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Pulm Ther ; 10(1): 69-84, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38112909


INTRODUCTION: The objective of this Delphi study was to understand and assess the level of consensus among respiratory experts on the clinical application of GOLD 2023 recommendations in management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: The study comprised two online surveys and a participant meeting with 34 respiratory experts from 16 countries. Responses of 73 questions were recorded using a Likert scale ranging from 0 (disagreement) to 9 (agreement). The consensus threshold was 75%. RESULTS: Survey 1 and survey 2 had 34 and 32 participants, respectively; and 25 attended the participant meeting. Consensus was reached on survey 1: 28/42; survey 2: 18/30 close-ended questions. A consensus was reached on the clinical relevance of most updates in definitions and diagnosis of COPD. Mixed results for the treatment recommendations by GOLD were noted: 74% agreed with the recommendation to initiate treatment with dual bronchodilators for group E patients; 63% agreed for including inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)/long-acting ß2 agonist(LABA)/ Long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists (LAMA) as a treatment option for GOLD B patients. Also, consensus lacked on removing ICS + LABA as an initial therapeutic option, in countries with challenges in access to other treatment option;. 88% agreed that they use GOLD recommendations in their daily clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: This Delphi study demonstrated a high level of consensus regarding key concepts of GOLD 2023 report, with most participants favoring recent updates in definitions, diagnosis, management, and prevention of COPD. More evidence on the etiotype based management and treatment options for group B and E are required which could further strengthen clinical application of the GOLD report.

The goal of this Delphi study was to understand and assess the level of alignment among the respiratory experts on the application of key changes and recommendations proposed by the GOLD 2023 report in their routine clinical practice for the management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There were two online surveys in this study, and experts from 16 countries (primarily focused on developing countries) were invited to participate. Using the Delphi method, expert representatives shared their insights with the aim of optimizing patient care. The alignment was assessed in six well-defined themes: 1) Overall view on GOLD/other recommendations; 2) Assessing patients with COPD; 3) Initial pharmacological treatment in patients with COPD; 4) Vaccination for patients with COPD; 5) Follow-up pharmacological treatment in patients with COPD; and 6) Survival evidence in patients with COPD. Participants expressed a high level of agreement regarding key concepts of the GOLD 2023 report, with most of them agreeing with recent updates in definitions, diagnosis, management, and prevention of COPD. The results also highlighted the need to publish GOLD reports in multiple languages and in a shorter, pocket-sized format to increase awareness and adaptation among healthcare providers.

Adv Ther ; 40(10): 4282-4297, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37382864


INTRODUCTION: Clinical studies demonstrate an accelerated decline in lung function in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease [GOLD] grade 2) versus severe and very severe COPD (GOLD grades 3 and 4). This predictive modelling study assessed the impact of initiating pharmacotherapy earlier versus later on long-term disease progression in COPD. METHODS: The modelling approach used data on decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) extracted from published studies to develop a longitudinal non-parametric superposition model of lung function decline with progressive impact of exacerbations from 0 per year to 3 per year and no ongoing pharmacotherapy. The model simulated decline in FEV1 and annual exacerbation rates from age 40 to 75 years in COPD with initiation of long-acting anti-muscarinic antagonist (LAMA)/long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) (umeclidinium (UMEC)/vilanterol (VI)) or triple (inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)/LAMA/LABA; fluticasone furoate (FF)/UMEC/VI) therapy at 40, 55 or 65 years of age. RESULTS: Model-predicted decline in FEV1 showed that, compared with 'no ongoing' therapy, initiation of triple or LAMA/LABA therapy at age 40, 55 or 65 years preserved an additional 469.7 mL or 236.0 mL, 327.5 mL or 203.3 mL, or 213.5 mL or 137.5 mL of lung function, respectively, by the age of 75. The corresponding average annual exacerbation rates were reduced from 1.57 to 0.91, 1.06 or 1.23 with triple therapy or to 1.2, 1.26 and 1.4 with LAMA/LABA therapy when initiated at 40, 55 or 65 years of age, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This modelling study suggests that earlier initiation of LAMA/LABA or triple therapy may have positive benefits in slowing disease progression in patients with COPD. Greater benefits were demonstrated with early initiation therapy with triple versus LAMA/LABA.

