechanical assays on fixation of femoral neck fracture type Pauwels III, on synthetic bone, using 7.5 mm non parallel cannulated screws and control group. METHODS: Ten synthetic bones from a national brand were used. Test group: fixation of 70(o) tilt femoral neck osteotomy was performed using three 7.5 mm non parallel cannulated screws. We analyzed the resistance of this fixation with 5 mm of displacement, and rotational deviation (phase 1) and with 10 mm offset (phase 2). Control group: the models were tested in their integrity until the femoral neck fracture occurred. RESULTS: the values of the test group in phase 1, in sample 1-5 had a mean of 517N and SD = 96N. Rotational deviations showed a mean of 3.79° e SD = 2. 03°. In phase 2, mean was 649N and SD = 94N. The values of the maximum load in the control group were: 1544N, 1110N, 1359N, 1194N, 1437N; respectively. Statistical analysis between the groups showed a statistically significant lower value in the test group. CONCLUSION: the analysis of mechanical resistance between the groups has determined statistically significant value for the test group. Level of Evidence III, Case-control Study. .

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(5): 647-652, Sept.-Oct. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-651646


This study aimed to obtain the condition of maximum bromalein activity in different parts of pineapple plants produced in vitro, by micropropagation. The sStems and leaves of Pérola and Imperial cultivar plants were evaluated after three and eight months of in vitro cultivation in Murashige and Skoog medium without growth phytoregulator, macerated in potassium phosphate buffer at different pH values (5.7, 6.7 and 7.7). Total protein and proteolytic activity were determined in the samples after three- and eight-month cultivation periods. For both the cultivars, the best results were obtained at pH 5.7 in extraction media. Pérola cultivar, showed higher bromelain activity in the leaves cultivated in vitro for three months (0.0194U/mL) while in the Imperial cultivar, it was higher in the stem after eight months (0.0179 U/mL). Imperial cultivar showed higher bromelain activity than the Pérola's.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(3): 465-470, May-June 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-640198


The aim of this work was to study the production of e bromelain from the Ananas comosus L. Merril, by determining the process conditions using flat membranes. The production system modeling generated a hyperbolical curve and the optimization by response surfaces showed an influence of the transmembrane pressure higher than the pH influence. The cost of the production of bromelain from A. comosus was estimated 9 to 13 times lower than Sigma's retail sales price and 6.5 to 8.5 times lower than when this enzyme was obtained through a liquid-liquid extraction, which showed the economical feasibility of the process.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 52(4): 991-1000, July/Aug. 2009. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-525621


In this work the α and β-amylase enzymes were obtained from maize (Zea mays) malt and were biochemistry characterized. A germination study to obtain the maize malt with good amylase activity was made. The maize seeds were germinated in laboratory and the enzymatic activity was measured daily. Activity dependence to germination time were fitted to an exponential model (A=A0eµt), which showed that the behaviour of enzymatic activity in the germination process was similar to the growth of the microorganism. Its model could be applied to describe the mechanism of α-amylase production for each maize varieties and others cereals. Maize malt characterization showed that α and β-amylase had optimal pH between 4-6.5, optimal temperature 50 and 90ºC, and molecular weight of 67.4 and 47.5kDa, respectively. This work contributed with the advances in biotechnology generating of conditions for application of a new and of low price amylases source.

Neste trabalho as enzimas α e β-amilases foram obtidas de malte de milho e depois foram caracterizadas bioquimicamente. Um estudo da germinação foi feito para obtenção do malte com boa atividade amilásica. A germinação ocorreu em escala laboratorial e a atividade enzimática foi medida diariamente. Um modelo exponencial do tipo A=A0eµt foi ajustado a dependência do tempo de germinação com a atividade, mostrando que o comportamento da atividade enzimática no processo de germinação é semelhante ao crescimento de microorganismos. Este modelo pode ser aplicado para descrever o mecanismo de produção da α-amilase para cada variedade de milho e de outros cereais. A caracterização do malte de milho mostrou que as α e β-amilase têm pH ótimo entre 4,0-6,5, temperatura ótima de 50 e 90ºC, e massa molar de 67,4 e 47,5 kDa, respectivamente. Este trabalho contribuiu com os avanços da biotecnologia gerando condições de emprego de uma nova e barata fonte de amilases.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 52(2): 427-436, Mar.-Apr. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-513264


In the present work, the effect of bed expansion on BSA adsorption on Amberlite IRA 410 ion-exchange resin was studied. The hydrodynamic behavior of an expanded bed adsorption column on effects of the biomolecules and salt addition and temperature were studied to optimize the conditions for BSA recovery on ion-exchange resin. Residence time distribution showed that HEPT, axial dispersion and the Pecletl number increased with temperature and bed height, bed voidage and linear velocity. The binding capacity of the resin increased with bed height. The Amberlite IRA 410 ion-exchange showed an affinity for BSA with a recovery yield of 78.36 percent of total protein.

