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PhytoKeys ; 242: 31-37, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38774389


Vacciniumdehongense (Ericaceae), a new species from Yingjiang County of Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species belongs to Vacciniumsect.Epigynium and is most similar to V.vacciniaceum, but differs from the latter in the subsessile leaves, the inflorescence usually developing at leafless nodes, the shorter pedicels and the filaments being ca. 1/3 length of the stamens. Since the type locality of this new species is very near the border between China and Myanmar, it is probably also distributed in the adjacent area of Myanmar. As no population assessment of this species in its whole distribution area is made, it is best to assign a conservation status of 'Data Deficient' (DD) for this species.

PhytoKeys ; 226: 17-32, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37207078


Sasaoblongula was described in 1987 based on a cultivated plant at the bamboo garden of Sun Yat-sen University. This species has two or three branches at the upper nodes, which differ from the rest of Sasa species that have a single branch per node. During the field trip to Baishi Town, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province in July 2021, one bamboo species with oblong foliage leaves was collected and matches the isotype. Then, our question was to test the identity of S.oblongula concerning other Sasa species based on morphology and molecular data. To do that, we sequenced the whole chloroplast genome of S.oblongula and did a phylogenetic analysis. Our morphological results indicate that the new collection is S.oblongula. The phylogenetic tree showed that S.oblongula is close to Pseudosasa, instead of Sasa species. Therefore, we transferred it to the genus Pseudosasa, and a revised description of P.oblongula is provided here.

PhytoKeys ; 221: 131-145, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37250355


Pseudosasa was confirmed as polyphyletic by recent phylogenetic analyses, with Chinese species of Pseudosasa distantly related to those from Japan. Among the Chinese species of Pseudosasa, Pseudosasapubiflora is a morphologically unique as well as taxonomically problematic species endemic to South China, of which the generic designation is still uncertain. Molecular analyses based on both plastid and nuclear genomic data demonstrated that this species is closest to the recently published genus Sinosasa. Morphologically, the two are somewhat similar to each other in flowering branches developing at the nodes of every order of branches, raceme-like units of inflorescence with 3-5 short spikelets, each spikelet with few florets including a rudimentary one at the apex, and each floret with 3 stamens and 2 stigmas. However, P.pubiflora is very different from Sinosasa species in many reproductive and vegetative characters, such as the morphology of paracladia (lateral spikelet "pedicels"), the absence or existence of pulvinus at the base of paracladia, the relative length of the upper glume and the lowest lemma, the shape of lodicules and primary culm buds, the branch complement, the morphology of nodes, culm leaves and dried foliage leaf blades, and the number of foliage leaves per ultimate branchlet. The morphological and molecular evidence warrants recognition of a new genus to accommodate this unique species, which is here named Kengiochloa. After consulting related literature and examination of herbarium specimens or specimen photos, a taxonomic revision of K.pubiflora and its synonyms was made, and it was confirmed that four names, viz. P.gracilis, Yushanialanshanensis, Arundinariatenuivagina and P.parilis, should be merged with K.pubiflora, while Indocalamuspallidiflorus and Acidosasapaucifolia are distinct species.

PhytoKeys ; 218: 11-18, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36762274


Sasatomentosa is transferred to the genus Yushania following a reassessment based on a new collection with pachymorph and long-necked rhizomes from its type locality in Guangxi, China. Morphologically, it is most similar to Yushaniadoupengshanensis, but differs in culm, branch complement and foliage leaf characters. A revised description of its morphology and color photos are also provided.

PhytoKeys ; 226: 53-63, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37207081


The results of phylogenetic analysis, based on the whole chloroplast genome and morphological study support the transfer of a long ignored bamboo species, Sasagracilis, to the recently established genus, Sinosasa, in this study. Morphologically, this species differs from all the other known Sinosasa species by having very short (2-3 mm) foliage leaf inner ligules, which is unusual in this genus. A revised description of its morphology and colour photos are also provided.

PhytoKeys ; 236: 113-119, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38106513


Vacciniumchaozhouense (Ericaceae), a new species from East Guangdong Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to V.wrightii by having flowers with persistent and leaf-like bracts, long pedicels, and white spherical-urceolate corollas, but is distinguished by having glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf blade, shorter pedicels, sparsely pilose corolla ridges, and anther thecae longer than the tubules. A key to the new species and morphologically similar species is also provided.

PhytoKeys ; 236: 187-195, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38162924


Vacciniumusneoides (Ericaceae), a new species from Fugong County of Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species belongs to Vacciniumsect.Calcicolus and is most similar to V.brachyandrum, but differs in its branches hanging down, much smaller leaf blades, shorter inflorescences and pedicels, non-glandular tomentellate or densely pubescent inflorescence rachis and pedicels, densely white-pubescent hypanthium and pilose filaments.

PhytoKeys ; 213: 143-159, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36762244


Due to their specialised flowering biology where frequent or even annual flowering is uncommon, reproductive materials of bamboos are not always available, so hampering taxonomic interpretation and research into other aspects. Bambusacontracta, B.corniculata, B.cornigera and B.subtruncata were established only based on vegetative materials and flowering or fruiting material has been hitherto unknown. The floral morphology of these four species is described for the first time and, correspondingly, epitypes are designated to support a more complete interpretation of the species.

PhytoKeys ; 138: 163-177, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31988611


A new genus of Arundinarieae, Khoonmengia, is established to accommodate a unique new bamboo species, K. honbaensis, from central-southern Vietnam. The morphological features, habitats and distribution of Khoonmengia and related genera, i.e. Ampelocalamus and Hsuehochloa, are compared. The characters of its scrambling habit, internodes with brownish green dots, conspicuous nodes swollen at one side, elliptic buds wholly sunken into culm, extravaginal branching pattern, mid-culm branch complement with one central dominant branch elongating to reiterate the culm accompanied by several lateral slender branches, swollen culm sheath base with a distinctive zone of transverse wrinkles, synflorescence composed of only one spikelet, single or several to many synflorescences arranged into a raceme or panicle terminal on leafy branches, purple anthers and nut-like caryopsis with hardened pericarp and loosely adherent lemma and palea distinguish K. honbaensis from morphologically similar taxa. In order to investigate the phylogenetic position of this unknown bamboo, molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the nuclear gene GBSSI were also conducted, and the results proved that K. honbaensis is definitely a member of Arundinarieae with an isolated position, which also indicated that this species could not be assigned to any of the already described genera and supported the establishment of the new genus.

PhytoKeys ; 138: 179-186, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31988612


Schizostachyum dakrongense is a new species of woody bamboo from Dakrong Nature Reserve, Quang Tri Province, central Vietnam. It is closely related to S. hainanense but differs by its pseudospikelets having terminal rachilla segments with ciliate margin and 6 bracts; culm sheath with the base of the outer margin having a slight projection below its point of attachment at the node, as well as sheath blades usually less than half as long as the culm sheath proper; and leaf blades pale-puberulent and sparsely pilosulous on the abaxial surface. The new species is described and illustrated here.