The oral mucosa remains an understudied barrier tissue. This is a site of rich exposure to antigens and commensals, and a tissue susceptible to one of the most prevalent human inflammatory diseases, periodontitis. To aid in understanding tissue-specific pathophysiology, we compile a single-cell transcriptome atlas of human oral mucosa in healthy individuals and patients with periodontitis. We uncover the complex cellular landscape of oral mucosal tissues and identify epithelial and stromal cell populations with inflammatory signatures that promote antimicrobial defenses and neutrophil recruitment. Our findings link exaggerated stromal cell responsiveness with enhanced neutrophil and leukocyte infiltration in periodontitis. Our work provides a resource characterizing the role of tissue stroma in regulating mucosal tissue homeostasis and disease pathogenesis.
Inmunidad Mucosa , Mucosa Bucal/citología , Mucosa Bucal/inmunología , Neutrófilos/citología , Adulto , Células Epiteliales/citología , Regulación de la Expresión Génica , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Encía/patología , Humanos , Inflamación/inmunología , Inflamación/patología , Microbiota , Células Mieloides/citología , Periodontitis/genética , Periodontitis/inmunología , Periodontitis/patología , Análisis de la Célula Individual , Células del Estroma/citología , Linfocitos T/citologíaRESUMEN
The precise mechanism by which oral infection contributes to the pathogenesis of extra-oral diseases remains unclear. Here, we report that periodontal inflammation exacerbates gut inflammation in vivo. Periodontitis leads to expansion of oral pathobionts, including Klebsiella and Enterobacter species, in the oral cavity. Amassed oral pathobionts are ingested and translocate to the gut, where they activate the inflammasome in colonic mononuclear phagocytes, triggering inflammation. In parallel, periodontitis results in generation of oral pathobiont-reactive Th17 cells in the oral cavity. Oral pathobiont-reactive Th17 cells are imprinted with gut tropism and migrate to the inflamed gut. When in the gut, Th17 cells of oral origin can be activated by translocated oral pathobionts and cause development of colitis, but they are not activated by gut-resident microbes. Thus, oral inflammation, such as periodontitis, exacerbates gut inflammation by supplying the gut with both colitogenic pathobionts and pathogenic T cells.
Colitis/patología , Enterobacter/fisiología , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Klebsiella/fisiología , Boca/microbiología , Animales , Colitis/microbiología , Colon/microbiología , Colon/patología , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Enterobacter/aislamiento & purificación , Femenino , Inflamasomas/metabolismo , Interleucina-10/deficiencia , Interleucina-10/genética , Interleucina-1beta/metabolismo , Klebsiella/aislamiento & purificación , Leucocitos Mononucleares/citología , Leucocitos Mononucleares/inmunología , Leucocitos Mononucleares/metabolismo , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Ratones Noqueados , Periodontitis/microbiología , Periodontitis/patología , Células Th17/citología , Células Th17/inmunología , Células Th17/metabolismoRESUMEN
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a subtype of head and neck cancer that arises in the multilayered epithelia of the mouth and lips. Although inactivating mutations in CASP8 are frequently found in human OSCC their role in the disease is unknown. To investigate this, we deleted Casp8 in the oral epithelium of adult mice. Loss of Caspase-8 resulted in defects in the tongue epithelial barrier and triggered a neutrophil-rich immune infiltrate distinct from that observed on epidermal Casp8 deletion. Oral Casp8 deletion led to activation of autophagy. Inhibition of autophagy partially rescued epithelial integrity in Casp8-/- mice, while induction of autophagy in wild type mice resulted in oral barrier defects and excessive neutrophil infiltration. On treatment with the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide Casp8-/- mice showed increased susceptibility to developing oral tumors. Depletion of neutrophils reduced tumor incidence, which correlated with a reduction in reactive oxygen species and decreased epithelial DNA damage. Our findings establish a functional link between epithelial integrity, autophagy, and the tumor immune microenvironment, placing Caspase-8 at the center of these processes.
