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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(20): 205001, 2021 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34860067


Heß spectral line shapes are important for diagnosing temperature and density in many dense plasmas. This work presents Heß line shapes measured with high spectral resolution from solid-density plasmas with minimized gradients. The line shapes show hallmark features of Stark broadening, including quantifiable redshifts and double-peaked structure with a significant dip between the peaks; these features are compared to models through a Markov chain Monte Carlo framework. Line shape theory using the dipole approximation can fit the width and peak separation of measured line shapes, but it cannot resolve an ambiguity between electron density n_{e} and ion temperature T_{i}, since both parameters influence the strength of quasistatic ion microfields. Here a line shape model employing a full Coulomb interaction for the electron broadening computes self-consistent line widths and redshifts through the monopole term; redshifts have different dependence on plasma parameters and thus resolve the n_{e}-T_{i} ambiguity. The measured line shapes indicate densities that are 80-100% of solid, identifying a regime of highly ionized but well-tamped plasma. This analysis also provides the first strong evidence that dense ions and electrons are not in thermal equilibrium, despite equilibration times much shorter than the duration of x-ray emission; cooler ions may arise from nonclassical thermalization rates or anomalous energy transport. The experimental platform and diagnostic technique constitute a promising new approach for studying ion-electron equilibration in dense plasmas.

Nature ; 517(7532): 56-9, 2015 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25557711


Nearly a century ago it was recognized that radiation absorption by stellar matter controls the internal temperature profiles within stars. Laboratory opacity measurements, however, have never been performed at stellar interior conditions, introducing uncertainties in stellar models. A particular problem arose when refined photosphere spectral analysis led to reductions of 30-50 per cent in the inferred amounts of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in the Sun. Standard solar models using the revised element abundances disagree with helioseismic observations that determine the internal solar structure using acoustic oscillations. This could be resolved if the true mean opacity for the solar interior matter were roughly 15 per cent higher than predicted, because increased opacity compensates for the decreased element abundances. Iron accounts for a quarter of the total opacity at the solar radiation/convection zone boundary. Here we report measurements of wavelength-resolved iron opacity at electron temperatures of 1.9-2.3 million kelvin and electron densities of (0.7-4.0) × 10(22) per cubic centimetre, conditions very similar to those in the solar region that affects the discrepancy the most: the radiation/convection zone boundary. The measured wavelength-dependent opacity is 30-400 per cent higher than predicted. This represents roughly half the change in the mean opacity needed to resolve the solar discrepancy, even though iron is only one of many elements that contribute to opacity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(23): 235001, 2019 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31298873


The first systematic study of opacity dependence on atomic number at stellar interior temperatures is used to evaluate discrepancies between measured and modeled iron opacity [J. E. Bailey et al., Nature (London) 517, 56 (2015)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/nature14048]. High-temperature (>180 eV) chromium and nickel opacities are measured with ±6%-10% uncertainty, using the same methods employed in the previous iron experiments. The 10%-20% experiment reproducibility demonstrates experiment reliability. The overall model-data disagreements are smaller than for iron. However, the systematic study reveals shortcomings in models for density effects, excited states, and open L-shell configurations. The 30%-45% underestimate in the modeled quasicontinuum opacity at short wavelengths was observed only from iron and only at temperature above 180 eV. Thus, either opacity theories are missing physics that has nonmonotonic dependence on the number of bound electrons or there is an experimental flaw unique to the iron measurement at temperatures above 180 eV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(7): 075001, 2017 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949679


The interpretation of x-ray spectra emerging from x-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei accreted plasmas relies on complex physical models for radiation generation and transport in photoionized plasmas. These models have not been sufficiently experimentally validated. We have developed a highly reproducible benchmark experiment to study spectrum formation from a photoionized silicon plasma in a regime comparable to astrophysical plasmas. Ionization predictions are higher than inferred from measured absorption spectra. Self-emission measured at adjustable column densities tests radiation transport effects, demonstrating that the resonant Auger destruction assumption used to interpret black hole accretion spectra is inaccurate.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(13): 135001, 2017 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28409959


We present narrow-band self-emission x-ray images from a titanium tracer layer placed at the fuel-shell interface in 60-laser-beam implosion experiments at the OMEGA facility. The images are acquired during deceleration with inferred convergences of ∼9-14. Novel here is that a systematically observed asymmetry of the emission is linked, using full sphere 3D implosion modeling, to performance-limiting low mode asymmetry of the drive.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(4)2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38624362


