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Nature ; 599(7885): 421-424, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34789902


Californium (Cf) is currently the heaviest element accessible above microgram quantities. Cf isotopes impose severe experimental challenges due to their scarcity and radiological hazards. Consequently, chemical secrets ranging from the accessibility of 5f/6d valence orbitals to engage in bonding, the role of spin-orbit coupling in electronic structure, and reactivity patterns compared to other f elements, remain locked. Organometallic molecules were foundational in elucidating periodicity and bonding trends across the periodic table1-3, with a twenty-first-century renaissance of organometallic thorium (Th) through plutonium (Pu) chemistry4-12, and to a smaller extent americium (Am)13, transforming chemical understanding. Yet, analogous curium (Cm) to Cf chemistry has lain dormant since the 1970s. Here, we revive air-/moisture-sensitive Cf chemistry through the synthesis and characterization of [Cf(C5Me4H)2Cl2K(OEt2)]n from two milligrams of 249Cf. This bent metallocene motif, not previously structurally authenticated beyond uranium (U)14,15, contains the first crystallographically characterized Cf-C bond. Analysis suggests the Cf-C bond is largely ionic with a small covalent contribution. Lowered Cf 5f orbital energy versus dysprosium (Dy) 4f in the colourless, isoelectronic and isostructural [Dy(C5Me4H)2Cl2K(OEt2)]n results in an orange Cf compound, contrasting with the light-green colour typically associated with Cf compounds16-22.

Nature ; 583(7816): 396-399, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32669698


Curium is unique in the actinide series because its half-filled 5f 7 shell has lower energy than other 5f n configurations, rendering it both redox-inactive and resistant to forming chemical bonds that engage the 5f shell1-3. This is even more pronounced in gadolinium, curium's lanthanide analogue, owing to the contraction of the 4f orbitals with respect to the 5f orbitals4. However, at high pressures metallic curium undergoes a transition from localized to itinerant 5f electrons5. This transition is accompanied by a crystal structure dictated by the magnetic interactions between curium atoms5,6. Therefore, the question arises of whether the frontier metal orbitals in curium(III)-ligand interactions can also be modified by applying pressure, and thus be induced to form metal-ligand bonds with a degree of covalency. Here we report experimental and computational evidence for changes in the relative roles of the 5f/6d orbitals in curium-sulfur bonds in [Cm(pydtc)4]- (pydtc, pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate) at high pressures (up to 11 gigapascals). We compare these results to the spectra of [Nd(pydtc)4]- and of a Cm(III) mellitate that possesses only curium-oxygen bonds. Compared with the changes observed in the [Cm(pydtc)4]- spectra, we observe smaller changes in the f-f transitions in the [Nd(pydtc)4]- absorption spectrum and in the f-f emission spectrum of the Cm(III) mellitate upon pressurization, which are related to the smaller perturbation of the nature of their bonds. These results reveal that the metal orbital contributions to the curium-sulfur bonds are considerably enhanced at high pressures and that the 5f orbital involvement doubles between 0 and 11 gigapascal. Our work implies that covalency in actinides is complex even when dealing with the same ion, but it could guide the selection of ligands to study the effect of pressure on actinide compounds.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(11): 7822-7830, 2024 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38456811


Understanding the effects of pressure on actinide compounds is an integral part of safe nuclear waste storage in deep geologic repositories and provides a means of systematically altering the structure and properties. However, detailing how the effects of pressure evolve across the actinide series in the later elements is not typically undertaken because of the challenges of conducting research on these unstable isotopes. Here, a family of bimetallic actinide complexes, [(An(pmtz)2(H2O)3)2(µ-pmtz)]2(pmtz)2·nH2O (An3+ = Cm3+, Bk3+, and Cf3+, pmtz- = 5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate; Cm1, Bk1, and Cf1), are reported and represent the first structurally characterized bimetallic berkelium and californium compounds. The pressure response as determined from UV-vis-NIR transitions varies for Cm1, Bk1, and Cf1. The 5f → 5f transitions in Cm1 are notably more sensitive to pressure compared to those in Bk1 and Cf1 and show substantial bathochromic shifting of several 5f → 5f transitions. In the case of Bk1, an ingrowth of a metal-to-ligand charge-transfer transition occurs at elevated pressures because of the accessible Bk3+/Bk4+ couple. For Cf1, no substantial transition shifting or emergence of MLCT transitions is observed at elevated pressures because of the prohibitive energetics of the Cf3+/Cf4+ couple and reduced sensitivity of the 5f → 5f transitions to the local coordination environment because of the more contracted 5f shell versus Cm3+ and Bk3+.