Autofagia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Caspasa 8 , Ratones Noqueados , Neoplasias de la Boca , Infiltración Neutrófila , Caspasa 8/metabolismo , Caspasa 8/genética , Animales , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/genética , Neoplasias de la Boca/inmunología , Neoplasias de la Boca/metabolismo , Ratones , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patología , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/genética , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/inmunología , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/metabolismo , Neutrófilos/inmunología , Neutrófilos/metabolismo , 4-Nitroquinolina-1-Óxido/toxicidad , Humanos , Microambiente Tumoral/inmunología , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismoRESUMEN
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the prevalent type of oral cavity cancer, requiring precise, accurate, and affordable diagnosis to identify the disease in early stages, Comprehending the differences in lipid profiles between healthy and cancerous tissues encompasses great relevance in identifying biomarker candidates and enhancing the odds of successful cancer treatment. Therefore, the present study evaluates the analytical performance of simultaneous mRNA and lipid extraction in gingiva tissue from healthy patients and patients diagnosed with OSCC preserved in TRIzol reagent. The data was analyzed by partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and confirmed via matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). The lipid extraction in TRIzol solution was linear in a range from 330 to 2000 ng mL-1, r2 > 0.99, intra and interday precision and accuracy <15%, and absolute recovery values ranging from 90 to 110%. The most important lipids for tumor classification were evaluated by MALDI-MSI, revealing that the lipids responsible for distinguishing the OSCC group are more prevalent in the cancerous tissue in contrast to the healthy group. The results exhibit the possibilities to do transcriptomic and lipidomic analyses in the same sample and point out important candidates related to the presence of OSCC.
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Encía , Lipidómica , Lípidos , Neoplasias de la Boca , Espectrometría de Masa por Láser de Matriz Asistida de Ionización Desorción , Humanos , Espectrometría de Masa por Láser de Matriz Asistida de Ionización Desorción/métodos , Neoplasias de la Boca/metabolismo , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico , Lipidómica/métodos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patología , Lípidos/análisis , Lípidos/química , Encía/patología , Encía/química , Análisis Discriminante , Femenino , Masculino , Análisis de los Mínimos CuadradosRESUMEN
Dental enamel is the hardest and most mineralized tissue in extinct and extant vertebrate species and provides maximum durability that allows teeth to function as weapons and/or tools as well as for food processing. Enamel development and mineralization is an intricate process tightly regulated by cells of the enamel organ called ameloblasts. These heavily polarized cells form a monolayer around the developing enamel tissue and move as a single forming front in specified directions as they lay down a proteinaceous matrix that serves as a template for crystal growth. Ameloblasts maintain intercellular connections creating a semi-permeable barrier that at one end (basal/proximal) receives nutrients and ions from blood vessels, and at the opposite end (secretory/apical/distal) forms extracellular crystals within specified pH conditions. In this unique environment, ameloblasts orchestrate crystal growth via multiple cellular activities including modulating the transport of minerals and ions, pH regulation, proteolysis, and endocytosis. In many vertebrates, the bulk of the enamel tissue volume is first formed and subsequently mineralized by these same cells as they retransform their morphology and function. Cell death by apoptosis and regression are the fates of many ameloblasts following enamel maturation, and what cells remain of the enamel organ are shed during tooth eruption, or are incorporated into the tooth's epithelial attachment to the oral gingiva. In this review, we examine key aspects of dental enamel formation, from its developmental genesis to the ever-increasing wealth of data on the mechanisms mediating ionic transport, as well as the clinical outcomes resulting from abnormal ameloblast function.
