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Inorg Chem ; 61(3): 1530-1537, 2022 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34990147


Corner-truncated cubic ß-Ag1.94Cu0.06MoO4 microcrystals were synthesized using the hydrothermal method. These were investigated by X-ray diffraction, confirming obtention of the spinel structure Fd3̅m. Through Raman spectroscopy are confirmed all modes for the point group of Oh7. The Egap shows a decrease of the band gap from 3.20 to 3.07 eV, with reduction of the conduction band occurring from -0.20 eV (ß-Ag2MoO4) to -0.13 eV (ß-Ag1.94Cu0.06MoO4), suggesting a p-type behavior for the Cu2+ ion. The field-emission scanning electron microscopy images confirm the morphological changes for ß-Ag2MoO4, where potato-like microcrystals were found. Meanwhile, corner-truncated cubic microcrystals for ß-Ag1.94Cu0.06MoO4. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum confirms the increase in the PL emission for ß-Ag1.94Cu0.06MoO4, with suppression of the deep defects occurring in the structure caused by oxygen and silver atoms. In contrast, the green region is intensified because of distortions of the Ag-O and Mo-O bonds. Therefore, the ß-Ag1.94Cu0.06MoO4 solid solution has PL emission with CCT (4510 K) and CIE coordinates (x = 0.372 and y = 0.433), which could be interesting properties for applications as light-emitting diodes.

Acta amaz ; 29(2)jun. 1999.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454688


The present work, basically of the fraction clay characterization, mainly of the kaolinite and its exchange with some metallic cation (Na+, K+ e Fe3+), in Amazon soil. The samples of Latosoil Yellow were collected from a pedon located in the vivinity of the Presidente Figueiredo city. State of Amazon, Brazil. The particles were fractionated on the basis of particle size, and sand, silt in clay fractions were obtained. The samples of the clay fraction were treated with H2O2/HC1 to eliminate the organic matter and oxide of free iron and submitted the analyses using the following techniques: X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, as well as, volumetric, gravimetric and flame photometric analyses. The obtained results showed that the clay fraction presents to the following constitution: gibsite, goethite, quartz, organic material and kaolinite. Being the kaolinite the final member of the series, with little distribuition of negative. For this study, it was possible to also propose that the fraction treated clay possesses capacity of retention of 2.21% of adsortion water, in the case of cations monovalence: 1.3 and 2.7 meq/100g of sample, for K+ and Na+, respectively. However, that fraction retains about 21.7 meq/100g of sample for the Fe3+. That value elevated for the retention of Fe3+ is probably attributed to the several species hydrolyzed of Fe3+ in that caused the reduction in the pH value for 2,2 and it can also facilitate, the substituition of Fe3+ for Al3+, by in the octahedral site.

O presente trabalho descreve, basicamente a caracterização dos constituintes da fração argila, principalmente da caulinita e sua permutabilidade com alguns cátions metálicos, em solo Amazônico. Para tanto, amostras de Latossolo Amarelo foram coletadas em um perfil de estrada da Usina Hidrelétrica Balbina, Km 12, próximo ao município de Presidente Figueiredo (AM). Estas foram secadas ao ar (TFSA), desagregadas e separadas granulometricamente nas frações areia, silte e argila. As amostras da fração argila foram tratadas com H2O2/HC1 para eliminar a matéria orgânica e óxido de ferro. As amostras da fração argila sem tratamento e tratada foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X de pó e espectroscopia no infravermelho. Os constituintes químicos da fração argila tratada foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica, volumetria e gravimetria. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as amostras da fração argila sem tratamento apresentaram a seguinte constituição: gibsita goethita, quartzo, matéria orgânica e caulinita. A fração argila tratada apresentou basicamente quartzo c caulinita, sendo a caulinita membro final da série caulinítica, com pouca distribuição de cargas negativas. Nas amostras tratadas foram efetuados também experimentos de permutabilidade com Na+, K+ e Fe3+ e os teores determinados por espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta-visível e fotometria de chama. Os resultados mostram que a fração argila tratada possui capacidade de retenção de 2,21% de água de absorção, no caso de cátions monovalentes: 1,3 e 2,7 meq/100 g de amostra, para o K+ e Na+, respectivamente. No entanto, essa fração retêm cerca de 21,7 meq/100 g de amostra para o Fe3+. Esse valor elevado para a retenção de Fe3+ é provavelmente atribuído ao fenômeno de permutabilidade entre o Fe3+ e a caulinita acompanhado dc redução no valor de pH para 2,2, seguida de substituição de Fe3+ por Al3+, no sítio octaédrico, revelada pela espectroscopia no infravermelho.