Inorg Chem ; 63(2): 1266-1273, 2024 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38165641


The salt metathesis reaction of Na(pmtz)·H2O [pmtz- = 5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate] and PuBr3·nH2O in an aqueous media leads to the formation of the mononuclear compound [Pu(pmtz)3(H2O)3]·(3 + n) H2O (Pu1, n = ∼8) that is isotypic with the lanthanide compounds [Ln(pmtz)3(H2O)3]·(3 + n) H2O (Ln = Ce-Nd). Dissolution and recrystallization of Pu1 in water yields the dinuclear compound {[Pu(pmtz)2(H2O)3]2(µ-pmtz)}2(pmtz)2·14H2O (Pu2), which is isotypic with the lanthanide compounds {[Ln(pmtz)2(H2O)3]2(µ-pmtz)}2(pmtz)2·14H2O (Ln = Nd and Sm). Like their nine-coordinate ionic radii, the M-O and M-N bond lengths in Pu1/Pu2 and Nd1/Nd2, respectively, are within error of one another. The Laporte-forbidden 4f → 4f and 5f → 5f transitions are also assigned in the UV-vis-NIR spectra for these f-element tetrazolate coordination compounds.

Inorg Chem ; 63(20): 9237-9244, 2024 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38722713


Mixed-donor ligands, such as those containing a combination of O/N or O/S, have been studied extensively for the selective extraction of trivalent actinides, especially Am3+ and Cm3+, from lanthanides during the recycling of used nuclear fuel. Oxygen/sulfur donor ligand combinations also result from the hydrolytic and/or radiolytic degradation of dithiophosphates, such as the Cyanex class of extractants, which are initially converted to monothiophosphates. To understand potential differences between the binding of such degraded ligands to Nd3+ and Am3+, the monothiophosphate complexes [M(OPS(OEt)2)5(H2O)2]2- (M3+ = Nd3+, Am3+) were prepared and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy and studied as a function of pressure up to ca. 14 GPa using diamond-anvil techniques. Although Nd3+ and Am3+ have nearly identical eight-coordinated ionic radii, these structures reveal that while the M-O bond distances in these complexes are almost equal, the M-S distances are statistically different. Moreover, for [Nd(OPS(OEt)2)5(H2O)2]2-, the hypersensitive 4I9/2 → 4G5/2 transition shifts as a function of pressure by -11 cm-1/GPa. Whereas for [Am(OPS(OEt)2)5(H2O)2]2-, the 7F0 → 7F6 transition shows a slightly stronger pressure dependence with a shift of -13 cm-1/GPa and also exhibits broadening of the 5f → 5f transitions at high pressures. These data likely indicate an increased involvement of the 5f orbitals in bonding with Am3+ relative to that of Nd3+ in these complexes.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(3): 590-598, 2024 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38215218


Despite the availability of transuranic elements increasing in recent years, our understanding of their most basic and inherent radiation chemistry is limited and yet essential for the accurate interpretation of their physical and chemical properties. Here, we explore the transient interactions between trivalent californium ions (Cf3+) and select inorganic radicals arising from the radiolytic decomposition of common anions and functional group constituents, specifically the dichlorine (Cl2•-) and sulfate (SO4•-) radical anions. Chemical kinetics, as measured using integrated electron pulse radiolysis and transient absorption spectroscopy techniques, are presented for the reactions of these two oxidizing radicals with Cf3+ ions. The derived and ionic strength-corrected second-order rate coefficients (k) for these radiation-induced processes are k(Cf3+ + Cl2•-) = (8.28 ± 0.61) × 105 M-1 s-1 and k(Cf3+ + SO4•-) = (9.50 ± 0.43) × 108 M-1 s-1 under ambient temperature conditions (22 ± 1 °C).