Ameloblastos/metabolismo , Amelogénesis , Proteínas del Esmalte Dental/metabolismo , Esmalte Dental/metabolismo , Salud Bucal , Anomalías Dentarias/metabolismo , Enfermedades Dentales/metabolismo , Ameloblastos/patología , Animales , Esmalte Dental/patología , Esmalte Dental/fisiopatología , Proteínas del Esmalte Dental/genética , Evolución Molecular , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Humanos , Fenotipo , Especificidad de la Especie , Anomalías Dentarias/genética , Anomalías Dentarias/patología , Anomalías Dentarias/fisiopatología , Enfermedades Dentales/genética , Enfermedades Dentales/patología , Enfermedades Dentales/fisiopatologíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The relationship between the major periodontal bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN)-particularly with respect to galactose-deficient IgA1 (Gd-IgA1)-has not been fully elucidated. METHODS: Saliva samples from 30 IgAN patients and 44 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were subjected to analysis of P. gingivalis status via polymerase chain reaction using a set of P. gingivalis-specific primers. The associations between P. gingivalis presence and clinical parameters, including plasma Gd-IgA1, were analyzed in each group. RESULTS: Compared with the CKD group, the IgAN group demonstrated significantly higher plasma Gd-IgA1 levels (p < 0.05). Compared with the P. gingivalis-negative subgroup, the P. gingivalis-positive subgroup exhibited significantly higher plasma Gd-IgA1 levels in both IgAN and CKD patients (p < 0.05). Additionally, among IgAN patients, the P. gingivalis-positive subgroup displayed significantly higher plasma Gd-IgA1 and urine protein levels, compared with the P. gingivalis-negative subgroup (p < 0.05). With respect to renal biopsy findings, the frequencies of segmental glomerulosclerosis and tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis were significantly greater in the P. gingivalis-positive subgroup than in the P. gingivalis-negative subgroup, according to the Oxford classification of IgAN (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest an association between the presence of P. gingivalis in the oral cavity and the pathogenesis of IgAN, mediated by increased levels of Gd-IgA1.
Glomerulonefritis por IGA , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica , Humanos , Glomerulonefritis por IGA/patología , Porphyromonas gingivalis/metabolismo , Galactosa/metabolismo , Inmunoglobulina A/metabolismo , BocaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To assess the diagnostic ability in detecting oral lesions among dentists, dental hygienists, dentistry students, oral hygiene students, and non-healthcare subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were invited to classify 30 images of oral lesions in "benign" or "suspected malignant" only based on the visual appearance of the lesion. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed by calculating sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals and stratified by population group and image features (color, shape, and size of the lesions). RESULTS: A total of 16,590 examinations by 553 subjects were analyzed. Overall sensitivity and specificity were 57% (95% confidence interval 56%-58%) and 64% (95% confidence interval 63%-65%). Diagnostic accuracy varied among population groups, with experienced dentists showing the lowest sensitivity (52%) and the highest specificity (71%). Red lesions, flat lesions, and large lesions had the lowest sensitivity (42%, 36%, 57%) but the highest specificity (70%, 75%, 76%). CONCLUSIONS: We found worrying low ability to detect suspected malignant oral lesions by both healthcare workers and non-healthcare subjects. Lesion-specific characteristics may lead to differences in recognition. Specific courses and more adequate teaching methods should be proposed to increase identification of oral lesions.
Odontólogos , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Adulto , Estudiantes de Odontología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Higienistas Dentales , Enfermedades de la Boca/diagnóstico , Enfermedades de la Boca/patología , Adulto Joven , Competencia Clínica , AncianoRESUMEN
Epidemiological data on the distribution of oral and maxillofacial diseases present in early childhood are scarce in the literature. This study analyzed the frequency of lesions biopsied in this region in children aged 0 to 3 years and sent for histopathological analysis in a reference oral pathology laboratory . Histopathological diagnostic data, lesion location, sex, and age were collected. Of the total of 93,950 records, 250 cases (0.27%) belonged to the age group from 0 to 3 years old. The most frequently diagnosed oral alterations were: mucocele (34/250; 13.6%); papilloma (11/250; 4.4%), giant cell fibroma (6/250; 2.4%), pyogenic granuloma (5/250; 2%) and hemangioma (3/250; 1.2%). The lip was the most affected site, followed by the gingiva and the tongue. These results generate information on the lesions most frequently diagnosed in early childhood, which facilitates the process of diagnosis and, consequently, treatment.
