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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(32): e2310195121, 2024 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093945


The duality between deformations of elastic bodies and noninertial flows in viscous liquids has been a guiding principle in decades of research. However, this duality is broken when a spheroidal or other doubly curved liquid film is suddenly forced out of mechanical equilibrium, as occurs, e.g., when the pressure inside a liquid bubble drops rapidly due to rupture or controlled evacuation. In such cases, the film may evolve through a noninertial yet geometrically nonlinear surface dynamics, which has remained largely unexplored. We reveal the driver of such dynamics as temporal variations in the curvature of the evolving surface. Focusing on the prototypical example of a floating bubble that undergoes rapid depressurization, we show that the bubble surface evolves via a topological instability and a subsequent front propagation, whereby a small planar zone that includes a singular flow structure, analogous to a disclination in elastic systems, nucleates spontaneously and expands in the spherically shaped film. This flow pattern brings about hoop compression and triggers another, symmetry-breaking instability to the formation of radial wrinkles that invade the flattening film. Our analysis reveals the dynamics as a nonequilibrium branch of "jellium" physics, whereby a rate-of-change of surface curvature in a viscous film is akin to charge in an electrostatic medium that comprises polarizable and conducting domains. We explain key features underlying recent experiments and highlight a qualitative inconsistency between the prediction of linear stability analysis and the observed "wavelength" of surface wrinkles.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(12): e2212290120, 2023 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36930601


Everyday experience confirms the tendency of adhesive films to detach from spheroidal regions of rigid substrates-what is a petty frustration when placing a sticky band aid onto a knee is a more serious matter in the coating and painting industries. Irrespective of their resistance to bending, a key driver of such phenomena is Gauss' Theorema Egregium, which implies that naturally flat sheets cannot conform to doubly curved surfaces without developing a strain whose magnitude grows sharply with the curved area. Previous attempts to characterize the onset of curvature-induced delamination, and the complex patterns it gives rise to, assumed a dewetting-like mechanism in which the propensity of two materials to form contact through interfacial energy is modified by an elastic energy penalty. We show that this approach may characterize moderately bendable sheets but fails qualitatively to describe the curvature-induced delamination of ultrathin films, whose mechanics is governed by their propensity to buckle and delaminate partially, under minute levels of compression. Combining mechanical and geometrical considerations, we introduce a minimal model for curvature-induced delamination accounting for the two buckling motifs that underlie partial delamination: shallow "rucks" and localized "folds". We predict nontrivial scaling rules for the onset of curvature-induced delamination and various features of the emerging patterns, which compare well with experiments. Beyond gaining control on the use of ultrathin adhesives in cutting-edge technologies such as stretchable electronics, our analysis is a significant step toward quantifying the multiscale morphology that emerges upon imposing geometrical and mechanical constraints on highly bendable solid objects.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(14)2021 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33790019


Nonlinear mechanics of solids is an exciting field that encompasses both beautiful mathematics, such as the emergence of instabilities and the formation of complex patterns, as well as multiple applications. Two-dimensional crystals and van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures allow revisiting this field on the atomic level, allowing much finer control over the parameters and offering atomistic interpretation of experimental observations. In this work, we consider the formation of instabilities consisting of radially oriented wrinkles around mono- and few-layer "bubbles" in two-dimensional vdW heterostructures. Interestingly, the shape and wavelength of the wrinkles depend not only on the thickness of the two-dimensional crystal forming the bubble, but also on the atomistic structure of the interface between the bubble and the substrate, which can be controlled by their relative orientation. We argue that the periodic nature of these patterns emanates from an energetic balance between the resistance of the top membrane to bending, which favors large wavelength of wrinkles, and the membrane-substrate vdW attraction, which favors small wrinkle amplitude. Employing the classical "Winkler foundation" model of elasticity theory, we show that the number of radial wrinkles conveys a valuable relationship between the bending rigidity of the top membrane and the strength of the vdW interaction. Armed with this relationship, we use our data to demonstrate a nontrivial dependence of the bending rigidity on the number of layers in the top membrane, which shows two different regimes driven by slippage between the layers, and a high sensitivity of the vdW force to the alignment between the substrate and the membrane.