Inorg Chem ; 62(16): 6368-6374, 2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37043631


Dinuclear, organometallic, transuranium compounds, (Cp'3M)2(µ-4,4'-bpy) (Cp'- = trimethylsilylcyclopentadienide, 4,4'-bpy = 4,4'-bipyridine, M = Ce, Np, Pu), reported herein provide a rare opportunity to probe the nature of actinide-carbon bonding. Significant splitting of the f-f transitions results from the unusual coordination environment in these complexes and leads to electronic properties that are currently restricted to organoactinide systems. Structural and spectroscopic characterization in the solid state and in solution for (Cp'3M)2(µ-4,4'-bpy) (M = Np, Pu) are reported, and their structural metrics are compared to a cerium analogue.

Inorg Chem ; 62(6): 2513-2517, 2023 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36705531


Two oxo-containing neptunium(IV) tert-butoxides, [Np3O(OtBu)10] (1) and [K4Np2O(OtBu)10] (2), were synthesized using the ligand substitution between neptunium(IV) silylamides and HOtBu, whereas the salt metathesis between [NpCl4(DME)2] (DME = dimethoxyethane) and various amounts of LiOtBu resulted in the formation of oxo-free alkoxides [Np(OtBu)4(py)2] (3; py = pyridine) and [Li(THF)]2[Np(OtBu)6] (4; THF = tetrahydrofuran). These complexes are the first structurally characterized neptunium(IV) alkoxides using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and solid-state absorption spectroscopy, which provide data for the development of anhydrous metal-organic neptunium chemistry.

Inorg Chem ; 62(32): 12905-12912, 2023 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37523261


N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl diglycolamide (TMDGA), a methylated variant of the diglycolamide extractants being proposed as curium holdback reagents in advanced used nuclear fuel reprocessing technologies, has been crystallized with plutonium, a transuranic actinide that has multiple accessible oxidation states. Two plutonium TMDGA complexes, [PuIII(TMDGA)3][PuIII(NO3)6] and[PuIV(TMDGA)3][PuIV(NO3)6]2·0.75MeOH, were crystallized through solvent diffusion of a reaction mixture containing plutonium(III) nitrate and TMDGA. The sample was then partially oxidized by air to yield [PuIV(TMDGA)3][PuIV(NO3)6]2·0.75MeOH. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that the multinuclear systems crystallize with hexanitrato anionic species, providing insight into the first solid-state isolation of the elusive trivalent plutonium hexanitrato species. Crystallography data show a change in geometry around the TMDGA metal center from Pu3+ to Pu4+, with the symmetry increasing approximately from C4v to D3h. These complexes provide a rare opportunity to investigate the bond metrics of plutonium in two different oxidation states with similar coordination environments. Further, these new structures provide insight into the potential chemical and structural differences arising from the radiation-induced formation of transient tetravalent curium oxidation states in used nuclear fuel reprocessing streams.

Inorg Chem ; 62(22): 8478-8481, 2023 Jun 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37210659


The crystallization, single crystal structure, and Raman spectroscopy of Ra(NO3)2 have been investigated by experimentation and theory, which represent the first pure radium compound characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The Ra2+ centers are bound by six chelating nitrate anions to form an anticuboctahedral geometry. The Raman spectrum acquired from a single crystal of Ra(NO3)2 generally occurs at a lower frequency than found in Ba(NO3)2, as expected. Computational studies on Ra(NO3)2 provide an estimation of the bond orders via Wiberg bond indices and indicate that Ra-O interactions are weak with values of 0.025 and 0.026 for Ra-O bonds. Inspection of natural bond orbitals and natural localized molecular orbitals suggest negligible orbital mixing. However, second-order perturbation interactions show that donation from the lone pairs of the nitrate oxygen atoms to the 7s orbitals of Ra2+ stabilizes each Ra-O interaction by ca. 5 kcal mol-1.