Broncodilatadores , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica , Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Broncodilatadores/uso terapéutico , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos beta 2/uso terapéutico , Administración por Inhalación , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Corticoesteroides/uso terapéutico , Fluticasona/uso terapéutico , Antagonistas Muscarínicos/uso terapéutico , Combinación de Medicamentos
Rev. Inst. Nac. Enfermedades Respir ; 20(1): 15-20, ene.-mar. 2007. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-632620


La traqueotomía mantiene la permeabilidad de la vía aérea. La revisión directa de la tráquea a través de la cánula o el traqueostoma por fibrobroncoscopía (FOB), permite ver la mucosa en su porción distal y por arriba del traqueostoma; por esta vía se pueden realizar diversos procedimientos. Objetivo: Evaluar las condiciones de la mucosa traqueal por FOB en casos con cánula de traqueotomía y la utilidad de esta vía de acceso. Material y métodos: Se practicó FOB en 38 pacientes con traqueotomía. Resultados: Las indicaciones más frecuentes de la FOB fueron la aspiración de secreciones, el lavado bronquial con aspiración y la obtención de muestras para estudio bacteriológico. En todos se valoraron las condiciones de la mucosa traqueal, incluidos ocho enfermos con estenosis de la vía aérea en los que se evaluó la mucosa antes y después de procedimientos quirúrgicos. Se encontraron lesiones de la mucosa, anomalías de la pared traqueal, lesiones de las cuerdas vocales y subglóticas. Conclusión: La FOB a través de la cánula o el traqueostoma permite la práctica de diversos procedimientos. La exploración endoscópica por abajo y por encima de la cánula de traqueostomía detecta alteraciones de la mucosa traqueal; en los casos de estenosis de la vía aérea superior, la visión retrógrada con FOB antes y después de las intervenciones quirúrgicas es un paso importante.

Tracheostomy preserves the patency of the airway. Direct exploration through the tracheal cannula or the tracheostoma by fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) allows a view of the conditions of the tracheal mucosa above and below the tracheostoma. Different procedures may be performed thru this approach. Objective: To evaluate the anatomic conditions of the tracheal mucosa by FOB in cases with tracheotomy cannula, and the usefulness of this approach. Material and methods: FOB was performed in 38 patients with tracheotomy. Results: Aspiration of secretions, bronchial lavage with aspiration and bacteriological sampling were the most frequent indications. The conditions of the mucosa were evaluated in all, including eight cases with airway stenosis, both before and after surgical reconstruction. Mucosal inflammation, tracheal anomalies, vocal cords and subglottic lesions were found. Conclusions: FOB trough the cannula or the tracheostoma allows for preoperatory evaluation of the tracheal mucosa. Careful endoscopic exploration above and below the tracheotomy cannula and the tracheostoma may show alterations of the mucosa in cases of airway stenosis both before and after surgical procedures.

Rev. Inst. Nac. Enfermedades Respir ; 18(1): 22-26, ene.-mar. 2005. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-632635