Soft Matter ; 19(38): 7343-7348, 2023 Oct 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37740282


We establish the existence of a cusp in the curvature of a solid sheet at its contact with a liquid subphase. We study two configurations in floating sheets where the solid-vapor-liquid contact line is a straight line and a circle, respectively. In the former case, a rectangular sheet is lifted at its one edge, whereas in the latter a gas bubble is injected beneath a floating sheet. We show that in both geometries the derivative of the sheet's curvature is discontinuous. We demonstrate that the boundary condition at the contact is identical in these two geometries, even though the shape of the contact line and the stress distribution in the sheet are very different.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(8): 3938-3943, 2020 02 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32047032


Thin solids often develop elastic instabilities and subsequently complex, multiscale deformation patterns. Revealing the organizing principles of this spatial complexity has ramifications for our understanding of morphogenetic processes in plant leaves and animal epithelia and perhaps even the formation of human fingerprints. We elucidate a primary source of this morphological complexity-an incompatibility between an elastically favored "microstructure" of uniformly spaced wrinkles and a "macrostructure" imparted through the wrinkle director and dictated by confinement forces. Our theory is borne out of experiments and simulations of floating sheets subjected to radial stretching. By analyzing patterns of grossly radial wrinkles we find two sharply distinct morphologies: defect-free patterns with a fixed number of wrinkles and nonuniform spacing and patterns of uniformly spaced wrinkles separated by defect-rich buffer zones. We show how these morphological types reflect distinct minima of a Ginzburg-Landau functional-a coarse-grained version of the elastic energy, which penalizes nonuniform wrinkle spacing and amplitude, as well as deviations of the actual director from the axis imposed by confinement. Our results extend the effective description of wrinkle patterns as liquid crystals [H. Aharoni et al, Nat. Commun. 8, 15809 (2017)], and we highlight a fascinating analogy between the geometry-energy interplay that underlies the proliferation of defects in the mechanical equilibrium of confined sheets and in thermodynamic phases of superconductors and chiral liquid crystals.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(5): 1483-1488, 2019 01 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30591569


The complex morphologies exhibited by spatially confined thin objects have long challenged human efforts to understand and manipulate them, from the representation of patterns in draped fabric in Renaissance art to current-day efforts to engineer flexible sensors that conform to the human body. We introduce a theoretical principle, broadly generalizing Euler's elastica-a core concept of continuum mechanics that invokes the energetic preference of bending over straining a thin solid object and that has been widely applied to classical and modern studies of beams and rods. We define a class of geometrically incompatible confinement problems, whereby the topography imposed on a thin solid body is incompatible with its intrinsic ("target") metric and, as a consequence of Gauss' Theorema Egregium, induces strain. By focusing on a prototypical example of a sheet attached to a spherical substrate, numerical simulations and analytical study demonstrate that the mechanics is governed by a principle, which we call the "Gauss-Euler elastica" This emergent rule states that-despite the unavoidable strain in such an incompatible confinement-the ratio between the energies stored in straining and bending the solid may be arbitrarily small. The Gauss-Euler elastica underlies a theoretical framework that greatly simplifies the daunting task of solving the highly nonlinear equations that describe thin solids at mechanical equilibrium. This development thus opens possibilities for attacking a broad class of phenomena governed by the coupling of geometry and mechanics.