Inorg Chem ; 62(44): 18136-18149, 2023 Nov 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37875401


The pursuit of a trivalent plutonium halide phosphine oxide compound, e.g., "PuBr3(OPR)3," instead led to the isolation of the tetravalent trans-PuIVBr4(OPCy3)2, PuBr/Cy, compound by spontaneous oxidation of PuIII. The donating nature of phosphine oxides has allowed the isolation and characterization of PuBr/Cy by crystallographic, multinuclear NMR, solid state, and solution phase UV-vis-NIR spectroscopic techniques. The presence of a putative plutonyl(VI) complex formulated as "trans-PuVIO2Br2(OPCy3)2" was also observed spectroscopically and tentatively by single-crystal X-ray diffraction as a cocrystal of PuBr/Cy. A series of trans-ThX4(OPCy3)2 (X = Cl, ThCl/Cy; Br, ThBr/Cy; I, ThI/Cy) complexes were synthesized for comparison to PuBr/Cy. The triphenylphosphine oxide, OPPh3, complexes, trans-AnI4(OPPh3)2 (An = Th, ThI/Ph; U, UI/Ph), were also synthesized for comparison, completing the series trans-UX4(OPPh3)2 (X = Cl, Br, I), UX/Ph. To enable the synthesis of ThI/Cy and ThI/Ph, a new nonaqueous thorium iodide starting material, ThI4(Et2O)2, was synthesized. The syntheses of organic solvent soluble ThI4L2 (L = Et2O, OPCy3, and OPPh3) are the first examples of crystallographically characterized neutral thorium tetraiodide materials beyond binary ThI4. To show the viability of ThI4(Et2O)2 as a starting material for organothorium chemistry, (C5Me4H)3ThI was synthesized and crystallographically characterized.

Inorg Chem ; 61(48): 19193-19202, 2022 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36414260


Selective crystallization offers new opportunities for separating neodymium and dysprosium, which are considerably important in permanent magnets. Two water-soluble nitrogen-rich tetrazolate-based ligands, dtp2- (H2dtp = 2,3-di-1H-tetrazol-5-ylpyrazine) and H2ibt- [H3ibt = 4,5-bis(tetrazol-5-yl)imidazole], allow the separation of Nd3+ and Dy3+ through selective crystallization. The reactions of Ln3+ with the ligand Na2(dtp)·2H2O lead to two distinct phases, Na[Ln(dtp)(H2O)8](dtp)·H2O (Lndtp1; Ln = La-Pr) and [Ln(H2O)8](Hdtp)(dtp)·H2O (Lndtp2; Ln = Nd and Sm-Lu). Three different compound types, [Ln(H2ibt)2(H2O)6](H2ibt)·3(H2O) (Lnibt1; Ln = La or Ce), [Ln(H2ibt)(H2O)7](H2ibt)2·4(H2O) (Lnibt2; Ln = Pr or Nd), and [Ln(Hibt)(H2ibt)(H2O)4]·4+x(H2O) (Lnibt3; Ln = Sm-Lu), are obtained from reacting Ln3+ and Na(H2ibt)·3(H2O). Two different phases are observed for Nd(Lnibt2) and Dy(Lnibt3) in the system of H2ibt-, which leads to crystallization-based separation of Nd/Dy with a separation factor of 32 ± 0.7, 10 times higher than that of dtp2-, and a short separation time of 20 s (1 day for dtp2-). The higher performance of H2ibt- compared to that of dtp2- provides guidance for the rational design of water-soluble tetrazolate-derived ligands for selective crystallization.

Inorg Chem ; 61(44): 17730-17737, 2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36283067


Two neptunium(III) mellitates, 237Np2(mell)(H2O)9·1.5H2O (Np-1α) and 237Np2(mell)(H2O)8·2H2O (Np-1ß), have been synthesized from 237NpCl4(dme)2 by reduction with KC8 and subsequent reaction with an aqueous solution of mellitic acid (H6mell). Characterization by single-crystal X-ray crystallography and UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy confirms that the neptunium is in its +3 oxidation state and both polymorphs are isostructural to the previously reported plutonium mellitates. Of the two morphologies, Np-1α is indefinitely stable in air, while Np-1ß slowly oxidizes over several months. This is due to the change in the energy of the metal-ligand charge-transfer absorption exhibited by these compounds attributed to differing numbers of carboxylate bonds to Np(III), where in Np-1ß the energy is low enough to result in spontaneous oxidation.