Hemangioma , Enfermedades de la Boca , Humanos , Lactante , Femenino , Masculino , Preescolar , Estudios Retrospectivos , Enfermedades de la Boca/patología , Hemangioma/patología , Biopsia , Recién Nacido , Mucocele/patología , Granuloma Piogénico/patología , Granuloma Piogénico/epidemiología , Granuloma Piogénico/diagnóstico , Papiloma/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/epidemiología , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico , Fibroma/patología , Fibroma/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: Evaluate whether regular follow-up of oral leukoplakia (OL) resulted in early detection of malignant transformation (MT). METHOD: Two hundred and twenty-two consecutive patients with OL (147 females, 75 males); median follow-up period of 64 months (range: 12-300). Three groups were distinguished: group A (n = 92) follow-up at the hospital; group B (n = 84) follow-up by their dentist; group C (n = 46) lost to follow-up. RESULTS: OLs in group B compared to group A, were smaller in size (<2 cm; p < 0.001), showed more hyperkeratosis (p < 0.001) and less moderate/severe dysplasia (p < 0.001). MT occurred in 45 (20%) patients: 32 (35%) in group A, five (6%) in group B and eight (17%) in group C. There was no significant difference in clinical tumour size between group A (median: 15 mm, range: 1-40) and group B (median: 10 mm, range: 3-25; p = 0.496). Tumour size was smaller for patients in groups A and B (median: 10 mm, range 1-40) compared to group C (median: 33 mm, range: 3-100; p = 0.003). There was a positive correlation between tumour size and interval between the last visit in all patients (p = 0.022). CONCLUSION: Regular follow-up of OL resulted in early detection of MT. If properly selected, follow-up of OL performed by the dentist seems feasible.
Transformación Celular Neoplásica , Detección Precoz del Cáncer , Leucoplasia Bucal , Humanos , Leucoplasia Bucal/patología , Femenino , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Transformación Celular Neoplásica/patología , Anciano , Adulto , Estudios de Seguimiento , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Perdida de SeguimientoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the role of oral microbiome in promoting oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) development. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the salivary microbiome of 108 controls and 70 OSCC cases by16S rRNA gene sequencing and detected the fluorescence signal of OSCC-related pathological bacteria by fluorescence in situ hybridization assay (FISH). The invasion and migration assays were used to show the differences of invasive and migrative abilities between control and experimental groups. Quantitative real-time PCR and Western blotting were used to verify the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). RESULTS: In our study, the overall microbiome abundance and composition were richer in the 108 controls than in the 70 OSCC cases. We demonstrated that Streptococcus, Capnocytophaga, Peptostreptococcus, and Lactobacillus were highly abundant in the saliva of OSCC patients by 16S rDNA sequencing and FISH. Moreover, we found that Capnocytophaga gingivalis (C. gingivalis) was highly presented in OSCC tissues by FISH. We focused on C. gingivalis and found that its supernatant induced OSCC cells to undergo EMT, causing the cells to acquire a mesenchymal phenotype associated with highly invasive and metastatic properties. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results indicated that C. gingivalis might invade OSCC tissues and played an important role in OSCC by promoting OSCC invasion and metastasis by inducing EMT. Hence, the role of C. gingivalis in cancer progression revealed a new direction for the research of OSCC.
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello , Neoplasias de la Boca , Humanos , Capnocytophaga/genética , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patología , Hibridación Fluorescente in Situ , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello , Línea Celular Tumoral , Transición Epitelial-Mesenquimal , Movimiento CelularRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of the long non-coding RNA "MALAT1" measured in the saliva of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and assess the salivary expression of microRNA-124, which MALAT1 targets. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty subjects were collected in a consecutive pattern and allocated into two groups. Group A included 20 patients with OSCC, while Group B included 20 healthy subjects. Salivary expression of MALAT1 and microRNA (miRNA)-124 was evaluated in the two study groups using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and correlated with histopathological examination of OSCC subjects. RESULTS: OSCC yielded a statistically significant higher expression of MALAT1 than healthy controls and a lower expression of miRNA-124 in OSCC than controls. There is a statistically significant inverse relationship between salivary MALAT1 and miRNA-124. Moreover, there is a statistically significant difference in the MALAT1 expression in saliva samples from metastatic cases compared with non-metastatic cases, as well as in patients with lymph node involvement compared with those without involvement. At a cut-off value of 2.24, salivary MALAT1 exhibited 95% sensitivity and 90% specificity in differentiating OSCC from healthy subjects. CONCLUSION: Salivary MALAT1 acts as a sponge for miRNA-124 and could be a potential salivary biomarker for OSCC.