Nat Mater ; 19(7): 808, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32327727


An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 44(7): 94, 2021 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241720


We address the fully developed wrinkle pattern formed upon stretching a Hookean, rectangular-shaped sheet, when the longitudinal tensile load induces transverse compression that far exceeds the stability threshold of a purely planar deformation. At this "far-from-threshold" parameter regime, which has been the subject of the celebrated Cerda-Mahadevan model (Cerda and Mahadevan in Phys Rev Lett 90:074302, 2003), the wrinkle pattern expands throughout the length of the sheet and the characteristic wavelength of undulations is much smaller than its width. Employing Surface Evolver simulations over a range of sheet thicknesses and tensile loads, we elucidate the theoretical underpinnings of the far-from-threshold framework in this setup. We show that the evolution of wrinkles comes in tandem with collapse of transverse compressive stress, rather than vanishing transverse strain (which was hypothesized by Cerda and Mahadevan in Phys Rev Lett 90:074302, 2003), such that the stress field approaches asymptotically a compression-free limit, describable by tension field theory. We compute the compression-free stress field by simulating a Hookean sheet that has finite stretching modulus but no bending rigidity, and show that this singular limit encapsulates the geometrical nonlinearity underlying the amplitude-wavelength ratio of wrinkle patterns in physical, highly bendable sheets, even though the actual strains may be so small that the local mechanics is perfectly Hookean. Finally, we revisit the balance of bending and stretching energies that gives rise to a favorable wrinkle wavelength, and study the consequent dependence of the wavelength on the tensile load as well as the thickness and length of the sheet.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 44(7): 92, 2021 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34231089


The wrinkle pattern exhibited upon stretching a rectangular sheet has attracted considerable interest in the "extreme mechanics" community. Nevertheless, key aspects of this notable phenomenon remain elusive. Specifically-what is the origin of the compressive stress underlying the instability of the planar state? what is the nature of the ensuing bifurcation? how does the shape evolve from a critical, near-threshold regime to a fully developed pattern of parallel wrinkles that permeate most of the sheet? In this paper we address some of these questions through numerical simulations and analytic study of the planar state in Hookean sheets. We show that transverse compression is a boundary effect, which originates from the relative extension of the clamped edges with respect to the transversely contracted, compression-free bulk of the sheet, and draw analogy between this edge-induced compression and Moffatt vortices in viscous, cavity-driven flow. Next, we address the instability of the planar state and show that it gives rise to a buckling pattern, localized near the clamped edges, which evolves-upon increasing the tensile load-to wrinkles that invade the uncompressed portion of the sheet. Crucially, we show that the key aspects of the process-from the formation of transversely compressed zones, to the consequent instability of the planar state and the emergence of a wrinkle pattern-can be understood within a Hookean framework, where the only origin of nonlinear response is geometric, rather than a non-Hookean stress-strain relation.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 44(2): 11, 2021 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33683490


We revisit the delamination of a solid adhesive sheet under uniaxial compression from a flat, rigid substrate. Using energetic considerations and scaling arguments, we show that the phenomenology is governed by three dimensionless groups, which characterize the level of confinement imposed on the sheet, as well as its extensibility and bendability. Recognizing that delamination emerges through a subcritical bifurcation from a planar, uniformly compressed state, we predict that the dependence of the threshold confinement level on the extensibility and bendability of the sheet, as well as the delaminated shape at threshold, varies markedly between two asymptotic regimes of these parameters. For sheets whose bendability is sufficiently high, the delaminated shape is a large-slope "fold," where the amplitude is proportional to the imposed confinement. In contrast, for lower values of the bendability parameter, the delaminated shape is a small-slope "ruck," whose amplitude increases more moderately upon increasing confinement. Realizing that the instability of the fully laminated state requires a finite extensibility of the sheet, we introduce a simple model that allows us to construct a bifurcation diagram that governs the delamination process.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(5): 1144-9, 2016 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26787902


Wrinkle patterns in compressed thin sheets are ubiquitous in nature and technology, from the furrows on our foreheads to crinkly plant leaves, from ripples on plastic-wrapped objects to the protein film on milk. The current understanding of an elementary descriptor of wrinkles--their wavelength--is restricted to deformations that are parallel, spatially uniform, and nearly planar. However, most naturally occurring wrinkles do not satisfy these stipulations. Here we present a scheme that quantitatively explains the wrinkle wavelength beyond such idealized situations. We propose a local law that incorporates both mechanical and geometrical effects on the spatial variation of wrinkle wavelength. Our experiments on thin polymer films provide strong evidence for its validity. Understanding how wavelength depends on the properties of the sheet and the underlying liquid or elastic subphase is crucial for applications where wrinkles are used to sculpt surface topography, to measure properties of the sheet, or to infer forces applied to a film.