Inorg Chem ; 61(28): 10822-10832, 2022 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35776877


Despite the significant impact of radiation-induced redox reactions on the accessibility and lifetimes of actinide oxidation states, fundamental knowledge of aqueous actinide metal ion radiation chemistry is limited, especially for the late actinides. A quantitative understanding of these intrinsic radiation-induced processes is essential for investigating the fundamental properties of these actinides. We present here a picosecond electron pulse reaction kinetics study into the radiation-induced redox chemistry of trivalent berkelium (Bk(III)) and californium (Cf(III)) ions in acidic aqueous solutions at ambient temperature. New and first-of-a-kind, second-order rate coefficients are reported for the transient radical-induced reduction of Bk(III) and Cf(III) by the hydrated electron (eaq-) and hydrogen atom (H•), demonstrating a significant reactivity (up to 1011 M-1 s-1) indicative of a preference of these metals to adopt divalent states. Additionally, we report the first-ever second-order rate coefficients for the transient radical-induced oxidation of these elements by a reaction with hydroxyl (•OH) and nitrate (NO3•) radicals, which also exhibited fast reactivity (ca. 108 M-1 s-1). Transient Cf(II), Cf(IV), and Bk(IV) absorption spectra are also reported. Overall, the presented data highlight the existence of rich, complex, intrinsic late actinide radiation-induced redox chemistry that has the potential to influence the findings of other areas of actinide science.

RNA Biol ; 19(1): 333-352, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35220879


Latent 5' splice sites, not normally used, are highly abundant in human introns, but are activated under stress and in cancer, generating thousands of nonsense mRNAs. A previously proposed mechanism to suppress latent splicing was shown to be independent of NMD, with a pivotal role for initiator-tRNA independent of protein translation. To further elucidate this mechanism, we searched for nuclear proteins directly bound to initiator-tRNA. Starting with UV-crosslinking, we identified nucleolin (NCL) interacting directly and specifically with initiator-tRNA in the nucleus, but not in the cytoplasm. Next, we show the association of ini-tRNA and NCL with pre-mRNA. We further show that recovery of suppression of latent splicing by initiator-tRNA complementation is NCL dependent. Finally, upon nucleolin knockdown we show activation of latent splicing in hundreds of coding transcripts having important cellular functions. We thus propose nucleolin, a component of the endogenous spliceosome, through its direct binding to initiator-tRNA and its effect on latent splicing, as the first protein of a nuclear quality control mechanism regulating splice site selection to protect cells from latent splicing that can generate defective mRNAs.

Sitios de Unión , Fosfoproteínas/metabolismo , Sitios de Empalme de ARN , Empalme del ARN , Proteínas de Unión al ARN/metabolismo , Núcleo Celular/genética , Núcleo Celular/metabolismo , Técnicas de Silenciamiento del Gen , Humanos , Espectrometría de Masas , Unión Proteica , Interferencia de ARN , ARN de Transferencia/genética , Nucleolina
Inorg Chem ; 60(1): 476-483, 2021 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33325231


The mellitate ion is relevant in spent nuclear fuel processing and is utilized as a surrogate for studying the interactions of f elements with humic acids. A wealth of different coordination modes gives the potential for diverse structural chemistry across the actinide series. In this study, an americium mellitate, 243Am2[(C6(COO-)6](H2O)8·2H2O (1-Am), has been synthesized and characterized using structural analysis and spectroscopy at ambient and elevated pressures. 1-Am was then compared to isomorphous neodymium (1-Nd) and samarium (1-Sm) mellitates via bond-length analysis and pressure dependence of their Laporte-forbidden f → f transitions. Results show that the pressure dependence of the f → f transitions of 1-Am is significantly greater than that observed in 1-Nd and 1-Sm, with average shifts of 21.4, 4.7, and 3.6 cm-1/GPa, respectively. This greater shift found in 1-Am shows further evidence that the 5f orbitals are more affected than the 4f orbitals when pressure is applied to isostructural compounds.

Inorg Chem ; 60(11): 7815-7826, 2021 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33990139