Introducción: La exploración del árbol traqueobronquial puede hacerse directamente por fibrobroncoscopía (FB) y por imagen, broncoscopía virtual (BV), y por tomografía helicoidal computada en tercera dimensión (HCT3D). Objetivos: Evaluar diferencias entre la BVHCT3D y la FB en estenosis no neoplásicas de las vías aéreas principales. Material y métodos: Dieciseis casos de estenosis de vía aérea, 6 mujeres, 10 hombres de 16 a 57, promedio 33 años, evolución promedio 8 meses, rango de 2 a 108 meses. Diez con traqueostomía. En todos: FB con fibrobroncoscopio (FFB) y video para fotografía, HCT3D con reconstrucciones volumétricas y BV. Se determinaron sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) y significancia por r de Pearson para grado de estenosis y longitud de la vía aérea afectada por BVHCT3 y FB. Resultados: Siete estenosis subglótica, 4 estenosis traqueal, 1 estenosis de bronquio principal izquierdo, 2 colapso de tráquea y 2 granulomas. Se trataron 7 con técnica de Gríllo Pearson, 4 por anastomosis traqueales y 1 anastomosis bronquial terminoterminales, 1 terapia con láser, 1 dilatación y 2 no quirúrgicos. Para detección de estenosis, FB y BVHCT3D S 100% y E 100%. Para grado de estenosis, FB S 100% y E 100%, HCT3D S 60% y E 60%. Para extensión de estenosis FB detectó 4 casos, en 12 no pasó el FFB. En 12 casos operados, por HCT3D la correlación de la extensión fue exacta en 7 y en 5 error promedio de 10%. La extensión de la estenosis por HCT3D y en la pieza resecada por r de Pearson p< 0.05 -r=0. 7782 y grado estenosis p< 0.01 -r = 0.9534. Las 12 piezas resecadas tenían fibrosis, inflamación crónica, metaplasia epidermoide y granulomas en grado variable. Comentario y conclusiones: La BVHCT3D detecta grado de estenosis y extensión. La FB diagnostica estenosis y permanece como estándar de oro. Cuando el FFB no pasa es imposible medir longitud de la estenosis. La BVHC3D detecta espacialmente la estenosis de la vía aérea, no es invasiva y es costosa. ...

Introduction: Imaging of the larger airways can be done by fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) or by virtual bronchoscopy by means of three dimensional helical computed tomography (VBHCT3D). Objectives: To compare the differences of both methods for the assessment of non neoplastic stenosis of the trachea and main bronchi, as diagnostic tools helpful in the planning of treatment in such cases. Material and methods: Sixteen cases, 6 women and 10 men, ages 16 to 57, mean 33 years; clinical course 2 to 108 months, mean 8 months. In all: FOB and VBHCT3D. Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) were determined and statistical significance for both methods and Pearson's r for length and degree of the stenotic segment using VBHCT3D. Results: Location: 7 cases with subglotic and 4 with tracheal stenosis, 2 cases tracheal collapse, 1 case stenosis of the left main bronchus, 2 granulomas of the trachea. Etiology: 7 cases post tracheal intubation, 5 cases post traumatic, 1 post tracheostomy, 2 tracheomalacia, 1 granulomatous disease. Treatment: 7 Grillo Pearson's technique, five resection of the large airways and terminoterminal anastomosis, 1 dilatation, 1 laser therapy, 2 non-surgical. For the detection of stenosis, FOB and VBHCT3D had 100% Se and Sp; for the degree of stenosis. FOB had 100% Sp and Se, VBHCT3D had 60% Se and Sp. To evaluate the length of stenosis, FOB could not pass the obstruction in 12 cases. In the 12 surgical cases, for VBHCT3D there was exact correlation in 7 and a 10% mean error in 5 cases. For the length of the stenosis in the freshly resected specimen, Pearson's r by VBHCT3D p< 0.05 -r=0.7782, degree of stenosis p< 0.01 -r=0.9534. All 12 resected specimens showed various degrees of fibrosis, chronic inflammation, epidermoid metaplasia and granulomas. Conclusions: VBHCT3D can detect degree and length of stenosis, but the gold standard for stenosis and degree is FOB, but in severe cases the instrument can not pass the obstruction and assess its length. VBHCT3D detects degree and length of stenosis non invasively and is expensive. FOB visualizes stenosis and its degree with precision, is less expensive. Both methods are helpful in the diagnosis of degree and lenght of the obstruction and in the planning of surgical treatment.