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Opt Lett ; 49(11): 2914-2917, 2024 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38824291


Traditional absorption spectroscopy has a fundamental difficulty in resolving small absorbance from a strong background due to the instability of laser sources. Existing background-free methods in broadband vibrational spectroscopy help to alleviate this problem but face challenges in realizing either low extinction ratios or time-resolved field measurements. Here, we introduce optical-parametric-amplification-enhanced background-free spectroscopy, in which the excitation background is first suppressed by an interferometer, and then the free-induction decay that carries molecular signatures is selectively amplified. We show that this method can improve the limit of detection in linear interferometry by order(s) of magnitude without requiring lower extinction ratios or a time-resolved measurement, which can benefit sensing applications in detecting trace species.

Opt Lett ; 48(15): 3917-3920, 2023 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37527082


On-chip ultraviolet (UV) sources are of great interest for building compact and scalable atomic clocks, quantum computers, and spectrometers. However, few material platforms are suitable for integrated UV light generation and manipulation. Of these materials, thin-film lithium niobate offers unique advantages such as sub-micron modal confinement, strong nonlinearity, and quasi-phase matching. Despite these characteristics, its utilization in the UV has remained elusive because of the substantial sensitivity of standard quasi-phase matching to fabrication imperfections, the photorefractive effect, and relatively large losses in this range. Here, we present efficient (197 ± 5%/W/cm2) second harmonic generation of UV-A light in a periodically poled lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguide. We achieve on-chip UV powers of ∼30 µW and linear wavelength tunability using temperature. These results are enabled with large cross section waveguides, which leads to first-order UV quasi-phase-matching with relatively long poling periods (>1.5 µm). By varying the poling period, we have achieved the shortest reported wavelength (355 nm) generated through frequency doubling in thin-film lithium niobate. Our results open up new avenues for UV on-chip sources and chip-scale photonics through compact frequency-doubling of common near-IR laser diodes.

Nat Mater ; 19(7): 725-731, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32203457


Spin models arise in the microscopic description of magnetic materials and have been recently used to map certain classes of optimization problems involving large degrees of freedom. In this regard, various optical implementations of such Hamiltonians have been demonstrated to quickly converge to the global minimum in the energy landscape. Yet, so far, an integrated nanophotonic platform capable of emulating complex magnetic materials is still missing. Here, we show that the cooperative interplay among vectorial electromagnetic modes in coupled metallic nanolasers can be utilized to implement certain types of spin Hamiltonians. Depending on the topology/geometry of the arrays, these structures can be governed by a classical XY Hamiltonian that exhibits ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings, as well as geometrical frustration. Our results pave the way towards a scalable nanophotonic platform to study spin exchange interactions and could address a variety of optimization problems.

Opt Express ; 27(15): 21102-21115, 2019 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31510193


We demonstrate optical waveguides fabricated in periodically poled MgO-doped stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystals using an fs-laser direct-write process. Two different waveguide architectures were developed: depressed cladding and stress-induced waveguides. Our strain-optic simulations confirmed the guiding mechanism for either case. We demonstrate designs optimized for low propagation loss (0.52 dB/cm) for both fundamental (1050 nm) and second-harmonic wavelengths (525 nm). Low-power CW second-harmonic-generation studies show normalized efficiencies comparable to that of annealed reverse-proton-exchange waveguides in lithium niobate. High-power studies demonstrate second-harmonic power levels up to 8.5 W in a single-pass configuration, using a 1-nm bandwidth CW IR fiber laser as a pump.