Soft Matter ; 14(24): 4913-4934, 2018 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29761194


We consider the equilibrium of liquid droplets sitting on thin elastic sheets that are subject to a boundary tension and/or are clamped at their edge. We use scaling arguments, together with a detailed analysis based on the Föppl-von-Kármán equations, to show that the presence of the droplet may significantly alter the stress locally if the tension in the dry sheet is weak compared to an intrinsic elasto-capillary tension scale γ2/3(Et)1/3 (with γ the droplet surface tension, t the sheet thickness and E its Young modulus). Our detailed analysis suggests that some recent experiments may lie in just such a "non-perturbative" regime. As a result, measurements of the tension in the sheet at the contact line (inferred from the contact angles of the sheet with the liquid-vapour interface) do not necessarily reflect the true tension within the sheet prior to wetting. We discuss various characteristics of this non-perturbative regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(4): 048004, 2017 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28186795


Predicting the large-amplitude deformations of thin elastic sheets is difficult due to the complications of self contact, geometric nonlinearities, and a multitude of low-lying energy states. We study a simple two-dimensional setting where an annular polymer sheet floating on an air-water interface is subjected to different tensions on the inner and outer rims. The sheet folds and wrinkles into many distinct morphologies that break axisymmetry. These states can be understood within a recent geometric approach for determining the gross shape of extremely bendable yet inextensible sheets by extremizing an appropriate area functional. Our analysis explains the remarkable feature that the observed buckling transitions between wrinkled and folded shapes are insensitive to the bending rigidity of the sheet.

Soft Matter ; 13(11): 2264-2278, 2017 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28262872


We study the indentation of ultrathin elastic sheets clamped to the edge of a circular hole. This classical setup has received considerable attention lately, being used by various experimental groups as a probe to measure the surface properties and stretching modulus of thin solid films. Despite the apparent simplicity of this method, the geometric nonlinearity inherent in the mechanical response of thin solid objects renders the analysis of the resulting data a nontrivial task. Importantly, the essence of this difficulty is in the geometric coupling between in-plane stress and out-of-plane deformations, and hence is present in the behaviour of Hookean solids even when the slope of the deformed membrane remains small. Here we take a systematic approach to address this problem, using the membrane limit of the Föppl-von-Kármán equations. This approach highlights some of the dangers in the use of approximate formulae in the metrology of solid films, which can introduce large errors; we suggest how such errors may be avoided in performing experiments and analyzing the resulting data.

Nat Mater ; 19(7): 690-693, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32300200
Nat Mater ; 14(12): 1206-9, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26322716


Elastic sheets offer a path to encapsulating a droplet of one fluid in another that is different from that of traditional molecular or particulate surfactants. In wrappings of fluids by sheets of moderate thickness with petals designed to curl into closed shapes, capillarity balances bending forces. Here, we show that, by using much thinner sheets, the constraints of this balance can be lifted to access a regime of high sheet bendability that brings three major advantages: ultrathin sheets automatically achieve optimally efficient shapes that maximize the enclosed volume of liquid for a fixed area of sheet; interfacial energies and mechanical properties of the sheet are irrelevant within this regime, thus allowing for further functionality; and complete coverage of the fluid can be achieved without special sheet designs. We propose and validate a general geometric model that captures the entire range of this new class of wrapped and partially wrapped shapes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(10): 104301, 2016 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27636477


Twisted ribbons under tension exhibit a remarkably rich morphology, from smooth and wrinkled helicoids, to cylindrical or faceted patterns. This complexity emanates from the instability of the natural, helicoidal symmetry of the system, which generates both longitudinal and transverse stresses, thereby leading to buckling of the ribbon. Here, we focus on the tessellation patterns made of triangular facets. Our experimental observations are described within an "asymptotic isometry" approach that brings together geometry and elasticity. The geometry consists of parametrized families of surfaces, isometric to the undeformed ribbon in the singular limit of vanishing thickness and tensile load. The energy, whose minimization selects the favored structure among those families, is governed by the tensile work and bending cost of the pattern. This framework describes the coexistence lines in a morphological phase diagram, and determines the domain of existence of faceted structures.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(32): 12893-8, 2013 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23878214