Biomarcadores de Tumor , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , MicroARNs , Neoplasias de la Boca , ARN Largo no Codificante , Saliva , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Biomarcadores de Tumor/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/genética , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Neoplasias de la Boca/genética , Neoplasias de la Boca/metabolismo , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , ARN Largo no Codificante/genética , ARN Largo no Codificante/metabolismo , Saliva/metabolismo , Saliva/química , Sensibilidad y EspecificidadRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: Proper identification of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) provides an opportunity for oral cancer prevention. This study aims to assess the competency of dental health professionals in identifying OPMDs and, in turn, reducing the incidence of oral malignancy by early detection. METHODS: A 26-case online questionnaire of oral mucosal lesions was distributed to cohorts of 363 dental health professionals and dental students in Australia. The participants were asked to provide their provisional diagnosis for each case based on the available information. RESULTS: The overall accuracy in identifying oral mucosal lesions was 65.9%. There were no significant differences in the overall diagnostic accuracies between dental specialists, general dental practitioners and final-year dental students (p > 0.05). The lowest diagnostic accuracies were associated with normal mucosal variations and OPMDs. The predoctoral dental curriculum showed statistically significant values in terms of improving skills in diagnosing oral mucosal lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of adequate knowledge in identifying OPMDs was evident among the participants, highlighting a non-promising figure in reducing the incidence of oral cancers in Australia. Comprehensive modifications of the current continuing professional development system are required to ensure adequate knowledge among dental health providers in Australia.
Competencia Clínica , Estudiantes de Odontología , Humanos , Australia , Femenino , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto , Mucosa Bucal/patología , Odontólogos , Enfermedades de la Boca/diagnóstico , Persona de Mediana EdadRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To identify the teaching-learning process characteristics of Oral Pathology and Medicine (OP&M) related to oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) and oral cancer (OC), in the dental schools' curricula in Mexico, to analyze the approach given to this topic worldwide, and to provide the possible solution strategies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to OP&M deans and professors from public Mexican Universities to explore the curriculum and academic profile of the dental schools. The recommendations gathered from a workshop with expert professors on the challenges in OPMD/OC teaching were reported. RESULTS: Twenty-two dental schools participated (22 deans, 30 professors). The most widely used strategies were clinical-case resolving (86%) and presentations (73%). Although 77.3% of the programs included maxillofacial lesions, only 40.9% contemplated OPMD/OC. Only 45% of the programs developed community activities for early OC detection. The workshop recommendations were (i) multidisciplinary approach to OPMD/OC teaching, involving OP&M professors in other dental and nondental courses; (ii) implementation of the most effective teaching techniques (currently, problem-based learning and clinical-case presentation) in OP&M curricula; (iii) education of OP&M professors on teaching-learning processes. CONCLUSIONS: These recommendations from the Mexican context, integrated with similar experiences from other countries could contribute to develop a unique, internationally acknowledged OP&M curriculum.
Curriculum , Educación en Odontología , Neoplasias de la Boca , Patología Bucal , Facultades de Odontología , México , Humanos , Patología Bucal/educación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Lesiones PrecancerosasRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on patients' access to primary care services. A timely diagnosis of oral squamosa cell carcinoma is paramount. This study aims to quantify the pandemic's effect on tumor volume at the time of initial diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a retrospective study, all primarily diagnosed cancer patients between March 2018 and March 2022 were compiled; the TNM stage and the tumor volume were evaluated. Tumor volumes were calculated using pathology or radiology reports. RESULTS: In total, 162 newly diagnosed tumor cases were included in this study. Of these, 76 (46.9%) cases were allocated in the "pre-COVID-19" group and 86 (53.1%) in the "COVID-19" group. Patients diagnosed during the "COVID-19" period showed a significantly advanced T stage (p < 0.001) and larger mean tumor volumes (53.16 ± 73.55 cm3 vs. 39.89 ± 102.42 cm3 ; p = 0.002) when compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: Tumor volume and T stage were significantly advanced in the "COVID-19" group when compared to prepandemic data. We hypothesize that the postponement of routine dental check-ups may explain this finding. Hence, dentists and primary care providers are encouraged to place particular emphasis on screening during routine check-ups.