An experimental platform is developed for the investigation of the Zeeman effect in strong magnetic fields. Mega-Gauss magnetic fields are generated by a 1 MA Zebra pulsed power machine using metal rod loads. A gas jet or CH oil on the load is the source of hydrogen. Excited hydrogen atoms are backlit by black body radiation from the rod load. Hydrogen absorption spectra are recorded with a grating spectrometer and intensified gated CCD camera. The experimental platform enables the observation of the quadratic Zeeman effect in hydrogen gas jets using the spectral shift of the central line in the Zeeman triplet. Other gases can be studied using the gas jet method.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(4): 045001, 2013 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23931375


Mixing of plastic ablator material, doped with Cu and Ge dopants, deep into the hot spot of ignition-scale inertial confinement fusion implosions by hydrodynamic instabilities is diagnosed with x-ray spectroscopy on the National Ignition Facility. The amount of hot-spot mix mass is determined from the absolute brightness of the emergent Cu and Ge K-shell emission. The Cu and Ge dopants placed at different radial locations in the plastic ablator show the ablation-front hydrodynamic instability is primarily responsible for hot-spot mix. Low neutron yields and hot-spot mix mass between 34(-13,+50) ng and 4000(-2970,+17 160) ng are observed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113525, 2022 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461558


The Multi-Monochromatic X-ray Imager (MMI) is a time-gated spectrometer used in implosion experiments at the OMEGA laser facility. From the data, electron temperature and density spatial distributions can be obtained at different implosion times. Previous MMI designs used Ar K-shell emission (3-6 keV) as a spectroscopic tracer and provided a spectral resolution of around 20 eV. However, Ar K-shell line emission becomes less useful at electron temperatures above 2 keV due to over-ionization. Kr K-shell (12-16 keV) has been shown to be an attractive alternative to diagnose hot implosion cores in recent publications. The purpose of this paper is to show a new point design that allows the MMI to detect this higher photon energy range with suitable spectral resolution. The algorithm used to find the optimal design couples a ray-tracing code and an exhaustive parameter space search. This algorithm may be useful as a tool to find optimal MMI designs for other purposes, i.e., other spectral regions for other spectroscopic tracers. The main change between the two designs is the replacement of the multi-layer mirror with a flat Bragg Ge (220) crystal. The final Kr K-shell MMI design has a photon energy range from 12 to 16.1 keV.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103532, 2022 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319352


In a series of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments performed at the Z pulsed power accelerator of Sandia National Laboratories, beryllium liners filled with deuterium gas pressures in the 4-8 atm range and a tracer amount of krypton were imploded. At the collapse of the cylindrical implosion, temperatures in the 1-3 keV range and atom number densities of ∼1023 cm-3 were expected. The plasma was magnetized with a 10 T axial magnetic field. Krypton was added to the fuel for diagnosing implosion plasma conditions. Krypton K-shell line emission was recorded with the CRITR time-integrated transmission crystal x-ray spectrometer. The observation shows n = 2 to n = 1 line emissions in B-, Be-, Li-, and He-like Kr ions and is characteristic of the highest electron temperatures achieved in the thermonuclear plasma. Detailed modeling of the krypton atomic kinetics and radiation physics permits us to interpret the composite spectral feature, and it demonstrates that the spectrum is temperature sensitive. We discuss temperatures extracted from the krypton data analysis for experiments performed with several filling pressures.

Phys Rev E ; 106(4-2): 045206, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36397480


The Zeeman effect is used for measurement of magnetic fields in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Magnetic fields in atmospheres of magnetic white dwarf stars are in the range 40 kG-1 GG. The quadratic Zeeman effect results in the additional split and shift of lines for magnetic fields >2 MG. Hydrogen Balmer lines were studied in magnetic fields delivered by a 1 MA pulse power generator. The magnetic field was generated by rod loads 0.8-1 mm in diameter. A droplet of CH oil on the load center was the source of hydrogen. A low ionized oil layer was backlit by blackbody emission from the rod with a temperature of 0.5-0.6 eV. Zeeman splitting of H-alpha and H-beta absorption lines were with a grating spectrometer. A spectral shift of the central component of the triplet indicated the quadratic Zeeman effect in hydrogen lines.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113542, 2022 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461474


Magnetization of inertial confinement implosions is a promising means of improving their performance, owing to the potential reduction of energy losses within the target and mitigation of hydrodynamic instabilities. In particular, cylindrical implosions are useful for studying the influence of a magnetic field, thanks to their axial symmetry. Here, we present experimental results from cylindrical implosions on the OMEGA-60 laser using a 40-beam, 14.5 kJ, 1.5 ns drive and an initial seed magnetic field of B0 = 30 T along the axes of the targets, compared with reference results without an imposed B-field. Implosions were characterized using time-resolved x-ray imaging from two orthogonal lines of sight. We found that the data agree well with magnetohydrodynamic simulations, once radiation transport within the imploding plasma is considered. We show that for a correct interpretation of the data in these types of experiments, explicit radiation transport must be taken into account.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103527, 2022 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319349


