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Soft Matter ; 20(36): 7103-7110, 2024 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176458


Despite many attempts, the relationship between the fracture and structure of polymer networks is yet to be clarified. For this problem, a recent study on phantom chain simulations [Y. Masubuchi et al., Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 9359-9367.] has demonstrated that the fracture characteristics obtained for polymer networks with various node functionalities and conversion ratios lie on master curves if they are plotted against cycle rank, which is the number of closed loops in the network per network node. In this study, we extended the simulation to the effect of prepolymer concentration c on the relationships between the cycle rank and fracture characteristics within the concentration range of 1 ≲ c/c* ≲ 10, concerning the overlapping concentration c*. We created networks from sols of star-branched phantom bead-spring chains via an end-linking reaction between different chains through Brownian dynamics simulations upon varying the number of branching arms f from 1 to 8, and the conversion ratio φc from 0.6 to 0.95. For the resultant networks, the cycle rank ξ was consistent with the mean-field theory. The networks were uniaxially stretched with energy minimization until break to obtain modulus G, strain at break εb, stress at break σb, and work for fracture Wb. As reported earlier, εb data for various f and φc are located on a master curve if plotted against ξ. The other quantities also draw master curves as functions of ξ if normalized by the branch point density υbr. The master curves depend on c; as c increases, all the mechanical characteristics monotonically increase. If we plot σb/υbr and Wb/υbr against G/υbr, the data for various f and φc lie on master curves but depending on c. Consequently, the fracture characteristics are not solely described by the modulus.

Soft Matter ; 18(25): 4715-4724, 2022 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35703364


We studied the effect of arm length contrast of prepolymers on the mechanical properties of tetra-branched networks via Brownian dynamics simulations. We employed a bead-spring model without the excluded volume interactions, and we did not consider the solvent explicitly. Each examined 4-arm star branch prepolymer has uneven arm lengths to attain two-against-two (2a2) or one-against-three (1a3) configurations. The arm length contrast was varied from 38-2 to 20-20 for 2a2, and from 5-25 to 65-5 for 1a3, with the fixed total bead number of 81, including the single bead located at the branch point for prepolymers. We distributed 400 molecules in the simulation box with periodic boundary conditions, and the bead number density was fixed at 4. We created polymer networks by cross-end-coupling of equilibrated tetra-branched prepolymers. To mimic the experiments of tetra gels, we discriminated the molecules into two types and allowed the reaction only between different types of molecules at their end beads. The final conversion ratio was more than 99%, at which unreacted dangling ends are negligible. We found that the fraction of double linkage, in which two of the four arms connect a pair of branch points, increases from 3% to 15% by increasing the arm length contrast. We stretched the resultant tetra-type networks to obtain the ratio of mechanically effective strands. We found that the ratio is 96% for the monodisperse system, decreasing to 90% for high arm length contrast. We introduced bond scission according to the bond stretching to observe the network fracture under sufficiently slow elongation. The fracture behavior was not correlated with the fraction of double linkage because the scission occurs at single linkages.

J Chem Phys ; 154(4): 044901, 2021 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33514110


Despite lots of attempts on the bridging between full-atomistic and coarse-grained models for polymers, a practical methodology has not been established yet. One of the problems is computation costs for the determination of spatial and temporal conversion parameters, which are ideally obtained for the long chain limit. In this study, we propose a practical, yet quantitative, bridging method utilizing the simulation results for rather short chains. We performed full-atomistic simulations for polybutadiene and some poly(butadiene-styrene) copolymers in the melt state by varying the number of repeating units as 20, 30, and 40. We attempted to construct corresponding coarse-grained models for such systems. We employed the Kremer-Grest type bead-spring chains with bending rigidity. The stiffness parameter of coarse-grained models and the spatial conversion factor between the full-atomistic and coarse-grained models were obtained according to the conformational statistics of polymer chains. Although such a bridging strategy is similar to the earlier studies, we incorporated the molecular weight dependence of the conformational statistics for the first time. By introducing several empirical functions of the conformational statistics for the molecular weight dependence, we attained a rigorous bridging for the conformational statistics. We confirmed that the structural distribution functions of the coarse-grained systems are entirely consistent with the target full-atomistic ones. Owing to the structural conversion parameters thus obtained, we constructed the coarse-grained models that corresponded to the polymers consisting of 200 repeating units and traced the segmental diffusion. The full-atomistic simulations were also performed from the initial configurations created from the equilibrated coarse-grained models via the back-mapping scheme. From the comparison of the mean-square-displacement of the segments positioned at the middle of the chain, we obtained the temporal conversion factors.