Opt Express ; 26(8): 9963-9971, 2018 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29715941


We report a broadband mid-infrared frequency comb with three-optical-cycle pulse duration centered around 4.2 µm, via half-harmonic generation using orientation-patterned GaP (OP-GaP) with ~43% conversion efficiency. We experimentally compare performance of GaP with GaAs and lithium niobate as the nonlinear element, and show how properties of GaP at this wavelength lead to generation of the shortest pulses and the highest conversion efficiency. These results shed new light on half-harmonic generation of frequency combs, and pave the way for generation of short-pulse intrinsically-locked frequency combs at longer wavelengths in the mid-infrared with high conversion efficiencies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(5): 053904, 2018 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481183


We report the first demonstration of a regime of operation in optical parametric oscillators (OPOs), in which the formation of temporal simultons produces stable femtosecond half-harmonic pulses. Simultons are simultaneous bright-dark solitons of a signal field at frequency ω and the pump field at 2ω, which form in a quadratic nonlinear medium. The formation of simultons in an OPO is due to the interplay of nonlinear pulse acceleration with the timing mismatch between the pump repetition period and the cold-cavity round-trip time and is evidenced by sech^{2} spectra with broad instantaneous bandwidths when the resonator is detuned to a slightly longer round-trip time than the pump repetition period. We provide a theoretical description of an OPO operating in a regime dominated by these dynamics, observe the distinct features of simulton formation in an experiment, and verify our results with numerical simulations. These results represent a new regime of operation in nonlinear resonators, which can lead to efficient and scalable sources of few-cycle frequency combs at arbitrary wavelengths.

Opt Lett ; 40(18): 4368-71, 2015 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371938


We demonstrate a femtosecond fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator (OPO) at degeneracy. The OPO cavity comprises an 80-cm-long fiber composed of a combination of normal and anomalous dispersion sections that provide a net intracavity group delay dispersion close to zero. By using a mode-locked, Yb-doped fiber laser as the pump, we achieved half-harmonic generation of 250-MHz, 1.2-nJ nearly transform-limited 97-fs pulses centered at 2090 nm with a total conversion efficiency of 36%.

Opt Express ; 22(9): 10494-9, 2014 May 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24921751


We report a fully stabilized 1030-nm Yb-fiber frequency comb operating at a pulse repetition frequency of 375 MHz. The comb spacing was referenced to a Rb-stabilized microwave synthesizer and the comb offset was stabilized by generating a super-continuum containing a coherent component at 780.2 nm which was heterodyned with a (87)Rb-stabilized external cavity diode laser to produce a radio-frequency beat used to actuate the carrier-envelope offset frequency of the Yb-fiber laser. The two-sample frequency deviation of the locked comb was 235 kHz for an averaging time of 50 seconds, and the comb remained locked for over 60 minutes with a root mean squared deviation of 236 kHz.

Opt Lett ; 39(4): 900-3, 2014 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24562236


We demonstrate a mid-IR frequency comb centered at 3120 nm with 650-nm (20-THz) bandwidth at a comb-teeth spacing of 500 MHz. The generated comb is based on a compact ring-type synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (SPOPO) operating at degeneracy and pumped by a mode-locked Er-doped 1560 nm fiber laser at a repetition rate of 100 MHz. We achieve high-repetition rate by using a fractional-length cavity with a roundtrip length of 60 cm, which is one-fifth of the length dictated by conventional synchronous pumping.

Opt Lett ; 38(15): 2865-8, 2013 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23903165


We report a supercontinuum spanning well over an octave of measurable bandwidth from about 1 to 3.7 µm in a 2.1 mm long As2S3 fiber taper using the in situ tapering method. A sub-100-fs mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser system with ~300 pJ of pulse energy was used as the pump source. Third-harmonic generation was observed and currently limits the pump pulse energy and achievable spectral bandwidth.

Light Sci Appl ; 12(1): 132, 2023 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253721


Cellular automata are a class of computational models based on simple rules and algorithms that can simulate a wide range of complex phenomena. However, when using conventional computers, these 'simple' rules are only encapsulated at the level of software. This can be taken one step further by simplifying the underlying physical hardware. Here, we propose and implement a simple photonic hardware platform for simulating complex phenomena based on cellular automata. Using this special-purpose computer, we experimentally demonstrate complex phenomena, including fractals, chaos, and solitons, which are typically associated with much more complex physical systems. The flexibility and programmability of our photonic computer present new opportunities to simulate and harness complexity for efficient, robust, and decentralized information processing using light.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1440, 2023 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36922499