Imposing curvature on crystalline sheets, such as 2D packings of colloids or proteins, or covalently bonded graphene leads to distinct types of structural instabilities. The first type involves the proliferation of localized defects that disrupt the crystalline order without affecting the imposed shape, whereas the second type consists of elastic modes, such as wrinkles and crumples, which deform the shape and also are common in amorphous polymer sheets. Here, we propose a profound link between these types of patterns, encapsulated in a universal, compression-free stress field, which is determined solely by the macroscale confining conditions. This "stress universality" principle and a few of its immediate consequences are borne out by studying a circular crystalline patch bound to a deformable spherical substrate, in which the two distinct patterns become, respectively, radial chains of dislocations (called "scars") and radial wrinkles. The simplicity of this set-up allows us to characterize the morphologies and evaluate the energies of both patterns, from which we construct a phase diagram that predicts a wrinkle-scar transition in confined crystalline sheets at a critical value of the substrate stiffness. The construction of a unified theoretical framework that bridges inelastic crystalline defects and elastic deformations opens unique research directions. Beyond the potential use of this concept for finding energy-optimizing packings in curved topographies, the possibility of transforming defects into shape deformations that retain the crystalline structure may be valuable for a broad range of material applications, such as manipulations of graphene's electronic structure.

Algoritmos , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Transición de Fase , Coloides/química , Simulación por Computador , Cristalización , Transferencia de Energía , Grafito/química , Cinética , Proteínas/química
Phys Rev Lett ; 114(1): 014301, 2015 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25615471


We study the indentation of a thin elastic film floating at the surface of a liquid. We focus on the onset of radial wrinkles at a threshold indentation depth and the evolution of the wrinkle pattern as indentation progresses far beyond this threshold. Comparison between experiments on thin polymer films and theoretical calculations shows that the system very quickly reaches the far from threshold regime, in which wrinkles lead to the relaxation of azimuthal compression. Furthermore, when the indentation depth is sufficiently large that the wrinkles cover most of the film, we recognize a novel mechanical response in which the work of indentation is transmitted almost solely to the liquid, rather than to the floating film. We attribute this unique response to a nontrivial isometry attained by the deformed film, and we discuss the scaling laws and the relevance of similar isometries to other systems in which a confined sheet is subjected to weak tensile loads.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 109(25): 9716-20, 2012 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22679292


Smooth wrinkles and sharply crumpled regions are familiar motifs in biological or synthetic sheets, such as rapidly growing plant leaves and crushed foils. Previous studies have addressed both morphological types, but the generic route whereby a featureless sheet develops a complex shape remains elusive. Here we show that this route proceeds through an unusual sequence of distinct symmetry-breaking instabilities. The object of our study is an ultrathin circular sheet stretched over a liquid drop. As the curvature is gradually increased, the surface tension stretching the sheet over the drop causes compression along circles of latitude. The compression is relieved first by a transition into a wrinkle pattern, and then into a crumpled state via a continuous transition. Our data provide conclusive evidence that wrinkle patterns in highly bendable sheets are not described by classical buckling methods, but rather by a theory which assumes that wrinkles completely relax the compressive stress. With this understanding we recognize the observed sequence of transitions as distinct symmetry breakings of the shape and the stress field. The axial symmetry of the shape is broken upon wrinkling but the underlying stress field preserves this symmetry. Thus, the wrinkle-to-crumple transition marks symmetry-breaking of the stress in highly bendable sheets. By contrast, other instabilities of sheets, such as blistering and cracking, break the homogeneity of shape and stress simultaneously. The onset of crumpling occurs when the wrinkle pattern grows to half the sheet's radius, suggesting a geometric, material-independent origin for this transition.