COVID-19 , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello , Neoplasias de la Boca , Humanos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico por imagen , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patología , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Pandemias , Prueba de COVID-19RESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To analysis the relationship between periodontitis (PD) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by bioinformatic analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed the gene expression profiles of PD (GSE16134) from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database and OSCC samples from TCGA-HNSC (head and neck squamous cell carcinoma) and identified common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in PD and OSCC. Then, functional annotation and signaling pathway enrichment, protein interaction network construction, and hub gene identification were performed. Subsequently, the function and signaling pathway enrichment of hub genes, miRNA interaction, and transcription factor interaction analyses were carried out. We analyzed GSE10334 and GSE30784 as validation datasets, and performed qRT-PCR experiments simultaneously for validation, and obtained 4 hub genes. Finally, immune infiltration analysis and clinical correlation analysis of 4 hub genes and related miRNAs were performed. RESULTS: We identified 31 DEGs (16 up-regulated and 15 down-regulated). Four hub genes were obtained by qRT-PCR and validation dataset analysis, including IL-1ß, CXCL8, MMP12, and MMP13. The expression levels of them were all significantly upregulated in both diseases. The functions of these genes focus on three areas: neutrophil chemotaxis, migration, and CXCR chemokine receptor binding. Key pathways include IL-17 signaling pathway, chemokine signaling pathway, and cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions pathway. Immune infiltration analysis showed that the expressions of 4 hub genes were closely related to a variety of immune cells. ROC curve analysis indicated that AUCs of 4 hub genes are all greater than 0.7, among which MMP12 and MMP13 were greater than 0.9. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis indicated that worse OS was strongly correlated with CXCL8 and MMP13 high-expression groups. MMP12 low-expression group was strongly associated with worse OS. The results of multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that age, N stage, CXCL8, MMP12, and MMP13 were independent prognostic factors for OS. We also identified 3 miRNAs, including hsa-miR-19b-3p, hsa-miR-181b-2-3p, and hsa-miR-495-3p, that were closely related to 4 hub genes. Hsa-miR-495-3p is closely related to the diagnosis and prognosis of OSCC. CONCLUSIONS: We identified 4 hub genes between PD and OSCC, including IL-1ß, CXCL8, MMP12, and MMP13. These genes may mediate the co-morbid process of PD and OSCC through inflammation-related pathways such as the IL-17 signaling pathway. It is worth noting that CXCL8, MMP12, and MMP13 have great significance in the diagnosis and prognosis of OSCC.
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello , MicroARNs , Neoplasias de la Boca , Periodontitis , Humanos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/genética , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello , Interleucina-17/genética , Metaloproteinasa 12 de la Matriz/genética , Metaloproteinasa 13 de la Matriz , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica/métodos , MicroARNs/genética , Periodontitis/genética , Biomarcadores de Tumor/genética , Biología Computacional/métodosRESUMEN
Fibrolipoma is defined as a typical lipoma transected by variable amounts of paucicellular and collagenous fibrous components. Oral and lingual fibrolipomas are well-recognized histological entities in human medicine that are slightly more prevalent in females, occur most commonly after the fourth decade, and arise from the buccal mucosa. The documentation of this neoplasm in the oral cavity is lacking in veterinary medicine. Through a multi-institutional retrospective compilation of cases submitted to diagnostic pathology services, here we describe the clinical and pathologic features of oral fibrolipomas in dogs. A total of 112 cases of oral fibrolipomas in dogs were retrieved. The mean age was 10.1 years (range 2-16 years, ±2.63 years standard deviation), with an average tumor size of 1.7 cm (range 0.2-8 cm, ±1.1 cm standard deviation). The most common location was the tongue (57.1%, 64/112), followed by the buccal mucosa (15.2%, 16/112), sublingual area (8.0%, 9/112), gingiva and lip (4.5%, 5/112 each), and palate (1 case). The anatomical location of oral fibrolipomas only differed significantly among the dog breeds (P < .001) but not among sex, age, anamnesis, or reason for submission. The tumor was most commonly reported in males (69.7%, 78/112), and in 62.5% (70/112) of the cases, the tumor was an incidental finding. Fibrolipoma should be considered a differential diagnosis when considering benign lingual and other oral soft tissue masses in dogs.