A high-resolution x-ray spectrometer was coupled with an ultrafast x-ray streak camera to produce time-resolved line shape spectra measured from hot, solid-density plasmas. A Bragg crystal was placed near laser-produced plasma to maximize throughput; alignment tolerances were established by ray tracing. The streak camera produced single-shot, time-resolved spectra, heavily sloped due to photon time-of-flight differences, with sufficient reproducibility to accumulate photon statistics. The images are time-calibrated by the slope of streaked spectra and dewarped to generate spectra emitted at different times defined at the source. The streaked spectra demonstrate the evolution of spectral shoulders and other features on ps timescales, showing the feasibility of plasma parameter measurements on the rapid timescales necessary to study high-energy-density plasmas.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(4): 043502, 2022 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35489931


Plasma density measurements are key to a wide variety of high-energy-density (HED) and laboratory astrophysics experiments. We present a creative application of photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV) from which time- and spatially resolved electron density measurements can be made. PDV has been implemented for the first time in close proximity, ∼6 cm, to the high-intensity radiation flux produced by a z-pinch dynamic hohlraum on the Z-machine. Multiple PDV probes were incorporated into the photoionized gas cell platform. Two probes, spaced 4 mm apart, were used to assess plasma density and uniformity in the central region of the gas cell during the formation of the plasma. Electron density time histories with subnanosecond resolution were extracted from PDV measurements taken from the gas cells fielded with neon at 15 Torr. As well, a null shot with no gas fill in the cell was fielded. A major achievement was the low noise high-quality measurements made in the harsh environment produced by the mega-joules of x-ray energy emitted at the collapse of the z-pinch implosion. To evaluate time dependent radiation induced effects in the fiber optic system, two PDV noise probes were included on either side of the gas cell. The success of this alternative use of PDV demonstrates that it is a reliable, precise, and affordable new electron density diagnostic for radiation driven experiments and more generally HED experiments.

Phys Rev E ; 106(3-2): 035206, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36266806


Investigating the potential benefits of the use of magnetic fields in inertial confinement fusion experiments has given rise to experimental platforms like the Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion approach at the Z-machine (Sandia National Laboratories) or its laser-driven equivalent at OMEGA (Laboratory for Laser Energetics). Implementing these platforms at MegaJoule-scale laser facilities, such as the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) or the National Ignition Facility (NIF), is crucial to reaching self-sustained nuclear fusion and enlarges the level of magnetization that can be achieved through a higher compression. In this paper, we present a complete design of an experimental platform for magnetized implosions using cylindrical targets at LMJ. A seed magnetic field is generated along the axis of the cylinder using laser-driven coil targets, minimizing debris and increasing diagnostic access compared with pulsed power field generators. We present a comprehensive simulation study of the initial B field generated with these coil targets, as well as two-dimensional extended magnetohydrodynamics simulations showing that a 5 T initial B field is compressed up to 25 kT during the implosion. Under these circumstances, the electrons become magnetized, which severely modifies the plasma conditions at stagnation. In particular, in the hot spot the electron temperature is increased (from 1 keV to 5 keV) while the density is reduced (from 40g/cm^{3} to 7g/cm^{3}). We discuss how these changes can be diagnosed using x-ray imaging and spectroscopy, and particle diagnostics. We propose the simultaneous use of two dopants in the fuel (Ar and Kr) to act as spectroscopic tracers. We show that this introduces an effective spatial resolution in the plasma which permits an unambiguous observation of the B-field effects. Additionally, we present a plan for future experiments of this kind at LMJ.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(16): 165002, 2011 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107394


High-resolution laser diagnostics at the wavelength of 266 nm were applied for the investigation of Z pinches at the 1-MA generator. The internal structure of the stagnated Z pinches was observed in unprecedented detail. A dense pinch with strong instabilities was seen inside the column of the trailing plasma. Kink instability, disruptions, and micropinches were seen at the peak of the x-ray pulse and later in time. The three-dimensional structure of the stagnated Z pinch depends on the initial wire-array configuration and implosion scenario. Small-scale density perturbations were found in the precursor plasma and in the stagnated Z pinch. Development of instabilities is in agreement with three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(22): 225005, 2011 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21702609


Wire-array plasmas were investigated in the nonradiative ablation stage via x-ray absorption spectroscopy. A laser-produced Sm plasma was used to backlight Al wire arrays. The Sm spectrum was simultaneously observed by two spectrometers: one recorded the unattenuated spectrum and the other the transmission spectrum with 1.45-1.55 keV K-shell absorption lines. Analysis of absorption spectra revealed electron temperature in the range of 10-30 eV and the presence of F-, O-, N- and C-like Al ions in the absorbing plasma. A comparison of this electron temperature with the postprocessed absorption spectra of a 2D MHD simulation yields results in general agreement with the data analysis.