Soft Matter ; 16(4): 1056-1065, 2020 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859310


Branchpoint Withdrawal (BPW) has been recognized as one of the important molecular mechanisms for the description of the dynamics of entangled branched polymers under fast flows. However, the relation to the other known molecular mechanisms has not been fully elucidated yet. In this study we performed primitive chain network (i.e., multi-chain slip-link) Brownian simulations for a melt of a well-characterized monodisperse polystyrene H-polymer, for which the linear viscoelasticity and shear viscosity growth curves at several shear rates are available in the literature. After confirming the consistency of the simulations with the rheological data, we used the simulations to analyze the molecular motion in detail. The results reveal that molecular tumbling occurs in branched polymers just as in linear ones, and that it is accelerated by BPW. Furthermore, BPW not only mitigates backbone stretch, as expected, but also arm stretch. However, because the transient startup viscosity is anyhow dominated by chain stretch dynamics rather than by molecular tumbling, our results rationalize the fact that pom-pom theories successfully ignore tumbling in shear flows.

Soft Matter ; 16(28): 6654-6661, 2020 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32618991


The non-linear viscoelastic response under interrupted shear flows is one of the interesting characteristics of entangled polymers. In particular, the stress overshoot in the resumed shear has been discussed concerning the recovery of the entanglement network in some studies. In this study, we performed multichain slip-link simulations to observe the molecular structure of an entangled polymer melt. After confirming the reasonable reproducibility of our simulation with the literature data, we analyzed the molecular characteristics following the decoupling approximation. We reasonably found that the segment orientation dominates the stress overshoot even under the resumed shear with minor contributions from the segment stretch and entanglement density. We defined the mitigation function for the recovery of the stress overshoot as a function of the rest time and compared it with the relaxation of the molecular quantities after the initial shear. As a result, we have found that the mitigation of the stress overshoot coincides with the relaxation of entanglement density.

Soft Matter ; 15(25): 5109-5115, 2019 Jun 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31188385


Although the reaction kinetics of network formation of polymers has been extensively investigated, the role of entanglement between polymers has not been fully elucidated yet. In this study, we discuss the effect of entanglement via multi-chain slip-spring simulations, in which Rouse chains are dispersed in space and connected by slip-springs that mimic the entanglement. For stoichiometric conditions for the systems containing pre-polymers and cross-linkers, the simulations without slip-springs exhibited reaction kinetics that is consistent with the earlier mean-field theory. Meanwhile, the inclusion of slip-springs in the system retards the reaction in the post-gel stage after the percolation of the system. According to the analysis of the network structure, the reaction in the post-gel stage is dominated by the tethered chains. The entanglement indirectly retards the reaction kinetics through the suppression of tethered chain dynamics.

Soft Matter ; 14(29): 5986-5994, 2018 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29926890


Although lots of coarse-grained models have been proposed to trace the long-term behaviors of entangled polymers, compatibility among the different models has not been frequently discussed. In this study, some dynamical and static quantities, such as diffusion, relaxation modulus, chain dimension, and entanglement density, were examined for the multi-chain slip-link model (primitive chain network model) and the multi-chain slip-spring model, and the results were compared with those reported for the standard bead-spring model. For the diffusion, three models are compatible with scale-conversion parameters for units of length, time and bead (segment) number (or the molecular weight). The relaxation modulus is also compatible given that the model dependence can be accommodated by the entanglement density and the additional scale-conversion for the unit of modulus. The chain dimension is reasonably coincident with small deviations due to the weak non-Gaussianity of the models. Apart from these plausible compatibilities, significant discrepancies have been found for the inter-chain cross-correlations in the relaxation modulus.