Enfermedades de los Perros , Lipoma , Neoplasias de la Boca , Animales , Perros , Estudios Retrospectivos , Lipoma/veterinaria , Lipoma/patología , Lipoma/diagnóstico , Femenino , Masculino , Enfermedades de los Perros/patología , Enfermedades de los Perros/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Boca/veterinaria , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/diagnóstico , Mucosa Bucal/patologíaRESUMEN
The present systematic review (SR) aims to evaluate manuscripts in order to help further elucidate the following question: is the micronucleus assay (MA) also a useful marker in gingiva, tongue, and palate for evaluating cytogenetic damage in vivo? A search was performed through the electronic databases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science, all studies published up to December 2023. The comparisons were defined as standardized mean difference (SMD), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were established. Full manuscripts from 34 studies were carefully selected and reviewed in this setting. Our results demonstrate that the MA may be a useful biomarker of gingival tissue damage in vivo, and this tissue could be a useful alternative to the buccal mucosa. The meta-analysis analyzing the different sites regardless of the deleterious factor studied, the buccal mucosa (SMD = 0.69, 95% CI, - 0.49 to 1.88, p = 0.25) and gingiva (SMD = 0.31, 95% CI, - 0.11 to 0.72, p = 0.15), showed similar results and different outcome for the tongue (SMD = 1.19, 95% CI, 0.47 to 1.91, p = 0.001). In summary, our conclusion suggests that the MA can be a useful marker for detecting DNA damage in gingiva in vivo and that this tissue could be effective site for smearing.
Encía , Pruebas de Micronúcleos , Hueso Paladar , Lengua , Pruebas de Micronúcleos/métodos , Encía/efectos de los fármacos , Encía/patología , Humanos , Hueso Paladar/efectos de los fármacos , Hueso Paladar/patología , Lengua/efectos de los fármacos , Lengua/patología , Daño del ADN/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Mucosa Bucal/efectos de los fármacos , Mucosa Bucal/patología , BiomarcadoresRESUMEN
Salivary gland hypofunction adversely affects the oral environment and daily life by causing dry mouth (xerostomia). Senescence-related atrophy of salivary gland tissues is one cause of xerostomia, and it is particularly common among the elderly. However, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood, and no treatment has been established. Therefore, we examined age-related changes in senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factors, which regulate stemness and cellular senescence, in mouse submandibular glands. We analyzed the submandibular glands of 6-week-old (young group, n = 6) and 82-week-old mice (aged group, n = 6). We performed salivary flow rate measurements, histological analysis including immunohistochemistry, and quantitative real-time PCR. The salivary flow rate was significantly lower in the aged group than in the young group. In addition, immunostaining and quantitative real-time PCR illustrated that aquaporin-5 and α-amylase expressions were significantly decreased in aged mice, indicating salivary gland hypofunction. c-Kit and cytokeratin 5 expressions were also significantly decreased in this group, suggesting that the regenerative abilities of the submandibular glands were reduced because of decreased stem and progenitor cell counts. Furthermore, the levels of p16INK4a and p21 (the senescence markers) and TGF-ß1 and IL-6 (SASP factors) were significantly increased in mice, suggesting that senescence had been promoted. The decreased numbers of stem and progenitor cells and increased levels of SASP factors might be associated with age-related changes in mouse submandibular glands. These results might facilitate the development of treatments for senescence-related submandibular gland hypofunction.
Glándula Submandibular , Xerostomía , Humanos , Anciano , Ratones , Masculino , Animales , Glándula Submandibular/metabolismo , Glándula Submandibular/patología , Senescencia Celular , Células MadreRESUMEN
Orthodontists are well placed to detect soft-tissue disease of the oral cavity and associated structures because of the frequent repeat examinations of their patients. This review describes the clinical manifestations, pathologic features, and treatment of the soft-tissue pathology most likely to be encountered by the orthodontist and uncommon soft-tissue disease with significant implications for the patient. The recognition of soft-tissue disease will allow reassurance, referral, and early intervention when required.
Ortodoncia , Patología Bucal , Humanos , Ortodoncistas , Atención Odontológica , BocaRESUMEN
For many patients, their first full jaw imagining will be requested and reported by an orthodontist. This may lead to the discovery of unexpected pathology in the jaws. In this review article, we discuss the clinical and radiological appearance as well as the pathologic features and treatment of the more common entities of the jaws. In addition, we will discuss the less common lesions which carry important consequences for the patient. Through the identification of these lesions, appropriate referral and management can be pursued.