No presente trabalho foi estudado o efeito da expansão do leito sobre a adsorção de BSA na resina de troca iônica Amberlite IRA 410. O comportamento hidrodinâmico de uma coluna de adsorção em leito expandido sob efeito da adição de biomoléculas, sal e variação da temperatura também foi estudado para obter as condições ótimas de recuperação da BSA sob a resina de troca iônica. A distribuição do tempo de residência mostrou que a HEPT, a dispersão axial e o número de Pecletl aumentaram com a temperatura, altura do leito, porosidade do leito e velocidade linear. A capacidade de ligação da resina aumentou com a expansão do leito. A resina de troca iônica Amberlite IRA 410 mostrou ter afinidade pela BSA, com uma recuperação de 78,36 por cento da proteína total.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 52(2): 457-464, Mar.-Apr. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-513267


The concentration of pineapple juice is needed to retain the bromelain activity and to standardize the composition and proteolytic activity. Thus, this work aimed to obtain a pure bromelain extract from the Ananas comosus L. Merril juice by membrane separation process. A 2² experimental planning was used to study the influence of pH and transmembrane pressure on the activity recovery by micro-filtration using a plain membrane. In second step, this enzyme was purified by the ultra-filtration using a 10 kDa millipore kit. The best operation condition to bromelain concentration using the plain membrane was at pH 7.5 and transmembrane pressure of 0.05 bar, while 85 percent of bromelain activity was recovered. Ultra-filtration retained 100 percent of proteolytic activity and concentrated in 10 fold the bromelain extract. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis showed that the ultra-filtrated had high purity and the bromelain from A. comosus pulp had a molecular weight of 24.5 kDa.

A concentração do suco de abacaxi é necessária para manter a atividade da bromelina e padronizar a composição e atividade proteolítica. Assim, este trabalho objetivou a obter um extrato de bromelina pura do suco do Ananas comosus L. Merril por processos de separação por membranas. Um planejamento experimental do tipo 2² foi feito para estudar a influência do pH a da pressão transmembranar sobre a recuperação da atividade por micro-filtração usando uma membrana plana. Em uma segunda etapa, purificou-se a enzima alvo por ultra-filtração usando um "kit millipore" de 10 kDa. A melhor condição para a concentração da bromelina foi a pH 7,5 e pressão transmembranar de 0,05 bar, onde 85 por cento da atividade da bromelina foi recuperado. A ultra-filtração manteve 100 por cento da atividade proteolítica e concentrou em 10 vezes o extrato de bromelina. A eletroforese via SDS-PAGE mostrou que o ultra-filtrado teve alta pureza e a bromelina da polpa do Ananas comosus tem um peso molecular de 24.5 kDa.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 50(4): 713-718, July 2007. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-464344


This work aimed to study the pH and the transmembrane pressure effects during the recovery of alpha and beta amylases enzymes from corn malt (Zea mays) by hollow fiber membrane. The optimal condition was obtained for a statistical model, established by response surface methodology (RSM). The response surface analysis showed that the best operation condition for amylolitics enzymes recovery by hollow fiber membrane was 0.05 bar and pH 5.00, while the enzymes were purified about of 26 times.

Este trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do pH e da pressão trans-membrana durante a recuperação das enzimas alfa e beta amilases do malte de milho (Zea mays) por membranas de fibras ocas, a obtenção das condições ótimas foi feita por um modelo estatístico, estabelecido pela metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM). A análise da superfície de resposta mostrou que as melhores condições operacionais para a recuperação das enzimas amiloliticas por membranas de fibras ocas foi 0,05 bar e pH 5,00; onde as enzimas foram purificadas cerca de 26 vezes.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 50(3): 557-564, May 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-459988


This work aimed to establish the relationship between the compositions and pH of ATPS PEG 6000/CaCl2 and the proteins partition from maize malt and also to simplify the process optimization in ATPS for a statistical model, established by response surface methodology (RSM). Results showed that these were no influence of pH on the phase diagrams and on the composition of tie line length of PEG 6000/CaCl2 ATPS. SRM analyses showed that elevated pH and larger tie line length were the best conditions for recovering of maize malt proteins. The maximum partition coefficient by PEG 6000/CaCl2 ATPS was about 4.2 and was achieved in ATPS in a single purification step. The theoretical maximum partition coefficient was between 4.1-4.3. The process was very suitable for continuous aqueous two-phase purification due to the stability of proteins (e.g. and -amylases) and could increase their content into middle.

Este trabalho objetivou encontrar uma relação entre a composição e o pH do sistema bifásico aquoso (SBA) PEG 6000/CaCl2 e a partição de proteínas do malte de milho, e assim simplificando a otimização do processo por um modelo estatístico, estabelecido por metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM). Os resultados mostraram que não houve influência do pH sobre os diagramas de fases e sobre a composição das linhas de amarração do SBA PEG/CaCl2. As analises RSM mostraram que em pH elevado e nas maiores linha de amarração encontra-se a melhor condição para a recuperação das proteínas do malte de milho. O coeficiente de partição máximo foi cerca de 4,2 para uma única etapa de purificação no SBA 6000/CaCl2. O coeficiente de partição máximo encontrado teoricamente esteve entre 4,1-4,3. O processo é adequado para a purificação contínua via sistemas bifásicos aquosos, já que as proteínas do malte (ex: e -amilases) são estáveis e podendo elevar sua concentração no meio.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 48(spe): 185-190, June 2005.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-415473


This work aimed to study the drying process optimization of maize (Zea Mays) malt for obtaining maize malt, without affecting enzymatic activity of alpha e beta-amylases from maize malt. Results showed that dryer operation must occur in zone at 54°C and 5.18-6 h process time. The maize malt obtained had good enzymatic properties.