Soft Matter ; 13(37): 6515-6520, 2017 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28894873


Many biopolymer gels generate negative normal stress, with which the polymer networks shrink in the normal of applied shear. Here we theoretically predict the sliding velocity of such a gel on a solid surface when a constant shear stress is applied to the gel. Our theory predicts that the negative normal stress drives the flow of the solvent in the gel and this produces a solvent layer between the gel and the surface. The sliding velocity of the gel is proportional to the thickness of the solvent layer and is a cubic function of the applied shear stress. With constant applied normal and shear stresses, the thickness of the solvent layer is a non-monotonic function of time with a maximum because the solvent flow from the gel to the solvent layer is dominant in the short time scale and the solvent flow from the solvent layer to the outside is dominant in a longer time scale. The maximum layer thickness depends on the ratio of the time scales of the solvent flow in the gel and in the solvent layer.

Soft Matter ; 13(37): 6585-6593, 2017 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28902216


Probe rheology experiments, in which the dynamics of a small amount of probe chains dissolved in immobile matrix chains is discussed, have been performed for the development of molecular theories for entangled polymer dynamics. Although probe chain dynamics in probe rheology is considered hypothetically as single chain dynamics in fixed tube-shaped confinement, it has not been fully elucidated. For instance, the end-to-end relaxation of probe chains is slower than that for monodisperse melts, unlike the conventional molecular theories. In this study, the viscoelastic and dielectric relaxations of probe chains were calculated by primitive chain network simulations. The simulations semi-quantitatively reproduced the dielectric relaxation, which reflects the effect of constraint release on the end-to-end relaxation. Fair agreement was also obtained for the viscoelastic relaxation time. However, the viscoelastic relaxation intensity was underestimated, possibly due to some flaws in the model for the inter-chain cross-correlations between probe and matrix chains.

J Chem Phys ; 147(18): 184903, 2017 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29141414


Although it has not been frequently discussed, contributions of the orientational cross-correlation (OCC) between entangled polymers are not negligible in the relaxation modulus. In the present study, OCC contributions were investigated for 4- and 6-arm star-branched and H-branched polymers by means of multi-chain slip-link simulations. Owing to the molecular-level description of the simulation, the segment orientation was traced separately for each molecule as well as each subchain composing the molecules. Then, the OCC was calculated between different molecules and different subchains. The results revealed that the amount of OCC between different molecules is virtually identical to that of linear polymers regardless of the branching structure. The OCC between constituent subchains of the same molecule is significantly smaller than the OCC between different molecules, although its intensity and time-dependent behavior depend on the branching structure as well as the molecular weight. These results lend support to the single-chain models given that the OCC effects are embedded into the stress-optical coefficient, which is independent of the branching structure.

J Chem Phys ; 143(22): 224905, 2015 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26671402


In spite of lots of attempts, polymer dynamics under fast flow still remains unrevealed. One of the unsolved issues is the insensitivity of end-to-end relaxation of entangled polymers to shear reported by Watanabe et al. [Macromolecules 35, 8802 (2002)] and recently re-examined by Horio et al. [Macromolecules 47, 246 (2014)]. In this study, the effects of degree of freedom below entanglement segment were investigated on the polymer dynamics by the modified multi-chain slip-spring model. The model was validated through the consistency with earlier simulations and experiments for the shear rate dependence of viscosity, end-to-end dimension projected in the shear gradient direction, entanglement density, and anisotropic diffusion tensor. However, the end-to-end relaxation is accelerated under fast shear to follow the earlier multi-chain slip-link model and modified tube model simulations. The results are insensitive to the number of beads between entanglements, supporting the validity of further coarse-grained models. Nevertheless, the flow insensitivity of end-to-end relaxation of entangled linear chains has remained unsolved.

J Chem Phys ; 141(19): 194904, 2014 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25416909


Bidisperse melts of linear, entangled polymer chains were studied using dissipative particle dynamics. The entanglement constraints were mimicked with our newly developed slip-spring approach. The compositions cover blends with short matrix chains, slightly above the molecular entanglement weight as well as blends were both chain lengths exhibit distinct entangled dynamics at various weight fractions. The Struglinsky-Graessley parameter Gr, which is the ratio between the relaxation time of the long chains due to pure reptation and the relaxation time of the tube caused by constraint release, ranges between values high above and below unity. We compare our slip-spring model with simulations that use conventional generic polymer models where bond crossings are prevented by excluded-volume interactions and find fairly good agreement in terms of the mean squared displacement. However, the slip-spring approach requires only a fraction of the computational time, making large scale systems feasible. The dynamical interference of the two different chain lengths is discussed in terms of reptation and constraint release dynamics. For bidisperse melt compositions with Gr < 1.0 the relaxation time of the long chain component is not affected by constraint release. However, for compositions where constraint release is supposed to contribute significantly to the relaxation mechanism (Gr > 1.0), we find strong evidence that the long chains reptate inside a dilated tube whose diameter increases with an exponent of 1/2 towards lower weight fraction of the long chains. Furthermore we observe a linear relation between the relaxation time and weight fraction. Therefore, based on the relaxation times, our results support the validity of the tube dilation model as proposed by Doi et al. [Macromolecules 20, 1900-1906 (1987)].

