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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(8): 086805, 2021 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34477425


We present experimental evidence of electronic and optical interlayer resonances in graphene van der Waals heterostructure interfaces. Using the spectroscopic mode of a low-energy electron microscope (LEEM), we characterized these interlayer resonant states up to 10 eV above the vacuum level. Compared with nontwisted, AB-stacked bilayer graphene (AB BLG), an ≈0.2 Å increase was found in the interlayer spacing of 30° twisted bilayer graphene (30°-tBLG). In addition, we used Raman spectroscopy to probe the inelastic light-matter interactions. A unique type of Fano resonance was found around the D and G modes of the graphene lattice vibrations. This anomalous, robust Fano resonance is a direct result of quantum confinement and the interplay between discrete phonon states and the excitonic continuum.

Opt Lett ; 43(16): 4061-4064, 2018 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30106952


We demonstrate a novel differential phase-shift-keying (DPSK) demodulator based on coherent perfect absorption (CPA). Our DPSK demodulator chip device, which incorporates a silicon ring resonator, two bus waveguide inputs, and monolithically integrated detectors, operates passively at a bit rate of 10 Gbps at telecommunication wavelengths, and fits within a mm-scale footprint. Critical coupling is used to achieve efficient CPA by tuning the gap between the ring and bus waveguides. The device has a vertical eye opening of 12.47 mV and a quality factor exceeding 3×104. The fundamental principle behind this photonic circuit can be extended to other formats of integrated demodulators.

Opt Lett ; 42(13): 2651-2654, 2017 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28957307


We report measurements and numerical simulations of ultrafast laser-excited carrier flow across a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) junction. The current from a nanoscopic tungsten tip across a ∼1 nm vacuum gap to a silver surface is driven by a two-color excitation scheme that uses an optical delay-modulation technique to extract the two-color signal from background contributions. The role of optical field enhancements in driving the current is investigated using density functional theory and full three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain computations. We find that simulated field-enhanced two-photon photoemission (2PPE) currents are in excellent agreement with the observed exponential decay of the two-color photoexcited current with increasing tip-surface separation, as well as its optical-delay dependence. The results suggest an approach to 2PPE with simultaneous subpicosecond temporal and nanometer spatial resolution.

Nano Lett ; 16(2): 953-9, 2016 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26760447


Using angle-resolved photoemission on micrometer-scale sample areas, we directly measure the interlayer twist angle-dependent electronic band structure of bilayer molybdenum-disulfide (MoS2). Our measurements, performed on arbitrarily stacked bilayer MoS2 flakes prepared by chemical vapor deposition, provide direct evidence for a downshift of the quasiparticle energy of the valence band at the Brillouin zone center (Γ̅ point) with the interlayer twist angle, up to a maximum of 120 meV at a twist angle of ∼40°. Our direct measurements of the valence band structure enable the extraction of the hole effective mass as a function of the interlayer twist angle. While our results at Γ̅ agree with recently published photoluminescence data, our measurements of the quasiparticle spectrum over the full 2D Brillouin zone reveal a richer and more complicated change in the electronic structure than previously theoretically predicted. The electronic structure measurements reported here, including the evolution of the effective mass with twist-angle, provide new insight into the physics of twisted transition-metal dichalcogenide bilayers and serve as a guide for the practical design of MoS2 optoelectronic and spin-/valley-tronic devices.

Opt Lett ; 41(11): 2636-9, 2016 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27244433


Lasers based on monolayer (ML) transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductor crystals have the potential for low threshold operation and a small device footprint; however, nanophotonic engineering is required to maximize the interaction between the optical fields and the three-atom-thick gain medium. Here, we develop a theoretical model to design a direct bandgap optically pumped nanophotonic integrated laser. Our device utilizes a gap-surface-plasmon optical mode to achieve subwavelength optical confinement and consists of a high-index GaP nanowire atop an ML MoS2 film on an Ag substrate. The optical field and material medium are analyzed using a three dimensional finite-difference time-domain method and a first-principles calculation based on the density functional theory, respectively. The nanolaser is designed to have a threshold of ∼0.6 µW under quasi-continuous wave operation on an excitonic transition at room temperature.

Opt Lett ; 41(11): 2537-40, 2016 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27244408


We present the first experimental demonstration of coherent perfect absorption (CPA) in an integrated device using a silicon racetrack resonator at telecommunication wavelengths. Absorption in the racetrack is achieved by Si+-ion-implantation, allowing for phase controllable amplitude modulation at the resonant wavelength. The device is measured to have an extinction of 24.5 dB and a quality-factor exceeding 3000. Our results will enable integrated CPA devices for data modulation and detection.

Nano Lett ; 14(11): 6185-9, 2014 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25330276


Arrays of highly strained 5-25 nm-wide regions have been prepared on rutile TiO2(110) surface through a low energy Ar ion bombardment technique. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and an innovative STM tip-triggered nanoexplosion approach we show experimentally that the protrusions arise from subsurface Ar-filled pockets. Continuum mechanics modeling gives good estimates of the corresponding elastic deformation. Surface strain values of up to 4% have been deduced.

