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Nature ; 611(7934): 43-47, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36323811


Optical atomic clocks are the most accurate measurement devices ever constructed and have found many applications in fundamental science and technology1-3. The use of highly charged ions (HCI) as a new class of references for highest-accuracy clocks and precision tests of fundamental physics4-11 has long been motivated by their extreme atomic properties and reduced sensitivity to perturbations from external electric and magnetic fields compared with singly charged ions or neutral atoms. Here we present the realization of this new class of clocks, based on an optical magnetic-dipole transition in Ar13+. Its comprehensively evaluated systematic frequency uncertainty of 2.2 × 10-17 is comparable with that of many optical clocks in operation. From clock comparisons, we improve by eight and nine orders of magnitude on the uncertainties for the absolute transition frequency12 and isotope shift (40Ar versus 36Ar) (ref. 13), respectively. These measurements allow us to investigate the largely unexplored quantum electrodynamic (QED) nuclear recoil, presented as part of improved calculations of the isotope shift, which reduce the uncertainty of previous theory14 by a factor of three. This work establishes forbidden optical transitions in HCI as references for cutting-edge optical clocks and future high-sensitivity searches for physics beyond the standard model.

Opt Express ; 32(5): 7276-7288, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439412


Optical resonators are used for the realisation of ultra-stable frequency lasers. The use of high reflectivity multi-band coatings allows the frequency locking of several lasers of different wavelengths to a single cavity. While the noise processes for single wavelength cavities are well known, the correlation caused by multi-stack coatings has as yet not been analysed experimentally. In our work, we stabilise the frequency of a 729 nm and a 1069 nm laser to one mirror pair and determine the residual-amplitude modulation (RAM) and photo-thermal noise (PTN). We find correlations in PTN between the two lasers and observe coherent cancellation of PTN for the 1069 nm coating. We show that the fractional frequency instability of the 729 nm laser is limited by RAM at 1 × 10-14. The instability of the 1069 nm laser is at 3 × 10-15 close to the thermal noise limit of 1.5 × 10-15.

Phys Rev Lett ; 133(3): 033203, 2024 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094148


We present the experimental realization of a continuous dynamical decoupling scheme which suppresses leading frequency shifts in a multi-ion frequency reference based on ^{40}Ca^{+}. By near-resonant magnetic coupling of the ^{2}S_{1/2} and ^{2}D_{5/2} Zeeman sublevels using radio-frequency dressing fields, engineered transitions with reduced sensitivity to magnetic-field fluctuations are obtained. A second stage detuned dressing field reduces the influence of amplitude noise in the first stage driving fields and decreases 2nd-rank tensor shifts, such as the electric quadrupole shift. Suppression of the quadratic dependence of the quadrupole shift to 3(2) mHz/µm^{2} and coherence times of 290(20) ms on the optical transition are demonstrated even within a laboratory environment with significant magnetic field noise. Besides removing inhomogeneous line shifts in multi-ion clocks, the demonstrated dynamical decoupling technique may find applications in quantum computing and simulation with trapped ions by a tailored design of decoherence-free subspaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(16): 161803, 2023 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37925712


Optical frequency metrology in atoms and ions can probe hypothetical fifth forces between electrons and neutrons by sensing minute perturbations of the electronic wave function induced by them. A generalized King plot has been proposed to distinguish them from possible standard model effects arising from, e.g., finite nuclear size and electronic correlations. Additional isotopes and transitions are required for this approach. Xenon is an excellent candidate, with seven stable isotopes with zero nuclear spin, however it has no known visible ground-state transitions for high resolution spectroscopy. To address this, we have found and measured twelve magnetic-dipole lines in its highly charged ions and theoretically studied their sensitivity to fifth forces as well as the suppression of spurious higher-order standard model effects. Moreover, we identified at 764.8753(16) nm a E2-type ground-state transition with 500 s excited state lifetime as a potential clock candidate further enhancing our proposed scheme.