Topology is central to phenomena that arise in a variety of fields, ranging from quantum field theory to quantum information science to condensed matter physics. Recently, the study of topology has been extended to open systems, leading to a plethora of intriguing effects such as topological lasing, exceptional surfaces, as well as non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence. Here, we show that Bloch eigenstates associated with lattices with dissipatively coupled elements exhibit geometric properties that cannot be described via scalar Berry phases, in sharp contrast to conservative Hamiltonians with non-degenerate energy levels. This unusual behavior can be attributed to the significant population exchanges among the corresponding dissipation bands of such lattices. Using a one-dimensional example, we show both theoretically and experimentally that such population exchanges can manifest themselves via matrix-valued operators in the corresponding Bloch dynamics. In two-dimensional lattices, such matrix-valued operators can form non-commuting pairs and lead to non-Abelian dynamics, as confirmed by our numerical simulations. Our results point to new ways in which the combined effect of topology and engineered dissipation can lead to non-Abelian topological phenomena.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1044, 2023 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36828826


Dual-comb spectroscopy has been proven beneficial in molecular characterization but remains challenging in the mid-infrared region due to difficulties in sources and efficient photodetection. Here we introduce cross-comb spectroscopy, in which a mid-infrared comb is upconverted via sum-frequency generation with a near-infrared comb of a shifted repetition rate and then interfered with a spectral extension of the near-infrared comb. We measure CO2 absorption around 4.25 µm with a 1-µm photodetector, exhibiting a 233-cm-1 instantaneous bandwidth, 28000 comb lines, a single-shot signal-to-noise ratio of 167 and a figure of merit of 2.4 × 106 Hz1/2. We show that cross-comb spectroscopy can have superior signal-to-noise ratio, sensitivity, dynamic range, and detection efficiency compared to other dual-comb-based methods and mitigate the limits of the excitation background and detector saturation. This approach offers an adaptable and powerful spectroscopic method outside the well-developed near-IR region and opens new avenues to high-performance frequency-comb-based sensing with wavelength flexibility.

Espectrofotometría Infrarroja , Relación Señal-Ruido
Sci Adv ; 9(30): eadf9711, 2023 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37494442


Widely tunable coherent sources are desirable in nanophotonics for a multitude of applications ranging from communications to sensing. The mid-infrared spectral region (wavelengths beyond 2 µm) is particularly important for applications relying on molecular spectroscopy. Among tunable sources, optical parametric oscillators typically offer some of the broadest tuning ranges; however, their implementations in nanophotonics have been limited to narrow tuning ranges in the infrared or to visible wavelengths. Here, we surpass these limits in dispersion-engineered periodically poled lithium niobate nanophotonics and demonstrate ultrawidely tunable optical parametric oscillators. Using 100 ns pulses near 1 µm, we generate output wavelengths tunable from 1.53 µm to 3.25 µm in a single chip with output powers as high as tens of milliwatts. Our results represent the first octave-spanning tunable source in nanophotonics extending into the mid-infrared, which can be useful for numerous integrated photonic applications.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 6549, 2023 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37848411


Optical frequency comb is an enabling technology for a multitude of applications from metrology to ranging and communications. The tremendous progress in sources of optical frequency combs has mostly been centered around the near-infrared spectral region, while many applications demand sources in the visible and mid-infrared, which have so far been challenging to achieve, especially in nanophotonics. Here, we report widely tunable frequency comb generation using optical parametric oscillators in lithium niobate nanophotonics. We demonstrate sub-picosecond frequency combs tunable beyond an octave extending from 1.5 up to 3.3 µm with femtojoule-level thresholds on a single chip. We utilize the up-conversion of the infrared combs to generate visible frequency combs reaching 620 nm on the same chip. The ultra-broadband tunability and visible-to-mid-infrared spectral coverage of our source highlight a practical and universal path for the realization of efficient frequency comb sources in nanophotonics, overcoming their spectral sparsity.

