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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(27): 18515-18527, 2018 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29951662


Polar perovskite oxides are of considerable interest for developing advanced functional materials with exceptional electronic properties for their unique polar characters. A cleavage of polar perovskite oxides along the charged layers leads to an electrostatic instability on the cleaved surfaces, and a charge compensation is required to stabilize these surfaces. In this work, we have systemically studied 25 types of surface models of polar KTaO3 perovskite oxide, including (001), (110), and (111) surfaces with various types of surface terminations, using first-principles electronic structure calculations. The surface structural reconstruction, electronic structures, and thermodynamic properties including cleavage energy and surface energy are investigated. The phase stability diagrams of the (001), (110), and (111) surfaces are constructed with respect to the chemical potentials of component elements. The KO(001), O(110), and KO2(111) terminations are more likely to be formed than other types of terminations in corresponding surfaces, consistent with experimental observations on KTaO3(001) surfaces. This work provides useful guidance for accurate control of surface morphology for tailing functional properties of polar KTaO3 perovskite oxide.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(4): 2379-88, 2016 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26562134


The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at the n-type (LaO)(+1)/(TiO2)(0) interface in the polar/nonpolar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) heterostructure (HS) has emerged as a prominent research area because of its great potential for nanoelectronic applications. Due to its practical implementation in devices, desired physical properties such as high charge carrier density and mobility are vital. In this respect, 4d and 5d transition metal doping near the interfacial region is expected to tailor electronic properties of the LAO/STO HS system effectively. Herein, we studied Nb and Ta-doping effects on the energetics, electronic structure, interfacial charge carrier density, magnetic moment, and the charge confinements of the 2DEG at the n-type (LaO)(+1)/(TiO2)(0) interface of LAO/STO HS using first-principles density functional theory calculations. We found that the substitutional doping of Nb(Ta) at Ti [Nb(Ta)@Ti] and Al [Nb(Ta)@Al] sites is energetically more favorable than that at La [Nb(Ta)@La] and Sr [Nb(Ta)@Sr] sites, and under appropriate thermodynamic conditions, the changes in the interfacial energy of HS systems upon Nb(Ta)@Ti and Nb(Ta)@Al doping are negative, implying that the formation of these structures is energetically favored. Our calculations also showed that Nb(Ta)@Ti and Nb(Ta)@Al doping significantly improve the interfacial charge carrier density with respect to that of the undoped system, which is because the Nb(Ta) dopant introduces excess free electrons into the system, and these free electrons reside mainly on the Nb(Ta) ions and interfacial Ti ions. Hence, along with the Ti 3d orbitals, the Nb 4d and Ta 5d orbitals also contribute to the interfacial metallic states; accordingly, the magnetic moments on the interfacial Ti ions increase significantly. As expected, the Nb@Al and Ta@Al doped LAO/STO HS systems show higher interfacial charge carrier density than the undoped and other doped systems. In contrast, Nb@Ti and Ta@Ti doped systems may show higher charge carrier mobility because of the lower electron effective mass.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(2): 857-65, 2016 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26646215


We studied the defect formation energies, oxidation states of the dopants, and electronic structures of Bi-doped NaTaO3 using first-principles hybrid density functional theory calculations. Three possible structural models, including Bi-doped NaTaO3 with Bi at the Na site (Bi@Na), with Bi at the Ta site (Bi@Ta), and with Bi at both Na and Ta sites [Bi@(Na,Ta)], are constructed. Our results show that the preferred doping sites of Bi are strongly related to the preparation conditions of NaTaO3. It is energetically more favorable to form a Bi@Na structure under Na-poor conditions, to form a Bi@Ta structure under Na-rich conditions, and to form a Bi@(Na,Ta) structure under mildly Na-rich conditions. The Bi@Na doped model shows an n-type conducting character along with an expected blueshift of the optical absorption edge, in which the Bi atoms exist as Bi(3+) (6s(2)6p(0)). The Bi@Ta doped model has empty gap states consisting of Bi 6s states in its band gap, which can lead to visible-light absorption via the electron transition among the valence band, the conduction band, and the gap states. The Bi dopant is present as a Bi(5+) ion in this model, consistent with the experimental results. In contrast, the Bi@(Na,Ta) doped model has occupied gap states consisting of Bi 6s states in its band gap, and thus visible-light absorption is also expected in this system due to electron excitation from these occupied states to the conduction band, in which the Bi dopants exist as Bi(3+) ions. Our first-principles electronic structure calculations revealed the relationship between the Bi doping sites and the material preparation conditions, and clarified the oxidation states of Bi dopants in NaTaO3 as well as the origin of different visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution behaviors in Bi@Ta and Bi@(Na,Ta) doped NaTaO3. This work can provide a useful reference for preparing a Bi-doped NaTaO3 photocatalyst with desired doping sites.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(9): 6831-8, 2016 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26878205