Lanthanides such as europium with more accessible divalent states are useful for studying redox stability afforded by macrocyclic organic ligands. Substituted cryptands, such as 2.2.2B cryptand, that increase the oxidative stability of divalent europium also provide coordination environments that support synthetic alterations of Eu(II) cryptate complexes. Two single crystal structures were obtained containing nine-coordinate Eu(II) 2.2.2B cryptate complexes that differ by a single coordination site, the occupation of which is dictated by changes in reaction conditions. A crystal structure containing a [Eu(2.2.2B)Cl]+ complex is obtained from a methanol-THF solvent mixture, while a methanol-acetonitrile solvent mixture affords a [Eu(2.2.2B)(CH3OH)]2+ complex. While both crystals exhibit the typical blue emission observed in most Eu(II) containing compounds as a result of 4f65d1 to 4f7 transitions, computational results show that the substitution of a Cl- anion in the place of a methanol molecule causes mixing of the 5d excited states in the Eu(II) 2.2.2B cryptate complex. Additionally, magnetism studies reveal the identity of the capping ligand in the Eu(II) 2.2.2B cryptate complex may also lead to exchange between Eu(II) metal centers facilitated by π-stacking interactions within the structure, slightly altering the anticipated magnetic moment. The synthetic control present in these systems makes them interesting candidates for studying less stable divalent lanthanides and the effects of precise modifications of the electronic structures of low valent lanthanide elements.

Inorg Chem ; 60(20): 15242-15252, 2021 Oct 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34569783


Using a redox-active dioxophenoxazine ligand, DOPO (DOPO = 2,4,6,8-tetra-tert-butyl-1-oxo-1H-phenoxazine-9-olate), a family of actinide (U, Th, Np, and Pu) and Hf tris(ligand) coordination compounds was synthesized. The full characterization of these species using 1H NMR spectroscopy, electronic absorption spectroscopy, SQUID magnetometry, and X-ray crystallography showed that these compounds are analogous and exist in the form M(DOPOq)2(DOPOsq), where two ligands are of the oxidized quinone form (DOPOq) and the third is of the reduced semiquinone (DOPOsq) form. The electronic structures of these complexes were further investigated using CASSCF calculations, which revealed electronic structures consistent with metals in the +4 formal oxidation state and one unpaired electron localized on one ligand in each complex. Furthermore, f orbitals of the early actinides show a sizable bonding overlap with the ligand 2p orbitals. Notably, this is the first example of a plutonium-ligand radical species and a rare example of magnetic data being recorded for a homogeneous plutonium coordination complex.

Inorg Chem ; 59(7): 4176-4180, 2020 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32212622


The structural chemistry of elements relevant to the FLiBe molten salt reactor, Th, U, Np, and Zr, including Ce and Nd (as analogues for Pu and Am, respectively), have been examined using hydrothermal synthesis at 200 °C. These reactions serve to model the reaction of molten salts under hydrolysis conditions. The results show that U and Np formed LiAnF5, while Ce formed Li4CeF8. The source of U also controlled the crystal quality, where UO2 gave small crystals, while UO3·2H2O gave very large crystals. It is likely that Be incorporation was not observed because of the high solubility of [BeF4]2- in water. Zr formed a third product, Li6BeF4ZrF8, which features isolated [BeF4]2- and [ZrF8]4- units bridged by Li+. Additionally, Li2BeF4 was regularly isolated. When little to no alkali metal was included in the reaction, M3F12(H2O) was isolated for Np, U, and Ce.

Inorg Chem ; 59(24): 18035-18047, 2020 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33238091


A pair of neptunium Schiff base coordination complexes, NpVIO2L(MeOH) and NpIVL2 {H2L = N,N'-bis[(4,4'-diethylamino)salicylidene]-1,2-phenylenediamine}, have been synthesized and analyzed by several characterization methods including single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electronic absorption, 1H NMR, cyclic voltammetry, and theoretical interpretation. Structural analysis reveals that NpVIO2L(MeOH) and NpIVL2 are isomorphous with the previously reported UVIO2L(MeOH) and MIVL2 (M = Pu, Ce, U, Th) complexes, respectively, allowing for a direct comparison across the series. The reduction of NpVIO2L(MeOH) in situ or direct synthesis from a (NpVO2)+ source shows evidence of a pentavalent neptunyl (NpVO2L)xn- species as determined by UV/vis/NIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The synthesis of (NpVO2L)xn- directly from a (NpVO2)+ starting material gives a similar spectrum. Theoretical analysis offers insight into the electronic structure for a better understanding of the bonding patterns and relative stability of the different oxidation states. Computational results show that the Np-L covalent interactions in NpIVL2 are similar to those in the NpVIO2L(MeOH) complex, indicating that neither the presence of the axial oxo ligands nor the oxidation state significantly modify the nature of the Np-L bonds.