Science ; 382(6671): 708-713, 2023 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37943937


Mode-locked lasers (MLLs) generate ultrashort pulses with peak powers substantially exceeding their average powers. However, integrated MLLs that drive ultrafast nanophotonic circuits have remained elusive because of their typically low peak powers, lack of controllability, and challenges when integrating with nanophotonic platforms. In this work, we demonstrate an electrically pumped actively MLL in nanophotonic lithium niobate based on its hybrid integration with a III-V semiconductor optical amplifier. Our MLL generates [Formula: see text]4.8-ps optical pulses around 1065 nm at a repetition rate of ∼10 GHz, with energies exceeding 2.6 pJ and peak powers beyond 0.5 W. The repetition rate and the carrier-envelope offset frequency of the output can be controlled in a wide range by using the driving frequency and the pump current, providing a route for fully stabilized on-chip frequency combs.

Opt Express ; 20(17): 19322-30, 2012 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23038574


We demonstrate a novel all-optical quantum random number generator (RNG) based on above-threshold binary phase state selection in a degenerate optical parametric oscillator (OPO). Photodetection is not a part of the random process, and no post processing is required for the generated bit sequence. We show that the outcome is statistically random with 99% confidence, and verify that the randomness is due to the phase of initiating photons generated through spontaneous parametric down conversion of the pump, with negligible contribution of classical noise sources. With the use of micro- and nanoscale OPO resonators, this technique offers a promise for simple, robust, and high-speed on-chip all-optical quantum RNGs.

Amplificadores Electrónicos , Rayos Láser , Oscilometría/instrumentación , Procesamiento de Señales Asistido por Computador/instrumentación , Diseño Asistido por Computadora , Diseño de Equipo , Análisis de Falla de Equipo , Distribución Aleatoria
Opt Express ; 20(7): 7255-62, 2012 Mar 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22453407


We study coherence properties of a χ(²) optical parametric oscillator (OPO), which produces 2/3-octave-wide spectrum centered at the subharmonic (3120 nm) of the femtosecond pump laser. Our method consists of interfering the outputs of two identical, but independent OPOs pumped by the same laser. We demonstrate that the two OPOs show stable spatial and temporal interference and are mutually locked in frequency and in phase. By observing a collective heterodyne beat signal between the two OPOs we show that one can deterministically choose, by cavity length adjustment, between the two frequency states corresponding to the two sets of modes shifted with respect to each other by half of the laser pulse repetition rate. Moreover, we observe that the existence of two opposite phase states, a known common feature of a parametrically driven n = 2 subharmonic oscillator, reveals itself in our experiment as a common phase, 0 or π, being established through the whole set of some 300 thousand longitudinal modes.

Amplificadores Electrónicos , Láseres de Estado Sólido , Oscilometría/instrumentación , Diseño de Equipo , Análisis de Falla de Equipo , Rayos Infrarrojos
Opt Express ; 20(25): 27589-95, 2012 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23262708


We report generation of 48 fs pulses at a center wavelength of 2070 nm using a degenerate optical parametric oscillator (OPO) synchronously-pumped with a commercially available 36-MHz, femtosecond, mode-locked, Yb-doped fiber laser. The spectral bandwidth of the output is ~137 nm, corresponding to a theoretical, transform-limited pulse width of 33 fs. The threshold of the OPO is less than 10 mW of average pump power. By tuning the cavity length, the output spectrum covers a spectral width of more than 400 nm, limited only by the bandwidth of the cavity mirrors.

Láseres de Estado Sólido , Oscilometría/instrumentación , Oscilometría/métodos , Diseño de Equipo , Dinámicas no Lineales , Refractometría/instrumentación , Refractometría/métodos , Transductores , Iterbio/química
Opt Express ; 20(22): 24218-25, 2012 Oct 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23187184


We demonstrate mid-infrared (mid-IR) supercontinuum generation (SCG) with instantaneous bandwidth from 2.2 to 5 µm at 40 dB below the peak, covering the wavelength range desirable for molecular spectroscopy and numerous other applications. The SCG occurs in a tapered As(2)S(3) fiber prepared by in-situ tapering and is pumped by femtosecond pulses from the subharmonic of a mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser. Interference with a narrow linewidth c.w. laser verifies that the coherence properties of the near-IR frequency comb have been preserved through these cascaded nonlinear processes. With this approach stable broad mid-IR frequency combs can be derived from commercially available near-IR frequency combs without an extra stabilization mechanism.