Phys Rev E ; 104(3-2): 035202, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34654098


We report experimental and modeling results for the charge state distribution of laboratory photoionized neon plasmas in the first systematic study over nearly an order of magnitude range of ionization parameter ξ∝F/N_{e}. The range of ξ is achieved by flexibility in the experimental platform to adjust either the x-ray drive flux F at the sample or the electron number density N_{e} or both. Experimental measurements of photoionized plasma conditions over such a range of parameters enable a stringent test of atomic kinetics models used within codes that are applied to photoionized plasmas in the laboratory and astrophysics. From experimental transmission data, ion areal densities are extracted by spectroscopic analysis that is independent of atomic kinetics modeling. The measurements reveal the net result of the competition between photon-driven ionization and electron-driven recombination atomic processes as a function of ξ as it affects the charge state distribution. Results from radiation-hydrodynamics modeling calculations with detailed inline atomic kinetics modeling are compared with the experimental results. There is good agreement in the mean charge and overall qualitative similarities in the trends observed with ξ but significant quantitative differences in the fractional populations of individual ions.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 051201, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575250


We discuss the experimental and modeling results for the x-ray heating and temperature of laboratory photoionized plasmas. A method is used to extract the electron temperature based on the analysis of transmission spectroscopy data that is independent of atomic kinetics modeling. The results emphasized the critical role of x-ray heating and radiation cooling in determining the energy balance of the plasma. They also demonstrated the dramatic impact of photoexcitation on excited-state populations, line emissivity, and radiation cooling. Modeling calculations performed with astrophysical codes significantly overestimated the measured temperature.

Phys Rev E ; 102(2-1): 023209, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942382


We present two-dimensional temperature measurements of magnetized and unmagnetized plasma experiments performed at Z relevant to the preheat stage in magnetized liner inertial fusion. The deuterium gas fill was doped with a trace amount of argon for spectroscopy purposes, and time-integrated spatially resolved spectra and narrow-band images were collected in both experiments. The spectrum and image data were included in two separate multiobjective analysis methods to extract the electron temperature spatial distribution T_{e}(r,z). The results indicate that the magnetic field increases T_{e}, the axial extent of the laser heating, and the magnitude of the radial temperature gradients. Comparisons with simulations reveal that the simulations overpredict the extent of the laser heating and underpredict the temperature. Temperature gradient scale lengths extracted from the measurements also permit an assessment of the importance of nonlocal heat transport.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 79(5 Pt 2): 056404, 2009 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19518573


It is known from experiments that the radiated x-ray energy appears to exceed the calculated implosion kinetic energy and Spitzer resistive heating [C. Deeney, Phys. Rev. A 44, 6762 (1991)] but possible mechanisms of the enhanced x-ray production are still being discussed. Enhanced plasma heating in small-diameter wire arrays with decreased calculated kinetic energy was investigated, and a review of experiments with cylindrical arrays of 1-16 mm in diameter on the 1 MA Zebra generator is presented in this paper. The implosion and x-ray generation in cylindrical wire arrays with different diameters were compared to find a transition from a regime where thermalization of the kinetic energy is the prevailing heating mechanism to regimes with other dominant mechanisms of plasma heating. Loads of 3-8 mm in diameter generate the highest x-ray power at the Zebra generator. The x-ray power falls in 1-2 mm loads which can be linked to the lower efficiency of plasma heating with the lack of kinetic energy. The electron temperature and density of the pinches also depend on the array diameter. In small-diameter arrays, 1-3 mm in diameter, ablating plasma accumulates in the inner volume much faster than in loads of 12-16 mm in diameter. Correlated bubblelike implosions were observed with multiframe shadowgraphy. Investigation of energy balance provides evidence for mechanisms of nonkinetic plasma heating in Z pinches. Formation and evolution of bright spots in Z pinches were studied with a time-gated pinhole camera. A comparison of x-ray images with shadowgrams shows that implosion bubbles can initiate bright spots in the pinch. Features of the implosions in small-diameter wire arrays are discussed to identify mechanisms of energy dissipation.