Nature ; 530(7591): 457-60, 2016 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26855427


Precision laser spectroscopy of cold and trapped molecular ions is a powerful tool in fundamental physics--used, for example, in determining fundamental constants, testing for their possible variation in the laboratory, and searching for a possible electric dipole moment of the electron. However, the absence of cycling transitions in molecules poses a challenge for direct laser cooling of the ions, and for controlling and detecting their quantum states. Previously used state-detection techniques based on photodissociation or chemical reactions are destructive and therefore inefficient, restricting the achievable resolution in laser spectroscopy. Here, we experimentally demonstrate non-destructive detection of the quantum state of a single trapped molecular ion through its strong Coulomb coupling to a well controlled, co-trapped atomic ion. An algorithm based on a state-dependent optical dipole force changes the internal state of the atom according to the internal state of the molecule. We show that individual quantum states in the molecular ion can be distinguished by the strength of their coupling to the optical dipole force. We also observe quantum jumps (induced by black-body radiation) between rotational states of a single molecular ion. Using the detuning dependence of the state-detection signal, we implement a variant of quantum logic spectroscopy of a molecular resonance. Our state-detection technique is relevant to a wide range of molecular ions, and could be applied to state-controlled quantum chemistry and to spectroscopic investigations of molecules that serve as probes for interstellar clouds.

Rep Prog Phys ; 81(6): 064401, 2018 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29667603


We review experimental progress on optical atomic clocks and frequency transfer, and consider the prospects of using these technologies for geodetic measurements. Today, optical atomic frequency standards have reached relative frequency inaccuracies below 10-17, opening new fields of fundamental and applied research. The dependence of atomic frequencies on the gravitational potential makes atomic clocks ideal candidates for the search for deviations in the predictions of Einstein's general relativity, tests of modern unifying theories and the development of new gravity field sensors. In this review, we introduce the concepts of optical atomic clocks and present the status of international clock development and comparison. Besides further improvement in stability and accuracy of today's best clocks, a large effort is put into increasing the reliability and technological readiness for applications outside of specialized laboratories with compact, portable devices. With relative frequency uncertainties of 10-18, comparisons of optical frequency standards are foreseen to contribute together with satellite and terrestrial data to the precise determination of fundamental height reference systems in geodesy with a resolution at the cm-level. The long-term stability of atomic standards will deliver excellent long-term height references for geodetic measurements and for the modelling and understanding of our Earth.

Opt Express ; 23(15): 19771-6, 2015 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367634


We demonstrate phase locking of a 729 nm diode laser to a 1542 nm master laser via an erbium-doped-fiber frequency comb, using a transfer-oscillator feedforward scheme which suppresses the effect of comb noise in an unprecedented 1.8 MHz bandwidth. We illustrate its performance by carrying out coherent manipulations of a trapped calcium ion with 99 % fidelity even at few-µs timescales. We thus demonstrate that transfer-oscillator locking can provide sufficient phase stability for high-fidelity quantum logic manipulation even without pre-stabilization of the slave diode laser.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(5): 053003, 2015 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26274418


We demonstrate an efficient high-precision optical spectroscopy technique for single trapped ions with nonclosed transitions. In a double-shelving technique, the absorption of a single photon is first amplified to several phonons of a normal motional mode shared with a cotrapped cooling ion of a different species, before being further amplified to thousands of fluorescence photons emitted by the cooling ion using the standard electron shelving technique. We employ this extension of the photon recoil spectroscopy technique to perform the first high precision absolute frequency measurement of the 2D(3/2)→2P(1/2) transition in calcium, resulting in a transition frequency of f=346 000 234 867(96) kHz. Furthermore, we determine the isotope shift of this transition and the 2S(1/2)→2P(1/2) transition for 42Ca+, 44Ca+, and 48Ca+ ions relative to 40Ca+ with an accuracy below 100 kHz. Improved field and mass shift constants of these transitions as well as changes in mean square nuclear charge radii are extracted from this high resolution data.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(8)2023 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38065183


We sympathetically cool highly charged ions (HCI) in Coulomb crystals of Doppler-cooled Be+ ions confined in a cryogenic linear Paul trap that is integrated into a fully enclosing radio-frequency resonator manufactured from superconducting niobium. By preparing a single Be+ cooling ion and a single HCI, quantum logic spectroscopy toward frequency metrology and qubit operations with a great variety of species are enabled. While cooling down the assembly through its transition temperature into the superconducting state, an applied quantization magnetic field becomes persistent, and the trap becomes shielded from subsequent external electromagnetic fluctuations. Using a magnetically sensitive hyperfine transition of Be+ as a qubit, we measure the fractional decay rate of the stored magnetic field to be at the 10-10 s-1 level. Ramsey interferometry and spin-echo measurements yield coherence times of >400 ms, demonstrating excellent passive magnetic shielding at frequencies down to DC.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5955, 2020 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33235213