Polymers (Basel) ; 16(11)2024 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38891402


A few experiments have reported that the time development of shear stress under fast-startup shear deformations exhibits double peaks before reaching a steady state for bimodal blends of entangled linear polymers under specific conditions. To understand this phenomenon, multi-chain slip-link simulations, based on the primitive chain network model, were conducted on the literature data of a bimodal polystyrene solution. Owing to reasonable agreement between their data and our simulation results, the stress was decomposed into contributions from long- and short-chain components and decoupled into segment number, stretch, and orientation. The analysis revealed that the first and second peaks correspond to the short-chain orientation and the long-chain stretch, respectively. The results also implied that the peak positions are not affected by the mixing of short and long chains, although the intensity of the second peak depends on mixing conditions in a complicated manner.

Gels ; 10(9)2024 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39330206


Recently, cellulose and other biomass nanofibers (NFs) have been increasingly utilized in the design of sustainable materials for environmental, biomedical, and other applications. However, the past literature lacks a comparison of the macromolecular and nanofibrous states of biopolymers in various materials, and the advantages and limitations of using nanofibers (NF) instead of conventional polymers are poorly understood. To address this question, hydrogels based on interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPECs) between carboxymethyl cellulose nanofibers (CMCNFs) and chitosan (CS) were prepared by ele+ctrostatic cross-linking and compared with the hydrogels of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and CS biopolymers. The presence of the rigid CMCNF altered the mechanism of the IPEC assembly and drastically affected the structure of IPEC hydrogels. The swelling ratios of CMCNF-CS hydrogels of ca. 40% were notably lower than the ca. 100-300% swelling of CMC-CS hydrogels. The rheological measurements revealed a higher storage modulus (G') of the CMCNF-CS hydrogel, reaching 13.3 kPa compared to only 3.5 kPa measured for the CMC-CS hydrogel. Further comparison of the adsorption characteristics of the CMCNF-CS and CMC-CS hydrogels toward Cu2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+ ions showed the slightly higher adsorption capacity of CMC-CS for Cu2+ but similar adsorption capacities for Cd2+ and Hg2+. The adsorption kinetics obeyed the pseudo-second-order adsorption model in both cases. Overall, while the replacement of CMC with CMCNF in hydrogel does not significantly affect the performance of such systems as adsorbents, CMCNF imparts IPEC hydrogel with higher stiffness and a frequency-independent loss (G″) modulus and suppresses the hydrogel swelling, so can be beneficial in practical applications that require stable performance under various dynamic conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 138(10): 104907, 2013 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23514519


We report a multi-chain approach for dissipative particle dynamics where the uncrossability constraints of polymer chains are mimicked by temporary cross-links, so-called slip-springs. The conformational statistics of the chains are not affected by the introduction of slip-springs. Dynamical properties such as mean square displacements, diffusion coefficient, and longest relaxation time are in good agreement with the results of reptation theory. According to our analysis, the present formalism is 500 times faster and requires 7 times fewer beads than conventional generic polymer models employing Newtonian dynamics and excluded-volume potentials.

Phys Rev E ; 107(4-1): 044604, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37198810


Rod-shaped particles embedded in certain matrices have been reported to exhibit an increase in their center of mass diffusivity upon increasing the matrix density. This increase has been considered to be caused by a kinetic constraint in analogy with tube models. We investigate a mobile rodlike particle in a sea of immobile point obstacles using a kinetic Monte Carlo scheme equipped with a Markovian process, that generates gaslike collision statistics, so that such kinetic constraints do essentially not exist. Even in such a system, provided the particle's aspect ratio exceeds a threshold value of about 24, the unusual increase in the rod diffusivity emerges. This result implies that the kinetic constraint is not a necessary condition for the increase in the diffusivity.