Nano Lett ; 14(3): 1573-7, 2014 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24528250


We characterize the influence of graphene nanoribbon plasmon excitation on the vibrational spectra of surface-absorbed polymers. As the detuning between the graphene plasmon frequency and a vibrational frequency of the polymer decreases, the vibrational peak intensity first increases and is then transformed into a region of narrow optical transparency as the frequencies overlap. Examples of this are provided by the carbonyl vibration in thin films of poly(methyl methacrylate) and polyvinylpyrrolidone. The signal depth of the plasmon-induced transparency is found to be 5 times larger than that of light attenuated by the carbonyl vibration alone. The plasmon-vibrational mode coupling and the resulting fields are analyzed using both a phenomenological model of electromagnetically coupled oscillators and finite-difference time-domain simulations. It is shown that this coupling and the resulting absorption enhancement can be understood in terms of near-field electromagnetic interactions.

Opt Express ; 22(6): 6296-312, 2014 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663978


We present a comprehensive analysis of pulse compression in adiabatically tapered silicon photonic wire waveguides (Si-PhWWGs), both at telecom (λ ∼ 1.55 µm) and mid-IR (λ ≳ 2.1 µm) wavelengths. Our theoretical and computational study is based on a rigorous model that describes the coupled dynamics of the optical field and photogenerated free carriers, as well as the influence of the physical and geometrical parameters of the Si-PhWWGs on these dynamics. We consider both the soliton and non-soliton pulse propagation regimes, rendering the conclusions of this study relevant to a broad range of experimental settings and practical applications. In particular, we show that by engineering the linear and nonlinear optical properties of Si-PhWWGs through adiabatically varying their width, one can achieve more than 10× pulse compression in millimeter-long waveguides. The inter-dependence between the pulse characteristics and compression efficiency is also discussed.

Opt Express ; 22(8): 9150-8, 2014 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24787805


Metal-semiconductor-metal Si waveguide photodetectors are demonstrated with responsivities of greater than 0.5 A/W at a wavelength of 1550 nm for a device length of 1mm. Sub-bandgap absorption in the Si waveguide is achieved by creating divacancy lattice defects via Si(+) ion implantation. The modal absorption coefficient of the ion-implanted Si waveguide is measured to be ≈ 185 dB/cm, resulting in a detector responsivity of ≈ 0.51 A/W at a 50 V bias. The frequency response of a typical 1mm-length detector is measured to be 2.6 GHz, with simulations showing that a frequency response of 9.8 GHz is achievable with an optimized contact configuration and bias voltage of 15 V. Due to the ease with which these devices can be fabricated, and their potential for high performance, these detectors are suitable for various applications in Si-based photonic integrated circuits.

Opt Express ; 22(16): 19653-61, 2014 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25321048


Helium-ion-induced radiation damage in a LiNbO3-thin-film (10 µm-thick) modulator is experimentally investigated. The results demonstrate a degradation of the device performance in the presence of He(+) irradiation at doses of ≥ 10(16) cm(-2). The experiments also show that the presence of the He(+) stopping region, which determines the degree of overlap between the ion-damaged region and the guided optical mode, plays a major role in determining the degree of degradation in modulation performance. Our measurements showed that the higher overlap can lead to an additional ~5.5 dB propagation loss. The irradiation-induced change of crystal-film anisotropy(n(o)-n(e))of ~36% was observed for the highest dose used in the experiments. The relevant device extinction ratio, V(π)L, and device insertion loss, as well the damage mechanisms of each of these parameters are also reported and discussed.

Opt Express ; 22(18): 22018-30, 2014 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25321576


We theoretically investigate the fluorescence enhancement of a molecule placed in a variable (4 - 20 nm) gap of a plasmonic dimer, with different dye molecules as well as different nanoparticle geometries, using a fully vectorial three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3D FDTD) method. This work extends previous studies on molecular fluorescence in the vicinity of metal interfaces and single nanoparticles and shows how the radiative emission of a molecule can be further enhanced by engineering the geometry of a plasmonic structure. Through the use of rigorous 3D FDTD calculations, in conjunction with analytic guidance based on temporal coupled-mode (TCM) theory, we develop a design procedure for antennae assemblies that is useful both for general understanding of molecule-metal structure interaction and experimental efforts in plasmon-enhanced molecular spectroscopy.

Opt Express ; 22(15): 18543-55, 2014 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25089474


Mode-division-multiplexing (MDM) and wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) are employed simultaneously in a multimode silicon waveguide to realize on-chip MDM and MDM-WDM transmission. Asymmetric Y-junction MDM multiplexers and demultiplexers are utilized for low coherently suppressed demultiplexed crosstalk at the receiver. We demonstrate aggregate bandwidths of 20 Gb/s and 60 Gb/s for MDM and MDM-WDM on-chip links, respectively, with measured 10(-9) BER power penalties between 0.1 dB and 0.7 dB per channel.