Optical atomic clocks are a driving force for precision measurements due to the high accuracy and stability demonstrated in recent years. While further improvements to the stability have been envisioned by using entangled atoms, squeezing the quantum mechanical projection noise, evaluating the overall gain must incorporate essential features of an atomic clock. Here, we investigate the benefits of spin squeezed states for clocks operated with typical Brownian frequency noise-limited laser sources. Based on an analytic model of the closed servo-loop of an optical atomic clock, we report here quantitative predictions on the optimal clock stability for a given dead time and laser noise. Our analytic predictions are in good agreement with numerical simulations of the closed servo-loop. We find that for usual cyclic Ramsey interrogation of single atomic ensembles with dead time, even with the current most stable lasers spin squeezing can only improve the clock stability for ensembles below a critical atom number of about one thousand in an optical Sr lattice clock. Even with a future improvement of the laser performance by one order of magnitude the critical atom number still remains below 100,000. In contrast, clocks based on smaller, non-scalable ensembles, such as ion clocks, can already benefit from squeezed states with current clock lasers.

Sci Adv ; 6(10): eaaw9268, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32181335


Simulating computationally intractable many-body problems on a quantum simulator holds great potential to deliver insights into physical, chemical, and biological systems. While the implementation of Hamiltonian dynamics within a quantum simulator has already been demonstrated in many experiments, the problem of initialization of quantum simulators to a suitable quantum state has hitherto remained mostly unsolved. Here, we show that already a single dissipatively driven auxiliary particle can efficiently prepare the quantum simulator in a low-energy state of largely arbitrary Hamiltonians. We demonstrate the scalability of our approach and show that it is robust against unwanted sources of decoherence. While our initialization protocol is largely independent of the physical realization of the simulation device, we provide an implementation example for a trapped ion quantum simulator.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 2929, 2019 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31266940


The quantum noise of the vacuum limits the achievable sensitivity of quantum sensors. In non-classical measurement schemes the noise can be reduced to overcome this limitation. However, schemes based on squeezed or Schrödinger cat states require alignment of the relative phase between the measured interaction and the non-classical quantum state. Here we present two measurement schemes on a trapped ion prepared in a motional Fock state for displacement and frequency metrology that are insensitive to this phase. The achieved statistical uncertainty is below the standard quantum limit set by quantum vacuum fluctuations, enabling applications in spectroscopy and mass measurements.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(5): 054704, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28571395


We present the design, construction, and characterization of a multichannel, low-drift, low-noise dc voltage source specially designed for biasing the electrodes of segmented linear Paul traps. The system produces 20 output voltage pairs having a common-mode range of 0 to +120 V with 3.7 mV/LSB (least significant bit) resolution and differential ranges of ±5 V with 150 µV/LSB or ±16 V with 610 µV/LSB resolution. All common-mode and differential voltages are independently controllable, and all pairs share the same ground reference. The measured drift of the voltages after warm-up is lower than 1 LSB peak-to-peak on the time scale of 2 h. The noise of an output voltage measured with respect to ground is <10 µVRMS within 10 Hz-100 kHz, with spectral density lower than 3 nV Hz-1/2 above 50 kHz. The performance of the system is limited by the external commercial multichannel DAC unit NI 9264, and in principle, it is possible to achieve higher stability and lower noise with the same voltage ranges. The system has a compact, modular, and scalable architecture, having all parts except for the DAC chassis housed within a single 19″ 3HE rack.

Nat Commun ; 5: 3096, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24477261


Precision spectroscopy of atomic and molecular ions offers a window to new physics, but is typically limited to species with a cycling transition for laser cooling and detection. Quantum logic spectroscopy has overcome this limitation for species with long-lived excited states. Here we extend quantum logic spectroscopy to fast, dipole-allowed transitions and apply it to perform an absolute frequency measurement. We detect the absorption of photons by the spectroscopically investigated ion through the photon recoil imparted on a co-trapped ion of a different species, on which we can perform efficient quantum logic detection techniques. This amplifies the recoil signal from a few absorbed photons to thousands of fluorescence photons. We resolve the line centre of a dipole-allowed transition in (40)Ca(+) to 1/300 of its observed linewidth, rendering this measurement one of the most accurate of a broad transition. The simplicity and versatility of this approach enables spectroscopy of many previously inaccessible species.