Phys Rev E ; 107(1-1): 014605, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36797902


Diffusivity in some soft matter and biological systems changes with time, called the fluctuating diffusivity. In this work, we propose a novel origin for fluctuating diffusivity based on stochastic simulations of binary gas mixtures. In this system, the fraction of one component is significantly small, and the mass of the minor component molecule is different from that of the major component. The minor component exhibits fluctuating diffusivity when its mass is sufficiently smaller than that of the major component. We elucidate that this fluctuating diffusivity is caused by the time scale separation between the relaxation of the velocity direction and the speed of the minor component molecule.

J Chem Phys ; 137(15): 154902, 2012 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23083186


It has been established that entangled polymer dynamics can be reasonably described by single chain models such as tube and slip-link models. Although the entanglement effect is a result of hard-core interaction between chains, linkage between the single chain models and the real multi-chain system has not been established yet. In this study, we propose a multi-chain slip-spring model where bead-spring chains are dispersed in space and connected by slip-springs inspired by the single chain slip-spring model [A. E. Likhtman, Macromolecules 38, 6128 (2005)]. In this model the entanglement effect is replaced by the slip-springs, not by the hard-core interaction between beads so that this model is located in the niche between conventional multi-chain simulations and single chain models. The set of state variables are the position of beads and the connectivity (indices) of the slip-springs between beads. The dynamics of the system is described by the time evolution equation and stochastic transition dynamics for these variables. We propose a simple model which is based on the well-defined total free-energy and detailed balance condition. The free energy in our model contains a repulsive interaction between beads, which compensate the attractive interaction artificially generated by the slip-springs. The explicit expression of linear relaxation modulus is also derived by the linear response theory. We also propose a possible numerical scheme to perform simulations. Simulations reproduced expected bead number dependence in transitional regime between Rouse and entangled dynamics for the chain structure, the central bead diffusion, and the linear relaxation modulus.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(15): 2930-2941, 2022 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35298156


The multichain slip-spring (MCSS) model is one of the coarse-grained models of polymers developed in the niche between bead-spring models and tube type descriptions. In this model, polymers are represented by Rouse chains connected by virtual springs that temporally connect the chains, hop along the chain, and are constructed and annihilated at the chain ends. Earlier studies have shown that MCSS simulations can nicely reproduce entangled and unentangled polymer dynamics. However, the model parameters have been chosen arbitrarily, and their effects have not been reported. In this study, for the first time, we systematically investigated the effects of model parameters: fugacity of virtual springs, its intensity, and the Rouse bead density. We validated the employed simulation code by confirming that the statistics of the system follow the theoretical setup. Namely, the virtual spring density is correctly controlled, and polymer chains exhibit ideal chain statistics irrespective of the chosen parameter values. For diffusion and linear viscoelasticity, simulation results obtained for different parameters can be superposed with each other by conversion factors for the bead number per chain and units of length, time, and modulus. These conversion factors follow scaling laws concerning the number of Rouse segments between two consecutive anchoring points of virtual springs along the polymer chain. Besides, diffusion and viscoelasticity excellently agree with literature data for the standard bead-spring simulation. These results imply that the coarse-graining level for the MCSS model can be arbitrarily chosen and controlled by model parameters.

Polymers (Basel) ; 14(4)2022 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35215654


It has been established that the elongational rheology of polymers depends on their chemistry. However, the analysis of experimental data has been reported for only a few polymers. In this study, we analyzed the elongational viscosity of poly (propylene carbonate) (PPC) melts in terms of monomeric friction via primitive chain network simulations. By incorporating a small polydispersity of materials, the linear viscoelastic response was semi-quantitatively reproduced. Owing to this agreement, we determined units of time and modulus to carry out elongational simulations. The simulation with constant monomeric friction overestimated elongational viscosity, whereas it nicely captured the experimental data if friction decreased with increasing segment orientation. To see the effect of chemistry, we also conducted the simulation for a polystyrene (PS) melt, which has a similar entanglement number per chain and a polydispersity index. The results imply that PPC and PS behave similarly in terms of the reduction of friction under fast deformations.