Opt Express ; 22(22): 27415-24, 2014 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25401890


CMOS-compatible Si⁺-implanted Si-waveguide p-i-n photodetectors operating at room temperature and at mid-infrared wavelengths from 2.2 to 2.3 µm are demonstrated. Responsivities of 9.9 ± 2.0 mA/W are measured at a 5 V reverse bias with an estimated internal quantum efficiency of 2.7 - 4.5%. The dark current is found to vary from a few microamps down to less than a nanoamp after a post-implantation annealing of 350°C. The measured photocurrent dependence on input power shows a linear correspondence over more than three decades, and the frequency response of a 250 µm-length p-i-n device is measured to be ~1.7 GHz for a wavelength of λ = 2.2 µm, thus potentially opening up new communication bands for photonic integrated circuits.

Opt Express ; 21(5): 5931-40, 2013 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23482161


We demonstrate a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on parametric gain in a silicon-on-insulator photonic wire. We exploit the highly nonlinear broadband response of the photonic wire to achieve broadband single-pass amplification up to 54 dB. This allows us to construct an OPO that is tunable across a 75 nm-wide band near 2075 nm, when pumped by a picosecond pulse train at 2175 nm. Additionally we demonstrate broadband tuning across 150 nm by varying the pump wavelength and exploiting the higher order dispersion characteristics of the silicon photonic wire.

Opt Express ; 21 Suppl 5: A847-63, 2013 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104580


The active layer materials used in organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells often self-assemble into highly ordered morphologies, resulting in significant optical anisotropies. However, the impact of these anisotropies on light trapping in nanophotonic OPV architectures has not been considered. In this paper, we show that optical anisotropies in a canonical OPV material, P3HT, strongly affect absorption enhancements in ultra-thin textured OPV cells. In particular we show that plasmonic and gap-mode solar cell architectures redistribute electromagnetic energy into the out-of-plane field component, independent of the active layer orientation. Using analytical and numerical calculations, we demonstrate how the absorption in these solar cell designs can be significantly increased by reorienting polymer domains such that strongly absorbing axes align with the direction of maximum field enhancement.

Opt Lett ; 38(16): 3001-4, 2013 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104632


We propose a new type of amplitude modulator for integrated optics based on phase-controllable coherent perfect loss (CPL) from a resonant cavity. Temporal coupled-mode theory is employed to derive a simple set of equations that describe the device operation, and finite-difference time-domain simulations are used to verify these equations. Two examples of CPL modulators are described with this formalism: a ring resonator and a 1D photonic crystal cavity. We show that internal resonator loss, and thus critical coupling, are not strict requirements for CPL operation. These devices are simple to design and can act as compact switches and modulators for integrated optics.

Opt Lett ; 38(11): 1854-6, 2013 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23722767


Silicon waveguide asymmetric Y junction mode multiplexers and demultiplexers are demonstrated for applications in on-chip mode-division multiplexing (MDM). We measure demultiplexed crosstalk as low as -30 dB, <-9 dB over the C band, and insertion loss <1.5 dB for multimode links up to 1.2 mm in length. The frequency response of these devices is shown to depend upon Y junction angle and multimode interconnect length. Interference effects are shown to be advantageous for low-crosstalk MDM, even while using compact Y junctions designed to be outside the mode-sorting regime.

Opt Lett ; 38(19): 3953-6, 2013 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24081097


We study the generation of parabolic self-similar optical pulses in tapered Si photonic nanowires (Si-PhNWs) at both telecom (λ=1.55 µm) and mid-infrared (λ=2.2 µm) wavelengths. Our computational study is based on a rigorous theoretical model, which fully describes the influence of linear and nonlinear optical effects on pulse propagation in Si-PhNWs with arbitrarily varying width. Numerical simulations demonstrate that, in the normal dispersion regime, optical pulses evolve naturally into parabolic pulses upon propagation in millimeter-long tapered Si-PhNWs, with the efficiency of this pulse-reshaping process being strongly dependent on the spectral and pulse parameter regime in which the device operates, as well as the particular shape of the Si-PhNWs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(10): 106801, 2013 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166690


We report on the evolution of the thickness-dependent electronic band structure of the two-dimensional layered-dichalcogenide molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Micrometer-scale angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of mechanically exfoliated and chemical-vapor-deposition-grown crystals provides direct evidence for the shifting of the valence band maximum from Γ to K, for the case of MoS2 having more than one layer, to the case of single-layer MoS2, as predicted by density functional theory. This evolution of the electronic structure from bulk to few-layer to monolayer MoS2 had earlier been predicted to arise from quantum confinement. Furthermore, one of the consequences of this progression in the electronic structure is the dramatic increase in the hole effective mass, in going from bulk to monolayer MoS2 at its Brillouin zone center, which is known as the cause for the decreased carrier mobility of the monolayer form compared to that of bulk MoS2.