cDNA of the glx1 gene encoding glyoxal oxidase (GLX) from Phanerochaete chrysosporium was isolated and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The recombinant GLX (rGLX) produces H2O2 over 7.0 nmol/min/mL using methyl glyoxal as a substrate. Use of rGLX as a generator of H2O2 improved the coupled reaction with recombinant manganese peroxidase resulting in decolorization of malachite green up to 150 microM within 90 min.
Alcohol oxidoreductases , ADN complémentaire , Glyoxal , Manganèse , Composés organométalliques , Oxidoreductases , Myeloperoxidase , Peroxidases , Phanerochaete , Pichia , Magenta IRÉSUMÉ
Fibrinogen is a key protein involved in coagulation and its deposition on blood vessel walls plays an important role in the pathology of atherosclerosis. Although the causes of fibrinogen (fibrin) deposition have been studied in depth, little is known about the relationship between fibrinogen deposition and reactive carbonyl compounds (RCCs), compounds which are produced and released into the blood and react with plasma protein especially under conditions of oxidative stress and inflammation. Here, we investigated the effect of glycolaldehyde on the activity and deposition of fibrinogen compared with the common RCCs acrolein, methylglyoxal, glyoxal and malondialdehyde. At the same concentration (1 mmol/L), glycolaldehyde and acrolein had a stronger suppressive effect on fibrinogen activation than the other three RCCs. Fibrinogen aggregated when it was respectively incubated with glycolaldehyde and the other RCCs, as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE, electron microscopy and intrinsic fluorescence intensity measurements. Staining with Congo Red showed that glycolaldehyde- and acrolein-fibrinogen distinctly formed amyloid-like aggregations. Furthermore, the five RCCs, particularly glycolaldehyde and acrolein, delayed human plasma coagulation. Only glycolaldehyde showed a markedly suppressive effect on fibrinogenesis, none did the other four RCCs when their physiological blood concentrations were employyed, respectively. Taken together, it is glycolaldehyde that suppresses fibrinogenesis and induces protein aggregation most effectively, suggesting a putative pathological process for fibrinogen (fibrin) deposition in the blood.
Humains , Acétaldéhyde , Sang , Chimie , Acroléine , Sang , Chimie , Coagulation sanguine , Rouge Congo , Électrophorèse sur gel de polyacrylamide , Fibrinogène , Chimie , Métabolisme , Glyoxal , Sang , Chimie , Malonaldéhyde , Chimie , Polymérisation , Carbonylation des protéines , Méthylglyoxal , Sang , Chimie , Solutions , Spectrométrie de fluorescence , Spectrométrie de masse MALDI , Thrombine , ChimieRÉSUMÉ
El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de desinfección química de cuatro soluciones antisépticas usadas en odontología: antibenzil, gafidex, krit y glutasept. Se utilizaron 20 de los instrumentos empleados con mayor frecuencia en la práctica clínica, los cuales, posterior a su uso, se lavaron y se introdujeron en recipientes con las soluciones por evaluar. Las pruebas de contaminación se realizaron mediante el cultivo de una muestra de cada solución en agar nutritivo a los 1, 8, 15, 20 y 30 días. Las colonias se contaron visualmente y la determinación del género de los microorganismos observados por su gramm, forma y agrupación, mediante un frotis en un portaobjetos, y el uso de un microscopia trifásico. Se mostró que el antibenzil y el gafidex, son las soluciones químicas más efectivas para desinfectar el instrumental odontológico. El antibenzil, es eficaz hasta los 20 días, ya que derece su efectividad con el tiempo. La solución de gafidex es confiable hasta los 15 días (en 20 días, se contamina). En cuanto a las soluciones de krit y glutasept, desde el primer día presentaron altos promedios de contaminación
Désinfection/instrumentation , Désinfectants/usage thérapeutique , Prévention des infections/instrumentation , Composés de benzalkonium , Numération de colonies microbiennes , Formaldéhyde , Glutaraldéhyde , Glyoxal , Nitrite de sodiumRÉSUMÉ
Foram desenvolvidos, no Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, um processo físico e um processo de digestão enzima tica para verificar se a torção das fitas de colágeno, que constituem o categute, foi perfeita, pois a torção imperfeita diminui a resistência à tração e à digestão. O processo físico substitui com vantagens o método do tensiômetro, pois realiza nós cirúrgicos em placa de borracha mole, de preferência de cor preta, previamente tratada, de consistência semelhante à do tecido muscular estriado. Os categutes, antes de passagem pelo exame físico, também sofreram tratamento (em solução salina a 7%). Este método é usado para verificar a qualidade do categute nas análises de orientação requeri das pelas empresas fabricantes, hospitais e para análises fiscais, que utilizam esse tipo de material cirúrgico. O controle de digestão enzimática de categutes, também desenvolvido no Instituto, tem por objetivo verificar se substâncias estranhas aos conservantes comuns são utilizadas nos categutes, a fim de aumentar sua resistência à tração e à digestibilidade (AU).
Techniques in vitro , Catgut , GlyoxalRÉSUMÉ
A number of new keto anils obtained from p-ethoxy phenyl Glyoxal hydrate and different aromatic amino compounds have been synthesized and characterized through the formation of 2,4-dinitro-phenyl hydrazones, semicarbazones, oximes and their elemental analysis. I R spectral studies of these anils have also been carried out with a view to ascertain the presence of different functional groups in the proposed structures