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Can J Pain ; 7(1): 2232838, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37701550


Background: During fiscal year 2021-2022, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) reimbursed 18,388 veterans for medicinal cannabis at a cost of $153 million. Yet, it is not known whether the reimbursement program is producing a net benefit for veterans. Aims: This study investigated the views and experiences Canadian that veterans who live with pain have about medicinal cannabis use, including its use for the management of chronic pain, poor sleep, and emotional distress. Methods: Twelve Canadian veterans who live with pain-eight men, four women; split across four focus groups-were recruited to participate in a semistructured discussion around their experiences with medicinal cannabis use. Results: Using inductive thematic analysis, seven broad categories were identified: (1) cannabis use behaviors, (2) reasons for cannabis use, (3) outcomes from cannabis use, (4) facilitators of cannabis use, (5) barriers to cannabis use, (6) stigma around cannabis use, and (7) questions and concerns about cannabis use. Conclusions: Most veterans initiated cannabis use to manage the symptoms of preexisting medical and/or mental health conditions. Despite some negative side effects, most veterans reported improvements in their overall quality of life, sleep, relationships, mood, and pain. Concern remains around the discrepancy between veterans' qualitative reports of beneficial outcomes from medicinal cannabis use and equivocal findings around the benefit-to-harm ratio in the wider literature. Currently, the VAC reimbursement program remains challenged by unclear indication for which veterans, with what condition(s), at what dose, and in what form medical cannabis is most beneficial.

Contexte: Au cours de l'exercice 2021­2022, Anciens Combattants Canada (ACC) a remboursé 18 388 anciens combattants pour le cannabis médicinal, pour un coût de 153 millions de dollars. Pourtant, on ne sait pas si le programme de remboursement donne lieu à un bénéfice net pour les anciens combattants.Objectifs: Cette étude porte sur les points de vue et les expériences des anciens combattants canadiens qui vivent avec la douleur sur la consommation de cannabis médicinal, y compris son utilisation pour la gestion de la douleur chronique, les problèmes de sommeil et la détresse émotionnelle.Méthodes: Douze anciens combattants canadiens qui vivent avec la douleur - huit hommes et quatre femmes répartis en quatre groupes de discussion - ont été recrutés pour participer à une discussion semi-structurée autour de leurs expériences avec la consommation de cannabis médicinal.Résultats: Une analyse thématique inductive a permis d'établir sept grandes catégories : (1) les comportements de consommation de cannabis, (2) les raisons de la consommation de cannabis, (3) résultats de la consommation de cannabis, (4) les facteurs qui facilitent la consommation de cannabis, (5) les obstacles à la consommation de cannabis, (6) la stigmatisation autour de la consommation de cannabis et (7) les questions et préoccupations concernant la consommation de cannabis.Conclusions: La plupart des anciens combattants ont commencé à consommer du cannabis pour gérer les symptômes de maladies préexistantes et/ou des problèmes de santé mentale. Malgré certains effets secondaires négatifs, la plupart des anciens combattants ont signalé une amélioration de leur qualité de vie globale, de leur sommeil, de leurs relations, de leur humeur et de leur douleur. La préoccupation demeure autour de l'écart entre les rapports qualitatifs des anciens combattants décrivant les résultats bénéfiques de la consommation de cannabis médicinal et les résultats équivoques autour du rapport bénéfice/effet néfaste dans la littérature plus large. Actuellement, le programme de remboursement d'ACC reste contesté en raison d'indications peu claires concernant pour quels vétérans, atteints de quelles affections, à quelle dose et sous quelle forme le cannabis médical est le plus bénéfique.

Int J Drug Policy ; 120: 104193, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37716112


BACKGROUND: Emerging adults (EAs) have the highest rates of cannabis consumption in Canada and are vulnerable to the potential impacts of frequent cannabis consumption. This study assessed EAs' perceived risk of cannabis consumption across multiple domains of potential harm based on the age (14-year-old, 21-year-old, or 28-year-old) and sex (male or female) of the vignette character, time-point (pre- or post-legalization), and participant's gender. METHODS: Secondary analyses were conducted on data from a pre-legalization study and post-legalization replication. Participants included EAs between 18 and 25 years of age and living in Newfoundland and Labrador. Participants from the pre- and post-legalization studies were matched based on demographic variables and the assigned vignette character. Participants responded to seven items of perceived risk based on their assigned vignette character's (varied by age or sex) almost daily cannabis consumption. RESULTS: Participants (N = 689) viewed cannabis consumption to have greater risks for a 14-year-old compared to a 21- or 28-year-old in all domains except for social life. Prior to legalization, participants who identified as a woman felt that cannabis had more detrimental impacts on social life than participants who identified as a man. Findings also suggested that pre-legalization cannabis consumption by a female was perceived as more detrimental to their social life than pre-legalization consumption by a male and post-legalization consumption by a female. CONCLUSION: EAs do not fully appreciate the risks of cannabis consumption, suggesting that it is imperative for public health strategies to promote increased awareness of the risks of frequent cannabis consumption, and improve cannabis health literacy in this population.