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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(4): 1872-1883, 2019 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30632556


Diffusion of small ions in materials with confined space for translational dynamics can be quite different to isotropic (3D) diffusion, which is found in the majority of solids. Finding credible indications for 2D diffusion is not as easy as it looks at first glance, especially if only powder samples are available. Here we chose the ternary fluoride RbSn2F5 as a new model system to seek out low-dimensional anion diffusion in a nanocrystalline material. We prepared RbSn2F5via mechanochemically-assisted solid state synthesis and used both ac conductivity spectroscopy and spin-lock NMR relaxation measurements to find evidence that the fluorine ions preferably diffuse between the Rb-rich layers. In both cases the diffusion induced spin-lock NMR rates are only consistent with conductivity data if they are analyzed with the semi-empirical spectral density function for 2D jump diffusion as introduced by P. M. Richards [Solid State Commun., 1978, 25, 1019].

Front Chem ; 8: 100, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32158744


Currently, a variety of solid Li+ conductors are being discussed that could potentially serve as electrolytes in all-solid-state Li-ion batteries and batteries using metallic Li as the anode. Besides oxides, sulfides and thioposphates, and also halogenides, such as Li3YBr6, belong to the group of such promising materials. Here, we report on the mechanosynthesis of ternary, nanocrystalline (defect-rich) Li[In x Li y ]Br4, which crystallizes with a spinel structure. We took advantage of a soft mechanochemical synthesis route that overcomes the limitations of classical solid-state routes, which usually require high temperatures to prepare the product. X-ray powder diffraction, combined with Rietveld analysis, was used to collect initial information about the crystal structure; it turned out that the lithium indium bromide prepared adopts cubic symmetry ( Fd 3 ¯ m ). The overall and electronic conductivity were examined via broadband conductivity spectroscopy and electrical polarization measurements. While electric modulus spectroscopy yielded information on long-range ion transport, 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation measurements revealed rapid, localized ionic hopping processes in the ternary bromide. Finally, we studied the influence of thermal treatment on overall conductivity, as the indium bromide might find applications in cells that are operated at high temperatures (330 K and above).

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 124(5): 2806-2816, 2020 Feb 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32064019


Solid-state electrolytes are crucial for the realization of safe and high capacity all-solid-state batteries. Lithium-containing complex hydrides represent a promising class of solid-state electrolytes, but they exhibit low ionic conductivities at room temperature. Ion substitution and nanoconfinement are the main strategies to overcome this challenge. Here, we report on the synthesis of nanoconfined anion-substituted complex hydrides in which the two strategies are effectively combined to achieve a profound increase in the ionic conductivities at ambient temperature. We show that the nanoconfinement of anion substituted LiBH4 (LiBH4-LiI and LiBH4-LiNH2) leads to an enhancement of the room temperature conductivity by a factor of 4 to 10 compared to nanoconfined LiBH4 and nonconfined LiBH4-LiI and LiBH4-LiNH2, concomitant with a lowered activation energy of 0.44 eV for Li-ion transport. Our work demonstrates that a combination of partial ion substitution and nanoconfinement is an effective strategy to boost the ionic conductivity of complex hydrides. The strategy could be applicable to other classes of solid-state electrolytes.

Chem Mater ; 32(17): 7445-7457, 2020 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32952297


Understanding the origins of fast ion transport in solids is important to develop new ionic conductors for batteries and sensors. Nature offers a rich assortment of rather inspiring structures to elucidate these origins. In particular, layer-structured materials are prone to show facile Li+ transport along their inner surfaces. Here, synthetic hectorite-type Li0.5[Mg2.5Li0.5]Si4O10F2, being a phyllosilicate, served as a model substance to investigate Li+ translational ion dynamics by both broadband conductivity spectroscopy and diffusion-induced 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation experiments. It turned out that conductivity spectroscopy, electric modulus data, and NMR are indeed able to detect a rapid 2D Li+ exchange process governed by an activation energy as low as 0.35 eV. At room temperature, the bulk conductivity turned out to be in the order of 0.1 mS cm-1. Thus, the silicate represents a promising starting point for further improvements by crystal chemical engineering. To the best of our knowledge, such a high Li+ ionic conductivity has not been observed for any silicate yet.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 12(34): 38570-38583, 2020 Aug 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32786241


Solid electrolytes based on LiBH4 receive much attention because of their high ionic conductivity, electrochemical robustness, and low interfacial resistance against Li metal. The highly conductive hexagonal modification of LiBH4 can be stabilized via the incorporation of LiI. If the resulting LiBH4-LiI is confined to the nanopores of an oxide, such as Al2O3, interface-engineered LiBH4-LiI/Al2O3 is obtained that revealed promising properties as a solid electrolyte. The underlying principles of Li+ conduction in such a nanocomposite are, however, far from being understood completely. Here, we used broadband conductivity spectroscopy and 1H, 6Li, 7Li, 11B, and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study structural and dynamic features of nanoconfined LiBH4-LiI/Al2O3. In particular, diffusion-induced 1H, 7Li, and 11B NMR spin-lattice relaxation measurements and 7Li-pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR experiments were used to extract activation energies and diffusion coefficients. 27Al magic angle spinning NMR revealed surface interactions of LiBH4-LiI with pentacoordinated Al sites, and two-component 1H NMR line shapes clearly revealed heterogeneous dynamic processes. These results show that interfacial regions have a determining influence on overall ionic transport (0.1 mS cm-1 at 293 K). Importantly, electrical relaxation in the LiBH4-LiI regions turned out to be fully homogenous. This view is supported by 7Li NMR results, which can be interpreted with an overall (averaged) spin ensemble subjected to uniform dipolar magnetic and quadrupolar electric interactions. Finally, broadband conductivity spectroscopy gives strong evidence for 2D ionic transport in the LiBH4-LiI bulk regions which we observed over a dynamic range of 8 orders of magnitude. Macroscopic diffusion coefficients from PFG NMR agree with those estimated from measurements of ionic conductivity and nuclear spin relaxation. The resulting 3D ionic transport in nanoconfined LiBH4-LiI/Al2O3 is characterized by an activation energy of 0.43 eV.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 9(11)2019 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31731412


Over the past years, ceramic fluorine ion conductors with high ionic conductivity have stepped into the limelight of materials research, as they may act as solid-state electrolytes in fluorine-ion batteries (FIBs). A factor of utmost importance, which has been left aside so far, is the electrochemical stability of these conductors with respect to both the voltage window and the active materials used. The compatibility with different current collector materials is important as well. In the course of this study, tysonite-type La 0.9 Ba 0.1 F 2.9 , which is one of the most important electrolyte in first-generation FIBs, was chosen as model substance to study its electrochemical stability against a series of metal electrodes viz. Pt, Au, Ni, Cu and Ag. To test anodic or cathodic degradation processes we carried out cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements using a two-electrode set-up. We covered a voltage window ranging from -1 to 4 V, which is typical for FIBs, and investigated the change of the response of the CVs as a function of scan rate (2 mV/s to 0.1 V/s). It turned out that Cu is unstable in combination with La 0.9 Ba 0.1 F 2.9 , even before voltage was applied. The cells with Au and Pt electrodes show reactions during the CV scans; in the case of Au the irreversible changes seen in CV are accompanied by a change in color of the electrode as investigated by light microscopy. Ag and Ni electrodes seem to suffer from contact issues which, most likely, also originate from side reactions with the electrode material. The experiments show that the choice of current collectors in future FIBs will become an important topic if we are to develop long-lasting FIBs. Most likely, protecting layers between the composite electrode material and the metal current collector have to be developed to prevent any interdiffusion or electrochemical degradation processes.