We studied the influence of uniaxial [100] strain (-1% to +1%) on the electron transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the n-type interface of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3(LAO/STO) heterostructure (HS)-based slab system from the perspective of polarization effects via first-principles density functional theory calculations. We first analyzed the unstrained system, and found that the induced polarization toward the vacuum in the LAO film leads to a small charge carrier density on the order of 10(13) cm(-2) (less than the theoretical value of 3.3 × 10(14) cm(-2) from the superlattice-model-based polar catastrophe mechanism), which is in excellent agreement with the experimental values of oxygen-annealed LAO/STO HS samples. Upon applying [100] tensile strain on the STO substrate, we found a significant reduction of the induced polarization in the LAO film. This reduction weakens the driving force against charge transfer from LAO to STO, causing an increase in the interfacial charge carrier density. The uniaxial strain also leads to a decrease of the effective mass of interfacial mobile electrons, resulting in a higher electron mobility. These findings suggest that applying uniaxial [100] tensile strain on the STO substrate can significantly enhance the interfacial conductivity of the LAO/STO HS system, which gives a comprehensive explanation for experimental observations. In contrast, compressively strained LAO/STO systems show stronger LAO film polarization than the unstrained system, which reduces the interfacial charge carrier density and increases the electron effective mass, thus suppressing the interfacial conductivity.

Sci Rep ; 6: 34667, 2016 10 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27708415


The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at the interface between two insulating oxides such as LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 (STO) is of fundamental and practical interest because of its novel interfacial conductivity and its promising applications in next-generation nanoelectronic devices. Here we show that a group of combinatorial descriptors that characterize the polar character, lattice mismatch, band gap, and the band alignment between the perovskite-oxide-based band insulators and the STO substrate, can be introduced to realize a high-throughput (HT) design of SrTiO3-based 2DEG systems from perovskite oxide quantum database. Equipped with these combinatorial descriptors, we have carried out a HT screening of all the polar perovskite compounds, uncovering 42 compounds of potential interests. Of these, Al-, Ga-, Sc-, and Ta-based compounds can form a 2DEG with STO, while In-based compounds exhibit a strain-induced strong polarization when deposited on STO substrate. In particular, the Ta-based compounds can form 2DEG with potentially high electron mobility at (TaO2)+/(SrO)0 interface. Our approach, by defining materials descriptors solely based on the bulk materials properties, and by relying on the perovskite-oriented quantum materials repository, opens new avenues for the discovery of perovskite-oxide-based functional interface materials in a HT fashion.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 8(21): 13659-68, 2016 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27160513


By using first-principles electronic structure calculations, we explored the possibility of producing two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the polar/polar (LaO)(+)/(BO2)(+) interface in the LaAlO3/A(+)B(5+)O3 (A = Na and K, B = Nb and Ta) heterostructures (HS). Unlike the prototype polar/nonpolar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 HS system where there exists a least film thickness of four LaAlO3 unit cells to have an insulator-to-metal transition, we found that the polar/polar LaAlO3/A(+)B(5+)O3 HS systems are intrinsically conducting at their interfaces without an insulator-to-metal transition. The interfacial charge carrier densities of these polar/polar HS systems are on the order of 10(14) cm(-2), much larger than that of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system. This is mainly attributed to two donor layers, i.e., (LaO)(+) and (BO2)(+) (B = Nb and Ta), in the polar/polar LaAlO3/A(+)B(5+)O3 systems, while only one (LaO)(+) donor layer in the polar/nonpolar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system. In addition, it is expected that, due to less localized Nb 4d and Ta 5d orbitals with respect to Ti 3d orbitals, these LaAlO3/A(+)B(5+)O3 HS systems can exhibit potentially higher electron mobility because of their smaller electron effective mass than that in the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system. Our results demonstrate that the electronic reconstruction at the polar/polar interface could be an alternative way to produce superior 2DEG in the perovskite-oxide-based HS systems.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 7(26): 14294-302, 2015 Jul 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26062403


Tailoring the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the n-type (TiO2)(0)/(LaO)(+1) interface between the polar LaAlO3 (LAO) and nonpolar SrTiO3 (STO) insulators can potentially provide desired functionalities for next-generation low-dimensional nanoelectronic devices. Here, we propose a new approach to tune the electronic and magnetic properties in the n-type LAO/STO heterostructure (HS) system via electron doping. In this work, we modeled four types of layer doped LAO/STO HS systems with Sn dopants at different cation sites and studied their electronic structures and interface energetics by using first-principles electronic structure calculations. We identified the thermodynamic stability conditions for each of the four proposed doped configurations with respect to the undoped LAO/STO interface. We further found that the Sn-doped LAO/STO HS system with Sn at Al site (Sn@Al) is energetically most favorable with respect to decohesion, thereby strengthening the interface, while the doped HS system with Sn at La site (Sn@La) exhibits the lowest interfacial cohesion. Moreover, our results indicate that all the Sn-doped LAO/STO HS systems exhibit the n-type conductivity with the typical 2DEG characteristics except the Sn@La doped HS system, which shows p-type conductivity. In the Sn@Al doped HS model, the Sn dopant exists as a Sn(4+) ion and introduces one additional electron into the HS system, leading to a higher charge carrier density and larger magnetic moment than that of all the other doped HS systems. An enhanced charge confinement of the 2DEG along the c-axis is also found in the Sn@Al doped HS system. We hence suggest that Sn@Al doping can be an effective way to enhance the electrical conduction and magnetic moment of the 2DEG in LAO/STO HS systems in an energetically favorable manner.